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Makes the launch important, coming up. Mornings with maria begins right now. Middle east tensions report that new u. S. Sanctions have closed door on any diplomacy, it has threatened Global Security and stability according to iran, President Trump signed an executive order yesterday designated Iran Supreme Leader in new round of sanctions. The Supreme Leader of iran is one who ultimately is responsible for the hostile conduct of the regime, hes respected within his country, the regimes most brutal instrument, sanctions imposed through the executive order that im about to sign, the Supreme Leader and the Supreme Leaders office and those closely affiliated with him and the office, access to key financial resources. Maria joining me right now chairman of institute for the study of war, fox news senior strategic analyst, retired four star general jack keane, general, pleasure to see you. Thank you for joining me. Your reaction first to irans reaction to sanctions and i want to talk about practicality of sanctions, what they actually do. The iranian reaction is predictable, outrageous will not lead to diplomacy, but, look, what are we really doing here . The United States is removing the vial of destruction that has trotted, the Supreme Leader was president from 81 to 89. During the time frame the United States Marine Barracks in lebanon was blown up. In 94 when he was Supreme Leader we lost barracks in towers and targeting meshes in iraq which were poorly killed by the 600. As the Supreme Leader the irgc, revolutionary crews report to him, the irjc runs the civil war in syria, assads general report to ircg generals and they lost 3 or 4 of them, the 600,000 dead, maria n syria, is the Supreme Leader has that has blood on his hands. Supreme leader ordered the houthis to topple the regime in yemen, so, yes, its about time we identify who is behind malign behavior and we call them out. Maria i want to get to china in a minute, real quick on the sanctions, what specifically do they do, i know there are still waivers out there enabling European Companies to trade with iran in terms of oil and gas. The sanctions have taken the toll and the administration is tightening as you know announcing sanctions is one thing and forcing them is another. Thats why the economy is being crippled. The Supreme Leader will largely i dont believe have major impact on iranian economy but he does own a number of companies out there that will tie him up on International Market and he uses the 100 billion plus as slush fund to fund the irgc. I see. Operational impact. Maria meanwhile all of this new threat from china comes our way, hackers to be backed by the Chinese Government infiltrating the Cell Networks of at least 10, 10 Telecom Carriers cited by the wall street journal, the report said that hackers stole users locations along with call and text records, what should we look, show should we be looking at this as u. S. And china will be meeting the president meets with president xi on friday at the g20 this week, this friday and then youve got this major attack from chinese hackers on our global 10 Global Companies . Yeah, i believe theres twoprong approach thats needed here. In concert with our allies continuously expose china to the International Community and what they are doing here with their offensive Cyber Operations because its not just the United States thats impacted its all of our allies and we have to call them out, they are paranoid about adverse publicity and you can tell how quickly they react to it. The second thing is the Trump Administration is moving in the right direction that use our very sophisticated number one in the world, best in class offensive cyber capability ourselves, we have reportedly just used it on iranians, we have got to fire back at the organizations that are doing this to us and and this administration is loosening up regulations and issuing executive orders to respond in kind. So those are the two things i think we really truly need to do and and take a multilateral approach to the problem with china. Maria so you dont think this is directed by the Chinese Government to infiltrate the u. S. Telecom Systems . I think it absolutely is directed by the u. S. Government i mean, by the Chinese Government. Yeah, absolutely. Everything that is done offensive cyber in china is largely done by the pla, the Peoples Liberation army, they have tense of thousands of people that are every single day doing offensive cyber hacking around the world. Maria unbelievable. Its not a subject that the president would bring up with president xi, though, in the middle of trade talks . I think the more pressure on president xi, the better in my view, absolutely bring it up. Maria okay, well, this is going to be some meeting this week, general, good to see you, thanks so much. General jack keane joining us there on a whole host of threats across the world, fedex taking on the federal government, dierdre bolton. Good morning, this is compelling, fedex is suing the Commerce Department so overrestrictions on huawei, delivery giant is caught in the u. S. China feud and cannot police shipments, last month fedex misrouted some of huaweis package two that went to global hub in memphis, tennessee instead of china, separately china called why fedex parcel from huawei to the u. S. Went undelivered so thats another spat between the two companies. Burden for firms, on the plus side hes optimistic about u. S. And china finding a trading framework. We believe that the International Situation will resolve itself, hopefully, maybe as early as this weekend with president , all 440 or 50,000 fedexers are one way or another involved in International Trade so its in everybodys best interest hopefully to resolve these issues and give back to open markets. Fedex reports after opening, maria. Maria dierdre, thank you, we will see you in a little bit. Good morning to you, cheryl. Cheryl good morning, maria, big news yesterday the president signed executive order that calls for up front disclosure by hospitals of actual prices for tests and procedures, the initiative calls for federal agencies to draw up rules to make public details about the price of hospitals an Insurance Companies actually negotiate between each other, patients are also to be told ahead of time what their outofpocket costs like deductibles and copays will be, its all about transparency, maria, nissan shareholder forcing automaker to making changes to board, new committees will be created for nominations and compensation, nissan ceo was reelected but not before shareholders criticized him for falserring sales in the United States and u. S. Spacex launched latest rocket from Kennedy Space center this morning, falcon heavy rocket 24 satellites for customers including the department of defense with spacex ceo elon musk calling it the most difficult launch ever. But it worked so i dont know what was so difficult about it, thats what he said, maria, thats all i got. If he calls me and let me know more details i will bring it to you. Maria you bet, quick break, border battle, how Speaker Nancy Pelosi to secure bill today as she faces revolt from her own party, begging for more taxes, more than dozen of wealthiest americans have a place of 2020 candidates, tax us more, please, we will tell you who signed that letter, back in a minute. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. On a scale of one to five . One to five . Its more like five million. Theres everything from happy to extremely happy. Theres also angry. Im really angry clive actually, really angry. Thank you. But what if your business could understand what your customers are feeling. And then do something about it. Turn problems into opportunities. Thanks drone. Customers into fanatics change the whole experience. Alright who wants to go again . I do i do i have a really good feeling about this. Going back to the doctor just for a shot. With neulasta onpro. Patients get their day back. To be with. Family. Or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study. Neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 . To 1 . A 94 decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver. Neulasta the day after chemo. And is used by most patients today. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to it or Neupogen Filgrastim . An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome. Have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing. Or allergic reactions to your doctor right away in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes. Fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect. Is bone and muscle ache. Ask your doctor. About neulasta onpro. Pay no more than 5 per dose with copay card. Maria big show this morning, commercial metals commercial chairman barber smith is here, we want to talk tariffs with her, former rnc chair hailey barber joining us. State Department Senior adviser for President Trump and george w. Bush kristin whiteman, roe connor joining us. Dont miss a moment of it. Americas maga rich, republicans or democrats to support our moderate wealth taxes on the fortunes of one tenth of the richest, 1 of americans, the letter refers to wealth tax proposals by Democratic Candidates, Elizabeth Warren, beto orourke and pete buttigieg, joining the conversation this morning fox business dierdre bolton, benchmark kevin kelly and real clear politics and cofounder tom, great to see everybody this morning. Good morning. Maria thanks for joining us. The first of the democratic debates coming up tomorrow and thursday, this is obviously going to be hotseat topic in terms of letter from george soros. 17 of his closest allies. Maria what do you think . Anonymous person who wouldnt sign their name. I think this is talking the talk and walking the walk. Nothing precluding billionaires from giving more money to the treasury, virtual signaling at its finest, i dont think its going to go anywhere. They could have led by example but they didnt. When you look at bob igers tenure at ceo he has created so much value for disney shareholders and disney employees who are in part paid by stock offerings, we will see how this falls but progressive, Progressive Left having bigger voice this may become really a hot topic. Maria this is important point that you make in terms of abigail, disney and wealth, to me it sounds like confiscation, you work your whole life to create wealth, make money and you get to a point where you get into 1 list and youre asking for a wealth tax just on the wealthy. Hes done his job, right . Hes created value for shareholders, hes built the company up, stock at alltime high, trading at alltime high, normally you dont finish somebody for doing his or her job. Listen, they are protected, they could literally give money to treasury department, if you think about it its Cocktail Party talk, they get to go to all friends and say, oh, my gosh, wealth inequality gap is happening, if they really wanted the middle class to succeed they would advocate for flat tax, tax 74,000 pages of complicated tax code that protect the peoples interest, make it flat, 20 across the board, then, then the middle class will succeed. Maria one of the people in the list cofounder of facebook is among those who has been calling for a breakup of facebook. Well, look this coincides with democrat who is will stand tomorrow on stage and night after and all of them proposing massive programs, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren trillions of dollars plans of proposal all which call for extra taxes on the wealthy. A nice synergy and democrats can take advantage. Maria watch closely to see how much they attack at each other. They all have one thing in contact to take down donald trump but they also want to take down each other. Let me ask you, new data repealing the contested 10,000dollar deductions would be boost for americans, this salt deduction has created debate because its meant higher taxes for those people like new york and losing that deduction. Listen, i know people who run their own businesses who have actually let and set up shop in florida and come back to town when they need to do business so it has actually affected some peoples decisions. Maria for sure. Great example of what the democrats are talk about the wealth inequality because actually millionaires, how do they get wealthy, own asset, real estate is big important asset class and this is one of those Asset Classes that progressives can go after, if you look at the leadership in the Progressive Movement theyre actually seeking a repeal of this, they want to give all the entitlements yet they dont hold millionaires accountable. We are seeing massive exodus not only to indiana but to the south. Maria take a break, when we come back, the president said jay powell doesnt know what hes doing, we are watching the fed chairman this morning, jay powell will be speaking about Foreign Relations this afternoon and tensions with iran in china and what the president said about his job status coming up and then American Pride on display, see where your state lands on the most patriotic places, that story coming up, stay with us. