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Hoping that trump will lose will mean some of them sharing in a u. S. President and his administration. At the michael jr is the name youre welcome to the program now this for treats of dont know where we need traditional you outfit hangs in an upscale restaurant in lagos e. T. S. Show of support for the u. S. President rights but just like in the states chums bid for reelection divides views on the continent so will it be trump or his democratic challenger joe biden weve taken our comrades to the streets across africa from uganda to south africa i would love to see the democrats win but they were the most like. To go to and inspiring to with the minorities as policy all over the. Please dont you have easy is really really not. A good president when it comes to. How to handle people and how we treat. People even the you hate account weve been doing that from the us next week theres no doubt about that. I think that joe biden was too soft for the 200 team down to earth i mean he goes down to people he puts himself. On tries to. You know solve the fog. Calculator not like fire and done all the. Couple should be. Good in 1000 as a change their game plan for my thinking is. Joe biden is going to win thank you guys to me now they making it look like it doesnt. Want to do we should be an example. And if. Im expected to do this in the bag. Some interesting mixed reactions that now africas largest economy and most populous country nigeria has had overall a Good Relationship with a u. S. President who he was one of very few african heads of state to be invited to the white house i was back in 2018 but that gesture did not stop the u. S. From placing a travel ban on nigerians. For failing to meet u. S. Security information sharing standouts but for some that has no. Saying here is how the media lamoriello makes ends meet. She also gives money to cures. More young has a degree in business administration. But here in nigeria jobs for young people even those with a good education. Thats why she applied for a visa to work in the United States in february. So there. Is even more these. Different. People we see that is not in nigeria. A precondition was rejected after the u. S. Suspended immigration from nigeria on january 30th. Thats why more young wants to see u. S. President voted out. Shes praying reveals a freeze on nigerians will be defeated next year. When i believe that this would be not for me to be in that we. Dreams of life abroad nigerian. On the us. Has a green card but he and hes from me decided to come back to nigeria he says racial tensions have surged and that trump. Not want to be in the u. S. That doesnt stop writing critically about the visa for his 4 nigerians. In the u. S. Nigeria has given you know to the United States a number of ph d. Holders we contribute a lot to the economy we pay taxes we pay Social Security a 1000000 ideas are paid to this which is great you dont have to spend it because when they grow they come back and live in nigeria so when you get the excuse from government you know. From people who are contributing to the u. S. Society you begin to wonder what exactly is it has been said. Hopes that if trump is voted out the u. S. Will open its due to feel nigerians again and to become more welcoming for those like if you make it to us who is. Joining me now is that. I was winning political cartoonist satirist and a political commentator based in nairobi hello patrick its great to have you youve written a lot about the u. S. Elections in relation to africa one of them is titled the black face election looms what are you driving at. Well thanks fast forward thanks for having me on the point im trying to drive there has been. Kind of what an african election is and theres been lots of comparisons of whats happening in the u. S. With. Perceive elections in africa. And the violent. Was done i actually offered a lections in many african countries not all of them pretty good elections really. Really. Actions. Much better than the us does it so the u. S. Electoral nuff one i think its a critique of an african one which is where the black face comes. Ok so so in doing so what are some of the major issues happening in the u. S. Youre trying to address them. I think in the us for us from what i see it the us house for a long time being one of the loud has proponents all 3. Of them democracy in general and preaching to africa for very long time about how we should improve our system and actually helping in many cases among the countries to improve that but it seems as it was preaching what it was drinking wine. The us been a little reform on its own system and it moved to work. On terrorism was donald trump how did it can exist and what we see. In. Within its elections you know when you look at it you wonder you know why is it that you were teaching us about democracy but not practicing it at home you know why why did you does about how to hold a free critical election but not practicing this at home so in a sense this is the us coming up victim of its own hubris it needs to go back home and start looking at its own systems you know whether it is about being a uniform way of people registering to vote some of the things thats been insisting should be happening you know having one Electoral Commission who has the the whole exercise and they are in the us they do not have this you know so they really need to sit back and look at their own systems and walk around how they need them. Now you mentioned earlier. President trump in this case have been autocratic while being president and you expect africans to maybe stay away theres still some support on the continent for trump though they want him to win and why is that the case you think. Well i think within the continent there is lots all of the board in countries like kenya and nigeria where you go a really powerful religious group specially the right wing. Eventually coal in china is really active there and