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Welcome to hannity. And tonight, we begin with a big announcementy night. Wil we will be in pennsylvania. Weia will be in harrisburg for n exclusive Town Hall with former President Donald Trump , President Trump will be responding to Kamala Harris right here on the show. You coulharrisn Thisshow Youd C. Com for tickets, details, availabilityfoil of course, we are happy to give Kamala Harris a full hour as well, if shes up to it. But dont holds your breath. Since the beginning of august, Vancld Trump and j. D. Vancbreate given a whopping 34 interviews while Harris And Walinzce pre have participated in let me add them up. Siin 1one just one with pro hars liberal Talk Show Host Dana Bash on fake news, cnn. 1 perhaps, maybe one of the greatest Epic Fail interviews of all time. Certainly one of the biggest missed opportunities for a get ive ever seen in my career. And we know and that was the final cut. Weve Nevee Finalr seen the full unedited version as we were promised. The interview less than les 30 minutes, just over, what, 60 minutes of talk time for kamala 16 minutes. And whatkris . , 29 seconds . And thats it. And we were all reminded in that short period of time why the Harris Campaign is scared to Death E to allow their candidate to speak for herself unscripted, a press conference, do a gaggle, and why she, you know, brought her security blanket. Mr. Stolen valor, the congenital liar Tim Walz with her. And despite all the Softball Questions from bashe soft with multiple choice answers and Virtuallba Y no strong follow up, kamala embarrassed herself, was Unabl E to explain any of her egregious and sudden flipping, flopping and flailing on pretty much everything. And meanwhile,ping on the campaign trail, more embarrassment for Kamala Harris. Take a look at a screen. Yesterday during a desperate and sloppy attemptsloppy a. Look, look what we got here to avoid reporters. Shes like pretending to be on a call using earphones while also holding what is a blank phone up to her ea a blr. Ight come on. Might want to pick one or the other next. S faki shes faking a phone call. Accomplice, fake Phony Behavioeu doesnt stop there. While delivering the Samstope Speech in two separate locations, one in detroit,1 in one in pittsburgh, Kamalas Dialect changes dramatically a. The words were the same. The accents were very different. You decide. You may not be a Union Member. You think a Union Member on a five day workweek. You better thank our Union Member for sick leave. Get better. Thank the Union Member for paidn leave. You better thank a Union Member for vacation time. You may not be a Union Member, but you better thank unions for that five dayink workweek. Thank unions for simply thank unions for paid family leave. Thank you for your vacation on. S lets just get through the nextt 64 days. So, friends, 64 days until the most election of our lives. You can also thank kamala and joe for four and a half billion dollars in losses that Ford Sufferedd as they were forced to produce cars that their their Customer H didnt want, Electric Vehicles that theyve had to stop because high paying Career Jobs were in jeopardy. Union jobs. Jobs, Career Jobs. And keep in mind, harris grew up wit a wealthy area of montrel in canada. Was this her way of trying to talk like a blue Collar Auto Worker or, what she might imagine one might sound like. Make no mistake, Kamala Harris is using what now a Fake Accentc on topen. Ng everything else that is fake in detroit. Now drawing comparison they s of Foghorn Leghorn and hillarys infamousg comp, it feel in no ways tired in Ath Speech in selma, alabama. Why did democratic President Iala candidates always seem to shift their tone, their pitclays shifh their cadence . You know, so often its beyond. Actually, its weird to use her campaigns favorite word. And while kamala showed off an embarrassingly fake accent, detroit, while she treated the crowd in pittsburgh to old a favorite. Maybe youve heard this before. Bek. A loord we have dreams. We can see what is possible unburdened by what has been. We by what have. We have ambitions. And the system is a good system is one that supports that and allows people the opportunity to go where they can see and imagine themselves to be w. Despite her best wishes, kamala is in fact, Burdene Herd by what has been. And that is the Worstrs Administration in modernt history. She wants a reset. I havent been here for four years. Dont blame me. And i its its Aner Administration that bears her name. Its especially true in afghanistan. 13 u. S. Service members murdered along with hundreds of others. A americans abandoned behind enemy lines. Our alliesind that helped us fn 20 years. Many of them were taken from their homes, never to be seen or heard from again. And during the Harris Biden Administration and their horrific withdrawal from afghanistan, this was one of the worst moments in american history. And its commonly used brag. N n she was the last person in the room with the very room a with the very courageous Joe Biden when he made that Fateful Decisiocouragn to hastily withdraw from the country. Take a look. President biden always said that he wants you to be the last person in the room, particularly for big decisions, just as he was Forpee Ro president obama. He just made a really big decision. Afghanistan, yes. Were you the last person in the room . Yes. And you feel comfortable . I do. And i and im going to add that. This is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage. Really comfortable. 