Stupid that is the 2020 election season campaign. That certainly should be the Campaign Note from President Trump because of right now, doesnt look like he has a lot to worry about. A New Washington post poll out showing his Approval Rating rising, five points higher than april, highest of his presidency. More than half of those in the country approve of his handling of the economy. I want to bring in former White House Communications director anthony scaramucci. The mooch. Great to be here. Charles we always rock fortunately my era. Charles this is the folden era. This is also a golden era as well. The president is doing great. At the end of the day it will be what rand how test in the election. What is the president is doing, literally staggering literally creating a economic miracle in the United States, globally, studied by academics how to deregulate a society, put right incentives on the table for tax cut, tighten the labor market, creating rise in middle income wages and the controversy is how the p is doing it an bell costty of his rhetoric but i think charles what is wrong with how he is doing it . What happens sometimes his use of twitter is offputting to some of the voters he needs. When youre calling Rex Tillerson dumb as a rock on twitter. Charles will lose all five Rex Tillerson voters . No. White woman voters trying to teach their kids about antibullying dont like. All the things youre talking about, if President Trump doesnt use twitter how would the average know about it . Lets be honest, Mainstream Media since 2016. Im saying he has to use twitter. There is food President Trump on twitter. You and i both know there is bad President Trump on twitter. That with standing he will win reelection. He has a very good tailwind behind the economy. Likely you will see a rate cut. You and i debated that yesterday. All of these things are very good for him. And you have 1month to go. You will not see a recession in next seven teen months in the United States. That is hard to delodge a incumbent. Charles i think only thing that would derail President Trump is a recession. Segue into the Federal Reserve. The president continues to pound on jay powell. I think its a twopronged approach. That is my theory. He want rates lower. He thinks powell made a mistake by the december rate hike. Pounding the fed no way they hike rates ahead of election. In the past, george bush, sr. , the fed hiked rates. Four hikes going into the election. He lost the election. Even though the economy was already recovering. So i think the president wants to win. So he is playing his cards terrifically frankly. We can debate whether or not there should be a rate cut or not but the market is predicting it and it is baked in. Charles that is the market side but im talking about visavis being reelected. As it relates to game theory the president is handling it brilliantly. He is raising a ton of money. He has a narrative set up for an economic miracle taking place in the United States. He will according to my prediction solve up the trade situation with china next two or three months. That narrative, wave will be unbelievably positive for him. He will right side 40 years of trade imbalances. He has the economy growing 2 1 2, 3 1 2 depending on the quarter print. As you know we were discussing the jobs are legendary. There are more Jobs Available than people looking for a job. If someone lose as job, bam, they quickly find one. Charles to your point, couple hours ago the new york fed released their Monthly Consumer survey, sits at record amount of americans are confident they can find a new job if they lost one tomorrow. That is amazing. To me that is better than any poll you could ever take. Again, he probably has a little bit of the reverse bradley effect. Mayor tom bradley. People said they were voting for him, they didnt. That 44 is closer to 51. There is group of people are saying they do not like him, that is what they do. That is weird thing about the president. Charles when pollsters come up to us, social pressure to act one way. You ever had a pollster come up to you . I never had one pollster come up to you. They must already know. Charles the way you and i walk around, that new york chip on our shoulder. Let me ask you, because i got less than a minute ago, i want to ask the democrats, some are running on giving out as much free stuff as possible. How alluring is that to the americans who are not necessarily enjoying this tide, this economic tide right now . I mean that is one of the studies that have come out. People below 100,000 havent been dramatically impacted yet by the tax cut. That is a risk. I dont see that as a longterm risk. By and large the country is aspirational society. Economic growth is enough incentive for president. Further left they go, charles, in my opinion the country is not ready for that. Were not a group of socialists in the country. We are risktaking. People on leftleaning media sites, Elizabeth Warren will lose in 47 states. That sort of thing. Charles anthony, thanks. Great to be here. Charles those diminishing hopes of a big rate cut are weighing on market. Apple and boeing weighing down the dow. Apple getting hit with a sell over concern of lackluster iphone sales. Meanwhile boeing misses out sort of a big deal. To airbus. It is big news. Saudi arabia actually put the order in. Now theyre canceling it. It is almost 6 billion. Were talking about the 737 maxes. The crisis for that jet continues. On that note i want to bring in erin gibbs of gibbs wealth management. I want to pick up on the conversation i had with anthony scaramucci, because you