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All this one day after the president signed an unpress donted trade deal d an unprecedented trade deal with china. Putting in place a stronger relationship with china. A president on his run of record achievements in just two days. President trump the usmca passed the senate, its one of the biggest trade deals ever made. He chain a passed something thats extraordinary and its going to have tremendous farreaching effects, include something our relationship long term with china. Our farmers and manufacturers and bankers and everybody it, jobs like we have never seen before and thats going to be something very special. And usmca was passed by a very high vote. We are very proud to have that. We have done two of the biggest trade deals in the world ever done. And we are honored to have done that. Lou investors expressing something close to june st. Louis over the president s reshaping of u. S. Trade with china and north america. A balanced and reciprocal trade model for all u. S. Trade relationships around the world. Investor enthusiasm driving shire stock prices, broadly, heavy trading. The dow, the nasdaq, the s p 500 are at alltime record highs. As a food note do the overwhelming by part and vote in support of the president s usmca trade deal. One of the 10 senators who voted against the American Worker was republican senator pat toomey of pennsylvania who claimed the usmca would hinder trade other than promote it. He unsurprisingly the retro zoomys top donor over the years has been the free trade Advocacy Group club for growth that donated over 400,000 to the senator since 2015. Free traced what has cost this country trillions of dollars in Economic Growth over the past 45 years. You remember Ukraine Military funding, on the dave the house n the day of the socalled articles of impeachment. Lets enjoy the spectacle of the group of congressional members chosen to deliver in solemn procession the articles to the United States senate. Look for the world like pallbearers and seemingly unaware their procession looked as though they were heading to a proper resting place and their frivolous assault to harass and subvert President Trump and his administration. There they are. The gao to continue the story suggested the trump Administrations Office of management and budget broke the law byessional approved military aid to ukraine for a policy reason. In a statement the omb disagreed with the gao which is an arm of the Legislature Led by an obama appointee. If you had any questions about how this report dropped today, i think there is an answer in those facts. The fact is, they said they used their authority to insure taxpayer dollars are properly spent consistent with the president s priorities with the law. The omb telling the gao to stick it effectively. Their review was opened at the urging of democratic senator chris van hollen. During an october hearing the u. S. Controller general. The ruling is a nonauthoritative opinion and it cant be enforced. You wonder why they went to the effort, trouble and pence to write such an opinion and why they made hour their opinion landed the same day the senate began its impeachment trial against the president , wonder no more. Its all partisan driven by the United States conference of Democratic House members. Joining us tonight, White House Press secretary Stephanie Grisham who watches this close up every day, stephanie, great to have you here. Its been a long kay for you win suspect there will not be many short days for you. Certainly in prospect. This is lets start with the incredible report that we began this show with. The president s usmca deal approved by the Senate Overwhelmingly yesterday standing in the east room with the vice premier of china to seen it u. S. China trade deal. These are historic occasions. How does it feel to be part of that history . I continue to be so proud of this president. I knew all throughout the campaign, i learned from him what a fighter he is. Its been obvious the more he wins and the more he does for this country the more the democrats are working against him. Its very sad. I want to point out, at the beginning of your show, you are talking about the economy. Its booming under the president. I do want to point out that between september and january, the three networks, they covered the economy for minutes. And they covered ukraine and impeachment for 800 minutes. I dont know what that equates to in hours. Lou at least they could have given the economy one minute to double that time. Thats astonishing. The president brought that up today in the oval office when he was talking to the press about it. Lamenting about the fact we have these two historic deals that just happened and its stale still taking a back seat to the impeachment sham and the perception you mentioned earlier. Lou the president having to deal with the impeachment charade and the solemnity. I was mocking what the house members did as they came in there. They looked like pallbearers. Its so disgusting that with all that this president has achieved and the work he puts in every day, that he has to put up with this nonsense. And that the taxpayer dollars continue to flow to the Democratic Party in charge of the house so they can carry out this farcical nonsense. I have to say when i saw the pallbearers walking today, i wondered if they had any of nancys souvenir pens in their pockets from yesterday. But the president is undaunted as you have seen. He signed the religious freedom executive order today. We are welcoming lsu to the white house tomorrow. And we are leaving for davos tomorrow. Hes not worried about it. He continues to work. The list goes on. Its amazing the maps energy, his judgment. And the refusal of the left. If they ever acknowledged his intellect and judgment and capacity as leader of the free world. They wouldnt have