13 dead americans. And those families, theyre burdened the by what has been and because of kamala and joes inept Decision Making and horrific planning, americans left left to fend forl themselves behind enemy lines. Afghanef national. Ng or literally falling from the sky. Trying to cling to american cargo planes and billions of dollars and sophisticated Wa Military Equipment was what surrendered to the taliban. And agais to the tann, 13 Brave Americans killed. Campbell had never bothered once to ever talk to the retur family. She wont return their messages. Neither she nor joe ever apologize to the families that caused the death of their Loved Ones. These policies got Thesekill Americans killed. She didnt show up at Arlingtoen National Cemetery during an event honoring these fallen servicemen t invo. Hours after Gold Star families invited her to appeald star. The lack of basic Human Decency from Kamala Harrisf ho is appalling. Families that have lost Loved Imve murdered because of theirav illegal immigrants and rape by their unvetted illegal immigrants and victims of horrific crime by their unvetted illegal oe immigrants. I no calls to those families either, according to the statel Media Mob. The real scandal is that Donald Trump broke protocolto by taking a picture with Gold Star families and other wounded veterans at arlington cemetery. Pictures that President Trump was asked by the familie s to take. What was he supposed to say to a Grieving Family . No, im not going to takea pict a picture with you. Anile joe was sleepingure On The Beach for the 400th Day And Kamala was what, doing god knows what. 10 minutes away, trump traveled to arlington to grieve with these Gold Star families. And this was notwistar fam the e he has met with them. Hes met with them at bedminster and on other thsions. Wi so naturally, the State Run Media Mob is there. Theyre angry at who. Don Donald Trump. Take a look at this Exchange Betweealumthisn Tom cotton far t liberal leftists, hack nbc, fake news. Take a look. Bottom line, though, i guess, senator, is it ever appropriate to make Campaign Contents at Militaro Y . These you didnt take Campaign Photos there. These families, Gold Star Gold Star whose children died because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harrid joes invited him to the cemetery and they asked him to take those photos. They wanted President Trump there. They wantedd to take those photos. You know, the families also invited Joe Biden ha harris. Joelibide where were they . As Joe Biden was sitting at a beach. Kamala harrits sitting at her mansion in washington, d. C. She was four miles away, 10 minutes. She could have gone to the cemetery and honored the sacrifice of those young men and women. But she hasnt. Shice never has spoken to them r taken a meeting with them. They did meet with them during the day because they were with them at the dignified transfery. And her and Joe Bidens incompetence. Those 13 americans were killed in afghanistan in her desperate attempt to defend Kamala Harris. Well , kristen welker, she didnt tell the truth. Nbc news had to issue a correction after the show and Kamala Harris did not, in fact, participate in the dignified transfer. Joe Wa Produ s doing this looking at his watch. I dont know. On a watch is a fitbit the way. She was the last person in the room with joe when they decided to send afghanistan into chaos, but she couldnt be bothered to shooow up for the dignified transfer of Service Members who likely die C Ford of joe and kamalas negligence. The Big Question with the first and maybe only debate between, Trump And Harris scheduled for next week on abc. Hey, David Muir, are you going to take questions from Hackle George stephanopoulos, leftwing radical hack left winger Clinton Supporter Ask Answer that he is . Or are you going to askou about afghanistan and that deadly withdrawal . Are you going to demand basic answers to basic questions that kamala up to now has never answered . Or is abc going to prove once and for all that it is nothing but an arm of the democratic party led by their political director, georgie . You know, for the record and you know, these are a few of the glaring questions that we deserve answers to. People are going to begin voting 14 days from Nowand Pe in pennsylvania. Early ballotnnsylvanias go out d within the week in North Carolina. Does Kamala Harris still want to abandon a Filibusteo R to pas the 93 Trillion Green New Deal with will destroy capitalism as we know it . Will she decriminalize illegal immigration, as she has stated, and give free Housing And Health cargig ane, education and a path to citizenship or not . Thats thats what she said. Does she stand behind her tweet supporting a Bail Fund Fort the rioters in the summer of 2020 . She sent bail that