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Dw witness has an attack on a german politician in dresden. Its the latest and the series of politically motivated incidents across the country is granted the security and safety of those hours campaigning. Plus serbia rolls out the red carpet for china as president saving is it single largest investor because those type of damage so be as chances of joining the, the money for this making. Im good to have you with us or thoughts from the us suggest the bite and administration post a shipment of buttons to israel last week, us official said this was over concerns that israel would move ahead with its plan ground assault on rasa, and southern gaza. As israel continues to bombard the city, its military says its current operation that is limited aimed at dismantling homeless infrastructure. Its taking control of a key crossing in the area of the tanks moved into rough uh on tuesday. This is tonya claim is following developments for us from jerusalem and gave us this update. What it says shows, oh, how the pressure is pining up on israel. These are reports in the us media saying that the us has a post, its shipments and particularly about the talking about approximately 3500 phones and main concerns of these heavy bones of about 900 killer grams. That should not be used in those densely Populated Areas and that is also of course assign. Theres also a lot of pressure domestically within the United States because today theres a deadline for a report that needs to be submitted by the us secretary of state. And you blink and to the congress that with you actually with a rather israel has violated into nursing and rule by using such funds in that context. And whether its one has impeded the delivery of humanitarian aid. A to casa nebraska had previously been considered a safe haven to Palestinian Civilians trying to escape the slicing and garza but israels recent attacks and incursion or forcing people to flee once again level. So leaving the prospect to the new ceasefire deal between israel and homos, hanging in the balance, make shift shelters. M a. C, a verbal and debris, and as a guide fun, eunice is a ruin. I mean, yet thousands of palestinians have begun to return after israel ordered them to evacuate parts of the southern, most of the city of russell is rarely forces have seized control of the roof of crossing on the border with the egypt. The attack came just hours of to hum us says it accepted a ceasefire proposal. One that israel says was unacceptable. I thought the homeless proposal was intended to prevent the entry of our forces into rafa. It did not happen as the war cabinet unanimously determined to how much the proposal was very far from israel. Necessary requirements to the attack was not the full scale ground defensive that many have fitted but in seizing the check point is riley forces have halted all humanitarian aid, passing through the crossing ceasefire. Negotiations are ongoing, but they stand on a nights edge. We have its a decisive moment for the baba seen in the diesel valley people and for the sites of the entire region. And the agreement between the governments of israel and the sheep of moss is essential to stop the unbearable suffering. Good fellow stevens, who goes to the end of the office, which is and that fabulous, almost half of causes population, fled to their homes, to shelter in rough or now they must fully, again, but with so much of the territory and ruins. Many a losing hope was one the same as me, the higher im tired of life because there is no life in gaza. Gaza has no future. That zillow, when are our children going to learn . If the schools are closed . Yes, because it has no Health Facilities and no hospitalization. And what kind of life is this old eyes a now, on the negotiations in cairo, as mediators attempt to salvage what ever remains of a possible se, smile. Lets take a look at some of the, of the stories making headlines today. And in hong kong in odessa is crime has been caught on camera as men with sledge, commas stoned into a sharp watch and jewelry shop surveillance fits. It shows most men crushing the display counts isnt a busy shopping district. Police say to displays with damage, but nothing was actually stolen. As Police Officers arrived quickly on the scene and arrested the public traces. Spaces in north macedonia, costing the ballots and upon them entry election and the president ial runoff. Thats likely to affect the countries possible. Joining the European Union corruption and the economy also told issues, recent holes indicate center, right . So position is likely to return to power and itll create and propagandist who helped build personality coats around 3 leaders from the camden. The state has died aged 94, came key 9, let the department for propaganda and was in charge of north koreas top newspaper in the 1970s. Currently to kim jong and pay tribute to him in the capital young man. And kevin prosecute to say they have identified the man who attacked the former may of violin francisco, guess i was hospitalized for licensure is when someone hit to with a bag containing a solid object. If i is a member of chance, the folks of the social democratic policy and shes now the fund and economy minister, a lot of tax is just one of the growing number of incidents involving those who are outcome painting in germany. On tuesday ado dw news team taps at the moment a green policy politician was assaulted in the eastern german city of trust. And on the from the iphone mosley and her team will hang post is lemay was set upon by a man and a woman. The pad, the mom did that, they delete photos that have been taken of the man, his female companion spots at the public session. This incident comes just days off. The candidate from the social Democratic Party was assaulted and hospitalized by a group of young men in the same city. While still Political Correspondent nakeema to give us the background to the assault. That was witness by the w as well. We had thought you rather, we wanted to go and speak to politicians mid this claim of fear here in germany. And we were right with the Green Party Candidate as we said and raised and just to talk to him about concerns are on the safety. On the campaign trail and it was a relatively unremarkable afternoon until the evening when do a rough hang up when things kind of leave . I some know where im on