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Ups between azerbaijan and armenia the 2 former soviet republics in the caucasus accuse each album of reaganite a decades old conflict on the border. Plus in football the bonus legal springs a big surprise perennial champions by munich take such a tough time but the match didnt go like everyone expected to the left found an expert. Possibly shocked. And gather as welcome to the program u. S. President on the trump pass dismissed a New York Times report detailing years of tax avoidance according to the article trump paid 0 federal income taxes in 10 of the past 15 years and only 750 dollars the year he was elected from is the only present. Since the 1970s not to make his tax filings public report came just days before trumps 1st president ial debate with democratic rival joe biden and weeks before election day in november. According to the New York Times reports trump was able to minimize his tax bill by reporting staggering losses across his business and pot. Now lets bring in the speed of other dogs from all us reports its a piece of what exactly does this article about Donald Trumps tax return tell us right so the New York Times obtained trumps tax return data extending back more than 2 decades to both shows drums own tax records but also those of his more than 100 organizations that are linked to his business it essentially showed that he has lost more money than hes made that he really to some extent has been gaming the tax system with massive write offs such as you know spending more than 70000. 00 on his hairstylist and all of that taken together allowed him to pay close to no income taxes in 10 the previous 15 years. And in 20162017 while he was president he paid just 750. 00 that is more than 11000. 00 less than the average tax income pair in the u. S. Joe biden and his wife the democratic challenger paid more than 3700000 in 202700 so quite a difference there it also showed that trump really is facing a cash crunch forced business is that within the next 4 years we have were looking at more than 300 millions worth of loans coming due all of which trump has person guaranteed so this really puts you know lenders in the position where they may have to foreclose on a sitting president. Is this a bombshell it sounds like it but is this really a bombshell is it not well it certainly flies school. Only in the face of this brand that trump has spent all these years building for him celebrate as assessed successful businessman as a thats a very skilled dealmaker it also confirms a lot of the rumors in the reporting that we actually happened see for the past couple years that he may not as many you know assets as for wealthy as he claimed this is a guy who after all filed for bankruptcy more than 6 times it also may help explain why trump has been very reluctant to divest himself from his personal business is why hes also really encouraged the use of his personal properties including his tells and golf courses hes built a government hundreds of thousands of dollars for the use of those products including the secret service for protecting from while he was out playing golf. It doesnt smell doesnt smell right does it what impact if any do you think this will have on the elections yeah again you know these allegations really do go to the heart of his appeal where specially if you look at some of the key swing states in the rust belt wisconsin pennsylvania michigan a lot of these places you know that have been struggling financially for years were looking to trump hoping that because of his business aqim and that he would be able to revive their economies. You know democrats weve seen already kind of give us a taste of their line of attack we havent had here you know showing you know trump as someone who is self serving who is really only out to enrich himself and who cant really relate to working class people theres one set of rules for trump and his administration. But not for everyone else and you know also really undermines trump promise is someone who you know wanted to drain the swamp people and yeah and you know democrats right here you know the Biden Campaign selling stickers say i paid more taxes than donald trump so you know this is coming out a time when a lot of americans really are struggling financially because of the pandemic and you know some. The fans may wonder you know why does a president have to pay for you know less in taxes than i do. But actually kind of hinted at there i think with your question as you know weve seen these attacks from before they have not stuck his support has been solid in so you know even in 2016 during the debates he said you know i dont pay taxes because im smart a lot of people bought that argument then and i wouldnt be surprised if a lot of people continue to point it out and say you know yes mark bit of a little thank you very much. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world an order banning downloads of the video sharing in the u. S. Has been suspended a federal judge has temporarily blocked the Trump Administration order that was set to take effect by midnight on sunday trump said the ban was needed for National Security reasons because of chinese on take talks links to the government in beijing. French president tomorrow and a call said he remains committed to save lebanon from collapse nicole said he was quote ashamed of lebanons Political Leadership and their failure to the people he blamed hezbollah for attempts to preserve the status quo high winds and low humidity have sparked a new wave of wildfires in Northern California the fires spread across large areas of grassy hillsides and forests and one producing up a valley a hospital and several hundreds of homes had to be evacuated us massive smoke clouds developed. Efficient count of come from corona virus cases in india has not exceeded 6000000 people with almost 100000 deaths reported from cope with 19 india has the 2nd highest number of cases worldwide after the United States about 80000. 