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Trey: good evening thank you for joining us i'm trey gowdy, sunday night in america, parts of the south are devastated, there has been death and millions there without power people waiting in line for gas, water and food and power may take weeks to restore, i have witnessed the devastation firsthand trees board long before i was are now on top of houses, in south carolina it looks like a ghost town we were nowhere near the eye of the storm, even in the dark of night without power you can still see light, not only our neighbors taking care of neighbors but strangers are taking care of strangers, a glimpse of beauty in the wake of devastation, there is unity and survival. I wonder if we can ever have that unity without the devastation. If you have the chance to help those in need with the basics of life, please do so in the special word of thanks to those working aroundtheclock to get life back to some semblance of normalcy for a region that is reeling right now. Neither urologist adam klotz joins us from the fox weather center with more. As you know this is been a fairly active hurricane season, four hurricanes have made landfall so far, to unfortunately in the ford of big bend that's where we saw helene make landfall in so many folks know it's not necessarily where the landfall is and where you're tracking the devastating results of the storm these are some of our rainfall totals on the highend 30 inches of rain from north georgia getting into the appalachian mountains, north carolina, south carolina all these communities saw a foot of rain from the system and those areas and all of the rain funnels downs to creeks and streams and flooding has been absolutely devastating. On top of that the winds in the rains knocked on a bunch of trees and cause power outages. We are still looking at three different states where power outages are up over half a million, what's the weather going to be like in these communities in the next couple of days if your without power, unfortunately it's that time of year, temperatures in the 80s, 90 degrees you're dealing with that without power if you're in the appalachian mountains a little bit cooler, rain on the way the next couple of days certainly is good to be a little bit to get this cleaned up. Thank you adam, to the race for the white house it remains close with several key states within the margin of error voters consider the economy, the border and immigration as top issues all of which should be issues for republicans, if the polling shows a close race, even with major issues benefiting republicans, the question is why, why is it still close, speaking of questions, vice president harris hasn't been getting many, when she does the details are sketchy. If you are hardworking, if you have the dreams and ambitions in the aspirations of what i believe that you do, you are in my plan. Expanding the child tax credit warehousing before if you can raise corporate taxes or if gop takes control of the senate where you get the money to do that. Organ have to raise corporate taxes we're going to have to raise and make sure the biggest corporations and billionaires pay their fair share. Some of her immediate interviews seem more like friendly job interviews then the vetting of the leader of the free world, i've actually gotten tougher questions ordering a drivethrough window then she gets from the national media. So much for speaking truth to power but voters don't seem to mind. These day candidates can get away with avoiding interviews and avoiding debates kamala harris visited the border which must've been on her bucket list because she has not been there much before, meanwhile trump is talking about the economy, manufacturing trade, tariffs and tax relief. If i'm elected president we will have the world's reserve currency in better shape and order in every country will follow it. If they don't, we will put tariffs on that country and we won't trade. The centerpiece of my plan for a manufacturing renaissance will be a 15% made in america tax rate. About the business tax rate from 39% or higher down to 3221%, now i'm doing a step further, i'm get a break down the 21% to 15%. She's also getting questions not just about his economic plan but other candidates like north carolina governor tori located at mark robinson kamala harris doesn't get questions about biden who she backed and vouched for his lucidity with the rest of us knew better, somehow trump is being asked about a guy from north carolina who engaged in highly inappropriate conduct. Joining us at townhall. Com political editor and the host of the guy benson show, guy benson, welcome, if the border immigration and the economy of the top issues it should portend success for republicans in the race look really close, why is that. Put simply were divided polarized country, people can maybe agree theoretically that trump would be better on the top issues but roughly 45 or 46 or 47% of the country is one way in a similar sized group about the other way no matter what that's the reality of our politics at the moment i would also remind people republicans seem to have those similar types of advantages in 2022 in the midterms of the big issue if you look at the historic trends that a lot of people expected a red wave, it didn't some places but certainly not nationwide but a presidential cycle is different, it's a much bigger electric yet lower propensity of voters that show up and we believe will favor donald trump a little bit more so, very close election polarized country, different ballgame. Tim walz and jd vance are debating this week or neroli vp debates don't matter, maybe this one won't either, is there a chance in a close race everything that matters. I think that's a fair question and it's hard to tell what moves the needle with