and i had the conversation many times about Federal Reserve and jay powell. I think the fed will cut rates, for them not to do that, the thin amount of credibility they have will be gone. Absolutely. Even though we had a good jobless report in june, you cant ignore unevenningness and volatility for prior five months of the year. There is definitely a slowdown in 2019 versus 2018. We may not get the 50 basis point cut but i think 25 basis point is still very much on the table. Charles thinking about the jobs report, continued wage gains. New york fed came out with amazing exhaustive report, ill still going through it, it is remarkable the confidence that households have. Forgetting about the fed for a moment, is the household situation in america Strong Enough to auger for or justify higher stocks prices from here . So that is a little concerning because weve already been pushing stock prices pretty high and when you look at corporate profits, were not talk so much about the economy but how are companies actually doing, the Profit Growth, the expectations have dramatically dropped. Right now were actually expecting a contraction, a Profit Growth contraction for the Second Quarter of this year. There has been a big shift in just estimates, not only in the First Quarter, Second Quarter, third and fourth quarter, even in 2020 where revisions are plummeting, coming down over the last three months. Charles to your point, secondquarter earnings, negative guidance is highest since First Quarter of 2016 but having said that you know, we always come into the earnings more recently bracing for the worst. Last year was the absolute best year in history by far for corporate earnings, the market was actually down in 2018. So you know, could some of that already be baked in, particularly because we usually do better than anticipated . Yes. Right now it is just a slight negative. It is just 1 1 2 contraction. Typically the market ends upbeating three to 5 so well probably still see some Profit Growth but it will be slim. It will not be doubledigit Profit Growth. It will be tight. The bigger concern is that were just seeing a constant downward revoice. We havent seen estimates stablize. So since the beginning of the year things, estimates, expectations have just kept colling down. Another thing is, that normally you get very First Quarter, quarter youre looking at go down, then you push all the profits into the later quarters. Charles right. That is not happening. All quarters are getting revised down. From a corporate perspective things are starting to look a little expensive. It is definitely above average when it comes to pricing. Charles let me ask you about some big movers today. Apple got a sell recommendation over at rosenblatt. Boeing another bit of bad news, losing out on an order already on the book. Discount Saudi Airlines decided to go with airbus. Two big names typically lead this market on the upside. How critical is it that theyre starting to waver here . This is important. Were seeing negative news breaking up amazon. You have negative news around big leadership. Again i think we really need to take a look at, investors investing in large cap, highprofile names, the fang stocks, really starting to take a look at other companies, start diversifying your portfolio. Dont stay concentrated in names we talk about every day. Charles erin, appreciate it. Thank you very much. Financeer Jeffrey Epstein is in Manhattan Court at this hour pleading not guilty to charges of creating, maintaining sex trafficking network, exploiting abusing dozens of under age girls. Some as young as 14 years old. Epstein was arrested oaf the weekend as he arrived in the night from paris on his private jet. Prosecutors will ask him to remain in jail pending trial. This is 11 years he was left off of a very light once secret plea deal. New poll finds one in four americans expect to retire ever. Are you one of them. Tweet me cvpayne. How ominous is it . President trump says i. C. E. Raids will start fairly soon. One Government Official is weighing in, wondering why law w enforcement doing their job is worthy of the National Spotlight . His comments later in the show. I cant tell you who i am or what i witnessed, but i can tell you Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. 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Charles retirement is inching closer for becoming a thing of the past. Recent poll, find one in four people dont ever expect to leave the workforce. The number of people working multiple jobs are spiking. Why are so many people financially unfit to call it quits . It is up for debate. Lets ask donald luskin. These polls are around. Bank rate does some things, other folks. It is alarming, 32 of people will retire before age 65, which might be unrealistic. 