out four dad after a Police Precinct was burned to the ground. Does she stand by saying the riots wont stop . They shouldnt stop and we 574 wont stop. There were 574 riots. Does she still support Medicaree Fo Fr all and the elimination of the choice, the Freedom And Joy party, private Health Care that american citizens can have i thaf they. Is she still proud of Biden Nomics . Were proud of that or not. Does she still support defunding . Reimagining ice . Defund. Dismantle. No. Bail laws. Rematch and Police Departments or not . Does she still want americans to have the courage to never say Radical Islamic terrorism or illegal alien or not . Does she still want to taxien or unrealized capital and give all of you the largest Tax Increasge ,american history or not . Does she still want to go after Price Gauging . Even though we know grocers have a 1. 6 Profit Margin . Does anyone believe she really changed her views . Radical views on banning fracking and Offshore Drilling and electric vehicle vehicles ar garage. And what about Tim Walz . What was he not vetted . Pick why did kamala Pick Someone who is both extremely left . You know, lets put Feminine Hygiene Products in Boys Bathrooms in school and lets i low genderaffirming care. But dont tell the parents and a guy thats completely dishonest. S compleshonest. Here is minnesoo Big Government loving governor, Accusingvernme Trump of wanting to strip civil liberties. Really . Vil li ak. I know we all know this. I remember a time when republicans talked about things woul freedom. They meant it. O they would never turn their back on our allies. Urbut thats not these guys. Trump and vance, when they talk about freedom, means government should have the freedom to invade every corner of ourofo life. They talk about small government. Small enough to be in your Bedroour Lif Talk Abournment Emd small enough to be in your exam room. Small enough to be in your library. Telling you the things that you should make decisionsds about. This coming from a guy that set up a Snitch Line for comia. People accused of Breaking Covid lockdown laws. This is Th Ccused Oe same guy who Thinksy H socalled Hate Speech and misinformationcalled should be illegal. So much from the free to enjoy Partyn Som th. Kamala harris, meanwhile, has called for an end to the second amendment. D theyr you know, with a gun, fl buyback, confiscation law, kamala worked to censor americans on social Medi Censoa she wants to ban choice of medicine. No more private health. Thats freedom. Thats joy. Worked tirelessly with bidenwork to weaponize our doj against our Politicainhe Dojl opponents. And dont even get me started on all the new taxes that kamala wants to deduct from your paycheck. Taxe wantey. Oh, you wont be taxed for hundred thousand dollars a year. Lie. Kamala harris. S they Tim Walz and i are part of a Freedom And Joy party. Freedtheyre of marxism and Big Government tyranny. So, of course, Big Tech. E happ theyre happy to lend their helping hand. Listen nd a, if you ask amazons alexa to respond about thesame same question versus Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Heresbetwee Big Tech putting their Cement Blocks on the scales of an election. Listen. Alexa, why should i vote for Donald Trump . I cannot provide content that promotes a specific candida political party or a specific candidate. Alexa, why should i vote for Kamala Harris . While there are many reasons, vote for Kamala Harris. The most significant may be that she is a woman of color who has overcome numerous obstacles to become a leader in her field overcnumero. Erienc additionally, her experience as a prosecutor and her Record Oe F accomplishment in the In Ar areas of Criminal Justice and immigration Reform Makea E her a compelling candidate. Joining us now, texas senator ted cruz. Senator, look at this. You have yet the deep state. We saw it happen in 2020, 51. Former intel officials, the fbi Pre Bunking their very real laptop that they knew would be leaked. Youvey were ebunking Big Tech. We know their involvement. Mark zuckerberg revealed a lot of it. You have a corrupt Media Mob that is nothing but an extension of their press office. You haygot a democratic part that will lie and say anything about any conservative, any win an election. And this is what Donald Trump and every republican, including you, are up against this cycle. D that whahow do you Combat Tha . Well, listen, john, i think you just went through a very compelling indictment of the disaster, the Train Wreck that is Kamala Harris record. The one thing is i thought you were a little bit unfair when you criticizerecordd phrase her Catch Phrase unburdened by what has been i mean, that that phrase is the central motto of her entire campaign. It ought to be the bumper sticker. Kamala Harri Campa bs, unburdend by what has been because Kamalas President ial campaignil is unburdened by her record is unburdened by truth. It by her reco is unburdened by. It is unburdened by the victims of her policies. Her campaign is unburdened by the 13 servicemen and women that her failures killed in afghanistan. It is unburdened by the millions of americans hurting from inflation, is