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People in your own family . They have to draw straws on who eats outside. The cdc guidelines are very tough on that. They dont want you to travel, but millions are. Lets get the lay of the land with Charles Watson at Atlanta International airport. Atlanta, the focus of a lot of things but right now, travel blitz under way. Hey, charles. Reporter good afternoon, neil. Youre right, a travel blitz is under way. We have seen a steady flow of people going in and out of Hartsfieldjackson International Airport all morning long and whats clear that is people are determined to stick with their thanksgiving holiday plans. Airports are seeing some of the largest crowds that they have seen since before the pandemic began, with more than four Million People screened since friday. Regardless, Public Health experts say millions of people traveling right now is just a recipe for disaster. Dr. Fauci has said that what we are seeing now, the levels of travel that we are seeing right now, will reflect in the covid19 numbers in just a few weeks. As pandemic fatigue sets in, many travelers saying they are willing to risk flying if it means they get even the slightest hint of normalcy again. We cant stop living. I think its really important that everyone takes precautions. Reporter for the most part, folks we have spoken to so far say they feel good about travel. They are following those Public Health guidelines, wearing a mask and social distancing so they think this travel for the thanksgiving holiday will turn out perfectly but of course, proof will be in the pudding when we see the numbers in just a few weeks. Neil . Neil charles, have a great thanksgiving. Charles watson, middle of all that mess in atlanta, georgia. Lets go to jeff paul in santa monica, california. In case you havent heard, there are all sorts of restrictions going on in california, not only do you have to wear a mask if you are home and watch how many people come to your home, but even for Outdoor Dining, its verboten. Whats going on . Reporter yeah, its kind of a bittersweet day in l. A. County, especially for the restaurants and servers and all the staff who work inside those buildings, because tonight at 10 00, this outdoor restaurant ban goes into effect and a lot of these businesses have put up a lot of money into making sure they can sort of break even at least during this pandemic, whats been a very down year. Now they feel with this ban, what little they have is sort of being taken away from them and servers are worried they are going to be losing their jobs. It affects me and my family for sure, 100 . Im basically the bread winner of my family, working here is going to be a very big drastic change because were not employed anymore. Reporter there was a push to undo the county Health Departments ban on Outdoor Dining. A lawsuit was filed by the California Restaurant Association claiming the burden was on the county to scientifically prove Outdoor Dining was making the pandemic worse. A judge ruled the Restaurant Group didnt have enough evidence to overturn the ban on their own, but left the door open to review solid evidence if they found any. Three of the five l. A. County commissioners currently support the threeweek ban on Outdoor Dining. They are concerned about overwhelming the local Health Care System as the coronavirus cases here in l. A. County continue to surge. The other two county commissioners were fairly vocal in their disapproval of the ban. One county commissioner says he feels like they are punishing an industry that has bent over backwards to comply with health protocols. One Industry Based on really no science concerns me. I feel its arbitrary and punitive. Reporter the l. A. County Sheriffs Department says theyre not going to be out arresting people. They are going to use it as a time to educate, to have conversations with people, but neil, if you are in the area or going to be spending money this weekend with restaurants, maybe send a little extra that way because that could be the last few dollars they get for the next three weeks. Neil you are exactly right. I hope you try to squeeze in a little thanksgiving time yourself. Have a safe and happy time. Santa monica, california. In new york, they have had limitations as well but the latest sort of, i dont know if you call it scare but its sort of, i dont know, it does seem big brotherish, various covid checkpoints along bridges and tunnels in and out of new york city. The former governor George Pataki on all of that. Governor, its all about keeping people safe, i get that, but on top of restrictions on dining and the like and how many you can have at your house and whether you should wear a mask and whos going to be policing you, man, oh, man, this is getting excessive. This is getting absurd. It just makes no sense at all. Yes, you want to protect the people but you want to base it on science. These are political decisions that are being made. The most clear example of that is new York City Schools shutting down. The rate of infection of kids in the schools was way under 1 , yet the schools are shut down, the parents lives are disrupted, the kids cant get the appropriate education and one hand doesnt know what the other is doing. It seems like the mayor and the governor are two children fighting it out in public, with one saying one thing and the other doing the opposite. Its sad. Neil you know, you think about it, even a number of republican governors are upping the ante a little bit because of spikes in their respective states and urging masks, demanding that, so it has gotten to the point its a little out of control. Look whats going on in new york. If you were still governor, and you served for three terms of 12 years, thats close to a record among all governors, but how would you handle this without, you know, stomping on peoples personal freedoms and letting them absolutely neil what would you do . I would do things very differently. First i would make the decisions based on sound science, not based on the political feeling of the moment. That comes down to the source. Theres almost universal recognition that certainly up to the high school level, the kids are among the least likely to get or spread the covid virus, yet we have the schools closed down not on science but on the power neil we had some audio issues there. I apologize for that. I wish the governor a good thanksgiving. I want to go to morris miller. Maybe i can oversimply saying his Company Makes covidkilling robots. Very very cool. Looks like you are looking at a preview to a movie. But they do the trick. They work. Now they are in demand in all sorts of businesses, even private uses. Morris is the ceo and joins us now. Sir, thank you for taking the time. Explain how this works. Good morning. Good to see you again. Happy thanksgiving. Inside of the robot is a xenon lamp that puts out high intensity ultraviolet light. Its been proven to kill sarscov2 that kills the virus in two minutes, deactivating the pathogen, so it cant infect somebody else. Neil how long once you zap a room, for want of a better term, is that room covidsafe . So as long as somebody that isnt covidpositive, as long as they dont sneeze or cough on the surface, it can stay safe for a very long time. The idea is to follow the cdc guidelines. This is an acute treatment to disinfect all of the spaces. This is being used in the san antonio International Airport even though travel is way down, they are trying to instill confidence in the passengers and basically they are going to the kiosk, checkin stations, bathrooms, everywhere where somebody might touch, they are periodically disinfecting it, bringing down the pathogen load. That creates a safe environment. Like the governor was just saying, this is all sciencebased. Nine Navy Hospitals are using this around the country, over 100v. A. And d. O. D. Facilities. This is how the government is doing their best job using the most powerful uv robot in the world to disinfect their environments. Neil so again, we chatted about this last time you visited about when you hit a room or make sure its, you know, infectionfree, how long is that process and again, to your point, if someone comes in, has covid and sneezes, thats a whole other matter, grant you, but how long, barring that, is that room, is that area, is that work space or whatever youre addressing, safe to be in . Right. The robot has about a sevenfoot wingspan on each side so 14foot diameter. Its going to go in there in that two minutes, its going to disinfect the environment. As long as you are doing a nice job of maintaining your cdc protocols, it could stay disinfected the entire day, night. Certainly until its disinfected again. The idea is to be very consistent. Thats what the hospitals have done. By doing that, the hospitals have reported dramatic decreases in patients getting infections. Those are things that are even more serious potentially, more dead deadly. Mrsa, staph, vancomycin resistant, things that have no antibiotics use for. Neil how distracting are the bright lights when you first put it on . Obviously youre not in the room through that whole process, or are you . What do you do . Right. No. So the robots have been run, i think we are at 25,900,000 cycles. A room somewhere in the world is disinfected with the robot every 4. 