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Rkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Quit smoking slow turkey. Talk to your doctor about chantix. You can earn 100 off your deductiblee, for every year of safe driving . Sing that. Vanishing deductible, you can. Earn 100. Earn 100 off. Off your deductible. Deductible. For every year of safe driving. For every for every for every year of safe driving. What are you what key are you in . E. No, no, go to g. G will be too high. Not for me. Vanishing deductible. Oh, gosh. Sweet, sweet. At comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Markets this morning are lower, take a look at futures, indicate deg klein at the start of trading, s p futures down 4 and 3 quarters, we are watching political tensions including new sanctions on iran this morning and much anticipated meeting between President Trump and chinese president xi jinping coming up this week at g20 in el saka japan which begins on friday. Thanks so much for weighing in this morning. Good to be here. Maria anything that could come out of this meeting that would move markets, tell us how youre expecting things to play out on friday at g20 . Well, i think any good news, any movement on the trade front will be good for stocks, right now thats the number one driver for equity markets and for equity markets around the world, the tariff talk and trade struggles have depressed Economic Activity here and abroad especially in merging markets and if we see progress, even if its not the real deep and full deal that the president and his team want, i think its good for stock and investors should take a measured look at this, we will not get a detailed agreement with the chinese, now its going to be a longterm, a decadelong struggle, any good news will help stock prices. Maria real question guys and gal on the panel, what happens with remaining 325 million in goods of china coming to the u. S. , taken kicking the can down the road would be positive for the market, what do you think, kevin . I always maintain we will not get a deal with china until we actually have to and that would be next cycle. The president doesnt need to make a deal, hell be worried itll be gone by next election. No one is talking about government shutdown, no one is talking about north korea anymore. Its still there but not moving markets. Extra threat. The question for mark would be what happens if theres no deal done and if President Trump goes through with the threat, we are seeing potential slowdown. Well, i think the fed is the wild card here and i think this is why the president talked about Jarome Powell earlier this week, remember, as kevin just said, the chinese is an our critic government, they are tools at their disposal and lower currency and make tax reform, they can do whatever they can to stay strong and look President Trump in the eye and say we will not give and the president doesnt have the leeway. If we dont get a deal with the chinese, the fed will become President Trumps friend, if a deal doesnt happen, that will slow the economy, spur talk about the fed lowering rates. If we get a deal with the chinese i think the fed stays on the sideline, this is why its an interesting triangle between the fed, Chinese Government and trump. Maria the conversation has talked, lower rates, jay powell will be speaking later today at the council of Foreign Relations, the president commented on job status, here is what the president said asked if he could fire the fed chair, if i wanted to but i have no plans to do anything. So, look, the president has been not made secret of the way he feels about jay powell, says he doesnt know what hes doing frankly. Kevin kelly. The president cant have it both ways, he talks about how strong the economy, how well the stock market is doing, we have the strongest economy on record, best numbers here and here, why do you want to cut rates, mr. President , if we are so strong and we are doing so well and then you want to fire, you know, the fed president. That makes zero sense. Maria he didnt really say he was going to fire him. He said we will see what happens. Right, but the president was pounding his fist. Maria he doesnt like jay powell, no doubt about it. Guess who nominated jay powell . Maria what happened at the end of last year when we were all talking about 3 rate hikes, okay, unwinding of the Balance Sheet and 6 months later having completely different conversation. Obviously jay powell made a mistake at tend of last year. Or the president administrations policies especially with coming on with tariffs and all the other things where he did steel and alum tariffs against allies and when the europeans came over here and they were trying to strike a deal on auto maria you blame trump for that . I dont completely blame it but hes part of the problem too. Powell reacting to realtime conditions. Maria you have the final word here, go ahead, sir. I think the president on this one is smarter than people are giving him credit for, i think he wants to threaten or intimidate the chinese to think that he will get lower rates, he can withstand trade war, hes going in there wanting a deal and thats what this round, this recent against the fed chair is all about. Maria thats interesting that its a message to the chinese. Mark, good to see you this morning, thank you. Quick break and the battle at the border, house Speaker Nancy Pelosi facing backlash within her own party to pass funding bill today, whats at stake as mexico takes more action to take on the immigration crisis. Bitcoin extending the rally this morning, crypto currency getting a boost, facebooks new offering coming in conditioningal scrutiny, we will get into crypt know when we come back, stay with us. Maria welcome back, good Tuesday Morning, thank you so much for joining us, im Maria Bartiromo and it is tuesday june 25th, top stories 6 32 on east coast, breaking news right now, reportedly near deal to require allegan, according to wall street journal, breaking right now. Allegan shares soaring on the news, up 27 , advi up 6 , we are watching the story, this is probably impact other pharmaceutical companies as well. Kevin kelly, your reaction to move here, 27 and will this be a deal that you think would go through . Yeah, i think this is going to go through because allegan has been looking to break up, the share prices have completely slid over the past year and only gotten bid, pretty interesting because advi if you look at it they actually have the worlds best selling drug so ending patent protection and marriage makes sense for both sides, i think it does go through. Maria thats when you see a lot of deals, when patent expiration beauty drugs, botox, indeed, baby boomers looking to enjoy themselves, look good, feel good, the market for the products is going in billions. Maria youre right, incredible market for botox, allergan was top performer, last year was underperforming. Its important to know that this is a cash and stock deal, its going to be interesting when they come out with the deal who is actually going to lead the company because ben sanders has done a good job for the past year and hasnt done well for ceo. Yeah, i remember when he was on the cover, i think it was Fortune Magazine talking about allergan an his success, abbvie down near 6 , nearing deal to acquire allergan for more than 60 million cash and stock. House speaker scrambling to secure votes for 4 and a half funding bill help migrants detained at southern border, this move dividing democrats in congress with some arguing that the bill does not go far enough. Speaker pelosi weighed in on the border crisis yesterday, watch. When i saw that the president was going to have so appalling, its outside the behavior, kicking down doors and splitting up families, we have legislation to go forward to address those need, violation of status is not a reason for deportation, thats just not so. What we need there is comprehensive Immigration Reform with a path to citizenship. Maria President Trump threatened a veto on this bill as it makes it to his desk, joining us republican strategist john thomas, john, good to see you, thank you so much for joining us. Nancy pelosi coming up with all of the things as far as separating families, its really a mischaracterization of whats going on at the border. How does she get away from that . Shes blinking because trump was ready to put send ice to deport a lunch of legals and now giving him a moment to give him money, first of all, lets pause for a second and flash back the last several months, democrats were twisting into knot saying there wasnt a crisis at the border but now democrats are saying, wait, all of the families are in cages, we have a crisis at the border, number one they were lying there. Number two, even if they nooning give trump more funding this is treating the symptom and not the cause, they give him more funding for detention facilities and not to deal with the actual legals crossings. I hope that we get more money for this, i dont know if nancy will get it done before independence break, recess. I thought you were going to flash back a few years ago and not few weeks ago, nancy pelosi was in office, you are right, this is completely thats when the detention facilities were created under obama. Thats where the photos came up of children. Maria now what you see at the border and the kids that i saw there coming across the border themselves they were all sick, they had cold, had been on feet hitchhiking and walking for 4 months, we didnt know if the people that they were with were family, it is a crisis and the fact that they cant get anything to do to close loopholes, its ridiculous and has the nerve to say that the family is separating families, how do you see it . Is there a john, trump says famously, 15 minutes we could solve the problem, nancy pelosi continues to insist no comprehensive reform, you have Lindsey Graham proposing asylum bill, is there a chance strictly done on asylum but to win enough support in the house and few democrats to get something to the president s desk . You know, thats a good question, its unlikely to happen and here is why, we are in a president ial cycle and the democrats cannot give this president a win, even if it only takes 15 minutes, i dont see that on horizon. Maria weve got this conversation, well, obviously the one of talking points at democratic debates, tomorrow night and thursday night, 20 democratic contenders facing off in two separate debates tomorrow and thursday, the field is so crowded that the group of candidates were randomly divided, current front runner joe biden will appear in thursdays debate, hes fail candidates including mayor pete buttigieg, Kamala Harris and senator sanders. The first debate Elizabeth Warren is the big name in the field, the question is not only does she need to command that night but can she set the stage for the following night, can she set the media narrative, i will be watching for that, the other on the big night with most candidates, im watching more closely for joe biden because he has the more to lose, when youre the front runner, any slipup will cause the narrative the next day and the following week to be, wow, maybe biden doesnt have what it takes. Biden has to just do no harm which would be hard when candidates have vested interest ganging on him. What i would suggest the former Vice President is to say deflect the attacks, itll be hard and lay out his broader promise which is number 1, im the only one who could beat trump which i would contend is not true but number 2, bidens argument is fundamentally we need to aget away from the carnival like trump and extremist in party and return to a time of civility and steadily leadership. If he can drive the narrative he might have a good night. Here is the last thing i would say, a bunch of the lesser candidates all need breakout moments to stay alive in the process, itll be very hard. Trump had the same challenge in 16, everybody was appearing on stage at the same time, the difference in 16 trump differed in both style and substance from the rest of the field. On substance he was the only one arguing against and only one saying build that wall. Democrats are almost all the same on the policy. Maria trump put his finger on what the American People wanted, he was talking about the economy and jobs and work. Do you remember the first debate in cleveland in august, first question was raise your hand of whether you would support the gop nominee and he was the only one to say he may not. Absolutely from the very beginning he was willing to take that risk and he said itll be hard for them. Maria none actually supported him. It was funny actually. Thanks so much, john thomas joining us there. Chicago police meanwhile releasing hundreds of files from the Jussie Smollett investigation, Cheryl Casone with more on that right now in headlines, cheryl. Cheryl with video, maria, pretty compelling stuff, the files include body cam footage when the actors spoke to detectives and shows what attackers put on his neck. [inaudible] cheryl Police Officer released video of the arrest of two brothers that were implicated of the attack, charges were dropped , Jussie Smollett can be charged all over again. The bitcoin rally continues, the Digital Currency rising nearly 4 this morning, taking a look at the contract up 371 and change, 11,395. Veteran trader peter set up a hundred thousand dollar on bitcoin, steven moore has joined a group of entrepreneurs creating decentral, attempt to perform duties in terms of regulating in crypto currency in the same way that the fed controls the supply of money for the u. S. Economy, steven moore failed in bid to join the fed, we should add and this Maxine Watters says her panel will hold a hearing next month on Facebooks Libra project. The Company Payment system based on crypto currency. One week to go before the nation celebrate fourth of july, list of most patriotic states, voter turnout, investments for capita, okay, new hampshire, you have the most patriotic stage, congratulations, you are followed by wyoming, vermont and utah, guys the least patriotic is new jersey, baby. Whats happening . Taxes. [laughter] its nonsensical to create crypto currency, crypto currency is to get away from federal, fed intervention or Central Bank Interventions and come up to do the same processes, it just falls flat on me, but i would like to say bitcoin rally has to do with other countries currency going down and the u. S. Dollar going up, so theyre actually trying to protect their own maria come on, 100,000dollar price tag. I know. John says 500,000, a million, youve got maria say again. More details on the adbbie deal. The wall street journal is reporting this morning that nearing deal to arequire allergan for price tag of 63 billion in cash and stock. The press release is coming out right now so it is official, the journals work being confirmed with press release that advbbie will require allergan for 63 billion, this will move markets this morning, when you see a deal as big as this, kevin, you would imagine other companies in the space also move on the idea that perhaps this will trigger other deals. Yeah, yeah, i think you will see active because a lot of companies are seeing patent protection expire and going into Election Year where they dont know uncertainty with whats going to happen. You will see a lot of deals in health space. Abbvie is based in dublin. Perhaps they dont all of a sudden move entire headquarters. Maria we will take a short break, big changes about marijuana in illinois, illinois becoming the 11th state to legalize recreational marijuana, residents will have to wait to light up, more details when we come back, stay with us. And humanity together forever. 