00 new infections are recorded each day thats the worlds highest daily rise despite this the government is unlikely to reimpose the lock down off the harshness frictions of the economy and wreck the livelihoods of millions of people. In the mid as well joins us now from. The figures weve just heard how dramatic are they really given the size of india and its population may get hungry have to factor in the fact that the other looking at mass is actually just also has a very high correlation density if youre going to have a number of cases at the west end of the population india i mean many fall behind many other countries just a higher another statistic that looks in people of india is a little mortality rate and this need perhaps its needed why in the end youve done wonders for the people who are doing restrictions because of the massive Economic Impact and what the government and people want to pull back in the long run but i must bring attention back to that 188 despite the fact that its lower than it was average it didnt need again because of the massive population of india to see over 1000 people on a daily basis and this uptick still in the sun but how are people coping with of you mentioned the financial hardships brought on by this pandemics. Well exactly have you been baby just to get the mindset and back this kind of track was the beginning of the locked on that we saw in march unequal we saw dramatic images of migrants walking biking hundreds of kilometers these migrants and almost in back in the cities and back at work factories are gearing up offices and shops so i was just starting a sense of normality but normalcy sorry but it was a long said that number that continued to shoot and damaged the economy and then relations of job losses in the sauna sector which is the sickly certainly give up just might resent it when your student luck was one msec dollar not one salary trying regent but employees are still suffering its merit and the government why it has lent aid to fund was construction of those women has not given as much of what into the policy to the people on the sandy. Continues. Theres a what do people make of the governments handling of that but i had well positioned bodies in Parliament House and dislike of the government and that many people are seem to still be along with what friend list and into more the as the sea which that which points out isnt meant spoken out of the in the the lockdown that was only possible because of his love and his insistence that people must continue getting proportions seem to be getting heated however it can be ignored that in guessing its worst terror plot to g. D. P. Climb traction over the last few months those impacted by the event being mr government and perhaps look at this as a mishandling the crisis and there are going to elections coming up later the c. R. Bends sure its the brand of france where the support actually translates to words. In a daily thank you nick. Well the subject here are some of the latest coronavirus developments around the world german chancellor Angela Merkel warns the daily corona virus infections could reach more than 10001000 if the current trend continues but also says the economy must be kept afloat and that schools and Childcare Centers should remain open greek officials on sunday announced the 1st coronavirus death in a migrant camp the victim was a 61 year old father of 2 from afghanistan the had been living in the camp near athens officials have placed the camp in quarantine and new zealands Prime Minister to send a durned has said travel between her country and some australian states may be possible by christmas and within the coming hours the global death toll from covert 19 is expected to officially exceed 1000000. 00 many parts of the world are seeing a resurgence of infections such as man hours brazils largest city in the amazon researches thought man hours could be one of the worlds 1st places to achieve herd immunity but the numbers say otherwise. In may the corona virus ripped through the amazon regions biggest city leaving a backlog of bodies in its wake in mouse cemetery workers could not dig graves fast enough. But then the 1st wave of the coronavirus subsided and in june death rates dropped unexpectedly. A sense of normality returned to the city brazilian medical research has speculated that so many people within the community had caught the virus there were a few left to become infected they thought mouse had reach socalled herd immunity. But this month covert 19 has been making a comeback authorities shot beaches and closed balls and the mayor resigned gree that the brazilian government is not sending a clear message. That the government must take this seriously and tell the truth to say what is happening and what is not for 2 reasons if it says there is no problem then we wont get any help secondly if they say there is no problem then that encourages people to ignore our decree as it would be for right wing president. Has played down the danger of the virus frequently appearing in public without a mosque and hes encouraging people to go back to work and return to