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Gerbs, the former ambassador to the United States in ukraine. We have already come to the very change the following frames may shock you news from the scene live kamikaze drone attacks political analysis objectively and meaningfully there is no political season exclusive interviews reports from the hottest points of the freedom front life frankly and impartially draw conclusions yourself war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians victories and losses analysis and forecasts politics and geopolitics Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this people who have information and shape Public Opinion people who defend ukraine and create the future right now the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict by Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 8 00 p. M. Repeat at 12 10 a. M. Well, she is something i just cant help but share with you. Lukashenko appointed his son an increased scholarship, its size will be to be about 61 in dollar equivalent. The guy and his son lukashenko is studying in the first year of the belarusian state university, majoring in biotechnology, he is obviously a very talented student who has orgasms with money already on the topic of money, so we will talk about them further. So , we will be told more about money during the war. Well, with money, there will be lukashenkos son , and our economy will still be revived , the Gross Domestic Product will only grow but this is in the future, now we will talk about the problems, in particular, with fuel prices, what will happen there, and also whether the government will be able to agree on the supply of ukrainian grain to the ports of the European Union by transit, we will monitor this and tell you in detail, wait, i am oleksandr marchenko. I welcome this column about money under during the war, Prime Minister denys myhal declared his readiness for negotiations with warsaw, we are talking about the regulation of the export of ukrainian grain through poland after september 15, let me remind you that until september 15 moratorium, our grain cannot pass through the territory of the low countries of the European Union, so the head of the government suggested that our food can be used for political purposes. Let our farmers survive let the ukrainian economy survive we dont need to issue an ultimatum and block the border we are absolutely capable of negotiating agreements and this is our way Denys Shmyhal Prime Minister you see ukraine. Denys mykhal only declares that he is ready to talk. Although this problem had already been raised many weeks ago, i was sure that it would be solved soon. Well , in fact, while this quote from the head of the government was being heard, news appeared in continuation of the topic that poland is going to in the future, to extend the ban on the import of ukrainian agricultural products, even if the rest of the countries allow the transit of our grain through their territory to european ports, well , at least this was announced by the minister of agriculture and development of poland, robert telus well, in fact, this is the position that the body expresses about the extension of the moratorium, although i will add that here are the baltic countries, as long as the head of our government only expresses his intentions. The same story with croatia, so they volunteered to allow us to use our naduna ports and the adriatic sea for transportation, but our grain will not fly to croatia, so we have to decide something about it, see Dmytro Kuleba minister of Foreign Affairs says that they are currently talking with turkey, ukraine and turkey are coordinating their efforts to return the Russian Federation to russia in the grain agreement. I understand that the scheme will be the same when ukraine has separate agreements with turkey and the un, and russia also has such agreements and is guided the scheme will really work because it is enough. Such an interpretation by the kremlin was that it does not break the grain agreement, but suspends it, so the agreements continue and, er, i think that the position of the president of turkey is stable and unchanging, and i actually like it when i i believe that erdogan is the person who can bring the russians back to the agreements before the implementation of these agreements. I think that some such may not be the result, but at least we can see an intermediate result in the near future. We are waiting for putin to fly to turkey. By the way, he will not be arrested there because the obligation to arrest , respectively, in turkey, these cities , and then he can take off and we will wait we will watch but i think that ukraine here is also preparing for the continuation of the black Sea Grain Initiative because today, the cabinet of ministers announced such an initiative that our state plans to take over all the insurance risks associated with the grain corridor. I think that our grain will still go to chornomorsk via the black sea routes as long as the agreements between turkey, the un, and so on continue. By other partners who are still waiting for our food in their countries, who really need our grain, in particular the countries of asia and africa. Well, august began with new price tags at gas stations , fuel increased by almost 50 kopecks in a few days per liter, what are the reasons and what drivers should expect in the near future, today we are talking about it with serhii sapyegin, director of the scientific and Technical Center of psyche, he is on the phone. Vat to the prewar level or are there other reasons for the increase in the price of fuel here and those that were the factors of growth and appeared two new ones among the new ones, first of all it is necessary to make a little increase in the price of oil products on the european markets and we we see that quotations