i think that again that you from the u. S. You know where. Is one of the biggest sporting blocs supporting what can the u. S. Lead from democratic countries in africa. All this lots to learn how to run elections Credible Elections none what to do when it comes to preserving the peace and how to carry out an election time when you have crisis i think african countries over the last 50 years have done a lot of work on the. Electoral system the democratic systems they have learnt how to contain executive you know. Big of a gun. Is pretty much lost on you know you he still have a view here and there in the main but it was 20 years ago so theres lots that africa has learned doing the focus that the u. S. Can learn from ok patrick i was when in political cartoonist satirist im for lets go commentator in nairobi thank you for your time. Now lets get a quick round up of some election related stories happening on the continent on monday we extensively covered the contested Election Results in tanzania now theres been an update police in tanzania have released the main opposition candidate. Who they had arrested for allegedly planning illegal demonstrations several position politicians remain in custody accused as the ruling party of reagan in the last months of general election president john magaw fully intended to. Ugandan police have arrested opposition president ial hopeful just hours after he registered date of the night he was the pop star 10 politician of planning rallies disrupt public something he did not. Mean to unseat ugandas long time president during his they believe in next years election. President Alassane Ouattara has been reelected. By your position. Winning 94 percent of the vote but it was a see it was illegal to contest because it broke rules on 10 limits. And we believe it for today for more stories go to do w dot com slash africa or check out facebook to its up to you just you can also get in touch with me directly on twitter as we watch how the u. S. Elections play out take a look at the. Gone viral on social media and how some children from nigeria acting out how they see trump on to late its by for now. A new National Pride is swelling our hearts and staring our souls so true the strength of our nation found in the heart of our people so true when anyone heard we all heard thats so true ive always wanted to see it so true in moments of despair we with the true character of the American People so our farmers are our future so true farm country is gods country. And. This president ial election is a crucial why not just for the United States but for the world whos leading the race in americas polarized politics will be right here for you and will tell you everything you need to know as america decides who bring you the numbers issues the background as it happens and until the last vote is counted join us for special live coverage from berlin the u. S. Election today. The sound of silence is filling concert halls here in germany well tell you why top musicians for staging silent protests amid the governments new walked out thats coming up here on arts and culture and later on the show leading architects have a go at designing for dogs. The dogs think about it. First though a new documentary on one of the most ambitious climate projects to date a campaign to plant a wall of trees right across africa the trees are meant to stop the spread of the Sahara Desert creating more stability for People Living on its edges american director jared pisgah documents the project in the great green wall a film thats also a musical journey across africa. Africa a continent of diversity with the youngest population on the planet. The scene of conflicts and crises brought on by Climate Change. 60000000 people are expected. By 25th. What else can you do. Then try to find a better life. Madeon news ition an activist you know much just takes the view on an epic journey through africa. My region thats been heavily affected by Climate Change through music not just hopes to promote the great green room project. Tree planting campaign that aims to. 1000 kilometer long green belts of forest and greenery across the continent of africa. The goal is to stop. The film is a musical road movie with more just singing about the subject closest to hearts the line that china was pretty. Good at that only i have read now my. Senegal this. The great green with the most progress across 150 kilometers 12000000 trees have been planted creating. A more just journey is nigeria here it changes made to countries conflicts ever more acute. Like chant a source of livelihood for millions has shrunk by almost 90 percent the Terror Organization and. Its rise in part to social unrest brought about by Climate Change. People ask themselves what do i have left should i join an armed group go to the city try to reach europe. The great green wall project is about creating a viable future for over 1000000000. 00 Young Africans if it doesnt succeed there will be more migration so far only 15 percent of the green wall is completed consonance fate hangs in the balance. My colleague Melissa Holroyd is here to tell us more this is such a humongous project isnt it yeah its epic and if its completed it would be the largest living structure on the planet it would be 3 times the size of the great barrier. Yet they had to be completed by 2030 they started in 2007 where the halfway there. Now lets talk a little bit about you know my job. In person in this film with her shes really a powerhouse shes not just a singer as she knows shes done a whole lot of things shes also a model shes been on the cat waltz of paris and around the world shes been on fire shes got 3 best selling albums and what she does the documentary is broken up into chapters and in each chapter she meets with local musicians and they collaborate and they put together they put together songs to create an album to raise money for me great great will so theres a chapter about each of these countries along