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Melissa 2020 census ruling coming out today from the nations highest court and now President Trump is responding saying the ruling is quote totally ridiculous. I can hear him saying that. We are live outside of the Supreme Court with reaction from both sides of the aisle. Plus all eyes focusing in on iran from the g20 summit in japan. How the commanderinchief is working with our allies as tensions with iran remain high. Candidates getting ready for night two of the democratic debate where senator Bernie Sanders and former Vice President joe biden are facing off. We have much more coming from miami throughout the hour. Big focus here on the g20 summit in osaka, japan. President trump is expected to meet with his chinese counterpart for the First Time Since the talks broke down in may. Lets go to fox businesss edward lawrence. Reporter melissa, before that happens, in four hours from right now President Donald Trump will meet the japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe. They will talk about trade among other issues. U. S. Trade representative Robert Lighthizer says he could have a deal with japan in the next few weeks or so. China, thats a different story. The u. S. Has been negotiating for a year and are in a stalemate still. This has become a game of chicken, whose economy can outlast the other before being forced into a deal it seems. Advisers for the president says he is fine with the status quo. He is perfectly happy where we are, where he is and where the u. S. Is in these discussions. We have tariffs. Were gaining revenues from the customs duty. Our economy is doing very well. Chinas is doing rather poorly. Reporter chinese trade sources are telling us there is a precondition to meeting President Donald Trump with president xi xinping and that was that no new tariffs would be imposed on china. Well a Senior Administration official pushing back said they never agreed to hold off on new tariffs. That official says the u. S. Will not lift sanctions on huawei as part of a larger trade deal. Chinese sources now want that in a deal because President Trump himself mentioned it could be part of a deal. We will not be allowed to do business unless there are strict government, monitored Risk Mitigation processes. A trade deal is not going to affect that. Secondly we do in the want and we do not speak for the Chinese Government and they dont speak for us. We welcome the opportunity to talk directly with the u. S. Government to work out proven Risk Mitigation measures. Reporter the bottom line the u. S. Is poised to put basically Everything Else china imports under a tariff if these meetings dont go well. Back to you. Melissa edward, thank you. Connell. Connell talk a little more about china. Our panel, Mitch Rochelle and were joined by kate warren from edward jones where she is an investment strategist. Kate, i will start with you on this. A lot of this is what our expectations should be, what is realistic to come out after meeting like g20. What are yours when President Trump sits down with xi xinping . Ours really are that they will agree to go back to the negotiating table and that in addition, no new tariffs will be imposed. That is pretty much in alignment what the market is expecting right now. Connell that seems fair. No earth shattering agreement, you agree to speak again, nothing new put on. Mitch, lets talk about huawei. You know i was in china last week. We had exclusive access to huaweis campus when we were there. My thinking when speaking to people at huawei they see themselves as kind of a pawn in this negotiation. President trump hinted what he asked, that huawei could be part of the negotiation as part of a Serious National Security concern you would never talk about or never negotiate. We see the speculation beforehand that china is coming out, xi xinping is saying would like to see the huawei ban lifted as part of a trade deal i dont think that is surprising but how do you see this whole thing playing out . Hard to say how it will play out in the long but right now theyre clearly a pawn and theyre getting a lot of pressure that do businesses with huawei to know what their future is. It is not just huawei being in the position at that theyre in the trade negotiation. It is all of those counterparties that huawei has that are stuck in park, not knowing what their future is for the customer of theirs. Connell panel sticking around. Melissa. Melissa shares of boeing going down after the faa discover ad another safety issue. During the latest test of a 737 mack jet there is another software issue. Jeff flock live in chicago with the latest. Wow, jeff, cant believe the news. Reporter melissa, not a good day for boeing again in the real market or the real world. It was worse than that at one point. Boeing in court today in chicago negotiating about paying settlements to victims of the lion air crash. That is the first one that took place. That killed 189 people. And they are apparently talking to family members about paying settlements in advance of any litigation that might take place. Maybe that is a positive for boeing a little bit, if theyre willing to, you know, to make moves ahead of any long, protracted litigation. Here is the deal on the potential other problem. That is apparently software we think all could be hardware as well with a system designed to get in when the problem with the mcas system, the one implicated in the crashes if that doesnt work. Faa found Something Else similar. Here is the quote from them. The faa recently found a potential risk that boeing must mitigate. If you think it is coming back anytime soon, they say, also were following a process, not a