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And more promising news in the fight against covert nineteens, the drug maker, astra zeneca says the vaccine its developed with Oxford University is up to 90 percent effective. And that its cheap to make it easy to store and publish only us welcome to the program. Chinas space agency launched its Ambitious Mission to the moon to bring rock samples back to earth. Chang, who 5, named for a chinese goddess of the moon, took off successfully from the space center on chinas Southern Island. Its the, 1st mission by any nation to retrieve lunar samples. Since 2970 s. , the probe is expected to bring back 2 kilos of rocks and soil to help scientists learn more about earths nearest neighbor, including how it was for arms. And the mission also showcases the advances that china has made in Space Exploration technology. This spacecraft has towered above the Southern Island province of hina and 5 days a symbol of chinas technological prowess. And its military might a source of pride for many chinese. This is chinas message to the world to its chinas global signature with a new year. But if your child, no, i think by being able to launch such a moon exploration, china is making history to china. 5 rocket is comprised of several components. One is the lander, which will dig for rocks and soil. These materials will then be transferred into the return capsule for the journey back to earth. Weve all are currently in a program consists of 3 phases, overseeing landing and returning the chuang. A 5 will carry out the 3rd phase, bringing moon samples back to earth. We hope this will be a success. We hope your logic, your hope. If it is a success, it would be the 1st time in 4 decades. That material has been brought back from the moon. Chinas space ambitions are no secret and have been growing for years. In 2003, it secured a major breakthrough when it became the 3rd country in the world to send a man into space 10 years later trying to hit another milestone successfully landing and unpiloted spacecraft on the moon. It was the 1st soft landing since the soviet Union Success in 1976. More chinese cheers in january 2019 in global 1st alluna probe, touching down on the far side of the moon, boosting chinas space ambitions. Mas is also in its sights. This year, beijing launched an unmanned probe to the planet. In july, it put the final satellite into orbit for its chinese navigation system. The countrys rival to us and key p. S. But this Lunar Mission to bring back material from the moon is one of chinas may stamp issues to date and one which beijing is determined to be another success. While to talk some more about this, were joined by keith cowing. Hes a blogger on the founder of the website, nasa watch, as well as a Rocket Scientist. Hi, i am what i want to start with. What is china hoping to achieve with this mission . Well, what theyre going to be doing is the next in a series of very important robotic studies of the mood. And you know, back in the sixtys, we said people who do this, well, its been many decades since anything is really believed in the moon. In order to bring something back. So its very important that regard. Its also landing in the unique area of the moon that in his head, volcanic activity. So way leading into drilling 2 meters, johnny grabbing 2 kilograms of rock will be able to understand how long the moon had them all to the interior. It still does how much locating activity they had will to make millet fuel would be like. So these are very important questions that we dont quite understand. So this is the latest and its a very important issues series of missions to explore the affairs of missions of dave that is if successful, the mission would make china only the 3rd country to have retrieved the lunar samples and about joining again. Ited states under former soviet union that where is chinas role in space, exploration aspects, exploration had to well, its pretty much looking to repeat what the americans did with the russians tried to do, which is an intellectually humans on the moon. And if you look at the illustrations for the things theyve waited on the moon, if you look at the designs for the lunar landers, the lunar leaders are just a little bit bigger, but they look the same. So they have a clear path and they stand their intention of doing to do that. But they also are looking to become a full partner in scientific exploration room again, which is what this mission ducks that there seems to be an increased interest in the moon as of late. Why is that exactly . Well, you know, i grew up during the original moon race when it was between us and the soviets. And back then there were only 2 countries that could even attempt to explore. Now, not only committee countries do this, but private companies owned by a very rich people can do this. So weve now seen missions that have successfully gone to move from india and china from japan. And weve had the israeli strike. And weve got some companies now a lot of musts looking to wind, his own space ship on the moon and his own expense. So you take this all together. Its sort of like, well now anybody can go to the moon. And if you remember, maybe you dont, there was a song back in the sixtys called, everyones going to the moon. Now seems to be exactly whats going on these days. Everyones going to the moon, keith cowing a at Rocket Scientist and the founder of the web site. Nasa watch, thanks for joining us. But you well, here are the other stories making headlines. This hour. 3 prominent hong kong activists have been detained after pleading guilty to charges of organizing an all surprised protest. Last year, joshua wang ivan lama, and chad. All expect to be given prison terms on kongs Democracy Movement has folded since beijing imposed a sweeping National Security law. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has refused to confirm or deny media reports that he made a clandestine visit to saudi arabia for a meeting with crown Prince Mohammed bin. The alleged visit would mark the 1st known encounter between senior israeli and saudi officials. Saudi arabia has denied the claims. Now u. S. President elect joe biden has announced 6 choices for top positions in his administration. Most of bidens cabinet picks also served under the obama administration. Foreign policy veterans, former secretary of state john kerry, is poised to become climate change. Envoy and biden will nominate his longtime adviser. Tony blinken for the position of secretary of state. The president elect is forging ahead with the creation of his government despite dont trumps persistent refusal to concede defeat. Well for more on this, so im joined by d. W. Correspondent stefan seem uncertain. Simons in washington. Hi, stefan. Joe biden has started naming his top team. Now. What more can you tell us about them . Yeah. Param be aiming for a lot of diversity, a lot of people with solid backgrounds and experience in what theyre doing means career diplomats career. Finance experts, korea, this korea that, that is something joe biden seems to be very keen on a few names as you of course know. Anthony blinken, a next secretary, secretary of state, foreign minister here in the united states. A guy, a person with tremendous experience to be secretary of state in the obama administration, as well as National Security adviser in the obama administration. So in every Foreign Ministry around the world. d and to the blanket rings a bell, so who is around knows them. So that means also that biden, and this is what hes trying to do with all his nominations today. Few of them historic is that he wants to really portray that hes about to when it comes to Foreign Policy repair. These scorched earth, which in his mind, donald trump left behind. But this also goes into other areas, for example, general gel and of course historic pick for as treasury secretary never been to a woman before. As treasury secretary its well now the d. H. S. S. Chief, the next year as chief of Mexican American heritage. So this is contradicts what trump did stood for with the d. H. As for example, i could go on and on and on. So again, joe biden nominating a expert team and this is what he had announced. And hes following through with this. Moving on briefly, dont trump has been distancing himself from one of the lawyers on his legal team. Tell us more about mr. Trump finally pressured from all sides. A lot of republicans calling him, being shocked of what mr. Sidney powell said over the weekend city hall was one of 3 lawyers called the elite Strike Force Team by the all trumped Rudy Giuliani is in a poll and jenny ellis and she made some outlandish comments and offered some, some outlandish, really i would dont want to go into details of this claims of fraud. Venezuela involved hugo chavez. Being here, the one who is pulling the strings, sugar stars as we all know, dead since 2013, so outlandish stuff. And to put it all in context in about 2 weeks or so, nobody will talk about mrs. Powell and her lawyer and any more. Stephens, simons d. W. Correspondent in washington, thank you for that update. Well, there are more encouraging signs in the race to develop a coronavirus vaccine. Drug maker, astra zeneca and Oxford University have announced their vaccine is a to 90 percent effective in preventing covert 19. Now the vaccine was more effective when patients were given a half dose followed by a full dose one month later. And crucially, this new vaccine does not require extreme cold storage and is relatively cheap and easy to mass produce. These files hold a promising formula for ending the covert, 900 pandemic globally. A cheap, effective, easy to distribute that scene. We have to get a lot of people back from a tube. Were not thinking about, but its a nations working in terms of one person at a time. We have to think about vaccinating communities, populations, reducing transmission within those populations, so that we really get on top of this pandemic. And thats what it now looks like. Were going to have the ability to contribute here in a really big way. The vaccine was developed at the ukase university of oxford using the i dont know, virus platform. Researchers took a common cold virus that infects chimpanzees, genetically engineering it to trick the human body into thinking it has been infected with the virus that causes that 19 producing an immune response. , over 24000. 