unburdened by the families that cant afford to pay their bills anymore. It is unburdened by the deaths that her open borders have caused. It is unburdened by the tragic murder of lake and riley. It is unburdened cause the Tragc Murder of rachel moran. It is unburdened by the tragic murder of jocelyn nungarrayi. It is unburdened from any ackne that she is thereside sitting Vice President. And Jont Ae Biden is at least ostensibly still the president when hes not comatose on a delaware beach. Unburdened her is amr catchphrasdee for lying to the american people because she cannot defend the catastrophic failures of her agenda. And thats the entiric Thatmocrat Strategy is Lie And Pretend that thegyy dont supporte the policies that are hurting millions of american ares and unburdened them for having to answer any questionsrn of her own words stateswdquesti position as on every issueinvoln involving the economy, on immigration, on Law And Order, on energy, on foreign policy. Shes on burden. She doesnt have. To answer questions. 16 minutes and 29 seconds. Thats it. And i would assume next week that Georgie Stephanopoulos is going to, you know, hand his questions over to David Muir and he will dutifully read them. Well, what Dana Bash Didey Dd and cnn did, its not even fair to call that an interview. It was not an interview. It was a campaign commercial. And its a worthwhile question. This is something that i raised in my Podcast Withd in ted cruz. How would those Interview Questions have Beet Verdicn Dift if the Quote Interview was conducted by Karine Jeanpierre the white House Press Secretary . Everything Dana Bash said is exactly what kamala to Harris Campaign wanted her to say. It was madam Vice President. Tell us how youre going to help jobs, maday It Madamm pl tell us all the wonderful things youre going to do to secure the border. Madam Vice President. Tell us, do you like kittens more or do you Liko Yoe puppies more . Mad, madam Vice President , let me close witdah showing an image of your grandniece gazing Adoringle Dowingy on you. A hist you are an historicsf transformation. Transformational figure. Oh, leormational figt clutch. Clutch my heart. Thats theoretically a journalist. Cnn is is literally a wholly owned subsidiary of the dnc. C an and it was a complete laughing stock. Hingstocd. I all right. Senator ted cruz, we appreciate you being with us. Joining us now, Fox News contributor, former speaker of the House Newt is with us. Lets get your take about where we are two weeks from today. Early voting in pennsylvania, mail in ballots go out in northg carolina, elsewhere in just the Nextoingwher Couple of days. Its game time. Yeah, my my guess is thatingc shes beginning to crumble and that wall is a significant part of that crumbling. And my guess is that trump is beginning to find his stride and will be in pretty good shape in the next two or three weeks. The challenge for harris i sabout that nobody actually knows a lot about her. And so as you fill in the gaps, people begin to realize both how radical she is, but also how totally unready she is. I mean, you imagine her negotiating with vladimir putin. Annegotiate in the Room H with jinping or dealing with other figures around the world. Shes just not ready. And you look at walz wallaces words, he may be the Mos T dishonest Vice President ial candidate in history candida, and i thinkl end up being the worst since tom had to resign from the Ticket Way back in 1972. It is just a disaster. How Day By day, we learn more about how weird He Isw of and how often he lies and how strongly the people around himwt resented the fact that he lied. So i feel personally that trump is in a good space to keep focusing on the issues, to keep drawing the contrast, and to remind people that a tax increasing leftwing democrat taking money out of your pocket is not nearly as good as an Atr Entrepreneureprene who wants Tot Money in your pocket. And thats the biggest it single between Trump And Harris. A big i the only thing that i do worry about is that people dont know how radical she is. And ive been asking you that question. Do you feel like its beginning to seep into the consciousnessta of american voters . Now we have new polls out tonight that shollewhowsw Donald Trump up in most Swing States. And well get to that with our pollsters later in the program. Do you think its beginning to seeinp into peoples minds . Well, yeah, i its well, ver look, were in a verynmen dynamic environment. This is not a polaroid snapshot. I believe that she peaked o the night of her acceptance speech. And if you remember, Michael Dukakis peaked at points ahead. She was probably at best,ts ahe two or three points ahead. And that was her momentum. And sheadr s been losing ground ever since. Theyre not going to virginia, new Hampshire And Minnesota for fun. Theyre going becausg toein theyre beginning to see the margin of their own states crumble. Ergin of eitheyre seeing all te of those states move into contention. I New Mexico will be next because the Oil And Gas is so big down there. You know, and i think, you know, second place, my place, im certain as somebody born in Harrisburg Pennsylvania with relatives