what will be the great green wall this is also just a huge film project and you know my job is one of the big names involved there are some other big names i believe to have a map from and on the red this is also nominated brazilian director he did city of gold and also as you mentioned jared piece scott hes done a number of eco documentaries in the past is it with one chomsky and he says that he was motivated to put together the documentary because he felt that the people that are suffering the most in the world from Climate Change have contributed the least to Climate Change so hes the justice yeah real sense of justice and also he says that its a real story of hope and result and of course he wants to get more of the wall actually built so the documentary uses the great green wool more as sort of a metaphor rather than sort of a literal story i mean its all its also really being built but as a metaphor as to how these Different Countries a dealing with Climate Change and each of these chapters deals with a different problem thats being addressed there are some very positive stories one of them is a fee opiah is the chapter on a theo p. A letter we have to remember in the 1980s youre probably too young to remember but there was there were terrible terrible famines and ethiopia that saw hundreds of thousands of people die so then every greening of of the place has really had some very very positive effects were out you know with the whole right thanks so much for coming on the show. Culture makers here in germany say the government is silencing the arts with its new coronavirus rules musicians around the country posted silent protest videos against germanys new partial lockdown on monday night that included the hamburg philharmonic and conductor cant youre not going to well this week germanys shut down concert halls theaters museums and cinemas till at least the end of the month while allowing Retail Stores and other businesses to stay up and running. In the jungles of southern mexico the luck and done people are one of the countrys most isolated indigenous groups without contact to the outside world they preserved their enjoyment mayan culture for centuries and recent years thats starting to change and one of the outsiders theyve let in is austrian photographer. Mine hes been visiting them for over a decade now documenting their traditions before they disappear. The maya a lost civilization that practiced astronomy and mathematics time was sacred and made him and sacrifice his tribute to the gods. Martin engelman travel to Central America for the 1st time in 2008 in a small village in the rain forest of southern mexico he encountered the left hand on descendants of the mayans whose ancestors fled to the forests from spanish conquered anthropologist alice powers and nearly often travels with a woman. She lives with the lack on gone 6 months a year and speaks their language the entrance of the cave the court back. From dawns believe this is where the souls of the deceased are purified on the way back from the underworld to about 700 mine condones have survived to this day. The culture can still be found will cease to exist in a very few years and for me as a photographer this is a painful realisation but i cant stop it and i had to accept that of. This new. Has arrived in the village of know how there is now electricity telephones streets there are only a few old people left the last guardians of the groups cultural heritage. And women also met the last shaman mouthpiece of the gods don antonio. Born and in the fame of the mayan and dawns everything in life has a meaning of the everything lives everything is animated no matter whether a small blade of grass or tree everything. Has a soul has a spirit and you can also communicate with everything that is what the maya believe i believe that if we go through nature with this attitude there is no more good and bad but you can see everywhere how valuable creation is be valued for the ship. In the writing forest everything sayings the maya say everything has a voice. Museums and galleries in england are going back into lockdown this thursday but before that happens we managed to get a tour of the architecture for dogs show in london weve got a 4 legged friends to go sniff it out. In london sure shes a female shiba inu inspects the architecture for a doctor exhibition of creative furnishings for mans best friend. The pieces of the creations of internationally renowned designers and architects. Massive car is a london based architect who has gone to the dogs. Interested in giving the brief to create architecture for dogs instead of humans and its not about making houses now of course pacific in the prefer it was about trying to express yourself at the scale of the dog and so whats really interesting about it the creative tools are to get sharp and thats the bit where to start to see things from a different perspective and see how the dog sees the world. The concept for the exhibition came from japanese designer kenya howrah from 2012 it went on saw around the world only now arriving in your a. Massive contact with this design i see you its intended for dogs with black coats. The idea is that its the dog is able to camouflage itself amongst a kind of black background is made from sheeps wool the whole thing has a smell of delicious smell the dog which attracts it initially and the shape you can see starts on the ground and lifts upwards in this curved arc the idea is that kind of resembles the way the dog discovers the world around it maybe the way it sees is by smelling the ground and slowly looks up to discover whats surface in front of it. For sure theres plenty to discover. But its about more than seeing and sniffing its more than an exhibition its really a. Global project whereby people can interact by downloading versions of the pieces which are exhibited and make them themselves we upload them and they are then shared via social media. Market share just for adults sounds fucking but sure she seems to approve. Cars to get a new dog. Definitely a lot easier than filming a report with cats well thats it for this edition of arts and culture for more stories about designing music film and art those of us any time online or id w dot com slash culture by for now. After 6 match days theyre on top again. By wins in cologne putting it at the top of the table. After 6 match days. Empty handed. Loses an hour. No point. In 90 minutes on d w. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well all miss. Thank you just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the clone of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at kong look forward slash science. Its their obsession for spectacular pictures. Its their passion for nature and. Its their complete devotion that makes them the best wildlife photographer in the world. This amazing. And traumatic. Confrontational. And story. 5 adventure. One goal. The preservation of our planet. Is not just an issue of pardon trees and saving the planet is a force. Thats dangerous surat. For such starts november 6th on t. W. This is the news live from straight in shock after 4 people were killed in a shooting. A supporter of the socalled Islamic State police shoot the gunman dead and the arrest of a suspect. And says it will divide the nation also on the program. Of the United States after the most divisive president ial campaign for decades with almost 100000000. Choice facing american voters. Head to. The variance will be hoping to put a stop. To the program. Austrias declared 3 days of National Mourning after 4 people were shot they were killed in a shooting rampage in the capital v. M. At least one gunman opened fire at multiple locations in the city center has been identified as a 20 year old sympathizer of these lawmakers states militant group interior minister cognate hama said the Police Killed the assailant 9 minutes after he opened fire he went on to say that 14 people have been arrested in connection with the attack and the police have so far found no evidence of a 2nd gunman of an accomplice on over 50 percent of the pedia material has been viewed with the evaluation is not yet completed the videos so far if no indication of a 2nd perpetrator however since the evaluation has not yet been completed we cannot finally say how many perpetrators actually responsible for the crime or just operation found for at least scenes. Lets go to vienna then to join journalist steve welcome steve lets start with the number of attackers Authorities Say they believe there was only one gunman we just heard the interior minister say he hasnt ruled out the possibility of another attack why so much uncertainty. I think the problem was is that the investigators were just inundated with so much information as they tried to really create this 9 minutes of carnage they were getting videos from smartphones witness accounts and so the perpetrator was popping up in all kinds of places as they try to accurately recreate the 9 minutes theyre finding at this point that they are probably dealing with a lone wolf attack ok so the dead suspect had been through a day of Radicalization Program and even Early Release is this apparent lapse likely to have consequences. There was obvious friction at the press conference this afternoon between the interior minister the interior minister and he had other people from the Justice Ministry and then the chief of police because the police did their job they caught the killer and they had him in custody and then a judge set him free because of Good Behavior so it looks like the killer was able to game the system and he went through this deal Radicalization Program and he fooled the people who who ultimately set him free that shouldnt happen and the interior minister made it clear today that it wont happen again which is why they conducted so many house raids and 14 further arrests were made because they dont want this to happen again. Mauser is now looking with 3 days mourning clearly this has hit people hot. Absolutely the 1st thing is that there was a minute of silence observed at noon today that brought members of the government members of parliament from the opposition parties as well to come out and present a united front the president nixon to founded by then he spoke saying that hate and division will not find Fertile Ground in austria and now this message is being carried forward theres a meme being sent around now with the flag of vienna being turned into an icon in the words are that love is stronger than hate what is being said about lessons to be from this whether it be through day vatican eyes ational better. Screening of people coming into the country. The Justice Ministry has received a very stern warning that they need to vet people indeed Radicalization Programs much more thoroughly and again the house raids that were conducted were based on evidence that was gathered when they police stormed the apartment of the killer they gathered an enormous amount of information brought that together and then the looking into all the contacts that this individual had and to cover their bases to make sure that there isnt a further perpetrator out there who may be supported the attack or if there was a connection to perhaps another perpetrator the police the Justice Ministry theyre being very thorough now about covering all bases to make sure this does not happen again thank you for that. Well take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world britain has raised its Terror Threat level to severe its 2nd highest following the attacks in austria and in france severe means that an attack is considered highly likely home secretary pretty brutal says that this is a precautionary measure and not based on any specific threat. French defense minister Florence Pollard says her forces have killed more than 50 jihad is aligned with alqaeda in abstract or mali the operation took place near the borders with book in a fast so