00 volunteers took part in the Clinical Trials in the u. K. , brazil, and south africa. The late stage trials show the a done a viral vaccine is better at preventing hospitalizations and severe cases of covert 19 m. R. In a vaccines developed by modernity. And pfizer, by on tech, but people are not getting sick with the spike scene, which means that ultimately, even if you were to get ill, you have maal symptoms. And so i think thats incredibly important because itll keep hospital beds free and people wont be dying from this in this virus. And thats not the only advantage. Unlike the m. R. In a vaccines, it can be kept at normal, frigid temperatures, making it easier to distribute, especially in developing countries. It can also be manufactured at scale, meaning it can be produced in much greater quantities and at much lower cost than its rivals. But i think this will be a truly global for in terms of its deploy ability and its accessibility. And its going to be probably more affordable than most others for the lincoln countries. Astra zeneca has pledged it wont make a profit from the vaccine during the pandemic. If it gets regulatory approval, the firm says its ready to produce 3000000000 doses next year. Well, this is the top story were following for you. China has launched an unmanned flight to the moon, to retrieve rocks from the lunar surface. Its the 1st such mission and more than 4 decades. And scientists are hoping that those rocks can help shed more light on top of the moon. Was full and watching ditto good news live from berlin. Next d. W. News africa will be back soon. Take care. Nicole pietz in germany to learn german, published in the why not learn with him . D, w z e learning course . Because fake whats the secret behind this classic music . The sound you hear, beethoven lose your mind or the story behind the music. For the ages, richest up beethovens 9th or the world starts to simmer down on t. W. This is state of being is africa on the program today, a warning to a guy and civilians to save themselves. If you know his military has given leaders in the northern region, all to cry a 72 hour summation of just a random threatening an all out assault if they tell it to brians one fact. So whats likely to happen . Come when state acts, the people who remain unaccounted for weeks after nationwide Police Brutality protests in nigeria. Hello, im christine. Its good to have your company was off to being handed a 72 hour deadline to saranda leaders of the gripe Peoples Liberation front showed no signs of giving in at the weekend. Ethiopias Prime Minister made gave the t. V. Until wednesday to hand themselves over or face a final assault. A spokesman for the Ethiopian Military wants civilians in the busy to grab capital mechanic that there will be no mercy if they dont save themselves before a final offensive to flash iles defiant, regional leader. Now hundreds and possibly even thousands have been killed in fighting an airstrike. And it strikes that erupted earlier this month about 40000. 00 people have fled into neighboring. So don and for more on the story im joined by Ahmed Soliman from chatham house. Hes a research on the wall, hold off africa. Welcome to news africa. So what is the most likely outcome following this 72 hour of a by has given the t. P. M. If need a ship . Well, theres another very strict limits and time period for that to be left to hand. And i think most honest feel that this does good faith is unlikely to lead to t. P. M. Death, surrendering at the regional capital macallan and handing over. I think this could then therefore lead to what whatever the x. Men and the government would be saying would then be you surrounding or in suckling mackell, a and artillery shelling of the caps, or its a cry region which could have a potential or a substantial number of casualties and damage down people were this in the right and let us talk about that confrontation at that is a likely, as you are saying, what is the likely toll on civilians . Well, if we were just a situation where mckenna was targeted, i mean, at this stage we could have heavy damage inflicted on the regional capital was when it started to severely civilian casualties in the region were city. I think that would, you know, have a significant reputational consequences for the federal government, which is why the federal government is encouraging you to stop supporting you can left but i didnt. Its apparent, absolutely city, but i think the left and their own. I dont ever have dismissed the threat saying that the environment is the military of many. I mean theyre not position currently to in so cal a they have more advanced far enough and they are calling their own civilians and to all. So we could lead to again, more intensified phrase conflict. Right . Stand by because id like to show our viewers a report about developments in ethiopia since abby asked me took office in in 20 africas youngest leader takes the oath of office. Abi osmond was just 44 when he became ethiopias Prime Minister after 2 years of bloody protests against government oppression. Dozens of ethnic groups have longed also for power. He was the 1st from the oromo people, the countrys largest, to take the reins. He started reforms right away, he lifted bans on Many Political parties and tried former officials for murder and corruption. Thousands of Political Prisoners went free and he signed a treaty ending the conflict with eritrea that had dragged on since 998 a moment of triumph. But if youre fearful of ethiopia and eritrea, yes, i would like to bow down and humbly. Thank you because you chose compassion, not cruel to them, then peace, not conflict, love not hatred, forgiveness or conflict pulling each other, not pushing one another to be won the Nobel Peace Prize at the end of 2019. 