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We will win big on Super Tuesday and this november, North Carolina is going to tell crooked joe biden. Joe, youre fired, get out of here. In a General Election, we are given a choice. In a primary, we make our choice. Theres no path for her to win, whether she likes hearing that or not. Theres no path for her to win. Whats she doing, other than hurting the Republican Party. As much as everybody wants to push me out, im not ready to get out yet. Sandra it is Super Tuesday and voters in 16 states head to the polls and today could be the springboard to propel former President Trump to the republican nomination and here we go. H hello, sandra smith in new york. John good to be with you on this very important day, john roberts in washington. America reports. Trump cannot clinch the Party Nomination but campaign tells fox news it is expecting an delegate avalanche to force Nikki Haley Out of the race. Sandra she says she will stay in the race as long as she is competitive. We have complete Coverage Kicking off right announcement arkansas republican governor Sarah Sanders what the gop needs to do to win this fall. John plus our team of reporters from coast to coast. Bill melugin is in charleston, south carolina. And bill, what exactly does staying competitive mean for haleys team . John, she says that is up for the media to decide. We asked her that question. Its no secret nikki haley is down big in the delegate count right now. There are questions circling as to why she is still in this race, but she counters by saying look, republicans have to start winning again and she feels she gives republicans the best chance to win, including in down ballot races. What she said on fox friends this morning. Glenn youngkin was able to win, he ran on his own and kept donald trump at arms length. This is not personal. This is the fact we have to win. We want to change the country all day long but if we cant win an election we cant do any of that. So this is nikki haley in texas out on the campaign trail, the final stop before Super Tuesday, texas she decided to campaign in hard and the other one maine. We caught up with a maine primary voter, said she voted for nikki haley in maine, shes on vacation here in south carolina, told us she would never support donald trump and why shes supporting nikki haley. Take a listen. Stands for everything i stand for. A strong female, a great ambassador, a great governor, very strong in her convictions. If nikki haley does not win the nomination, will you support trump . No. Why . I feel hes bad for the country. He alienates too many people. The maine voter told us she would not vote for joe biden as well. If it were between trump and biden, she told us she would write somebody in. We have been on the trail with the Haley Campaign the last several days. That was not the first haley supporter we have talked to who indicated they would not support donald trump if he were the eventual nominee. That is Something Team trump needs to keep an eye on. Back to you. John a big question as to whether or not nikki haley would support donald trump despite the fact she pledged to get on the stage at the rnc debate that she would. Bill melugin, thank you. Sandra. Sandra Sarah Huckabee sanders, governor of arkansas, one of the states voting today. You have endorsed your former boss, President Donald Trump and some think he may be able to clinch the nomination as early as next week. What are your thoughts . Well, obviously i think this is a twoperson race between donald trump and joe biden. President trump has all of the momentum on his side. A huge and unanimous win earlier this week from the Supreme Court heavily in his favor. There are a number of states voting today, including arkansas, which i know is going to deliver a big win for donald trump as well as i think the vast majority of states voting today. This will be another big day for him and help him continue to build momentum to take down Joe Biden In November. Sandra so governor, nikki haleys fate is obviously on the line as the Wall Street Journal states as Super Tuesday kicks off. She has no planned events, we are told, or any campaign ads booked beyond today, beyond Super Tuesday. Here she is on the state of the race this morning. Listen. I dont know why everybody is so adamant that they have to follow trumps lead to get me out of this race. You know, all of these people deserve to vote. 16 states want to have their voices heard, lets let their voices get heard. Its as pro american as it gets. Thats where democracy we dont anoint kings in america. We let people have choices. Sandra if this is a done deal as the New York Post put it in their headline on the cover this morning, whats her future . You know, she says its not about following Donald Trumps lead and i actually agree with her on that. Its about following the lead of the voices of the Republican Party who have been very loud and very clear that they want donald trump to be their nominee and they want him to take joe biden on. This is a clear contest between two candidates who have both been president and have a record to run on. Donald trump has a record of success coming from a position of strength while joe biden is running from a position of weakness. That is a clear contrast, put him far ahead. I dont know what The Next Step is for nikki haley but i do think it is time for her to step aside and let the party rally fully around donald trump so that he can take joe biden on and beat him in november. Sandra and that is what the former President Donald Trump is talking about, unifying the Republican