anyone these days. For a while it felt like the one perhaps only debate between trump and harris was significant and might've helped her a little bit but some of the data came back and suggested not so much, now you go to the number two guy on the ticket is lacking to draw the audience in the eyeballs that we've seen previously i'm not sure, to your point i think people are like we know a lot about donald trump and we don't know that much about kamala harris an what's authentic about her what she would do as president, let's see trump's running mate, they cast him as a dour weirdo, is that true, tim walz they're trying to do the joy thing could he put any more meat on the bones in terms of policy, you have tens of millions of people watching, stuff will go viral, i suspect that jd vance will perform well he is an able and smart politician he was very good in his debates in ohio and the senate race. I will be watching with baited breath, i think it could be telling in a number of ways i think he will hold harris and walz's feet to the fire that we have not seen in any other setting, doesn't matter ultimately with the voters who will sway the election, we will find out but i am not sure. Trey: let me switch gears, some republican states scour the landscape looking for the only republican who actually cannot win statewide and then nominate the person, mark robinson and kari lake are behind in two important states for the former president will they drag him down or do you expect voters to split their ticket, how do you see that. Number one republican voters have to prioritize winning moving forward and i think they would argue and a lot of cases, they do but obviously poor choices have been made not just this year hypothetically looking at polling but back over recent cycles you look at the number of points left on the field after those elections and it can be very frustrating it's been costly in terms of what the country has faced in terms of policy, losing the georgia senate seats immensely costly, trillions of dollars were talking about with those two races going the wrong way in 2021. Your followup do some flawed candidates on the right hurt donald trump or other republicans on the ticket in those states be arizona or north carolina. I don't know you can point out flawed people on the left we don't tend to talk as much about them or those scandals because the media has less interest in doing so but based on what were seeing this far when you look at the polling out of arizona or north carolina, donald trump is massively at the top of the ticket over performing the two candidates that you mentioned. Even as robinson has fallen in his will has gotten deeper in north carolina, trump is holding serve in the same spot. I'm not sure will have that type of reverse coattail effect, we will know in a close election anything can matter. Trey: guy benson thank you for loaning us your political expertise on a sunday night, i will see you soon, if not on election night. Good to see you. Montana is always beautiful, this year it is beautiful and very important, control of the senate may come down to the big sky state, jon tester is no moderate and wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat does not change that. And yet he survived in the past, we shall see if he survived since most recent challenge from former navy seal current u. S. Senate candidate tim sheehy. Welcome, how are you, thank you for joining us and thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for your support and your service is a very important time for this nation we need great voices to speak the truth. Trey: jon tester has been tested before, different years, different candidates that he won in a red state and those of us that don't live in montana are wondering how, how can he win an estate is greatest montana. Is important to remember that a lot of our states and landscapes have about this past several years it used to be purple and now red and some b blue, the reality montana has become better and better over the past few cycles for one simple reason the democrat party continue the champion policy that are bad for america and bad for rural america and bad for montana whether it's energy, waging war on are: oil and gas and shutting down the keystone xl pipeline and open up our southern border and flooding our states with drug, fentanyl and crime, the democrat party and jon tester voted with them every single step of the way he's been a supporter of the bride inheres agenda and voted to impeach trump twice, voted against court nominees that trump forward he is been a rubberstamp for the bride inheres agenda and montana realizing that in the last three and half years you can't run from the record and most important you cannot run from the results of the record which is been disastrous for the entire country cheekily and montana it's a different environment and it's good to be very hard for him to justify how he's behave the last three and half years supporting the bite inheres agenda every time. Trey: the d. C. Media is certainly trying to help him they are pro train tester as a moderate, i really not think of a single time he has said no to chuck schumer, joe manchin, i get it, he is a moderate but jon tester i cannot think of a single time he stood up to chuck schumer and said no. You can't think of one because there never has been one, he is a rubberstamp with the schumer, bite inheres agenda and a lobbyist cashed of all candidates in the nation one of the top recipients and as you know with your experience on the hill chuck schumer will literally shake both in shake bills to protect people like jon tester and then the washington post in the new york times and the whole d. C. Swamp media will go over time to ensure that they are patting his resume, to protect him and wrapping him a