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Enemy shelling in kherson, he had an explosive injury, back and shoulder injuries. The victim was hospitalized in moderate condition severity the head of the region , oleksandr prokudina, told about it, the russians once again hit the central part of the city, enemy shells damaged residential buildings, power lines and a private car. Also on the day the occupiers targeted the administration building, there is considerable destruction. It was somewhere. It was two oclock, the beginning of three, there are no windows, nothing inside, and there is a hole at the top, Something Like a hole must be closed right there, because water will be poured into it. Under the bombs , humanitarian aid was brought to ugledar. According to the Donetsk Police in the city there are a little more than a hundred locals who mostly live underground. To provide them with food and to evacuate only three residents. The police crew overcame a number of challenges. Drove through along a destroyed road under the sights of two enemy drones. Svavil of the fsb in the morning in the temporarily occupied crimea , Russian Security forces conducted illegal searches in the houses of ten crimean tatars. This happened in bakcheserai and dzhankoy districts. Most of the men were detained, according to human rights defenders, they are accused of Sex Organization of activities of a terrorist organization and participation in it. This was reported by the authorized person. Dmytro lubinets of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine on human rights. He noted that among those detained by the fsb, former imam remzi kurtnezirov, an elderly man with the second group of disabilities. In 2017, he suffered three strokes, he underwent skull trepanation, he underwent surgery on his head, he has type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure. His right side is completely inactive, he is paralyzed. In ukraine , expeoples Deputy Yevhen murayev, the investigation, him will be tried the case is over, muraev is charged with treason and subversive activities in favor of the aggressor country of russia. According to the sbu, through the tv channel under his control, he spread kremlin propaganda, thereby contributing to the destabilization of the sociopolitical situation in ukraine on the eve of a fullscale invasion of russia. Examinations confirmed the facts of the antiukrainian activity of the expolitician, now he faces up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property, the only question here is what, lets say there from the 19th year, until his all this propaganda was broadcast on tv channels, it was unknown , it was incomprehensible, it could not be done when muraev was still in ukraine, well, but in any case, i think he will be found, and the rescuers pulled him out of the river. A mans body. The border guard spotted the drowning man during patrolling, the state Border Service reported. The boy was taken out of the water, already without signs of life. He turned out to be a resident of ivanofrankivsk region, born in 2002 , the state Border Service of ukraine notes. From the beginning of the fullscale invasion , 21 people drowned in the river in the area of ​​the mukachevo border detachment alone. All men of draft age who tried to enter a neighboring country illegally. Lemberg, mommy, dont cry, a new book by the writer olena chorninka is being presented in lviv with that name, our correspondent katryna oliynyk is in the lviv Regional Library named after roman ivanchuk. Katya, congratulations, tell me what this book is about and, in general, about the course of this presentation . I congratulate vasylya, i congratulate all viewers of the espresso tv channel, mothers day a book about the son of a volunteer who did not return from the war. It is about this that Olena Cherninka presents her. Testimony of the mother of a volunteer and the experience of a mother who received terrible news. We dedicated the book with the stary lev Publishing House to the second anniversary of the treacherous fullscale attack. I dont even want to name it. Who is this book for . First of all, this book, i wrote it for myself. I started, not even a book, i started writing. On facebook, she started writing her letters to her son under the hashtag lembertsino, dont cry, and then it so happened that all the hashtags grew into stories and these stories grew into a book, at least thats what i was advised by people who are not new to the publishing industry, but rather popular and wellknown, they advised me to collect all this in a book, and to call it that, and thats what they said, its a primer, in fact, it s a primer for those. Who are involved in war, for the military, for their families, loved ones, for those who are afraid, for those who are worried, and for those who have lost. Well, i believe that this book is also for those people who are not related to the war, or they have read and understood, like us, those who who is relevant, so that we all become closer to each other, and so that there is a complete understanding between us, well, who and. I still have to say that this is nonfiction, but it reads like fiction, absolutely like a fiction novel, it reads, and each, each chapter of this hashtag is a separate story, and childhood, and youth, and interesting different stories, these stories of the maturation of the personality that my son grew into. And as it turned out, when i started collecting all these hashtags, i got to know my son again, because i received so many letters, from his friends, siblings, they all they started writing to me with a cop, people i didnt know at all, they started telling me about mykhailo, and i welcomed my son anew for myself, and missing all this with my experience, with their experience, a whole book came out, and i want to say , that this book really has such a posttherapeutic effect, thats why its not obvious, thats how i got acquainted with it myself, and i highly recommend reading it so that you too can get to know the real face. Wars with