Party. She said shed never run against me and she did. She said she beat ron desantis in the in iowa and she didnt. She ran up and she didnt. She misrepresents facts. Shes not doing very well against biden. She shows polls that nobody ever heard of. I want everybody to come together. We are going to have a unified party because our real opponent happens to be named biden. Sandra ok, so those polls that nikki haley likes to reference do show in many cases her beating joe biden in a General Election matchup by more points than donald trump. So, what is donald trump need to do, if the nominee, to beat Joe Biden In November . I think all the things hes doing right now, he has run a Great Campaign and if theres a poll that shows her ahead, it doesnt really matter because shes not going to get through the republican primary. Donald trump is set to win big, he beat her by a significance margin in her home state, and that is not a good story to tell. In contrast, i think he needs to continue with the message that he has been, that brought him up until this point. He has a record of success, of closing the border, having a strong economy, making sure that our allies actually respect us and our enemies fear us and helping keep the world safe. Those are all things that happened under Donald Trumps watch and the opposite has taken place under joe biden. Very clear contrast, again, one, a record of success and one a record of failure and i really like Donald Trumps chances not just today but also in november. Sandra a final thought on that. Are you concerned the republicans who said they could support nikki haley, many of which say they could never support donald trump. Are you concerned about him winning over some of those Republican Voters come the november election . Im not. If you look at the polls, donald trump is dominating joe biden, whether its in pennsylvania, ohio. A lot of the key battleground states. Latest polls have him up plus 6, plus 9, National Polls in a head to head. He is the clear frontrunner, both in the primary and in the general. All the momentum on his side. I feel very confident. Again, if you had two people who were virtually unknowns you might have a different story. But these are two very defined candidates. There are no questions about who these different people are. They both served as president. They both have a record and one is dominating the other and thats donald trump. Sandra really interesting. Something we are going to dig into tonight sort of looking at what voters will potentially be asking themselves throughout the day today, and that is are they better or worse off than they were three years ago. And it will be interesting to dig into some of those numbers. Thank you for joining us. Absolutely. Thanks for having me. John always good to see the governor. Donald trump is officially on colorados ballot for todays republican primary. After the Supreme Court ruled that states cannot remove him from consideration under the 14th amendment. However, a lot of people think that nikki haley has a chance to do well in the centennial state. Alicia acuna is live in denver. Depending on turnout, unaffiliated voters could dominate this primary. Voter registration in colorado has undergone a change over the last decade, take a look. According to the sent of state, unaffiliated voters make up 48 , nearly half the registered electorate. Democrats 26. 5 , republicans and ten years ago, it was a third a third a third, democrats and republicans, each received one ballot. Unaffiliated get two, and choose which ballot to return. If the secretary of States Office receives two from the same person, neither one counts. More than 800,000 ballots were returned heading into today. President trump is on the ballot. Griswold said those voting for trump will have their vote counted. Trump has not spent much time in blue state colorado but nikki haley and President Biden have been here in recent months. We talked to voters what matters most to them. Democracy, womens reproductive rights, social safety net, we need to protect social security, medicare. The border is a big issue to me. Need a little more control there. The economy. I would like to see the inflation go down. I think america is ready for a little bit of change. John, on the issues, denver has received more immigrants than any other city in the country. Thats per capita. Folks who live here say they feel that. People in surrounding cities and towns say they feel it. It will be interesting to see if that is also reflected in todays results. John. John and theyre not alone in that as well. Alicia for us, thank you. Sandra. Sandra Breaking News from our southern border. Cbp sources confirming a migrant on the fbi Terror Watch List was arrested in texas, just days before provided and former President Trump had duelling Border Visits there. Griff jenkins is live in eagle pass. All this is happening as texas voters head to the polls for their states primaries. Well, and thats exactly right, sandra, and certainly aware of the National Security risks this crisis has brought. Now, fox has just confirmed moments ago that on february 21st, a week and a day before former President Trumps visit, a colombian national, 40 years old, carlos obed bedolla, matched the terrorism watch list. For context, when you hear terror group in colombia, its a bit confusing. The majority of colombians that match the Terror Watch List are from an organization known as far. The report does not name the organization but the fark was a Paramilitary Group decades ago that disbanded nearly ten years ago. So we are hoping to find out more. Bigger picture this