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The best or nothing. Maria welcome back headlines across america, oklahoman reports, announcements of settlement, judge approving revised 85 milliondollar settlement between state of oklahoma and teba pharmaceuticals, money to end opioid pain killer epidemic. Chicago tribune writes governor expected to sign a bill into law tuesday that would legalize marijuana in illinois beginning january 1. The bill allows licensed growth, sales, possession and consumption of cannabis. The plant remains illegal under federal law. The la times this morning reports that la is suing the faa as residents say theyre fed up with noise noisy planes in neighborhood. Residents say planes bear down on their homes causing constant commotion. Makes sense, quick break, all american auto, list of top brands that contribute to u. S. Economy, thats next, stay with us maria welcome back American Made vehicles, cars. Com, 2019 American Made index ranking the most american car that is contribute the most to the u. S. Economy, this year the Jeep Cherokee take the number one spot. Joining me cars. Com executive editor, thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for having us. Maria interesting list, tell us how a vehicle contributes to u. S. Economy . We started 14 years ago because we realized that people consistently and this is one thing that hasnt changed though the industry has, consumers say they want their considerable investment in new car to contribute to the economy, the u. S. Economy, our survey that we run in connection with the index every year, this year said 66 said they want that to be part of it and thats been consistent the whole time, and its hard to do that just based on the brand. As you know vehicles are built all over the world, you may buy, for example, a buick built in china or you could buy a honda here, so we decide today break it down by model, so what we do is we look at one of the requirements that it be built in the u. S. But beyond that we also look at the parts content, we look at source of american and canadian parts and unfortunately those are not separated, theres no accounting of just American Parts so we try to offset that with the country of origin for the transmission and the engine and we also have a labor component based on factory workforce versus sales, so we essentially try to put it altogether and figure out which vehicles are the most american at least in that regard. Chevy corvette number 5 because thats the most american car you can get on the list . Its funny you say that, we ask people what do you think its the most american car, iconic vehicles, the names you would expect, its the fords, the big stuff, really if you look at some of those, some of the big fords or even the big gm vehicles maybe built in the country but they may have less in American Parts, thats the data that we dig into and actually consumers can look into it as well which is why the American Made index is kind of a highlight of 15 vehicles but points out if youre shopping for a new car, go to the window sticker and itll show you final assembly location. Maria does in the sticker. Where the engine and transmission come from, so you can essentially tell how much, you know, this contribution will be based on that. Maria yeah, tom, i thought it was interesting that report found 50 of consumers are concerned about tariff on automotive parts. Obviously a bit part of the discussion with President Trump trying to bring auto manufacturing back to the United States, are you seeing that reflected in the course of 15 years . We asked ourself last year ant we havent, trade policy hasnt actually changed yet. Its still nafta, we we are waig for usmca to be the mexicocanada agreement to be ratified and when that happens we do suspect we will start to see changes but bear in mind, we expect to be small. I mean, some of the provisions are increase in percentage of parts, more highwage labor, stuff like that, that might tweak some of the numbers but we dont suspect that all of a sudden new models will be flooding into the u. S. , its not that simple, its a much more complex puzzle than that globally. Maria we will leave it there, joe, great to have you, thanks so much. Thank you. Maria we will be right back. Dear tech, lets talk. You blaze trails. But you have the power to do so much more. Lets not just develop apps, lets develop apps that help save lives. Lets make open Source Software the standard. Lets create new plastics that are highly recyclable. Its going to take input from everyone. So lets do it all, together. Lets expect more from technology. Lets put smart to work. P nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty so. How are you feeling on a scale of one to five . Wait. When it comes to feelings, its more like five million. Theres everything from happy to extremely happy. Theres also angry. Im really angry, clive actually, really angry. Thank you. And seat 36b angry. Youre clive owen. And youre barefoot. Yeah. Theres also apprehension. Regret. Relief. Oh and theres empathy. Ah, i got this in zurich actually, whats the opposite of empathy . But what if your business could understand what your customers are feeling. And then do something about it. You can turn disappointment into gratitude. Clive, you got to try this. I cant im working. Turn problems into opportunities. Thanks drone. Change the future of your business change the whole experience. Alright who wants to go again . I do i do i have a really good feeling about this. Maria welcome back. Good Tuesday Morning, everybody. Thanks so much for joining us. Im Maria Bartiromo. It us tuesday, june 25th. Your top stories right now, 7 0. The deal of the day on wall street this morning, abvie is acquiring allergan a deal worth 63 billion. Allergan shares are soaring on the news. The price tag on the deal, 188 in cash and stock. Abvie shares down 9 right now, the low of the morning. Trade in focus, investors looking to President Trumps meeting with president xi x xijinping at the g20 this week. Were taking a look at how business is reacting. Futures indicate a decline at the start of trading, fractional, down 20 points on the dow futures, s p futures down 3 and nasdaq lower by 15 and three quarters. It was a mixed day yesterday. We had weakness in healthcare and energy that offset gains in materials and consumer staples. The dow industrials were up 8 andahalf, the s p was down 5, nasdaq was down 26. In europe, the tone is similar to the u. S. , that is down. Fq100 down 13, cac down 7 and a quarter. In asia markets pulled back as investors await any movement of u. S. China trade ahead of the g20 t meeting on friday. Shanghai composite down almost 1 . Hang seng down better than 1 . The 2020 race is a crowded field. The democrats are preparing for the first debate this week. What to expect as candidates face pressure from the left on wednesday and thursday night for the two democratic debates coming up. Amazon prime day is coming and this year you will have even more time to shop for deals. Well tell you when that is. And pack your bags, were taking a look at the top places to visit in the world today. All those stories coming up this Tuesday Morning. Joining me to break it down, deirdre bolton, kevin kelly and real clear politics cofounder and president , tom bevin. Action packed. We have all these deals coming on. The statement says actually abvie expects that annual synergies and cost savings in year three to be greater than 2 billion. Maria thats a big number. Thats a huge number. They expected a 1 10 earnings r share accretion in year two. They will have 19 billion in operating cash flow. Theyre trying to get more scale. Cash and stock. Exactly. So at the end of this allergan shareholders will own 17 of the company. Maria you said abvie has patent expirations, one of the issues. On the Worlds Largest selling drug, humira. Theyre getting in front of the expiration to show the next leg of growth. If they didnt show that, shareholders would start to leav. Maria leave. Maria the h growth at allergan is big. Baby boomers, they feel like they did well, they want to enjoy themselves. I want to know if abvie management tried the product before they inked the deal. Lets see if theyll look good later. Maria theyre the h botox mak. Hailey barber is with us today, christian whiten joins us this morning along with california congressman, ro kanna joins us. And chris hogan will be here. Dont miss a moment of it. We kick this hour off with trumps trade and tariffs. The Supreme Court rejected a case challenging President Trumps 25 tariffs on steel imports. The appeal arguing that the president s use of National Security concerns to justify the tariffs is unconstitutional. The decision will leave in place a ruling from march that allowed the president s tariffs. Joining us right now is commercial Metals Company chairman, ceo and president , barbara smith. Great to have you on the show this morning. Thank you so much. Maria thank you for joining you. Let me kick off with your assessment of what tim pack hast has been to your business as a result of the tariffs. Theyve been really helpful. We released our earnings last week. It was a record quarter, the best quarter since 2009, the Great Recession and in part helped by the tariffs, which is really trying to create a level Playing Field for us. Maria youve been getting a raw deal for hel decades. Explain the raw deal. Tell us what is the situation when you see steel and aluminum being dumped on the u. S. From overseas at much cheaper prices. Well, basic live these countries are subsidizing their Steel Industry and allowing them to then import the product into u. S. As subsidized and dumped prices, making it very difficult for us to compete, earn an attractive return for our shareholders. I think one of the interesting things that you guys have said recently is you expect a strong construction season. Right . I mean, i think thats going to be one of the things your leg of growth for you guys, where you see organic growth but you guys have also are doing an integration from an acquisition, right . Can you talk about where you see the integration going as well as the Construction Cost . H yes, last november we closd on a transformational acquisition. Weve been irch integrating tha. This quarter you could see the results of the combination. We are oriented towards construction markets. We see strong growth, strong demand. We have a very, very healthy backlog of projects. We continue to see really good bidding. What can you tell us where is the construction . Is it in the southeast . Is it everywhere . Is it commercial . Is it residential . What do you see. Maria and also europe, right . We do have a large steel making operation in poland. Were positioned in two of the best economies in the world, the u. S. And in poland. Were more oriented towards nonresidential construction and infrastructure and we see good growth in both areas, both here in the u. S. And also in poland. Maria the u. S. Steel announced a temporary halt in production at two of its american plants. Its the latest factor sparking fears of the weakening Steel Industry coming amid a steep decline in steel prices over the last year. The president has been offering a contrasting view. We wanted to have you on to give us that view, to educate viewers who are unclear about the impact of this. He struck an optimistic tone on the american Steel Industry last week at the 2020 Campaign Launch in orlando. Listen to this. Importantly, we are reversing decades of trade policies, thanks to our tariffs American Steel mills are roaring back to life. You know that. And weve taken historic action to confront chinas chronic trading abuses. It should have been done a long time ago. Maria some are calling it steelmageddon. How do you characterize it . I think its dangerous to take a broadbrush look at things, and the thesis is there has been too much capacity thats been added or restarted as a result of the tariffs. And i think you have to look at it by individual product, by individual end market and for our products and our end markets, we still see a really robust situation. In fact, commercial metals has built two state of the art steel mills in the last 10 years, two of the few brandnew steel mills in the u. S. And the arizona mill we pioneered this technology. It was the first of its kind in the world, a micro mill is what its termed. And that mill has been fullout since we started it up in 200 29 which was a an inconsistent scrn meanan in inconsistent inconvt time to bring up a steel mill. In our products and in our end markets, we dont really see that as a major problem. Maria technology has really enabled growth as well. Absolutely. Maria tell us how. Well, our Business Model is based on being innovators and having the latest technology which helps us either improve the quality of the product or lower our cost. So we believe on a global basis we have the technology and the Skilled Labor to produce and compete with any country in the world. Sorry, i was going to ask about the stronger dollar, if thats impacted people from the have you seen that impact your business at all . Not significantly. We do monitor currency but so far thats not been a major factor. President trump and his comment that steel mills are roaring in this country, and i know you said yo cant paint wia broad brush but by and large is that statement true as you look across the country . Is there a renaissance, a recovery in the Steel Industry . Well, i think the data would suggest that utilization rates are higher and imports are lower. So, therefore, the opportunity for that production goes to the domestic producers. And so i think overall it is having the intended effects and certainly were seeing it in our business. Maria and you saw it in your earnings last week. How do you keep this going, barbara . Well, as was indicated r in d earlier, the acquisition was a big factor that will allow us more growth on we want to maintain a healthy Balance Sheet and look for other opportunities down the road. Maria are there issues you see down the road that would indicate to you things are slowing down. We have the debate every morning in terms of whether or not the economy is actually slowing down. Weve gone unemployment at a 51 year low and 3. 