But a new poll shows trump is still leading the way. And clawing her way into the record books. The Young American attempting to become the first woman to conquer one of the deadliest climbs in the world. Right now. 6,000 feet of sheer stone. Im kind of scared. Actually really scared. Shes talking to us from the mountain this morning. How she says shes not stopping until she reaches the top. No. We do say good morning, america. We were saying happy friday eve. This is friday for amy. Its friday for some of us. Just sayin. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not to rub it in or anything. Not at all. You wouldnt want to do that. It is a very busy thursday morning. We want to get right to the devastation overseas. The massive explosions rocking one of chinas biggest cities. We want to show you the view from above. Drone footage of the aftermath. Look at that. Just incredible, robin. These images emerging of the People Racing to rescue survivors this morning. A Police Officer carrying that man to safety. Thousands forced to flee. And look at this. A row of cars completely burned out. Just the shells remain. Completely covered in debris. Bob woodruff is on the scene for us this morning. Bob, good morning. Reporter good morning, david. You can see the smoke. Toxic chemicals behind me. This morning, the rescuers are desperately searching for the wreckage, 6,000 of them, looking for any survivors of this dave stating blast. This deafening explosion rocking this major city illuminating the night sky. The horror beginning just before 11 00 p. M. A fire at a warehouse storing Hazardous Material in the chinese port city of tianjin. Firefighters rushing in. 30 minutes later. Two massive explosions. This man caught on surveillance at the moment of the impact. At least 44 people dead, 12 of them firefighters. Chaotic scenes as the hundreds of wounded flood hospitals around the city. This morning, the death toll is rising. [ sirens blaring ] rescuers racing against the clock to find survivors. That could still be trapped under all of this debris. This man showed us where he was struck in the back with shrapnel. You were hit by it . On the streets, the damage is stunning. Charred cars. Semi trucks, wheels melted off. Buses decimated. A mile away from the blast, top floors filled with shattered windows. Oh, my god. And this is where the workers were sleeping last night. Let me take you 360 degrees around. This is like ground zero. All of these homes of the Migrant Workers destroyed. Shattered, torn to the ground. Cell phone video from a highrise capturing the massive fireball in the night sky shows just how farreaching the eruption was. It is estimated to be equivalent to 21 tons of dynamite. Could be felt up to six miles away. Monica andrews, an american canadian, living in tianjin, describing the moment of impact. I could just feel my whole building shake. I thought it was an earthquake. Reporter they dont know what caused these explosions. Just a short while ago, we saw another plume of smoke. As for the huge blasts last night, so powerful theyve been registered as earthquakes. David . That is incredible. All right, bob. We appreciate it. And we are thinking of everybody there. Now to the announcement of the former president , jimmy carter. The 90yearold revealing he has cancer. Martha raddatz is in washington with more. Good morning, martha. Reporter president carter has remained so active and so engaged in his humanitarian work, its easy to forget hes 90 years old and more vulnerable to cancer than most of us. Former president jimmy carter making the grave announcement in a statement that he has cancer, and it has spread. Our 39th president saying, recent liver surgery revealed that i have cancer that now is in other parts of my body. Carter did not announce the type of cancer. His father and three siblings all died of pancreatic cancer. Carter has previously said doctors have been monitoring him for the disease for years. He sat down with george just last month. You know, you recently said that you and rosalynn are prepared in a religious and psychological way for what comes next. Thats true. How do you get there . Im not eager to get there. First of all, im just as active as i was 25 or 30, 40 years ago. Ill be 91 in october. My travel capability and my vigor, physical vigor will die down. Ill have more time with rosalynn at home. Make a full life more full. I think so. Its been the best part of my life. Reporter overnight, messages of hope pouring in for the peanut farmer from plains, georgia, turned champion of human rights. President obama releasing a statement, jimmy, youre as resilient as they come. And along with the rest of america, we are rooting for you. We are, indeed. President carter says hell rearrange his busy schedule to undergo treatment and will provide more information when facts are known. Possibly next week. Robin and david . Incredible to see that recent interview with george and just how active he is in his early 90s. Were pulling for him. We are. We turn now to donald trump feeling the heat this morning. Being the frontrunner. The first attack ad of the campaign targeting trump. Showing him praising democrats, including Hillary Clinton. But the newest polls shows nothing seems to be slowing his momentum. Jon karl in Marthas Vineyard this morning where president obama is vacationing. Jon, good morning. Reporter good morning, david. Trump may be facing new attacks this morning. But he continues to defy political gravity. The latest polls show him with a commanding lead in the early primary states. Its the first attack ad against donald trump of the 2016 campaign. In many cases, i probably identify more as a democrat. It just seems that the economy does better under the democrats. Reporter senator rand paul aimed squarely at the frontrunner, using trumps own words against him. The donalds reaction . He swatted away paul in an interview on cnn. Hes failing in the polls. Hes weak on the military. I think hes