bubblewrap while sending terrible torpedoes at us misconstruing everything we've ever said or done to help them along the way its full mobilization with the radical left media in the democrat party and the dark money machine to protect jon tester and most important late to hide his record into hide when he's actually done in office which is a lot our veterans, sellout our country, opener border, but for record inflation, tinker in industry and for america last, this is what the democrats have been doing for the last three and half years yet now on 2024 ticket montana is going to have a choice to choose for a prosperous three strong america or choose for more of the same but the last three and half years which is what jon tester has been voting for every time he's had the chance, you're absolutely right chuck schumer has been any controls jon tester he bought and paid for and showing polls as we've been speaking people montana waking up to this reality and begin to work hard for the next 35 days we have to keep the pedal to the metal but we're going to win this and put america first. Trey: i am reluctant to use the word battle for somebody who's been in a real battle and faced real bullets on behalf of this country. I will just say race, the race to control the senate may very well come down to the big sky state we will all be watching, thank you for your service to our country and for joining us on a sunday night. Taken for the support let save america. Up next new york mayor eric adams has been indicted on federal charges, what's he charged with the political figures being targeted while new york ignored violent crimes. Fox news contributor paul mauro is after the break, only on sunday night in america. Am i just gonna take what the markets gives me? no. I can do some research. Ya know, that's backed by j. P. Morgan's leading strategists like us. When you want to invest with more confidence. . . The answer is j. P. Morgan wealth management hey, scott. 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Trey: welcome back to sunday night in america, no one is above the law, that is true but no one is beneath either, being a political leader should not immunize you or place a target on your back, what are we to make the charges of new york mayor eric adams he allegedly took millions in illegal campaign contribution and bribes from foreign nationals who gave adams free flights and all the perks in exchange for favors the socalled pattern of corruption speeded a decade adams denies wrongdoing and says he will not resign, is he corrupt or a trophy for ambitious prosecutors, joining us fox news contributor retired new york pd inspector and one of my favorite lawyers paul mauro, welcome, thank you for joining us what do you make of this indictment the feds job bring weak cases. Especially the southern district the conviction rate including plea bargains as welliver 90%. I think there is something going on that we have to acknowledge it's entirely possible if adams got on the federal radar screen because of noise he was making about the migrant crisis, he never advocated for the replication of your city century status or the tightening up of the southern border he asked the federal money but nonetheless he was leading the charge from a few mayors around the country going to washington and ask for more money, that is the very day that the fed tipped their hand and hit the door of his campaign finding finance advisor and executed a search warrant and that's when everyone knew it was on that does not mean he's not guilty of the allegations as described in the indictment both of those things can be true and we need to acknowledge just because the timeline went the way it did does not necessarily mean there is not fire under the smoke because some was elucidated in the indictment is pretty compelling. Trey: i call it framing a guilty person hears the u. S. Attorney let's listen to him and i'll ask you but on the other side. The foreign money the corporate money the bribery the years of concealment is a grave breach of the public's trust, public office is a privilege, we allege mayor adams abuse that broke the law flaws that are designed to ensure that officials like him serve the people, not the highest bidder not the foreign better and certainly not the foreign power these are bright red lines and we allege that the mayor crossed the again and again, for years. Trey: some lines are brighter than others people in position of power do get perks some members of congress jump align airports governors get boxes at football games the sons and presidents get on form boards, where exactly is the bright line the u. S. Attorney mentioned the former governor of virginia had his political career ruined only to be acquitted by the supreme court for similar conduct. The famous mcdonald decision you're absolutely right in that blurs the line in the bribery charges has vulnerabilities built into it because of what do you say like senator beat his first case because the quid pro quo was not precise enough that the political acted at the behest of another person who is giving them gratuity, that is only a piece of this indictment and where the action is in this case is the campaignfinance stuff the campaignfinance charges allege that the mayor directed his underlings to collect a lot of bundling money, and appropriately and then that money was matched by $10 million in matching from the city of new york, that is where the meat of this thing is even that has a vulnerability that we have to recognize the way the indictment is written somebody called adam stafford who did all the activity that has to be tied to the mayor that is the mound that the prosecutors have to get over and eric adams will have his version of the facts these are only allegations and we have to keep an open mind. As of now they