3 seconds. Its being used in commercial highrises, like paramount miami world center. The light is unquestionably distracting. Thats because it is such an intense photon thats hitting the pathogen thats basically exploding it open like breaking an egg, where all of a sudden its not going to grow neil you dont want people in the room while this is going on, right . Ideally, you want to address it, the robots do their thing, people can come in the room afterwards and its in good shape presumably, right . You got it. Thats exactly right. Neil does this work on inlaws . No, thats a whole other issue we will get into. Im really intrigued by this. Are my inlaws watching . Its a joke. Morris, good thanksgiving to you. Be safe, be well. This is very cool stuff. It does the trick. It works. It puts a lot of peoples minds at ease. Xenex ceo morris miller. We still have these various protests, legal and otherwise, going on over the election even though the transition is very much on and anything the biden folks want from this administration, they can get, they share a lot of that. But that does not mean the president has given up his legal fights to turn this all around. The latest on where that stands, after this. Businesses today are looking to tomorrow. Adapting. Innovating. Setting the course. But new ways of working demand a new type of network. One thats more than just fast. You need flexibility to work from anywhere. And manage from everywhere. Advanced technology. With serious security. And reliable coverage, nationwide. Forwardthinking enterprises, deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. Neil all right. Just because states are busy now ratifying their votes, oftentimes confirming joe bidens victory, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, whathave you, that doesnt mean the legal fight doesnt continue on the part of the administration. The Pennsylvania State senate, for example, is going to be holding a hearing on testimony involving election fraud, but despite talks that the president himself would be attending this, that part isnt going to be happening. We have the latest from pennsylvania. Hey, david. Reporter hey, neil. Good afternoon from gettysburg, pennsylvania. Interesting last few hours. This was not an official trip on the white house schedule, but we are told President Trump had every intention of coming here today. Secret service was here this morning scoping things out. They are now gone after word came down that the president is no longer coming. I want to show you some video, though, of some ardent Trump Supporters out here. They have been out here for several hours yelling four more years, talking about the year 2024, hinting that they want President Trump to run again. The first time if he did and won since Grover Cleveland in the 1880s. Also here today, the president s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and jenna ellis. They will take part in whats being called a hearing on allegations of voter irregularities. To be clear, theres no judge here. This hearing is taking place at this hotel, not at the State Capitol in harrisburg. Giuliani continues to fight in the keystone state despite pennsylvania votes being certified in favor of joe biden. The announcement was made yesterday about that certification. This morning, the president s daughterinlaw says wait a minute. Listen. Which is why we are saying we want every legal vote counted. We are continuing to push forward and make sure that that happens. I know there are a lot of people that just want to sweep this under the rug and say okay, well, were done with this election. We are far from done with this election. Reporter the president s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani is hoping to argue in front of the Third Circuit court of appeals in pennsylvania after the Circuit Court of appeals, then things would go to the Supreme Court. Thats his ultimate goal. Hes made no secret of it. But Supreme Court watchers down in washington, d. C. Say they dont expect him to go before the Supreme Court as the court may not want to get involved with such a politically charged case, not to mention we are almost at the end of november and the states have to choose their electors and the electors have to vote by december 14th. Ne il il lilfhe t heav aeadyeady oneo sr o a lst min mgov mn mn at reioren. Thyo veruuuch, m my friefr. Fr. Sseybuss jbussnsoinsns, my fye fromhe leejourt l,t l, edored,ord goo oowroo,er erer od odovod ofododhashatssss eninpp hing here inee ts polit p. Aandckorck ikets it a aregorere on, mbeaybeheay predesintsi lehed apat bapaty aowll the ta to o go d go ndd gethi this trtiontiroce pgohe fus,ndhe bidenenenolksenol w ndd othat, , m ge geet gng ze senenehifeazeszeze iss ov. Ov du o o k . Yea i k so, il, look, t there has been dozens of incidents where the judges have just said widespread fraud aint there and this kind of show trial in pennsylvania today thats being held at a hotel, its a group of Senate Republicans that are doing this, the president is not going to show up, it feels like kind of the last gasps on this of what was basically an election in the United States and the president got a huge number of votes, but the other guy got more votes. And thats whats standing. What happens now is the december 8th is another date we are looking at, which is called the safe harbor day. By then, if a court or state hasnt held for you in your challenge to the results of the election, youre not going to get anywhere beyond that. Thats sort of the last date. Then the electors meet on december 14 and we get a new president. Neil you know, much is made of the fact the president , i think maybe in your paper, i think there were polls that show among republicans, for 2024, not surprisingly, the president is the overwhelming preferred choice. That could change based on what he does and how he acts over these next few weeks. Im wondering how he calibrates that, if this does look like it will end up as it looks it will be, joe biden transition and hes the next president , does he hurt his efforts to continue to fight this, forget about the Runoff Election in georgia and everything else, does he hurt his own chances for 2024 . I think it goes both ways, neil. In some regards, its just denial, but the president , if he kind of cooks up a good enough story of him having been cheated out of the election, which he was not, he wasnt cheated out of the election, the other guy just got more votes, then that gives him momentum into continuing that story and he makes up stories and theres a lot of disinformation, and he kind of thrives on that, and this may energize his base going into a 2024 campaign. Its entirely possible. On the other hand, what youre suggesting is also a good possibility, which is that those voters that he needs to bring into his camp are looking at this and saying its kind of undignified, hes refusing to concede, he has said hes not going to concede, he probably wont concede, and that will turn some voters off. So it depends. He got 70 million votes. That was a pretty substantial, you know, success in the election. And he wants to hang on to those if he goes into a 2024 campaign. Our reporters are saying that in the white house right now its kind of an odd tenor. Usually people hang around outside the oval office hoping to get into the oval office and to be asked their opinion and play a part in the days events. Right now they are not doing that. People are avoiding it because they dont want to be dragged into a possible kind of harebrained claim on the president s part of this or that having happened in this or that state. They just dont want to get involved in the legal interactions. She quotes one white house source as saying everybodys trying to straddle the fence and avoid him flipping out. Neil well, im sure it can be tense, understandably so, given that. Im curious, normally president s who have been able to come back from this or at least a loss and then come back and how gracious they were in defeat or in the case of Grover Cleveland, the last president to serve two terms and they werent concurrent, he had won the popular vote in the second election so he had some grounds to stand on. Andrew jackson famously in losing to adams, he had won that vote as well. In fact, he secured everything except the final house vote that went the other way, and it was something he could ride to victory