2 things have changed since then. As nic groups and individual ethiopian states have started to compete for more power and autonomy, even as abby is striving to create a National Ethiopian identity. Thats led to conflict. That can be zona romo group was attacked in hostilities, sparked by the killing of a famous oromo musician in june 2020. The dutch envelope with what our enemies want is that we dont finish the work that weve started to feel a room of people for this reason, fight are killed with the blood is spilled by the journey. Weve started a good gets derailed, things got worse. When leaders of the northern tea grey region defied orders to cancel an election because of the coronavirus pandemic, the face off turned into open hostilities in early november. When Government Forces started bombing, military sites, integrate human rights observers say, massacres followed. More than 20000, people have fled into neighboring sudan. Recently abbey sounds more like a strong man than a man of peace. Just mischievous force is surrounded on all sides. It is a force in its final throes of death. Many fear the conflict could destabilize the region, causing new wounds before the old ones have even healed. I had what it would be safe to say that in many ways this confrontation between and to cry has been a long time county. Yes, only. So if your peers who environment shifted 100 degree 80 degrees on its head when i became into power europe or showed that what weve seen is that the police who are divisions, some of the ethnic divisions and the structural problems he has havent been sufficiently addressed in the last couple of years and these include different narratives about it. Yours is story finished federalism project and tensions over the divisions between the center and this and the regions which, which are driven by claims for greater representation from various ethnic groups and more autonomy. And i think really that is at the roots of the conflict and why i think people worry about the wider consequences of conflicts reading beyond the right region. Thats a missile you want from chatham house. Thank you. Now nigerias on me has admitted that soldiers were equipped with live bullets when they went to disperse a demonstration in lagos. Last month, the shootings prompted widespread condemnation, both at home and abroad. The military claims its men fired in the air and not at the peaceful crowd. Who were part of the installs protests against Police Brutality. Now there has been no official death toll from the incident. And the families of some of those lost still have not been able to lay them to rest. They have come to confirm their worst fears. Such ng for answers of this mortuary. After they arrived, ones went missing during porters 1st month in legos. Brother is one of those unaccounted for. She went to a protest on october 20th. But to me, every time there is a very big sadness that i have ever had in my life. I dont know how to put it because its obviously painful nigerians to, to districts across the country for several weeks to protest Police Brutality. But on october 28th, Security Forces opened fire at one of these demonstrations in dickie when it was district. The number of casualties remains disputed. Despite conditions over coverup, the government claims it has nothing to hide so weve got to tell you to delay the racist that denied, but to get admitted firing live rounds of peaceful demonstrators gathered. The ongoing probe is seen as a big step towards holding both old accountable for their actions. But human rights organizations have described as brutal and unjustified. Its not enough for america who just wants to find his brother whos operate on a drug over to sheer force. Here because theyre not helping the shipping my posts in this country. Im not going nosing journey for the fun news. It was the secret and and your correspondent said, winning is the author reporter you just saw. He joins me now from lagos. Hi fred, how many people remain unaccounted for since the end . Kristen of the prison system and people were cured as a result of the port just about we understand for a composition that i listened hard with private dr. He actually transported more 150 bodies, but there were actually afraid and then there was an inquiry that is currently underway. That was this happened the aftermath of these prices. So thats a little bit about that. And perhaps give us a sense of whether the public actually has confidence in it that the inquiry has a 6 month mandate. And this inquiry into our views is committed by this is a poor use you need that was the center disbanded. And then they have also to key into crimes committed during the porters to solve, including a model of people and other crimes called needed during these pauses was just about smog, but whether people will trust this inquiry to be remains to be seen. All right, thank you. That is state