aa increased a little, in particular, not diesel fuel, and they added approximately to those potentials that we called three hryvnias for diesel fuel and 50 kopecks for the year 95. So the growth will still continue p. Serhiy and here are the prices on the World Markets which are increasing what is it connected with is this how the markets reacted to the statement of saudi arabia regarding the reduction of Oil Production and not my view ere trashed the markets a little ere just worried because ere growth is not very big ere we see that the oil has stopped at the level of 8,385 dollars for march and it remains in this corridor, and cultivation. In terms of gasoline, the european ee , only diesel fuel has not increased, but we understand that in terms of diesel fuel, ee, it is now ee the period of ee harvesting this po first well, it is clear that ukraine itself is a very powerful consumer in connection with the military actions, so it is clear for diesel fuel. Why did the quotations rise in general . Not really successful because the countries declaring a reduction in production are thinking about how to increase it because we understand that the economic crisis did not go anywhere and after which the economy did not return to the previous level from 19 and the forecasts are not very optimistic, therefore the countries declaring a decrease in in fact, using the shadow market , they are increasing well, i met the opinions of some experts that 90 per barrel of oil is equivalent to about uah 60 per liter at ukrainian gas stations, is this really true, and is it really true that oil will reach the 90 mark, that in autumn, in september, in october, we can already expect uah 60 for the 95th e. E. Well, first of all, the connection between these oil and e. E. Nonpetroleum products at our gas stations. It is not so unambiguous, e. E. Because it depends more on the ukrainian market from internal factors, from external factors, firstly, secondly, 90 is still a long way off, because 83, 85, and the market cannot pass , pass, uh, this level, and thirdly, even if the price of oil goes to 90 more dollars per barrel doesnt mean that everything should grow on our shelves at once price lists, because oil is produced from production and gas station style. It takes a very long way from one and a half to two months and more. This is the first time. And during this time, the prices will also decrease , that is, i am more concerned about the fact that the prices are volatile. The consumer cannot predict his fuel costs eh well, one more question we have time, mr. Serhiu, they havent talked about how well the price ceiling for russian oil works for a long time, is this sanction really effective, they dont talk about it, so it works well i am not sure what this is the style works like this, and certain problems have been solved for the export of russian oil to foreign markets. But hmm, we dont see that russia is reducing supplies to the world market, and in some ukraine, the volume of sales of russian oil is even increasing, because countries use it. Those are less equal to what they receive and therefore continue to buy russian here , especially in terms of the style where all countries have joined , in particular, such Power Consumers as china, india, and so on, even turkey, so i dont i think its a matter of style it is clearly resolved, especially since the United States of america also called on its partners to be more proactive in monitoring and finding new ways to ensure the teaching of only a new style for russian rights. Thank you for joining the conversation. Affects ukrainian gas stations serhiy sapyegin , the director of the scientific and Technical Center of psyche, was in touch well, you know oksana, i want to continue with the winning news, will you remember as a hostess how much salt cost in our country when really stopped stopped stopped powerful production artemsil eh and the price is new, what was new i cant remember exactly i will shoot my finger in the sky 100 hryvnias this is definitely the fact that the prices were really many times higher this is eh for sure but its good that we dont remember that that everything has calmed down, but in the long run it is very interesting that the first salt has already been mined in transcarpathia as part of the development of the tereblyan salt deposit, really the event of a cob does not matter , this company will be able to 100 provide ukraine with both technical and ordinary kitchen salt in the near future, salt will be supplied for roads in the winter period and to cover the needs of consumers. Well, that was the last information for today. I will say goodbye to you, but the Big Broadcast continues. Watch us, thank you sasha, and we will continue, whats up, russia they are currently preparing a new Weekly Program and what will it consist of. It has not been broadcast yet, but already at the stage of preparation, the wives and mothers of conscripts will talk about the heroism of their husbands and sons brothers and other relatives in the war against ukraine. This is what an economist writes about. This will be a kind of propaganda project. We know that russia actively uses various methods of information and propaganda materials in order to improve the image of its own troops and show that their soldiers are doing a good deed. Now is the time to ask about who will talk to Serhiy Rudenko today in his verdict mr. Serhiy vitay will there be something about their slander or will you talk about some such things about the way they conduct their information war, oksana vytayu, of course we will talk about it, because today on the air we will have the former head of the Security Service of ukraine, valentyn nalivaichenko, and a special officer, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, ihor lapin, we will also talk about the searches of the peoples