unusual why are Government Troops a battling an islamic insurgency. Ugandan singer and opposition politician bobby why has been arrested again just after being accepted as a candidate in next years president ial election was dragged from his car amid scuffles between police and his supporters as to why aims to challenge president Yoweri Museveni whos been in power since 1906. A 4 Year Old Girl has been rescued from the rubble of destroyed the buildings in western turkey almost 4 days after a large earthquake the death toll has now reached 102 with more than a 1000. And you can i go on honduras have been moving people to safety as hurrican at bears down on their Atlantic Coast forecasters warning of massive flooding and landslides they say the storm packing winds of more than 240 kilometers an hour could whip up waves more than 5 meters 5. Thats the United States where in person voting is in full swing and one of the most polarized president ial elections in the countrys history voters are heading to the polls in on election thats expected to shatter voter turnout records around 200000000 americans cast their votes before polling day and try to hopeful joe biden has made a last Minute Campaign stop in his childhood home town of scranton and the crucial. A swing state of pennsylvania is ahead in National Polls a race that many battleground states is tight and his Party Donald Trump has told supporters that his final rally to expect a beautiful victory. Well having entered the election things seem to be looking pretty good for joe biden with a consistent lead in the polls pollsters have been wrong of course like the last time in 2016 when Hillary Clinton looked like making history as americas 1st female president but despite her poll lead and winning the popular vote americas Electoral College system was against her votes cast fish year the latest polls give joe biden an even bigger National Lead 8. 5 Percentage Points so what lessons have pollsters learned from the 2016 result and could be looking at another upset. Well Courtney Kennedy is director of survey research at the Pew Research Center which is looking into how the 2016 polls underestimated the donald trump welcome to the w a back in 2. 16 the Electoral College system meant that Hillary Clinton lost several states that polls predicted she would win so where did the pollsters go wrong. Well there are 2 major problems with that one is there was actually a late swing in trumps favor in a number of those key states where we had roughly 15 percent of voters in 2016 really torn who to vote for whether to vote at all in those voters bro very heavily for donald trump in the final days so some polls just missed that late swing and the other problem was that most state polls had not ensured that they were representative of the state in terms of the level of education of the voters and that was very problematic because right now in the u. S. Education levels are very tightly tied to votes for president so they had too many challenged graduates in those polls last time and they had too many Hillary Clinton supporters right there was a fairy after the election that they were shy of trump support so that people who were unwilling to declare themselves outside of a ballot box i believe you new claims about what did you find we did while that got tremendous attention theres very little data to back that up i did 5 different tasks looking for evidence of that and each one turned up little to no evidence that people were lying to pollsters on masse you know sometimes some people will lie to pollsters but its really not in numbers large enough that thats whats the problem with polling these days and so have pew research changed your methods 2016 election. We have changed our methods although not for reasons tied to the election or say but we are long the pollsters who have switched from recruiting reem samples of americans by simply telephone numbers to instead sampling them by through addresses home addresses and then in interviewing people on line ok so this year mentioned earlier the polls have been pretty stable behind joe biden they have been given a consistent lead. Does not tell us anything it suggests that theres always a chance of a late break something unexpected at the very end of a Campaign Making a difference but the chances of that are much lower this year back in 2016 about 15 percent of voters were undecided in figuring things out this year that number was more like 5 percent so it absolutely has been a more stable race and people on both sides have been much more committed to their candidate good talking to you thank you for joining us Courtney Kennedy from the Pew Research Center i was not just at home with donald trump is dividing opinion with his america 1st policies brush style on the diplomatic stage is also polarized opinion outside the u. S. D. W. Has been asking people around the world who they hope will win. Government beholden from whens because i really see him as a patriotic past and his interest is in his country and not in politics or trying to do something to benefit to self. But if you travel by for the moment being i know that biden is ahead of trump but it doesnt mean anything like last time hillary was ahead but still won so i can only hope and pray that trump will not have a 2nd term i support do not drop because im a businessman. To run the country you need to be a businessman i dont think trump is going to do the elections why because trump is arab and he feels and i dont. I hope that democracy for variables and the majority. Decision. Whatever it may be. We have the support to look at some football now and bundesliga leaders by the munich a chopping to ostrich book in the champions me a minutes silence will be held for the victims of the vienna attack by and have been dominant at home and in the Champions League but have reason to be cautious. This is a dream confrontation for austrian sports fans the only problem is none of them can attend the match because of the covert 1000. 