of you correspondent in lagos, moving you, thank you for it. And that is it for now. Be sure to check out the stories on com. Forward slash africa. We are also on facebook and on twitter, and we would love to hear from you. We want to know what you think about the stories we cover on this program. And the stories that we should be covering today will leave you with pictures off those insults precious in nigeria till next time its. The salam cox informs the defeats hatchability classically single head of the saw the taliban extremists coming months to stop the 1st win of the season 60 minutes to bring you more conservation of how to make soup the screeners. How can we protect have a chance to make a difference to those series of global sales a bomb on another Promising Development in the search for a coded 19 vaccine astra zeneca cons. The university of oxford say their joint they develop job is 70 percent effective. Its also said to be affordable and easy to store. Well bring you the market reaction. Also coming up, small retailers in france are struggling during lockdown. Now online giants, including on its own, are offering to show some solid hours. See all the farmers in iraq are calling it a bumper harvest, but covert 19 restrictions are approaching. This is the business im capered from. Welcome along. A covert 19 vaccine developed by astra zeneca. The university of oxford has shown to be 70 percent effective in a large scale clinical trial. The vaccine was the most effective of up to 90 percent when patients were 1st given a high dose, then a full one a month later. Astra zeneca said it could begin distribution by the end of the year if it gets regulatory approval. Unlike the biotech pfizer vaccine, this one can be stored in a fridge instead of needing an ultra cold freezer. Lets talk to the Business Correspondent in new york against this sounds like incredibly good news, but after that, because shares actually fell today. Why is boss you know, they have been a little bit of head scratching here on a wall street that obviously taking 1st half a dozen, then a full dose seems to be more effective than taking it to full doses. Even if that doesnt necessarily mean that this is a problem, i mean, you have to tell you around and play around and it was those doses to see what is good and sometimes more is not necessarily better. But overall its been seen as a, as a Good Development as good news, so that after be on, take pfizer and there are now we might be getting a 3rd were seeing any time soon. And we did see that joe wall street reacted positively on those news and specially companies and stocks that profits from the sea in our lines, the travel industry, hotel chains and that ike, they all had a very strong showing here on monday. And yes, im like, im a dairy now. And pfizer biotech, astra zeneca isnt actually looking to make a profit on its back. Same as it at least not for now. So at the height of the pandemic, the Company Actually did say that they do not want to make a profit. And we believe that might cost of all its reach a 4 percent from a strong and up to 21st percent, to 20. 00 from a pfizer. And by on take they had been some estimates recently that pfizer and by on take actually next year might make about 13000000000. 00 was the c. In. And then it wants to distribute the receipt and also to poorer nations and does not want to make a profit, at least for now. But at the end of the day, i mean the stock was down about one percent, but further down the line that doesnt necessarily mean that master the neckar will not make money, was to visit his clients. And you know, i thank you very much. General motors says it will recall nearly 7000000 pickup trucks and s. U. V. S. Equipped with to cata, airbag inflator is in response to a u. S. Highway Safety Agency order 27 people have already been killed worldwide by to cause exploding. Nature is, the decision will cost the automaker around 1200000000. 00, thats around a 3rd of its net income so far this year. The regulator rejected 4 years of, delaying arguments from g. M. , saying its inflation has posed exactly the same risk as other to catarrh versions. Amazon says it will join other major online retailers in france in delaying its black friday sales event until smaller shops can reopen. Following the current lock 10. Its a welcome move, but probably not enough to india or the online giant, or to Small Traders who believe theyre being pushed out of business. Christmas is on its way with all the spending that comes with it. And Small Businesses like this toy shop in paris are reminding shoppers to support their local retailers putting out hours and isnt the only place to shop online. Marjorie column bonnie cant open her physical shop. Coronavirus restrictions dont allow it. But trying to compete with global Retailers Online is a near Impossible Task that is often used by our new people end up thinking of us as the us because were trying to sell for normal prices. But we bought them at a certain cost. And in addition, there are fees and taxes, or sometimes we find the same product online, cheaper than the price. The supply gave us some things wrong with that. The on happy times for france, a small shop owners are pushing some french shoppers to boycott. The big online sellers, tens of thousands of people are signed a petition calling for an amazon free christmas. Others say using click can collect to support smaller businesses, big spending, but i deliberately avoid amazon, especially now it would be irresponsible in it. Im rejecting amazon. I was and has responded to the criticism, which is come from as high as the mayor of paris by promising to delay its black friday specials. His says he wants to give Small Businesses time to reopen, before the shopping. Bonanza begins now to some of the other Global Business stories, making news, things. National air transport Association Says Airlines Need another 70. 