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Sean Welcome To Hannity the left heaping nothing but praise on the jacked of jill biden state of the Union Address trying to deflect from just how strange and weird and bizarre it really was, jacked up joe spent most of the Night Screaming and shouting and speeding his way to a very uncomfortable address to put it well charitably jacked up joe looked like an angry over caffeinated old man the joe we saw last night not the deal we see on a daytoday basis, take a look. Some of it has been a response from there has been a response. President joe biden to me corporations raise prices to pad their profits. President joe biden soon the day he died, every single die day every memorial day we hold a surface service. President joe biden i hear when i came here the economy was on the brink now is the in the of the world 15 million new jobs in just three years a record. President joe biden you know initially the president of mexico cc did not want to open the gate. President joe biden a 50 year low. President joe biden if i start taking questions all get into trouble. Is your message for voters. Super tuesday. President joe biden wall street didnt build america theyre not bad guys but they didnt build it the middle class built country and unions built the middleclass. Sean of course the left and the leftwing Radical Media wasted no time unleashing their pro buttons been about joe bidens jacked up speech take a look. A feisty speech that at times felt more like a Campaign Event than a traditional state of the Union Address. He addressed the age issue with his aggressive and feisty and ad lib. Delivery which i think helped him. Smoking joe biden was on fire during the state of the Union Address he was lit. I think that was a remarkable fiery powerful vigourous guy. Really frankly what we were watching last night was the president , is command of the issues, is a forcefulness and how he presented it all. I thought he just completely blew away the biden is too old issue last night. His best speech of his presidency by far. A strong speech and most importantly for people thinking he is too older to this or to that heat, like i said, he gave a lot more than he got. Sean the keyword feisty joe, i hate to break this to the liberal elites and our friends in the media mall but the American Public is not buying theres been Everybody Nose that joe biden is a frail and weak and cognitive mess and despite their best efforts and probably a lot of red bull everyone can see on a premuch daily basis, by the way here are some of jacked up joes low lights from last night. President joe biden the threat to democracy must be defended as two of my heroes like many of you know dr king and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated and their legacy inspired me to pursue a career in service. Israel has an added burden is not about him or me i would be a winner not i would [ inaudible an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal thats right, but how many thousands of people have been killed by legal i will get in trouble for saying this but anyone who wants to get into Air Force One and fly to toronto or berlin or moscow, well even moscow probably. Sean her name was on the button link in riley, not Lincoln Riley Lincoln Riley you are holding her pen, on the pen her name was written on it how did you manage to still get it wrong the American People were taking note and rightly so and now jacked up joe biden is underwater across the board most recent gallup poll he is at a low Approval Rating of only 38 percent a far cry from the 5t incumbents typically need to win reelection and perhaps even more alarming for joe is a recent bbc poll showing 86 percent of you the American People thank you is too old to serve another term in the white house and frankly he is bleeding support from the Democratic Party base africanamericans, hispanic americans, young people, suburban women these are key demographics that help elect him in the first place on every single important issue joe biden is receiving failing grades of course the Biden Campaign is taking their big Victory Lap Last Night after what was a strange and bizarre address unlike any other we have seen before and of course they play the race card i told you this would have been that is their go to card to attack donald trump take a look at this new ad comparing trump to the kkk watch this. President joe biden i know the american story, again and again i have seen the contest between competing forces and the battle for the soul of our nation and those who want to pull america back to the past and those who want to move america to the future. Sean lets take a Trip Down Memory Lane shall way since joe is trying to play the race card in his latest attack ad well lets take this trip if you remember it was joe biden him in the seventies when discussing desegregation and policies remember joe partnered with a real former clansman a guy he called his mentor and friend against School Busing and the integration of Public Schools he was worried about those schools and children growing up in schools that quote his words were racial jungles that was not donald trump that was Joe Biden Biden eulogized and heaved praise a former clan leader at West Virginia senator robert byrd not donald trump during the 2020 campaign it was joe biden that bragged about working with segregationists not donald trump this is just the tip of the iceberg for bidens checkered racial past even Kamala Harris called him out on it during the primary campaign back in 2020 in case you forgot let us remind you. Madam president we have predators on our streets. You cannot go to a 711 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. What kind of chance wood a northeastern liberal like Joe Biden Stand in the self. Here and anyone else you dont know my state my state was a slave state [ inaudible ] articulate and bright and clean nicelooking guy. Put you back in chains. For kids are just as bright and talented as white kids. We have more questions. You have more questions but ill tell you if you have more questions you can figure it out for me or trump. Sean spare us the pearl