prescribed timeline. Dennis muilenburg, the ceo, says hopes to get planes back in the air by the end of summer but experts say, maybe not, especially if it is hardware as opposed to software which is not a tweak. Maybe a chip has to be put in or Something Else. No good news. More cancellations out there. United canceling more flights through the end of the summer. Melissa. Melissa wow, what a disaster, jeff, thank you. Meanwhile dominating the delivery wars, amazon teaming up with rite aid for package pickup in 100 locations throughout the u. S. The rollout coming from heated pressure from growing number of retailers like walmart and target taking on amazons prime day with deals of their own. Mitch and kate are back to react. Mitch, i love this competition. How is it shaping up . What do you make of the reaction . The reality, melissa, the last mile is the Biggest Issue in ecommerce and having a retail brickandmortar Delivery Center is key. Here is nugget. Costs on average 2. 90 in input costs to deliver a package. Free shipping really isnt free. If this can trim down the costs i think it improves margins of ecommerce folks. Melissa kate, also so smart because getting that pickup at the end, that last bit, whether it is because you live in an apartment or a house where somebody is not home during the day, or, you know, when you have to get the package back to them, you dont have regular service, solving that problem is a really big deal. Is this a smart move . I think its a smart move and it also does increase the pressure on all of the other retailers to figure out a similar way. It also potentially lowers amazons costs because as mitch just said, it is expensive to do the last mile. Much better to deliver all the packages to a smaller number of locations and have consumers with certainty and lack of worry about will something get stolen be able to pick it up. I think its a great move. It is good news for consumers. Less than good news by stocks affected by greater competition by amazon. Melissa even thinner margins. Guys, thank you. Connell . Connell let me take you guys back here to miami for a moment as we get set for night two of the president ial democratic debate in this city. Round one was last night. We saw a number of candidates going after big business. Lets take a listen. This is actually an economy that is hurting small businesses, not allowing them to compete. Way too much consolidation now in giant industries in this country. That hurts workers, it hurts small businesses, it hurts independent farmers. 2 trilliondollar tax cut that favored corporations while they were sitting on record piles of cash. Weve had an industrial policy in the United States for decades. Now basically let giant corporations do whatever they want to do. Connell sure well hear more of this tonight you would think. Interesting, so early, right, that from an investment point of view, market point of view, to even think about this at some point we ask questions what are investors pricing in . We look at polls, if we deal with this kind of thing we should start thinking about how we invest in the environment but where are you right now . I think it is way too early to start worrying whether well see some kind of changes in those types of policies after the next election. Clearly as these cans dates distinguish themselves well hear more about how we should regulate larger businesses but i think we also need to remember that those are very dynamic businesses and, Large Businesses frequently have suppliers that are smaller businesses and its a lot more complicated than what it sounds like from the sound bites. No, i dont think the market is pricing it in. I also dont think investors should be worried right now. Connell fair point. It is quite early. Mitch, what did you think of not only what we heard last night, but what we heard last night . One of the questions, one of the Big Questions how far to the left say joe biden goes tonight . It is interesting, connell, some of the candidates weaponizing capitalism. You saw others being much more moderate. I think you will see the same thing tonight. A little bit on left and hopefully the center. Market wants the center. They do not want the left. Connell certainly from the wall street point of view, all the conclusion. Thank you, mitch. You bet. Connell coverage continues from miami. As we said round two of the democratic debate kicks off a few hours from now, where former Vice President joe biden will face off against a crowded democratic field. I know other candidates on the stage including Bernie Sanders, kamala harris, looking for a chance, as he looks, the Vice President a chance to solidify his frontrunner status. Well talk coming up why some critics say the debate could some ways early on makeorbreak for his white house bid. Much more coming up from miami. Melissa looking forward to that. Taking on the president s policies, the Supreme Court blocking the white house from including a Citizenship Question in the 2020 census at least for now. What the ruling could mean for the 2020 stage. Well talk to former arkansas governor Mike Huckabee. Thats coming up. The border battle continues. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying the house will reluctantly pass the senate bill, a move critics are calling a defeat but will it really happen . My challenge for lawmakers to find common ground, that is coming up next. Portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. 