00 to 80000000000. 00 to survive. Theyve received an estimated 160000000000. 00 in aid so far, but as the crisis continues, the risk of bankruptcies remains serious. Caroline trade association will hold its annual general meeting tomorrow. German Coalition Leaders are expected to sign off on a diversity closeout for company boards. The new rule in earth friday would require listed companies with more than a 3 Board Members to give at least one spot to a woman. Critics argue the rule wont do much to boost diversity on larger boards. Icelands main labor union accuses retailers of cashing in on the coronavirus pandemic. It says prices for domestic Food Products have risen by 5 percent and for imports by 11 points to historically low interest rates, stable inflation and a major increase in sales. Evidence that supermarket chains are taking advantage of icelanders stocking up on supplies. Farmers in iraq have struggled to return to normal after years of war. While many have managed to replant their land, they say the pandemic is now blocking their path to recovery. In our next report will meet to all of farmers struggling despite harvesting a bumper crop. Its harvest time once again at this olive grove in northern iraq. Oh, now ali is expecting a bumper crop, but its not enough for him. And many of his fellow farmers that these trees are 30 years old, but now you see theres no market and the farmers are losing out. The farmers are breaking up their farmland and selling it as residential land. Even god wouldnt accept that. Near here was the front line of operations to free mosul from the socalled Islamic State group. Many farms were burnt down, now the area is stable. Farmers had hoped to return to their traditional ways, not so for the likes of fact, crema moved whos taken to sealing the crop in barrels of his father, north of mosul, he hopes to sell the next year. Instead, thats if the pandemic subsides, the coronavirus left a big impact on us. Our lives were exported to the southern governance. Now as a real alomar, a sum of money. But the coronavirus and the closing of checkpoints affected us all. After years of war, time devastation, these farmers still have no choice but to wait longer. Wait until the end of the pandemic before their lives can finally take on some semblance of normality. Again, the spanish tourist hot spot of barcelona is usually full of bustling restaurants and bars. But as you might expect, the pandemic put a halt to all of us. Now as the region of catalonia begins to reopen after lockdown, nightlife is cautiously returning. Its a genuine relief that restaurants can reopen here in catalonia, for patrons and staff alike. Even if things arent yet quite back to normal. And weve reopened with 4 cooks usually have a team of 16 people, but 12 are unemployed because theres no tourism because of the schedules because of everything, we cant take them all back. But while are we reopened and were almost back to normal. d but as a living, being able to go out with your family is good and were happy to be able to go out more after being locked down without being able to do anything. Its better like this catalonian restaurant still have to limit how many people can dine inside. Plus they have to close by 9 30 pm. And the still the fear of future shutdowns. Cases here continue to rise so much slower than when these venues 1st had to shut their doors in october. With britain and the e. U. Still divided over their future trade relationship. Businesses in the United Kingdom are gearing up for a major disruption in case the 2 sides failed to reach a trade deal. Expecting holdups of the port of dover authorities have ordered the construction of a massive park to accommodate waiting trucks. The site location some 30 kilometers from the port of dover will have a parking space. 471700 vehicles. The site is one of 10 locations that will host truck parks aimed at reducing potential traffic chaos. And that full for me and the Business Team here in berlin for more i do check out our website at t w dot com. Were on facebook on twitter as well from me on the team. Its goodbye and take our last go against the rocks on the islands. Coming from a poor family. Loves to become president and challenges america does seem credible story of bobby wind starts december 10th on g. W. The fight against the coronavirus pandemic has the rate of infection been developing what measures are being taken . What is the latest research, the information and context the coronavirus and the the special monday to friday. That 77 percent clapping are younger than 6. Thats me and me and you know what time the 77 percent from