Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20101009:12:07:00

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warm temperatures in two-thirds of the country . not a cloud in sight in the eastern sea board. anywhere up toward maine and florida and central gulf and complete sunny skies. if you are doing the leaf peeping that clayton likes to do it is a beautiful day. pacific northwest your gloom is beginning and stick with you. >> not necessarily leaf peeping. thank you, rick . we'll talk about jobs. we have the new jobless numbers and they remain the same. attempt unemployment numbers remaining the same as august at 9.6 percent. jobless numbers down another 95,000 jobs and both sides are spinning the numbers . president obama is putting the positive spin on the numbers and otherwise his policy such

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Country , Temperatures , Leaf Peeping That Clayton , Eastern Sea Board , Maine , Sight , Gulf , Anywhere , Cloud , Sunny Skies , Florida , Two , Rick , Pacific Northwest , Stick , Gloom , Leaf Peeping , Jobs , Unemployment , Numbers , Same , 9 6 , Policy , President Obama Doesn T , Spin , Sides , 95000 ,

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