what our military is now protecting us. Vasyl, i give you the floor. Thank you very much, well, kateryna oliynyk, ours correspondent, and i pass on, well, thank you very much lena for this book, our colleague, we all saw, worried, tried to support, although of course there are moments when no one can support, thank you very much for my son, and be sure to read this book, again, tangential to the war, not tangential to the war, although apparently all. Must be related to the war now one way or another, and it is important when people reveal it, because well, not everyone can reveal, not everyone has the talent, not everyone has the desire, when elena wrote this book, then it is worth reading, for sure, you are definitely something you will get to know, you will get to know a person who grew into a great personality, unfortunately died, gave his life for the freedom of our country and for each of us, lets open up for each of us, because we are here, someone there gave his life, so read lemberg mom , well, dont cry. I recommend , we will finish with this news, and now i will sell the floor to yuriy fizer, the world about ukraine, many important topics that are worth discussing, yuriy, good evening, please, to you, good evening and to you, vasyl, good evening to all , who joined us today, very much indeed many interesting topics, including china vs. Global bullying, trump challenged biden, trump challenged biden to a duel, and russian communists pledge allegiance to Joseph Stalin, my name is yuri. This is a world about ukraine and i will start in a moment. Well, ill start with this we are definitely approaching the moment when in our europe, it will be appropriate not to be a coward. This was said by french president Emmanuel Macron, speaking to his compatriots during his visit to the czech capital city. Prague, according to him, came for European Land, to European Land war, and therefore, it is always not easy to talk about the challenges that may be faced by each country, however, the current host. Palacu expressed hope that europeans understand this, and added a quote from Emmanuel Macron. Forces that have become unstoppable continue to expand the threat of an attack on us. We must meet the challenges of history and show the necessary courage. Well , i suspect to whom french president Emmanuel Macron turned in the first place. Most likely to german chancellor olaf scholz, and he drags for so long and is so afraid to give ukraine such we need taurus, i understand, there are few of them in germany itself, but give us a little, they are extremely important for us. Moving on, not only for postwar reconstruction, the European Union can use interest from frozen russian assets in the west for military support of ukraine. We will talk about this today during her defeat of the aggressor, and then we will talk about reconstruction. Mrs. Kaya kalas does not eat russian breakfast, the Prime Minister of estonia posted on her page on the microblogging network x. This is the former Twitter Photo that she signed my breakfast, dear politico readers. In the photo muesli with berries and tea. Thus, the head of the estonian government responded to the criticism of politico commentators, who , citing one european official , reported that they do not want to see her in. The position of head of european diplomacy, because she likes to eat russian breakfast, as we can see, kayas russian breakfast kalas does not eat, although whether this will allow her to replace josep borel when he leaves the post of chief european diplomat is not known. In the lower house of the american congress, which is the chamber representatives, are preparing a compromise option for unblocking the provision of aid. Ukraine, israel and the countries of southeast asia. This was reported by several american mass media at once, with reference to sources in the highest legislative body of the usa. According to published information, the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, has even begun discussing this plan with colleagues. In this document, ukraine is still offered to allocate less money by more than 10. Less than in the draft law, which already passed all the necessary procedures in the senate, instead of 60 billion, they want to transfer a little more than 47 billion to us. Not only is he constantly delaying putting this project to a vote in the house of representatives, he is constantly inventing something, then he proposed one bill, then he divided up to. Aid to ukraine, israel and southeast asia, well in the end we will agree, even the bill passed through the senate, no, now he continues to carry out the order, most likely from donald trump in order to drag, and this process with the alternative draft law is planned to be discussed by midmarch, well, at least this is what supporters of the republicans and sources in republican circles believe. And maybe somewhere before the end of the first, before the end of march, before the beginning of april, this bill will be put to the rescue, but there is one more nuance here, uh, especially the protrump republicans can at some point, not agreeing with the fact that the document will be put to a vote, to put another document to the vote that mike johnson is unfit to hold the office of deputy speaker, a new speakership will begin, without a speaker, this bill cannot pass through. The house of representatives, and, as they say, our song is a good new one, lets start it again, i really want it not to happen, but unfortunately, such a chance in there are quotes. In the world, discussions about the possible sending of american troops to ukraine at a certain point in time do not stir, and canada denied the information that the leadership of ukraine appealed to the official ottawa with a request to send an instructor. To ukraine, the countrys minister of National Defense announced bill blair, the head of the Canadian Defense department, added that his servicemen, quote, cannot take part in hostilities on the territory of ukraine, thats the end of the quote. Although, as before, he