who still live in the middle of the state, theyre goingg to to lose pennsylvania, period. She coule pencd affect the gover of pennsylvania. Shapiro that might have helped her. But when you have an frackin antifracking candidate in a state in A Se which has literaly two of the four largest natural gas fields, the entire world here in western pennsylvania. Billions and Billionsf Doll dollars of economic opportunity. I just Thinar Econok Trump Wl carry pennsylvania and win the election. And even fake news, cnn had Toew Fact check her lie that well, in the debate in 2020, i said that im for fracking. Ll she never said it. That was a lie to. Mr. Speaker, thank you. We appreciate you being with us. When we come back, were going to whe l Break Down the bidenharris administration, their betrayal of israel. And Tim Walz dodging a question about the gaza hostages. Also, students there back at. College and so are the Antiisraedents Arl protesters, in other words, the base of the democratic party. Democratic party. Well get Reaction. Ahea vd. Five there are some things that work better together, like your workplace benefits and Retirement Savings provide. 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Take a loo atagek. Mr. President, do you think its time for Prime Minister to do more on this issue or dodi you think hes doing enough . No. Kamala harris, god forbiand, in november, her administration would be worse. Take a look at theres shocking Reaction from her running mate, Tim Walz, when asked about the k israeli hostages that were murdered. As wed out the have seen in gaza, Shot In The Back of the head. Take a looin thek. Washington state forces have been found dead and gone. All right. Thanks, everybody. What do you think . Y they were killed. Th wereverybody. We drink my shake. Remember, kamala wants to completely eliminate the term Radical Islamic terroris he term. Take a look at the courage to that when they use that term. Radical islamic terrorism and the greatest victims of terror also have the courage to reject that term. I legal alien. The worst of criminal behavior. I have seen the worst of crime. And undocumented immigrants is not a crime, although and who attacked us on 911 . Whos entering our country illegally . Ring her legallmeanwhile, College Kids are back at School And Soth are the radical prohamas protesters. Earlier today, Nyp Prd made two arrests as dozens of these protesters were swarming columbia and their campus on the first day of class. Here with Reaction , south Carolina Senator Linsey Graham is with us. So when you look at israel in particular here, this administration has arms withheld Arms Shipments and they havent gotsh much, especially compared to especially compared to ukraine. They have constantly called for restraint. Restraincht. They have blamed Israel And Theyve done Everything D but what they should do. And thats the right thing, i would say, which would sayh is well, you lost the equivalent of 40,000 americans in a day. Pt we fully support your right to win your war Agains Wint Islamic terrorists, although she rejects that term. Your Reaction . Well, my Reaction is i gotmber to remember, im on television here. Em on tesionim here in las vege sopublican jewish coalition. These are some of my best friends in the world. They Haves Te in israel. Theyre great americans. Theyre jewish. Theyre republicans. Theyre trying to help President Trump win. Theyre trying to help me takepd back the senate and all my colleagues and hold the house. Gogod bless them. Matt brooks, norm coleman, miriam adelson. Great, drew. Theyre heartbroken. Most all us have interacted with the hostage families. Eone of the most despicable things ive ever seen since ive been in politics was the Vice President ial candidate of the democratic party, refusing to answer a question about the death hostages at the hands of religious awa called hamas. He walked away from the question. Y Frome Questithat Video clip ir the mideast, my friend. And when Kamala Harris refused to attend a joint session of Congresd S and sit behind bii as the Vice President , her Job R called for boycotting his speech that Madeg News all over the terrorist capitals of the world. D they these people are naive and dangerous. Whenaive and he refused to answr that question, thats a signalis to all the Terrorist Groups and the ayatollah. They reallt y dont give a damnr about our friends in israel. They have slow weapons. They have basically sat Silent T while people accused israel of being engaged in genocide. Whd what walz voted d is doing . Gasoline on a fire. When Donald Trump wins this is going to end there. American steel captivity. Over 40 americans had been killed by hamas On October the seventh. Right at 40. And heres Y Qu Question to Joe Biden. Have you done everything you can to hold the Ayatollah Accountable for wreaking Havoc T on, americans and the world at large. When Donald Trump Getsf Thes in office, these hostagesl will come home because he will tell. The the ayatollah. Im holding you accountable for the Safety Ayatotabl and the weg of these people. And if they dont come home, i youre going to pay a price. Joe biden has let Ira Dontn