to have an election in november. It would be just simply a for tieture to the republic d it would be a forfeiture to the republicans. Lets turn to impeachment. The president said this. As a matter of fact, i am just going to quote him. I think it will go by very quickly. Its a hoax. The whole thing with ukraine, yet the democrats persist. At what point do you think the democrats do you think the democrats will come to their senses and understand this is a monumental blunder of Epic Proportions as they try to overthrow a president of the United States. I believe they already know that. But i dont believe they will ever admit that. I think they will continue fighting. Sometimes i wonder if all the timing was to help one of their candidates in the race who gets to be out there working in iowa and others are working in d. C. But they are never going to admit anything they have been doing wrong. They will continue to yell the word impeachment. Its all they have. Russia, mueller, racism. They used all these words, and none of it is sticking because he doesnt do any of these things now. They will continue to yell those words and it will only make him stronger. Lou one of those words is diversity. I thought, these people cant say anything straight. They talk they judge, they are remarkably cynical. And downright hateful. And they are putting their diverse field of candidates all ham to be not very diverse. While talk about how tolerant the left is. Lou they are certainly tolerant of their own horrible failure and their own horrible conduct for which there will be i think an extraordinary price they will pay. Meanwhile, the nation has to put up with the nonsense as does Stephanie Grisham every day and doing a great job. Thank you very much. Appreciate. Good to see you. Up next, President Trump headed back handing backtoback victories on trade to the american people. Another historic week on his time in office. Ill be talk with commerce secretary wilbur ross. And james comey the target of an investigation that reaches back in time. One thing doesnt change. And that is james comey. Thank you with us. Daughter if you love me enough to tolerate my Perfect Little pets and all their glorious dander, then of course youll visit nhtsa. Gov therightseat to make sure im in the right car seat. And with the sXfinity Stream app, screen is your big screen. Which is free with your service, you can take a spin through on demand shows, or stream live tv. Download your dvrd shows and movies on the fly. Even record from right where you are. Whether youre travelling around the country or around the house, keep what you watch with you. Download the Xfinity Stream app and watch all the shows you love. Lou another recordsetting day upon wall street. The Dow Jones Industrials climbing 267 points today. The fourth record close of the year. The s p climbing 28. The nasdaq you have 98 points earning its fourth record close in 2020. Crude oil up over a percent, finishing at 58 a barrel. Gold finishing at 1,549 an ounce. Googles Parent Company alphabet joining an exclusive club. Today its market cap hitting 1 trillion. The tech giant becomes the fourth American Company to reach that mark. A remind tore listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. Joining us tonight is commerce secretary wilbur ross. I consider wilbur to be a great friend and a great american. And what in the world the Trump Administration, mr. Secretary, is setting record after record as a result. But what you are doing, and what you have done, and its breathtaking to see. And i dont see too many news organizations take over the fact that this is such a unique administration, a president who is driving for results. I want to start by first congratulating you on all that you have done and are doing. And ask you the first question is, what is the secret of this administration. Never have we seen an administration perform at this high level with this much success. A couple of things. One is courage. He has the courage of his convictions. Second is determination to live up to his campaign promises. Those are very, very characteristics in those are very, very rare characteristics in washington, d. C. Lou the subversion of the president and trying to overthrow him hasnt slowed a moment that i can detect on progress on the president s policies and his goals. It has not and i dont think it will. Nor interestingly has it slowed down his ability to deal with foreign countries. China if they took the impeachment seriously would never have done phase one. The European Unions trade commission, he expressed in an interview with the South China Morning Post fear that the trump deal that President Trump made with president xi would force Chinese Companies to buy American Products instead of european. So its not just the democrats who are frightened, its our trading partners who are frightened. They see radar next in the radar scope and they are scared. Lou the negotiations were part of the effort to a reasonable response to subsidies and trading relationships around the world. I will inquiry how those talks are going trying to level the balanced, fir balanced, and r retrip pro call trade. Its over 2 trillion of bilateral trade thats been changed. Thats 10 the size of our whole economy. This is big stuff. And everybody else is aware of it. There they are aware of something else. This strengthens the president s negotiating hand with the next people. Because he has already done some work with japan and got some good concessions. Now the two you giant deals. His economic base is you solidified. Any fears people had over recession next year, forget it. These deals are 3 4 of a point on the economy. Lou wilbur ross says no recession 2021. I think its almost mechanically impossible to have a recession next year. If the Federal Reserve goes crazy and raises rates, all bets are off. Lou i understand