a far better doctor than a senator. Hes a mess. Theres no question about it. Reporter so far, attacking trump has been a ticket to oblivion. The two that hit him hardest, rick perry and Lindsey Graham are at the bottom of the polls. Teflon trump is still on top. Polls since this controversial performance at last weeks debate, trump holds a commanding lead. In iowa, trump at 22 . With dr. Ben carson in second at 14 . Previous iowa favorite, scott walker, is now in third. While trump fends off his republican rivals, on wednesday, jeb bush lashed out at the democratic frontrunner. You have Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, dealing with confidential information. With classified information, thinking it was okay to use a private server . Reporter Hillary Clinton has now reportedly turned over that private email server that she refused to turn over for so long to the justice department. That happened yesterday, were told. Meanwhile, you have new polls, david, in New Hampshire and iowa, that showed that hillary is facing a tough challenge from her longshot challenger, bernie sanders. Those numbers tightening. Jon karl in Marthas Vineyard, thanks. Now to the toxic Chemical Spill in colorado. The head of the epa on the scene claiming the water is back to normal. The agency is facing a possible lawsuit. And businesses that rely on the rivers are hurting. Kayna whitworth is in durango for us again this morning. Good morning, kayna. Reporter robin, good morning. Its a little bit eerie, because you look behind me, that river looks vastly different than a week ago. I want to show you something. Just underneath the surface, you can see clearly these toxic heavy metals building up. The epa is testing the water for 27 different met talls, including mercury. The attorneys general of colorado, utah and new mexico, speaking out overnight about the accidental release of 3 million gallons of chemicals into the river. Saying they are considering taking legal action. This is not the end of the story. Damage sometimes doesnt show up for months or even years. The epa does take full responsibility. Reporter this, as epa officials on site and in full damage control mode, showing early tests show vast improvement. The Colorado Department of Public Health now clearing facilities to pull from the amimis river again. The mustard yellow color fading. The danger still present. Im more than 40 miles downstream from the mine where the spill happened seven days ago. It doesnt take much to kick up the toxic heavy metals, like lead and arsenic. Summers are short here. Local businesses that make their living on the river are hurting. Were losing about 25 of our season right now. Reporter while the overall environmental effects unknown, the epa telling abc news, they know the water is flowing to lake powell and they have boats testing it and keeping people out. Lake Powell Holding more than 4 trillion gallons of water, which would dwarf this spill. That is not making people feel better. The epa saying we might not have test results until sunday. Kayna whitworth in colorado this morning. Thanks. We turn now to the young couple about to board a flight for their socalled honeymoon and then it stopped and charged with trying to get to it syria instead. The 20yearold daughter of a war veteran and Police Officer and her new husband being held without bail. Friends stunned and the family is speaking out this morning. Steve osunsami has the story. Reporter good morning, david. That Police Officers department is underlining he had nothing to do with his daughters issues. This morning, were learning more about the young couple federal prosecutors say were ready to swear allegiance and join isil. Investigators say that 20yearold jaelyn young was seen here graduating high school in the top of her class was offering to work for terrorists in syria as a medic. Shes one of my friends. I know the kind of person that she is. And this doesnt make any sense reporter her father is a u. S. Veteran with tours in iraq and afghanistan. He currently works in the Vicksburg Police k9 unit. In a statement, police say the family is devastated and had no knowledge of or involvement in jaelyns plans. Close friends of the family and her new husband are speaking out, too. This is something thats like being hit between the eyes with a 2 by 4. Your eyes are still blinking and your head is still shaking but the pain hasnt set in yet. Thats where they are right now. Reporter dennis hartman, an attorney, says hes known 22yearold muhammad dakhlolla for years. The parents first learned the son was in trouble when the fbi showed up at their door and asked to look into his room. Shocked. Stunned. All but immobilized. They had no idea he was heading to turkey. Reporter they expected their son to start grad school this week. And not sitting in jail. We reached out to lawyers for the couple who had not commented yet. They have not yet entered a plea. Police tell us that the parents of this couple are cooperating with their investigation. David . I cant imagine the shock for these families. Steve osunsami, thanks. Want to get to amy with other breaking headlines. Good morning. Were talking about isis. Its just claimed responsibility for a massive truck bombing at a food market in baghdad. At least 62 people killed. The explosion rocking a shiite neighborhood. 