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1888. scientists have finally answered the question which has probably been eating away at them for ages. how many ants are on earth? the answer, 20 quadrillion. that is a 20 with 15 zeros after it. a number they describe as unimaginable. scientists from the university of hong kong analyzed almost 500 different studies to come up with that figure. if you took all the ants and put them on a scale, it would way more than all the mammals and birds on the planet, combined. can you believe that? once more, they say there are 2 1/2 million ants for every million human on earth. thank you for spending part of your day today. i am rosemary church. the news continues with christina mcfarland, next. have a great day.

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Ants , Scientists , Question , Ages , Answer , Earth , 20 Quadrillion , 1888 , 1888 Scientists , Number , Studies , Figure , University Of Hong Kong , 15 , 500 , 20 , Planet , Scale , Mammals , Birds , Human , Combined , 2 1 Million , Part , News , Rosemary Church , Spending , Christina Mcfarland ,

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