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Due to fears over cove u. N. Secretarygeneral kofi annan the push to Defund Police in 20 cities to trigger a vicious cycle already set in motion, that would slam poor neighborhoods and cities into potential economic collapse. Senator kevin cramer on why Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell now says that, quote, it is becoming clear to Many Americans including many who are appreciate and applaud the recent peaceful protests, that our elected leaders in our cities are and our states are imposing a double standard on American National life during rioting and the covi did pandemic. Media research center, founders brent bozell on the Mainstream Media melt down. How so many Media Outlets are messing with the factss flatout missing major story for severe fall out how we cover ourselves. We have retired i. C. E. Acting director thomas homan on a protest that quickly spiraled into violence Processing Center at San Bernardino county, california, to the point where local officials were worried about protecting Illegal Immigrants inside. Thanks for joining us. Im elizabeth macdonald. The evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth welcome to the show. Youre watching the fox business network. Lets get right to hill ray vaughn in washington with whats happening in d. C. Hillary. Reporter liz, Top Democrats in d. C. Are split over the debate over Defunding Police. Top House Democrats are asking their colleagues to dodge the debate over Defunding Police forces around the country on concern it could hurt democrats on the ballot in november but also distract from real reforms. Were keeping our eyes on the prize. We need that to be the story. State and local will do what state and local need to do. We need to avoid being obsessed with labels like defunding. Reporter joe biden who is on the ballot in november and today isnt sidestepping the subject. Saying plain an clear he is not for Defunding Police. Today, five States Holding primaries, georgia, north carolina, south dakota. Today sources tell fox news that President Trump will be rolling out his own reforms for the police, addressing issues of policing and working up legislative response coupled with executive action. Senator tim scott is taking the lead on Getting Congress on board. Senator scott today briefed Senate Republicans at a gop lunch. Ive asked senator tim scott to lead a group that is working on a proposal to allow us to respond to the obvious Racial Discrimination that weve seen on full display on our Television Screens over the last two weeks, and what is the appropriate response by the federal government. Reporter we are learn that president is going to work on solutions that include ideas he got from Law Enforcement leaders when he met with them yesterday and will be also working with Community Leaders to protect communities without tying the hands of police. Right now there is a house bill, democrats are working on and were told that the president s proposal could have some crossover with some of those democratic ideas. One issue picking up bipartisan support from republicans and democrats on capitol hill, to tap top officials in the Trump Administration banning chokeholds under most circumstances. The White House Police reform could be rolling out as early as the end of this week. Liz . Elizabeth thank you, Hillary Vaughn in washington. Back to the push by 20 cities to Defund Police budgets and shift money towards communitybased services and communitybased policing. Chicago, recently suffered the deadliest day in 60 years. 18 murders in 24 hours. Also this, seven shot in brooklyn in three shootings overnight. That happened just ten minutes apart. The twin cities in minnesota face hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. We have 18 people now dead, including eight africanamericans. This just in, now 19 people have been killed during the rioting. Also this. Leading Police Organizations across the country aggressive denounce calls to defund the countrys 18,000 police departments. They insist doing that will lead to more crime against poor and minority communities and shut down many businesses about. Watch criminal justice reformed a very cat alice marie johnson. She was released from federal prison after her life sentence was commuted by President Trump. She spoke out yesterday against defunding the police. She appeared on hannity. Watch this. I have family members who are Police Officers. I know they dont want that label put on them, the same way i didnt want a label put on me as a bad person. Elizabeth lets welcome the host of the david webb show. Great to have you back on, david. Your reaction . Good to be back with you, emac. First let me Say Something to Mitch Mcconnell and to the republicans. I just heard him say what weve seen, he attached the racial name or moniker to it. We saw Police Brutality. We have issues of racism but lets not conflate the two and fall into the, its racist because it is black and white. Republicans need to be smart about this and deal with issues where there is racism and Police Brutality. Follow that