four years later. This president , outside of an impassioned base, it feels that he was given short shrift, there he doesnt have much of a leg to stand on outside of, as you pointed out, incredible number of votes. The other guy did get more. So its not as if he won the popular vote. Its not as if it was raz razortight in the electoral vote. It makes it a more difficult pitch, doesnt it . Yeah, it does. And his opponent, joe biden, has twice as large of a spread in the popular vote as Hillary Clinton had. In other words, twice as its a big gap between the popular vote for joe biden and upwards of six million, and President Trump. That said, though, this was an incredible turnout of the he lele electorate. The president got the most votes that have ever been received in a president ial election, but the second most votes a candidate has ever received in a president ial election was President Trump. So hes thinking about this and our reporters are saying theres a lot of things going on in his mind right now, discussions in the white house of kind of what is he going to do next, how does he stay relevant in the republican party, in the media, how does he make money. All those things are kind of going around in his head and hes got to be thinking that was a pretty good turnout that he was able to produce, can he surf that into a successful 2024 return to the white house. Neil he certainly has an impassioned base and to your point, thats a good head start on anyone elses party thats contemplating a run four years from now. Have a great thanksgiving. Thank you very very much. Wall street journal fame, much much more. Joe piscopo coming back, not making light of all these political fights but maybe in the state of new jersey, the demand over how many can be at your house. Are you going to knock on his door to count heads . Just saying. Might be a little chancy. After this. Did you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Some things are good to know. Like where to find the cheapest gas in town and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. Something else thats good to know . 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For that, im happy to be joined as i have all this year, these are great people besides being real smartypants, gary b. Smith and adam leshinski, bestselling author, much much more. Adam, we begin with you on yesterday crossing 30,000, its not a surprise for people to pull back a little bit, but i was hearing maybe it was in the journal you know, dow 40,000. Think about it, that would be about a 33 or so runup. We have had years that got close to that, 75, 1975, we ran up 38 . I guess you could make a case for making that leap. The bigger these numbers are, the closer those milestones are, you know . Well, thats true. And anythings possible, neil. But i certainly wouldnt be looking for it in the next 12 months. Its obvious that markets like certainty and knowing who the president is going to be and knowing or at least having a strong indication that the next president is going to be less erratic in all sorts of ways than the current president obviously is making markets very comfortable. That said, and of course, the fact the vaccines are coming is also very good news. But theres a lot of uncertainty. We dont know what the scarring from this economic downturn is going to be. A lot of people are still out of work and thats going to be a problem for the economy Going Forward. Retails going to be a very mixed bag. Things like aviation is a very mixed bag. So there are a lot of risks that could prevent the market from going to 40,000 any time soon. Neil you know, you could talk about the scarring that he just did, gary, but its not nearly as much scarring as people thought we would be facing. Half the jobs lost have come back, retailing looks pretty strong going into the Holiday Season. Not for everyone, for every gap there are many many other Companies Like amazon and target and walmart that are doing more than fine. So im wondering if this recovery that is built into a lot of what the markets been doing, not that we necessarily go to 40,000, dont get me wrong, but add that to the vaccines and the fact that maybe the whole virus scare dissipates mightily on the first half of next year, they hope, then what . Play that out. I think youre looking at dow 40,000. I will give you a kind of counter to adams point. He made some great points and also, you know, just looking at technically, the dow was down at the beginning of this year when we were still kind of in the midst of reacting to covid. Almost 10,000 points. Its risen up and you know, as you just made the point, to new alltime highs. That was about so you look just at the chart, you have about another 10,000 points on the upside, it kind of formed a big bowl there. Fundamentally, what more people are familiar with, not only do you point out that we kind of fought our way economically through the pandemic, and were not through it yet but you know that come january, the Biden Administrations going to do everything possible, whether its stimulus, whether its accelerating the vaccines even further, helping out Small Businesses to get this economy really roaring again, i really think thats going to happen. The biggest part will be the vaccines and how quickly they get distributed. Just to make people, you know, even if theyre not fighting the virus, feel good about going out again and start to alleviate some of the restrictions that you have in places like california. I think all that bodes well for really some jet fuel to this market and to this economy. Neil you know, when you talk about what we might be seeing out of a Biden Administration, we do know that its going to be pushing stimulus, we do know certainly given the attention on getting even something done in a lame duck session, im wondering, adam, if we could see a lot of this stimulus activity building before biden even takes office. Certainly possible. I think gary makes a lot of smart points. I know its more fun when he and i disagree with each other. All of these things are totally possible. Neil thats if you yell and scream and curse at each other but you are such gentlemen, i dont even know you disagree. You seem to be very amiably getting along. I want to wish both of you a very happy thanksgiving. Also, another positive is for the markets, is theres this assumption the Biden Administration will do a lot of reregulation of the economy, but thats not going to happen any time soon. I just think the major thing that investors need to be concerned about is how much of this is already priced in. In other words, how much have we already assumed these things. I think the answer is quite a lot. Neil heres where i might disagree with you. I will pursue it a little bit with gary. I do think theres going to be more regulation, by simply unwinding the regulations the president , President Trump, put into place. That was what started out his presidency. I think this president will unwind a lot of them on environmental issues, a lot of financial regulation, all that sort of stuff. Some might be very wise to start unwinding. Others might be very risky. I dont know if the market is prepared for this slew of executive orders that could be coming to undo what donald trump did in the beginning. Those were developments, marketwise, that were deemed favorable events long before the tax cuts came. But your thoughts on that, gary . Well, you make a great point but look, i was no fan of what the obama Economic Team and obama himself did with the economy. It was kind of as i often said, kind of the malaise period. That being said, the stock market did pretty well. So if your question is hey, gary, is the stock market going to do well, i got to say well, its certainly going to do no worse, i think, that happened under obama. Maybe bidens a little bit more conservative. So that will help. Now, economically, do we have the good growth, the good unemployment numbers at least prepandemic that we did under trump, i dont think so. I think unemployments going to certainly drop from here, but i dont think its going to drop down to as well as the numbers showed during the trump administration. I think the economy will still do well. I dont think it will do as well. I think the stock market, though, still has a good shot at doing well. Neil all right. We will watch it very closely. Guys, have a wonderful, safe thanksgiving. I dont know how many you are going to have at your home but i will be watching closely and making sure i get someone to knock at your door and count heads. Thank you again, guys. In new jersey, thats something they worry about a lot. Joe piscopo, very big powerful force in the garden state, has a few choice words about how the present governor is making a lot of New Jerseyans upset. Some take it out on the governor. When he was out at a restaurant. After this. It was 1961 when nellie young lost her devoted husband. Without him, things were tough. Her last option was to sell her home, but. Her home meant everything to her. Her husband had been a High School Football coach and it turned out, one of his former players came up with an answer. A loan, created just for older homeowners. And pretty soon, nellie young had one of the first reverse mortgages. Discover if a reverse Mortgage Loan is right for you. 