get away with murder. Hes infused them with moneyge in their eyes. He is a weak person. A ak persoonly person weaker thans is Kamala Harris. Hgod, our friends in israel. L god help our friends in israelay. Donald trump is on the way. Hae well, President Trump had the iranians near Bankruptcy And Harrison and bidenha allowed the iranians. They ignored the sanctions, he allowed them to Takeand Al in billions and billions of dollarsou t, which got them rich, which helped them fund these proxy wars. Hamas out of gaza, hezbollah out of lebanon wit, the houthid rebels. And then theyre even firing Missiles Int O israel themselves. But Joe Biden and Kamala Harrish would not participate in their retaliation, whichem to me has abdicated Americas Role as the leader of Libertthaty And Freedd around the world. Iran cannot be allowed to not only fight the proxy wars, but get rewarded financial, ali, by by Anan American administration the way they have been. Lets look and Break Down, you just said. The Houthis Attack our allies, the united arab emirates. We do nothing to help them. D Missilesns Sen toward saudi, a saudi arabian oil fields. Diance a m do nothing really. Weve lost deterrence. Weve lost deterrence. Nobody is afraid of Joe Biden. I. Kamala harris. What did Donald Trump do . He went to maximum did don econo pressure. He put iran in an economic box e. N and when he heard that suleimani therehe hea, iran revolutionary guard leader, was plotting to Killplauding Americn iraq, he blew him up. Norew, what is biden doing charging the sinwar with crimes in american court . Court. G a hting a crime were fighting a war. Sinwar could care less about being indicted by garland sinwar. Your days are numbered, pal. Ill were not going to indict you. Were going to kill you. You mentioned miriam adelson. I knew her. I know her. And i knew her husband, sheldon. And they had clarity. They understood that this is a battle of civilizations. L se good versus evil. Please, sir. My besnatot senator. Thank you. When we come back, come on. K is illegal immigration. It is wreaking havoc on new York City. And there are just a system. Well explain. And well check in with former south from South Dakota governor, now former Kristi Noem straight ahead. These bills are crazy. R she has no idea. Shes sitting on a goldmine. She doesnt knowrt of it if shes a Life Insurance Policy of 100,000 or more. She can sellolicy . E or part oft to coventry for cash. Even a term policy, even a term policy. Even after Sh E find out if youre sitting on a gold mine. 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Their criminal Justice System has now become a revolving doore of illegal immigrant crime. No Avingw Police sources tell Tw York Post that up to 70 of crimes in midtown new York Cit Y in queens are committed by people who appear to be in this country illegally. Of course, unvetted Harris Biden, illegals and even worse, the word is out that new yorks no Bail Law means theyll be back out on the street in no time. Ut iand were the ones to beat p the cops. Yeah, they got released and then committed more crimes 1. Couple of them. One cop says the Crimes C committed by Theseops Ommitted D Harris Biden illegals include robberies, assault, domestic incidents, selling counterfeit items and most of the illegal immigrants are repeat offenders. Dont even talking about those that have known Terror Ties that are in our country. And of course, this massive influx of illegal immigration it is costing all of you a Record Amount of money over the course of three fiscal years. Look at this. New York City alone Spentu Ne a whopping 5. 5 Billion on care for illegals while the state of new york 4 Billion over the next three years. Theyll need here with Reaction. South dakota governor Kristi Noem governor. My understanding, too, is theyre bringing back this plan the pla that is just goingy people in directly while pascohe collect 200 and have to deal with border patrol. With you in illegally and you get to pick the state or or day of your choosing. Souti would assume that South Dakota is dealing with it as well. We are, but not if to the extent that other states are, and certainly not like minnesota. When Tim Walz was governor,s he let dangerous criminals burn down his city. And thenburned Dn Th Kamala Bait of jail. And listen, she was put in charge of the border, john. She didnt show up and then she didnt secure it. She didnt go there. And then she ignored it to the point where weve turned intoees the situation on our streets every single day. You know, im just overwhelmed sing, what iss happening on our streets. You know, i keep thinking about that little 12yearold Jocelyn who went out and to venezuela, ireland, migrants,an illegals, raped her, kidnappedtd her and took her under a bridge and killed her. And i think about her mom day, about what her mom was thinking. We our kids are subject to these individuals. E ho they lured her out of her house. She left without permission and she didnt com e home. And shes now dead because of whats happening in this country. Ea Whaand Kamala has talked about defunding the police. Shes actually done it in South Dakota. Shes done it in South