1 Economic Growth in the first quarter. What about later on in the year . Again, i think were always looking at indicators and i think there are a number of people that are starting to be concerned but in our case, as you said, unemployment at historical lows. I think that is a key, key indicator. And if you start to see that change, then we would need to examine that further. Small Business Confidence is at a record high. Small businesses see this as a Good Opportunity to expand and as i said earlier, our backlogs are very strong, very healthy, at the highest levels that weve seen in recent history. Maria thats the key. Barbara, great to have you. Thanks so much for joining us. The deal of the day on wall street this morning, abvie is acquiring allergan. Allergan shares are up almost 30 . Now, prime day now days, not one but two. Amazon offering the discounts for longer than usual. Were back in two minutes time. I dont want to lose you now. Im looking right at the other half of me. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. 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We believe the possibilities of life and investing are greater when we come together. Its why for eighty years weve connected ideas with technology, data with inspiration, investors with solutions. So that every day together, it all starts again. Maria welcome back. A blockbuster healthcare deal this morning to report. Cheryl casone with more details. Cheryl the deal is now official, abbvie buying allergan for 63 billion. The cash and stock deal working out to 188. 24 for each allergan share. Allergan shares as you can see right here soaring on the news, up almost 30 in the premarket. Abbvie of course kind of typical action on these stocks is down 8 . Facebook and apple keep taking veiled shots at each other. The latest snipe coming yesterday. In a speech in germany, facebook executive nick click criticized Large Tech Companies for catering to, quote, an exclusive club of wealthy consumers. He was careful not to mention apple by name. He said facebook is available to everyone for free. These comments coming a week after tim cook gave a speech that was viewed as critical of facebook. And amazon has a announced this years prime day is going to run for two whole days. Get ready, people. It will start at midnight pacific time on monday, july 15th, will run for 48 hours. They plan to unveil more than a million deals around the world. Taking a look at shares of the company, up more than 27 this year. I need a new pair of running headphones. Im making my list right now. Maria all right. Good. Two days. Get ready. Thank you, cheryl. High stakes meeting on the huer horizon, President Trump expected to speak with president xi of china on friday. The impact on a potential trade deal coming up. The best places to visit, rome comes in at number three. The top spot coming up. Weve got the list. Stay with us. Mak. You make me want to roly windows down and cruise. At comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. We like drip coffee, layovers and waiting on hold. What we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. Maria welcome back. Trade and tariffs, President Trump expected to meet with chinese president xijinping later this week at the g20 meeting on friday. This as chinese and u. S. Trade officials agree to continue trade negotiations. Joining us right now is former mississippi governor and bgr Group Founding partner, hailey barber. Thanks so much for being here. Thanks for having me back. Maria your reaction to whats taken place so far between the u. S. And china. What are you expecting out of a meeting on the sidelines of the g20 friday . Well, hopefully there will be some progress. I think its not realistic and never has been to think these are going to be easy negotiations or that the chinese would just say okay, well do right and, frankly, when they backed off is maybe the nicest way to say, some of their pledges earlier, that didnt surprise me. Look, the chinese got into the wto in 2001 and theyve never abided by the rules ever since. Maria could we get a deal, though . I mean, the chinese reneged on some of the important big ticket items. Youre talking about the theft of intellectual property. Theyre not going to you agree to those things. Should the president do a deal . And what about no deal . Can we not do a deal and do bilaterals with the countries in the h region . I think if we want to do that, we would have done tpp. We could have gotten all the other countries in the region one fell swoop. Maria there are a lot of people who say what a mistake not to have done tpp, given the tough stance china as taken. Remember, hes the first president since the chinese got in the wto that has stepped up and challenged their cheating. And he is right that im a free trader. I come out of the reagan white house. But he is right, that if we dont get them to Start Playing by the rules now, its going to get harder and harder every year as their economy gets bigger. So hes doing the right thing. And i just think we should not be unrealistic that its going to some gigantic leap. I hope so. But the fact of the matter is, the chinese usually move pretty slowly and they are very, very conscious that well, they believe they dont have to play by the same rules as everybody else, just to be honest. Governor, this is tom be vin. Vin. The democratic debates that are coming up, youve stood on the stage, done these types of events. What advice would you give to Democratic Candidates who are in the 1 to 3 range, how much time should they spend attacking people who are above them or how much time should they spend trying to promote themselves . It is limited time and with some exceptions i think they ought to try to set themselves out as something different, something attractive, why they ought to be president instead of talking about why somebody else ought not to. There will be plenty of that. Its going to come from more of the higher end, i believe, of the people in the polling. But i think that people that are not vea very wellknown should e advantage of this tiny opportunity to get wellknown. Maria joe biden is going to appear on thursdays debate. He will face pete buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders. Ahead of the debate, the former Vice President took aim at some of his opponents promises. Hes done it already. Listen to this. Mine are not lets make everything free for everybody all the time. Maria so there you go. I mean, what do you thiedges n is going to do . Is he going to come out with gloves on against the opponents or do you think hell take a low profile . I would doubt very seriously hell come out with the gloves on in terms of attacking from the start. He might counterattack. Thats very different. I dont think hell be attacking people out of the chute. I think we need to remember this. Joe biden is the frontrunner. The giant. And the press is looking for the giant killer. And whether they start with these debates or later, bidens got that problem. The favored is not usually favored by the press. Yeah, governor, its kevin kelly here. I think youre bringing up a great point because, listen, senator joe biden was a big fan of china and hes even said it. Hes like listen, chinas not our enemy. When you look at the world stage and however other country has coalessed coalesced behind the us, what are the top issues theyre going to contend against senator biden on thursday . Well, i think that first of all, part of its going to be his age and they are going to whack at Bernie Sanders in the same message. Hes been around since i dont know how long. I do think probably the most damaging thing about his talking about dealing with segregationist members of the senate when he was a young senator, it reminded people how long hes been there. And i think that is an issue for him and a Democratic Party that is moving steadily to the left, that is getting younger, and is not about what we traditionally think of as a foreign or domestic policies in the u. S. Governor, picking up on what you said, its deirdre, about the Democratic Party moving so far to the left, to what extent is that going to alienate voters, what do you expect to hear from the candidates . Arguably joe biden is one of the more centrist ones. Well, look, is he going to alienate voters . Certainly. There are some democrats a and more than a view who simply cannot accept socialism. They have seen socialism in the world. Theyve seen that its never been a success anywhere, that youve got countries like sweden which at one time was sort of the ethe open epitome of europen socialism has moved toward the center. Their Corporate Tax rate is about the same as the United States. I think youre going to see people jockeying for position on what they think they want to be. I think a lot of that will be, i want to be at least as far to the left as anybody else, particularly on domestic policy and social policy. Maria what about alienating the country . Is that approach going to work . Can that beat donald trump . Well, the question is, for these people, is can it beat joe biden in the primary. Youve got to win the nomination before you can go on to try to win in the fall. And for a lot of democrats, they think the only path to the nomination is hard left. The ones that want to run up the middle, well see how that works. Maria wow. I was thinking earlier of a guy like tim ryan, right up the middle, governor of ohio im sorry, congressman from ohio and, you know, hes a working mans guy and i dont know that he has a shot to pass muster with the far left. Well, and in fairness, being a congressman and running for president is never in my lifetime, never been a successful thing. Maria yeah. Senators, generally governors are the most successful, senators. But its really hard to be one out of 435 and get to the white house in one try. Maria good point. Governor, great to see you this morning. Thanks so much. Thank you. Maria coming up, a report run for stocks, the dow less than half of 1 from alltime high. We take a look at opportunities in the market when we come back. Mcdonalds focusing on fresh and it is paying off, the fast food giant getting a win over its rival for the first time in years, mcdonalds shares at 204 and change. Back in a minute, right here. This is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to hit the ground running. Its the lowest prices of the season. The queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now 1299, save 400. Plus, 0 interest for 36months. Ends saturday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. On a scale of one to five . One to five . Its more like five million. Theres everything from happy to extremely happy. Theres also angry. Im really angry clive actually, really angry. Thank you. But what if your business could understand what your customers are feeling. And then do something about it. Turn problems into opportunities. Thanks drone. Customers into fanatics change the whole experience. Alright who wants to go again . I do i do i have a really good feeling about this. Maria welcome back. Good Tuesday Morning, everybody. Thanks so much for joining us. Im Maria Bartiromo. It is tuesday, june 25th. Your top stories right now, 7 3. The deal of the day on wall street, abbvie acquiring allergan in a deal worth 63 billion in cash and stock. Take a look at allergan shares, up better than 30 right now. It is very close to the low of the morning for abbvie shares, down 7 and three quarters percent on abbvie. This deal is valued at 188 and change. Markets this morning are lower, broader markets indicating weakness at the start of trading, dow down 19, s p down 3 and a quarter, nasdaq lower by 16. This after mixed day yesterday. Take a look at the markets, headed for the best june in decades. Yesterday the dow was up 8, s p down 5, nasdaq down 26. In europe this morning, negative tone as well. As you see, fq100 down 6 andahalf, cac in paris down 5 andahalf, the dax index in germany is up just a fraction. In asia overnight, markets pulled back as investors await any movement on u. S. China trade at the g20 meeting, lower across the board. The burger wars go fresh. Mcdonalds claims victory over the competition. The big business of sleep, a look at the newest technology, smart mattresses. Weve got one in the studio right now. Im going to show you how it works later this hour, coming up. First, we want to look at markets this morning in the face of a big deal in healthcare. Investors are keeping a close eye on the u. S. And iran tensions after President Trump imposed new sanctions on irans Supreme Leader and all of his assets. Joining us rights now is senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager of sit fixed income advisors, bryce doty. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. Maria youve got the china and u. S. Situation, the u. S. And iran and of course the Federal Reserve as we are expecting now a cut in rates at some point. What drives markets the rest of the year and how do you see things playing out . Yeah, well, its kind of ironic. The stock market seems to think theres no way its going to go down. If theres a breakthrough in trade, breakthrough with iran, thats good news. Theres a relief. The bad news, its more likely for the fed to cut which is also good news. Like a fed cut is the wonder drug for natur markets. The stock markets looks like its going to find a way to be up and stay up regardless of what comes through the news pipeline. Maria sounds like youre not buying it. Well, im not. Im not. Bonds, its like, you know, how can everything be rosey and good all the time. Sounds like rates will have to go lower to bail things out. The difficulty is, you could get whip sawed, you could be planning on a fed cut, planning on these things, then you listen to powell saying hey the only problems we have are trade problems and what if those get resolved, then everything gets reversed and youre offsides on how you positioned your bond portfolio. Going forward its a binary outcome. Either they resolve the trade or they dont and you want to be positioned for lower rates and more cuts, if they dont, otherwise all bets are off. I think the interesting aspect that were looking at here is that the market has gone up on multiple expansion because earnings are worth more in a lower Interest Rate environment and thats where people think its going and if i just look at bonds over the of last 406 years, 40 years, weve had the greatest bull run in history. I would rather be short bonds is a mind set investors had last year. Stocks are up. Bonds are up. Are we ever going to get Interest Rates to rise ever again . Here were at the 10 year at 2 , the bond markets done extension nailly well. Exceptionally well. I dont know when rates are ever going to rise. The thing thats going on is european rates are dragging our rates down. If you look at our unemployment rate, we have some inflation, people say we dont, but we do. Based on just our domestic economy, i would say yes, rates will go up. As long as you have so many countries with negative yields in europe, money is just going to keep flowing into our country and keep pulling our rates down. So until they fix problems that cannot be solved by Monetary Policy, low rates and negative rates are not solving their problems. Until they have the governments do things that are proeconomic, i think youre right. Its hard to imagine rates going back up. Yet, there can be change if they do some of the things, theyre probusiness, it could release some of the potential of their economy and that would cause our rates to move up a little bit higher. So those are the things that were really focusing on when we look at the Global Landscape of whats going to happen going forward. Picking up on that, its deirdre here, in germany at the moment if im a borrower, i am actually being charged for the right to lend the government my money. I mean, its completely backwards. When you say there are structural changes that can be made, what are they and on what time line . The ecb is giving banks loans and saying, hey, you can make money off borrowing money from us, as long as you push that money out to a company. Well, that keeps companies afloat that shouldnt be kept afloat and its actually by lowering the companys cost of capital, its creating deflation. And the whole time saying by printing money well create inflation, they need to stop those policies. It would be much better they would be much better off if they did what our Federal Reserve did, raise rates, shrink the Balance Sheet, do some things to kind of get some common sense back into the Business Leaders decision about whether to expand or not. If money is free you can do all sorts of things that dont make any sense. So those are the types of actions the Monetary Policy makers have to do and theres no will to do that. Now, as far as the leaders are concerned, political leaders, they need to make it easier for businesses to operate and the political will to do that is very low. Maria im wondering in terms of the catalysts right now, does anything come out of first of all the jay powell speech today . Hes going to speak to the council on Foreign Relations. We have earnings after the bell by fed ex, micron is reporting. Theres an article in the wall street journal, tweets, trade and the fed have markets moving in packs. Theyre highlighting bonds, stocks and currencies all moving in tandem which is what we just discussed. Theyre calling it a risk on, risk off phenomenon when uncertainty looms. What do you want to do in the face of all of this . Give me your thoughts on the powell speech today and how youre actually allocating money right now. Right. The way powell and trump state the economys doing great because of our policies and then they blame each other for anything thats going wrong. Powell says its all trade thats causing the problems. If at 1 00, he kind of says, look, without those issues things would be fine, well then the market may interpret that as oh, theyre only going to cut a quarter percent in july. Theyre not going to be that aggressive. Take could disrupt that could disrupt markets. For us, were trying to avoid the three to five year part of the treasury curve. Its crazy to think you can only get one and three quarters percent with the fed funds at two andahalf and the 10 year isnt that exciting either. We think Corporate Bonds are doing well. Granted, the spreads have narrowed a bit. We dont see the economy going off the cliff. If you dont see a full blown recession coming, Corporate Bonds make sense. You say Corporate Bonds make sense. Mentioned that companies are getting financing so they wont be going out of business, so does that lend credence to the high yield area to get into i mean, there are several funds out there, managers and high yield has done really well. Should we be focusing on that space . I think so. We like closed end bond funds that focus on high yield. You get an additional yield kicker, you get 6, 7 yield which is pretty decent and youre buying these funds at a discount below their net asset value. That gives you a cushion if things dont go perfect. We like certain aspects of the high yield market, not as big a fan of bank loans as we used to b the floating rate nature of the loans, not so great as the feds cutting. Otherwise, generally speaking were still happy with the high yield market. Maria we will leave it there. Bryce, great to have your insight. Thanks so much. Thank you. Maria bryce doty joining us there. My answer to why all these Asset Classes are going up, i think wall street views this president as the president who is so focused on the economy and the stock market and the stock market, hes not going to allow it to go off track even though e who dont agree with the president , dont agree with the tariffs, they know he is he zeroing in on that and watching. I think theres a certain inherent confidence with the president. Yes. Listen, hes come up this administration, unlike the last adadministration, has been focud on deregulation, on spurring the economy and using policies an not just relying on the fed. So i think its just testament to what this administration has done in regards to those policies. Maria even if you dont agree with him, you know that hes watching and hes going to try to make sure that whatever he can do is not going to cause a major offtrack situation, even if you think the tariffs were a bad idea. The tax cut as we know went into effect december 2017, has given a boost to businesses. Theres a lot of the Democratic Candidates who are going to be refuting floor sayin that or say whewent to the rich. Were talking about small and medium size businesses. You look at the big corporations including ibm that saw their tax rate go up because they were doing tax schemes like going double dutch irish and things like that. When you look at policies, they completely helped small and medium size businesses have a level Playing Field to compete on the global stage because now Corporate Tax policies are on par with the rest of the world. Maria do you worry that the tariffs and trade policy takes some of the oomph out that he helped enable with the tax cut plan. Of course. At the same time, weve seen a strong job market, domestic economy is doing well. Theres Different Things going on. But its trying to just in regards to his policies, so the problem is trading and tariffs, its yet to be determined on the full effects of how thats played out. Even critics say china needed to be addressed, even his critics. He needs a Strong Economy to win reelection. He will be focused on that. The core of his run in 2016 and his reelection in 2020 is on this keeping America Great and china was an integral part, changing our relationship, trading relationship with china is aintegral part. Maria mcdonalds celebrates a decision to dish frozen meat. Theyre going fresh. It is paying off. Then, new zealand number two top places in the world to visit. Weve got the full list when we come right back. At comcast, we didnt build the nations largest gigspeed network just to make businesses run faster. We built it to help them go beyond. Because beyond risk. Welcome to the neighborhood, guys. There is reward. Beyond work and life. Who else could he be . There is the moment. Beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Dear tech, lets talk. You blaze trails. But you have the power to do so much more. Lets not just develop apps, lets develop apps that help save lives. Lets make open Source Software the standard. Lets create new plastics that are highly recyclable. Its going to take input from everyone. So lets do it all, together. Lets expect more from technology. Lets put smart to work. Youre smart,eat you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Maria cheryl welcome back. Im Cheryl Casone with headlines. Four people are hurt in a tour bus crash in bahamas. The passengers were on the tour from a Carnival Cruise ship when the bus overturned yesterday on the island of aluthra. They were air lifted to florida for treatment, three seriously injured. The bus had 32 people onboard. The cause of the crash is under investigation. Well, mcdonalds switch is paying off. The company says quarter pounder sales jumped 30 since they shifted from frozen to fresh beef. It also helped mcdonalds increase market share, shares up more than a quarter percent. All right, paris wins. For the second year in a row, the city of lights number one on the u. S. News and world report list of best places to travel. Sites, culture, food and accommodations are considered. New zealands south island came in second. Its beautiful, i can tell you. Rome took the bronze star here, l followed by tahiti and london. The best place to visit in the United States, the grand canyon. And those are your headlines. Deirdre, over to you. Mattresses your way, the big business of sleep, we have more on that in a few minutes. Techs biggest names changing the way we catch those zs. Were back in a minute. Cheryl google, set my bed position to antisnore. Okay, setting the smart bed to antisnore. All new chevy silverado. It looks real sturdy. The bed is huge. It has available led cargo area lighting. Lights up the entire bed. It even offers a built in 120 volt outlet. Wow. Plug that in for me. Whoa holy smokes oh wow and the all new silverado has more trim levels than any other pickup. Whoa oh wow very cool. Theres something for all of us. Absolutely. Its time to upgrade. laughter no sleep till brooklyn. Maria all right. The big business of sleep. Your mattress getting smarter. Revirie partnering with google and amazon to let you take control of your mattress, set your bed in the position to get the best nights sleep. Joining us now is Martin Rawles mehan. Weve been showing off your bed throughout the show. Tell us about the smart bed and why its so smart. We call it a sleep system and on top weve got our mattress which has a couple hundred foam dream cells, customized for your body type. Theyll individually articulate. Well customize that for you. We have the power base that rotates on thre axis. We can get you into optimal positions like zero gravity, relax your Central Nervous system and get you ready for sleep after a long day. Nothing is recorded. This not like alexa. Right. Not at all. Youll not sleep well if were recording you. Maria what kind of commands are you giving google home or alexa to get the mattress moving. Youve got your basic commands. You can turn massage on, elevate the bed. With