went forward it is the southern district and they don't often lose and you have to imagine if the case is only at the beginning stages because there are a lot of people around eric adams who had search warrant executed phones taken in home searched. Trey: before i let you go he said is not resigning but is trying to run the biggest city in the world, can you do that while you're facing decades in prison? look at menendez to be his first case and stayed in office he signaling he's going to stay in office and you can have his version of the facts and we have to see if governor hochul decides is going to remove him which is the bright as the governor laughed with attention is in this one. But it feels like to be getting at some point governor hochul may decide to move whether he leaves or not. Trey: paul mauro, thank you bringing us unique insight both law enforcement and as a lawyer, thank you for doing on a sunday night. Thank you, congressman. More american troops are headed to the middle east as fears of a wider war intensified former secretary of state mike pompeo joins us next on sunday night in america. Mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. Isn't that what you just did? service! ♪stand back i'm going to show ya,♪ ♪how doug and limu roll, yeah!♪ ♪ ♪you know you got to live it,♪ ♪ ♪if you want to win. . . ♪ [bump] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty. ♪ philip: when your kid is hurting and there's nothing you can do about it, that's the worst feeling in the world. Kristen: i don't think anybody ever expects to hear that their child has cancer. It's always one of those things that happens to somebody else, but it's definitely feels like your soul is sucked out of your body when they tell you that it's your baby. And you would do anything to get them to the best place that they can be for their treatment. 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Saint jude wouldn't be here. Hunter: thank you so much. You have saved so many kids. Announcer: let's cure childhood cancer together. ♪ ♪ welcome to fox news live i am actually stir stir meyer in new york the dental as people recover from what's left on hurricane helene the storm is blamed for killing 90 people across the carolinas, georgia, florida, virginia and tennessee millions of people and those remain without power rescue efforts are still underway after helene flooded entire towns asheville north carolina was one of the places hit hardest, crews are having trouble delivering muchneeded supplies due to roadblocks, tens of thousands of port workers from maine to texas are set to walk off the job on tuesday they are demanding more from higher wages in a total ban on automation imports the strike would stop the flow of a wide variety of goods coming in to all cargo ports on the east and gulf coast, that could possibly drive up prices again. I am actual actually stir meyer. Trey: welcome back to sending an america israel waged war against hamas for a year since thomas butchered men women and children into covers hostage some of whom remain held hostage to this day, recently the jewish state directed his intention north to lebanon where have a lot backed by iran showed discord and operates with impunity israel and hezbollah are trading deadly strikes without fear of wider war will rub with the region and allies on thursday benjamin netanyahu rejected calls for a ceasefire in lebanon and promised israeli forces would continue with full force, jake sullivan bragged he spent next to no time worrying about the middle east maybe he should h have, joining as former secretary of state cia director and fox news contributor mike pompeo welcome mr. Secretary thank you for our service, unless one has visited israel you cannot appreciate how small that country is there is more to the south and now to the north, where is is headed in your judgment. Always great to be with you always great to be in america on a sunday night, talking about important things, the answer to that depends on the united states of america in its leadership. If we continue to demand that the israelis standdown we call it ceasefire tell them there roughly the moral equivalent of hamas in secretary austin says were worried about escalation, the risk that this becomes a wider conflict is very, very real if instead you notice the united states of america says good riddance to hassan nasrallah in the leadership of hamas we know this is driven by the iranian regime and we the united states are prepared to allow in encourage and provide assistance so israel can finish the job and take down the infrastructure that threatens them not only will israel be safer and only will they be able to get the tens of thousands of people back in their homes in the northern part of the country that they had to flee but the entire region will be safer in the goal state with a one longer have to fear iranian attacks in the united states will be far safer will get back to a model that deliver peace and prosperity for four years under president trump. Trey: mr. Secretary let's listen to benjamin netanyahu together and all asking about on the other side. Israel seeks peace, israel yearns for peace, israel has made peace and will make peace again yet we face savage commenemiesand we must defend os against these savage murders. Mr. Secretary when you left public service there is peace in the middle east and we were on the verge, the cusp of historic agreements and now war rages everywhere, what happened? when america fails to lead, when our friends lose confidence in us and our adversaries don't fare you get exactly what we have not only in the middle east but in europe as well and ukraine, what we've been able to accomplish is this the gulf states that came to trust we would impose real cost on iran and we did we denied the money and resources