clutching and fake and phony outrage over this ludicrous comparison joe biden is the one with the blatantly racist history not donald trump anyway here with reaction are fox news contributors and product 21 chairman tammy we will start with you tonight we have got to start with the obvious we have chronicled since 2020 joe as weak and frail and cognitive mess now when you have cognitive issues they are degenerative and we have lost significant cognitive decline over the past three plus years with Joe Biden Last Night we saw a very different joe biden i say jacked up joe and not sure how many red bulls or what else he might have had however screaming and shouting and shouting and screaming for the entire speech speedreading threw it not even allowing the speaker as usually happens to even introduce him what was your reaction to last nights jacked up joe. We have seen it before there have been dynamic situations where he has been just like this i think philadelphia was one of them in front of the Blood Red Building where there was pounding and fists and accusations and smears so we know they can get him to this point we dont know how maybe Hakeem Jeffries was correct and he was lit in some way but it is unfortunate and frightening for the American People because we have to have a president who is not there is a showpiece and where we can trust his State Of Mind of the world is in quite a fit right now with war and Everything Else our country clearly is in decline, a Dumpster Fire at this point, we think we know why, your clip of that pad of his they took it from last night state of the Union Address so literally it was written to place into an ad comparing trump with the clan so this was not just a Campaign Event but using an event that is supposed to inform the American People as a Campaign Event instead with shouts of four more years and no one learned anything we know what their narrative is what the lies are in the next thing is he might have been good for the last night but the next scaffold happened the next fall happened the next blank stare happen and thats what concerns the American People but this was theatre to reassure that 86 percent of voters who thank you is too old he is too old and the fact they used the state of the Union Address to bring out angry forgetful guy has some renewed man shows you sean that they are concerned about that they are desperate and that america is being led but not by this man. Sean brings up a great point i want to follow up on that i think joe biden had to accomplish two thanks last night one is to somehow break the obvious narrative what the American People are seeing in larger and larger numbers that this man is a cognitive mess so whatever hes gonna scream his way through the speech the liberal mountains ac he can actually scream hes greeted screaming he is better than speaking the second thing he has to do he is bleeding support as i mentioned in my monologue from significant portions of the Democratic Party base and i believe that the reason the speech was so radical and onesided and viciously partisan was because he needs desperately to shore up his base if he wants any chance about winning in 241 days from now on november 5th. Precisely this was all to betray this president is fiery we saw that word multiple times across multiple major News Organizations as if a memo went out as if the code red was sent out by Colonel Jessup and A Few Good Men use fiery democratic lawmakers did the same thing make him look like a man commanded his thoughts and agenda but what i think what we witnessed last night you made the point its a word i keep saying as well but it is an accurate one it was patently loud it was decidedly decisive it was dishonest on a grand scale this was to show that the president has the energy and stamina for the job but a Big Tale Happened Today and tammy broached this earlier when the president was asked today if he would debate donald trump he responded and i quote it depends on his Behaviour Unquote what a compound any president who is truly confident in his arguments and faculties would say yes on the spot of course president ial nominees debate each other every time during every four years he should have said i will debate donald trump tomorrow but the president s handlers going to make sure that he goes nowhere near that stage now and all the way to election day you know why because on the debate stage there is no teleprompter there is no script there are no notes there is no Cheering Section he is actually going to have to answer questions and defend his records completely unscripted and extemporaneously which is something he simply cannot do at this point. A great point a great observation lets get your take on all this. I saw an angry old Man Threatening america to get off his lawn and my brother would say he looked like he was jacked up on mountain dew what i heard when i watched was a litany of overthetop expensive Government Programs that are never going to happen but will we look back in time when that approach was tried at what we see is it doesnt work in fact i have my most recent book entitled put your back in chains it is about how joe bidens policies have harmed black americans in the same way that it has hurt the rest of the country he should focused on what it was that he plans to do to improve the lot of american he is caught whoever the people are that help manipulate and push him realize you is caught you is not able to ask the Federal Reserve to start cutting rates today he is not able to announce that he is issuing an Executive Order that will get our border under control black americans in particular who are all considered a poor constituency of his party are losing homes because Interest Rates are too high they are foreclosing when they compete in the marketplace they are being undercut by millions of people who are in this country illegally when you go to the Grocery Store its like you are going to have to fill out a Credit Application just so you can pay for what is in your Shopping Cart nothing that he said is actually dealing with that many black americans like others feel like their priorities, if you are working class, if your