125 people were wounded. Meanwhile, new video as u. S. Fighter jets launched the first air strikes from Southern Turkey against isis targets in neighboring syria. A new phase in the air campaign. Against the terror group. Here at home, millions of drivers will see a big spike in gas prices today. A problem at a refinery in indiana means gas has to be shipped in. From further away and prices could rise by as much as a dollar per gallon in the chicago area. Some terrifying moments overnight during this concert at a minneapolis nightclub. A 30foot section of the ceiling collapsed, sending water pouring on to the floor. About 1,000 people were inside the club. Thankfully, only three people were injured. It is the same club where part of the prince movie purple rain was filmed. In florida, this truck carrying a load of cars burst into flames on interstate 95. The initial fire setting off a series of explosions there. You can hear them there. The truck driver managed to unhitch his cab. He escaped without getting hurt. And finally, forget the breakfast of champions. How about the beer of champions . Or you could have a boozy breakfast. Wheaties is teaming up with a brewery in minnesota to make this new beer, called hefewheaties. Made from the wheat, just like the german brew. So far its only been sold in minnesota. No word if any famous athletes will grace the can. This is my two cents. Strahan with the whole germany connection. And i know you like beer . So when i show up here and im talking well, i just had wheaties this morning. Whats the problem . I dont know what happened. Can you bring me a wheaties, too . I got you. Now to the latest round in deflategate. Tom brady and Roger Goodell facing off in federal court. The judge grilling both sides. Getting the league to admit there is no socalled smoking gun tying brady to the deflated footballs. Ryan smith has been tracking this story from the beginning. Reporter good morning, robin. Deflategate going from the field to the courtroom. Commissioner Roger Goodell and tom brady letting their lawyers do the talking, while the judge pushing for a settlement, probing the nfl with tough questions about the evidence against brady and asking bradys team about why the star destroyed his phone. This morning, Quarterback Tom Brady and nfl commissioner Roger Goodell, locked in battle over the stars fourgame suspension for deflategate. The heavyweight matchup taking place in new york court. While tom brady was greeted by camera clicks and words of support. Nfl chief Roger Goodell, had a different sort of welcome. Judge Richard Berman hearing the appeal filed by brady and the nfl players union, saying hes still mulling legal issues in the case but admitting hes having trouble finding evidence brady was part of a conspiracy to deflate footballs, saying, imanswer not sure where the gate comes from. And grilling nfl lawyers. Asking, is there any direct evidence linking of brady to deflating . The league saying there may not be a smoke gun, but there is evidence of culpability. Judge berman attacked the nfl today and tried to soften up the league in an effort to see if the league is willing to settle. Those talks ongoing. Reporter the judge, testing bradys side, too. Asking the fourtime super bowl champions lawyers why brady destroyed his cell phone during the investigation. His lawyer claiming he often gets new phones to protect his privacy but conceding it could have been done in a different way. Brady is eligible to play in the first preseason game today. But if his suspension is upheld, he wont play in the regular season until october 18th. Now, if both sides cant reach a settle inmement in the next six, theyre back in court next wednesday to argue their case for another round of an already bruising fight. All right. Ryan. In your report, you had those courtroom stretches and michael is over in the social square now. Those courtroom sketches of tom brady are drawing a bit of attention, wouldnt you say . Just a little bit. No cameras were allowed in the courtroom. We relied on sketch artist Jane Rosenberg to do those lightning fast drawings of brady in the courtroom. That might explain why tom brady looked like this. It was a twitter meme touchdown no pun intended for more than 130,000 mentions in just 24 hours. Heres brady compared to lurch from the addams family. I see the resemblance. Here he is shown off the field in this famous shot from thriller. I thought that was michael jackson. And the more popular one, and superimposed in the painting the scream. Probably how brady felt when he saw the sketch. The artist, jane, came back. Apologized to fans for not making brady as handsome as he really is. She truly is an accomplished artist. Maybe not her best day. Maybe she went for the zombie look. Right. I think tom brady has bigger issues than how he looks. Its everywhere online. This morning, everybody is talking about it. Its funny. Mt. Rushmore. Did you see that one . Just add it to the list. All right. We got some strong storms, too. Look at the hail. You brought the hail back. I promised you, amy. Northern plains. Northern great lakes. Thats where we saw the biggest hail and bigger than baseballsized. Concentrated. More than 50 severe storm reports. Most in northwestern minnesota. That will move to the east today. The heat in bakersfield. Bringing you a dust devil. And one composite shot of the perseid meteor shower. Had to get that out there. Beautiful. Hello. The forecast for today you can see the marine layer clouds. Slow sunshine, breezy, and our last mild day as the opp and we have much more ahead this thursday morning. Real estate wars. The luxury realtors allegedly targeted by a competitor who tried to blackmail them. For nearly a Million Dollars. And distracted lifeguards. Our team on the lookout. From social media to sleep. It could be taking your eyes off the quid kids. We have an optical test for you at home with paula faris next. Good morning, america. With paula faris next. Hurry in to the lowes Summer Savings event for great deals, like 5 to 20 off paint and primer, select stain and sealant, and resurfacers, plus light bulbs only 4. 