fiscal year, 59 matches to the Terror Watch List since october 1st. 58 of the 59 crossed the southern border. Meanwhile, texans are seeing on a daily basis the border crisis. Take a look, sandra, a large group crossing behind me. They were able to get under the miles of razor wire that Governor Abbott has put up. Its a rare occasion that happens. Texas numbers are way down. That surge has moved out west to california and arizona, but all of this is playing out today in the backdrop of the battle between texas and the federal government, the Supreme Court blocking yesterday texas new law to make it illegal to cross into the state and allow texas Law Enforcement to arrest Crossing Migrants and require texas judges to return those migrants to mexico if convicted. Now, thats on hold until at least next week when the Supreme Court can hear arguments from both sides. Meanwhile, tony gonzalez, who representatives this area, says texas has had enough. I hear from residents in the district and border communities, we are exhausted. People have had enough. We want our lives back and its very clear that joe biden started this crisis. And texas is the biggest second biggest prize, sandra, 150 gop delegates up for grabs and if trump can win the majority statewide, it would be winner take all for him. Sandra. Sandra griff, thank you. And we will have Super Tuesday covered for you, and dont miss special live coverage tonight once polls begin to close, 7 00 p. M. Eastern time with bret baier and Martha Maccallum leading our coverage live from new york. And john, i really do think its going to come down to a question on the economy in some of these states, where voters head to the polls and they look back at their life three years ago and compare to what it is now, economy, inflation, rising prices and while this is an administration that is telling them that things are better and economic policies are working, poll after poll and look back at the Fox News Voter Analysis from the previous primaries, show people dont feel great about the economic environment right now. John as we pointed out time and time again as well, and immigration was very big in south carolina, it was big in new hampshire, it was big in iowa. So, that will likely play a role, particularly in the texas primary going on today. We are waiting to hear from the white house as millions of americans head to the ballot in 15 states and a territory for Super Tuesday. We will monitor the briefing for headlines once it begins. Plus this. I dont recall i dont recall. I dont recall if i ever said, i dont remember. I dont recall saying that he owes me money. I dont recall ever saying that. I dont recall. Sandra i dont recall. Terrence bradley testifying he did not know or did not recall when fani willis started dating nathan wade. But a new witness could blow those claims right out of the water. Guy benson and Richard Fowler take that one up next. bell ringing customize and save with libberty bibberty. Liberty bushumal. Libtreally blubatoo. Mark that one. That was nice i think youre supposed to stand over there. Oh am i . Thank you. So, a couple more . Well just. Well rip. Well go quick. Libu smeebo. Libu bribu. Limu bibu. And me. sheemu libu smeebo. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy even a term policy for an immediate cash payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. 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You dont need to talk to them about anything about us. Now, Yeager Claims Willis and wades affair began in 2019. So Somebody Else who says the affair began at an earlier time than wade and willis claim and then this might be an indication that bradley may not have been telling the full story when he said he didnt talk to anybody about his testimony. Interesting developments out of atlanta or Fulton County because this case is so monumental to this election. As folks are voting, we have to figure out Will Fani Willis Be, continue to be the prosecutor and if she is, if she continues to be the prosecutor, how will she prosecute not only against trump but other codefendants. One of them have Text Messages saying he sent the memo about the other set of electors to the white house and more details there, and we focus on fani willis, it is blockbuster and hard to not watch, its important to remember this is out of the fact there was an attempt to steal the election in georgia, evidence to that and also witnesses and folks who are indicted who pled guilty to doing this. John this is salacious, but is the Justice Department being fair or do they have their thumb on the scale. We remember Terrence Bradley suddenly forgot everything he talked to ashleigh merchant about, but one indication here and Text Messages and they talked a lot, look at this, where he indicates why somebody might not want to say anything. She texted him and says any idea who i could get an affidavit from on the affair . Bradley responds, no. No one would freely burn that bridge. Legal community in Fulton County is pretty tight, and bradley doesnt want to be out there throwing these two under the bus, i imagine. Even though he said absolutely the affair started before fani willis and her lover nathan wade have testified that it started, which plays into some of the Ethics Questions at play. So, if you rewind the tape throughout this whole series of hearings, you have one of fani williss long time friends testifying the affair started earlier. You have now this gentleman, at least in Text Messages affirming yes, it started earlier, and saying oh, that was just speculation. Then there are the perhaps telltale phone records where