normal life. Back in my mouse police break up the polity a 30 day ban on parties came into effect last week along with a reduction in shopping hours regional governments and brazil hope that with targeted closures and nightlife restrictions graveyards like these will still have plenty of space for a little longer. You watching the news still to come in formula one racing Lewis Hamilton after chance to tire Michael Schumacher so record for career winds of the russian property on sunday will share the highlights. But 1st an old conflict all over into new violence as armenia and azerbaijan confront each other over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh both sides are using heavy artillery and have reported casualties each accuses the other of starting the fight the areas internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but has been controlled by Ethnic Armenians since a war in the early 1900 killing tens of thousands of People International community including germany and the United States have called for an immediate cease fire. Young wants to go to war on sunday he signed up as a volunteer in the median capital yerevan yes yes yes yes im 66 years old and ready to fight for my father lives. He like many has been left shocked by the weekends clashes. The army and ministry of defense says these videos show an azerbaijani london vision of the nagornokarabakh. 3 enemy tanks and 2 helicopters were destroyed. Our media has declared a state of war and the troops. A lot. Of us will light not of the outbreak of a widespread war in the south caucuses that we can now see could have unpredictable consequences it could spread beyond the region and in danger interNational Security and stability if it shut up in line theyre taking up arms in the regional capital stefana care mostly a means live here the media has controlled the region for decades but under International Law it belongs to azerbaijan. Azerbaijani officials have imposed martial law and curfews the government in baquba blames its neighbor for the new escalation. Its no secret that the 1st shot was also carried out by the Armenian Military in many stone arch or khaki has promised to back either by john there were joint military exercises in july which had never been on the. Knowledge to the touch want to destroy the armenians and armenia thats clear yes the story amenia is hoping for Russian Support for moscow and the e. U. Have called for an end to the fighting. And we are joined a body. This is a long running conflict between armenia and azerbaijan what sparked the fighting this time. Well its not clear what exactly caused this is collation right now in the past few weeks however this conflict has has flared up again as you said both sides blamed each other off attacking villages in the border area and there are many theories why now some experts assume however that right now the International Community pays attention to another country to bella ruse and to another conflict there which could motivate both science armenia and azerbaijan to use this moment of distraction to to create facts on the ground. Know we are seeing a lot of heavy weapons on both sides which presumably means that this new escalation isnt a spontaneous activity but rather and well prepared military operation. So what is it then about this this conflicts over on the go of her box that makes it so difficult to resolve well this conflict goes back to the times of the soviet union where boundaries between terrorists was drawn completely arbitrarily and there was a big soviet state for 70 years and borders didnt matter dozens of territories in the caucasus a wall merged or separate that the randomly including nagornokarabakh after the soviet union collapsed both independent states armenia and azerbaijan have started a dispute about this enclave and since 99. 00 tis not going to get a bomb is internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but lost the governed by their meaning majority actually its in the independent state with its own political system but azerbaijan has been repeatedly threatening to take back the region by force armenia has the backing of russia as a by john has strong links to turkey what role of these 2 playing in this confrontation. Well i think both russia and turkey play a very Important Role here both countries have good relations there are actually allies in the middle east particularly in syria but they could be now suddenly on different sides and that could be dangerous russia delivers weapons to armenia displayed its troops on the border to armenia but russia could also be very useful as a mediator because it has good relations with azerbaijan as well as both countries produce and deliver all in gas to europe as to turkey turkish president added on saturday yesterday in case of war he is going to be on the side of azerbaijan clearly which makes azerbaijani president aliyev appear more selfconfident however experts warn that this is collation it could destabilize the whole caucasus region you rehearse it all in moscow thank you very well tens of thousands of delusions gathered in minsk for a 7th weekends to call for example look at them to step down the demonstrations have been taking place since the disputed president ial election in august opponents and much of the International Community say it was rigged denies electoral fraud and was inaugurated on wednesday in an unannounced ceremony. Still no end to the stalemate but these massive protests that just wont stop either the demonstrators are determined to oust Alexander Lukashenko who last