98 dont miss out on summers biggest savings at lowes. My opis slowing my insides to a crawl. Millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioidinduced constipation, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. Oic is a different type of constipation. Opioids block pain signals, but they can also block activity in the bowel. Im really struggling to find relief. Ready to paint a different picture . Yes talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. I can do that someim here to help embway dothink differently. Flavor. You know that sandwich you always get . I can make it even better. You ever try this toasted with monterrey cheddar . You know what, why not. Ok how about we spice this up a little bit . That sounds amazing. Lets rock this sandwich together. Subway. Eat fresh. In my bakery, i see customers every day. But some days, i felt like all they saw was my acne, not me. I couldnt believe i still had acne. So i went to aczone. Com, found a dermatologist, and asked her about aczone® dapsone gel. Together, we decided aczone® gel was right for me and my acne got better. Acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. Fortunately, your doctor can prescribe aczone® gel, fda approved for the topical treatment of acne and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. Talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. Use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. The most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness, redness, oiliness, and peeling of treated skin. Now you could pay no more than 10 for aczone® gel. Get your coupon and learn more at aczone. Com aczone® gel. Prescription treatment. Proven results. Announcer now, from abc 7 news. Good morning, im eric thomas. We continue to follow breaking news out of san jose, an Early Morning homicide. Officers were called just before 1 00 a. M. Reports of a person shot. When police got there, they found a man suffering from one gunshot wound. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead. No arrests have been made and the identity of the victim has not been released. We are on 880 on mobile 360. Traffic is looking decent in the northbound direction. Southbound side moving along, but pockets of slowing. Lets go to the map and show you where the sig alert is. Here is a look at northbound 680. Big rig delays off the bridge. Leyla, thank you very much. Welcome to fort green sheets. Welcome to castle bravestorm. Its full of cool stuff, like my second in command. And my trusty bow. And free of stuff i dont like. And in my castle we only eat chex cereal. Chex cereal. Its full of delicious crunchability. No artificial flavors, and its glutenfree. And thats something even my brother. Sister can understand. Mom, brian threw a ball in the house vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. El nino came out this morning. The temperatures are warming now than 1997 at this time. A 90 chance of it lasting through the winter and 85 chance of it lasting through the spring. Well keep an eye on that and the excessive heat this weekend. Eric . Thank you very much, mike. Coming up, the focus on everything but your kids sayty. Blowing the whistle on life guards distracted by cell phones. Good morning, america. On this thursday morning. Right now, still searching for survivors from those devastating explosions at a warehouse in china. Dozens of people were killed. Neighborhoods destroyed. The blast registering on the richter scale. I still cant get over those pictures. Hillary clintons turned over the email server she used as secretary of state to the fbi. The investigation into those topsecret emails, ramping up. And did you hear about this a big change coming up on sesame street. Pbs is discontinuing the onehour version of the show this fall, replacing it with new halfhour episodes. Aw. 3yearolds and their attention span. Maybe theyll watch more of it. As we say good morning, america, were still two hours of fun. Much more to get to including the terrifying ordeal at sea for the teen whose jet ski broke down. Started sinking. He was bobbing in the water for hours. What he did saved his life and well get to that coming up here. We begin this half hour with real estate wars taken to an extreme. A miami beach realtor arrested. Accused of trying to extort hundreds of thousands of dollars from two rivals. Mara schiavocampo is here with the story. Good morning, mara. Reporter those brokers some of the top in the country, saying they are still shaken from the ordeal, and that he threatened to ruin them, if they didnt cut a check. Theyre the megabroker duo behind some of south floridas most glamorous, highend property listings. The most people buying and selling a property is the biggest investment theyre going to make in their entire life. Reporter this morning, the luxe realtors known as the jills, seemingly a target of bizarre criminal plot. My name is kevin tomlinson. Reporter Officials Say this man, a rival realtor, allegedly tried to extort them for almost 1 million. Court documents say he filed a complaint for ethics violations against both of them accusing them of hiding homes they were having a hard time selling. He reportedly told the jills he could resolve the complaint and make it go away for 500,000. Later increasing it to 800,000. Adding if they didnt pay, he would hit the nuclear button, making his complaint front page news to ruin their reputations. The jills alerting authorities to the alleged extortion attempt and when police went to his miami beach penthouse, a violent showdown. Tomlinson allegedly resisting arrest. He reportedly grabbed the handle of an officers firearm in an attempt to gain control of it. The 48yearold realtor seen bruised in his mug shot. The world of Luxury Real Estate can be notoriously cut throat. Youre a [ bleep ] disgrace. Reporter as seen in shows like Million Dollar listing. Hes now fighting charges. In a statement, tomlinsons Attorney Says the charges are baseless. He plans to plead not guilty to any eventual charges. Tomlinson is free on bond. And has been fired from sothebys. David . We turn now to a story that affects your money. The beauty queen arrested for allegedly pretending to have cancer. Part of a scheme to raise tens of thousands of dollars from people like you at home. Gio benitez has the story. Reporter this morning, a former beauty queen is accused of an ugly act. Behind bars because police say she faked having cancer. 