Dakota. Shes responsible Fodakota R and order in our tribal reservations. And they have completely drained their resources. They cant hire their the police that they need to keep their communities safe. And so i and with our attorney general, had tod stand up a Training Academy to train their tribal officers weretoy protect some of the people living in South Dakota. Kamala is directly responsive for Law And Order in our tribalr communities, and theyve left them out to dry wl an. And theyre dealing every day with drugs and Violence And Murder and , human Trafficking And Drug addiction. And she does absolutely. So when she talks in that interview about her values, noto changing, they havent changed. I hope america remembers that Everyut The and Cha Singlee lives. She was in. Yeah, well, im scrolling the names of people murdered and there are other people that have been and people that have been victims of other violent crimes. And you know, look at theseep names. I keep scrolling and scrolling l and. You know, im sorry. They are responsible for this. All of these names, all Off Th these people, theyd be alive or they would not have beenct victims of these heinous crimes of rapime. But for Joe Biden and kamalas harris, governor and by the way, and i bet youre not giving out legal Driver Sdriver licenses to illegals in your State And Offering free Collegle Tuition like Tim Walzs. I think we just lost governor. No. Look at all the names on yourofe screen. M. Look at all of them. Think of all of the families. Go. Jocelyn, gary. Br, know, this poor you know poor girl, Literally Brutalizeds for 2 hours and murdered. Mu,nk of Rachel Martin Mother of five dead. These Kids Will never see their mother again. Shell Kids W never see her children until, you know, god willing, they get to heaven. You know, think of lincoln, riley. Why dont they ever call these families . Why dont they ever apologize to americar apologize for doing this and lying and telling americans for three years the border is secure and the border is safe, and the Bordesrder Sr is closed. Wi, well, i guess im going to deal with this on day one. Day one was, well, january 20th. , 2021. All right. Straight ahead tonight. Kamala can keep fighting. The Media Mob can keep defending and protecting. But all of the american people, theyre not buying it. Weve goe americt the latest pol numbers. Well get Reaction from Robert And Matt tower straight ahead. Loose lips sink ships, as the old saying goes. They are so addicted that their entire existence is centered around getting the drugs that they need. Wheres it coming from . And that is the first time we hear the name squeak. I asked him one day how he made his money and he said, making drugs. I think its good for people to do these when i grew up. So for me to stop them or the Draftkings Sportsbook App is completely changing the way fans enjoy sports because it has the power to make the regular season feel like a game seven. Every touchdown, a Game Winner and every fight a heavyweight championship. And signing up and adding money on has never been easier. 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. The benefits of our pills. Calm down. To order. All right. T. New said it earlier tonight. The latest polling shows the communist Honeymoon Phase is pretty much over. Americans are not buyingy the latest spin from the State Run Media Mob. Anine late abc survey released on sunday found that harris got no bump after the dnc. And according to new polls from robert kelly, the group Matt Tower Insider Advantage Trump is ahead of harris by a slim margin in key Swing States. Michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, arizona, nevada, North Carolina and a close race in georgia. Here with Reaction. , cohost of polling, plus the podcast, Matt Towery, along with Hist Thr cohosts trafalgar Group Founder Robert k haley. Matt towery. Let staa fes with you. How do you read these numbers as we now have entered what is historically the political season, postlabor day . Well, i read it as sort of a stabilizins g action. You know, harris momentum has sort of stalled out, but There T was a lot of ground that she gained after biden got out of the race and she took his place. So shes climbed up there. These are competitive in every one of these battleground states. But right now, it looks to me like sort of the bloom is Off The rose and somethings to give one way or another, or shes she doesnt have really anything to push her momentum ahead anymore. And this big debate coming up could be the Make Or Break for for both candidates. Mo Trump Isack in is coming back in most of these battleground states. St. And hes looking prettyground good. , . W important is this Debate Robert . Absolutely critica l. This this debate is what everything is going to ride on right . This race is so close in these battleground states. Any little thing can makes the difference. A Chthismake Debate is a Chancer Trump to talk to her. An astronautor, you know, kind of frame her how she answers and how far what she says is from her actual Record Andhe Point that out to a to an american public thats heard very little of this kind of contrast. Well, thats what John Mclaughlin found at Tower Own is that on her own radical positions, her own words, mostst americans dont know that she wants to decriminalize illegal immigratio illegaln, Offer Freeh Care and Housing And Education that they dont know about her role and saying the rioters. 