week swore himself in for a 6th term in office on sunday they mocked the man they believe is clinging to the throne. We feel like god. And thats why he made this secret race if you cannot ride again the opposition leaders of atlanta to kind of scalia dubbed sundays protest the peoples inauguration protestors came bearing her portrait they believe she not look as shank 0 1 august disputed president ial election. Ok and today were celebrating. I dont always live the executive lives but you know the ration of our president s step on the time most here. 50 days of protest but theres no sign the question goes government is about to go and it is still trying to push the people off the streets. In gomel and other cities Peaceful Protesters again faced a Violent Police response according to Officials Police detained at least 200 people died. Thousands have been arrested in the last 7 weeks and many of those detained have applauded torture and abuse in custody prompting international condemnation. So everybody is looking around other coming out and id say everybody has the schooling of being worried that maybe they will call but there are so many of us. Despite a huge government crackdown these demonstrations havent. In crash but they have so far failed to push look at shankar out leaving bella roost in crisis at an impasse. So football news they said no one could stop by and munich but it looks like the defending champions finally found their match in an unlikely opponent hoffenheim is the 1st team to end the bavarians unbeaten streak that dates back to december last year and didnt just beat them by and got thumped. I weary byron stepped on to the pitch and hoffenheim unbeaten in 2020 but the hosts appeared to have a plan prepared to smash that winning streak. And it took just 16 minutes for the goals to start oftentimes our mean big check cheech powered a header home to put them in front. Less than 10 minutes later and byron were left stunned again this time the honors went to mr park. But the visitors even though they were clearly i paced battled back and joshua kimmage made it to one with this cracker going into the half time break i. Often time took advantage of a flat munich with a relentless attack in the 2nd half the last bit to set up andre from r. H. To make it 3. I. Was. The final blow to biron was in extra time when crime or h. Scored once again this time from the penalty spot and confirmed munichs 1st defeat since december last year. For one the final score and tough and time go top of the ball in this league table. And sundays late bonus league match schreiber can both spoke and it will draw despite both teams having plenty of chances to score when up he is paid hasnt got the ball rolling for frye book after 11 minutes of perfectly placed corner from the chance of a 4 and he doesnt was there to head home also scored from a set piece beko fired in in a free kick a few minutes before half time his shot deflected off to defend his leg but still into the net. 0 now as of a look at the bundesliga standings after match day. To an unexpected line up at the top with hoffenheim book and frankfurt leading the way by munich have fallen to 7th place the bottom half another unexpected side door punt leverkusen and glove box last place should have already fired the coach but these are still very early days turning to formula one both terry bought us won the russian grand prix from a save as on sunday teammate Lewis Hamilton finished 3rd after he collected 2 time penalties before the race even started allison was hoping for a 91st formula one victory to equal Michael Schumacher as record for career wins. Defending champion and this seasons leader Lewis Hamilton started the race in sochi in pole position. But his hopes were dealt a setback when stewards issued 25 2nd penalties for making practice starts outside the designated area as he headed to the grid. Instead it was his teammate belcher a bunch of us who racked up another win for mercedes red bulls max for stop and finish 2nd with hamilton having to settle for 3rd. Doesnt matter now i want. To take the points that i got and want the race itself right to come back from here i dont take the i dont really do much additional measures it and i never got a just about 3 i celebrated his 2nd victory of the season while hamilton will have to wait to chime Michelle Schumacher his record for career when. Youre watching the news heres a reminder of the top stories were following for you u. S. President trump passes privacy fake news claim that hes benefited from years of talks of all the New York Times with his trumps Business Empire claims heavy losses and the any federal income tax. The number of confirmed cases of corona virus in india has topped 6000000. 00 its one of the hottest nations and its expected india will overtake the United States within weeks to lead the world in total infections. Thats it from me in the news team for now up next is Business News with whats taking a look all the show thats finally taking place 6 months behind schedule stay up today also by visit us online at. The news. Course correspondents all stories on instagram and twitter. Thanks will. Live. In. Mexico is producing School Lessons in a t. V. Studio. Because everyone has a t. V. Cameras make education accessible to the poor in times of the pandemic. More to create even more social inequality in mexico. For. 60 minutes on t. W. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all this and trying to do through the topics covered in the weekly radio. The show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the crawl along rush or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us and tell me dot com slash science. Conspiracy to sell records to a. Body that will never be found. Hopeless connected to the highest levels of government why did journalist shonky have to die. Who was threatened in smoke. Years later the reasons are still unclear. The case of jimmy. Stewart september 30th on w. Better late than never the beijing auto show begins as china tries to show the world that its concept is getting back to normal and follows a 6 month delay because of coronavirus. And the biggest spin off in german corporate history Siemens Energy joins the front Stock Exchange but the question is is it great enough to grow. And as europes Summer Holiday season comes to an end over one of the areas where the hordes of tourists. This is due to be business some robots in berlin welcome to the program may go to show is finally taking place 6 months behind the fact its happening its all shows the Chinese Government wants the world to know it has the coronavirus under control but this is still a major auto show unlike any other. This is the hi fi x. An all electric Battery Powered luxury car made in china its just one of 160 new Energy Vehicles on display at the beijing auto show. Electric and Hydrogen Fuel cars make up a quarter of the exhibits this year more than ever before. The timeline for fuel economy emission requirements will not stop this time nonstop so stop users so they still have we have to keep the time and that is this test of the situation for the industry i would say. The Chinese Government is pushing the sector its targeting a 25 percent Adoption Rate for Energy Saving vehicles by 2025 at the exhibition all electric Vehicle Manufacturers are seeing a surge in interest from investors who are searching for the next tesla x. Painter and lee alto from china both going public in the u. S. This year. And despite pandemic restrictions beijings halls are packed many executives like toyota c. E. O. Akio toyoda preferring instead to join by video link. There is no crisis the human kind cannot overcome we will do Everything Possible in order so that we can overcome the Coronavirus Crisis together. China is the only major auto market that has recovered quickly from the recent kovan 1000. 00 crash the countrys auto sales rose almost 12 percent in august compared to a year earlier on sales in europe and the u. S. Remained down and thats why manufacturers from all over the world are keen to show off their latest and greatest here and the sky may not even be the limit the strong like vehicle can carry 2 people a step towards flying cars. But i speak to ont elling horst who is knows most of analyst with Investment Advisors bernstein how important was it for the Chinese Government to get this event off the ground this year. Oh look i think its a hugely important to show the strength of the economy its back the consumerist back were handling the current iris relatively well in china and we can show the world that were also dominating force when it comes to the automotive business. Who has seen the likes of b. M. W. Ford showcasing their new electric cars s. U. V. S this time around but at the same time Chinese Companies are also doing the same how it german comic is going to compete with chinese electric cars on their own. Well firstly china is the biggest market for the germans it is also the biggest profit tool for the german Auto Industry so its hugely important and we have the electronic 2 power train really taking over and china being a dominant force increasingly in the manufacturing of bettery cells but also in connectivity and software of the cars and theyre more interesting because coming to the market i think the landscape for electric vehicles will be more competitive in china for the germans then its a traditional field of Combustion Engine so its going to be its going to be tough in china i think the germans will focus largely on the European Market 1st but clearly they have to defend their premium image in china and also support it with electric mobility and what about outside of china with all these advances in chinese electric car making technology is there are threats that germany and europe comic has could lose out in their own markets. I think thats a limited threat for now because these you know even markets in the us in europe are still relatively small and the europeans and the americans arent very strong market positions in the traditional markets its more likely an area of lower Profit Margins in the future so i think the chinese will just focus more on that Chinese Consumer and other consumers in asia. Arent telling horst from bernstein thanks a lot for joining us on t. V. Business. And sticking with the automotive sector recently retired dime alessio Dieter Zetsche there has withdrawn his appointment to head the comic has Supervisory Board that chair known even outside of germany for his ad appearances as dr z. Has faced growing criticism from investors over his legacy dimas profit outlook has fallen amid rising costs dipping sales and regulator penalties. The same ins has listed its Energy Business on the frankfurt Stock Exchange shares in Siemens Energy debuted slightly lower than expected valuing the company at 16000000000 euros some analysts have been expecting upwards of 20000000000 nevertheless the i. P. O. Is germanys largest ever spent. Some 91000 people worldwide work for Siemens Energy division its the Largest Division in the company its also the companys heavy weight when it comes to Sales