we put real pressure on them when they threatened americans we took out general qasem soleimani, those are the kinds of things that the iranians understand they don't understand negotiations and they don't understand appeasement they demand ceasefires and when america supports them they applaud, we know how to create the very peace and prosperity in the region through american leadership in the deterrence model that tells the iranians you cannot continue to threaten the entire world you are talking about government officials earlier but they threatened europeans, they certainly taken hostages including american still held in gaza so seldom spoke about. We should never forget that the iranians are responsible for the deaths of more muslims in the region than any other entity over the last decade, this is not about just israel jewish state, israel do its part we all have to make sure that we deliver a deterrence model against the world's largest statesponsored terrorism which sits in tehran. Trey: mr. Secretary if the former president wins a second term, many including me hope that you are part of the second administration, how would you if assigned the task of the middle east, what would a cabinet level mike pompeo do to resolve that region in a second trump administration. Thanks for the kind words, it's pretty are, the nation of israel, you make very clear, we are not going to call them a pariah we are not going to threaten them or undermine their security because they're trying to draw talent and human capital to the region that the right side of history in the gulf states and then we would impose a real pressure on the iranian regime and make clear if you threatened americans and kill israelis and take hostages were not going to say can we all just get along but standdown and have a ceasefire were going to impose real cost, financial cost diplomatic cost, political cost and indeed we would find ways to make it very clear to the ayatollah that continuing down this path is not in his best interest we did it for four years and i'm confident we can do it again. Mike pompeo who has been asked to answer the call many times by his country and has done so, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. Thank you. Up next more questions, fewer answers after congress held a hearing into the attempted murder of donald trump and butler pennsylvania, former fbi assistant director chris walker is next, only on sunday night in america meet the jennifers. Jen x. Jen y. And jen z. Each planning their future through the chase mobile app. Jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j. P. Morgan wealth plan. Let's go whiskers. Jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. You only turn 30 once. And jen z? her credit's golden. Hello new apartment. Three jens getting ahead with chase. Solutions that grow with you. One bank for now. For later. For life. Chase. Make more of what's yours. Have you ever thought of getting a walkin tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walkin tub. 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Trey: welcome back to sunday night in america lawmakers were frustrated after bipartisan hearing on the near assassination of donald trump in pennsylvania the questions were far better than the answers, is that because secret service and the bureau don't have the answers or they are not sharing what they do know, the senate released a scathing report of the secret service failures including a lack of command, poor coordination with local and state partners, and adequate resources in a willful failure to secure the site. The failure of most secret service personnel and butler to be informed about the specific threat facing president trump standout. At 20yearold with a week's notice outsmarted in the maneuver of the entire u. S. Secret service, that is a shame and disdain on their agency. Is not just unhinged 20yearold iran is planning to assassinate trump another government officials, this week d. O. J. And sealed an indictment charging iranians with hacking trumps confidence information to supply information that information to political opponents. Iranian malicious actors have continued their efforts since june to send stolen nonpublic material associated with former president trumps campaign to u. S. Media, the justice department unsealed an indictment charging three hackers working for the iranian government with material support for terrorism, computer fraud, wire fraud and identity theft. Trey: former president trump noted how strange it is that iran's new president received a large security detail when visiting the un in new york this week while i ran plots to kill americans, america protects those trying to kill our officials while we also protect their officials strange as one word, perhaps visa should be a not untrue denied until i ran stop trying to kill americans and destroy israel. Jordan is former assistant director of the fbi and current attorney chris walker welcome to you mr. Special agent, florida is an active investigation with pending charges and a looming trial, that case is different from butler pennsylvania where you cannot prosecute a court, why would secret service not be more forthcoming if there is no pending criminal case, at least one that i am aware of. As you pointed out, there is absolutely no reason to conceal information and not be 100% transparent when it comes to butler but we also know the secret service in my dealings over my 25 years, they are not a transparent agency to begin with they are just not. They always want to protect their methods and they've gotten by on their mystique which may have deterred wouldbe assassins in the past, that mystique is gone and they're going to have to step up and be the protective agency that they were set up to be i think they have been off on a