evidence before we go down that path improperly. To this call, to call for defunding the police, the economics of this make no sense. If you defund the police, if you reform the police the way the minneapolis would like to do it or some more leftwing socialist democrats or black lives matter crowd that shouted down the mayor of minneapolis, jacob frey or any others, what happens . You lose when crime goes up. You lose when retail commercial property and Residential Property values go down. Your community loses when the response is not from a trained Law Enforcement officer. And, you know, we can fix things with training. We can deal with issues. We can deal with the unions, in some cases protect bad officers. Elizabeth yeah. But they have got to deal with these issues realistically, and what i just heard from Mitch Mcconnell, im a republican, i reject the idea going down this path of falling into the lefts narrative of this is always racism. Its not always racism. Elizabeth okay, youre talking about what no one is talk about how Defunding Police would trigger vicious cycle. City and state, local governments are funded by property taxes. Police departments are defunded, Property Values would plummet. City values would collapse because they wouldnt get taxes. Mayors of washington, d. C. And san jose, the Minneapolis Council in the city of minneapolis is saying quote, basically, you know weve never done Police Community based, policefree future what a policefree future dont know what it looks like but our community does. Do they really know what it looks like . No, they dont. This is part of the leftwing of the democrat party. Socialist democrats going along with the leftwing ideals. To the people of minneapolis who now have over 1000 businesses damaged or destroyed, 52 destroyed completely. Companies leaving the city, what happens if those Police Officers and Law Enforcement wasnt there to stop that damage from going further . What happens to your community . We need to deal with the real issues. We need to deal with brutality. We need to deal with the Financial Issues but if we, if we go into law and disorder or lack of law and disorder in this country we will all pay a price while politicians sit there with their details, protected insulated from what you deal with. Elizabeth yeah. I hear you. Stop the Police Brutality, just dont throw everything out. Dont throw the whole system out because byron york is conservative columnist, he is a says democrats in the media going toward communitybased model. New york city has been doing that for a deck aid already. Who steps, byron york is saying, will you send social workers in to stop the assaults, the shootings that happen in brooklyn overnight, what is going on in chicago . Who, david, who will step in and do that . Who steps in on drug overdoses or moving the Homeless People to shelters or domestic disputes . They havent spelled out who will really do that when you Defund Police budgets. Listen to the head of the police union. He is saying quote, stop treating the police like animals and thugs. Start treating us with respect. Watch this. Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect. That is what were here today to say. Weve been left out of the conversation. Weve been vilified. It is disgusting. Elizabeth okay. So you know, you hear his frustration. In other words, painting with all cops with a broad brush. That is what he is talking about. The u. S. Census shows about a third of police are minorities but there is Police Brutality that has to stop. Your final word . Well, my final word is. This is not always about racism. It is not always black and white. When you look at the data, not the narrative out there, it tells you that Police Officers are not randomly killing american citizens, black or otherwise. Where there are bad cases of bad shoots, racist action or otherwise illegal action or illegal murder, well there we have a system to deal with it. The tragedy cant often be reversed obviously if it is fatal. We should put a system in to work correctly. Yes. The police are there, when theyre gone, it is not just who shows up, what about the people they expect to show up . Will they ask social workers to show up when someone is violating a restraining order, breaking into a house, going after an ex . Elizabeth yeah. Thats the point. Interesting, david webb, come back soon, we love having you on. Anytime, my friend. Elizabeth david webb there. Good to go see you, david. Why Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says it is becoming clearer by the day, clear to Many Americans, including many who appreciate and applaud the peaceful protests there is another story. How state and local leaders are imposing a double standard on American National life. Weve got republican senator kevin cramer with us on that story just ahead. This is decision tech. Find a stock based on your interests or whats trending. 