574. N right. Summer of 2020. Theyre not going to sto tp. E r they shouldnt stop. Were not going to stop. Stopw about afracki fracking ban, a drilling ban. Ng they dont seem to know the extent of how radical r and highadic her taxes would be, the largest Tax Increase in history. They dont be th seem to know her position on defund, dismantle, no Bail Laws and or Tim Walz, you know, Feminine Productsail in Boys Bathrooms or gender affirming surgery. And, you know, parental permission. So, you know, i think theyre going to be trumps job because, abby, shes not going to do it. George stephanopoulos allow itnr on his network. Well, i think sean, first of all, the Trump Campaign has really done a good job of stepping up and putting ads out There That educated people on some of her positiones. So help me. Its been missing forever. And robert just said, why in world are the republicans waiting so long to educate a public that doesnt hearedia this stuff because its its drained out by the media. Theyve done a good Jo Agood Joo the other groups have to come on board because the votes are going to be starting in september or and in about five weeks, you have early voting going on in half ors wi more of these major Swing States. I want to say one last thing about the debate, though. I think that if President Trump manages to do that without any Name Calling and if he can stay within the time frame, which he did last time, and if he can use facts that can be that are specific facts that have been fact checked, even if its just one on every issue. So these Fact Checkers cant Ruson Him and say, oh, he was embellishing things. If he puts that together, that little combination, he wins that debat Andemes Pr and probably becomes president again. You knowes, i think her goal is going to be to him off, robert. I thin seak thats their main goal. And i think that a President Trump very calmlynd points out her record and offers his solutiors solutn to solutions to make the lives of the the american better. To me, thats the formula for success. And i would not deviate Fromr Sc that one iota. Absolutely. But she is going to attemptgo to goad him at every pointm at and he just cannot take the bait. He he has got to go in there with Game Plan and stick with that Game Plan. And it literally is the unmasking of someone who the media has just not lettu the truth come out about. And if he can do that without taking any of this bait, without falling into our trapsen and starting to wander off on the subjects that dont matteront Mat And Focus in a wr that only trump can to to p dismantle her and point out all these Inconsistencie S at that. I think hell find himself with a sizable lead after, e this debate, especially in the Swing States that matter. Ally in and i think this is one shot hes going to get. I dont see heshotr doing A Secd one either way. Hapmatt . E ou no, i dont think she will. I and let me just add a cautiohern here to republicans and everyone, and that is dont dont create low expectations for her. She may perform better just by getting out there. Remember, biden is what theyre going to be comparing her to in the media. B so its got to be a really tough debate. Tough deone where he brings out the comparisons, but hes not too tough. Ill tell you right now, shes going to be vicious in this s. I would i would anticipate she will go after him every way she can. All right. Thank you both. When we come back, a Hannity Announcement straight ahead. When you discover Bull And Branch vetting, you uncover the most natural softness possible made with toxin free organic cotton by people who are paid and treated fairly. Experience the Difference Apple and brand icon. We all salute the brave men and women who serve in our military and protect our streets. Theyre true heroes, but they often couldnt do what they do without their powerful partners. The Canine Heroes we dont always think about from explosive detection to hunting bad guys and working. Search and rescue. Saving lives abroad and right here in our home communities. 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Oh, look, its my stop the zebra. We do the searching. You the saving. But Donald Trump Town Hall, moderated by Sean Hannity. Sean is in harrisburg as the Gop Candidate discusses his policies for the biggest challenges facing the nation and his strategy to defeat Kamala Harris. A Donald Trump Town Hall moderated by Sean Hannity wednesday only on Fox News channel programming announcement. Iowa will be hosting a Town I Hall with former President Donald Trump. Hage is in harrisbur pennsylvania. Just go to hannity. Com. Find out how you can get Youry Freewebsit an and well see Yoe Tomorrow night. To all the time we have left set your dvr. And in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. Gregg is next. Have a great night here tomorrowgreg i

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