pulled. I one of the pastors posters that they were hanging up on the candidate and her team. They took photos with mine and some of the group to death to document the incident. And they called the police, but it was minutes late, so that the mind and a women confronted the politician demanding that should delete the photos. They demanded our camera to turn off our cameras on the spot. One of the people spots on the politician and shop members of our team and all the wire fraud. This attempts were made to reach the police and get them to come. And it took a while. The group also allegedly performed funds nazi salute. Nearby police did eventually turn off on the rest the pay and they were investigating them for threatening behavior, assault, intimidation, and use of unconstitutional symbols. But a very stark example of the, of the problem that has come prevalent across the country at the moment with Political Violence. Thats right. This is just one of a number of attacks on politicians recently isnt as weve been reporting what is driving this exactly. All you all last week, i mean the reason we chose liked it was because on friday, a social democrat politician was badly beaten by a group of young men. Now he needed hospital treatment. And a teenager with links to the far right seen in the 60100 themselves and so police and there and it comes as the number basically all the incidents has all this nature seems to be rising. And theres a real culture and a climate of fear here in the country. The politicians are no longer safe to go about the business of drawing up votes and talking to voters. And so the mt to administer nancy phase, and the authorities yesterday at the same time that that incident happened. Were actually holding a telephone conference with the authorities and officials across the country to discuss this issue. And among the issues that im talking about is having a Police Presence nearby. When politicians are competing on horshal punishments for anyone, i talk to him politicians and its really an effort to send a clear signal that Political Violence wont be tolerated. Right . They dont use Political Correspondent makeema. Well, thanks so much for bring us up to date the the chinese leda sheehan. Ping is in so be as part of a european tool. His visit coincides with the 25th anniversary of us thumbs striking the Chinese Embassy compound in bel grade. During the costs of a war. 3 people were killed in that incident which the us described as an accident. And she is holding towards with a sub in president alex under the judge as part of his efforts to strength and ties in the region facing has invested millions of heroes in mining and manufacturing. The chinese president will conclude his trip lisa this evening in hungary and joining us now from belgrade is a correspondence. Sonya clay each from dw europe, sonya tell us whats been going on the slow right now. There is the ongoing meeting between 2 president s right in this building behind me. Thats the palace, the officer. Itd be around 10 oclock and there was official ceremony. Thats a where a lot of people actually welcome the attorney. Is the president we saw from this morning, a lot of bosses, the coming from all around the therapy, all full of people that came here to, to welcome to the present, to see and at some point offer to official ceremony. 2 president s went to the balcony of the palace and read through the people that the case and presidency said that hes really on there. And gosh, them in progress, the, by the war and welcome uh from the serbian people. And at once again on the line, how important is the how important it is to the friendship that is, has been ongoing um, between serbia and china present 42. It was the thing, he goes, the people that came to uh, to greet the president. And the said that today there will be a lot of agreements that will bring good the corporation between 2 countries on even higher level. Okay. Now we know that so be a wants to join the you. But with such a close relationship with china, as we said beijing is, is it the single largest investor . Could those ties somehow get in the way of serbia . Is chances of joining the the serbia is officially uh, both on the west indies the normally uh uh, experts are describing it like that. So all the official goal of serving country is to join you. On the other hand, serbia is not giving up on close relations with russia and with china relations with china. Um where, uh, trying to be your last uh, 12 years actually uh, since the Serbian Progressive Party came into a follower. And since then we can see a lot more money coming from uh, from the chinese side. And there are a lot of proceeds uh on that corporation coming from that you one International Organization saying that uh, agreements between serbia and china on business level. Um are quite non frank sprint and full of rooms for uh, for corruption. Uh. But on the other side, the therapy all lights. Uh so to say, uh, getting uh, money uh from uh, new side because that so loans and um, fonts where that are coming in with all the load of conditions on like uh from it you side. And thats the money that the serbia is mostly finding in the infrastructure are investing in infrastructure. Um and uh, morrison. Uh and Companies Like Mining Companies where we have a lot of critiques from you side again when it comes to environmental standards, right, dw sonya, its like in bell. Great. Thank you. Sonya, for some football. Nice. Now sensible use. Now on the gym and side bersh adult and all through to the final of the Champions League off to basing power. Eat sandra, mom not some old school. The games only go just minutes into the 2nd tall p s t. Try to balance it. Come back, but they couldnt quite find that then that they hit the post. 4 times. Goldman will now face either buying munich or spanish champions, real madrid in the final in london. And that is all we have time full, im on your trip is mckinnon. I hope you can join me again at the top of the hour. Thanks so much for watching. The name is the calls back. Saved loud. Thank you so much for joining in. Welcome to dont hold bad. A lot of people do that. Its all about saying it aloud. Thats what it being nosy bay, like good. Everyone to king. Check out the Award Winning called com. So hold back to the doctor bismark a for he is b c, g p his

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