00 pandemic nevertheless the teams coach says that its still inspiring to be playing against the Champions League defending champions yet isnt 7 guys that were very excited to have by on here its a team thats not far from salzburg and we have all been watching this team for many years i think its the best team in the world at the moment with no weaknesses by and also lead in the German Bundesliga thanks to its 21 away win in cologne on the weekend besides coronavirus the only distracting factor it now faces is a rather ugly contract dispute with start defender and Austrian International davida byron has officially withdrawn its new 5 Year Contract supposedly alibi is asking for too much money. On the to be. Disappointed about the last few months. And a bit hurtful fits at the rumors were not officially denying that those the that and things that the media was saying were not what i had demanding with this news. To see if this new good for the top of the senate was disappointing looking. At the top of group a in the Champions League with 2 wins out of to south sport our last with just a point from a draw they know this is the moment of truth and home advantage may not mean that much for reasons out of their control. I thought situ updated full coverage of the election through the night of course coming up next Business South Africa and apprentice golf the hockey world news of the talk. Im kidding. Im secure in the volume or the target and in the end this is a me your not a lotus the or we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers were liars. Whats your story. d on what numbers of women especially of victims of violence. Take part and send us your story your train or with understand this new culture. For you or another visitor another of yours you want to become a citizen. In for migrants your platform for reliable information. Finally election day in the United States Donald Trumps presidency has a reshaped the world and the relationship between 2 of its superpowers china is waiting to see whether itll be america 1st for 4 more years. Also on the show breaking up may be hard to do but boy wants to find a way to do just that with its most notorious client President Donald Trump. And researchers are looking for new techniques to grow but no law in greenhouses has prices soar for the delicate and demanding product. This is the value business im done the one in berlin thank you for joining us. The day is finally here citizens of the Worlds Largest economy are at the polls today to elect a new president its an election watched everywhere in the world and especially closely and the worlds 2nd largest economy from trade wars detectives chinas relationship with the us has changed significantly during the Trump Administration heres a look at the stakes. Across the west chinas economic model is coming in for closer inspection. The long held notion that free trade would bring democratic reform and openness to Chinese Society is now largely perceived as fiction instead as chinas economy has strengthened so has beijings resolve to go its own way made evident with recent crackdowns in st john and hong kong. What happens in hong kong and you. Have remarkably lead to economic consequences for the chinese chinese and at the school now its not just the u. S. Thats mulling a rebalance of its economic relationship with china yet no other country has taken more dramatic steps. Trumps trade war was a shock to the close relationship between the worlds 2 biggest economies to the pain of American Farmers and Small Businesses as well as the allies caught in the middle. But it also hit beijing hard before interim trade deal chinas economy was struggling its economic model suddenly vulnerable. To the pandemic has given china an opportunity for a narrative reset to argue that its economy is surging back that the domestic economy can offset weaker exports that hong kong will remain vibrant. Chinas economy is indeed growing stronger but there are challenges the u. S. Still has the worlds reserve currency as well as increasingly like minded allies. More reason for china to watch what happens on tuesday. Now again in case it needs are iterating the u. S. Election is unfolding against the backdrop of an economically damaging pandemic how much of a game changer is that that in terms of u. S. China relations heres andrew adair hes the founder and c. E. O. Of d. C. Berlin consulting you know these america 1st policies you know may come to an end relatively soon if joe biden is sworn in as the next u. S. President on january 20th in a matter of weeks. You know the United States is a democracy unlike china and china they have an authoritarian system thats a surveillance state that gives them certain inherent advantages when youre talking about Economic Resilience and economic growth. But the United States you know we we have not been able to get a 2nd relief package through congress in the last few months which everybody in the Federal Reserve and our all are economic actors believe is. A must in order for the. American Economic Prosperity to continue we have to get another relief package through and then we need. A Credible National plan to get the pandemic under control and thats something that President Trump has not been able to offer so United States has a Political Leadership vacuum right now that could change in the coming months and you add there there of d. C. Berlin consulting now to some of the other Global Business stories making news. Retailers across the United States are boarding up windows and bracing for protests and on rest after todays election saks 5th avenue nordstrom and pharmacy chain c. V. S. Are just some of the Biggest Stores preparing for possible unrest. The Shanghai Stock Exchange is suspending billionaire jack ma Fin Tech Company and just days before its potentially record breaking i. P. O. On thursday the shanghai star board said in a statement it will suspend the listing amid changes to the regulatory environment. Australias central bank has cut Interest Rates to as low a point one percent the reserve bank of australia is trying to lift the economy out of a covert 19 driven recession the bank has also ramped up on buying to lift australia out of its worst downturn in a generation. German lender bank is a planning to cut ties with the us President Donald Trump after the election according to Senior Bank Officials with knowledge of the matter will seek to sell trumps 340000000. 