middleclass you are at the back of the biden palooka bus. Sean thank you, tammy thank you, joe as always thank you also last night alabama senator katie britt delivered a rebuttal to joe biden State Of The Union and she joins us now with more senator good to see you welcome to the program i hope you dont read social media because it can be brutal welcome to my daily world my advice is never read it. You know last night i called people to get into the arena and when you get in you get arrows they get thrown at you and its worth it when you are fighting for the American People when you fight to make sure that hardworking families like you said in your last segment that they are seen that they have a voice for the things they are concerned about and that worried about and talking about the things we talked about around the Kitchen Table joe biden seems to be detached from reality and someone needs to bring him back quick. Sean i agree with that first a really was shocked as i was stylistically on as i call them jacked up joe and his shouting and screaming the whole night. Absolutely he was angry at best seemed a bit incoherent with his messaging and wasnt truthful with the American People when i look at thanks he said when he finally said Lincoln Rileys name finally he said it he then kind of stumbled and didnt actually take responsibility for what he has done we know that his policies his decisions the result of them is what we are seeing across the country is everything from Fentanyl Overdoses and poisoning to brutal murders and American People deserve better and thats all on him. Sean not only did he get Lincoln Rileys name wrong and colour lincoln even though he had a button with her name on it right up on the podium which is incomprehensible to me that only did he get it wrong he said theres thousands of legal people there killing innocent people that is not the point senator is it. No, not all look at his policies he comes into office and his first 100 days in office he executes 94 Executive Orders to undo President Trumps Border Policies we have the most secure border ever that is what joe biden actually inherited but he wanted to make a change he did that on day one when he said we are going to halt construction on the border wall and stop deporting illegal aliens he said were going to give amnesty to millions when he did that when he change these policies they became a magnet for more and more people to come here and when you look at the things that are happening he refuses to give up the tools that he is using and abusing that are ultimately hating our nation and its tools like parole i heard it mentioned earlier that if you look back under both President Trump and president obama they parole on average about 50600 people per year will President Biden just paroled 3000 last than 1 million those are blanket parole without Background Checks is totally unacceptable and its putting the American People in harms way. Sean Great Job Last Night In Keeping with those we appreciated going up up we will reveal how the word illegal is more repulsive to the left then the actual crimes being committed by illegals against Innocent Americans chose Jeanine Pirro straight all of our adventures together. And now, Bass Pro Shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear, which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. Spending Time Outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones. Thats an earnhardt Family Tradition that im proud to carry on. [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. Thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. For 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. Join us. Together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. Its a mission powered by love, made possible by you. Give today. This is a fox news updated shutdown averted at least for now the u. S. Senate voting to pass the major Government Funding Bill Keeping A Slew of agencies open through september the legislation of course now heads to the president s desk where he will no doubt sign it about Americans Cannot Breathe A Sigh of relief just yet because Congress Still has the past six other bills to keep the government fully funded and open deadlines to do that the 22nd those bills can include contentious issues like how to fund the pentagon and apartment of Homeland Security in the meantime more Severe Weather taking aim at the south night having ran flooding and strong winds large hail and tornadoes all possible some places in alabama and georgia could see up to 5 inches of rain through tomorrow that water on top of already saturated ground now back to hannity. Sean one of the biggest moments from last nights State Of The Union came win president joe was confronted directly over the death of Lincoln Riley who he called lincoln take a look. President joe biden is not about him or me hi would be a winner not [ inaudible ] President Joe Biden Lincoln Riley and innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal that is right but how many thousands of People Killed by illegals . To her parents i say my heart goes out to you having lost children myself and i understand sean bidens use of The Word Illegal Last Night did not go over well with the left take a look at this. She hands him a button to try to play him on the border but he goes off script and has his own moment which i think a lot of people in the progressive world may question the language. Should have said undocumented but not a big thing. I was actually going to ask about that i was just going to ask more about the moment but you do think you should have said on documented . Well usually said undocumented he said illegal i dont think its that big of a deal. Unfortunate that the President Use that language dont believe thats the language that he believes in his heart about emigrant people who find their way to this country to make a better life for themselves. Sean the leftwing democrats and radicals in congress saying they were externally disappointed with joe bidens incendiary and wrong language and today biden asked if he regretted using The Word Illegal Last Night he couldnt give a straight answer as old regular