nathan wades phone was showing up in the vicinity of fani williss williss Residence Dozens of times during this time period, including overnight, they said that never happened. So, i think the conversation at some point john might shift from not, Will Fani Willis Be removed from this case, i suspect she will, or she should at this point, will she face charges, will she be on trial at some point for perjury, for potentially witness tampering. If shes calling a witness to tell him not to testify against her and not to say anything, im not a lawyer but seem to be Obstruction Of Justice or witness tampering. Much more damaging not just for her case but her career and legal peril. John i was wondering about the idea of perjury on the stand. Do you think that they are going to elevate charges based on everything going and this, or a case of whether or not she gets disqualified from the case. Im not a lawyer and will not play one on television but i think there are some ethical concerns here, why the hearing is happening. But guy is right. Lets rewind the tape. Why are we talking about the District Attorney in Fulton County. There are thousands across country, prior to her being known, there was a call made between the former president of the United States and the Secretary Of State in georgia where he said you need to find these 11,000 votes. While that was happening, also individuals trying to create another slate of electors. While that was happening, folks broke into an Electoral Center in the state of georgia. All of these things led up to the fact there is an investigation not president and many of his associates on what they did in georgia, which is why we are talking about fani willis at all to begin with. John but the Justice System has proven time and time again, even if you have somebody dead to rights on something, if the process is flawed, that person goes free. And if you are going to prosecute a former president of the United States and a current president ial front runner, what fani willis is doing here, she understood the searing eyes of scrutiny will be on her. And actual lawyers can debate the merits of the case, you need to have your is dotted, ts crossed, and nose clean, and it appears she was doing none of those things. John appreciate it. Look forward to seeing you later tonight. Sandra california also holding a primary to fill the l late Diane Feinstein senate seat. Could it go to a republican . John and is your Neighborhood Bar shutting down . Struggling local restaurants. The Grocery Store and get everything we needed for 120. Now its 250. And hamburger, i thought i was buying the whole cow. Your ancestry is so much more than names and dates. Cmon its the story of your family then and now. A story that made your name mean something. A story youre still writing. So discover your heritage. Preserve your traditions. Represent all that makes you, you. Tech cracked windshield . Make it easy and schedule with safelite, because you can track us and see exactly when well be there. Woman i have a few more minutes. 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Unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. And in clinical trials, Movement Disorders and weight gain were not common. Call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. These arent all the serious side effects. Caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. Ask your doctor about caplyta. Find savings and support at caplyta. Com oooo. Trouble seeing, buddy . You should book an exam at americas best. Americas best. They have one of the nations largest groups of optometrists oh, youre. Very welcome. Americas best. Because eye care is healthcare and you deserve the best. Sandra Dartmouth University Mens Basketball Team has voted to unionize. It could pave the way for College Athletes to become employees and collectively bargain. It comes after a Relation Board ruled they are employees and could proceed with a vote to unionize. The school has five days to file a formal appeal in federal court. Very interesting. John that could change a lot in the future. Three years after the city council in washington, d. C. Cut funding for police by millions, they are ready to reverse course and give more power back to the police. The city council saying whoops . Some of them, but i think all are admitting something needs to be done. This is expected to be quite the crime 180. District council is preparing to vote on the massive secure d. C. Amendment act. Hearing is running about two and a half hours late, a vote was schedule today have happened by now but the bill is expected to pass a final vote, it did so unanimously during a first round last month. Legislation seeks to satisfy desperate calls from scared residents and also enraged activists. Increases penalties for gun crimes, retail theft, cracks down on open air drug markets and stiffens penalties for violent youth offenders, something the citys democratic mayor says needs to happen. I want to make something clear. We dont want to lock up our kids but we might have to if they are using guns. All right. Its just that simple. Because not only are they using guns, they are victims of guns. So last year in the district homicides rose by 35 . Robberies by 67 . And Vehicle Thefts by 82 with juveniles making up majority of the carjackings in the district. D. C. Police arrested and charged a 15yearold in the murder of a man, an afghan interpreter who fled his country during the u. S. Chaotic withdraw. He was working as a Rideshare Driver when he was killed. This took us eight months. We want to make sure we are all of the investigative tools