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Viewers heard from senators talking nonstop and fighting with each other. And we have more on how judge barrett got badgered by democrats about their favorite legislation judge. Already said she will not legislate from the bench and we already got this, what we warned you would democrats plan to do and they are doing it, something we told you about, how they are going to stonewall judge barretts nomination, also wearing in tonight, nfl legend Herschel Walker, congressman james coomer, former federal prosecutor james trustee, david webb and National Board of virtual counsel under brandon judd on the major headlines of the day, this is what we are watching, what exactly the polls are now saying about the 2020 race, we have that plus the next shoe to drop in the probe russia investigation and the fling case and the president promising even more government documents will soon be coming out, with the preview of that and more strange andnn curious connection between the fbi under james combing and democrats in the Hillary Campaign and the big ministry in the general Michael Flynn case that those close to it are now trying to stal solve, the Record Number of voters already casting votes in 2020, they were devoted, it is a surprising number as twitter is all we doing this, censoring conservatives including former government officials including recruit now talking about the very real problem of voter fraud, we have the hot story and were taking behind the scenes of a very big news announcement, now has Law Enforcement across the country on edge, and his torque amount of dangerous for narcotics like that not a methamphetamine, it was just seized at the border again, a big load at the border, we have a story for you tonight. Thank you for joining us im Elizabeth Macdonald, the evening edit starts rightld no. Liz welcome to the show, youre watching the fox business network, Court Watchers had to wait nearly five hours to hear from judge barrett as democrats fought with republicans against her nomination, Lindsey Graham said she will be seated by october 27, many with todays hearing about judge barrett and President Trump, this is the first of four days of hearing, the gop planning to stop it from getting as nasty as a kavanaugh or bork hearings, lets welcome the former judged it amy coney barrett, amanda rauhbieri, its great to have you on, thank you so much forhni joining us are u worried this is about to getwi really nasty, are you worried its going to turn nasty. I sure hope not, im as curious as the next person to see what the next two days of hearings willil bring, i think e highlight today is hearing from judge barrett herself and after sitting through several hours of opening statements, exercise the poise and grace that i know that she will continue to exercise and i guess were just going to have to see. Liz judge barrett with secure the conservative tilt on the top u. S. Judicial body for generation, is she going to stop the democratic legislative agenda, is she going to stop obamacare, we talked about at 140 times at todays hearing, how is she going to weigh in on gun control, abortion, the upcoming election thats what people want to hear about, surety said shes equity legislate from the bench, what do you think. We did hear a lot today about policy and i think thats a keyword, policy, policy is for our elected official, that is their job and is judge. Said today in her speech and as she has said many times before, that is not the role of a judge, a judge is there to apply the law as written in judge barrett as she has shown in her time on the court of appeals and now she will do is confirm to the Supreme Court will continue to be a fair and independent judge, she will approach each case with an open mind, she will listen to the arguments on both sides and at the end of. The day she is going to faithfully apply the law and sparely apply the law and uphold our constitution. Liz we know that she weighed in on a case prior to this she is in line with Justice Scalia who she interned for on obamacare, she is saying essentially the question whether the individual emandate is constitutional, people on the left are worried about the catholic background as it comes to abortion, what doto you think about that. A couple of things, first judge barrett has been clear multiple times that her private preferences, her policy views, on any issue on any case has no bearing on the way that shes ultimately going to decide a case, she shared that with her mentor Justice Scalia who she spoke of today and spoke of on many occasions and thats what it comes down to, she is the judge who faithfully applies the law, shes going to do that in every case that can come over on the Supreme Court. Liz she can scoot away her religious background from adjudicating cases, is not the point. Yes, exactly, thats what she talked about because we heard her speak about that today and how judges have to put aside their policy preferences, no matter whatt they may be because its their task under the constitution to apply the law as its written in the job of congress and the job of our policymakers to make those laws, but is not the job of the judge. Liz we hear what you are saying, we warmed about this and reported it a few weeks ago, its happening s now, Chuck Schumer said the democrats will try to stonewall her nomination by basically trying to block what is called a quorum on the panel meaning a quorum of votes to push to get her nomination through, the problem without republicans are y in power and they can push the nomination through with different procedures. Im bringing that up because its indicative of whats happening on the democrat side of the aisle, Kamala Harris is front and center today this is unprecedented, she is a running mate on the democrat ticket, that election is three weeks away, what they are talking