the classic from causing a good time. This is where the 77 percent this weekend d. W. Thousands of museums are shut. Can Virtual Reality replace them for now thats coming up here on arts and culture. And the worlds top award for sacred architecture goes to a church covered in 3 d. Ceramic tiles reflect the sun and later on. Oh well all are well. So as american singer Erica Stuckey explains the connection between goto and the bloops last march. First, the museums and galleries are on lockdown again in many places around the globe. Some fear they may never reopen, but Something Else is happening here. Digital tours of museums and galleries are taking off, including at the National Museum of denmark, Virtual Reality or 3 d. Tours have galleries, and museums are booming. Its often the only way visitors can access carona restricted exhibitions. The Danish Government has provided support to the National Gallery to put 40000 works in a virtual shelf. Were actually seeing increased interest in our digital resources because of the corona and all the shutdowns because people are only able, sometimes to access our own culture from from, from their homes. Internationally acclaimed danish artist to the hilton is getting a lot of on line love from all over the world for her corona inspired exhibition. The virtual version of her gallery show has gone viral in china and used to work with the whole world, this audience. And this is actually adding the possibility for my paintings to also reach an International Audience all around the world. I think its very positive. Modern art fans and those who work in the industry are now able to follow the International Art scene even more closely innovative websites like our land dot com. A platform where many of the worlds leading galleries present 3 d. Or versions of current exhibitions. As acute, convenient to use, the medias to get an overview about whats going on in the contemporary art scene all over the world. The worlds art treasures and the latest modern art are at your fingertips. And my colleague, adrian kennedy, is here. Adrian, lets talk a little bit more about these Virtual Museum tours. I know that youve been on if you can replace the real thing when it can be quite intriguing sheets of museums that you wouldnt normally go. So i think one of the problems is that some of the very interesting if you zoom into the page just the definition isnt always fact could really say with our plan dot com and the today hilton thing that we saw there, the very good, but some of the museums are not using state of the art technology. For example, i was at, they get to see in los angeles. And i couldnt read the info text on the walls next. They are. Now, ive tried a few of these. One thing that struck me is, its kind of fun to visit a museum. Youve never been so you can Wander Around some of these empty rooms on your own. But at some point, i felt that i wanted a little morientes. Maybe maybe a guy of you, thats right, but some museums are responding to that. For example, the bar perini and paul stanley here, which houses the collection of soft 1000000000. Hasso plattner online was the museum is keen that in this case the exhibition remains accessible to the public during knocked up. So this and how can sign up to talk through the rooms and given details Background Information and expose. Ok, so how would that work . Would i just book that on the museums website . You can always, if you die, its not free. It costs 3 euros, but i think you can afford it. They also got some free video. Its always and one i think people street because this is for you, how about yoga and you can join and for a quiet morning section of each new exhibition at the popular beanie. Oh, that is actually really cool. Well, maybe you know it, maybe you and i could do that before the show sometime we could and sandra, baseness, opportunity for the future. That is actually ok. I would meet it. That is pretty cool. You got me there. Im sad to hear that about the getty that they need to get their, their act together in terms of better resolution, but the barbarian adrian candidate, thanks so much. Thank you. Now, lets move to architecture. Can buildings elevate the human soul and they bring people closer to the divine . Thats the challenge for architects who design houses of worship. Now every 4 years saw they gives out the International Prize for sacred architecture. And this time with more than 100. 00 projects in the running from 33. 00 countries. The winner is this asymmetrical Catholic Church in the Little German town of point just outside me or make a striking structure rising up from the apartment buildings Catholic Church of even from the far it seems to beckon he gets a colleague told me that he was on a play into munich airport, when he saw something glittering brightly down below on the ground and could do it. And it wasnt fact the church here to let you feel that you know their own thought and utterly should get your share of the mantle of light architect acts of full alpha and his late colleague under the ass mech, clamp the facade of 15003. 