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Great to have you back on. What is your take on what senator mcconnell is saying. Great to be with you again sir. He says local and state leaders are picking and choosing which First Amendment conduct they approach like protests but ban constitutionally protected conduct they think is less important, stopping people going to church or operating their businesses or going to weddings or blocking them from going to funerals. What is your take on this debate . Liz, god forbid of family of 11 go to beach together, certainly we not only allow but we ought to enthusiastically participate in mass protests. There is no crone crone when it comes to that. The one thing always consistent about liberals is that they believe that the leader, whether you its the mayor or governor, probably a president , as long as theyre a liberal too, we ought to submit to that authority, and that authority will determine what we say, what we do, what we think. So they, taken advantage of moment in my view of this pandemic. Now of these protest. They have taken advantage of that, to try to further get compliance by the peasants, if you will, into what it is that they believe. Frankly i think the leader is exactly right. Theyre exposing just how extreme they really are. Elizabeth yeah. Lets let Republican Josh Hawley of missouri sent a letter to attorney general bar asking for a probe into civil Rights Violations against places of worship. Saying that state officials did commit violations of First Amendment by favoring protests and targeting religious freedom. Senator cramer, like you to listen to senator mcconnell here talking about this debate. Watch this. For weeks state and local leaders put normal American Life totally on ice and asked citizens to prioritize fighting the virus. For weeks the Mainstream Media heaped scorn on any small citizen protest, outdoor gathering, while the American People did their part, they made nesac nices that clearly helped the country. But now, many feel they have just seen those fastidious regulations and puritan call zeal disappear in a instant because a new cause emerged that powerful people agree with. Elizabeth senator, i just want to give you what senator mcconnell also said. He also cited the governor of michigan posing with protest erstwhile outlawing guardenning, boating and golf. The d. A. Mayor doing the same while outlawing religious places of worship, a county in californias bay area, they allowed protests of 100 people but outlawed all other social gatherings of 12 or more. How do you square this . If youre only conviction, liz is to have sort of tyrannical rule as long as the ruler is a liberal all the other convictions dont mean much and the constitution doesnt really mean much. The idea, very idea you would ban worship in church while, again, not just allowing, actually championing protests by the hundreds and thousands is hypocrisy on top of hypocrisy. I just hope the exposure of it is enough to wake up the country because, quite honestly i think a lot of people have a lot of pentup anxiety. A lot of people want to see their mother or grandmother in a nursing home, but not being allowed to by the mayor or governor. A lot of people want to visit family or want to participate in a baseball game, for example, but theyre not allowed to but if they would agree to participate in a protest, unless of course it would be a prolife protest in front of an abortion clinic, that would be just fine. In fact let me join you as the mayor of your city. It is rich with hypocrisy. I hope people are seeing it for what it is. Elizabeth senator cramer, thanks for joining us. My pleasure, thank you. Elizabeth great to have you on. Up next, it is a big geopolitical fight. It is now escalating. It is between the Trump Administration, iran and venezuela. Much the push is on for new sanctions. Republican congressman mark green of the Homeland Security committee lays out the strategy are to the u. S. Just ahead. Are to the u. S. Just ahead. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. Are to the u. S. Just ahead. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. So visit chase. Com mobile. And assemble more vehicles here than anyone else. 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Switch and save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Plus get 200 off a new Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra. Elizabeth welcome back. Youre watch being the fox business network. A major geopolitical fight now escalating. The Trump Administration moving to expand a push to stop oil an fuel trade between iran and very much venz, possibly getting ready even more sanctions and more pressure, this time against dozens of companies who own and run those tankers. Lets welcome republican mark green of Homeland Security. Great to have you on, again, sir. This is ratcheting up. Your reaction . I think anything we can do to put pressure on the maduro regime is the good for the people of venezuela. The fastest way for them to get to freedom. The relationship between iran and venezuela that blossomed through the past several months. If we put pressure on transfer of i will from iran to venezuela it is a winwin. Elizabeth so what is the plan though . What is the Trump Administration plan . What is the republican plan . Because