suggested the possibility of training ukrainian servicemen right here in ukraine, but to his deep conviction, not now, while there are no. Languages ​​for this, says bill blair. We cross the ocean, return again to the european continent. The scandal involving wiretapping of highranking bundeswehr officials. This is partial, part of the hybrid war that the president of the terrorist country, Vladimir Putin , is waging against the west. The minister of Foreign Affairs of germany, anna lena berbuk , said this today during a meeting with her colleague from bosnia and herzegovina, elmedin konakovic. In sarajevo, the head of the German Foreign ministry emphasized that the russian war of aggression is not only waged with bombs, missiles, drones and the most brutal attacks on the civilian population in ukraine, but, a short quote ms. Burbock, this is more of a hybrid war, a war of narratives. Well, no way, mrs. Berbuk cant convince her boss, olaf scholz, to give us the taurus missiles after all. I really hope that i will convince. We move on, and again move away from europe, this time the east. China stands up. For an equal and multipolar world. In 2024, the country will contribute to the formation of a new type of international relations. This is stated in the report on the Socioeconomic Development plan of the celestial empire for this year. It was made public at the second session of the khushitai Peoples Assembly representatives of the thursday 14th convocation, which began today and will continue until march 11. The document, in particular, states. That china must steadfastly adhere to an independent and independent peaceful foreign policy, move along the path of peaceful development, firmly adhere to the strategy of openness to the outside world, orientation to Mutual Benefit and mutual gain. And then a quote from this document we will oppose despotism, hegemony and bullying, defending equality and justice in international relations. I especially liked the last one sentence we stand against hegemony, despotism and bullying, the russians want to be hegemons in this world, accusing the americans of having been so far, the russians, well, in reality, this is some kind of bullying against everyone who does not want to behave the way putin wants it, and about what equality, and at the same time in china they continue to brag about the fact that the relationship between russia and the heavenly. Is at the highest level in history, well, funny and sarcasm, yes, now lets go, return to the United States of america, this is a duel , donald trump urged joe biden to take a test on mental abilities, the 45th president of the United States of america, who has every chance to become one again, wrote about this on his page in his own social network truth social. The exowner of the white house social network emphasized that he himself took the tests twice, and both times without errors. He is convinced that all president s, as well as candidates for the post of head of state, must pass such tests. Next is a short quote from donald trump. Salesman joe biden has to take a mental test. Maybe thats how we are we will be able to find out why he made such bad decisions. Decision, well, purely in the style of donald trump, and by the way, yesterday donald trump , unfortunately, for me at least, won another victory, this time at the caucuses that took place in north dakota, where he greatly surpassed his competitor nikki haley, he was voted for by 84 of Party Members who took part in this intraparty election. Polled for nicky haley only a little over 14 , so currently donald trump is winning over nicky haley, well, almost cleanly, nikki haley only won in the district of columbia and thats it. Maine secretary of state shena bellows reversed her decision to disqualify former us President Joe Biden from participating in the states primaries. This happened after the day before the Us Supreme Court ruled that local governments do not have the right to remove candidates for the highest Public Office from the elections based on the third section of the 14th amendment to the us constitution. Thus the electoral votes in support of donald trump during the maine prairies, which happen today, by the way, will count. By the way, today the caucus primaries are held not only in the state of maine, today is the socalled big super tuesday, it takes place every first tuesday in march, and what makes it so significant is that these primaries and caucuses take place immediately on the 15th you states and one overseas territory. The fate of the votes of the republicans will be decided by 874 voters at once. Trumps staff predicts that they receive at least 7,703, and thats a lot, and there are two i will say a few more words about this strange electoral system of connectives. The states of america are now not voting for trump, but giving their votes to the electors, and each state has a certain number of electors. And so the candidate who wins takes those electoral votes, and then they will help him when he nominates the candidate of the party at the caucus for the democrats, that caucus is scheduled for july, for the republicans, it is scheduled for august. Well, lets wait, but ill say it again. Repeatedly , donald trump has huge chances, and it is likely that he will be nominated by the Republican Party to become president of the United States of america again. And another unpleasant news is that according to the latest polls, he is ahead of joe biden, well , somewhere around according to different polls from three to 7 . Lets move on, if its hot in the United States of america politically, then it was hot in the literal sense of the word in russia today, unknown drones, but very friendly to ukraine, attacked the oil depot in the village of dovgy in the morning. Gubkin City District of belgorod region. According to the roshiyskyi telegram channel of the border, three tanks with fuel caught fire. By 12 00 p. M. , the regional leadership reported that the fires in butsym had been localized, and that there were drones. Unknown, it is also