lot of different directions and i see rose stepping up in the hearings and blaming it on the locals and blaming it on lack of resources, it is neither it is 100% leadership. Trey: the blaming of the locals, that is wrong, it is unfair and wrong and it's a secret service job to protect the protect the if you were leading the questioning of the invest investigation, what rocks would you look under, what stones would you turnover to get the answers if you were part of this investigation. Ever talking about butler i would want the operation plan there has to be one and i want to see who signed off on it the hierarchy apparently as we went to the hearings there was more than one operational plan but no one operational plan and i want to understand why the secret service feels like they can't roll up their sleeves, get off the podium and go work embedded with state and local officers were the auto protection detail, why do they think they are a bodyguard service as opposed to an overall protection service because i see them not wanting to mix it up with the locals and not wanting to embed and send counter surveillance to work with them, not wanting to have a joint command post, i actually think we need to look hard at why they can't seem to work well with state and local agencies these days. Trey: forwarded to me is different i know i'm a minority and i was when i was in congress but when there is pending charges, that makes a difference. Where is the balance between protecting prosecution that are ongoing and sharing information with congress. As you know as a former u. S. Attorney when there is a pending prosecution there are pretty strict policies and guidelines of talking about the case in general. You want to make sure any witness that you talk to has independent recollection as opposed to having read something or seen something in the media you want to make sure you're not tainting future. Polls in both of us as attorneys i think we both see why you want to protect certain information, there is generic information and questions that they can answer behind closed doors and closed session so the regulators, the people that fund their budget understand why they do what they do or why they don't do certain things, we don't need to know you and i don't need to know but congress should be able to know at this point. Trey: before i let you go i ran is actively trying to kill active leaders what is the best way to protect those that are the object of assassination attempts. Trey: just some commentary to begin with i don't know why we gave iran hundreds of billions of dollars to fund terrorism against us, our intelligence agency has to step it up we have to uncover the plots and make sure that we have the 18 protecting former president trump yet not the apathetic complacent agency that we've seen over the last two incidents, the absolutely have to step up their game and they have a little bit because of the scrutiny on them but we have to step up our game against iran and treat them i adversary that they are instead of appeasing them no other country would let a country get away with this a statesponsored assassination attempt. Trey: no and negotiate in the process, they would be ostracized, special agent thank you for your service to our country first of all and thank you for joining us on a sunday night. Thank you. Coming up religious leaders are trying to lower the temperature and polling places before this november election. You should be able to vote in peace at a minimum, next on sunday night in america. ♪ when it comes to amgen's lifechanging medical breakthroughs, every second counts. But without investment, those breakthroughs are often paused. Citi's seamlessly connected banking, markets and services businesses, deliver global financial solutions. So our client can keep investing in innovations for patients around the world. Without pause. For the love of moving our clients forward. For the love of progress. Subject 1: who's coming in the driveway? subject 2: dad! dad, we missed you! daddy, hi! subject 3: i missed you. My daughter is being treated for leukemia. Subject 2: mom, mom, mom, mom. Subject 3: i hope that she lives a long, great, happy life and that she will never forget how mom and daddy love her. St. Jude, this is what's keeping my baby girl alive. Subject 4: this september, you can join the battle to save lives during childhood cancer awareness month by supporting st. Jude children's research hospital. For just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. Subject 5: cancer makes me feel angry, not in the feel on the outside, just the inside. I'm angry at it. [music playing] subject 6: when your kid is hurting and there's nothing you can do about it, that's the worst feeling in the world. [music playing] subject 4: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. [music playing] subject 7: those that donate to st jude, i hope that you will continue to give. They have done so much for me and my family. [music playing] subject 4: join with your debit or credit card now and we'll send you this st. Jude tshirt that you can proudly wear. Subject 8: [speaking spanish] subject 9: are you ready to go have some fun? subject 10: yeah! subject 9: yay! subject 11: when we came here, we didn't know what tomorrow would hold. St. Jude showed us that tomorrow, there's hope for our little girl to survive. [music playing] subject 4: let's cure childhood cancer together. Please donate now. [music playing] welcome back robust debate has been is up planted by threat to violence, contrast has been replaced with conflict. How do we end this cycle? how can we disagree without threat? religious leaders call trying to keep the peace during voting, training themselves and others to deescaconescalate and provide calm at polling sites, welcome to you ms. Banks, how did