23 say never. Is that worrisome for you, donald . Doesnt worry me personally. I guess im one of those people who plans never to retire. I mean, i got to tell you, what do people do when they retire . You know, how do you spend a day . I mean, is bowling that interesting . Is fishing fishing that ininter . I happen to love my work. Why do i want to stop it. Not like it hurts. Why would i stop it. This is great. What a great country where we have the opportunity to keep working. What a miracle where our lives are long enough and were healthy enough and mentally alert enough so we dont have to retire like generations before us. This is a great blessing. You should embrace it. Charles i will get back to the blessing part of it, what about people who want to retire but say they are arent earning enough money to retire . Okay. Now that is a problem. We have to of course ask why. Were you the profligate grasshopper instead of the ant who saved up . Were you just messing around when you were a kid, you didnt contribute enough to your 401 k . Or did the economy just failed to provide a job for you . You know, it is hard to know, but you know, all i can say is that we have, were very close to what is statistically full employment right now, which means that anybody who wants a job can have a job. You know, im going back to the blessing part of it, it is part of your disney to destiny, be productive and work, that is different for different people but embrace it. If you didnt save properly, see yourself a rock and a hard bless. Of the find the blessing in it. Think of how great that you live in time where you can work. Charles the jobs report on friday showed a speak of people working multiple jobs. Weve been hearing politicians on the left say this is a crisis in america. Im not sure it is at crisis levels. For women the number jumped 5. 6 , the women in the workforce working more than one job from 5. 2 . What do you make of that, donald . That more and more people are working two jobs again . Some of this may be someone want to have the flexibility of working for uber and lyft. But a lot of this is also out of economic circumstances, or dire economic circumstances as well. In a economy booming like this, is it worrisome, it doesnt trickle throughout the entire population . No. What would be worrisome to me, where you had the people, their initial starting point, oh, my god, i didnt save enough, i cant afford to retire, and they couldnt get a job or a second job, right . So it is that initial condition which is the product of things building up over their entire lifetimes. Were looking in 50 years of stuff that brought them to this position. Where would you rather be with that stuff in your background . Do you want to be able to work two jobs or want to starve . Between two alternatives, working two jobs is like going to heavy, baby, that is great to me. I work nine. Charles i have five or six myself. I have a buddy was retiring next year. He told his wife go away for a year. Dont bother him. He will be fishing. Donald, i will send pictures. You will get joy of it from him. Thank you. Charles i want to bring an emotional moment this is from yesterdays sundays fox friends, fox newss ed henry, donating a part of his liver to his sister tomorrow. Youve had a heavy heart for a while, rightfully so. Your sister colleen has a liver disorder. You as her brother have decided to ten up and donate a portion. This has been a long journey. It is good to talk about it. It is hard, i hope it helps people, people need organ donations. She is on the national list. It takes a long time. We dont know. I got to try to help. Charles gofundme page has been created for colleen henry. She is single mother of two, to offset some of the medical costs. We wish them both a speedy recovery. Immigration and Customs Enforcement gearing up to deport eyepopping number of undocumented immigrants. Just how many, how can they do it, well explain next. Is where people first gathered to form the stock exchangeee, which brought people together to invest in all the things that move us forward. Every day, invesco combines ideas with technology, data with inspiration, investors with solutions. Because the possibilities of life and investing are greater when we come together. Charles i. C. E. Will begin deporting one million illegal immigrant who have been lawfully ordered to leave the country but havent left yet. Our top immigration official Ken Cuccinelli telling Fox News Sunday this is upholding the law and shouldnt be a controversial move. This is just what i. C. E. Is supposed to do. The fact that we fallen to the point where were talking about it like it is news tells how far we have fallen on the enforcement side. It is the most violated if he ral court order in america. Charles cuccinelli went on to slam congress, accusing them of complaining about a crisis at the border they have done nothing to solve. He wants shun to be passed to change asylum laws this summer. We have anna paulina. What are your thoughts here . One Million People is an eyepopping number. It gets back to some Election Campaign talk that have people thinking hey, this could turn america into some form of a police state . Yes, sir. The whole process what is taking place, in my opinion it should happen. These people are coming here have been told that they need to leave. Frankly theyre still choosing to stay, which at that point theyre again breaking the law. I think those i. C. E. Officers are being completely demonized. Aside from that, in Perfect World where we didnt have evil or people that wouldnt exploit the people here illegally, we wouldnt have a need for the process to take place. We dont live in that world. The way the process takes place, the i. C. E. Officer takings individual in custody. The individual will be held at an i. C. E. Facility, which i might add some of these facilities are lot nicer than the military barracks that our Armed Forces Members stay n you stated earlier that the judge ordered they are to be deported. So at that point in time the receiving country will be notified. The individual will be deported via air or Ground Transportation from the u. S. Government. Charles here is the thing, they have been legally ordered to leave the country. As soon as judge makes the determination, these Illegal Immigrants go into hiding t will not be an easy process for i. C. E. To find them. I wonder, are you concerned, there