00 dimensional ceramic tiles, each one, a miniature of the churches for each tile is rotated and flipped and grouped according to a specific pattern to result in the desired effect. And that includes this multiple refraction of light and for his pushing off of interest to the church has won prize after prize, including germanys top architecture award. The course in me can be interior features, solid natural stone and white light. The altar is that i level with the parishioners flanked by 3 large openings meant to symbolize the holy trinity. But im here and there arent a lot of colors here, but we have above all, various nuances of white lies. And then with the Natural Light of the sun, there is a play of colors. So in that way, this is really a church that truly allows you to sense the light of heaven with cliff that him a kind of light as the formative force in other sacred buildings by and they asked mecca and his team, the mortuary chapel in the dream is a comforting room of passage for some Nikolaus Church annoyed which won the 2011 german award for light design in a public building. They have in common a meditative reduction to the bare essential point that albert, i think that in this era of constant sensory overload, people are again looking for spaces of peace and quiet. But faith is also a matter of tradition. And the parishioners had to adjust to some elements of the church, like nature as theyve gradually accepted the church as their own. Over by its forward thinking, openness, its unifying, and democratic approach. Now yodeling as an art form, many people dont fully appreciate to be fair. It can sound kind of like a teenage boy whose voice is cracking, but there are some yodelers who are just plain impressive who won the swiss culture ministrys top music award. This year. Strickly was born and San Francisco moved to switzerland as a girl. Her unique style brings jazz and blues to the swiss alps. Sure is a crush. Tookie yodeling is all about a zest for life and expressing doubt in clear. She finds inspiration in the echo of the alps minus me, and its like ping pong. I have to use huge sea of ice behind me, and obviously it never breaks quite differently than if i were in texas. Dust has climbed the glacier countless times. Its the largest glacier in the alps and is steeped in legend. Many of the stories are mixed with her childhood memories, which tookie was actually born in the u. S. In the 1960 s. When her parents then decided to move to a small Swiss Mountain village. It was a shock at 1st, but she eventually embraced both homelands and sets of roots. Music is very much a product of this cultural mix from a modern day heidi to rock n roller. And she also likes mixing yodeling with the blues. This is the saudis in how closely related these 2 genres, all singing style saw it by this. They both close to praying my crime. I meant oh, the cows are coming back again. And now want to see your blues. Last fall. I lost my car last mop. Its a sign. I know its a wonderful cross between praying and complaining. Im going to stack. My yodeling is traditionally a lemon taishan morning, or a way to call the cows home. The Mountain People used it in the past as a way of communicating from one hill to the next tree. Like a sticky brings a modern interpretation to the custom home all before, over the heads of im going to go through the same you is nothing magic about yodeling. Once you got the high falsetto peach, low chestnut, the stuff and it flips back and forth. Then practice the Tongue Movement all over the low wall. Oh, hollow wall are all that you can yodel. Its not. Its not that hard. But the sound of the alps without the kicks. Yodeling transcends language. Barriers. Well, there was no it yodeling. At the americana music awards, the nights big winner taylor swift accepted the artist of the year award for the 6th time in a video message she recorded at her studio. She and Justin Bieber both got 3 prizes, career and band b. T. S. 12 and delivered a performance from seoul is a quick look at this years a. M. A. s. Thanks for watching arts and culture told, didnt they need to be in place to live our lives cox informed to talk into defeats, has had practically singlehandedly led to such a serial killing mindset. Step up 1st with the caesar gig, and 30 minutes. You can download and ancient church of humanity. Time and time again. They have from societies into chaos, destroying entire cultures in the process. What can we learn from history . And what today causes the spread of plagues and pestilences. Going to be 75 minutes on d w. Were all set to go beyond the obvious that were a little as we take on the world. Were all about the stories that matter to you, country, but what ever it takes running out of touch exchange, blood, alcohol, d. W. , made for mines. Beethoven is for me. Is for you. Beethoven is for hell. Beethoven is for her. Is for the beethoven is for us. Beethoven is for her beethoven 2027250th anniversary here on w. This is d. W. News, and these are our top stories. Federal authorities in the u. S. Have told joe biden, the president ial transition can begin. After President Donald Trump directed his team to cooperate in the handover process. The move comes as bidens cabinet nominees begin to take shape with Foreign Policy veteran Anthony Blinken as secretary of state and former secretary of state john kerry as his special climate change. And boy

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