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, kaliningrad does not give them peace, that the poles, that the estonians, they all intend to rename it, thats all that, thats it what are these efforts, what are they about . They are preparing the kaliningrad ukrainians and creating the conditions for its annexation and for a military invasion. Lithuania actually blocked transit now on the island of bornholm, this is a danish island, and it actually blocks like a cork in a bottle, which means the exit from the baltic sea sea, estonia says that it can fire under certain conditions , russian transit to kaliningrad, that is, they are blocking our exclave, poland is building up on the border with kaliningrad, that means its troops, lithuania is doing the same, and our residents are kaliningrads, russians , residents of the border region say that from the lithuanian side, burly blacks are looking at them through binoculars, you understand what is happening, blacks with binoculars, well, everything is as usual, in principle, nothing new, it is funny that the russians against this background they did not say a word of protest, regarding the official renaming of their cities in the far east, which has already been done in china, the ministry of Natural Resources of china presented a map of the world where they used used chinese names for a number of russian places, that is, it is such a whole circular of the state structure, it must be said, no, not some the circular of the state structure and the judge. The time of this document is expressed there. Beijing calls vladivostok haishenwan, blagoveschenets, hailanpao, khabarovsk, boli, usuriysk, shuaadsi, sakhalin island, kuedao. Well, that is there is a whole series, well, a lot of renamings, there, near, somewhere they published the historical borders of china, conducted from according to the actual borders, on the basis of historical materials, by the state council. It is stated in this material and the new version of the world map returns the names of eight cities and territories occupied by the russian empire at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, as noted by asiatai, the reuse of chinese cities in the far east, i remind the chinese of their desire to return lost territories, noted this edition. Well, thats such a good story. Well, but the russian propagandists, all their tongues are in their mouths and literally not a word. Well. Because they are russians, they have already risen from their knees, probably somewhere, well, russian propagandists also have such a problem, you know, also a nuisance, for two months they talked about a not so ukrainian offensive, they stimulated the western media in every possible way to even write that everything disappeared and somehow, well, right now , the Ukrainian Armed forces, going from defeat to defeat, decided to expand geography of military conflict. They did not have enough strikes on russia, as the british guardian found out, they decided to strike already on other countries, ukraine calls for the use of longrange missiles to strike production facilities in russia, iran and syria. So i have a question are we winning in this or not . In the eyes of the rest of the world, and actually speaking, in that position, which i dont know, have we taken odessa in the last couple of hours . No, why . I think we will take it . Nikolaev. Or maybe a number of countries officially supported us, sent troops and weapons . No, well, yes, it expands for the amazed, as the amazed expands, its so normal, well, they didnt have ramstein like that, zelenskyi didnt speak about that at the un, they met with biden and american politicians in a different way, well, in short, in fact, for the last two months , the russians really hoped that by the end of the summer, the allies would push ukraine to freeze hostilities. But something went wrong, i would like to understand at what stage everything is now, because there it was again, the eurotour, and the British Defense minister. Came and there was also some euro, the goose also visited kyiv , on the one hand, everyone is now talking about the fact that ukraine is being merged and somehow a little help is coming, all in some minimal regimes, but on the other hand, i personally i dont see any plum of ukraine, and my loved ones dont smell it. Its not worth lulling yourself to sleep either, i absolutely agree with you , a little bit of the second thing is happening, well, the military experts are actually inciting horror, in a month, in 2 months, in a quarter, im already starting, i i think they are already in ukraine, apparently the definition of targets, the development of flight tasks, i mean the rockets , the more so, as it seems to me, at the beginning the first modification with a firing range of 165 km from a cluster warhead was installed, well, this is only the first stage , and then there will be 300 and a monoblock combat unit, this is not what im saying, its not in the plan, that im just catching up with something, no, just no, youre catching up, now they say, it will arrive in 2024, well imagine, its some its such a long time, yes, three months are already left, already epipages get ready, you wont have time to turn twice from side to side, the f16 will arrive with antiship missiles, with missiles, scalpels and a storm shelter, there wont be a single place left on the black sea where our large surface ship could hide, i think its a great prospect, and last week, even the minister of Foreign Affairs of the russian federation, serhii lavrov, was forced to admit that nothing came out of the negotiations with this plan. They firmly say in one voice there is no other basis for the world does not exist except zelskys formula, and zelskys formula is, well, i dont even know, it can be described in different ways, but it is absolutely, unrealizable, simply unrealizable, everyone knows it. But they say, at the same time, this is the only basis for negotiations, and in general, russia needs to win on the battlefield, this is what we hear as facts, and we draw conclusions that no one seriously wants to show an understanding of what is happening, if including those who understand, probably dont really want to do it in public, in these conditions, once on the battlefield, yes on the battlefield, well, in