five iran ran oil tankers arrived in venezuela last week. Venezuela us facing severe fuel shortages but they had no signs of any u. S. Military interference to stop them. Weve had general jack keane on saying we should have blockaided venezuela. You know there are threats from the u. S. Over the shipments but nothing more than that right now. Whats the plan . Well it sounds like theyre going to put sanctions on those tankers and try to stop from an economic standpoint, at least at this point, we have not been told in congress there are plans to use force or to use any kind of a blockade but certainly we, were open if the president comes to us with that proposal. Elizabeth why, so, should there be a blockade of venezuela . Again, i think what weve got to do is put maximum pressure on venezuela. So everything we can do to put maduro in a crisis so that we can get to the freedom, basically freedom for people get him out of office is a good thing, so yes. Elizabeth so you support that. So, i mean, so because we know that washington has more governments, seaports shippers and insurance that could face sanctions. We reported yesterday that republicans are moving to release the new push for historic sanctions against iran. What do you, what are you hearing about that . Were hearing 140 initiatives, including going after the leaders of iran and their stakes in things like their automotive empire, petrochemical businesses, and more. Whats the plan there . Sure. The rnc launched basically a plan that has three, there are three main pillars. Youre right, there is lots of Different Things in it, probably as much as 140 plus initiatives but the three main fees of it are blocking funds that we currently give to the lebanese military. There is an argument amongst my colleagues that that money gets to hezbollah. And then theres basically the waivers that are happening to the sanctions with iran right now. For example, allowing them to sell power to iraq. They dont want to stop that. It makes sense. Iran is the number one sponsor of terrorism in the world. They are also probably the biggest Security Threat in the middle east. So we wanted to deprive them of revenue. I think that is a good thing. And then the third of course, is that the authorization of force. They want to basically redo the reauthorizations of force for our military that are stationed in iraq. Elizabeth all right. Congressman green, thank you so much for joining us, sir. Come back soon. Thanks. Thanks for having me. Elizabeth coming up, were taking on the escalating media melt down. Why are some outlets missing the facts, messing with the facts, flatout missing the story . We have got Media Research Center President and founder brent bozell here with us to break it all down. Break it all down. That storyryryry the new house is amazing. So much character. Original crown molding, walk in closets. We do have a ratt problem. Round and round with love well find a way, just give it time. At least geico makes bundling our home and Car Insurance easy. It does help us save. Round and round with love well find a way, just give it time. Round and round what comes around, goes around. For bundling made easy, go to geico. Com youre clearly someone who takes care of yourself. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. Even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your prescriber if cologuard is right for you. Im on it. Thats a step in the right direction. Elizabeth welcome back. We turn now to the media getting criticized for misreporting a number of stories. First case, a spokesman for president george w. Bush now says that New York Times story claiming george w. Will not vote for President Trump is quote, completely made up and false. That george w. Is retired from president ial politics and has not indicated how he will vote. Lets welcome back to the show Media Research Center President founder, brent brozell. Great to have you on, brent. The New York Times has not updated article with that statement. Your reaction . Maybe too many editors are resigning because their staff dont like them running opeds by senators that they dont like. This newspaper is making a mockery of journalism. How many stories have we seen, liz, New York Times spoke with 1sources, 29 people told us, 1400 people say, they never cite any source they have get caught over and over with a story isnt true. Here we go again. This is something really simple. If it is true, then you have somebody on the record who is saying it and that person comes forward and he says the president told me so, what have you. This is just a hit, a hit, a hit, a hit on the president. They have been doing this since 2015. Its shameful but i think the public is seeing through to it. Elizabeth yes it is pretty clear that the bush family members have not voted for trump. The story cites people familiar with his thinking but nothing more than that. Lets move on to the next case, brent. Media and democrats have been attacking and lecturing people protesting against draconian stay at home covid19 shutin order that outlawed gardening or painting their houses as their Small Businesses