we get here and how do we get out of this cycle. I have to say service has been around for 90 years, when we started we were dealing with public understanding of religion. And now, we're dealing with some of the same situations, there are clergy and others who are working to try to keep the peace. I have written about a multifaith and racial coalition it is training clergy and lay people and people of no faith to be as you said poll chaplains or peacekeepers at the polls this election season, they are people from grassroots who want to do something and help people, they are having training sessions and webinars 500 people have been trained and certified, so they will be addy to go out ready go out to be a peaceful presence. I have friends who would never vote for me. We have different views on size and scope and role of gover government. But the friendship remains, we can't have contrast caught conflict, we can befriends with people who vote for different candidates. That is what people who are leading these efforts believe, they focus on their particular beliefs, everyone is in made in the image of god, should have right to freedomy vote as they wish. That is what they are trying to do is turn down the temperature, a talked with a leader about whether they care about you know what party people are affiliated with, she said absolutely not, they are trying to help anyone that want to help people to get to vote as they believe. You know i'm not religious scholar that you are, i am pretty sure that jesus lost a voice vote to a guy names b barabas s got in charge. I don't think that god surprised at election results. Did a ser survey that asked about these questions, more than half of a thousand people, said they will pray before they vote on election day. And even larger percentage, 57% of millennials say they would pray before voting on election day, that is an interesting finding, often people think that millennials are concerned whether they will vote at all, and if they care, if they are praying about it they must care about it, there is a tie between re election and religious faith. I will pray for a short polling line. So i don't have to wait for hours. But thank you, and others who are willing to that is a difficult day, for people who volunteer their time, to either be pollworkers or chaplains to keep the peace in this vibrant democracy, thank you on behalf of all of us. I'm reporting on them doing it, i appreciative of your asking me to tell you about it. God bless you. Thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, hope you have a great week ahead until next week you can find us online at gowdy america or trey gowdy podcast, good night from south carolina. ♪ ♪

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Everything In My Soul , Treatment , Saint , Place , Hope , Childhood Cancer , Partner , Saint Jude , Saint Jude Children S Research Hospital , 9 , 19 , Music Playing , Osteosarcoma , Hunter , My Name Is Hunter , Hero , Bone , Leg , Fighter , Jude You Don T , Catch , Here At St , Hero In The Fight Kristen My , Credit , Any , Treatment Costs , Debit Card , Saint Jude T Shirt , Children , Kids , Saint Jude Wouldn T , Let S Cure Childhood Cancer , Donors , Fox News Live , Florida , Power Rescue Efforts , The Storm , Carolinas , Hurricane Helene , Tennessee , Trouble , Supplies , Tens Of Thousands , Port Workers , Crews , Hardest , Roadblocks , Texas , Towns Asheville , Maine , Cargo Ports , Automation , Goods , Strike , Flow , Wages , Prices , Ban , Variety , Gulf Coast , America Israel , War Against Hamas For A Year , Meyer , Hostage , Intention , Jewish State , Men Women And Children , Lebanon , Discord , Cease Fire , Forces , Calls , Allies , Fear , Strikes , Impunity Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu , Hezbollah , Jake Sullivan , Director , Force , Cia , Secretary , Mr , North , Leadership , Judgment , Conflict , Standdown , Risk , Escalation , Israelis , Equivalent , Hamas , Secretary Austin , Regime , Hassan Nasrallah , Tens , Israel , Infrastructure , Thousands , Assistance , Israel Yearns , Model , Prosperity , Goal State , Part , Homes , Attacks , Side , Secretary Let , Savage Commenemiesand , On The Verge , Os , Murders , Agreements , Cusp , War Rages Everywhere , Friends , Adversaries Don T Fare , Resources , Cost , Pressure , Gulf States , Europe , Ukraine , Qasem Soleimani , Kinds , Cease Fires , Negotiations , Appeasement , Peace , Government Officials , Deterrence , Hostages , Deaths , Entity , Gaza , Muslims , Terrorism , Tehran , Administration , Term , Task , Words , Security , Human Capital , Pariah , History , Talent , Kill Israelis , Path , Ayatollah , Times , Butler Pennsylvania , Chris Walker , Hearing , Fbi , Attempted Murder , Jen Z , Jen Y , Jen X , The Jennifers , Help , Planning , Banker , Summer , Mobile App , Wealth Plan , Birthday , Portugal , Let S Go Whiskers , Solutions , Jens , Someone , Bank , Walk In Tub , Apartment , Chase , Touch Pad Control , Look , Warm Bath , Seat , Fast Fill Faucet , Fingertips , Safe Step , Safe Step Walk In Tub , 20 , Water Jets , Tub , Relieve Pain , Hydrotherapy System , Increase Mobility , Sleep , Skin , Microsoothe Advanced Air Therapy System Oxygenates , Ten , Information , Safety , Bathing , Tubs , Consultation , Obligation , Comforts , Hasn T , Copd , Trelegy , Medicines , Won T , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Airways , Breathing , High Blood Pressure , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Osteoporosis , Heart Condition , Breathing Problems , Eye , Pneumonia , Thrush , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Mouth , Swelling , What A Wonderful World , Secret Service , Answers , Assassination , Lawmakers , Pennsylvania , Lack , Partners , Command , Failures , Bureau , Report , Coordination , Butler , Threat , Failure , Standout , Site , Agency , Shame , Outsmarted , Disdain , Notice , Maneuver , Indictment Charging , Actors , Efforts , Hacking , Opponents , Nonpublic , Doj , Government , Material Support , Campaign , Material , Computer Fraud , Justice , Hackers , U S Media , Department Unsealed , Security Detail , Identity Theft , Wire Fraud , Plots , Un , Special Agent , Investigation , Assistant Director , Visa , Stop , Jordan , Trial , Court , 100 , Mystique , Dealings , Assassins , Methods , 25 , Protective Agency , Directions , Hearings , Locals , Invest Investigation , Questioning , Operation Plan , Stones , Turnover , Hierarchy , Work , Sleeves , Podium , Officers , Bodyguard Service , Protection , Auto Protection Detail , Agencies , Counter Surveillance , Command Post , Prosecution , Balance , Minority , Difference , Policies , Sharing , Guidelines , Recollection , Witness , Attorneys , Session , Regulators , Behind Closed Doors , Budget , Leaders , Commentary , Assassination Attempts , Object , Intelligence Agency , Billions , Hundreds , 18 , Game , Absolutely , Incidents , Scrutiny , Assassination Attempt , Process , Ostracized , Temperature , Minimum , Breakthroughs , Investment , Every Second Counts , Life Changing Medical Breakthroughs , Banking , Amgen , Citi , Love , Services , Investing , Businesses , Clients , Innovations , Patients , Pause , Progress , Client , Subject 1 , Dad , Daddy , Driveway , Daughter , Leukemia , 2 , 1 , Mom , Subject , Baby Girl , Supporting St , Jude Children S Research Hospital , 4 , Feel , Outside , 5 , 6 , St Jude , 7 , Jude T Shirt , Credit Card , Debit , Family , Subject 9 , Fun , Spanish , 8 , 10 , 11 , Little Girl , Contrast , Violence , Others , Banks , Polling Sites , Ms , Calm , Understanding , Religion , Situations , Training Clergy , Clergy , Coalition , Faith , Peacekeepers , Season , Poll Chaplains , Grassroots , Presence , Addy To Go Out , Training Sessions , Certified , 500 , Gover , Friendship , Size , Role , Scope , Remains , Views , Vote , Beliefs , Image , God , Voice Vote , Scholar , Jesus , Got In Charge , B Barabas , Election Day , Ser Survey , Election Results , Half , A Thousand , Millennials , Finding , Percentage , 57 , Tie , To , Pollworkers , Polling Line , Chaplains , Democracy , God Bless You , On Line , Sunday , Spending , Podcast , Water And Food , Food And Power , Trees Board , Unity And Survival , Urologist Adam Klotz , Fox Weather Center , Weather Center , Bit Cooler , Border And Migration , Vice President , Child Tax Credit , Tax Credit Warehousing , Credit Warehousing , Drivethrough Window , Tax Relief , Worlds Reserve Currency , Shape And Order , Manufacturing Renaissance , America Tax Rate , Business Tax Rate , North Carolina Governor , Carolina Governor , Governor Tori , Benson Show , Border Migration , Race Look , T Walz , Walz And Jd , Jd Vance , Week Or Neroli , Neroli Vp , Race Everything , Trump And Harris , Senate Race , Georgia Senate , Hurt Donald Trump , Coattail Effect , Election Anything , Trey Guy , Sky State , U. S. Senate Candidate , U. S. Senate , S. Senate Candidate , Senate Candidate , Candidate T Sheehy , T Sheehy , Trey Jon Tester , Reality Montana , Champion Policy , Xl Pipeline , Border And Flooding , Fentanyl And Cre , Party And Jon , Agenda And Montana , Cant Run , D. C. Media , C. Media , Cant Think , Hill Chuck Schumer , C. Swamp , H And Wrapping , Wrapping H , Everything Weve , Money Machine , Ticket Montana , Word Battle , York Mayor , News Contributor Paul , Contributor Paul Mauro , J. P. , J. P. Morgan Wealth , J. P. Morgan , P. Morgan Wealth , Morgan Wealth , Lawn App Today , App Today , Lawn Care , Site Pain , Rsv Vaccine , Fox News Contributor , News Contributor , York Pd , Radar Screen , City Century Status , Century Status , Finance Advisor , U. S. Attorney , S. Attorney , Grave Breach , Publics Trust , Congress Jump , Mcdonald Decision , Campaignfinance Stuff , Warrant Executed Phones , Governor Hochul , Point Governor Hochul , Trey Paul Mauro , Insight Both Law , Customizes Car Insurance , Doug And Lu , Lu Roll , Childhood Cancer Awareness , Cancer Awareness Month , Awareness Month , Childrens Research Hospital , Research Hospital , Saint Jude Partner , Jude Partner , Fighter Philip , St. Jude , Credit Or Debit , Saint Jude Tshirt , Jude Tshirt , Saint Jude Wouldnt , Jude Wouldnt , Cure Childhood Cancer , Stir Meyer , Tennessee Millions , Power Rescue , Asheville North Carolina , East And Gulf , Covers Hostage , Intention North , Punity Israel , Israel And Hezbollah , Thursday Benjamin , State Cia Director , Cia Director , Director And Fox , Mr. Secretary , Israelis Standdown , Peace And Prosperity , President Trump , Trey Mr. Secretary , Deterrence Model , Cabinet Level , Trump Administration , Trump And Butler , Fbi Assistant , Jen X. Jen Y. , Jen X. Jen , X. Jen Y. , Jen Y. , Jen Z. , Jen Y , Fill Faucet , Pad Control , Boost Energy , Air Therapy System , Therapy System , Obligation Consultation , Copd Hasnt , Beauty And Breath , Day And Night , Trelegy Wont , Blood Pressure , Mouth Or Tongue , Tongue Swelling , Eye Pain , President Trump Standout , Trump Standout , U. S. Secret Service , U. S. Secret , S. Secret Service , Shame And Disdain , O. J. , Confidence Information , S. Media , Justice Department , Fraud And Identity , Attorney Chris Walker , Chris Walker Welcome , Walker Welcome , Mr. Special Agent , Service Job , Cant Roll , Protection Detail , Protection Service , Temperature And Polling , November Election , Dad Dad , Mom And Daddy , Jude Childrens , Youll Help , Research And Treatment , Debit Or Credit , Yeah Subject , Yay Subject , Election Season , Size And Scope , Scope And Role , Gover Government , Names B , Gowdy America , America Or Trey , Trey Gowdy Podcast , Gowdy Podcast ,

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