fact, nothing is impossible in the formula that says that the federation Must Withdraw from the territory of ukraine, there is no, after all, they withdrew from the kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region, kherson region, well, thats normal, and on the other hand, how can you believe in the promises of such persons with such statements. Wealth will come to us only when we cross the border with poland, slovakia and romania, then there will be prosperity. All the rest will have to openly accept this and arrange a new one the Security System and the new multipolar world, and somehow they are negotiating. Well, since you know that dreams are talked about , they dont work yet, so there was a new wave of such cries, russian propagandists on the topic, they couldnt come to an agreement, lets shoot something somewhere again. Lavrov correctly said you dont want diplomacy, we will win on the fronts. That is, everything is being concentrated today. Including that this is the problem of this, conditionally speaking, the return of fear, victory in their own, although it would certainly be easier for the americans than us understanding, if we were to destroy kiev, thinking that we can, because we do not do it, they sometimes believe that we are not capable, which means that we are weak, exactly the same thing happens with the danger of nuclear war, but if we havent yet struck ukraine with Tactical Nuclear weapons, then, the americans think, we have problems. In this connection, Lynsey Graham is not the only one who comes out, he comes out together with the same, for example, senator kelly, they directly say that it is very good to fight with russian and ukrainian hands, we directly tell them we declare this, but the blow to the american decisionmaking center has not yet been struck either, well, the americans have relaxed , we would like to tighten them up a bit, and these dreams, you know, they are really dreams, because in conventional weapons, as it turns out, suddenly it turned out that russia still cant do anything, thats why its crying about Nuclear Weapons, Tactical Nuclear weapons allowed, although many argue with this, to essentially eliminate the lack of conventional weapons, because it is superior to us in conventional weapons, well, we see you today how their weapons are quietly destroyed in us theatrically, 30, 10 and 20. In warehouses tens of thousands, nevertheless they cannot, we will wait for them, or when, or we will say when, when you put 300 machines, then we damn, well , usually. Well, everyone there is again shouting about how to strike Nuclear Weapons somewhere, but this time they pulled it out like that again , and i have to say that, well, this topic had to be very actively discussed all week, and under this they pulled out one serhii karaganov, who, well, there are a couple months ago wrote an article on this topic, again they pulled it all out, pulled it up again, and actually, well, the idea is this , you know, its just directly followed that, well, this is the way, because you dont really want to fight there for 34 years, what concrete steps should be taken so that the west understood that we are not joking, especially since our window of opportunity is not so large, while there is an advantage in Strategic Nuclear forces, due to the fact that we have hypersound, of course, over time, it is important, but not so important, it is more important that that there are still 34 years of waging this war, well, why is he still losing tens of thousands of his best men, well, thats what he said, you know, the russians are showing up, they can be finished in three or four years, and it may turn out that it will turn out earlier than they hoped, and whats more interesting, no matter how hard he tried to somehow hear from him, solovyov said that he should bombard immediately. Around, karaganov began to tell, you know, with a chuckle, that you know it all , well, this one, well, as if bluffing, literally, lets tell them that if they are something, then we are something, and suddenly they will believe it, we need to parallel to change the doctrine, thats there, i dont think that we should discuss it now on the television screen, there are some concrete changes in the nuclear doctrine, but its quite obvious that in response to any use of nonNuclear Weapons on the territory of russia, massive, well, its not accidental , yes, a Nuclear Strike can be launched on the respective nato countries, it is necessary to define, by the way, already in our state doctrine, such a simple thing that nato is a union of bandits, aggressors, and that the country that intervenes in nato, he automatically becomes a firstclass enemy well, you see how he smiles, how cunning i am, how well i thought up, how you can tell them everything, literally, and it seems that even the nightingale does not really believe that someone will do this in general, well, but none the less, this one, you know, the club of evening rascals at solovyov s is talking all week about how to convince them that we are serious, maybe even. Our artists attract, here the great russian literature has to say its word. No, this morning i sent an sms, a person whom i have known for a very long time, he has nothing to do with politics, he, he is a very famous writer, he does not understand anything about politics, he thinks differently, he thinks at the level of aesthetics, he feels political processes by tickling. After all, by the tingling in the tips of the fingers, you know what he told me, but they dont believe us, they dont believe us, that we are ready to take on ourselves the burden of retaliatory Nuclear Strikes, they dont believe us, as long as we only talk and do nothing we do, they wont believe us, but you dont want to listen to political scientists, listen, listen to the person. From the sphere of culture, well, the impression is that this er, grandfather thinks that er, burden, he will take it somewhere in some storage, it will be specially hidden there, in which case, no, they will not hide it, absolutely, there are no such things there necessary, and, besides, solovyovs club of evening rascals started arguing about whether russians have suddenly become more humane, whether they are starting to look like decent people, because this is