and everything that we need to bring these folks to justice. So todays hearing should be kicking offer at any moment. We heard some rumblings about some protestors who might be trying to disrupt the vote, well keep an eye on that and will keep you posted. John remember three years ago when the d. C. Council came out with the soft on crime legislation and folks in Congress Said yall are nuts, we are not going to let you do that. You are exactly right, and part of the councils point, the ones who support it, if we dont do something well have the National Folks do something. John we all work or live here, they need to do something. Appreciate it. Sandra. Sandra all right, john. Sticker shock for those americans craving a cheeseburger at their local diner or restaurant as the Restaurant Owners across the country say they are struggling to make ends meet. They are forced to keep raising the price of like things like a burger. Charles payne is here, digging into this for us. Tough assignment, charles. Call charlie. Sandra no joke. I bet everyone listening, considering how Many Americans eat out, you can probably tell us offhand what the price of a burger is in your local diner or restaurant. We are hearing its averaging like 16 a burger. Its so mind boggling, when you look at the price of food. Just, like you said, a cheeseburger, a certain age, walk to mickey ds with a couple bucks. Blame game is going on right now, but heres the deal. Sandra the white house has gone after the Restaurant Owners and the corporations and said bring down your prices. They are trying to shame gasoline station owners, Restaurant Owners, i mean, its supermarkets 2 profit margins, its ridiculous. First and foremost they are trying to deflect. What november is all about, is two governments. One to pull yourself up by the boot straps and the other one the government pays for everything. But when you flood the zone with money, you will get inflation. 40year high inflation, the pace has come down but still sticker shock. Instead of saying that was a fatal flaw in our thinking, we put too much money in the economy, the government was too big. Instead they are point fingers. In 1997, 340 billion to eat out and 380 to eat at home. And now 1. 3 trillion to eat out and 1 trillion to eat at home. And a lot of that is supply and demand. Student loans, you would think someone didnt have to pay their student loan they would be able to save that money. The average household when you didnt pay the student loans, their debt went up 1,800. So people are spending, splurging, living in the moment, some call it doom spending, all of that conspires to send Prices Higher. Sandra never a moment where the Current Administration goes back and says whats causing this affordability crisis. What is driving these Prices Higher and why do restaurants charge 16 for a barber. Barbara lee in california, a democrat, calling for 50 federal minimum wage saying its just barely enough. That is not the answer. I mean, Study Economics 101 and if you keep doing this, run people out of business, people will not afford anything. A major discussion going to be had through november and that is why are we continuously told from this administration that things are great. What they are pointing to unemployment. Its historic lows right now. They can tout that. Youve got job creation. Youve got wages that are going up, not real wages but wages. Home prices are up. Are you better off than three years ago, january 2021, overall prices up 20 , food prices surging, real wages are down, home sales are down, credit card debt, this is the one i talked to a guy at j. P. Morgan this morning, he said the one they are watching. Credit card debt since january 2021 is up 46 . And Interest Rates are alltime high, 22 , store cards 34 . And the central issue is do you continue to have a government that thinks they can flood the zone with money, monetary theory, free money, regular organic growth and people make their own way, but not giving up their paycheck and thats what we are dealing with. Its a hangover, a hangover from all that stuff and hurting everyone and its not going away. Almost every number you touted is skewed to a degree. Skewed to a degree. If i 33 trillion, its going to look great until it doesnt. Youll have left a couple of tshirts and inflation that wont go away. Its biting and destroying, its destroying households. Sandra why Larry Kudlow Talks and writes about the affordability crisis. And fox news polling shows the grades are not good on the economy. Working class, most those who say this president has mostly failed them, 58 . Handling of the economy, 61 say mostly failed. So, this is what people are saying, what they are feeling. Charles, great to see you. It is, it is. I thought we were going to talk about the Cookie Monster. Im going to talk about the Cookie Monster on my show. Thanks. John hes got a loss to say about shrinkflation. The Dermatology Industry in controversy over dei policies. A group of doctors looking to end the program say they are being harassed. Dr. Marc siegel is up next on that. Sandra here i am, talking to charles. And harvard complies with the congressional Subpoena Handing in documents on how its handling antisemitism on campus. What was in them and will they meet the demands of the House Committee investigating the university . Ue psoriasis. He thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. Otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. Otezla can help you get clearer skin. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. 