google were a part of their home skill network. You could give a command like hey, google, time for bed. And if youve got a wired home, you can actually set it so your lights will go down to like go off, youll have your thermostat go to the optimal sleeping temperature, massage turns on, whatever you want it to do. Its fully set up to optimize your sleep. What does zero graft mean . I think of being on the moon and floating. Thats exactly the idea. The idea is we think of weight weightlessness or we have true gaffe at this position. We elevate the head of the bed and the foot so its above your heart level and rotate it back to take all the pressure off your body. Think about like a long day, youve been on your feet, come home, your back is tight. And in order for you to relax your Central Nervous system and get ready for bed, we have this anxiety before bed, hard to go to sleep. You really relax yourself. It opens up that lower lumber curve, stretches you out. Maria thats important. Can i try it, guys . See if you can maria do something. Cheryl google, set my bed position to zero gravity. Sure, setting the smart bed to year in h zero graft. Cheryl its moving. Here we go. You didnt tell me there was a massage function on this bed. You should have told me that an hour ago. We know that cheryl has a snoring problem. How do we get it to antisnore and what will that do to prevent this . It was just in antisnore when she started. That will open up a air passageways and help alleviate snoring. Cheryl i do not snore, kevin. Maria to be clear. How much of a big business sleep has become, a lot of focus on the importance of getting a good nights sleep. Maria i cant believe how much marketing there is around sleep. Theres so much news about how important he sleep is to your health and wellbeing now. So the easiest way to lose weight, lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, alzheimers, the list goes on is to sleep well. Sleep is a big business. I think whats interesting is, its medication an supplements, our industry is probably about a third of the size that it should be and at 17 billion, say, and i think that the way for us to really break in and help people sleep better is to innovate like were doing right now and i think our industry will grow as we innovate and really make impactful technologies that help people. So whats the cost . Oh, gosh. Depends. Entry level sleep system, for example, weve got an Ecommerce Program on amazon, 999 would be the entry. Maria thats the osso brand. Mattress and sleep system. This starts around 4,000 for the full customized experience queen size sleep system. Maria thats the revirie. Our premium, your rolls royce, mercedes. Osso is entry level. You get great technology. We step it up for the revirie. Maria thanks so much. Still ahead, markets are watching iran as the blockbuster deal hits the pharmaceutical industry. Allergan shares are soaring. Its being acquired by abbvie for 63 billion in cash and stocks. A lot more next hour, right here, mornings with maria. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Expedia. On a scale of one to five . One to five . Its more like five million. Theres everything from happy to extremely happy. Theres also angry. Im really angry clive actually, really angry. Thank you. But what if your business could understand what your customers are feeling. And then do something about it. Turn problems into opportunities. Thanks drone. Customers into fanatics change the whole experience. Alright who wants to go again . I do i do i have a really good feeling about this. Thanks for joining us. Im Maria Bartiromo. Tuesday, june 25, top stories 8 00 a. M. On the east coast, iran slamming u. S. Sanctions this morning, tehran calling it outrageous saying they end any chance of diplomacy, National Security advisory john bolton issuing a warning what he said coming up trade in focus looking to President Trumps meeting with chinese president xi jinping at g20 new threat reported hacking of 10 Global Telecom companies from china, the fallout coming up, markets this morning, 90 minutes ahead of opening trading weakness dow down 15 s p futures down 3 nasdaq futures down 13 set stocks mixed on wall street yesterday take a lookios up 18 subpoena down 5 nasdaq down 26 in europe a bit of a well a mixed story really, ft 100 up two cac quarante in paris down 4 dax lower by seven, in asia overnight, markets pulled back, as investors eye wait the meeting between President Trump and xi jinping in japan, at the g20, the deal of the day on wall street is big, abbvie acquiring allergan 63 billion dollars cash and stock, 188 dollars and change price tag allergan shares up 31 , 32 high of the morning abbvie down 8 , allergan making of biotaxing, suing government over huawei restrictions saying caught up in middle u. S. China food the Company Reports earnings after the close of trading tonight, is mr. Americas finances a Study Reveals many nervous about money despite a booming economy what could impact growth that you will coming up this morning, joining in at the o break it down this morning Fox Business Network bolton, kevin kelly realclearpolitics cofounder president tom. Great show so far. I love allergan thing one of the things that i actually didnt think about before was allergan is actually cash business, right, so it differentiated the way payments made through Traditional Services with abbvie drugs prescribed medicare medicaid. This is right timing a lot of our sources too telling us this is a surprise, this deal why were seeing the stock move so much premarket, this was not picked up i know our colleagues at journal broke it but aside from that i havent seen much work on that. Bristolmyers squibb was down about 7 , because they did 74billiondollar merger with celgene some pattens going off drug divestiture allergan beaten down talking about doing corporate actions actually got a deal done. Maria they had to do something because of what you said and that is that it is the number one drug on the market, and going off patent. Abbvie had to do something, next leg of growth in that cosmetic side of the business, where cash payments. Talking as well baby boomers good lifestyle reporting how people get to certain age and still feel young about they have been successful want to enjoy themselves, this is a little bit part of it. Maria botox has been sort of the miracle drug for a long time, it is boosted shares of allergan for a lot of years but stock has languished. You tough 18 to 24 months certainly, i mean just i i mean getting paid actually if you are allergan shareholder it was 129 dollars yesterday you are getting 120 dollars and 30 cents a share a good then. 866 shares abbvie i think you know this is a really good deal for allergan shareholders. That is what Stock Performance this morning reformists up 30 , joining this conversation, california congressman is here dont miss that interview coming up Varney Company host Stuart Varney joining as well Ramsey Solutions financial expert chris hogan here a big hour coming up kick hour off me tensions once again iran saying that new u. S. Sanctions closed the door in diplomacy between u. S. And iran threatening global stability according to iran President Trump designateding, a new round of sanctions National Security adviser john bolton defended earlier in jerusalem. Iran threatened to exceed key limits imposed by inbequeath 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal exposing once again, the fatal deficiencies of that failed agreement President Trump yesterday imposed significant new sanctions on irans Supreme Leader otherl other top of leaders and entities, at the same time, the president has held the door open, to real negotiations, to completely and verifiably eliminate Irans Nuclear weapons program, pursuit of Ballistic Missile missing o Delivery Systems support for International Terrorism other maligned behavior worldwide. Joining me right now former trump and george w. Bush state Department Senior adviser former north Korean Special envoy christian thanks for joining us. Good morning mar. Is there anything that is going to change irans behavior . Here is a country that has probably one of the best portfolios in terms of oil and gas huge potential to be about incredibly rich nation not using energy for that reason they are in fact, supporting terrorism. Right a reminder des pottic regimes like this dont care for welfare of people a factor north korea you have leaders that probably just dont care they like to be rich but if it does anything to threaten their political power, it is unrile they would take those paths, yeah, you have a government here that may some day be interested in negotiations but i think that is an important distinction pressure on government by the administration, and by our allies is very considerable but if you take years for that to lead if you think back to 1980s what it took to soften up soviets a reformist leader willing to curt serious arms control agreement with president reagan it takes time. Is there anything else the u. S. Should be doing in terms of a on intos to iran at this point . You know, i think we are going to have to attack militarily i know people dont want to hear that iran repeatedlydrawn wrong impression from u. S. Actions because frankly they have gotten away with so much this is a government came to power, taking american democrats hostage, they took u. S. Officials hostage tortured killed hymn in beirut in 80s blew up wreen barracks killing marines, blew up towers dormitory in saudi arabia major dozens of americans killed more than a thousand americans potentially in iraq 2000 and 2010 gotten a i away with so much the administration thinking they demonstrated they were willing to go military prout i think iran will cop concluded they got away with it people probing provoking until in a box. You think a military conflict at some point i. Eventually not going to look like iraq aviation or libya frankly like Ronald Reagan i got to turn to china a new threat there as well just on eve of the president meeting, g20 with xi jinping, hack rz believed backed by Chinese Government, infill traitdz Cell Networks of at least 10 global Telecom Carriers according to report cited by the wall street journal says hackers use their locations with call and text records what do you make of this the fact that you can you can have hackers infiltrateing Global Telecom companies and on the direction of the Chinese Government . Right, it is what shows length and capability the Chinese Government will go to the thought looking after dissidents o opponents abroad especially chinese nationals basically like combination of the kgb highest technical entities you can think of, but also reminds us that china breaks almost every International Agreement it reaches, this report doesnt say when companies were affected but presumably, they concluded u. S. Companies remember china promised president obama, in 2015 to cease cyberattacks against u. S. Companies going into g20 dont know what will happen this is a question if we can trust china to implement any sort of agreement they break, also we saw millions in hong kong that is also the result of china breaking a promise and an International Agreement, to have universal sufficient rage in hong kong respect hong kongs economy i think speaks to the importance that trump has put maintaining enforcement mechanism on any trade deal with china, the ability to to reimpose tariffs when they dont like. I think probably indicates were not likely to get a deal with china, but the administration will probably focus more on one with japan, and, of course, implementing the replacement for nafta. You think that maybe u. S. Ends up doing a deal with japan, india perhaps then maybe bilateral deals with other Asian Countries like a vietnam, malaysia, et cetera . How does this play out condition u. S. Just go it alone not do a deal with china . Yes i think so, and you know takes two to tango china has all economic incentives to cut a deal frankly to comply with deal i think xi jinping lags to feel more pain he is under pressure at overwhelm impermissiblying chinese imports off 8. 5 in may somewhat sputtering political changes again with monday morning hong, but just they seem not willing to take fundamental chaungs that would disempower some state owned enterprises some practices that built them up mainly stealing intellectual property has not been in news much but a minideal with japan, something that brings us, basically, to levels of transpacif Transpacific Partnership great for especially american beef exporters autos, auto parts get done trump meets with abe at g20, g7 in france then General Assembly fall three big points you could get potentially a deal with japan done by the end of the year go reelection. How does huawei fit into chinese debacle tell me your reaction thoughts about huawei right now. Huawei is basically if you sort of combined apple qualcomm nsa that is what it is. Very dangerous company, perhaps you know involved in or at least linked conceptually to what was revealed by the wall street journal today, espionage long intelligence agency, so you know u. S. Companies have because this has been a designated entity huawei have more and more trouble, doing business with huawei, but they still have access around the world, and i think you will see the u. S. Government putting more pressure on allies not to invite this basically mechanism of chinese espionage even if they do sell pretty good equipment lower prices comes with a poison pill. Apparently what we are hearing great to have you on the Program Thanks is so much. Breaking news a blockbuster deal in you pharmaceutical spry abbvie acquiring allergan 63 billion dollars deal cash and stock getting a reaction from floor of the about New York Stock Exchange when we come back fedex fights back this morning shipping giant says it will sue u. S. Government, over the huawei blacklist. More on that next up. Lets take a look at some numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. And 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. Were life line screening. And if youre over 50. Call this number, to schedule an appointment. For five painless screenings that go beyond regular checkups. We use Ultrasound Technology to literally look inside your arteries. For plaque which builds up as you age and increases your risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease. And by getting them through this package, youre saving over 50 . 