about is a big story right now, joe biden is basically not answering on whether or not he would endorse packing the court, we are going to show a standby from joe biden in just a minute, i want to point out Kamala Harris said yes to packing the court, am Amy Klobuchar said yes use it as leverage, nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer say nothing off the table. Lets watch joe biden on this recently. I gotta ask about packing the court, i know that you said yesterday youre going to into the question until after the election, the number one thing upne and asked by viewers in the past couple of days. Even asked by the viewers were probably republicans who dont want me continuing to talk about what theyre doing to the court right now. Told the voters deserve to know. No they dont, im not going to play his game, he would love me too talk about an advert he said something on packing the court but he was about to be the discussion. Liz motors do deserve to hear the answer, by theki way lets listen to joe biden in 2005, he said packing the court would be a boneheaded idea and in 1993 he said it was a really bad idea. Watch joe biden in 2005. The senate stood firm and 37 the Court Packing attempt, this environment roosevelt and remember the soul adage about power, corrupts and absolute power corrupted by power in my view unveiled the court m packig plan, he wanted to increas incre number of justices to 15 allowing himself to nominate the additional judges, he took the knack encourage of the part of his own party institutionally to stand up against this power grab. Liz nobody understands biden the internet, why does he just answer thehe question, dont voters deserve to know this before the election. Im concerned about the current vacancy that we have right now, i think that the most important thing at this moment in the president and judge. It has chosen a fantastic nominee, we heard from her in her Statement Today talking about her complication for the Supreme Court, her background, her formation and i think the focus in the coming days for her position. Liz i hear what youre saying, the question is is a democratic game plan if i should win the democrats to control the senate, they want the Green New Deal and medicare for all and then the tax package to pack a illuminate the filibuster so democrats can pass whatever they want with a simple majority and added former Democrat Senate seats and more Electoral College votes by making d. C. And puerto rico states, we see the push on thatt side of the aisle, where you have your former boss saying im just gonna go in there and do my job, im not gonna legislate from the bench, im going to do in this scalia way, can you explain it to the viewer what it means and means following the constitution. Yes, exactly what judge. Has said and thats exactly Justice Scalias approach he is a textual list which means the law means what it says and she quoted that today and spoke about that today in her speech, thats the kind of judge injustice she will be on the Supreme Court, she is not going to be a policymaker, but shes going to be a judge who fairly and faithfully applies the law. Liz amanda you are great, well come back later in the week to break down more on whats going on with the hearings, they could get a little fiery, we would love to have you back on. Thank you so much, its good to see you, we will have you back on soon. Coming up next, nfl football legend Herschel Walker on President Trump in minutes away hes about to hold his First Campaign rally out on the road, youre looking at alive since hes been diagnosed with covid19, doctor say he simple recovery mode, youre looking at alive picture from the scene in florida the president saying he wants to be out there barnstorming on the road every day until november 3. Is he going to do debates, is this the best strategy Going Forward for the president , Herschel Walker is with us next. Before going any further, i want to thank all of you for your prayers, i know you been praying and i was in the hospital and watching down over, so many diane retired and opened that pottery studio. How did you come up with all these backstories . I got help from a pro. My financial professional explained to me all the ways nationwide can help protect Financial Futures in peytonville. 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For wherever you want to go. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Elizabeth okay. President trump is holding a rally just minutes away liz President Trump is holding a rally in minutes away in florida, he will be going to have more rallies this week in pennsylvania, iowa, north carolina, look who is back nfl football legend Herschel Walker, we always love having you on, it seems like trump is saying forget debates im going to go into rallies, do you think thats a good strategy . I think thats a great strategy, the Mainstream Media and the majority will not cover him correctly. And if you saw the last debate, then i ask the tough questions that need to be asked to hisat opponent to joe biden or to Kamala Harris, the tough questions will not be asked and now hes own marketer and promoter in the Mainstream Media has decided to quit telling lies and tell the truth, that the time you want to do a debate but right now i think the best thing he can do is do the rallies. Liz herschel, President Trump is pushing back on holsters to say biden is going to win and we have the real clear policy of 14 polls abiding up nearly ten percentage points, then there is talk that tens of millions of people listen to the president on Rush Limbaugh last friday and trumpets got 63 million votes in 2016, what do you think about all that. I dont trust the polls, 2016 shows you cant trust the polls. If your supporter of donald trump and admit your supporter of donald trump, people will come after you, thats one of the things the Democratic