deputy of ukraine oleksandr dubinsky, who was once in the servant of the people faction, then later he was expelled, and during the war he went to rest in barcelona, ​​although he said that he took er to the west to treat his father. Of course, lets talk about the situation. The polishbelarusian and polishlithuanian borders are referring to the transfer of wagnerites there and the prospect of a corridor from russia to kaliningrad being cut in the wagnerites of the Ukrainian Army at the front, we will talk about all this in just 14 minutes, oksana, thank you serhii , so remember, we will not switch after the great etena, we will stay and watch, the verdict will be its interesting, now were moving on and its time for cultural tricks, documentary and animation, the organizers of the golden dziga award have announced who will receive the award for their contribution to ukrainian cinema, it will be the artist, animator, yevhen sivokin , and the documentary director, andriy zagdanskyi, for what exactly they won this award, now we will be reminded by lena chechenina, oksana congratulates as a greeting to the viewers of espresso, i want to say that i am very happy for these two men, because they definitely did a lot of what i personally love. The director who graduated from the karpenkokaroy institute and migrated to the United States long ago, back in 1992 , but he is completely in the context of ukraine, now he is just a scumbag of all the good russians he has from new york, and i want you to show him a photo, if possible. Well, yes e he receives a golden winter for his contribution to ukrainian cinema , and it is for this award that the members of the union of nonphotographers of ukraine nominate and vote for these candidates and for these laboratories. The problem of ukrainian cinema still remains, but i want to say about him that he filmed the Company Orange revolution, for example , who was lucky enough to see it orange winter it is called at various film festivals, but you can watch it online, for example, in agra or black square, this tape tells about a kharkiv artist grecha bakhchenyana, he also migrated to the United States and this is a 2015 film, it is extremely interesting in terms of form, there are different animated inserts, but how is it possible to see almost all the speakers talking about attention that black people are russians, and even now if you see eduard limonov, dont be afraid, and then it was perceived, ill remind you in 2015, that it was absolutely normal, you see the evolution weve gone through now, for sure that yes, a film with eduard limon as a speaker would hardly have passed our cinemas and lets look at an excerpt jack in the excursion always must be rejected even artificial and here are things it feels very good and here is the black square is the original state of our world our universe well and one more bright enough andriy zagdanskys documentary film , let me remind you that andriy zadanskyi is the director of the documentary, mykhailo danyil. Za gdanski spoke extremely sensually about their history of relationships , how they care about each other. If you get the chance, be sure to watch this tape. Also , andriy za gdanskis latest tape to shoot is called the national museum, she talks about the Kyiv National art museum. I think you have seen all these paintings there. The film first tells about the process of restoration here is this particular painting polaris, it is not called the artist oleksandr bogomazov, it is probably one of the most popular paintings of the National Art Museum and also we see other restoration processes and it is told in this film which art was banned and during the soviet union which paintings that are now stored in the National Art Museum once were under the ban and why are these extremely interesting stories . And lets see an excerpt from this film, in general, the amplitude was very diverse, you cant say that it was only, for example, avantgarde artists , objects were removed that, in my opinion, could also be associated with some kind of National Consciousness and these could be icons it could have been salaries. Well, the second laureate of the golden spindle for his contribution to ukrainian cinema is yevgeny sivokinya. I think you know him best as the author , artist, animator, m. M. Cartoon cossacks, he was involved in three issues of this legendary cartoon, and he also has many cartoons that won awards at various International Film festivals. They are less wellknown among the general mass of people , for example, a man and a word will save save the gossipers, no letter is written, and also yevgen studied many generations of ukrainian animators, too. I will remind you that the cossacks are cool they cooked it. This is the very first cartoon about the cossacks, and it was evgeny who was involved. It was the 64th year. Then he worked on how the cossacks became olympians. And here is the last work about the cossacks. How the cossacks played hockey. All the way back to the 95th year, if you recall all the issues, all the episodes, and those about the cossacks , you will see that they are extremely different , drawn differently, but all equally cool. Well, why wait for the awarding of the golden trophy, lets cheer for our favorite films and i give you the word of the studio, oksano. Thank you, pavlo lena chichenina, they talked about culture because, despite everything, even in times of war, culture is important and she even said that perhaps in times of war it is even more important than in times of peace, because culture is precisely the language of our history and our property is something that we must preserve , not allow to be destroyed and then continue to revive after the victory. And now its time to move on to weather issues, and Natalka Didenko is already in touch with us. Will august still be warm . I want a little