cognitive struggle joe was back not jacked up joe take a look. Do you regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night . President joe biden well i dont, probably, i dont regret it, technically not supposed to be here. Sean what happened to jacked up joe . He didnt scream or anything, maybe they ran out of red bull and caffeine because he didnt scream his answers so it looks like the word illegal seems to be more repulsive to the radical left than all of the crimes, including murder and rape committed against Innocent Americans here to help this down the coast of the hitch of the five our friend Jeanine Pirro is with those first of all this was bizarre you either into the country illegally and if you dont interleave a you have entered illegally that is the term that has been used there seems to be more discussion and talk about the term illegal then there is about the death of Lincoln Riley and its not lincoln its lincoln. And her mother, Lincoln Rileys mother tweeted that is pathetic that joe biden not only doesnt know her name but he cant pronounce it, sean what i want to do is i want to get one thing straight illegal is a term used by the United States Supreme Court and its latest pronouncement in this area of immigration in the case of Arizona Versus the United States in 2012 there is also an illegal Immigration Reform act of 1996 title eight of the usc of the United States code, dealing with citizenship and immigration says illegal Alien Unauthorized alien and uses illegal immigration 93 times so lets understand that this is what americans know and understand because its part of our law its part of our history now why would the people on the left be more concerned about honouring the dignity of an illegal who is charged with Massacring American Citizen A Young Woman who has a right to be in the place where she was and he didnt and i have to tell you sean i am sick and tired of this they are here on parole theyre not here on parole just like the guy who killed a State Trooper two days ago he was arrested for the mastic violence he was arrested for driving with a suspended license not showing up totally separate from killing the trooper we call it parole we dont know where they are we cant find them we can get in touch with them and for joe biden to minimize the death of this woman the brutality that accompanied her death and compare it to his son and its very sad that his son died but his son was more than double the age of this young woman his son died in a very civilized place in a hospital in the nine states this young girl died alone in the Woods A Brutal Massacre where her face was literally distorted and unrecognizable so i am tired of the left and tired of them taking the side of people who are killing and it sounded to me like joe biden admitted not only that illegal is a term that we should be using and understands but that they are Killing Thousands of americans and when donald trump was president they tried to correct those numbers we had the angel mobs i am tired of these people coming and they are unvented we dont know they are they are released into the interior of the United States some flown in from other countries we pay for them we educate family hospitalize them and rehoused them i have had it we have got to stop this and joe bidens Amp Top Speech Last Night is never going to remedy the fact he doesnt know what hes doing he created the problem that he now wants congress to fix. Sean how repulsive was it earlier in the week on tuesday night and it was Super Tuesday and the numbers coming in and the Conspiracy Theory channel for mocking the laughing at the idea that this is the number 1 issue will i have a question are you going to be giggling in front of lincoln not lincoln Lincoln Rileys parents who probably will never recover and ever be the same again for in the Commonwealth Of Virginia the 14yearold girl that was brutally raped by an illegal immigrant are they going to giggle in front of the parents of the 14yearold girl in front of the girl herself i dont know what is particularly funny here because it is happening all across the country. The sad part of this as i spent 30 years dealing with and trying to help and heal these victims and their families this is like a thunderbolt that comes out of nowhere their lives are forever affected and it affects their family and their friends and the community and this is all preventable but for the fact that he was in this country or all other illegals how many have we heard of just this week and illegal shooting a 2yearold in the face killed her 2yearold we have to recognize here in New York City we have a body they found its probably a mess 13 joe biden is responsible and but for joe biden reversing Drum Policies not of this will be happening and joe biden wants to criticize all trump i used to look forward to the State Of The Union i love it unamerican i love politics i used to Stand Up And Cheer because i felt great to be an american whether you were a democrat or i didnt care this man is the most divisive president we have ever had and that amped of performance last night was really a pathetic divisive Battle Campaign speech and it was an appropriate for where we are in this country right now from the guy who was supposed to be the healer in chief. Sean we always love having a thank you for being with us up next father accused of drugging his daughters friends at a sleepover plus remember the armour for the movie rust . Well the armour just convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter what does that now mean for alec baldwin apparently now who is up next straight ahead my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. Look at her and i said, the pain is gone. And she said, im glad it helped. I said, no, you dont understand. Its gone. You, too, can feel better every day with Relief Factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. Call or go online now for our 3week quickstart, just 19. 