23yearold brandi lee weavergates crowned miss pennsylvania u. S. International after years of allegedly selecting tens of thousands in donation money all to treat stage 2 leukemia but investigators say she never had cancer. Who would do that . Ive been doing this for about 14 years and ive never seen Something Like this. Reporter the investigating officer seen here arresting weavergates. On facebook, invitations to fundraisers like this one. Bingo for brandi. And photos showing her bald and wearing a mask as far back as 2013. Allegedly holding at least four major fundraisers. Her last fundraiser alone, in april of this year, they raised between 13,000 and 14,000 for her. Reporter 14,000 . Yes. Reporter police say she lied to her family. Making her sister drive her to fake appointments at johns hopkins. At one point, she drafted a fake medical bill from the hospital. If true, the charges of theft by deception and receiving stolen property could keep her locked up for 14 years. Shes not entered a plea yet. The organizers of miss pennsylvania u. S. International, already stripping her of her title, saying she must return that sash and crown. For Good Morning America, gio benitez, abc news, belfont, pennsylvania. You do not want to know what we all think. Yeah. Wow. What youre thinking at home. Exactly what youre thinking at home. Now, the incredible survival story. A young man trapped on the water at sea. After his jet ski broke down. Clinging to a buoy all night long. While waiting for help. Phillip mena has the story. Were looking for one person. Reporter a day at sea turned terrifying. 19yearold dylan gowen was traveling from coney island to new jersey tuesday afternoon when his jet ski broke down 4 miles off shore and started sinking. Hes supposed to come into this beach . Yeah, affirmative. Reporter the quickthinking teenager, removed his heavy clothing, swimming to a buoy for shelter. And trying to flag down passing boats overnight. I was yelling, screaming, waiving my hands. They couldnt see me. Reporter as soon as the sun rose, the teen, who is a junior firefighter trained in water rescue, decided to swim to shore. The coast guard spotting him 30 minutes into his swim, dehydrated and showing signs of hypothermia, but alive. I ran to the ambulance i just hugged him. It was very good. Im very happy that my son came home today. I had a smile on me from ear to ear as soon as i saw that boat. It was the most amazing thing. Reporter for Good Morning America, phillip mena, abc news, new york. Mm, mm, mm. Some kind of reunion with that mom. Time for ginger again. You have interesting video out of phoenix. We had storms in phoenix. We just got this time lapse in. You have to see it. It is time lapse of the lightning. You can see the planes coming into the airport there, just had to show that. Today, phoenixs headline moves to head. Excessive heat warning. Close to 113. The excessive heat warnings and watches stretch into the santa monica mountains. We have red flag warnings and watches from reno up through boise. Good morning. Look at the cloud cover out there. That means less sunshine for all of us today and mild temperatures. 66 at the coast. 88 inland. My sevenday forecast increasing sunshine and warmth. All that weather brought to you by macys. Ive been talking about the extreme heat in the deep south. This shows it. Corpus christi, texas. Thats a tahoe. You have the label. It started to melt. Days after days of 100s. A good reason to hit the pool. Yes. And get cooled off. Im saying this because our paula faris is poolside this morning. And on the lookout. Paula . Thats right, robin. Coming up, distracted lifeguards putting lives at risk in the pool and at the beach. You wont believe how many drownings happen when a lifeguard is present. Well have a live demonstration next on gma. [ male announcer ] give extra. Get extra. Padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. Helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. Advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. vo whatscorn . Dog foods first ingredient . Wheat . In new purina one true instinct grain free, real chicken is always 1. No corn, wheat or soy. Support your active dogs whole body health with purina one. Sprint asks, what makes a grewe need 4 lines. And data. A lot of data. How about 4 lines with 10 gigs of data to share for 100 bucks . 100 dollars . Really . Yup, thats way less than verizon or at t and more than double the highspeed data of tmobile. 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She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. It is 7 41. Were back with gma on the lookout. This morning, the dangers of distracted lifeguards. Just because there is one on duty doesnt mean your kids are safe. For every second their eyes are off the water, someones lives could be in danger. Paula faris has the story from bedford hills, new york. Reporter good morning, lara. Already one too many tragedies this summer. At the pool and at the beach. Many times this is lapping when the lifeguard is on the job and their eyes are not on the water. Watch as this onduty lifeguard takes his eyes off the water to pour a bucket of it over beachgoers. The confrontation escalating to this physical fight. Call 911 reporter experts say it happens too often. Lifeguards distracted. Are you a lifeguard . Reporter this guard was fired after being found lounging in the shade while on duty. Even bringing her infant, seen here in this car seat, with her to work. Arent you supposed to be watching the water . In the same way you wouldnt expect a Health Care Provider to go ahead and be fooling around, you wouldnt expect a lifeguard to be doing that either. Reporter adding to the distraction, social media. Gma finding dozens of pictures and videos of what appear to be onduty lifeguards posting selffist and videos of their pools, this caption reading sneaking my phone while guarding. Everyone is accountable for their actions. Reporter larry newell is with a company that certifies