chairman powell is paying attention to his tutor. He did reverse three mistakes. Lou he did. You are going to be in davos. When you go to davos this year, what do you expect to be different in terms of the message the president will carry and the reception for him and for the administration. And its policies that are obviously reshaping our trading relationships with china and to north america. But indeed in prospect the world itself. Ask. The president came two years ago, we couldnt go last year because of the shutdown. Two years ago he laid out his plan. Now hes able to say guess what, it all worked. It all worked. And they know it. Trade, the whole way they are posturing trade for davos is very different. Now they are saying how do we adjust to the new world. Whats new in the world is basically the changes that President Trump has made. Lou President Trump is reordering the world order. Hes reshaping the trading relationship, the International Global trading relationships are now moving toward his ideal, his model, his paradigm, mutual reciprocal balanced trade. Hes also changing the relationship we have in terms of who pays for us defending them. Big numbers going more into nato from the european countries. Thats like a trade victory for us because its less we have to foot for for defending them. Lou it has to be deeply gratifying to be part of making such history. It is. And stay tuned for more. Lou well. Wilbur ross, commerce secretary. We would like to hear your thoughts about this. Share your comments. You have next. Hear the details of a new department of justice investigation into james comey. Its extraordinary. There seems to be some disapproval of the fact that james comey is being investigated again. In a broader, deeper, longer perspective. Imagine that. Stay with us. Well be right back. As a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. At liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Lou former National Security advisor general Michael Flynns sentencing date has again delayed until february 27. Clinton appointed judge emmitt solomon has approved that delay after flynn recently filed to change his guilty below on charges of flying federal investigators and is seek to withdraw that original plea. Sidney powell, former prosecutor and flynn attorney letting us know that. The New York Times reporting that the Justice Department is investigating james comey for the possible leak of classified information. The report suggests comey may have tipped off reporters at Washington Post on information contained in a russian intelligence document in 2016. The document obtained by different tell jones includes a discussion between congresswoman debbie wassermanshultz and leonard minardo who worked at the open society foundation. Schultz reportedly told minardo that then attorney general Loretta Lynch would make sure Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted in her email investigation. If this is confirmed, it will mark the second time the doj has looked into comeys leaks. Joining us tonight is byron york, chief Political Correspondent for the washington examiner. Great to have you with us. This is i think good stuff. I like the fact that there is now an active investigation of what many people suspected, but as far as i know, no one had take and real strong look at. There is no doubt that comey was a leaker. We know when he had written these memos, memorializing his conversations with President Trump he gave one of them to a lawyer friend for the purpose of that lawyer friend passing it on to the New York Times. Hands off. Now there was a controversy about whether there was classified information in that particular document pore whatever and he was not charged, though the inspectorien said he clearly violated fbi policy. It doesnt train credulity to think he might have been involves in this case as well. Whats interesting about the New York Times case is they try to make it sounds like its ancient news. Its a 2017 story. Lou i couldnt help but enjoy the idea that in the original suggestion that someone was weaponizing the Justice Department. If anybody has weaponized the Justice Department it certainly was barack obama and eric holder and oh yes, fbi director james comey. Imagine that. This goes back as you were saying to the Hillary Clinton investigation. No one has been charged, nobody is going to be charged. Its not going to happen. But clearly the fix is in to begin with in that investigation. They decided months before they said they were not going to prosecute. They decided months before. They began writing the exoneration memo. So they were worried about the appearance. Remember Loretta Lynch who was the attorney general. They were worried because of that meeting on the tarmac. They were worried that the attorney general couldnt make a decision about whether to charge this person or not. It was really a dissuasion. Lou a dissuasion only because they decided to cover up what was clearly a crime whether one styles it as an extreme negligence or gross neglect jerns and just simply abuse of power. The 2016 election, we had a situation where both Major Party Candidates, one was going to be president. Both Major Party Candidates were under fbi investigation. Maybe that means there were two squirrely candidates. But maybe that means the fbi was way too politicized. Its clear they had quite different goals in the case of Hillary Clinton. Their effort was to cover up or at least bury to exonerate exoneration. There is that word again. So many people are worried about when it came to the special counsel report. But whether it is to cover up for Hillary Clinton or exonerate, the latin derivative is always more gentle. Or go after a president for 3 1 2 years as cad and president. Its really obscene what we are witnessing here and the fact they succeeded from crossfire hurricane to now in delaying