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Since then over a million Older Americans have used a reverse Mortgage Loan to finance their retirements. It meant so much to nellie, maybe it could mean as much to you. Call now and get your free infokit neil all right. Well, we told you about all the americans who are traveling this week, millions flying. Its not like we had last year at this time but its very strong considering the cdc has urged people not to do that. I want to go to joe piscopo, former snl, hes a legend on there, one of the best ever, his very very popular radio show here and his comments on limiting the number of people at his house. What are you going to do . Its not fair, you know. Were italian. You got to have at least 14, 15 people. I like the way they say no raising your voice. We are italian, we are from new jersey. Its thanksgiving. Its part of the festivities to scream at each other, you know . So im going to adhere to the law of the land but its wrong. I will tell you that right now, my friend. Neil all right. They try to limit it to under 10 people, right . But how do you police that . What do you do if someone does tap at your door . You know, i think Law Enforcement in jersey is not going to back the governor. He doesnt understand what its like. You cant tell people of new york or new jersey what to do. Thats what Governor Cuomo, governor murphy are trying to do. You cant do it, neil. We are from new york and new jersey. Are you talking to me, are you talking to me . You know what i mean . We all got that thing you dont want to be told what to do in the great state of new jersey and certainly new york. Honestly, we are being careful, we are social distancing. I will go see my mom. We will do the sliding glass, oh, my goodness gracious. Its ridiculous but you have to do it because better safe than sorry. We are going to go visit neil the one smart thing, to your point, its a smart thing, i think this is where governor murphy was a little shrewder than Governor Cuomo on this, without saying im going to enforce it. He just said everyone use common sense. The governor in new york was criticizing the police who said they would not listen to this order, comparing them to essentially dictators, calling what laws they are going to honor and what laws theyre not, where the governor in new jersey sort of said this is highly recommended, hope you do what i say and leave it at that, which is probably a smarter approach, you know . It really is. But i got to tell you, governor murphys a nice guy. I know all my patriot friends are not going to like me saying that, but he is. Hes a good guy. People came up to him and they confronted him and i got to tell you, that jersey in your face, that is so jersey. The poor governor didnt know what to do. Hes looking around, he puts his mask on. But you know what, it wasnt right they did it. That wasnt right. I think it was rather rude, actually, even for new jersey. Neil yeah. Hes with his family at this restaurant, a woman comes up and accosts him. Hes doing everything by the letter of the law. Hes with his family, they are keeping their distance, its a small group but obviously this woman isnt crazy about it, talking about some of his other restrictions. I think what was interesting is one of the governors children sort of went back at the woman. Im sure the governor did not think that was such a good idea. The odd thing was the governor wasnt doing anything wrong, but thats the risk you take when you go out in a public forum. So it wasnt like Governor Newsom in california violating these rules, going out, you know, at a crowded table, crowded restaurant and all. He was doing everything to the letter. Just there are some people who just tired of this, right . Exactly. Its nice to see the governor be accosted by housewives of new jersey. Thats what it was. Neil you have to deal with that a lot. You kidding me . Nobody cares. Tell you what were doing, honestly. Going to my moms house. Im going to be on the deck. Im bringing all my kids. Were going to do a little, i swear to god, we are going to do a performance on the deck with my mother behind the sliding glass door. Im going to do a little guitar, you know. Neil awesome. I will sing [ laughter ] neil thats a great idea. So when do you run for governor . Oh, lord. You know, we are doing so great on the radio station, thanks for plugging it, i appreciate it. I dont know how to step away. Im telling you, if this ever is now because now, you cant dictate. Now they are trying to boss us around, you know, trying to just hold us down. Look, we are americans. We are all good people. No matter what politically you believe in, we are good people. One of these days, neil. I swear god. One of these days, my friend. Neil all right. You tease me but you dont ever answer me which i admire. You are already in crafty politician. Real quick, i got to ask joe what he makes of this. Jim carey as biden on snl. What do you think of that . This guy is electric. Hes brilliant. Hes such a great performer and he owns it. Jim carey owns it right now. Whether you agree politically or not with what they do on snl the performance of carey absolutely genius. You tacant take that away. I want to go on and do jerry nadler. Thats my impression i want to work on. So esoteric kind of thing. Jim carey, right on the money. Neil the nadler thing might be a limited audience. It might work. I dont know. Boris johnson, possible. I dont know. Well see. Always great, my friend. Thanks for all of your great appearances this past year. Your fine radio show. You bring both sides together and you know you do it, i know youre not one to accept compliments, you do it with laughs. At our core, we are all pretty decent people. We like a good laugh. Thats what cuts through a lot of the frost. We need a lot more of that in 2021. Happy thanksgiving, neil. Thank you so much, my friend. Neil all right. I will let you go back to your bruce wayne office in your mansion there. Im in the kitchen to cook now. You got it right there, come on. Neil joe, thank you very very much. Happy thanksgiving. Keep making people happy. We have had such a polarizing year where people were yelling and screaming at each other. I get a couple of emails that can be a little nasty but i think sometimes you have to step back from that and realize we get through this, conservative, liberal, nasty or not, we get through it. If joes an example, with a good laugh in the process. Stay with us. When i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. The support weve had over the last few months has been amazing. Its not just a work environment. Everyone here is family. If you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. We thought for sure that we were done. And this town said not today. Neil all right. Despite another count going on in georgia, that Runoff Election that could decide the shape and balance of the power of the United States senate is still going on. Steve harrigan following these developments. I dont know if hes got a condo or home in atlanta given his time there but he might look into it quite seriously. Whats the latest . Reporter hey, neil. Ordinarily its tough to get out the votes in a Runoff Election. Two scheduled here for the senate for january 5th. But it looks like this could be the exception in time around. Already 700,000 georgians have asked for absentee ballots. Thats about triple the number that asked in 2018. Also spending on this twomonth campaign is really off the charts. More than 270 million on tv ads, most of that negative advertising. Thats more money than was spent on the primaries and the general election combined. There will be more boots on the ground to engage voters than weve ever seen before and that will include all kinds of campaigning, canvassing, door knocking. Reporter the runoffs take place january 5th. None of the four candidates got the required 50 of the vote and those two races could actually determine control of the senate. Thats why we are seeing so many high profile politicians for both parties come through georgia. As you mentioned, the president ial ballot is still being counted here in georgia. Its a recount and this is actually the third time its been counted. Even though the numbers have already been certified by the governor of georgia, the race is still simply that close. Biden with a lead of more than 12,000 votes. Election officials here