will be a moment, a i i ai willian gonzalez moment, where scene is kids are crying, picked up by the media, exploited as a campaign against i. C. E. . Unfortunately with the Political Climate we live in, i do think, this is my opinion, not the opinion of my organization, the dnc will use it as an opportunity to turn it into political propraganda. As youre aware, hispanicamericans moving forward into 2020, are the largest voting minority. Were seeing issue is politicized to include deaths taken place of the children in this whole process. Unfortunately i do think if that does happen, it will be because it was seen as an opportunity for it to politicized. With that being said, the i. C. E. Officers do this with compassionate viewpoint. A lot are hispanics themselves. I dont think the individuals will take pride in doing this theyre upholding the laws. That is why we are the country that we are. All these things is what makes us the country we are, the reason why people want to come here in the first place. Charles mo doubt about that, before you let you go you brought up politics and hispanic votes. How are hispanics looking at the administration and their efforts to secure the border and how important is it to get changes to our immigration laws . I think it is so important for america and really the viewers to know, hispanicamericans as a whole, over 50 of us support this president. Although my organization might not represent the entire hispanic demographic, but we represent the demographic that knows and cares about this community, respects the process and loves this country. For those that might not understand, hurt by this process, multiple times the administration fought for even the daca recipient to have a pathaway out of limbo theyre held in currently. Time and time again the dnc pushed back against that. With all the facts being out in the open, the American People, especially hispanics are waking up to that. We will not be easily exploited. Were the largest voting minority in the country, moving forward in politics. It is time for everyone to take notice. Charles anna, we appreciate it. Thank you. Charles new fears of the socalled big one after two earthquakes shook southern california. Jeff paul is in the middle of it all. He joins us live from ridgecrest. Jeff the second one, what was it 7. 1 on the Richter Scale . Reporter yeah, it was a 7. 1 and we could certainly feel it out here when we were out and about working on our coverage. There is real fear there could be another earthquake or simply more of these aftershocks. Because of that, look what some people are choosing to do. They set up tents, sleeping out in the open outside. They strategically placed themselves open in the middle of a field, away from falling trees or buildings. One person told us she would rather sleep under the stars rather than a ceiling at this point. It is fear of the next one, Officials Say there are only few minor injuries. Psychologically the community is damaged. The aftershocks are becoming less frequent, but each time we feel one of them it reawakens memories of those past earthquakes. Ptsd is a real thing and were all suffering from it right now. Im glad you thought it was safe to sleep out in your front yard, sleep in your car. That makes me feel good that you had your faith in us you could do that but now i need you to get back in your house. Reporter the chief says theyre shifting from reacting to recovery. Officials have inspected several buildings that were damaged. Theyre urging folks if they dont feel safe or unsure to sleep in their house, reach out for help, have someone come out to inspect their homes. It is worth noting we havent felt one of those massive earthquakes now entering the third day without one of those. Seismologists say the probability of having another earthquake, magnitude six or greater, those chances are going down by the minute. Charles . Charles that is great news. Jeff, thank you very much. Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez hitting back at nancy pelosi after the House Speaker dismissed the ultralefts influence. Will this cause a split in the Democratic Party . Joe biden finally apologizing that he was wrong about his comments about seg race its. Kamala harris responds. What is means about all the democratic infighting next. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. But how do i know if im im getting a good deal . I tell truecar my zip and which car i want and truecar shows the range of prices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if im getting a great price. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. Charles welcome back. Stocks lower while most investors waist and see mode hoping to know for sure where the fed stands, after jay powell testifies before congress this week. Meanwhile boeing is dragging down the dow. After saudi arabias budget airline, fly deal, break as 6 billiondollar agreement for boeing for grounded 737 jets. Instead theyre going with new airbus planes. Deutsche bank is announcing a radical restructuring plan. It will result in 18,000 jobs cut by 2022, with the stock dropping below 8 a share. Seems like the Democratic Party is in disarray these days. Im not just talking about on the campaign trail. I will talk about joe biden in a moment. Progressives on capitol hill are getting fed up with speaker nancy pelosi. Mitch mcconnell sent you back something that was worse. I will tell you right now, i mean all she can do is focus on him. Up lift the women, especially women of color within your caucus that are out there because ill tell you more people like us, more people like me, that come out to vote, we win, all of us win. It is very disappointing that the speaker would ever try to diminish our voices in some ways. Charles now this of course after pelosi fired back at four democrats voting against the bill delivering billions of dollars in aid to the border. I want to bring in the political panel, liberal commentator, danielle mcglocklin, madison gesiotto, from 20s advisory board. Talib would have to explain why she was against this emergency aid of 4. 