95. What is cirkul . Cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. Cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. Cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. Cirkul, available at walmart and drinkcirkul. Com. Sean earlier this week in new mexico remember the armour for the film rost was now convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter charges after she handed alec baldwin a loaded gun which he somehow fired killing one of his coworkers on the set what does this mean for baldwins case, well, lets bring in former Florida Attorney general pam bondi then he her in three hours thats pretty quick i was kind of amazed by it but there is definitely culpability hear a lot of talk about in the lead up to this event a lot of discussion about how things were not safe on the set not being dealt with and its not alec baldwins responsibility. Yes, it was because he was the Executive Producer there had been complaints about that he wasnt in the script for him to pull the trigger on the gun or to point the gun but he said the cinematographer told him to do that and witnesses will say otherwise witnesses will say he didnt pull the trigger but forensics efforts will say otherwise he gave a very bad interview in my opinion with George Stephanopoulos i think the prosecutors will play that and when he was interrogated that interrogation showed zero lack of empathy for the victim or his family but not charged with murder only Reckless Disregard for human life which is Involuntary Manslaughter and i think they have a great case against him. Sean your great defence attorney and i wonder how you might represent alec if he were the attorney of record here whoever let him do this interview on abc is insane because thats when he said you did not pull the trigger i happen to have been a Pistol Marksman since i was about 11 or 12 and firearms do not fire themselves it takes a certain amount of effort for that to happen. And i will tell you i have been on the receiving and of clients who have done abc interviews in the past and i just shake my head before i represent them because im sure that his lawyer wished he could have tackled him before he did that interview because you are absolutely right and pam is right that is going to be front and centre i have sat there and watched it in these trials when you have to get around that and deal with it now you also have i think last time we talked we mentioned the fact that they have a preview of what is coming, and i will tell you he was not sitting at the Council Table in this trial but boy his name was mentioned he was invoked they laid all of the blame at him and it did not work and i think you is going to have to really thank hard i dont think theres any way he cannot take the stand and i say that with great reluctance because generally i would wait until the case gets to the point where you have to make that decision but i think that he has to take a stand here and i think you has to deal with the fact that he never meant to do this and that his State Of Mind was not reckless, its a tough. Sean that will be hard i wonder in the mind of jurors how many people will be thinking is he acting . Hes an actor thats certainly something that will be brought up meanwhile in the state of oregon a dad now facing several charges after allegedly serving his 12yearold daughters Friends Drugs in smoothies during a Sleepover One of the Girls Reporting that the dad was doing tasks to make sure the girls were asleep and i have many friends and i was very reluctant as a dad never particularly liked the idea of sleepovers unless i really knew the parents very well and i had a number of occasions where i disappointed children because dad is being too hard and this is scary. So scary this guy is a predator and his pictures should be plastered all over the country those little girls were so brave and the parents conceded and said we didnt know this guy for this family well but we let them go over to spend the night with his daughter it is horrific and these little girl so lucky to be alive but at least the parents did the right thing when those little girls kept calling repeatedly trying to reach the parents they got him out of the house this guy needs to be locked up in prison its horrible what he did to these girls in the message to parents dont let your children do sleepovers unless you know the families very, very well. They call them sleep under as i think now where they go over and have a pizza party and the other parents are there and then they end up in their pyjamas going home mark i think it gives me angry personally i feel it viscerally if youre a child to me i think thats the worst thing anyone can do and i think it just shows you how times have changed how frightening things are. Well, you know, i have a good friend adam kroll of the comedian who lives in the neighbourhood and we often joke when we were raising our kids and his are still in high school he used to say you have to wonder about either the father or the mother that really wants to have a bunch of kids go on either the sleepover or go way out on one of these trips or things like that i would be more comfortable with a guy who gets dragged along on Something Like that as opposed to someone who eagerly jumps into that kind of situation this is a parents Worst Nightmare in a lot of ways you are outsourcing your parental responsibility to someone that you dont know or dont have any kind of track record with and i think i am with you it scares me and i wouldnt want to happen to my kids let alone grandkids so he has another person who has a heavylift year. You are both right, good to see you always great to see you appreciate both of you when we come back The One And Only jimmy phelan has a lot to say about bidens performance last night and he has an announcement about me you want to miss it is straight scout is protected by Simparica Trio and hes in it to win it Simparica Trio is the first chew with triple protection. Whoa fleas and ticks Intestinal Worms whoa Heartworm Disease no problem with Simparica Trio this drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection go with Simparica Trio. Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Sean critics are calling out biden state of the Union Address for being an angry Campaign Speech we call him jack to go full of bizarre shouting was take a look at some of his little outburst from last night take a look. President joe biden no billionaire should pay a lower federal tax rate than a teacher or Sanitation Worker or more nurse we can fight while about fixing the border or we can fix it i am ready to fix it send me the border bill now stop denying other core value of america our Diversity Banning Books is wrong instead of erasing history lets make history. Sean here with reaction the host of the Hit Show Fox News Saturday Night of The One And Only jimmy [ inaudible ] is here and before we get to joey before we get to joey you may be putting your career in jeopardy with this announcement. I think that i give you the honour. Lets be very clear if anyone is putting their career in jeopardy it is you the host of the Longest Running Show in Cable News History who has agreed to stoop down and come on my show the newest show in Cable News History and let me just tell you what you are getting yourself into we are going in to episode eight this weekend which is five episodes longer than any of us thought this show would last okay we actually lost a lot of money in vegas by making it to episode eight but if you are coming on board i could see us Hitting Double Digits i may have to put in another bat. Sean i have been thinking about i have no idea what your reaction will be like call him jacked up jowilly have regular jill biden that mumbles and stumbles and doesnt know weather to exit stage left or right but man how many red bulls tell me what was that last night and the screaming of every line and the speech he screamed. I figured it out because you know how he was he was so angry and aggressive and i think that he accidentally ate one of the commanders dog treats you know the dog that keeps biting everybody you know the bog that bites every. Sean the Secret Service. We have to check the stats see if any Secret Service guys got bit last night. Sean honestly thats as good a theory as any you would think people by this. No when he started shouting at the republicans about fixed the border he was like signed the border bill okay the border bill fixes the border the way that oj fixes a marriage its not a good solution the problem isnt going to go away and thats the issue he was so screaming and selfrighteous but he wasnt correct and i have to tell you this as a guy who performs for a living and goes onstage so much of your act has to do with where you position your material with all due respect none of us support what Vladimir Putin is doing in russia but if you are opening the state of our union a time when 70 percent of the people thank you are going in the wrong direction as a country i dont think that ukraine is the opening bit its like we have a driver who was driving the wrong way down the highway and now he has the pickups that doesnt make us feel any better. This may be my favourite story of the week the new study that shows that electric cars even more Particulate Pollution then gas powered cars i guess these particulates come from tire wear and electric cars are heavier which leads to faster wear and tear so they were wrong the whole time the American People already in large numbers and if you want an Electric Vehicle find go get one but dont shut down america start if they dont want it but that was interesting. Another form of pollution you forget about is the fact that everyone who owns an electric car has to work it into the first sentence of every conversation its like reading is on wheels you know what im saying you have the Air Pollution going with it but i just want to be clear with the American People was giving the purchase of an electric car for the oldfashioned reason which was the price tag as a former New York City cabdriver the only way i get a tesla is if i still one but unfortunately in new york they are harder to steal in the art abide because people are stealing them already. Sean theres so much heavier and by the way you have to pillage mother earth to get the magnesium and the cobalt and the minerals to build the thing it weighs a lot more wear and tear on the asphalt and it costs a lot more about against them i believe in choice i am friend of mine who has a tesla and loves it. You know who is heard the most by this finding is china because they make the most money off of all the Rare Earth Minerals and anything else that we have to do to make these vehicles so the maddest person right now may not be our president , it is kind of our president xi jinping he is devastated. Sean are you sure you want to do this you taught him to back out not tomorrow but next saturday the entire show [ inaudible ] [ simultaneous talking ] this is a big deal you had a good run. Sean we will be watching Saturday Night thinking when we we come back gold star father arrested at biden State Of The Union last night those charges need to be dropped and we have a big announcement right after this [music this little light of mine] in the worlds poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. Theyre shunned, outcast, living in pain. You can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. A surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a childs life forever. Please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. Thousands of children are waiting. Sean a gold star father of a marine killed in the tragic Terrorist Bombing during the true disastrous advancing withdrawal in 2021 arrested last night for Heckling Biden during a state of the Union Address take a look. President joe biden fee before i took Office Murder rates went up [ inaudible ] President Joe Biden the biggest increase in history [ inaudible ] President Joe Biden then through my American Rescue plan. Sean they arrested this father, morning father gold star father can we please let him go . Seriously he will join us for an exclusive interview on mondays show and i hope you join us as well unfortunately that is all the time that we have left this evening thank you for being with us please set your dvr so you never miss an episode of vanity in the meantime let not your heart be troubled greg gutfeld is standing buy to put a smile on the vase have a great weekend [ ]

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