say they dont expect any change from this latest third recount. Neil, back to you. Neil im curious, the president s battle to count every vote and all of that, then the division among the powers that be within the republican party, the two Republican Senate candidates, of course, who wanted the secretary of state to go, the president dumping on the same secretary of state, how is that affecting this race, or is it . I can understand galvanizing the troops and those loyal to the president to bring that base out and support these candidates, or it could backfire. Reporter i think there is some concern among republicans that the message is getting mixed, that theres so much focus on protesting this president ial vote which has already come and gone pretty much, the 16 electoral votes awarded to biden, that the two republicans are being left out as far as messaging goes and this could be key two races which could determine control of the senate, control of the agenda for the next four years. I think theres some concern. Mixed messaging not helping the republican candidates at this point. Neil all right. Steve, thank you very much, my friend. Have a great thanksgiving. Steve has been everywhere, hes covered battles and crises in jungles and war zones. Now hes in the middle of something quite similar, actually, going on in atlanta, georgia. All right. We are one hour into this show and a lot more to tell you about the dow, trying to claw back from the lowest levels of the day. Weve got a bit of a comeback going on. Remember, we crossed 30,000 yesterday and people didnt think that was remotely doable. Keep in mind, back in march, we had dipped under 19,000. So the prospect for 2021 after this. For over 30 years, lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2021 rx 350 for 419 a month for 36 months and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Some things are good to know. 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[doctor] i recommend goodrx. You get free coupons to save on your prescriptions. Goodrx, smart. [announcer] stop paying too much for your prescriptions. Thanks. Download the free app today. Neil nothing like last thanksgiving when you had close to 10 million americans hitting the nations airport over the brief. Right up until thanksgiving but close to 2 million it is drawing a lot of folks at the cdc did not want to see any of that especially in the nation where the pandemic seems serious bikes across the country, the cdc has been saying postpone your thanksgiving plans to keep everyone safe, they are not doing that, people are still traveling and some of them on the air, traveling, jeff flock in chicago with what is happening there. I think some people feel it is safer if they drive to know that they can be in their own enclosed space, not to have to deal with the airports or train or god for bid or Something Like that. , they had a miserable day in the midwest, we are told is headed toward you in the northeast and the interstate 55, were heading into chicago, 294 in a minute for those who know the local roads, as you can see theres quite a bit of traffic, take a look at the numbers, traffic will be down this day according to aaa, not that much, 4 , last year, if you look at the airplane travel i just mentioned, that is way down, about 47 , people not wanting to take the plane but take the car instead in one of the reasons you look at the situation in l. A. And maybe put up the tree from the Los Angeles Mayor who says if you fly into l. A. , i cant read it word for word because im driving but if you put the tweet up there this is essentially if you fly into lax or van nuys, you have to online fill out a form, you know you are supposed to self quarantine for 14 days, doesnt say you have to do it but you have to fill out the form this is your aware of it. If not you can get a 500 fine, if you want to go to l. A. Covid you could drive that would be another way to go. A lot of people have made the decision if you can perhaps see, go ahead and go to grandmas house or somebodys house, i dont know whether it will be as big as it used to be but people still traveling, one final note that is on gas prices if you have to travel, normally we care more about this these days, i dont think we care so much but prices are pretty low whole lot lower than last year end even down in the last week or so or month or so. Not a pretty day to be traveling, im going to miss my exit and wind up in trouble, what can i tell you i dont have to stand out in the rain at least. Happy thanksgiving. Neil i dont know if it applies where you are and i dont want to distract you but in new york they have covid checkpoints on bridges and tunnels, anything like that out by you . They are not doing that here, there is a requirement if you come from outofstate they supposed to illinois so a deeper 14 days but there is no batista that at the moment, i will suspect there will be until we get worse but at this point no. Neil jeff, be safe, you been valuable reporting everywhere from natural disasters to today traveling and driving. Itll end soon, we hope. Happy thanksgiving, lets go to the los angeles airport ceo, we were just talking about the number of people who are opting to fly, better than 2 million log on from last year, its probably about 2 million more than the cdc wants, worried that its going to lead to a spike in cases beyond the spike in cases but your argument when flying its going to be pretty safe. Absolutely, first of all just to be clear if mayor garcetti and Governor Newsom made it clear that people should avoid traveling for thanksgiving, for those that need to travel, its been our priority to make sure that our airports are clean, healthy and safe for passengers and employees during this period. We have taken all types of majors to sanitizer airports to promote physical distance d, waiver requirement for all people to wear facemasks in the terminal, we put up plexiglas barriers, we have all types of Touchless Technology so people can get through without having to make contact with devices or people or exchange documents. Were doing everything we can to make sure airports are clean, healthy and safe as possible for anybody traveling during this period. Neil whats the number one thing to look out for, i know people are spread out, there arent as many but theres certainly more than a month ago given the approaching holidays, thats understandable. But people are leery about being around other people, what do you do . The first thing that you do, before you leave your house to the airport, going look at the airport website to see all the majors that they have in place, you can go to fly lax. Com, travel safely and see all the things that we have in place and all the requirements for what you should do to prepare and have a safe and healthy journey, once you get here make sure youre wearing your facial covering and make sure youre providing physical distancing and heed all the signage that we have in the airport about how to keep yourself safe throughout your journey and follow all the protocols of the Public Health agencies, washing your hands frequently, maintaining the proper physical distancing and we are doing everything that we can and we also need passengers to cooperate with us to make sure the following on the protocols that we have in place. Neil lets hope everyone does that. Thank you very much the los angeles World Airport ceo, as he indicates a mayor and the governor can recommend all they want, the cdc can recommend all they want, but millions are, thats keeping safe. In the meantime you heard about a three, possibly for possibly five potential vaccines that could be at the ready, you always ask yourself how did they get all of the stuff out there and how to various cities and states deal with all of that. Kristina partsinevelos dealing with all this in new york city. Like you just mentioned you have gone from concept to reality with distribution as early as mid december but the big question is how will you rollout all of the vaccines and can you force americans to take it. Much like lockdown instate home mandates it is up for the state to decide. So far no state has put into law that you need to take the vaccine that it is mandatory. We can expect a peace approach, is a tennessee for example the governor just came out saying he will not mandate Public Schools therefore his children do not need to be forced to take the vaccine but lets bring it back to new york, the new York State Bar Association that passed a resolution urging the state to mandate all new yorkers to take the vaccine regardless of religious or personal reasons so of course im standing here and were talking about distribution and they can be stated in life are in the thing but these are common occurrences in metropolitan cities, asked new yorkers, how did they feel about mandating vaccines Going Forward, listen