Serena Kelley grew up in the Children of God cult as a child bride to David Berg and we had the honor of getting to interview her. Enjoy this amazing chat and deeper perspectives of childhood trauma, cults, and healing. Trigger Warnings: Child Bride Childhood Sexual Abuse Cult Religious Trauma Spiritual Abuse Trauma Recovery Coaching Program Non Profits Started byThe Children of God Cult Survivors: Safe Passage Foundation for Ex Cult & Extreme Organized Religion Survivors: Victory Garden Sanctuary: For Trafficking & Domestic Violence Survivors: https:californiaagainstslavery.orgorganizationvictory-garden-sanctuary Uniting America - Center for Trafficking and Cult Survivors They help assist with housing and transition into society. Serena Kelley Trauma Recovery Sessions: https:serenakelley.comwork-with-me Socials: IG: @Serkelley TikTok: @SerKelley Facebook: https:www.facebook.comserkelley Resources: National Domestic Violence Hotline 1(800)799-7233 Open 247 Suicide Hotline Call 988 Open 247 National Human Trafficking Hotline Open 247 1(800) 373-7888 Follow Us On Social Media The Podcast Tik Tok @DeadlyFaithPodcast Instagram @DeadlyFaithPodcast Laci Tik Tok @Laci_Bean Instagram @Laci__Bean Lola Tik Tok @hellotherelola Instagram @Spellbound_Shears