Volumes as well. With almost 29000000000 euros in sales Siemens Energy is the concerns largest revenue generator of the divisions like Digital Industries smart infrastructure and mobility unnoticeably smaller. Medical Equipment Division Siemens Health the news went public in 2018 and recently posted sales of 14 and a half 1000000000 euros. Its conventional power stations which generate electricity using fossil fuels Siemens Energy is also active in the wind power business through its Majority Holding in siemens cmere however that company is mired in red ink and the Cost Cutting Program there seems likely. Lets cross to our financial correspondent in frankfurt one day so day one on the Stock Exchange for Siemens Energy hows it been going well rob its not looking great you mentioned that it has opened below. The expected price this is the same they did fall on for though and it has regrouped some of those losses but still very below the 20000000000 valuation that the market was expecting perhaps its to do with the fact of course in our wires and the company and also the poor performance of its division that the Wind Power Division way towards 67 percent stake but he got 2 of the Big Questions about actually drawing any final conclusions about this companys valuation because it was expected to be 1000000000 start to begin with and experts who say that we should get some time before the valuation actually stabilizes. Siemens energy has come under criticism for its involvement in certain fossil fuel projects to keep the coal in australia they suggest if theyre going to do anything to address those concerns. Well theyve definitely shown their openness to get all the out of the business so far there is no Clear Strategy but they do see that they do say that they have to keep in mind the interest of their customers their shareholders and the thousands of employees who are actually working for this coal business if you go to keep in mind that its late in the wood one 6th of the electricity and on the world is produced by technology and 40 percent of that is cool so it wouldnt be really easy to feed that our business so easily but lets hope that this company when its separate units on its own could focus more on Energy Transition and perhaps could go for a better phasing out of course. I should talk in frank thanks for joining us now lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news around the world a federal judge in the u. S. Households set a countrywide ban on short video tick tock the decision gives chinese and a bite downs more time to conclude its deal with u. S. Firms oracle and walmart President Donald Trump had cited National Security concerns in issuing the original ban. Meanwhile the Us Government has imposed sanctions on chinas biggest chip maker as and i see the American Commerce Department claims that as a race that equipment sold to the may be diverted to military use experts say the move could hold the companys development back for several years. Now this Summer Holiday season in the Northern Hemisphere is just coming to an end but for some of the cash the usual hot spots its felt like it never really came here tourism ministers are holding talks about how to rescue your abs tourism spots john Philip Schultz reports from spain. Pitcher who runs a Kite Surfing School of the Spanish Island deflector ventura after months of coronavirus restrictions shes now hoping for winter vacation as some tropical climate is pleasant in the colder months and its nearly always windy i hear and i should arrive. So we we have a lot of reservations i mean not like. For long. More like asking for information how this situation is looking like but i know there are a lot of people from all over europe interested in coming here and i hope it can be possible for everybody. To call bello is less optimistic although his restaurant further inland is doing well the hotels side of the business has collapsed because tourists have been avoiding travel to spain hes already had to let several employees go. They were really good employees they always did a good job one of them ended up on the streets without work and without any form of support i think the situation could get even worse peoples fear runs deep its going to be difficult to recover from. This. About 2 thirds of all workers and what have been to relief from tourism the crisis is hitting african and south american Migrant Workers on the island particularly haunts many lost their jobs from one day to the next and dont appear in any official statistics the island government hopes a meeting of e. U. Tourism ministers will offer a solution travel corridos and the testing of visitors on arrival and departure it says could mean existing quarantine regulations could be lifted and i hope in that meeting 28 of september in europe they are able to say ok all European Countries decide how to proceed to make those tests in the airports on the ports the government of the coyotes and also for turning to the we have to budget we have the money to make it possible the tests would be cost intensive but worth it if planes full of vacation is could finally land on the island regularly again. So for me in the business. If you do want more from us go over to our web site day to me dot com slash business theres plenty there were also on facebook and twitter thanks a lot for joining us and until next time to. Preach any surprises. Some tips. To put up the bridge. In. The fleet street. 