account built for outright accountability for outright crimes. No one sensible or rational would doubt these are anything other than crimes committed by officials of the fbi. Every step of the way, republicans who senses or knew a little bit about what mapped at the fbi, we have given devin nunes credit for finding out a little bit about what happened in 2017. But each time you learn moifer to wait for still more. We learned a lot in the Inspector General report. But it became clear there would have to be a Durham Report after the Inspector General report. Thats the last chance, i think for the public to learn what was going on. Lou barr and durham, with those two names rest the hopes that we can ever retrieve something that is properly representative of integrity in our justice system, the Justice Department and the fbi. I believe that, about they do not perform. Well have decades of hell to pay because the public trust will be utterly lost. We need to know what happened in 2016. Not just the fbi, the cia and the other intelligence agencies as well. If there is a democratic Justice Department in 2021, you can forget about it. Lou if anybody has any questions about where this began and who is responsible for it all, think back to what byron york just said, a democrat elected for 2021, it would be a disaster to retore trust in our government. Byron york. Up next, congressman matt gaetz has been in the midst of a nasty twitter feud with a florida 8 lawmaker. Florida state lawmaker. Lou some tories we are covering tonight including the u. S. Mexicocanadian trade agreement. The new trade deal passing 8910, a big overwhelming and bipartisan vote head to the president s desk. Canada, the only company to ratify it, its assured. The Government Accountability office says the White House Budget Office broke the law when they froze aid to ukraine. The democrats walked their articles of impeachment like pallbearers over to the senate. Another element of it all is more nonsense on behalf of the democrats. Rudy giulianis former associate, levparnas said President Trump knew what was happening in ukraine. What the president is candidate to put up with is beyond to me most up mortal strength. Hes doing an amazing job. Joining me is congressman matt gaetz. Congressman, great to have you with us. I want to get your reaction to the president and another record trade deal. Another record week of achievements. What was so notable to me. As the democrats were signing the sham articles of impeachment our president was signing phase one of the china deal that will totally reset the World Economy in favor of the american work. The establishment of both parties have been unwilling to confront the economic threat china poses economically and militarily. And the democrats through this impeachment are trying to make our country weaker. Lou how do you walk around that chamber with these people who are so hateful and willing to live in a cesspool of deceit . Trying to bring down a man. They are venal. Work at his heels. Its insane that the national leftwing media continues to toll rate it quote comment what they know d continue to tolerate it what they know is pure hate and an effort unending it seems to overthrow this president. I tried to be a happy warrior. But i think what proves your point. Even after sending the articles of impeachment. You see the radical elements working against the president. They apparently did have enough fun the first time around. And that hatred you describe is an mating further action in the house against the president instead of working together on these better trade deals on securing our border and the policies that will put American Workers first. Its extraordinary to me the little time that is given to what this president and his administration is accomplishing for the american people. What do you think will be the result in november . I know that you have got sometimes a dispute with the president , whether its a war powers act or whatever it may be. Ive no dispute with the president on that. I spoke to the president before and after my vote on that subject. While i dont expect to convince you of the correctness of my vote. While this president is doing everything right in the middle east lou i want to respond, then. The fact of the matter is you voted with the democrats on this damn thing at a time when the president is carrying out a serious National Security governance. It just amazes me. Now we established our dispute. Lets leave it alone and move on to another dispute. That is this accusation from a state lawmaker in florida i dont go into the details of it. But i want you to talk about what happened and your response to it. This is one of the new ways the media tries to discredit the president s strongest supporters. You remember with my friend jim jordan. Lou wait a minute. The reason i didnt go through this story is i dont want to carry this contamination and put it on the airwaves. I want a response and i dont want you bringing up other baseless charges. Focus on what im asking you. What happened, what else your response. I have not engaged in any of the Improper Conduct alleged against me. The tampa times cite a politico story from 2014. The reporter who wrote that story said i was never accused of any Improper Conduct. So the National Media is trying to spread lies about me, i think, because we are rolling into this impeachment trial and folks know i will be on the airwaves doing everything i can to defend our transformational president. I wont be the last one. Time and again you will see people likevillage anyones, jim jordan, mark meadows drug through the mud. They try to distract us and disrupt us because we are fighting for the president. Lou and fighting well. Its good to have you here. Look forward to seeing you soon, and fight like hell. It turns out adam schiff isnt as well known as the left might like him to be. Take a listen to what happened on last nights episode of jeopardy. 