to what they had to say. If its for the best of the community i would be all for it, i dont think they should be in dated but i think was people will take it anyway. I would wait because i dont trust it, what were essentially doing we are injecting, inoculating a virus that were not familiar with the. Regardless if states mandate or not, you have private employers that can do so, so imagine you have to go to work, take the vaccine or you try to go to the gym and take the vaccine, the largest Australian Airline said they will mandate vaccines along international flights, the First Major Airline to do so but we could see other private enterprises follow suit. Back to you. Neil thank you very much for that, have a great thanksgiving, Kristina Partsinevelos and all the middle that, speaking of thanksgiving we are leanin leare Baltimore Ravens game against the Pittsburgh Steelers has been moved from thanksgiving date to sunday, apparently siding covid19 coronavirus cases detected in the ravens training camp, this is coming via cbs sports radio, on twitter as well that not the first time we seen the laser schedules on professional football front but certainly the College Football front but again another reminder that it is with us and upended at some schedule and the fact that we dont know exactly in this case how that will alter plans sunday games and so for this is only one on thanksgiving day that has been pushed back to sunday. Stay with us we will have more since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things. Nothing more important than family. Introducing the most versatile and advanced chevy suburban and tahoe ever. 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Neil a market that had moved up over 30000 home sales slipped a little bit from the home sales in october siding about three tenths of 8 but you think of a remarkable up strengthen housi housing, the building permits, construction activity, Building Confidence all very strong this year as a whole, what to make of that and what it might pretend for the next of the year in the new year, scott asset manager, fox news contributor, what do you make of where we are ending, i have another month to go, i dont want to minimize that, anything can and will likely happen, we learned that, its been a remarkable comeback from the worst of the we slipped under 19000 and every woman saying next up 10000, look at this what do you think of all of this. Is really incredible when you take a look at the stock market, and wants to go up, if you go back some months and it looks like joe biden was going to win, the market went up then it look like trump was making a comeback and then the market went up and then it look like joe biden was indeed and then the market went up, clearly there is american optimism out there that wants this market to go up, it is confidence that we are ultimately going to get past this pandemic, its obviously not going to happen this year but i think when we get in solidly into the First Quarter and certainly into the Second Quarter of 21 i see good things ahead for a lot of reasons. Neil what about you scott . I agree like dan said, the market is thinking about december and thinking about january for about 15 minutes and the rest of the time the market is thinking about june of 21, my next birthday or the end of 21 or even 2022 when we pullout of the vaccine and the virus concern and we look at the great things that have happened in my opinion behind the scenes as a result of the pandemic, all the technology thats been developed, the efficiency that businesses have created in hiring going on in hiring and refiring with respect to areas in tech and healthcare, there is a lot of great efficiency in new technology and new ways of working that have benefited from the shutdown that we have had over the course of the last several months depending on where you live and what to do, those are the underlying structures that are built into the Market Pricing and the things that we can build on Going Forward next year. Neil daniel also an accountant, and a very good one, im wondering how your preparing clients for certainly higher taxes where you are or where i am in new jersey, but nationally, the plan that joe biden keeps out there and he isnt backing away from, high taxes on the thousand dollar and overcrowd, that is still one, is he giving people any caution . It has to because only thing standing in between all of us, not those over 400,000 in my opinion, all of us from where we are now in higher taxes is a Republican Senate. It looks like its going to be that way, however, we cannot bank on anything particularly if her going to be relying on polling so we have to look at the situation and say taxes are going to go up potentially substantially so what does that mean, it means you have to look at how you can potentially accelerate some income into 2020 if you have some gains out there you may want to take some money off the table and lets not forget the estate tax, if youre gonna be considering doing gifting and taking money out of your estate and succession planning and business, 2020 is the time to do it i would not call it a plan, i would say is maybe a plan a, you have to be prepared for higher taxes Going Forward. Neil im doing no gifting for the kids, my wife and i said were gonna spend every last penny, this way there out of the shock, but i am curious, were so convinced the senate will stay republican and i know this is less likely but what if democrats do both and all of a sudden it is a democratic, they appear now but with the polls in atlanta have it pretty close and i just wonder how the markets will react to that. Probably not well, i think there would be shocked because i believe it is big, if not words we can say on cable tv but the reality is this, the market will get over that and i think joe biden so far, the reason the market has done favorably performance wise is joe biden is turning out to be the moderate easygoing implementer of some of the cabinet picks, we seen some of the treasury happened already where joe has taken the middleoftheroad path so far with respect to what hes doing, the markets will probably be okay overall if for some reason the senate does flip because of the fact it looks like biden is not going to take the hard line with the far left democratic policies. So the market can be confident in that but we want to see the senate state divided or congress divided so we can get the bipartisan moving in d. C. To help the economy move along the best it can. Neil if they do when the two races in the moderate, the senator former Vice President would be compelled to be a little less moderate, what do you think. I think he would be up against a lot of pressure to do some things more along the progressive path, if he gets the Corporate Tax increase past and you go from 21 to 28 , the impact thats going to have on bottom line earnings is about a 10 reduction. That is significant to the market and i think the market is going to react, it is awkward to be favorable and not to mention all the other tax increases across the board like Capital Gains and a plethora of other areas, i agree joe biden ultimately gets the senate as well, its not going to be looked at favorably with investors or the market and were going to feel that at least initially. Neil the market doesnt like surprises, you reminded me over the years, i hope you both had a great thanksgiving, have fun and thank you for your help this past year, i appreciate it and certainly our viewers appreciate it. In the meantime redone 166 points in getting more news about the significance of the janet yellen coming in as treasury secretary. What if i tell you maybe not just for treasury secretary. I will explain it. Is. Neil the hearing goes on to look at the possible voter fraud in the keystone state, Pennsylvania State senate is holding in testimony on Rudy Giuliani, a lot of action in gettysburg, i know Rudy Giuliani in gettysburg and the whole 9 yards is interesting, anyway alex the hills reporter with us now, alex is this going to lead to the sweeping actions the Trump Campaign wants to take, it looks like its an uphill battle, but what is the latest . Thank you for having me, it is an uphill battle, i think the Trump Campaign will continue on with these efforts but of course as weve seen this week the General Service administration formally recognized former Vice President joe biden as the president elect, that creates further challenges for the Trump Campaign as they continue to pursue this but something we are looking forward could be part of their long game and if the president wants to run again in 2024 theyre continuing to energize their base keeping the mobilized and ready for the next election come the next cycle. Neil i see for the next election cycle 2024 but what about the Runoff Election in georgia, the more people