3 times long past the film area much alive. To this. Is a clear exactly. Current culture history of. Travel. Extremely poor. A visit. This week on world stories. The United States how coronavirus is driving people into poverty israel where white storks used garbage to regain their strength but 1st well start in germany the courts are currently dealing with a serious case of Sexual Violence against children again it was deep man was sexually abused as a child now hes raising awareness of the suffering of other victims. As a child Marcus Dyckman was sexually abused for almost 10 years by 3 different perpetrators in his home town of curtain. Today hes returned to the scene of the 1st crime this is where a shooting gallery owner at a funfair lured him into a caravan and raped him. And i have this movie playing in my head that i havent been able to stop since the trauma have youre lying here as a little boy 5 years old with shoulder length blonde hair make it on a bed with creased white sheets in. The shooting gallery owner was lying naked next to him for 4 decades marco stickman repressed what had happened today he drives his motor home through germany and fights for justice for other victims. Ive always had to somehow figure out for myself whats right and whats wrong because you dont believe anyone anymore you dont trust anyone. The under a huge victims in the baggage cloud back case are probably going through something similar 130 investigators are now working on the case the largest known abuse scandal in german history so far they have identified more than 80 suspects but there are 30000 leads to other potential perpetrators person suspected of exchanging child sex abuse photos and videos on chat forums. If you read the chats in particular you get the impression that by communicating with each other the participants reinforce in each other the believe that their child abuse is a socially accepted sexual preference for both many perpetrators have no sense of wrongdoing its a case of appalling dimensions and goes far beyond germany according to the senior prosecutor Marcus Dyckman is still not free of his trauma with his group he supports other victims the group wants the statutes of limitations for sexual crimes to be eliminated as for the trial against the main suspect he has hopes that will extend beyond the baggage blood back case. A signal is now being sense that the perpetrators can no longer feel safe and that they will now be dealt with severely. Off again to continue his mission of drawing attention to the fate of Abuse Victims its become his lifes work. Not one that he chose for himself. In the u. S. The pandemic has now claimed over 200000. 00 lives more than anywhere else in the world but the virus is not only a threat to the health of the people its also a growing economic threat to more and more u. S. Citizens. They serve himself as a lucky guy the 35 year old stonecutter and resident of phoenix arizona just from new full time work after several months of unemployment. Now is right around the beginning of the pandemic the hours went from 40. 00 to 20. 00 within 2 weeks i went from 20 down to. Almost 0 at that point i did have to file the unemployment way for that stuff to come through 1st time i ever applied for. Unemployment payments from washington and from the State Government kept him somewhat afloat but then he fell behind on his rent and that had consequences despite and there is only a governess executive order to postpone addictions just a week ago thomas most addicted his new home now the del rio launch motel where he now pace around 300. 00 per week. Now i have. Going to be very hard to get a new apartment great for ken vote president of an Organization Called arizona tenants advocates thomas case is just one of many hes dealing with every day the pandemic puts people out of work then many cant pay rent anymore they get thrown out of their homes and onto the streets and that in return fuels the pandemic again its a no win situation its a lose lose. Situation theres theres no. Proper. Solution here until we get a handle on this virus and you know especially if youve got people out on the street you know conveying the virus from person to person to social group to social group there is no one thats going to be safe safe is something julie brewer hasnt felt in months she says her husband a chef was furloughed early on independent make and then got sick with copd it she and her son were also hit by the virus the summer was the worst since all of us catching and now were everything that could go wrong. Julie has a rare never logic condition called stiff person syndrome she cant work and receive Social Security and disability payments it pays the rent but thats it and 53. 00 left out of my sources garrity disability after paying her rent and. You know crying trying to figure out which bills going to be paid are we going to have enough food left over am i going to have to go to the food bank. Julie is afraid things could even get worse for her to have family in the shadows of arizona skeptical building in Downtown Phoenix this tent city for the homeless is growing every day. South africa is also suffering heavily from the pandemic around 3000000. 