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I dont think he did drugmakerer abbvie in in a blockbuster deal 63 plusbilliondollar deal jackie deannings lus on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange looking at that impact good morning. Good morning to you maria headlined on the floor 63 billion dollars, deal abbvie, as you said ganl shareholders getting 123. 3 cash per share abbvie stock included allergan trading higher on this abbvie shares lower, abbvie has been under pressure to diversify portfolio reliant on human era going to face competition from cheaper versions that have drug in europeh europe allergan struggling since pfizer walked away from where a deal 60 billion in 2016, i want to move on talk about fedex, because it is suing the Commerce Department over export restrictions, the issue, of course, stemming from huawei and restricted packages moving overseas, fedex saying it is impossible for us as a business and xaern to be able to police all these packages, ceo fred smith had to say about trade issues. We believe, that the International Situation will resolve itself hopefully maybe as early as this weekend. With President Trump all 440 50,000 fed exers one way or the other involved in International Trade it is in everybodys best interest hopefully to rochl issues back do open markets. Watching what happens at g20, this week, of course, we are keeping eye on fedex this afternoon reports earnings maria. Maria all right we are be watching that thank you, jackie deangelus on wall street, coming up democrats divided over border nancy pelosi facing backlash from her party as house gears up to vote new emergency aid package, then washington in your wallet Study Reveals Americans Still anxious about finances despite booming economy all that right after this. The man with the steel guitar, hanging up a little less, rocks this bar cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to hit the ground running. Its the lowest prices of the season. The queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now 1299, save 400. Plus, 0 interest for 36months. Ends saturday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Diplomacy. Economy may be booming but Many Americans are havings anxiety when it comes to finances, new study Financial Industry Regulatory Authority more than half say finances make them nervous 31 are satisfied with Current Situation author of everyday millionaires chris hogan great to see you now good to be with you so much anxiety we know that a loft peopvft lot of p out there may not have money in savings to deal with it. That is very true, what is the reality is that people are stressed because they dont understand, really what is going on. They know theyve got real world things that are requirements for them financially but they dont have a plan, and so i have found the best way to get rid of stress is to have a plan to understand the steps you are taking. Chris ken kelly here, and i guess my main question we are starting to see Financial Hardship especially when it is coming to the right side of the ledger fed says no inflation but one thing that has gone up every year College Education has gone up, every single year there is actually real inflation in consumers daily lives fed is just i guess impervious to dont see it happening do you do we take a plan and address issues . Because i can see how people are nervous rent is going to be up next year the year after what are they supposed to do . Kech you are absolutely right we know this to be true the cost of living is going to increase each year, so weve got to get better, weve got to understand what we need to do so i advise people to take these four steps start budgeting right now today, that means you are going to tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went get ours out of debt when you get out of debt give yourself a raise more opportunity to understand what you are attacking next i want you to build up Emergency Fund this is a cushion between you and life, so if something does come up out of the blue, youve got money to reach and grab to be able to tabling care of it that is always i want people to invest for their future, when you have a plan in your following steps you gain confidence, and you feel better about what you are doing. Maria yeah let me ask you investing for future, lets say, youve got some money from bhaefr your salary or a big deal you just did00 you thousand dollars lets call it what do you do with that money make sure you get in a money to grow . Okay, maria if we are going to invest i want people to first and foremost understand what you are investing in, i tell people look at growth stock mutual funds we want investment to grow over time compound interest is your friend. Maria all right. So put mutual fipdz etfs also lower. Etfs also, only invest after you got yourself out of debt built up Emergency Fund, so that is the best overall plan we talk about this in Financial Peace University can find out more at web site. So neither worth of the average millennial 8,000 dollars, according to study by deloitte latests find mill adams worse off than parents were at the same age, what do you do then and i know what you are going to say first give me news on your debt, do you have debt to pay down . Well, maria i am surprised that were surprised at this, look at the cost of things, the average cell phone ,000 dollars cost of rent, you know there are xnz out there millennials have to make choices so much information pulling and tugging at them more focused on experiences than stuff. So they need to learn to be in control early of their money and not getting caught up with what their friends are doing, in the comparison game. Chris what do you make of the Cashless Society we seem to be moving towards i read something from harvavrd said willing to pay 13 130 premium if no cash changes hands as we go towards automatic pay digital pay seemss dangerous do you agree. Great question you are right. I think, deirdre most posture thing is that we keep knowledge and understandings exactly where we are, the things that makes me nervous about a Cashless Society that we stay out of control with how we are spending. We will take a look target recently had outage where registers werent working if you didnt have cash you are couldnt get things so i want people to stay in control and understand what is going on using real money or digital. Monopolies modern makeover no paper money rise on voice controlled you are just if you are paying with that is great actually in real life if paying with a little thumbprint easy. Maria i wouldnt like this at all because, first of all, i like to be banker, and secondly, it is just ruins the game. Point you are supposed to look across see if you are doing deal kind of look at the see stacks and stacks of cash. The point exactly, you want to know what competitor is this is bad for kid because like, never actually see you never see the cash chris so you dont really you dont have any accounting what you have it is all digital. I agree with you one hundred percent when you look down you see how much money you have, what you can afford to do, so i dont like this new game keeping my old version what kids like. Me too. Version. Of monopoly. Plays in the basement money everywhere. Stepping on that dog having to go right through your heel you know. [laughter] yeah. That is how you learn the value of what of actual monopoly whole thing there is a reason casinos give you chips instead of cash the Cashless Society he doesnt resonate you lose touch and the people of hard earned value of a dollar this is what happens. Also is very good to teach about socialism for example i like some of this celebrities that are doing all videos, talking about socialism talking about how bad monopoly that celebrity made a hundred Million Dollars on the movie okay give me 50 million. Of the you caning have this, we are taking like lets explain what it means in terms of socialism, by taking their money chris thank you good to see you, sir. Thank you. Chris hogan joining us there, we have serious issues to this morning, we are looking at the anger coming out of iran, the rogue regime slamming u. S. Sanctions as outrageous idiotic quote unquote breaking that down when we come back pelosi under pressure again, the House Speaker working to pass a multibillionaire border funding bill democrats divided on the issue back in a minute. It all started under this buttonwood tree. Twentyfour people came together to sign an agreement that created the stock exchange. Just the right elements coming together. It started when scores more people came together, just down the street and traded bonds that helped pay for the revolution, and the nation it created. It started in an office on the corner where the right people witnessed the telegraph and brought information and humanity together forever. It started with the markets, bringing together steel and buildings and silicon and medicine and rockets. We believe the possibilities of life and investing are greater when we come together. Its why for eighty years weve connected ideas with technology, data with inspiration, investors with solutions. So that every day together, it all starts again. For joining us. Im Maria Bartiromo, tuesdays, june 25 top stories right now 8 31 a. M. On the east coast, markets are lower in morning, 60 minutes ahead of opening bell dow futures down 21 s p futures down three nasdaq futures lower by 13 president tweeting stock market is head for one of the best months in history the dow s ps and nasdaq all up, better than 7 in the month of jooin, european indices this morning flat take a look, ft 100 down 3 points cac quarante down 6, dax down 12, in asia overnight markets pulled back a bit, investors are awaiting g20 meeting any movement on u. S. China trade when president meets with xi jinping on friday. The battle at the border is now taking place on capitol hill 4 1 2billiondollar bill to provide more funding for migrant families detained at border might not come up for a vote after all, house Speaker Nancy Pelosi facing backlash within her own party over it, taking a closer look at democrats divided. Cracking down on robocalls latest weapon in this battle, coming up the big Money College sports ncaa could ban california consumes, from if championships due to a bill that could i mean more money for the athletes stories coming up, this Tuesday Morning first our top story this half an hour, are height entsdz tens with iran says that new u. S. Sanctions closed to door to any diplomacy between two nations it has also threatened global stability according to iran, President Trump, has des aids in Iran Supreme Leader in round of sanctions, this coming as iran will reportedly begin second phase of reducing its commitments under nuclear deal on july 7 this National Security advisory bolton spoke early in jerusalem about what would happen if iran exceeds uranium enrichment limit. President would say all options remain on table i wouldnt give iran advice on on what they ought to do they should give up, their pursuit of about deliverable Nuclear Weapons make that strategic decision, they havent done it yet it would be a very serious mistake for iran to ignore those limits. Maria california congressman House Armed Services Committee Member vooist budget Committee Member, good to have you on the Program Thanks for joining me. Maria, thanks so much for having me back on. First lets talk about iran, what is the reaction from the United States ought to be should iran further ignore the nuclear deal and limitations. We dont need another war in middle east representative matt gates republican and i today are going to officer an amendment to make it clear before the president can do anything in iran, he needs to come to congress, for authorization, i dont think additional sanctions are going to work we tried that in iraq maximum Pressure Campaign 10 years we have sanctioned, tougher in sanctions on iran Saddam Hussein never bent ended up leading to war, the experts tell us that additional sanctions are not going to get Iranian Regime to fold touch pride going to lash out what we need to do with a our allies want us to do including japan norway hit, renegotiate with iran get back in Nuclear Agreement. What do you do in terms of of the renegotiations . Iran clearly wants to enrich uranium if your answer to renegotiate the deal get back into a nuclear deal, what would that negotiation look liking . Allow them he to enrich yooirm. No, they uranium. Deal about prohibited from enriching uranium. They are breaking the deal anybody right said july 7 we are going to do what we want imperfect doing to break limitations on deal. Breaking the deal because we got out of the deal designated the revolutionary guard i am not are they not a terrorist organization sir. They have responseed with hezabollah hamas terroristed activities i think designation of them as terrorist organization and pulling out of Nuclear Agreement, has exacerbated the situation. And these escalation wasnt taking place before we pulled up, there is not a single ally of ours, we should think about that including the countries directly attacked, there is not a single ally of ours that wants us to pull out of the Nuclear Agreement not negotiate so my question is why arent we listening to everyone emphasis in the world including people who actually have stakes there in fact, it was saudis United Arab Emirates part of the reason the president didnt attack they understand if we attack iran could attack them you could have a regional war. Interesting, because most people will say look, the United States, should not be the policing of the world right . U. S. Is not our our job to Police Everybody yet when you have a nation that is supporting terrorist when you have a nation that is actually has an opportunity to have really become a rich nation with all of the potential of oil ganged in iran and yet they choose not to, in fact to use their he have efforts to support things like hamas, and hezabollah. What do you do . What should u. S. Do . Well we need to strengthen our regional allies negotiated here is the reason maria because we dont need another middle east war this president has said it is cost 6 trillion dollars if we use china as rival, china 15 global gdp america we are 4 iran. 55 entire middle east 3. 