lifeguards and conducts undercover safety audits like this one, catching lifeguards listening to music, even on their phone while guarding. That second or two seconds that theyre distracted from the water could mean somebodys life. Reporter almost 1 in 5 children who drown in pools do so with a lifeguard present. Children like 13yearold ricky harris, seen here on Surveillance Footage getting into a pool at camp and never making it out. One lifeguard is in the stand. Another appears to be on a computer. Ricky going unnoticed at the bottom of that pool for more than ten minutes. Paramedics rushing in. Theyre too late. His family is suing the transylvania university, the camp operator, and the two lifeguards. Saying they were grossly negligent. All defendants say their thoughts and prayers remain with the family but they deny any wrongdoing and told the court the lifeguard on the computer was on break. Many lifeguards are 15, 16 years old. They make mistakes. We know this. Reporter thats why newell says even if a lifeguard is on duty, parents need to keep an eye on their kids. We try to explain to everybody, lifeguards arent babysitters. Reporter if you catch a distracted lifeguard, speak up. All it takes is couple of seconds for a lifeguard to lose focus. And miss a swimmer in distress. There are 31 swimmers in the pool. Lets say i want to take a quick selfie, hey, there, everybody. Im posting this lifeguard selfie to my instagram account. This isnt taking long. In those moments, where my eyes were on the phone, they were not on the pool. Do you see this swimmer at the bottom of the pool in distress, waving his arms now . Lara, i had no idea. Wow. Thats really something, paula, thank you. So heartbreaking to see that little boy. Thank you, paula. We want to thank the town of bedford rec and Park Department for helping with that demonstration. So important, all eyes on the pool. At all times. Definitely got to Pay Attention now. Coming up, the young woman trying to make history, taking on the socalled murder wall. One of the most difficult climbs in the world. Well hear from her when we come back next. Go big or go home putting it off. Its daunting. What if i make the wrong choice . Its like, if i buy a tshirt and then change my mind i can return it. But a car . You dont reeeaaa eeeeeaaaaaly know until youve driven it a few days. I just want to be sure. As long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. Abc, its easy as 123 as simple as doremi abc, 123 baby you and me 123 baby you and me, yeah its easy to get it all, big and small at target. Com im gonna teach you how to sing it out come on, come on, come on, come let me tell you what its all about. Hey marc. How you feeling . Dont ask. This is what it can be like to have shingles, a painful, blistering rash. I never thought this would happen to me. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. I know he must feel uncomfortable with that rash around his eye. Your immune system weakens as you get older, and it loses its ability to keep the shingles virus in check. Im going to go back to the eye doctor tomorrow. Its pretty close to my eye. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days. I dont know how you do it. Dont wait until you or someone you care about develops shingles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Quicker smarter earlier fresher harder and yeah, even on sundays. If thats not what you think of when you think of the United States postal service, watch us deliver. Therthat can be serious,ere. Even fatal to infants. Its whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. All right. Back now with that extreme athlete out to make history. Trying to become the first woman ever to scale the murder wall, one of the most dangerous and deadly climbs in the world. Look at that. Reena ninan has the story. Reporter the eiger, no ordinary mountain. They call it the murder wall. 6,000 feet of deathdefying limestone in the swiss alps. Known for frequent avalanches and sliding rocks. One of the worlds most dangerous peaks. Theres the eiger. Shining in its daunting gloriousness. Reporter and this morning, 22yearold sasha digiulian, a Columbia University student, is set to claw her way into the record books. Aiming to become the first woman ever to conquer the peak. If i achieve this, i have proved to myself that something i didnt know was possible was possible. Yes whoo reporter but this mountain is different. She admits. Im kind of scared. Actually really scared. These other two climbers were here. Last night, one of them was telling me how his friend was climbing here and he died. And i was like, holy [ bleep ]. Like, thats i mean, that could totally happen to us. Reporter by day, sasha climbs. By night, camping on the edge of the cliff. Shes on track to reach the summit in the next week. For Good Morning America, reena ninan, abc news, new york. Good for her. Wishing her the best. Oh, yeah. And thank you, reena, for the story. When we come back at the top of the hour, the latest on the days big headlines. Also, the modern family teen star opening up about the surgery that changed her life. Coming up Good Morning America deals steals brought to you by bank of america. Use your bank of america credit card for these deals and earn cash back. Credit card for these deals and earn cash back. To make Peanut Butter so deliciously creamy. It always makes the home team cheer. Thats why choosy moms and dads choose jif. It always makes the home team cheer. I to the acidity in any foods. Ht never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. He told me to use pronamel. Its going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. Irresistibly crispy bacon, of enticingly tender turkey, and deliciously rich guacamole together on freshly baked bread for one truly amazing sandwich the new subway turkey bacon guacamole. Only at subway. Thisits all about os, new pant styles that take you places. So go long go lean go bold go wide go chic go flirty the