hear about that it could galvanize the base and help support the two republican candidates but given all the inciting, were talking about pennsylvania but in georgia whether it can boomerang, what do you hear . Georgia will be very interesting to watch, democrats are really motivated after bidens when, but so are republicans as much as the Trump Campaign continues to pursue these voting claims and things like that in pennsylvania and michigan, that continues to make the base energized in places like georgia so theyre more likely to come out and vote in the runoff and be supportive of senator perdue and loeffler but i think democrats are equally energized as well, itll be interesting to see who has the most momentum going into those. Neil im just curious if i could pick your brain, youre very tight with a lot of these folks and what they think and happen on both sides, i know theres no right or wrong answer but for the life of me i cannot see President Trump even appearing at the inauguration of joe biden, i could be wrong, maybe itll be very gracious, i know Herbert Hoover and fdr did not talk on the way to the white house to the capitol and they were very bitter with each other but i have a hard time seeing that happen, what do you think . Thats a great question and i think its on a lot of peoples minds already especially as we look forward to the transition, biden is expected to receive his full briefing from the government on monday and its unclear whether biden troubled me during that process which is typical during a president ial transition process, if they dont meet then, thats an early indicator that perhaps they wont converse in the inauguration or like you mentioned, maybe trump wouldnt even go so many photos with former president and it would be a big loss of President Trump didnt make the trip to the inauguration, this transition process and how President Trump handles it and works with the biden team or embraces biden and some extent, i think well be able to tell how he will come across in january. Neil there is no doubt, not going to the inauguration would be extreme, would be totally unusual and given the heat between the two men but i am curious if the president gives up this fight but reminds the nation i think i was robbed, i think there was a lot of fraud and i think it was rigged and goes on to say are clear the desk joe biden on generate 20th, among his dates, insubstantial, your more votes than any other candidate than the guy who beat him in American History but im wondering how that translates for him and for his future. Thats a good question, how his base would proceed him embracing or accepting the biden when in moving forward with that and more of a typical transition process way, i think the base will continue to be energized, we will continue to see President Trump coming out and especially campaigning for other people and things like that to keep the base engaged and i think whatever he does during the transition process if he allows and wants to meet with joe biden or whatnot, i think the base will be accepting of that and they will continue to rally around him and i think a lot of that they are hopeful he will run again in 2024 or help decide who will run again in 2024 and itll be someone that they want because the president wants them, i think they will go along with what the president says and wants to do and i think what weve seen from gsa on monday starting the transition process is an indicator that trump might take that approach and accept the loss and move forward and keep his supporters active. Neil that is interesting, it does appear that that wouldnt happen to make it happen, we will see, alex, the hills reporter, have a great thanksgiving. Thank you again. Thank you, happy thanksgiving. I want to go to Charlie Gasparino, i know were gonna talk about johnny, but charlie i cannot get out of my mind the notion of how the president moves toward conceding, what do you think. Say that again. Neil how the president concedes, will he concede. Sorry, my volume wasnt high enough on my skype. My guess, ive been speaking with some people close to trump who no trump, if he will do a halfway concession, part of this is the trump brand and donald trump is not going to be president after generate 20th or whenever joe biden is inaugurated, he will have a Business Career, he is now planting his seeds for the Business Career, that Business Career has to be built on the notion in the image that he is not a loser, its just the way it is, he will do everything in his power essentially to assert that he did not lose this election, for him to concede would go against that brand, that is part of the trump brand, never loses, always comes back, always wins in the end, he knows he has to make money in the future, the trump Business Empire has some issues and a lot of debt, he can cash out in the way but the only way he can really cash out is to prove to enough people that he did not lose in the way you do that, you dont really concede, you figure out some and thread the needle or maybe just not concede, i wouldnt be surprised if he never concedes or doesnt show up to the inaugural, i would not be surprised if he sits everything out, that is all very possible because he has to protect and build his brand for the next innervation of the trump business deal which is essentially showing the world he is not a loser and cashing in on that, that is clearly what a lot of this is about. Neil one of the world know that hes not a loser but that he lost or will they be so loyal to him and questioning everything that was told about the accounts, suspect the worst, was fraud that that will carry the day when in fact most looking at the stepping back say you put up impressive numbers, more than any losing candidate in American History the second highest vote total for president ial candidate the guy who beat him this go around but it would really strain to say that didnt happ happen. I think itll strain for juuling among 60 70 of the population, but we are in the business of mixed audience, cable is a mixed audience, you can get a small amount of people make a lot of money on it. This is kind of where he is going on this, this is a business decision, i do not believe this is a decision based on what he really thinks. He has to keep his mission in tack so he can capitalize in cash and, thats whether hes creating his own network, book deals, thats what he has to do and i really believe thats what this is about and i think because of that you may not see them at the inaugural, he may just say screw it, im not goi going. Neil i dont see it, i could be wrong, they have some president were the two candidates dont talk to each other or like each other. Truman and dwight eisenhower, he did run against him but you got my point, Herbert Hoover with fdr the man who beat them in a landslide, i know there is that but i dont see it here, all switch gears, i apologize for taking so much time on this issue, what is the latest on janet yellen and what we can expect in the rumors and what she might be doing, what is the latest. It has not been officially announced, every single off the record theyre all confirming it and im just wondering why theyre not doing this yet, in any event, its not a done deal until its a done deal, for all purposes shes probably going to be there. Here is a couple of things and picking up for people at the fed and people close to the Biden Administration and people that have watched this stuff. Her appointment is definitely seen as indication that the biden people believe the senate will stay republican. Lyle brainard, Roger Ferguson the two front runners before the last week or so dont seem to have the stroke with republicans that janet yellen does have to negotiate fiscal policy stuff that biden will have to get through she is someone that can cough up a gop senator and change the vote and remember if the republicans keep the senate a lot of what biden will do from a fiscal policy standpoint, massive tax increase in spending what happened unless you get gop defection, she is someone who is seen that can do that. The other thing that i here which is fascinating is that janet yellen is seen as a fed chair again, she was obamas fed chair and vice chair and she is in the seat to do that in a couple of years if jerome powe powell, if and when he steps down. The third thing i hear, people really believe that biden, if gop keeps the senate and the chances are, itll be one of the two georgia seats, the fiscal policies will be constrained, therefore how do you boost the economy if thats the case, republicans will not agree to anything, one thing is through goosing fed Monetary Policy, half of me says what else could be done that Jerome Powell isnt doing already, there is more things you can do, you can bring back q. Week or Something Like this and because it was a fed chair she will be putting the hammer down on powell because they need a more expansive Monetary Policy to make up for the fact that the gop senate is not going to agree to agree new deal, massive spending, bailing out cities like new york, it will not happen. Shes going to have to put the pedal to the metal to powell. It will be interesting to see because shes not an aggressive person like President Trump we did the same but through tweets, she is a persuasive person, shes been in politics for a long time and she knows how to call people up. That is what i hear, no press release on this yet i wonder what is taking them so long. Neil i wonder why she was not part of the announcement yesterday. But until we hear from the president elect themselves is not a done deal yet. Have a great thanksgiving, be safe, be well, Charlie Gasparino in the middle of the latest developments political withstanding, the Dow Jones Industrial down 165 points, youre planning to do for thanksgiving but if youre really big into Outdoor Dining in the Greater Los Angeles area, good luck finding it because there be any net. After this. Eway moments. Heres to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. Get 0 financing on all new 2020 and 2021 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. 