5 what are we doing getting bogged down there when would should be investing in our own country people making sure we win this 21st century. Bipartisan on hill magaetz and we drug amendment. That little percent can because disruption across the world let me ask you about battle at border hours Speaker Nancy Pelosi obviously, sambling to secure votes for 4 1 2billiondollar funding bill aimed at helping migrant females detained at southern border move dividing democrats in congress to some arguing the bill doesnt go far enough, where are you on this . We have a moral obligation to ask i want to get to a yes, we have some things i think that tend tribe done grove bill specifically two things, one right now you can have unlicensed facilities holding kids for up to a year, i think that needs to be reviewed so facilitates licensesed a cooler standard you need give kids soap sanitary conditions, allow them to sleep on a cot if we can get those provisions in i want to vote why i think that we have a duty to get funding to solve the humanitarian issue. You and colleagues had a chance, to increase money i mean these Detention Centers obviously are busting we dont have any room for anybody else, that is one of the reasons youve got Border Patrol as acting as nurses taking kids to hospitals kids so sick no room in Detention Centers, how come this hasnt been fixed yet . Well we have offered funding i dont think it is fair to blame congress i i think the administration has enough is where basic standards which is making sure that there is basic hygiene making sure how did administration asking for money now for a la about a year. That money has been for ice enforcement more detention beds. More detention beds. They havent been asking for money or health and Human Services to take care of kids it doesnt cost a lot of money to provide toothbrushes and soap the people as opposed to this i am not i am actually want to get to a wyes, there are concerns using money simply for enforcement not change behavior helping kids there is not a signage american thinks what is going on at any border how kids are being treated is right, we should as Congress Come together get the funding, and uphold values that we treat every human life with dignity republican. What america stands nor. Treat every human with dignity and republican you and colleagues are not doing that because you have kids at the border right now, who are showing up sick after hit of hiking walking four months because of all they loopholes youve got flores agreement the asylum standards why cant you and colleagues just get together and change those loopholes . Well the issue of treating them with dignity republican making sure soap. I am talking about hoop holes thou come you cant fix loopholes. I dont think loopholes tr issue the issue is that they neededto due process, they need Immigration Judges there we dont have enough judges the issue is that we need more funding by the way, the republicans are saying that they contindont want to suppor nancy pelosi has to get votes for 4. 5 billion if you ask leader mccarthy he and caucus arent willing to even vote for that i think that this is a situation, that should not be you partisan everyone knows we need basic care nor these children, and this administration has not upheld standards. So you dont think the issues at border then are the story were talking about a millionings apprehensions this year is that not an issue . , of course, it is. Why not change loopholes congressman . What i proposed is what president obama has doing that this administration discontinued his solution we would process people in country, in other words, set up in country processing, in guatemala, in honor door as, in el salvador folks dont even get to the border process them there secondly, increase the u. S. Aid, was taking on Gang Violence succeeding do that those two decrease flow thought border help alleviate the situations. Obviously, one of the hot topics more night and thursday night democratic baebz 20 a democratic contenders facingoff two separate debates wednesday and thursday night current frontrunner joe biden appears in thursdays debate facing candidatespire pete boout bloo buttigieg, camera who aris, by those biggest know you are tied to Bernie Sanders and his campaign how does Bernie Sanders he differentiator himself wednesday night. Three, Bernie Sanders needs to make it clear not getting th into more unconstitutional we are not going to send trillion of dollars in middle east overseas going to vest in this country, second he. He does to make it clear that he is is always stood up for bad trade deals trade deals that have really industrialization invest in Rural America in this country raising minimum wage third should talk about the support he has, in the midwest how well he has done, in at the heartland of this country why going to be a successful candidate begins the president. One main policies has been medicare for all you have a can you justify elimination current 180 mill people currently will geting insurance from private sector medicare for all wipes that out. Dont you do that it says you can have private insurance has spooeb supplemental his bill said everyone gets basic medicare, you get basic Health Care Including dental vision going to cost you less, if you are not happy with it, you want more, you can still go keep your Insurance Company, but his bill is basically saying that the government has an obligation to provide people with basic health care, it will reduce premiums increase benefits, by the way, President Trump was for it in 2000 he in his book the america we deserve said a single payer system is best way to get health care to people. You think the country is ready for some of these policies when appear socialist. I had a progressive capitalist representative Silicon Valley we have to some most Economic Growth i think what Bernie Sanders is talking about in terms of investing in health care and education what we need to compete with china prepare for 21st century i think we have to start investing in people again. You think he is going to be the democratic candidate. I think is a strong one tender a top three contender after President Trump i dont any anything can predict what is going to happen he is definitely in the hunt. Good to see you thanks so much, coming up cracking down on robocalls Stuart Varney with details on new solution back in a minute. And it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another Insurance Company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Going back to the doctor just for a shot. With neulasta onpro. Patients get their day back. To be with. Family. Or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. 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Absolutely all the time i get on my phone during my show. Unbelievably regular as clockwork our control room is plagued with them all the way through the show. Well on the program today, in about lets see half hour, we have representative greg walden with us, he has a proposal to stop robocalls. What he is doing is throwing the onus on the cell phone companies. It is up to them to sort this out and stop it now i dont quite know the mechanism, but i have great hopes sooner rather than later will come up a way to absolutely stop this because, a pet peeve of all of our viewers every Single Person i know. Because, when you get these calls coming at you you cant use your phone, it is it is messed up until the caller stops, so lets hope he mr. Walden has the right stuff to fix this thing, and on the show in a half hour i hope you can join us. Maria awesome i will be there stu thanks so much see you 10 minutes thank you so much Varney Company begins top of the hour 9m a. M. Revert after mornings with maria first ncaa gets controversial, the collegiality Athletics Association considers banning california colleges from all championships. The u. S. Womens soccer team another big win over spain the passes off france in quarterfinal match all highlights back in a minute. Close call for team usa but they won jared with highlights once again. Good morning how about file a bitter yesterday first time Tournament Team usa gave up a single goalscore 1 late second half Megan Rapinoe would score gamewinning goal for team usa penalty kick there was question whether or not should have been a penalty usa holdings on to win 21 will play in quarterfinals begins host nation france an expensive ticket secondary market one seller tickets going for over 11,000 dollars the price 400 bucks to get in free on fox 3 pm eastern friday. Seven years from now Winter Olympics in italy, since they hosted if torino italians bid for milan, be the out stockholm sweden third of time hosting. Awards last night mvp giannis of the milwaukee bucks. Things we are [applause]. Man we know greek freak led bucks to the 60 and 22 record detached by coach of the year rookie of the year rudy top devins player larry bird imagine johnson received nba Lifetime Achievement ncaa playing hardball with california College Sports governing body sent a letter last week implying if a bill passes, that in 2023 would allow College Athletes to profit financially off their names images likeness, colleges and universities golden state could get banned from initiative caa championships, 23 of division one schools in california, the bill overwhelmingly passed in the state senate last month. Maria wow, good stuff, thank you so much jared. Catch fox News Headlines 47 servicings radio xm 15 sad news longtime New York Post journalist steve did you know leavey died rupe ripe owner Rupert Murdoch said in a statement, steve was one of the greatest reporters of all time, competing with his own father in famous sydney, australia tabloid wars or last the 40 years in new york, steves life story with great scoops. He was much loved by both colleagues, and editors, his passing is the end of a great era. Steve did you know leavey was 8 dunleavy was 8 years old. 81yearold old. So. How are you feeling . On a scale of one to five . One to five . Its more like five million. Theres everything from happy to extremely happy. Theres also angry. Im really angry clive actually, really angry. Thank you. But what if your business could understand what your customers are feeling. And then do something about it. Turn problems into opportunities. Thanks drone. Customers into fanatics change the whole experience. Alright who wants to go again . I do i do i have a really good feeling about this. Or trips to mars. 4. 95. Delivery drones or the latest phones. 4. 95. No matter what you trade, at fidelity its just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. Maria you see the markets this morning. Big deal of the day, abbvie acquiring allergan. Stocks are moving on the news. Big week in terms of economic data. Gdp is out on thursday. Got Consumer Confidence out this morning. Final thoughts . Yeah, final thoughts is i would sell the strength in the Big Technology names because they have regulation risk coming from state attorneys general including california as well as, you know, the ftc and department of justice. I would get into the 5g and Cloud Infrastructure names, you can find them in srvr etfs. Maria good point. Im on a 5 30 flight to miami tomorrow morning to go watch these debates. Keep an eye on the first night. All the focus has been on Elizabeth Warren. Watch amy klobuchar. She has been overlooked so far. Its her chance to make that centrist pitch. Got to give her credit for making her announcement in a blizzard. G20, also Jerome Powell speaking today. Im watching fed and the runup to g20. Maria these are all important things that will move markets for sure. Great show today, guys. Thanks for having us. Maria have a great day. Seize the day. Varney Company Begins now. Stuart, take it away. Stuart ill do that. Good morning to you. Good morning, everyone. Iran lashes out. After President Trump imposed new sanctions that go right at the Supreme Leader, Irans Foreign Ministry says its the end of diplomacy. Then president rouhani said the white house is quote, afflicted with mental retardation. Well, that is the current state of the standoff in the gulf. No response yet from President Trump. Then theres cuba and putin. A russian warship has sailed into port in havana. Whats it doing there . President trump meets Vladimir Putin at the g20. This is a

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