new pant collection at chicos find your perfect pair only at chicos and chicos. Com [music] jackies heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Jills gobbling up our new birds eye teriyaki broccoli. And look ben is going for more buffalo cauliflower. Everybodys a veggie lover now. What do you think . Mind blown. New birds eye flavor full. So veggie good. Announcer now, from abc 7 news. Good morning, im eric thomas. Breaking news out of san jose. A man with a gunshot wound. He died at the hospital. Theres no motive at the time. No arrests have been made. The identity of the victim has not been released. Check out the weather, mike. We have fog, one mile visibility in santa rosa, one in petaluma and three in napa. 71 in san francisco, mid80s inland east bay. Here is the heat especially saturday and sunday. Leyla . We have a big accident here. You are going to be caught in a jam at geneva avenue involving an overturned vehicle. Look at the slowing. 18 miles per hour. This is the time to head to sf. It is going to take 30 minutes. Eric . Thank aa chance to try somethinglook. Different. This summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. Take advantage of our summer offers. Get this low mileage lease on select ats models, in stock the longest, for around 269 per month. Notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside. Its stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. Whoa whoa. Slow down. What . I said steak. In a breakfast burrito . I cant keep up. This is advanced burrito, right . This is intro to burrito. Boom. Jacks new steak egg breakfast burritos got tender, juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. Lookin for a basic burrito . This aint it. The story of my life good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. And the modern family star opening up about her health battle. Ariel winter revealing why she was in so much pain for so long and the decision she made that changed her life. I know youre lying cause your lips are moving the storm unleashed on twitter. One of the hottest dating apps, tinder, fighting back this morning against claims its to blame for the hookup culture and cheating. You cant stop me no and hypnotize to exercise. The newest ways celebs are motivating themselves to work out. My habits have changed drastically. Every day after work, go straight to the gym. Could it be the secret to getting in shape. Cause im happy clap along if you feel that and tory johnson here with back to school deals steals, as we say good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] so great to have so many with us here in times square this thursday morning. A beautiful thursday morning here in new york. We have a lot to get to this morning. A lot of the country is back to school already. We thought about this. As your kids get ready, we have deals and steals for everything from desks to backpacks. To school supplies. Do you have to buy a desk to go back to school . No, its like a little desk that you can sit on your bed. Just checking. Schools changed a lot since weve been there. You dont have to walk seven miles across the plains anymore. In two feet of snow. Uphill, both ways. We have evolved. Great deals coming up from tory. Also coming up, dr. Ashton is here with the latest in our diet wars. Sharing the perfect meal to start your day. She calls it blunch. You heard me right. Its not brunch. Shell explain what it means. Shell reveal whats under the dome. Blunch . Blunch. Theres a difference according to dr. Jen. Im in. We begin with the morning rundown and amy. And the big story this morning, the death toll climbing after the devastating explosions in northern china. Huge fireballs shooting up from a warehouse packed with hazard douse materials. At least 50 people killed, more than 500 injured as the backtoback explosions ignited buildings and blew out windows and doors. The impact felt six miles away. More than 6,000 rescuers are searching the debris for potential survivors at this hour. Back here at home. A traffic nightmare own one of the biggest highways. Two trucks collided. One driver was seen running across the highway. His pants catching fire. And abcs phillip mena has the rescue. Reporter overnight, a massive fireball erupting when two tractor trailers collided on a busy highway. Onlookers horrified as the wreckage spews flames toward this vehicles during the evening commute on the new jersey turnpike. Explosions continuously rocking the roadway. Shutting down traffic in both directions. Cameras rolling as the driver emerges from the truck, engulfed in flames. His leg on fire. A couple visiting from australia running to his aid. We ran down and we were just trying to help him get rid of the flames from his jeans. I think he was in shock. So we just tried to get his jeans off, get the fire out. Tried to get him away from the truck. Reporter thanks to this couples heroic actions, the driver miraculously suffering only minor injuries. This morning, the charred shells of the trucks still smoldering. Authorities have not said what caused the explosions. But according to new jersey state police, one of the trucks involved in the incident was carrying paper, the other, medical gas. A potent combination. For Good Morning America, phillip mena, abc news, new york. Thank you for that. An outpouring of support this morning for former president jimmy carter. Hes revealed his battle with cancer. Saying it was found during recent liver surgery and has spread to other parts of his body. No word what type of cancer it is. Carter, who is 90, is said to be upbeat and optimistic. A setback for lindsey vonn. She crashed while training in new zealand today suffering an ankle fracture. Shes been forced to return to the u. S. As kids prepare to head back to school, a new study shows theyre being assigned too much homework. Researchers found Elementary Students are getting on average three times more homework than is recommended for their age. Experts suggest teachers