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They are going to take this up at the association of dermatology annual meeting. The problem according to some doctors who have complained about this is the politization of dei programs and a rise in antisemitism. Tell us more, doc. You know john, im agreeing what you just said. Politization. Medically a basis for some of this, we need more representation in research, more dirt of populations in research, the black community is under served. Did you know melanoma, much, much more common in white people, if you have it and you are black you are more likely to die from it, its harder to see it. Does it have to be a black physician that does that, not necessarily. 3 of dermatologists are black, 13 of the u. S. Population is black. Again, you want the person who can land the plane, especially in dermatology. Diagnose your skin cancer, you didnt want someone to miss this. You dont want an easier path in because of their skin color or ethnicity, especially in dermatology, so competitive and the hardest specialty to get into. But whats happened here is its become completely political. Thats whats happening at the aad, they dont even want a discussion there, there is literally anger on both sides, rage on both sides and your point at the beginning, hate Speech Associated with dei is not the right idea at all. Its what i said. Getting research to represent all populations. Thats where it started. And again, we dont need it so that people that are not included in dei feel theyre being targeted like antisemitism. John dr. Kathleen brown, a dermatologist, had a lot to say about this. What she said on fox friends this morning. The programs are problematic in terms of theyre divisive and dermatology is an extremely competitive specialty to programs that divide people and basically have quotas, its illegal for one, but i dont think its helpful. John dr. Brown echos complaints from a lot of corners about dei, that it divides by race, they are either oppressors or oppressed. The patients are oppressed. We dont need actors feeling like they are oppressed. We need them to worry about patients feeling that and i agree with dr. Brown on that. And by the way, i talked to several dermatologist who say it has nothing to do about the examination program. You dont want to hear anything like this. You want to say whats this bump on my skin, do i have to worry about that or not and with a. I. , a topic you and i love, dermatology at the forefront of a mainly, major advance. We dont need political divisiveness, we need people trained in a. I. To use that to take care of people. John a group of dermatologists wrote this resolution, signed on to it and sent it to the academy. A number of antior pro dei dermatologists got the letter and published the names of the people who signed on to it and those people have been targeted now. What do you think of that . I hate that. I dont think people should be targeted for their point of view, opinion. If people feel theres a problem with dei because its too restrictive or associated with antisemitism, we have been seeing lately, every right to express their opinion and do it publicly without subject to ridicule or hate. John all right. Well keep watching to see what the academy does, appreciate it. I am working with a number of my colleagues to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by section 3 of the 14th amendment. Sandra democrats responding with a new game plan to circumvent it. Bret baier ahead with the legal challenges to keeping donald trump off the ballot. John crime on the campaign trail. The number of voters who think the Biden Administration is failing to keep americans safe. Each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. 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Yeah, there is a chance he could be one of the top two finishers, and look, this is one of the most closely watched senate races right now, its happening here in the golden state. 27 candidates are competing to fill this seat. Now, long time democratic congressman adam schiff is in the lead with a republican, former l. A. Dodgers star steve garvey. He did not pay for tv ads or big rallies but gained a lot of traction. His Baseball Stardom and adam schiffs ad blitz has helped his gop contender. They will compete in the General Election regardless of their political party. Also a republican has not been elected to a statewide office in this Deep Blue State since 2006. I asked garvey what he thinks about his chances winning if he makes it to the General Election. He remains confident. Here is his response. I have common sense, compassion, im a good team builder, i unite people, everybody knows. Also today, congressman adam schiff casted his ballot and he seems confident, too, as he remains in the lead ahead of the other high profile democrats in this race. Congresswoman katie porter and barbara lee. I think we are on a Great Campaign, very proud of it, have an Amazing Campaign team, and its been just wonderful travelling up and down the state, meeting californians. Also this has been the most Expensive Senate race in the states history. So far all together, the campaigns have spent more than 65 million. Sandra. Sandra Christina Coleman live in l. A. John the White House Briefing just getting underway and President Biden set to hold a meeting on lowering costs for american families. But polls show americans think he has mostly failed on the overall economy and is not helping the working class. Well get reaction from our Economic Panel just ahead. Sandra plus a win for donald trump as the Supreme Court keeps him on the colorado ballot. 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