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Hi, thank you for having me on, the ban is in effect for three weeks, let me tell you how little work. In my opinion, theres over 300,000 restaurant workers in l. A. County alone and im sure the majority of those workers have now been told are unemployed at least for the next three weeks. Its going to be devastating, the hardworking men and women who have been struggling to pay rent, food on the table and especially on the eve of the holidays to be told are out of work and heading to the unappointed line is really wro wrong, is really not going to work well in the more maddening thing about this, there is no science, no data that has a nexus between Outdoor Dining in the surge of the virus in los angeles and beyond that what is ludicrous, you can leave l. A. County and go to orange county, Santa Barbara county, Ventura County within a few minutes and you can have Outdoor Dining. It is not going to accomplish anything then put a lot of hardship on a lot of good people that need to make a living. Neil i see the limitations on the effect of Indoor Dining Outdoor Dining never appeared to be a culprit in any event. By the way the same with Indoor Dining in my digress, three weeks is a very long time, three weeks to do a lot of damage. For businesses that are on the brink now. No doubt, youve already had 20000 businesses permanently closed in l. A. , 20000 and think of the Ripple Effect that has on other businesses. But also all the elected officials and appointed officials that make these decisions, for the last eight months they have been getting their check regularly every two weeks. They really need to be more concerned and think about not only protecting lives but protecting livelihoods, they go handinhand. I am all for protecting lies in doing what we need to do but youve gotta prove it out, you cannot make the disconnected decisions that have devastating impacts and three weeks into the holidays, i dont know how any of these places are going to reopen and try to get ready for christmas and into the new year. Its good to be very tough. Neil you do hope they stick to the three weeks, so is the awful thought, no were going to carry this to the end of the year, that is happening in a few states as we speak, hang in there, los angeles Shopping Center owner, founder and ceo, much, much more, this is the stuff they have to deal with all the time in the political views, do it, dont drink, shut down, do shut down, apply here, dont apply here, its a mess. We will have more after this. When i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. The support weve had over the last few months has been amazing. Its not just a work environment. Everyone here is family. 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Forwardthinking enterprises, deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. Neil taking a peek, 160 points down, a huge run up yesterday brought us over 30000 for the first time in history it is to be expected, the same dow during the downhill of the pandemic in late march it got under 19000, look at it touching around the 30000 level, keeping an eye on that and i and consumers, reflecting on that in the improving economy and might not be to the degree everyone would like but its caugh brought hale jobs lost, 21 million have been brought back and a lot of businesses were no made whole me than a few months ago, the retail water extraordinaire and research officer, looking at what consumers have been doing in their pentup buying plan for the holiday, target is optimistic, walmart, amazon, best buy, something is going on beneath the surface that despise the skepticism what is it. That is a good solution to noncredit and the pentup dema demand, approval 15 feels like years ive been talking about frugal fatigue how it comes around every single Holiday Season but this one in particular, you know im a mom of twin toddlers and i gotta tell you parents guilt, the pandemic guilt is setting in and i think parents and grandparents and people alike are going to go out there and want to spend on their loved ones. Neil the numbers are bearing you out when a Consumer Survey what they plan to do, i know we dont have traditional black friday events, the rolling events but the response has been strong even if only online at the beginning, what you make of all of this . Shockingly i worked on a report with oracle and we came to the conclusion that about 50 of people are spending online, people are still going into the stores and part of the reason why is exactly what you said, the Christmas Creep that we talk about, the guess that wont leave your home that youve had for weeks, this is a phenomenon that has been happening since september, people getting ready to shop for the holiday, we also have the layer of the fact that so many people are going online, shipping is going to become a really big issue, those traditional lastminute deadlines are not going to happen this year, im telling everyone and i think the vibe, people want to get their shopping done way earlier for fear that there will be a crush that no gifts are going to be delivered on time. Neil is there going to be a crush of people, the malls limit the traffic, i dont even know i guess it depends on the state. Youre probably not going to see that crush of people that we used to see, we would we see people rushing into the stores, that wont happen but the people im talking about our online, as you know amazon has it locked and loaded in terms of how logistically how people can shop online and we saw that during the pandemic, people were hunkering down and purchasing more and not just gifts, really basic items and with the recent shutdowns in rolling the shelter home mandate or the states are issuing in certain lockdowns are happening in states are doing it, with that said people are wanting to start shopping for their basics in addition to the gifts, that is what is going to call the bidding against delivered under the tree or for hanukkah on time. Neil we will see what happens, great catching up with you, great thanksgiving. Taking a quick break that out on 141 points, retail issues have been holding up pretty well through all of this. Itskind, personalized education center. Oh. 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Call now and get your free infokit neil all right. Take a look at the market cap of tesla right now, half trillion dollar concern right now because yesterday, elon musk had crossed the level of being the second richest man on earth, worth more than 100 million, eclipsing bill gates in that position, buoyed by his stock right now. Tesla, over 570 a share, up an additional 15 or so today. He has defied conventional wisdom and even some, you know, quality reports on some of the vehicles that might not be up to snuff, weathered all of that, entrance to the s p 500 and hes been nothing but going up, up, up and away. Kind of Charles Payne money there. Hey, charles. Charles hey, neil. Beautiful thing as we were all invited along for the ride. Thank you so much. Good afternoon, everyone. Im Charles Payne. Breaking right now, although stocks are taking a pause at the moment, we have seen a string of new highs as more companies are on the move. Money pouring in as this rally continues to broaden out. Do you have on your dance shoes . Plus how to handle the drama of owning the big winners. Plus President Trumps legal team taking the leelection figh to gettysburg, pennsylvania. What does this mean for the president s prospects and are they putting georgia at risk

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