00 people have lost their jobs because of the chronic virus crisis along with their income for rent and food many are now turning their backs on big cities and trying their luck in the countryside. When cynthia time bonnie needs water she can no longer open it she could like a few weeks ago she lost her office drop in the city and move back to her village now she has to collect water from neighbors to. This was im hoping to get more on training so that i can connect my work to straight pay because everything in the 6 you do is inside the house so theres not sort of outside. Except going maybe jogging oakum to wake. Her daughters remains in the village while their mother spent 80 years in the city working to support them trips home where it wasnt making sense and were because i had to pay rent home and at the same time i took some money to my kids home and also with the percent of us because to my kids so it wasnt balancing at all so i thought i might as well just come back home and be with my kids and do something here around. Me and my thumb now the 38 year old is turning a pastime into a profession and her small house she takes spreads and disputes. She receives up to 7 orders a week and has already made enough to invest in an oven a daughters cell powered they are happy to have their mom back home. Where did you miss most of your immunity and the most places. When youre home ephron to talk to. And after living in the city cynthia is keen to offer advice. Many of us its on the boat d being married having kids didnt it its not so many young women that are up to date on the independent but getting to see women that there are no 2 in their lives it encourages me it helps me go on how we move and it helps me even june because. Cultivating fruit for export is just one of the Business Opportunities she could explore here in the village. So i went to a certain critical place in the small places like oh ill be sending. People make us so that people do not have to go to town to get peterson because so they can only get it locally the worst of the little money theyre getting from breaking is one thing they were trying to save so that i can be able to do that cynthia tom bonnie is happy to let her daughters move to the city to continue their education but she is certain her own future lies here in the country so. Our last stop israel twice a year the country is a stopover for white storks on her migration route between europe and africa one of the best vantage points for birdwatchers to see this natural wonder a garbage dump. Time trial break for flocks of white storks in the Jordan Valley and the occupied west bank at dawn on you thought of just your celestial mess up early to observe the birds at this huge garbage dump twice a year distorts navigate their way thousands of kilometers from europe to Southern Africa and back israel and the palestinian territories are like a bottleneck theyre one of the main micro tare routes for millions of birds. Because they avoid to fly over their mediterranean so we are like a highway a concert treasure between 3 called didnt so we are lucky to have in fact 600000 stalks flying twice a year over all that almost all the World Population of whites talks about how that 50000. 00. 6000. So we are lucky to be in the best highway of the job and stokes. Rather than taking a shorter route over the many terrain and like smaller bats stalks fly over land to catch up or streams of warm and pockets to right a thermos to conserve energy. The landfill is like a pit stop for the storks to just stay for the night to rest to feed and gather strength before setting off on the next leg. In the last 10 years they are not to look for. Natural places so if youre catch a thief but for garbage that of course they have plastic bags and stuff like that which is of course dangerous but they go where they have these before although bird migration happens twice every year it still amazes he was studies to birds for decades unlike most humans to storks dont need g. P. S. To arrive at their destination. We had one stall that was amazing for 15 years she was going every you forget the same nest in your book new 1000000000 to this same 3 new cap to give after a year. If they have strong winds she can compensate and she knows how to go but said they got exactly where she wants to go because theyre doing it for billions of years. Its time for this truck to take off every day they fly between 300 to 500 kilometers next stop the chips in sinai before they continue decks allston Journey Towards their winter home in Southern Africa. Mexico is producing School Lessons in a t. V. Studio. Because everyone has a t. V. On can this make education accessible to the poor in times of the pandemic. Or create even more social inequality in mexico. Treat the. 30 minutes on d. W. Eco india time nora in raja stein is a special village us much village residents Work Together to ensure a dignified quality of life with a safe water supply and basic amenities. And they are creating jobs. How Ruth Community takes pride in the way of life. And 90 minutes on the field of. The fight against the coronavirus pandemic of. Weirdoes science stand. And what the new findings have researchers named. Information and background into. The corona update coverage 19 special. Monday to friday on d w. D t you know that 77 percent of africa are younger than 6 oclock. Thats me and me and you. And you know what its time no voices what part. Of the subject. The 7 percent he talks about the issues. This is where. The 77 percent this weekend on g. W. This is the the news live from berlin President Trump its also the claim that hes benefited from the years of tax avoided. Good news. For a. Little New York Times says the selfstyled billionaire claims heavy losses across his Business Empire and so paid hardly any income tax also coming up. India has become the 2nd best nation to exceed 6000000. 00 cases of covert 19 now is expected to overtake the United States to lead the world in total if

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