a problem for a rashist when. They behave like people, but not like cannibals and freaks, we have a very dangerous one political stockholm syndrome , we begin to empathize very much with people who live in our countries, our opponents, we begin to think about what will happen to them, what they will think about us, war is one of the means of implementation. Yes, yes, and the struggle for peace, from which no stone will be left unturned, we started from the end of the 1950s, the pacification of our society together with the goal of increasingly satisfying the needs of this society, we began from the end of the 1950s, in 1990, and gorbachev put an end to it and said, чtо больше войны не будеt, we ended the cold war in order for there never to be a war at all , this is how the soviet people were divorced, well, for 30 years we have been saying that we are against the war and singing songs, do the russians want wars, how much are you against the war . Where is the border . Comrade dean said, war begins, politics ends. I think that this is wrong, i think that this is an outdated concept. And in all families, when they gathered on may 9, for other holidays, one of the toasts was, and the sentence was like this, if only there was no war, let everything happen, if only there was no war. After all, this is the strongest ideology, sewn quite deeply. Well, we got into this society, but we started its transformation in 2000, we started, but its very difficult , its a difficult thing, but they started the depopulation of russians and now they worry that they dont have time, they dont have time, more we need food to satisfy all these crazy delusions, but somehow we dont have time, today dmitry anatolyovych medvedev said about 325 thousand volunteers, and we had a mobilization last year an hour ago 300,000 more . In principle, we are now building an army with the necessary forces and means, including personnel, of a modern type for conducting Frontline Army operations. Armed forces capable of conducting frontline operations of a continental scale, well, imagine that such a goal would have arisen in the eighteenth year or in the nineteenth, well , it was announced, here, imagine, we mobilized in the fall of last year, well, we should have announced that situation, if the beginning took place in mirnoe vremya, we could not collect the bones, but the enemy would learn a lot, well, they wont gather anyway, well, but their relatives dont fight, and they themselves dont fight, for this or that. The cyclones hung military uniforms on themselves, such french people put their pen down, monkey stalin, well, you know, studio fighters, but it will not help them, they will still be caught. See you antwerp miner on megoogo. In the matches against the belgian champion, the miners have to score. October at 7 45 p. M. Support the victory of shakhtar, turn on the Champions League exclusively. I flew, flew, and the cough stopped me. 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If you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday Political Club. Every saturday. For espresso greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. We have already approached the snake itself. The following shots may shock you. News from the scene. Live kamikaze drone attacks. Political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. There is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. Shot. Freedom life frankly and impartially. You draw your own conclusions. Vitaly portnikov is with you and we are talking about the main events of this week. Vitaly portnikov and top experts about the most vivid events of the last seven days. Our guest will be Lieutenant General of the allied forces, a former Adviser National Security Council of the president of the United States donald trump, herbert mcmaster. Current topics, pressing questions, authoritative comments and forecasts in the information marathon project with vitaly portnikov, every sunday at 20 10 on espresso. Hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. Top guests every day. This is the shipping district, kherson. Turn on live. We are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. We tell the main thing. On weekdays at 9 00. Vasyl winters big broadcast. Two hours of airtime, two hours of yours of time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. Two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many have become like relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. Events of the day in two hours. Vasyl winters big broadcast. A project for the intelligent and those who care about an espresso evening. See this week in the collaborators program. Traitors from yakimivka. Who blew up goalie Maksym Zubarev. The guys in melitopol undermined a wellknown collaborator maksym zuborev. Troops of cossack robbers who rob and intimidate local residents. A meeting of the meeting of cossack wives to protect public order. Every war gives birth to heroes. Unfortunately. You cant do without traitors either, im olena kononenko, and in the collaborators program, i talk about those who, following the call of their soul and wallet, began to serve the occupiers, todays issue is about traitors from yakimyvka. Yakymivka is an urbantype village in the melitopol district of the zaporizhia region. 10,000 residents of the peaceful city of prayzovsky found themselves under occupation from the first days of a fullscale war. Despite the fact that yakymivka is included in the register of settlements of ukraine that suffered the most from the famine of 193233, the memory of many of its residents turned out to be short, they decided to step on the same rake again and trust the czech regime. In the summer, that year , the occupiers promised Financial Aid in the amount of 10,000 rubles to the residents of yakimi. Instead , people were required to accept russian citizenship or provide their passports. Data and written statements. All for the sake of holding of a fake referendum on the accession of zaporozhye to the russian federation, the head of occupation of yakymivka, maksym zumariv, was in charge of all this nonsense. An exdetat of the melitopol city council, a member of the banned communist party and a traitor who was one of the first to cooperate with the invaders and was already