Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - KGO - 20101126:11:25:00

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a nose in need deserves new puffs ultra soft & strong indeed. when you prefer a lotion tissue, try puffs plus lotion. finally, you might imagine that people did a lot of surfing the web for thanksgiving recipes this week. and searches for the best black friday sales were pretty popular too. >> well, what else are americans buzzing about? yahoo!'s trend expert, pam woon, joins us now with all the latest details on that. hey, pam. >> good morning. and happy black friday. thanksgiving is over, and the official start of the holiday shopping season is upon us, so let the bargain hunting begin. the brick and mortar stores will be bustling today. for sure in fact the term black friday actually means the day retailers start going into the black and making some money. now in actual fact in the

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