warmth, because probably not all of us were able to rest at least for a few days. Congratulations. Congratulations to all our dear tv viewers. Autumn is still far away , so dont worry. The next few days will show this very clearly with the strong, i would say even abnormal heat in ukraine, but well talk about that at the end of our column and so far the traditional one under the heading of rivers and today we will talk not just about the small rivers of ukraine but about the rivers of kyiv, the capital, and this is actually very interesting, i just couldnt tear myself away. There are a lot of them, by the way, but of course we wont talk about all of them, but how long will we have time . Borshchagivka, the right strait of irpenya, begins in the odesa square area, who lives there . Pay attention , the length is 20 km, it has 20 ponds, and on the old maps it is signed nova hreblya. The right tributary of the dnieper, e. E. , in vyta litovska, there is a peak and strumok in kyiv, but very much in the ancient area , which is also called a menagerie, where knives were hunted , also the upper telichka and the lower telichka mad woman brook. In the area, white or is it the right tributary of the river borshchagivka mad woman was visible very crazy because it is hidden in a pipe lybid is a wellknown famous river on the territory of kyiv , length 17 km well, these are the rivers of course, as i already said, i dont have time to tell you about them all, but how can i not tell you for example, about a crazy woman who was tamed and stuffed into some pipe there, well, we go further and we talk about the magnetic activity of the earth , we move into the higher atmosphere , so to speak in the afternoon, in the evening, the magnetic activity will strengthen , so please listen to yourself and your health , because the combination with the heat hmm, it can be noticeably negative. More ill try to scare you once, just so youre ready, heat and summer. Well, in fact, its a completely natural combination. So, lets start the Weather Forecast for the next day and start with the western regions, its precisely the western regions that will experience the least heat here , it will be 28 29, but in transcarpathia it will be higher up to 31 but a very interesting feature is that the romanian and moldovan heat is very strong. Tomorrow it is expected to affect the chernivtsi region, so it will be there. Tomorrow there will be precipitation in the north of ukraine and it will be hot tomorrow it will be 30 32 30 33 and in zhytomyr oblast, kyiv oblast, chernihiv and sumy oblasts without precipitation, sunny, dry in the eastern part of ukraine, where are there spices like in the east 3034 above zero, sun, heat, dry air well, there in general, the climate is the most continental of all regions of ukraine, so the heat is a frequent guest there, and in the central part of ukraine, dry , sunny weather will prevail and with an air temperature of 30333034 degrees above zero in the southern part of ukraine, the same situation is very necessary anticyclonic nature of the weather without precipitation , dry air, partly cloudy sky 3033 30 34. Well, in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow, the air temperature is also expected to increase during the day to 3233, there is a lot of sun, and i want to say a few words about sunday. The heat will intensify on sunday, it will not be 33 34, for example, but it will be 32 37 32 38, in most regions of ukraine in the west by a few degrees, the air temperature will still be kinder, this is the closest synoptic hot prospect in ukraine , the heat will start to weaken starting from monday it remained on monday only in the eastern part of ukraine, and during tuesday and wednesday the heat also sent me to the east, but for now, please consider that in the coming weekend , strong heat is expected in ukraine in most regions except the west oksana , thank you natalya, let me remind you, strong heat in ukraine apart from the west, what happens is that there is literally a minute and a half left, and i want to sit down at this time to say that more and more countries are rallying around ukraine and we now have a statement not only from south korea, not only from china about their the desire to take part in the summit that will be held this weekend, india has also already informed saudi arabia that it is ready to look for ways to end the russianukrainian war there. And it is important that they are now on our side and, together with us, are looking for that formula, trying to implement that formula for peace that we see for ourselves in the future, instead, russia has fewer and fewer contacts with other countries. Unfortunately iran remains with their weapons, but now, for example, they themselves have expanded their list of unfriendly countries and added norway to it. They decided to limit the number of individuals who are on the territory of russia with whom the Norwegian Embassy can conclude employment contracts, and in response to the fact that romania reduced the list of diplomats the list of diplomats from Russian Diplomats in their country, russia did the same , that is, it began to have less contact with these countries, so everything was going to the point that this country will remain alone and we hope that it will be defeated very quickly. I will say goodbye to this. Have a peaceful, calm and safe evening. See you tomorrow, and now meet Serhii Rudenko and his verdict. Good evening. We are from ukraine. Glory to ukraine. This is a verdict program. My name is Serhiy Rudenko. I congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. The russian army attacked kyiv again on the second night. Consecutively Ukrainian Air defense shot down on the approach to the capital almost one and a half dozen shakettype drones German Defense minister

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