suspected by the Security Service of the Security Service of collaborating. Today i wrote an application for the accession of russia. It is a great honor for me, this is the president ial party, i believe that now everyone should unite around one idea. More last year, our partisans also united around an interesting idea, decided to ban Maxim Zubarev himself and announced a hunt for him. First , the collaborators car flew into the air in the fall, but he was obviously lucky to remain unharmed. But already at the beginning of april 2023, the results of the hunt were much more successful, the vehicle again malfunctioned and zubarev heard a loud bang again. According to some sources, the collaborators arm and leg were torn off. According to others, zubarov went straight from the car to the concert with whole limbs kobzon. Partisans of melitopol took responsibility for blowing up the car wash, which was used by the partisans of melitopol and published the corresponding video on social networks. The hunt continues. This morning, our guys in melitopol presented a wellknown collaborator maksym zuborev. This creature is still in the hospital, but our people are already there, so the work will be finished. Glory to ukraine. Locals report that the melitopol partisans statement scared the azov collaborators. They started fleeing en masse to the crimea like rats. No matter what was, and the brigantynka zuboreva can be safely written off in this naval battle. Since march 25, the traitor no longer runs his youtube channel, the head of the yakymiv community, gailairter Yevhen Balytskyi , has already appointed another woman to replace him. Yulia gubanova is an official. Crimea, until recently she managed the occupation, the ministry of transport and the ministry of construction, architecture and housing of the zaporizhzhia region, now she manages what instead of the traitor Maksym Zubarev . I hope that maksym yuriyovych will be fine now, but the doctors are fighting for his life, and so are we in fact, we are praying for his health, that he recovers, and now i need your support and your help. Patch up zubarev, even if. He is still alive, it is obviously not so easy for the invaders, so the new occupation official decided that she will patch the roads, well, we have to do something to please the people of yakimiv and beg for their loyalty , we are now in the villages, here we plan to repair one tsul, it is about 3000 m. Its a great idea to repair the streets to make it easier for our military drive into yakimivka on an armored vehicle. And drive out the rashi army from there, the investigators to handcuff the local traitors. I totally support it. According to the center for journalistic investigations, gubanova represents the interests of the russian socalled governor of sevastopol, mykhailo rozvazhaev, in the occupation leadership of the zaporizhia region. In sevastopol, a woman managed a company laying out budget funds. Evidently, yakymovka also has such litters, or rather pads. Will be needed. Proukrainian journalist in the past, a now, lying propagandist. Ludmila shklyaruk helps the occupiers in yakymivka carry ideological game to the masses. A year ago, this 42yearold woman served the invaders , and now in her field of vision are the socalled crimes of ukrobanderivtsi, which she regularly and tastefully describes on the local telegram dump, which she runs. Before the glass war. She was a journalist, photographer and editor of the publication slovo trudivnyka, quite popular in yakymivka. Locals say that the author did not shy away from the blue and yellow flag, she wrote articles about ukrainian holidays and, together with her compatriots , mourned the heroes who died in the war with russia. Today, yakymivka said goodbye to her hero. In the battle for vasylivka, a lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, a young man from our country, oleksiy sydorenko, died. Until the end , he performed his military duty in daserets and remained loyal to ukraine. But shortly after the invasion, shklyaruk exchanged our flag for a tricolor rag and ran to join the queue of those willing to sell their conscience for a small russian ruble. Now, together with other collaborators, he invents fables about the people of bandera, who eat children, and also justifies rocket attacks on cities and even rejoices in them, regardless of the traitors who die there. Peaceful people, in particular, the same children. In addition to her socalled journalistic activities, the traitor participates in various flash mobs. For example, last fall, she suggested to all people loyal to rashistiv to take a photo with a tricolor or a chmobyk and post it on social networks with the hashtag my kaya russia. The traitor herself submitted to the contest immediately with two photos, with the then gauleiter of yakymivka, maksym zub. On the background of the portrait the main war criminal of the planet, well , with russian cell phones, without washing machines, but with weapons. We do not know for sure who won the Photo Contest of the orcs and their supporters, but we are sure that he made the work of our armed forces and the sbu much easier. Now the Ukrainian Security forces know every photo of yakymivka by face, so we hope that the arrests as part of the proceedings for treason will not be delayed. And finally , i will tell you about one more traitors from yakimiv the toropov family. In the spring of last year, when the occupiers appointed village their pseudogovernment, they also created a special detachment of cossacks that was supposed to monitor public order. Today we are in the akimovsky territorial community, in the village council, where the meeting took place, the organizational meeting of the assembly. Cossack wives to protect order in society. We know what this traitor is talking about. They cover criminals and looters and help loot the loot. This is how the pseudopower structures in the occupied territories restore order. And this yakymyvka cossack gang was led by a certain oleksandr toropov. In the past the commander of the patriots wife and already a member of the peacekeepers base. Previously, he ran around yakymyvka with a tricolor rag and complained that the kyiv authorities were persecuting him for

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