00 in outstanding loans Bank Executives are reportedly not concerned about his ability to repay them the bank has faced negative publicity from the relationship. Our financial correspondent conrad who is and has more from frankfurt people at the bank particularly keen on the result of todays election in the us the bank has given Donald Trumps real estate business. At the moment 340000000. 00 u. S. Dollars in loans are still outstanding to the trouble of an isolation loans that have brought the bank some negative publicity and also a lot of scrutiny in congressional investigations such investigations are expected to pick up again if joe biden wins the white house and if the democrats spanish to win a majority in the u. S. Senate for that case is working always how to get rid of the business relationship with donald trump selling the lives would be an option but of course even with trump out of the white house the question who would buy such loans would still be highly political maybe even a question of National Security in the u. S. Adventures a looking to scale the policy himalayan peaks and track its nouns in trails can finally do so again for the 1st time in 7 months now paul had closed its borders due to the pandemic now theyre open again not a day too soon for the countrys crucial alpine to resume industry. To trail snaking through the himalayas are still deserted Mountain Guides and sherpas in katmandu have nothing to do but theyre excited about the news that the country is reopening to backpackers and tourists. Were all happy that well be back in our job soon though. The last few months have been financially difficult and mentally torturous for us. Now we are finally back in our jobs you know. Well because of the pandemic only a very few tourists are expected to come. Visit. Those who want to come are required to take a coronavirus test before leaving their home country and stay for a week inquire into another hotel and do. And then take another test before theyre allowed to go hiking. The government is trying to scale down expectations that tourism will be back to normal soon as it tries to balance economic and Health Concerns during the pandemic. To put it into somebodys got to be the. Government is not open the country for all tourists but only to a section of visitors who we know we are able to control and manage in the. Last year tourism brought in more than 2000000000. 00 to nepal the industry employs a 1000000 people from porters to pilots. They see the reopening of the country as a hopeful shimmer in the sky. So heres a fun fact of the new law is the 2nd most expensive spice in the world suffering is the 1st now why is that its because you can only find vanilla in specific parts of the world and it can only be pollinated in certain ways but researchers are looking at change that have a. Real vanilla is a luxury product the plant is a type of orchids both delicate and demanding. From north studies vanilla for the university of washington and in holland hes exploring new techniques producers can use to grow vanilla in greenhouses. Do things. Flowers in 2 years so these plants. From 2017. Flowers here flowers in march till may and we will do this in november. The problem with the nell is that it only bugs when each flower is fertilized by hand and time is of the essence when the petals open farmers only have 6 hours to fertilize the plant greenhouse cultivation can still be worth this around 4 years ago the price of vanilla exploded jumping from 30. 00 to over 600. 00 per kilogram most commercial vanilla comes from one land. Here vanilla is an important source of income for some its the only one. Cultivation is a protracted and exhausting process. Without a helping hand the plants wouldnt be as productive the longer the vanilla has to ripen the better the quality of vanilla scarcity makes an attractive target producers harvested earlier each year to avoid theft and its become a speculative commodity. Just on the left. There are some people here who take advantage of the situation we make our living from canelo and its getting harder because some people have been cheated and sold rotten vanilla. To some. Back in the netherlands the worlds oil supplies may have lost value but dutchman the experiments are still bearing fruit. For the nearline and for a lot of other crops. We think. If you want to grows in a greenhouse it should be more stable you have to know more about the background of fuel for righties because of bonilla cultivation are high making it a risky investment but researchers here say anything can be cultivated as long as theres a will and a profit to be made feeding the world. And all the underclass. And thats all from us thanks for watching. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah. Blah. Blah after 6 match against theyre on top. By millions in putting it at the top of the table. For 6 months. Is now a. Coin. 60 minutes. Im not laughing at the germans because sometimes i am but most are laughing with the coming of the german think even the german culture. Will take those grandma day off you know its all laughter. No time rachel join me for me but the gulf coast. This is the news africa coming up on the Program Trump all bided the u. S. President ial election is dividing the continent. As a nigeria march in support of the u. S. President hoping for him to win but why exactly. Is it up a couple 100 of his took me to say the

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