Health Department Efficient With Vaccines
By Ed Parsons - Editor | Mar 3, 2021
The Wetzel/Tyler County Health Department has set the standard when it comes to getting the vaccine in the arms of area residents. They have been proficient in signing people up, and following through to make sure they get the second booster shot. Watching the long lines around the country, and seeing the problems people have experienced getting on the list for the vaccine, we are fortunate to live in a state where the process runs smoothly.
It’s the same thing when it comes to emergency services of any kind. Living in a rural area and small town America can be a plus. People still come first in Wetzel and Tyler County. While everything is not perfect, it is still far better than standing in food lines for hours for a box of groceries. It’s better to walk to the polling places to vote where the wait is 10-15 minutes at most, than standing for 8-10 hours just to cast your ballot.