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Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. Im not sure how this drama ends today as we speak but if we were to get an amended version of the border supplemental from the house, we would table whatever was added to it and send it back. I still hope that wont be necessary and well be able to finish that today. Melissa the battle over border aid heating up on capitol hill, the house expected to vote on the border bill later this evening. Here now with the latest on back and forth is chad pergram. He is a fox news senior capitol hill producer. Chad, thank you for bringing to us. Thank you. Melissa sounds like we had the two bills, the house and the Senate Version. The Senate Version very bipartisan and passed overwhelmingly. Sounds like now nancy pelosi is going to just accept that, is that what is happening . Yeah, absolutely. She put out a statement, what we call here on capitol hill, a Dear Colleague letter, wrote to the democratic colleagues the past hour. Quote, we will reluctantly pass the senate bill. The reason there you heard from mitch mcconnell. He said we would send it back to the house of representatives, the version that the Senate Approved 848 yesterday. There was a big long meeting in the Speakers Office earlier today. A lot of liberal democrats walked out very disappointed the speaker made this decision. Frankly, melissa, they ran out of time. They had to pass something to get some of this aid to the senators by the border, to deal with children and migrants. The democrats fighting for something stronger they will live to fight another day. Some of those liberal democrats, nita low which, rosa delauro, tried to pitch this to Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. Wait a minute. Patrick leahy, top democrat from the committee helped write the bill. That was part of this spin by democrats to try to turn this around on mitch mcconnell, the grim reaper, that narrative there. But there might be some changes down the road here. Pelosi held a meeting with Lindsey Graham about trying to address this in the main. How do they change migration policy. As Lindsey Graham said, when he emerged from the meeting with the speaker, what do we do to stop as he calls the pull factors. Melissa chad, i want to play this for you. This was the challenge i issued last night with tucker carlson. I kind of think nancy pelosi may have just answered this call. Listen to. This. What if every time we interviewed a lawmaker, what if you and i took the pledge, everybody else, shep, sean, rachel, anderson, every time you interview a lawmaker, you say name one thing youve opposed before that youre willing to give and put on the table as gesture to get the ball rolling . You cant name what you want in return. Because you know what . Everyone is going to have to Work Together to come to a solution. Chad, when i, see what nancy pelosi did this afternoon, i feel like she put her chips on the table. That she put an offer on the table here. And do we know if she asked for anything in return for this . She was asking for those guard rails, the most liberal members guardrails in the house bill. They dont think the senate bill is sufficient. Nancy pelosi at the end of the day is pragmatist. They were facing july 4th recess. They understood the president would not move. She spoke twice with Vice President mike pence. He wasnt going to move. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell would not move. That might not ingratiate her with liberal democrats. They will pass a bill or sometime within the next half hour or so, provide money to immediately address the problem at border. She gave. I spoke yesterday with former Senate Majority leader trent lott, he asked what was the vote in the senate . It was 848. If i were still running the senate, i would say quote, eat it house. That is what is happening. The house is eating the senates bill. Melissa i dont know. I give her a lot of credit. They could have gone home for the holiday not finished that. They havent had a problem not going home without doing their work before. She did a good thing, a big thing. Chad, thanks for bringing that to us. We appreciate it. Surely. Melissa breaking news, nike reporting Fourth Quarter results, lets go to gerri willis with the numbers. Reporter melissa we have a beat on the bottom line, beat on top line. Coming in 62 cents a share versus expectations of 66 cents a share. Bottom line revenues, 10. 18 billion, against 10. 16 billion expectations. Back to you. Melissa gerry, thank you for that. Escalating tensions with iran, latest threat from the regime as tehran is poised to break the terms of the Nuclear Agreement. We will talk to robert charles, who is former assistant secretary of state on his strategy for g20 allies to force diplomacy on a hostile iran. Plus, we are live in miami. Connell . Connell a lot more coming up here, melissa. The democratic strategy on day two. Why critics fear a progressive push at tonights debate could damage the partys prospects long term. Ed henry from fox news on what we can expect coming up next. As a doctor, i agree with cdc guidance. I recommend topical pain relievers first. Like salonpas patch large. Its powerful, fdaapproved to relieve moderate pain, yet nonaddictive and gentle on the body. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Hisamitsu. Can we talk . We used to play so beautifully together. Now we can barely play anything. Even cards with the girls. If you have bent fingers, and cant lay your hand flat, talk to your doctor. It may be dupuytrens contracture. Your hand is talking. Isnt it time you listened . There are nonsurgical options. Take the first step. And learn more about dupuytrens. At factsonhand. Com connell back here in miami, sliding to the left. Some of the lower profile democrats warning their higher profile competitors may be pulling the party too far to the political left. Lets take a listen. Elizabeth warren and bill de blasio want to do that. They want to end private insurance. What is your message to them. I think my message is it is political suicide. I dont like the fact we talk about 15 bucks an hour. We want workers to make 30, 40, 50 bucks an hour, that is what the jobs will provide. Connell were joined by ed henry from fox news to break all of this down. Good work in the spin room last night. Interesting talking to these guys, whether delaney or ryan, certainly not some of the favorites in the race, they see a party, especially Economic Issues moving pretty far to the left. Democrats should Pay Attention to these guys. Even at one or 2 they have a voice. Tim ryan from the battleground state of ohio. You have to win ohio to win the president ial race very likely. He is saying very clearly he doesnt think his Democratic Party is connecting with working people. That is something donald trump clearly did in 2016. He will have a challenge in 2020. Yes, unemployment is low, but you heard on the debate stage last night, some people not feeling that. Wage growth is up as you know, first time in long time that is something president will use. Health care is something to Pay Attention to. John delaney was talking about. A, political suicide to talk about ending private Health Insurance in this country. Connell right. He is right, i think. It would be a big mistake for the Democratic Party with medicare for all and other things. The flipside the president has not gotten his hands too dirt on health care. He will have to figure out his plan is. Connell democrats used it in the midterms. People see, theyre talking about in the spin room and other places what type of approach do we see with former Vice President joe biden. Supposed to be the centrist in the race, clearly a frontrunner. Now with the news cycles of the last few weeks, there pressure on him to go to the left . Three things i look at from him in particular. One on substance and policy ground. Remember where joe biden started the race, he would go more towards the center, more moderately, grown up in the room. The Hyde Amendment came along, he flipflopped on abortion. We heard all that. You mentioned the tilt to the left, i think biden is very dangerous for him to continue to flipflop on issues, move further to the left when he claimed he would have moderate lane. Hard to run back to the moderate lane in the general election, if that is what he does if he gets nomination. Other thing i look substantively, i talked to a couple advisors in the spin room, he will come out to focus on unifying message. That is great. Mike tyson says everyone has a gameplan until you getted punched in the mouth. Bernie sanders will not let him talk about a gameplan. Connell biden, 32, sanders 1, warren 13 in the polls. Who is punching . De blasio got people going last night. He was all literally on the left side there, far left. He came in strong. He really pushed progressive message. I dont think de blasio still seems like a stretch to see him winning nomination. But he stood out. Youre right. I would watch kamala harris. She is somebody as a black woman, she had parents from jamaica. Another parent from india. She is minority in this race who could really boost turnout on the left if she got the nomination. But she hasnt caught fire at all. Connell she hasnt. Other substantive point, third one on biden, were hearing moment ago he will not come in the spin room. All candidates like elizabeth warren. Connell not coming in after. He could change his mind but that tells me continues to do this rose garden, what i said about the not getting hands dirty. Im not going to engage. If all the other candidates do it, you look like youre not really in here fighting for it. Connell good to see you on fox news from the spin room. Ed, we have breaking news back in new york. Melissa. Melissa breaking news, the Federal Reserve issuing part two of the stress test for the nations biggest banks. Lets go to jennifer schoenbergwer the results. Reporter melissa the Federal Reserve gave approval to 17 of the nations largest banks to boost dividends and buy back stock but on on conditions. The fed passed Credit Suisse, only conditioned on estimating losses from trades gone bad in a crisis. The fed is restricting Credit Suisse from raising payouts to shareholders until this is addressed. Jpmorgan and capital one scaled back their initial payout plans because they would have fallen short of the feds capital requirements. Capital one was one of the banks hit hardest given exposure to consumers and credit cards which saw the steepest losses under the feds hypothetical stress scenario this year. Deutsche bank, which failed last years test made progress says the fed but it has a lot more torque to do. The fed is not comfortable with the bank even though they passed firm on this years test. The second round of stress tests were mandated after the financial crisis to examine whether banks could continue to lending to households an businesses during a hypothetical severe recession, after paying out dividend and buying back stock. Banks had to be able to withstand a severe recession scenario that envisioned unemployment spiking to 10 and home prices plunging 25 . Melissa banks have more than doubled their capital from the 300 billion to over 800 billion since 2009. They are on a very strong position to withstand a crisis after paying shareholders. So the Banking System and strong shape. That is why banks are getting the green light today. Back to you. Melissa yo that represents a lot of capital not at work. Jennifer schoenberger. Very true, melissa. Very true. Melissa thank you. A setback for the trump administration. How Democratic Candidates could use the Supreme Court ruling on the 2020 census as ammo on the debate stage. Former arkansas governor and former president ial candidate Mike Huckabee joins us next. Plus, our coverage from miami continues. Connell while the economy here in focus in the spin room, melissa, as weve been talking about. We have much broader view, how the Real Estate Market is holding up and how the economy in south florida might impact the 2020 race. Much more coming up live from miami. Well be right back. Fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . 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Reporter connell, the Supreme Court saying they dont have the jurisdiction to decide how districts are drawn in regards to gerrymandering. So they punted that back to the lower courts. The issue of the census question, whether or not there will be a question of citizenship added to the 2020 census. They said they need more information. They need to understand why the Commerce Department is deciding to add this question in now but they do say the Commerce Department does have the right to ask it. They just need to make sure they are not abusing it for political purposes. Now the president says he might delay the 2020 count to give the Supreme Court time to get all of the information they need. The president tweeting this, quote, i have asked the lawyers if they can, delay the census, no matter how long until the United States Supreme Court is given Additional Information from which it can make a final and decisive decision on this very critical matter. Opposers of the Citizenship Question on the sense uss aler that trump is using this as political weapon and the department of commerce is politically motivated. The census decides how 600 billion of federal funds are divvied up. Those that oppose it, are worried that communities that heavily immigrant and latino will be undercounted. That they will get less federal money and less representation in congress. The clear intent of the administration is to rig the system in favor of the republicans by excluding and intimidating people from being a part of the census, to, drive funds to their supporters on a partisan basis. Reporter republicans say the Citizenship Question is not only fair but they say it is necessary because of liberal immigration policies like sanctuary cities. Sanctuary cities are created, youre asking people to come to your city. I dont think you should get a benefit from the federal government for doing that. That is what happens when you count Illegal Immigrants. Reporter so the census documents get printed this summer, if the president cant delay the census, he doesnt have many more options. Connell . Connell Hillary Vaughn live in washington at the Supreme Court for us. Melissa . Melissa here is Mike Huckabee, former arkansas governor, fox news contributor. So interesting, nancy pelosi right when this was happening said in very plain language she wants everyone in california, including Illegal Immigrants to be counted so they have accurate representation in the house of representatives, that affects how many reps california gets, which is very honest. Do you think that it is fair for a state to have Illegal Immigrants count if those immigrants are not paying taxes but at the same time, i guess that community is paying for that person to be there . I dont know, what do you think of that . Well, melissa the irony of this when you have nancy pelosi saying yeah, we want these people to be counted because we want their money. Now they cant vote, at least they cant legally vote because theyre not citizens and only citizens can vote but if you will allocate money, or allocate number of members of Congress Based on people who are not citizens what you have basically done is stuff the ballot box without officially stuffing the ballot box but that is the net effect. Creating more members of congress from liberal districts with sanctuary cities. You didnt do it because you love those people. You did it because you love those federal dollars. I wish they would be honest about it, when i see blumenthal pretend he is heartbroken for the people you know, im sorry. Melissa she got pretty close to being honest, want that number of reps, they want, they want that number of votes in the electoral college. They want, you know, that number of federal dollars, but they are drawing from that community, so you know, i guess theyre paying for them. I dont know, maybe if everybody talked about what the issues actually were, and was honest about it, you could have, you know, an honest conversation about it. I dont know, where do you think it goes from here . I loved it when you said he almost was honest because for Richard Blumenthal to get almost close to honest, is in itself a historic moment in america. I think this ultimately ends up with that question being there. The court even said the executive branch has a right to put the question in. Then they turned around and said were not sure we like the way, or the reason. I thought that was a little bit disingenuous on the part of john roberts. I was very dispointed that he went there. I thought it was a ridiculous ruling to try to say that, yeah, you got the right but we have to agree with it. No, actually, you dont. Youre just one branch of government. Youre not all three. Melissa yeah. Just be honest, on every side. It is about electoral votes, it is about federal dollars, lets be honest. That is exactly right. Melissa while i have you here im sure you have a lot to say about the democratic debate. I was stabbing my leg with a fork to stay awake. I thought a gone would be tool in this setting. It was so boring. Im watching it for work. I dont know how anyone would