Party that they dont believe in law in order, if you say you like donald trump, youll get beat up, somebody wants to intimidate you, i dont trust the pollsdo right now, i know for a fact that donald trump gets more africanamerican votes than he got last time, and more hispanic votes than he got lot last time, hell get more White America because they realize the Democratic Partyiz right now, everything that they are saying that this president is doing is what the d ready done, everythig theyre talking about ism raci, im sick and tired of entertainers, athletes talking about you cant make it, its a racing cu interfaces country, ls be honest, you made it while you tell the kids from daytoday that you cant make it, im tony from Herschel Walker, you can make it, you continue to get your education and make it as well its not a racist country, is the best country in the o world, what country in the world can you achieve the things africanamerican has achieved in hispanic and americans have achieved, this is a country that you can get the American Dream but what you have to do is work out. Liz democrats are saying there is systemic racism in this country, do you agree with that, certain parts of the country there is systemic racism, thats what theyhe are saying you dont agree with that. I dont agree, let me tell you the reason why, there was a black president that 12 terms, do you know black america the population is a third, that mean he had to have a lot of White America that voted for him, that was systemic racism, he won two terms, let me help i use albino everything the systemic racism, the systemic racism, they want people to go to the polls because of systemic racism, why is joe biden been a reporter for 47 years and done something about it, why of some of the other people been into congress and the senate done something about it, this is systemic racism, the audibly not this president but one thing people need to realize, do not believe the democratic b right now, it s sad to say that, they are telling you lies, what is so important, this president here has a nominated for four Nobel Peace Prize from poor countries that has nothing to do with this country here, they nominated him for what hes doing with his foreignpolicy wars, get rid of wars, thats one thing we dont want, we dont want worse, this president brought an economy that was credible and did things for africanamericans, hispanic americans and thats one thing i keep telling people, look at the facts, look at the facts, because the Democratic Party has been lying to us and i seen them live, they have been lying to us for years, they get into office and they do absolutely 0. Liz joe biden is blaming the president for shutting down the economy because of j covid19 wn joe biden told abc news, he would shut it again if science told himim that. I would love to get your reaction to this, joe biden Kamala Harris told the Campaign Event in arizona, the campaign did not give much advance word and it looks like nobody showed up, watch this. Is a big event but not a a lot of fans here, reading information whats going on with these meetings from our national correspondent, from out here, you cannot tell anything much is going on, not a lot of fans out here, not much to see, ill step out of the way but kind of boring out here, its not your typical campaign, president ial Campaign Event, we do not see people rallying outside. Liz herschel what do you think about that. They think the American People are being stupid because they wont answer questions, they go to rallies and they know reporters are there and they wont even tell you what they believe in or what their gender is, and i want people to look it up, dont play as for stupid, we want the American People to wake up and let them know that they dont have an agenda, they dont know what theyre going to do, please vote republican so we can get on with his country. Liz okay, Herschel Walker, great to have you on, come back soon. I would love to. Thank you. Liz good to see you, of next House Oversight ranking republican congressman james comer on the next shoe to drop in the abuses under the Obama Administration and the trump russia and flynn probe, the president is promising more government documents will be coming out. That story we will break it down with congressman comber next. 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It appears next John Radcliffe is going to make public the handwritten notes from cia director brandon which is apparently shows that president obama has knowledge of this whole investigation and after it was potentially a hoax, it also shows that the cia director thought that maybe Hillary Clintons campaign was colluding with russia to spread this information, this is pretty damning evidence if true about obama and bidens involvement fromau the start, remember theye always said they did not know anything about it and we also heard brandon asked james comey and peter strzok to investigate hillarys involvementt with russia, none of the documents that wevein been able to find show where comey did investigate clintons role in any potential collusion with russia. Ealiz yeah we dont know if tht was a referral for an investigation or a heads up memo saying to james comey and peter strzok from the i cia director, this is what is going on the intelligence we have out of russia, this is what hillary is doing and thinking of doing that is linking from the president from the hack of democrat emails with Russian Military agents, we are hearing, you are sayingme that the cia director John Brennans notes will show him talking about her collusion between hillary and russia, we are hearing a binder with hundreds and hundreds of pages, dni radcliffe gave thousands of pages to u. S. Attorney john durant for his investigation trump russia probe what are you hearing about the brennan handwritten notes, can you tell us again. Wena