collapse but when rioting and looting hit, riots that eventually killed 19 people including eight africanamericans, smashed and ruined dozens of minorityowned businesses, wounding at least 500 cops and Law Enforcement the media and democrats told a different story. Watch this. It is dangerous. These people can take this home with them and hurt their families all the rest. I would like to ask them if theyre willing to sign away right to treatment if and when they get infected. Who the hell do you think you are . What is wrong with people. I dont understand what is wrong with people . Stay at home. This is emotionally a protest. It is not, it is not generally speaking unruly but fires have been started. Destroying property which can be replaced is not violence. Please, show me where it says that protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful . Heartwarming to see so many people turn out peacefully across the country. It is bringing people together, community with unity. Elizabeth your reaction to that, brent . I dont know how to react to this . H all the stories in the media about irresponsibility of people being on beaches. All the stories in the media about being irresponsible going to church. I might add, members of congress, governors too, not just the media with all the statements they made, my god for sake ken governor in virginia being one of them. And the mobs out there, imagine yourself, liz, being a Police Officer, talk about bringing people together, imagine being a Police Officer and having to stand there, your job is to protect the public and youre standing there and there is someone in your face who is saying no justice, no peace and then f the police and taunting you while 50 people stand around with phones, ready to snap a picture should you as a policeman take one step forward . Imagine what theyre going through now. Think about all those leftists who are on National Television right now talking about a peaceful, wonderful life we have, imagine being a member of the police today. We ought to thank them. Elizabeth next case, George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley is slamming the media for widely dismissing, not covering the recent revelations of Obama Administration officials including joe biden and obamas chief of staff going after michael flynn. Demanding that flynns name be released in Intelligence Report in unmasking. He is also blasting the media for not reporting the chilling details of prominent figures who pushed trump russia collusion on the media like susan rice and James Clapper but then behind closed doors, testifying to house intelligence they had no proof of that. Jonathan turley, brent, is also saying, where is the Media Coverage of joe biden and barack obama monitoring and keeping close tabs on the trump russia probe, basically, the use of u. S. Intelligence powers to investigate a political opponent when there was no there there as rod rosenstein, Deputy Attorney general who is now, no longer at doj, he testified to that. So Jonathan Turley is really slamming the medias poor coverage on that. Your reaction, brent . Jonathan turley no rightwinger. What we have looking at here, we have the media that mocked President Trump for months, mocked him, when he said that the Obama Administration was spying on his campaign and on his transition team. They mocked him for it. Now we know what . Now we know that they were eavesdropping on them, they were spying on the trump, on the trump camp but what we know even more now, they had no evidence when they were doing it and still havent provided a motive. They are spying on their fellow man and this spying goes to the very top of the Obama Administration. Were about to release some numbers. I will give you the numbers now for the month of may to prove professor turley is entirely correct. Network News Coverage of the spying on the American People by the government of the United States trying to destroy people, trying to destroy general flynn, less than 2 1 2 minutes of coverage. Elizabeth brent, you know, to what youre saying too, Jonathan Turley also is asking, what if the george w. Bush administration had done the same to the incoming Obama Administration . Your final word . The media, he is saying would have exploded. Your final word . Two words, Richard Nixon. Remember how they went after Richard Nixon and all the things that he was doing that were antiamerican. Look what this administration, what the Obama Administration has been doing. Look how they have been trying to systematically destroy Elizabeth Nixon administration did break the law. They broke the law but they didnt like elizabeth fbi, irs, secret service. Go ahead. How do, i think, i think laws have been broken by the Obama Administration and that the media were all over nixon trying to investigate it, where are they now with obama . Elizabeth okay. Brent bozell, thank you so much. Appreciate you coming on. Come back soon. Thank you, liz. Elizabeth okay. Since early this year we have been reporting to you there is an indication that the covid19 outbreak started in china early fall of last year, possibly late summer last year. Now this. New research coming in saying, yeah, it looks like we were right. It is based on satellite imagery of china. Research comes from harvard university. It is showing what we have been reporting. So that means china was covering up a lot longer than realized potentially. Coming up were going to talk to former trump 2016 Campaign Manager Corey Lewandoski about how democrat and media criticism Trump Administration is not looking so strong right now given this new revelation. The story coming up. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. 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Now this. New Research Shows we were right. It is based on satellite image rip of china and more. Harvard university is providing the research. This means that china was covering up a lot longer than realized. Now the debate is this, the media and democrat criticism of the Trump Administration being too little too late in doing things restricting travel from china, now looking shakier. Lets welcome former trump 2016 Campaign Manager Corey Lewandoski back with us. Great to see you. Your reaction . You know it is amazing you remember when cairo caylee mcenany called out the media that the chinese coronavirus was not as bad as the flu. We saw the washington post, New York Times, National Public radio, all downplaying the impact that the virus was going to have. The contrast was this, president , as soon as he herd about the virus, banned flights coming in from china unless you were an american citizen coming home. That saved potentially tens of thousands of lives. He gets no credit for his swift reactions. Elizabeth so what is the implication of this with heart slashed finding this out. People come frog china, traveling around the world infecting people this, is devastating for a lot of developed countries with Good Health Systems in europe but south america, cory, is now on the brink. South america is now called the new epicenter of the pandemic. Mexico, columbia, venezuela, argentina, brazil getting hit hard. Chinas coverup is triggering all of this. Corey, we have a major emerging debt market crisis right on our backdoor step . We know that the people of china have not only been dishonest with the United States but with the people of the world. We need to make sure theyre held accountable for that. Either they lied to the World Health Organization or the World Health Organization didnt do their Due Diligence when they said this virus couldnt be spread from persontoperson contact. Weve seen that, now china consistently lied to the world about the human Rights Violations, about the stealing of intellectual property. We know that they continued to devalue their currency. We knew that they continued to dump their products on u. S. Soil to give them advantage. We know that they have lied about when and where this coronavirus started. Dont forget, liz, theyre the same ones who tried to blame the u. S. Army for bringing the virus to china, when the president called them out on it, there was not a ripple from the media for that. And remember this, one other thing. Nancy pelosi called the coronavirus an inconvenience, not once did the media call her out on that. Elizabeth i hear what youre saying. You know, what harvard did was pretty straightforward. They used techniques similar to what the cia, corey, and the Defense Intelligence agency used they used satellite imagery and observed major traffic outside of five would you where would you hahn region. They people asking about symptoms similar, same symptoms you get with covid19. The spike higher in china. People in china searching for that information as they were getting sick with covid19. Your final word on this, cory . China cannot be believed with anything they tell us. Most of the time the trade deals we have are not worth the paper theyre printed on. Fortunately for the American People the president is talking about the impact and the way china has been ripping us off for over a decade. He is the first president to start to key couple our economy from china. So that we are no longer aligned on their falsehoods and their lies to make sure the American People are safe. Elizabeth cory lewandoski, thanks for joining us. Come back soon. Thank you. Elizabeth next up a protest. 300 people showed up. It quickly turned into violence. It happened at an ice processing San Bernardino county in california on sunday. Ended up with looting, ransacking the building, burning the american flag, smashing windows. 44 vehicles smashed. I. C. E. Officers and Police Officers fending off demonstrators, hurling rocks, bottles and more. Well talk to retired i. C. E. Acting director tom homan about how officials there were worried about the you will legal immigrants inside of the facility, keeping them safe. That story next. That story next. That story next. There are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Elizabeth it was a protest that quickly turned violent. It happened at an i. C. E. Processing center. 300 people showed up at the i. C. E. Facility in san bernanadino county, california. Resulting in the i. C. E. Center being ransacked. Looted, buildings, windows smashed. 