5 billion package to aid the people she keeps talking about. Aocs concern there wasnt clear definition or delineation where the money was going to go. They had to trust the administration would spend the money on humanitarian aid, not for securing the fence. Charles they felt nancy pelosi blinked again. Then they did but i dont agree. There is roles for activists in parties and a role for leaders. Nancy pelosi is ceo of Democratic Party. Getting things americans actually want, securing Voting Rights for felons after they served their time, lowering Prescription Drug prices. She is looking at bills that will make sure that there is no discrimination against lgbtq. She is took the work that most americans want them to do. Universal background chiefs. She is doing the work, and she gets to 2020, she will turn to voters we worked across the aisle for americans actually want. Madison, your thoughts . I think it is really interesting time that were living in. It is an interesting time for the Democratic Party. Change is a great thing. Change among any party is a great thing. You always want to see your party continuing to move forward to create a more positive vision for future of this country but at the same time there can be toxic change that can set you back. I think there are a lot of moderate democrats in the Democratic Party are very concerned about some of the ideas and ways some of these fringe democrats are going about things and behaving in congress and across the country. So nancy pelosi i think is concerned. She is concerned about people like aoc drawing attention away from the positive things maybe she wants to accomplish or some of the bipartisan son work being done. There is not nearly enough in congress, there is bipartisanship, but some things are getting done. We want to focus on horizon of potential new by part sean deals that can be passed in congress and d. C. Charles this group if you cant agree on four 1 2 billion dollars of aid for children everyone says in dire straits there is no room for any sort of compromise but i do want to stay along these lines, talk about former Vice President joe biden. Now he is on an apology tour. He went to South Carolina to address recent comments he made with segregationist senators. Take a listen. I was wrong two weeks ago. Somehow gave the impression to people that i was agreeing with those i am against. Yes, i was, i regret it. And im sorry for the pain or misconceptions that were involved. [applause] charles this all comes after that disasterous debate performance when he was attacked for the comments by kamala harris. Here is her response to his apology. He is right to recognize the impath of his words, and i applaud him for doing that. I encouraged him to do it. Charles danielle, the question here now of course, he was adamant about not apologizing. Now he is apologizing. I will say this, i hate that were using the term segregationists. They are racists. They had low opinion of black people. They thought black people are nothing. They are racists. For him to say he could work with them, donald trump would work with david duke he was not in office. It was crazy for him to make the statement in the first place. It took him a long time to react or apologize. He did the right thing in apologizing. He is trying to tell people he can work across the aisle. But youre right charles they were working across the aisle. Southern democrats. They were absolutely right. Some of those people thought africanAmerican People were inferior. That is disgusting. His view on busing was more nuanced. He didnt want it federally mandated. Charles he got criticized apologizing early. Went into never apologize mode or apologized again. Is he too far behind the curve . He is not getting in front of this stuff . He has a long legislative record, he has been in the senate, Vice President. He represented the people of delaware for a very long time. Charles some people think that is the problem. Maybe he has been around too long. Maybe its a problem. Charles madison, this is decades of identity politics coming home to roost. Things are difficult for joe biden. Can use the words of drake, better late than never but never is better. Kamala harris out shined him. One of the comments that stood out from her to me and some others the American People dont want to see a food fight. They want to know how we will put food on the table. That is she is rising in the polls doing on campaign trail that biden should get back to doing. Charles we know it will be a long, Long Campaign for sure. Danielle, madison, thanks to you both for helping us out. Thank you, charles. Charles breaking right now, President Trump firing back at the uk ambassador to the United States with a tweet, couple tweets here. First i have been very critical about the way the uk and Prime Minister theresa may handled brexit. What a mess she and her representatives are created. I told her how it should be done. But she decided to go another way. I did not know the ambassador. He is not liked or well thought of within the United States. We will no longer deal with him. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom they will soon have a new Prime Minister. I thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent state visit, it was the queen who i was most impressed with. The uk ambassador to the United States called the Trump Administration dysfunctional, not normal in a series of leaked diplomatic cables. Iran defying the fact ignoring President Trumps warning and passing it is uranium enrichment limits. Fred fleitz will give us his take on these escalating tensions next. [ sigh ] not gonna happen. Thats it. Im calling kohler about their walkin bath. My name is ken. How may i help you . Hi, im calling about kohlers walkin bath. Excellent happy to help. Huh . Hold one moment please. [ finger snaps ] hmm. The kohler walkin bath features an extrawide opening and a low stepin at three inches, which is 25 to 60 lower than some leading competitors. The bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. Kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. Are you seeing this . The kohler walkin bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. Everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohlercertified installe. And its made by kohler americas leading plumbing brand. We need this bath. Yes. Yes you do. A kohler walkin bath provides independence with peace of min. Iran better be careful. But it is no good. They better be careful. Charles President Trump issuing another warning to iran as the rogue nation says they have surpassed uranium enrichment limit set by the 2016 nuclear deal, and they could go even further. What are the next steps for the white house . Joining me to weigh in former nsc chief of staff to john bolton, fred fleitz. Been a long time. Great to see you. It has, charles. So great to be back, buddy. Charles it is under these circumstances that iran gone beyond just sabrerattling. They have shot down a drone. They have gone past uranium limits they promised. Now theyre threatening to go even much further. Theyre pressuring it seems like europe more so than the United States but where does this go . Well, thats right. What i ran is doing is, it wants revenue back it is losing because of President Trumps tough sanctions. And basically if it doesnt get this revenue, it is threatening to enrich uranium. That isnt working with President Trump. It will not work with europe. You know, patience by the europeans with iran is wearing out because of the mining of ships, shootdown of the unarmed drone an i dont know if you know, iran was sanctioned by the europeans earlier this year over assassination squads iran sent into europe last couple years. I think strategy by iran will backfire. Charles i dont know about that. We saw the uk seized an iranian ship on its way to syria. There are number of sanctions europeans are applying to iran as well. Nevertheless, they have been reluctant, they have been very reluctant joining with the United States in trying to squeeze iran economically and iran obviously senses this. They are trying to pit them against us. Thats right. The europeans want to stick bit terrible nuclear deal, that the Obama Administration put together. They are trying to force their companies to continue trading with iran. The thing is, European Countries dont want to trade with iran if it costs them business with the United States. They have left iran in droves. Iranian government wants to force their companies to trade with iran or a backdoor way to where there wont be sanctions that is not going to work i. Charles brought in your association with john bolton. Many believe he is the hawk in the administration pushing towards some sort of military confrontation. Others say President Trump has done the right thing, so are far by avoiding that . I dont like talk of war with iran right now. There is a lot of other options. A war with iran would be expensive. We would have probably american pilots being shot down. Iran has a lot of missiles. The Nuclear Program is underground. There are a lot of diplomatic option before the military option is used. I want it on the table. The iranians know that President Trump is prepared to use military force. But his strategy right now, squeezing iran is working. I think he should stay the course. Charles i have 30 seconds, but squeezing north korea. It was an amazing meeting between President Trump and kim jongun at the dmz but over the weekend the hostile rhetoric returned on north koreas point. Is that again a sign of desperation . No. I think the strategy with north korea is also working. I think President Trump has created an opportunity with his personal relationship. The entire north korean government may not completely be in line with what leader kim wants to do but im optimistic were at least going to get to another summit. Charles fred, thank you very much. Always appreciate your expertise. Good to be here. Charles a very triumphant moment. The u. S. Womens National Team wins their fourth world cup. The question, will this landmark win be a gamechanger when it comes to equal pay . Well discuss that next. [ sigh ] not gonna happen. Thats it. Im calling kohler about their walkin bath. My name is ken. How may i help you . Hi, im calling about kohlers walkin bath. Excellent happy to help. Huh . Hold one moment please. [ finger snaps ] hmm. Its soft. The kohler walkin bath features an extrawide opening and a low stepin at three inches, which is 25 to 60 lower than some leading competitors. The bath fills and drains quickly, and the door ensures a watertight seal, so you never have to worry about leaks. Kohlers walkin bath was designed with convenient handrails for added stability and safety. The wide, ergonomic seat is tilted back for comfort and stability. It has a channel so water wont pool on it. 