are hearing that he wand comey and peter strzok to investigate any potential role that hillary had, thats never come out before, thats been a frustrating thing because so many of these documents are classified and they were redacted but now we found with radcliffe, hes trying to be very transparent because thats what the American Public wanted deserves is transparency because this is what the democrats tried to overthrow a president of the United States for impeachment and we learned since it was a a complete sham and now were learning that potentially clinton couldve been involved in some role with russia, there are a lot of questions to be answered and it looks like we have no evidence. Liz it is two threads with Hillary Clinton and her campaign, and another with the democrat email gets attacked, she has her own private email server scandal going on, they go on to friends, that is titling trump with the hack of the democrat email and try to smear trump wither the steele dossier, we are finding the democrats lawyers from affiliated with the Democrat National committee actually met with top officials that the fbis in the fall of 2016 talking with them about the steele dossier before the pfizer wiretap gone by the fbi, basically in part of the steele dossier, were finding that to that the dnc lawyers met with the fbi in the fall of 2016, possibly talk about a steele dossier, were deleted to the bottom of that. I want to take a listen to ric grenell on this, heres what hes talking about now about the scenened behind at the Obama Administration. Lets listen to this. Comey is accused of seeing those warnings, brandon isen accused of seeing those warnings, susan rice is accused of seeing the warnings, barack obama and joe biden are accused of seeing the warnings and the information that this was a russia collusion hoax. We now know the insiders and the government at the cia, at d. O. J. , at fbi, they knew that this was a russian collusion hoax and they allowed it to go forward for a variety of c reasons, they were convinced that hillary would win and they thought their careers could s be benefited if they shut up. What we need to figure out is what level are these individuals going to go to jail. Liz that was former acting dni with maria bartiromo, what do grenellk of what ric just said. I agree with everything he just said, we have new evidence, we knew there was allotting missing pieces, i credit devin nunes because these been on this from the start, ever since i become a engine Ranking Member of the oversight committee, devon and i have spoken on new developments and i think the president is right when he tweets out or says there is a lot of evidence its going to come forward that will make Democrat Head spin, the American People deserve to know the truth and if all of this is in fact true, these intelligence officials need to be held accountable. Liz congressman comer, thank you so much for joining us, weha really appreciate it. They stand for having me. Liz still ahead former federal prosecutor jim trusty is back with us, a preview of what the documents and they declassify documents that are about to come out, what they could have been them in the big mystery now that people are talking about when it comes to the general Michaels Flynn case. Who exactly wanted to keep that case open after even the former fbi director james comey said in the fall 2016, the summer 2016, 2017 he said it too, shut it down. That mystery [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. [ beeping ] Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Because every day matters. And having more of them is possible with verzenio, the only one of its kind proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant, regardless of menopausal status. And its the only one of its kind you can take every day. Verzenio fulvestrant is approved for women with hr , her2 Metastatic Breast Cancer whose disease has progressed after hormonal treatment. Diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. 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Mr. Comey doesnt have a ton of credibility, what we have documentary wises a paper trail that shows the case was going to be shut down and peter strzok are famous agent reached out to the people that would shut investigations down and said the seventh floor once it open, i dont think for a minute that peter strzok was not in collusion with comey which is the seventh floor reference which comey and perhaps mccain, all signs still point fbi leadership, it does not mean absence of political players but the fbi chose to keep the case alive and not rest at the very top. Liz lets listen the former independent counsel weisselberg, he was talking to us last friday about this because behindthescenes, the general Counselors Office of the fbi was saying there is no predicate for the flynn case, you cannot accuse them of the logan act because transition teams talk to foreign ambassadors and theyre saying its an uphill battle trying to prosecute him under the flynn case that no reasonable prosecutor will bring this against general flynn, lets listen to saul weisselberg. There was no reason for them to have the interview, this is the definition of a perjury trap, you only have an interview if your only purpose is to catch somebody and what do you think is a lie, its very clear when you look at the timeline. There was no reason for them to have the interview, this is a definition of a perjury trap, you only have an interview if your only purpose is to catch somebody and what do you think is a lie, its very clear when you look at the timeline and everything that thats what was going on, you mentioned Something Else that i think is very important, there is no evidence that is come out in recent weeks that we were ready to drop the case on flynn in early november and the question is who kept a low turn open from early