important that this oil base is located some 156 km from the city of valuyka, which is one of the military logistics bases of the invading army and the palnes base was used in particular by russian terrorist forces. Well, in conclusion, i have already started such a thing the russian bloc, there is news from our northeastern region, to our great regret, while our neighbors have asked the russian fsb. To check the involvement of the west in the death, there should be stalins drumbeat here, with such an official appeal to the peasants, to our great regret the head of the communist party of russia, sergey malinkovich, addressed the neighbor. According to him, despite the fact that, according to the official version, Joseph Stalin died of natural causes, versions about the violent nature of his death appeared repeatedly in the mass media. Further a short quote from a friend. There are many testimonies of stalins contemporaries talking about the possible poisoning of the leader of the soviet peoples by agents of influence from the west. It just doesnt cross my mind, and by the way, today is 71 years since stalin died. The official cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage, a septostroke, which probably occurred on march 1 on. Against the background of hypertension and atherosclerosis, and russians still not only continue to call him the leader of all nations, but even today the representatives of the communist party of the soviet union read him this is the main communist the party of russia laid flowers at stalin s grave near the kremlin wall, on the page of this political sect on the internet they even wrote a quote no streams of lies and slander will be able to use their bright and majestic image of stalin from history and popular memory, his immortal the name will forever live in the hearts of workers and communists, all those who continue the cause of lenin and stalin. Well, ill be honest with you, after that, only the motherfuckers come to mind , i start to remember everything that i can remember. And finally, some news from the afterlife , that is, from russia, from the country that is still being called. Russian and still a federation in saransk, this is mordovia, this is where there used to be a lot of camps where Political Prisoners were kept, although in the end, maybe these camps are still there now, there was a review of the formation and song among preschool educational organizations, i. E. Among kindergarten students, it was reported on the air of a local tv channel, according to the published information, the goal of the project is to help preschoolers. Become patriots of their own country, and everything happened according to the pattern, the children marched, they performed commands and sang military songs, and for this they were given points, who on. Only a patriot, i want to end it only with the expression of the right way, comrades. Well, for today, i have everything in the world about ukraine section, everything is only for today, there will be much more tomorrow and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. Thanks to yuri fizer, i still have a plot for yours. In ivanofrankivsk, several schoolchildren and students attacked and brutalized random passersby, beat, in particular , pensioners, and filmed their crimes on video and posted on the internet. After the release of the video, the two perpetrators were arrested, as if the reporters would continue. In the video, which was published on closed channels of social networks, young people brutally beat elderly people, knock them down, dig them and spray them with gas canisters. In this video , the pensioner mrs. Olga suffers from the hands and feet of the boys. The woman was returning home when she suddenly felt a blow to her back. Some tall guy was standing there by the chaff, where half of the net was, he was standing like that pulling something, so i went and suddenly me then i fell down and that was it , then they helped me to stand up , it ran away, and sprayed with spray paint, i rubbed myself, a woman came just in time and helped me stand up, in my whole life, says mrs. Olga, no one has ever laid a finger on her did not touch, but even for such brutality of the young men , he does not hold evil against them, they poked him on the shoulders, poked him on the arm. My head hurt, we pray and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors, well, okay, they did the massage , they did it, im standing on my feet, im standing and thats enough, according to the law of religion, i have no complaints against him, in the Police Responded quickly, although they assure that they also learned about the offense from the internet, none of the City Residents turned to them for help, the Law Enforcement officers were able to detain one of the suspects on the same day, he is a. Yearold hooligan, and later detained a second young man. I am very sorry for my actions that are in these videos and have nothing to do with political parties, religious or social movements, i and my acquaintances who are shown in the video do not have, my acquaintance and i just decided, so to speak , hype up in internet networks, we did not want to cause any harm to people, and all in. Our strikes were mostly simulated, i sincerely repent and apologize to everyone who was offended by my actions and am ready to take responsibility for them. The detained schoolboy and student from ivanofrankivsk, other involved and victims are being identified by Law Enforcement agencies. One of them is a 10thgrade student of one of the citys lyceums, a 16yearold resident, in particular. That characterizes a person, he is in a family form of education, does not attend an educational institution, and together with him these illegal actions were committed by another resident of ivanofrankivsk, he is an adult student of the first year of one of the higher educational institutions of the city. Currently, the investigation is ongoing, the perpetrators were informed of suspicion under article 290

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