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You have to see whos taking in what. I dont know what those numbers are. I would like to see that. But again, you have to look at the great stars of the mens soccer, the great stars of the womens soccer and you have to see how are they all drawing, what is the attendance for womens soccer outside of world cup, but i would like to see it. Charles President Trump weighing in on the u. S. Womens National Teams fight for equal pay, after winning a second world cup in a row. The soccer squad beat the netherlands 2nil to take the tournament yesterday. Members of the u. S. Womens National Team are suing the u. S. Soccer federation for allegedly discriminating by paying the women less than members of the mens National Team. Here to discuss, Washington Examiner commentary writer, tiana love. Thanks for joining us. Listen, the numbers are impressive. President trump pointed out were not talking about professional soccer in the United States but the world cup soccer, you know, the women have won it in 91, 99, 2015, 2019. They came in second 2011, third in 95, 2003, 2007. The men, well, they did come in third in 1930. Why are the men paid so much more than the women . There are two questions at hand here. One is what the ussf pays and another is what fifa pays. It remains to be seen after this extraordinary showing by the womens team in the world cup if sponsorships increase at a rate that surpasses that of the mens team in 2014 and 2018, then yeah, i absolutely do think the womens team should renegotiate a raise from the ussf. Their pay structure is different than the mens team and it definitely lends itself to less pay because its base Pay Plus Bonus rather than the mens team which is just a bonus. But what fifa pays it different. Charles thats true. Thats why we try not to conflate the issues but again, if its just world cup, the womens teams certainly have outperformed the mens team. Some people are saying hey, that shouldnt matter, its all about the market, the market dictating how much people make and again, its tough to find out what the numbers are. It feels like when it comes to viewership at least on the world cup stage, that the women do better than the men. Yeah, well, i think this specific year was pretty much a game changer. The 2018 mens world cup garnered about 3. 5 billion viewers. The womens world cup probably about a third of that. However, the total womens or the womens pay for the champions is about a tenth of what the mens were in 2018. Yeah, thats probably unfair but the problem is thats not ussfs call, thats fifas. Charles some are using this as a proxy for overall womens pay being unequal to mens, saying this is just a prime example of an inherent unfairness within u. S. Society. Do you see that . For one thing, again, i think primarily its the fifa pay happens to be global. They are fine doing business with qatar. But this is such an elite crowd. The number of women who are even eligible to try out for this team, this is nothing like the rest of corporate america, small businesses, where you look at the overall pay gap, it has more to do with the amount of hours a woman is willing to log in, where here i dont think anyone is arguing the womens team clearly perform better on a relative scale but it does come down to the market, which team is able to get more sponsorships and which team attracts more viewers. Those figures do matter. Charles of course, this team already i think will be in Sports Illustrated in a big spread there. New york city, there will be a parade on wednesday. Some of this has been politicized and whether or not they will be invited to the white house. Are you concerned about that at all . How the politicization of any sport is starting to get louder and louder in our society . I think its sad that its becoming increasingly politicized if only because i think everyone should be cheering on these women, these Great American patriots, perhaps the best womens soccer team in human history. It shouldnt be about are they liberals, do they hate trump or are they conservatives, are they republican. Its a matter of theyre representing the country and did a fantastic job doing that. Im glad trump tweeted oult w e he did celebrating them and maybe could we have a call for detente every once in awhile to celebrate the most talented people in our country. Charles that would be nice. Hey, thank you very much. Always appreciate it. Thank you. Charles all right, folks. The dow is off 141 points, about where we were when we started the show. Im going to hand it to liz claman but its a little different this time because its the claman countdown. You have been rocking, kid. Liz thank you so much. We unveiled the brand new show name. Thank you, charles. Breaking news. We are watching energy stocks, from big oil to big solar. In this hour, President Trump is set to outline his accomplishments he says on the environment. The president eager to make his case as the 2020 field takes shape, a field thats talking a lot about climate change. We will take you to the white house for his remarks. As we head into this final hour on this monday, it could be a case of good news is bad news. Friday, boffo june jobs numbers dampening the clamor for an outsized rate cut by fed chair Jerome Powell at the end of the month. As investors bite their nails ahead of that, tech is the most tattered of sectors,

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