november from january 4, that is something we still dont know the answer. Liz november, november they wanted to shut the flynn case, who is keeping it open, william barnett, the former fbi agent said they were keeping the flynn case open as a placeholder to keep going after trump, what do you think happened. Is a circumstantial case but some are pretty darn damning, there are so many actions that were completely in bad faith by the fbi when it comes to general flynn, i dont know general flynn is an agent angel or a saint or a sinner or all points in between, it does not matter, the conduct of the fbi is outrageous in choosing to keep the case open, doing an ambush interview, avoiding white house counsel, avoiding the attorney general has comey did to sally yates is spent, and heavy discovery violation during the case, start to finish everything about the case raises red flags about the use of Investigator Resources to go after somebody connected to the Trump Administration. Liz at one point james comey testified, we did take advantage of the chaos and the Incoming Trump administration, one of the former assistants actually quoted james comey saying were just going to do this, screw it. Here is the other thing, susan rices memo, five days before peter strzok and joe sat down with Michael Flynn to go through the socalled perjury trap, five days before those fbi agents sat down with general flynn and did not tell them it was a criminal interview, did not they debated him by giving a memorandum morning, no defense lawyer, susan rice five days before that said obama did everything buy the book. Obama doing everything buy the book and what susan rice said in the email to herself, all this other chaos is going on at the fbi and the fbi agents a weedy personal liability insurance, we can get sued for misconduct, this is a man house, nightmare scenario, can you really say right now that obama did everything buy the book and his team did everything buy the book . What do you think. I dont know what book she is talking about. When people send emails to themselves and say we have been lawful today, that is a problem in itself, does not make a lot of sense. The politicians are going to scurry and duck and cover but what is getting interesting with ed classifications, i think john durham is looking more tomorrow at the fbi leadership in the points beyond and i think john brennan is starting to become reluctant witness, his paper trail, whether or not it turned out to be accurate and it looks like the underlying information was, its putting people on notice that they continue going down this road relying on false information planted through the dnc and hillarys campaign, that reliance on false information is a fraud. Liz dim trustee always great to have you on, thank you for your insight come back on soon. Liz next up Fox News Contributor david webb is going to join us and weigh in on one of the hottest stories of this election cycle, is torque number of voters in early voting in something that could swamp the headlines, this could happen in three weeks, voter fraud, accusation could blow up, twitter is now censoring conservative government officials, former officials like ricric grenell talking about the real problem of voter fraud. That story is next. He does not want to turn over the government, course i do, thats gotta be a fair election, thats another scam, they dont mention anything about politics, i got essays gotta be a she wanted a roommate to help with the cooking. But she wanted someone who loves cats. So, we got griswalda. Dinners almost ready. But one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with our renters insurance. Yeah, switching and saving was really easy drink it all up. Good could have used a little salt. Visit geico. 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Liz more than 9. 7 million voters have already voted, thats according to election authorities in 30 states voting for absentee ballots or mailin ballots, thats a big 20 spike higher than many case versus 2016 and 2018, look whos back the host of the david webb show, david webb, always great to have you on, did you see what twitter did locked out former acting ric grenell or mailin ballots being sent to dead people. Yes, this is what we can expect from theis Silicon Valley when it comes to politics, i have to go to the point for the people to undo, and is no longer about being just the platform for open speech, twitter is guiding this, they are simply shutting out those who dont agree with the liberal agenda, it is taken me a long time to get toe this point, i gave it every chance to turn out in every way but they leave us no other option. Liz florida one the 2000 election george w. Bush florida by 537 votes, this is a worthy discussion to have right now, david you and i have talked about voter fraud allegations in the Public Center for integrity in the vote saying that 15000 dead people voted and combined in 2016 and 2018. Thats a lot of people. Dead people, double ballots, improperly done ballots, america, the majority of you can go out and vote in person or by absentee, find a way to do it. Liz its actually called a Public Interest legal foundation, 144,000 cases of voter fraud that they found, 350,000 dead people are v registered to vote in 41 states, does not mean that they will but thats whats happening, tens of thousands of people voting from two different addresses, votes going out of casinos, restaurants, gas stations, but now twitter and democrats in the media are saying theres no problem with voter fraud, what do you think is happening there. For democrats is not a problem until it starts happening to them and then they will cry foul. Again, im going to repeat this through the election and after we need to tackle it but you can go out and vote safely and find a way to do it, secure your vote i dont count how or who you vote for, i want every americans vote to be secure, find a way to safely and protect yourself and go out and vote in person, do absentee ballot and only if you have to and please do not do mailin and lesser is no other choice left of you because the system is flawed. Liz david webb, great to have you on, come back soon. Sure. Liz coming up National Border Patrol Council brandon judd, hes going to take us behind this news, a big announcement that has Law Enforcement across the country now on edge, and a stork amount of narcotics like fentanyl and methamphetamine again, again seized at our borders. That story next. We ended catch and release one of the great scams of all times. Catch and release. [applause] we catch them and we release them. 