44 cars smashed. Bottles and rocks thrown at i. C. E. , at police, at marked patrol vehicles. Welcome retired i. C. E. Acting director tom homan back to the show. I. C. E. , great to have you on again, sir. I. C. E. Officials were worried about the safety of Illegal Immigrants in their discuss di. Of course they are. This facility this, is contract facility run by geo. Their number one facility to care for people in their custody. In this facility, they had the highest detention standards in the industry. Highest detention standards in the world. People went to the i. C. E. Website, looked at i. C. E. Standards, which this facility is, they would be shock how high attention standards and how much taxpayers pay to take care of these people. When i was director, a lot of sheriff hes walked away for detaining people, if i dont have the standards for u. S. Citizens, why would i do it for aliens. Number one mission for the people is to protect the people inside that facility. Elizabeth tom, protesters wrote fi. C. E. Across the building. They returned an american flag. One individual was seen putting a cloth inside the gas tank of a vehicle and trying to light it on fire. You know the los angeles i. C. E. Office, which overseas this facility, said they fully respect the rights of people voicing their opinion without interference, including through peaceful protests but theyre really angry about ongoing media disinformation campaigns against i. C. E. And theyre basically saying those who oppose enforcement of the immigration laws established by congress, they got to look to congress. I. C. E. Officers do not systematically mistreat, abuse or neglect detainees. L. A. Office of i. C. E. Is saying those are horrific lies. Your reaction . Because the media is reporting stories that i. C. E. Detention facilities are not clean. Detainees are being abused . Your reaction. I. C. E. Is open, people need to look for themselves. Youre right, look who first of all they start as protesters, they end up criminals. Even i support peaceful protest. I had 80 people out in front of my house on sunday morning calling me names. It angered me, i respect their right to protest. These were not protesters. They were criminals. They damaged 52 vehicles. Employees of at facilities taking care of the people, leaving work with thousands of dollars damage to their vehicles, windows smashed, tires slashed, windows slashed. Damage to the facility. One of thing described several of them released children, god bless the children. Protesters didnt realize i. C. E. Doesnt detain children. When a unaccompanied child is crosses detained by hhs. That is Homeland Security act of 2002. The law says within 72 hours they have to turn turn them over to hhs. Theyre attacking facility, dont even know who is in the facility. They dont know why theyre protesting. When protests turn to criminal activity, put lives at risk and dans hundreds of thousands of dollars of vehicle and property, that is a crime and they need to be held accountable. Elizabeth what has been the government reaction to this in california and at the federal level . Well look, i think the president , president god bless him he supports the men and women of i. C. E. He has their six, he always has. You have governor newsom, he have doesnt want i. C. E. Facilities in the state. He is trying to get rid of them. There is a lawsuit pending now. He doesnt understand, no one will stop i. C. E. Doing their job. I. C. E. Is enforcing laws acted by congress. Theyre not making this stuff up. If you look at the stats, 89 of everybody i. C. E. Arrests in the United States is criminal. Even convicted or pending criminal charges. So the people in that facility, they werent children. Most of them were criminals or Public Safety threats. Geo, our contractors like them, they are serving the American Public helping keep the American Public safe by keeping criminals locked up so we can remove them per laws enacted by congress. For gods sakes, if people, people ought to be sending a thankyou letter to i. C. E. These protesters should be sending a thankyou letter to i. C. E. Theyre arresting criminals, removing criminals, making their community safer. Elizabeth tom homan. Great to have you on. Come back soon. Tom homan there. Good to see you. Great to see you. Im elizabeth macdonald. Youve been watching the evening edit on fox business. That does it for us. Thanks for watching. Join us tomorrow night. We hope have a good evening three brothers, one strange picture. I always thought, why did we have a painting like that in our dining room . It stirs up the sale of the century. 750. Do have 750 right her. Oh, my god. Im thinking, what is this . Are you thinking that thele g a mistake, or they know something that you dont . They know something that i dont. ll take you 300,000. It was a complete shock. 830,000. He said, amy, it was a rembrandt. Not so fast. So, it is possible that this thing turns out not to be . Totally. [ applause ] [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ]

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