Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20131228:18:04:00

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to afford to destroy a moneymaker this big, that's what people are thinking are the reasons for a&e doing the 180 it's done on robertson's suspension. in a carefully worded wreck conciliatory statement yesterday here's how a&e tried to stop this flap over "duck dynasty." saying he and his family have publicly stated they regret the coarse language he used. he also made it clear he would never incite or encourage hate. "duck dynasty" is not a show about one man's views, it's a show about family, a family that america has come to love. they come together to reflect and pray for unity, tolerance and forgiveness. these are three values that we as a&e networks also feel strongly about. a lot of words in that statement. but no verbal reaction from phil or the family about his reenstatement on the show. but his son willie did tweet this though. back to work is how the tweet

Related Keywords

People , A E , Statement , Big , Reasons , Thinking , Moneymaker , Suspension , Ron Robertson , Wreck Conciliatory , 180 , Family , Duck Dynasty , Language , Flap , Show , Us , Views , Hate , Forgiveness , Tolerance , Unity , Values , One Man , Three , One , Lot , Work , Phil Robertson , Tweet , Words , Willie , Though , Reaction , Reenstatement ,

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