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Elizabeth lets welcome back to th liz lets welcome back to the show National Border Patrol Council president brandon judd, we are doing a story because it is pretty disturbing, it took one guy, suspicious u. S. Border patrol guy to make the second largest bust of its kind ever along the southwest border, more than 3100 pounds of methamphetamine, fentanyl and other hard narcotics, one guy with the help of some technology, he found it, were talking 66 pounds of fat and all, thats a dangerous drug, one guy caught it. When you look at border seizures, things that are coming acrosstheboard or, of injury, it takes extremely good officers like this individual to see that something is not exactly correct, to dig deeper d into it and run thehe screens that are necessary to find the drugs. This one individual is responsible for saving thousands of peoples of lives here inn te United States. If those drugs wouldve come across and made it to the streets, it wouldve been horrendous for those individuals, when you look at this, i void to circle back to President Trump, he has to get the credit for this, when he empowers Law Enforcement to do their job, then we are able to save lives and protect the American Public, because he has empowered us to do that, we want to and go do the job every day. Liz this Border Patrol officer decided extra scrutiny was needed for a big truck, it was supposedly loaded with medical supplies and shipments of medical supplies last friday but he said wait a second i wanted take a closer look, this happened at the port of entry in san diego, stuff is happening there drug seizures on the 1 Canadian Border up 1000 since last year, the fact that there is fentanyl in the southwest border drug seizure is really concerning, is it correct to say 2 milligrams of fentanyl can kill somebody. It absolutely can, doctors eand come out and have talked repeatedly of how dangerous his substances and how little it takes to kill somebody or put somebody in the hospital. We have to be cognizant of what is coming across the borders, we have to be looking out at the border and we have to be talking about it, the American Public is not aware of it are public politicians ignore, we have to discuss Border Security on are regular basis. Liz we are looking at a live shot on the president and his rally in florida, he is waving and has a big american flag, were showing a live shot of whats happening in florida, joe biden and other leading democrats are saying we will scale back the Trump Administration Border Security policy, the president wants to build on the achievements that he is gone so far and about three or four years time, when you look at the Biden Campaign talking about and what the president has done, can you explain what youre saying from where you sit . Absolutelyac, if i go back to the last four years biden as the Vice President , everything on the border was completely and totally not secure, we have to go forward and move forward with policies actually help us, when we look at substance of the debate and substance of policy, President Trump t is winning in the Mainstream Media will not talk about it because if they give him credit for what he is done, they know the American Public is going to vote for him, instead they downplay what he has done, in my lifetime ive never seen a president not get credit for his accomplishments except for President Trump, that alone would convict the Mainstream Media of bias against President Trump because they will not discuss his accomplishments. Liz you talked earlier how the administration has empowered Border Security to do things to protect the American People saving thousands of lives from drug overdoses and addictions, we are finding the medical supplies drugs hidden m in thei, were recovering this hidden in secret compartments in 18 wheeled rigs, we found a commercial shipment of toilets that had nearly 3 million worth of pot added to the stores here in the u. S. Drug cartels is pretty tough to fight them, take the final word. There very innovated, they will do what they need to get the products across, we dont have the w enforcement necessary it will harm the American Public, lets keep going with the policies that help us. Liz brandon, thank you for your service to our country thanks for joining us tonight. Good to see you. Brandon judd,d, member Elizabeth Macdonald and you beenn watching the evening edit on fox business, we thank you so much for watching and we hope you have a good eveni [ train whistle blows ] a texassized model railway. Do you have any idea what steve spent to put this together . Ive always heard 1 million. Built by a man on a mission. Hes telling his life story in trains. He is. He is. Yes. Whenever he would add something to it, he said, you want to see your inheritance again . An inheritance freighted with memories. So tell me the truth. Did yall make out at that Movie Theater . No, not that one. [ both laugh ] will their plan fall apart . Your first cut could be the end of this railroad. Well. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]

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