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you didn't have to justify your vote to anybody. >> you know, ben, one of the interesting things, and i don't understand it, you know, coming from the defense side, and i think jose would back me up on, this there are certain cases you know in jury selection you're not going to be able to win the case. you know because of the dynamics and everything else, and you try that case to get a hung jury. i think when the prosecution had the two white jurors placed back into that jury box and they saw the composition of this case, if they really wanted to win it, they should have tried this case to hang it so they would have had another chance at a retrial. it's yet another, i think, black mark, if you will, on the prosecution in this case. i just can't say enough horrible things about the prosecution. >> let's jose weigh in on this, as well. go ahead. >> i any what we're getting is a window to what actually happened in the deliberation room. the jury asked for a clarification on the manslaughter instruction at the 11th hour. we have a good idea who was the juror specifically asking for this, and what's even worse was

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One , Vote , It , Things , Defense Side , Anybody , Ask Ben , Charlene Price , Cases , Jose , Jury Selection , Dynamics , Jurors , Retrial , Hung Jury , Composition , Prosecution , Jury Box , Chance , Everything Else , Two , Juror , Jury , Another , Manslaughter Instruction , Window , Idea , Deliberation Room , Weigh , Clarification , Black Mark , 11th Hour , Let , 11 ,

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