1 53 of californias ask ask congressional delegation is this man. His name is adam schiff. Lou how the Trump Administration is dealing with the threat of a new Migrant Caravan and the continued flow of deadly drugs across our southern border. Here, it all starts with a simple. Hello hi how can i help . A data plan for everyone. Everyone . Everyone. Lets send to everyone wifi up there . Uhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your local xfinity store today. Some people say thats ridiculous. Age is just an illusion. How you show up for the world, thats whats real. Whats your idea . I put it out there with a godaddy website. Lou the attorney general is in mexico today. They are meeting with senior Mexican Government officials about the flow of deadly drugs across our southern border. Recent numbers from customs and Border Protection show 93,000 pounds of drugs interest kreptd in december a interest accepted alone in december. Joining us is brandon judd, its great to see you. Its good to have you here. Lets talk about that first the issue of those deadly drugs continuing to be driven by the cartels across that border. The president is putting up a wall. Hes obviously driving more enforcement on that border. Yet the flow of drugs continues. What is going on right now . As well as you know, you have got cartels that control everything thats illegal in mexico. The cartels must generate profits. As illegal immigration goes down, they have to focus more on the drug trade. If they dont generate the profits, you will have you be rest. Thats what we are seeing them transition over to is the drugs. That marks at least the insinuation that the cartels remain in control of the border. But there is impact in reducing the flow of illegal immigration. There is a huge impact. The impact is astronomical. The reason that we were even in that situation in april and may when we saw those high numbers is because President Trump had to deal with all of the bad policies that were left over from the obama administration. He tried to work with congress to get them to close the loopholes and they failed to do it. Hes the commanderinchief and the negotiatorinchief. The deals he negotiating are amazing for the american people. The deals he struck with mexico, all of these different deals going into place are causing illegal immigration to drop to numbers we were not seeing before. Lou the border wall is of paramount importance to National Security and that border security. 3. 6 billion moved forward as a result of the Appellate Court order. Bring us up to date on how thats going and your thoughts about the prospects. We just finished 100 miles of border. Thats a huge accomplishment. But as we continue forward we are looking at the places we have to have these walls so we can top these drugs and top the criminal aliens from coming into the United States. The democrats are going to have to try to throw up roadblocks in every step he tries to make. But they are not going to do it because the higher courts always rule on the president s side. Soot president made it clear that the congress is no longer relevant because if they are going to oppose, hes going to move forward. His administration has been i think the word is adaptive and resourceful and successful. Hes a counter puncher. Lou indeed he is. He brings it from the floor. Thanks so much. Appreciate it. Good to see you. We are going to come right back in just a moment. Stay with us. Autism spectrum disorder he didnt have any friends as a result it broke my heart. Brother let me be your shelter that was the inspiration behind my nonprofit score a friend go educating people to include the people with differences is so important because when jacobs included he feels like he can succeed in life and he feels like he actually has a purpose. Lou President Trump today signed an important executive order, one that protects the rights of students to pray in public school, an insuring religious groups arent exclude from federal funding. President trump in Public Schools around the country ask students and teachers are being stopped from praying. You see it on the football field. You see it so many times when they are stopped from praying. And we are doing something to stop that. Lou the president calling it the right to pray. The president also blasting the dimms farcical impeachment process. While he delivered another historic trait victory today. President trump what he just passed the usmca. It will take the place of nafta, and it will probably be second to this witch hunt hoax which hopefully everyone knows isnt going anywhere. There was nothing done wrong. Lou the president welcomes the lsu tigers at the white house tomorrow. If you missed it, lsu beat clemson 4225 for the national championship. The president and the first lady were to a roaring ovation from all in attendance. Thats it for us tonight. We thank you for being with us. National security for the fred fleitz, general jack keane and pastor Robert Jeffress among our guests tomorrow. What will i talk to the pastor about . Maybe the right to pray. Like me on facebook, follow me on instatatatata lauren it is 5 00 a. M. Here are your top stories at this hour. A big week for President Trump with two major trade wins. What they mean for americans and for the president s 2020 reelection bid. The senate officially opens the impeachment trial, something the country has only seen twice before in its history. Republicans say theyre ready for a showdown. Will witnesses take the stand . Lauren ad kidney and a romance, these are some of the things that americans say they would live yo give up for tickee super bowl. What are you willing to part with . It is friday, january 17th and fbn a. M. Starts right now

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