have chosen to watched it on their own. What did you think . That is two hours of your life you will never get back. I think one person most appreciated in the entire evening was nbc sound technician who caused them to go to early break and shut the whole thing down. Let me be clear i dont think they are debates. The whole format is horrible. They need to be totally torn apart. These are game shows. I would love to be able to suggest some ways that you could make them a legitimate forum where candidates would put forth their positions, balance of the time between the candidates, it would be fair and evenly divided. Candidates would not have to elbow their way to get any camera time. There is too much of the moderators. Too much of them. This is not about them. They didnt have the guts to run. They need to just quick talking so much. I hate it when they ask a three minute question, then say to the candidate, now you got 30 seconds. That is ridiculous. Melissa it is true. Every time i fell asleep, i woke up, there was another moderator out there. I thought i was seeing double because i was so bleary eyed how boring it was. No, there was another person out there, amazing. Well, you know, well try to watch again tonight i guess, maybe, i dont know. I want to borrow your fork. Melissa i might just watch the highlights. Governor huckabee, thank you. Thank you, melissa. Melissa connell, more from miami. Connell stabbing yourself with a fork . That is painful. Im worried about you. Well show you some Beautiful Homes in the miami area. We were cruising around on a boat. Why knot when youre in town, with sam dibanchi with Million Dollar listing. What she thinks with the current economy and Real Estate Market in south florida. Thats next. Back then, we checked our zero times a day. Times change. Eyes havent. Thats why theres ocuvite. Screen light. Sunlight. Longer hours. Eyes today are stressed but ocuvite has vital nutrients to help protect them. Ocuvite. Eye nutrition for today. Hey i live on my own now ive got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. Unlike my parents. You rambling about xfinity again . Youre so cute when you get excited. Anyways. Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Melissa American Renters appearing convinced owning a home is not a vision for their future n a survey by freddie mac only 24 of renters say it is extremely likely they will own a home. 82 say rent something more affordable than owning. Interesting. Connell that is interesting. I got a firsthand look, meantime, speaking of real estate, some more expensive homes here in the miami area. We were boating around with sam dibanchi from mill dollar listing. Lets watch. Were in a really unique market where the both the buyer and seller wins. Sellers are still making money. Buyers can take advantage of Mortgage Rates being under 4 for 30year fixed. Which is crazy. Connell really is. Years ago i was talking about rates predicted to go up 5 or 6 . It didnt happen. Here we are under 4 . Connell where is the money coming from down here at least . People we hear about from new york, new jersey, northeast, out in california, want to save on their taxes . Is that where the buyers are coming from in florida . Lets say we have foreign money. Were number one here in south florida. Brazilians love our real estate. But with that said, we have so much money doing it from new york, california, i have clients from chicago, california, washington state, Everyone Wants their money here planted for tax reasons and price reasons. Cost of living is less expensive here. Connell one of the things we also look at, we did stories a decade ago about the collapse in the economy, i guess started with the collapse in the Real Estate Market, whether there are any warning signs or trouble brewing. What do you see there . You deal with people all the time. Theyre putting money down. What types of trends are you seeing there . Does anything worry you . Sure. I read a statistic that people spending 30 of their income, sometimes even more, whether theyre renting or buying. That can definitely get a little scary. On top of that, im seeing more and more people put less and less money down. So that means they have a job, they have credit, but they dont have the money to put down. Whether that is because they dont want to put it down. Connell right. They dont feel comfortable putting it down, nobody can really answer that question. Connell what do you mean by not putting a lot down . Theyre financing 95 . Theyre financing 90 . Connell wow, that is scary. It is scary, but again there could be a lot of reasoning behind that, because when you look at rents, rents here in south florida can get pricey. 2,000, 3,000 a month. That is a pretty solid mortgage payment. Connell right. You have to really analyze the numbers and say, maybe it does make more sense to rent. Maybe it makes more sense to buy. It really depends on the person and the property. Connell give us an outlook, whether condos we see or homes were driving by on your boat today, for the future, are you optimistic, are you cautious, worried, what do you think . I am cautiously optimistic. A little bit of both. That is because again, i do see a lot of normalcy. I see a lot of positivity. I see new yorkers, in 2018, new yorkers moved to south florida more than ever. Over 63,000 people moved from new york to florida in 2018. So that is a big number. Connell yeah. I think well continue to see increases of that, especially because of tax purposes. But as a whole, i think were in a pretty good market. Were going to stablize a bit. It will be a great day to own real estate in south florida. Connell a different view outside of politics. Our coverage from miami continues after the break. Melissa. Melissa all right, a looming nuclear threat. Iran postponing efforts to step up uranium production to counter u. S. Sanctions for now at least. What could that mean for the Nuclear Agreement with other world powers . Thats next. Nts. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. You can earn 100ision tech. Off your deductiblee, for every year of safe driving . Sing that. Vanishing deductible, you can. Earn 100. Earn 100 off. Off your deductible. Deductible. For every year of safe driving. For every for every for every year of safe driving. What are you what key are you in . E. No, no, go to g. G will be too high. Not for me. Vanishing deductible. Oh, gosh. Sweet, sweet. Melissa addressing a growing threat as World Leaders meet at the g20, the acting defense secretary mark esper warning the rising tensions with iran risk escalating quote, out of control. This as the country is set to exceed their uranium enrichment limit within days, according to reports. Joining us now, robert charles, the former assistant secretary of state. Robert, the different signals were getting are very confusing here. On one hand, they say they put off the date at which they were the deadline they were giving the rest of europe to come in and help them out. On the other hand, we see this report that theyre going to exceed the limits within just a couple days. Either way, were sort of at a Tipping Point here. What do you think happens . I think keeping perspective is always important. What were really encountering here is a moment when it would be right and good, particularly with the g20 just around the corner, for unified sanctions that force diplomacy on iran and delegitimize their Nuclear Weapons ambitions. The reason, and its important for our viewers to fully understand, its a reason the breakout of the agreement with that enrichment is important. Its not because they will have a weapon tomorrow, but its because if you go from 3 which is roughly where they are right now in terms of u235, and you take it to 20 , that can be done in days. Then in a matter of months they can take it from 20 to 90 . Thats weapons grade. Then eventually, you can go from there pretty quickly, within i would say a year, to potential weapon. We do not want a Nuclear Middle east. We do not want a nuclear iran. Thats why the president is very successfully i think playing a threelevel chess game. The first level is sanctions, the second is something cyber, behind the curtain, and the third is really thinking about the use, making it clear that if needed we will use military power. And you know, the other thing about this is this is not the edge of war. This is more like the edge of serious diplomacy. In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan had to respond to something somewhat similar to this when the iranians mined the arabian gulf and the result of that was that they sank an American Ship and we sank about half of their navy. So were not hopefully at that point right now. The opportunity is high and right, honestly, for unified sanctions to force diplomacy. Melissa you talk about unified sanctions. Thats one thing they are discussing at the g20. How receptive do you think that our allies will be, because before they were angry that the u. S. Pulled out of the agreement. I mean, i think for financial reasons, because they wanted the business that they could get from iran, but now given the point that we are at, how receptive do you think our allies are to presenting a unified force . I think more, and the reason is this. Again, perspective is very important. This Nuclear Agreement with iran essentially legitimizes a future Iranian Nuclear state, and what we have said from the beginning, what President Trump and his team have said from general mattis to john kelly to mike pompeo and john bolton, have said this is not going to stand. We are not going to allow a nuclear iran. So if you believe that as the most important end game, you have to back that up. Were at a point now where the european allies i think recognize that really, the iranians never intended to do more than delay becoming nuclear and were here to say thats got to stop. Melissa robert charles, thank you so much. Come back soon. Great stuff. Breaking news, the house is now voting on the Senate Version of the border supplemental spending bill. We will see how this ends up playing out. Very important here. But we do know that nancy pelosi has said that they are going to go ahead and pass it so we will see. Connell . Connell all right. We obviously will watch that. While the fight for the white house is heating up here in miami, you know, we will get ready for the debate tonight. I was thinking as i wrap up our coverage from here, im going to go get set for the debate. I could just text you highlights. I know you struggled last night. Would that be easier . Melissa that would be great. Look forward to it. Connell, thank you so much. We look forward to more of your coverage from there. That does it for us here in new york. Dow ending down 10 points. Bulls bears starts right now. Just hours to go until the official start to the g20 and growing concerns over a u. S. china trade deal. A new report suggests president xi jinping could be heading into this meeting with President Trump on saturday armed with a new set of conditions that the u. S. Will have to meet in order to get any deal. This is bulls bears. Im susan li. Joining me on the panel, jonathan hoenig, liz peek, Gary Kaltbaum and zachary carabell. Straight to osaka, japan. Edward lawrence is on the ground. I guess those are the reports. Reporter yes, very interesting

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