should only assign ten minutes per night for first graders. Add ten minutes each year to avoid causing too much stress. Theres a silent applause in the studio, im included. And finally, one little groundhog in pennsylvania got into a real jam. No, it wasnt punxsutawney phil. Thats a good thing. This groundhog wasnt seeing his shadow, or anything at all. An officer couldnt get the can off the little guys head. They brought in a longarmed grabber to pull the can off the groundhogs head. And guess what . Pop. Yay pop goes the groundhog. He was free. It was funny. The cute. The officer in question said he was upset because he didnt get a thank you at the end. He just scurried away to the woods. Yes. Couldnt talk after that. He was grateful. Hole in one, yeah. Now to michael in the social square. All right, thank you, robin. Heres a look at whats ahead on the gma morning menu in the social square powered by samsung galaxy. In our heat index, modern family star ariel winter opening up about the surgery that changed her life. Hoping to inspire girls everywhere. And the popular dating app under fire. Is tinder to blame for creating the hookup culture . Swipe to the right for yes if you think so. Plus, hypnotizing for exercising. Could it be the secret to getting in shape . All that and tory has backtoschool deals steals live on gma in times square. Oh, my for girls. Theyll do their homework now. Its just a summer thing yeah, it was just a summer thing double it up this summer with a hot deal from mcdonalds. music the 2. 50 double combo. music . A mouthwatering double cheeseburger and small fries for just 2. 50. Its just a summer thing music delicious just got doubled this summer at mcdonalds. music they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. The uncertainties i dont wantof hep c. With or wonder. Whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. Johns wort. It also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. Side effects may include tiredness and headache. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. You wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. But since he cant. You rely on frontline plus. Because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kill fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new infestation. Its protection lasts a full 30 days. No wonder frontline plus is the 1 choice of vets for their pets and yours. After all, your dog is a lover not a fighter. Frontline plus. The vets 1 choice. Thisits all about os, new pant styles that take you places. So go long go lean go bold go flirty the new pant collection at chicos find your perfect pair only at chicos and chicos. 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Abcs linsey davis has the story for us. Second highest in the class. Reporter shes best known as the nerdy yet lovable middle sister, alex, on modern family. This morning, ariel winter is opening up about her deeply personal choice to undergo breast reduction surgery this summer. Going from a size 32f to a 34d, just after wrapping season seven of her hit show. In an interview, the 17yearold shares the struggle that led to her decision. I could post a photo where i feel good and 500 people comment about how fat i am. And that im disgusting. Also discussing the physical pain of having a large chest, saying, i had a lot of back problems. It started to hurt so bad that i couldnt take the pain. She wanted to be able to set the record straight, talk about it, its out there. And kind of answers every kind of question. The physical pain got so bad she couldnt even stand up. Every time she would go online, she would see some horrible things. I dont know how you dont have a meltdown every day. Reporter winter telling glamour one of the few people she confided in before the surgery, her tv mom, julie bowen. Theyre so close. She felt really comfortable to open up. Julie was really the only costar who knew what she had been going through. Reporter breast reduction surgeries are on the rise. According to the American Society for aesthetic plastic surgery, nearly 115,000 women underwent the procedure last year. Some of the benefits of breast reduction surgery are feeling better about yourself. Physically and emotionally. And having more selfconfidence to walk around and move in the world. Reporter winter is hoping sharing her story will inspire others, saying its something that i did to better my life and better my health. I think that can benefit a lot of young girls. I have felt happier with myself than i ever have. For Good Morning America, linsey davis, abc news, new york. Were joined by cindi leive. Editor in chief of glamour magazine. Good to see you. Good to see you, too. A lot of reaction . What are people saying . Incredibly positive. I mean, everybody is saying, look, its great that she came out and said, she did this and why. And that she feels better about her body. My favorite comment was on the facebook page. One of our readers wrote, this is your decision. I always loved you as an actress and for your voice. Your chest is your business. I love that. Well said. She didnt tell many of her family members. She told her tv mom, as we just heard. Claire dunphy, obviously. Im curious. In her decision to talk to glamour. A brave thing to do. She said her sister was a big source of support. Her boyfriend. I think she came to glamour because we take pains to cover a story like this in a respectful way. Theres a way you can tell a story like this with before and after pictures. I think she wanted to share what she was going through. Theres a bigger issue. She was really getting beaten up on social media. She would post a picture she thought she looked great in, im sure she did look great in. Immediately, there would be 500 comments from people saying, well, your breasts look too big or you look fat . Yeah. So wrong. That is appalling. A whole separate issue to deal with. I love that she wants to help other girls. The body shaming part is present for a lot of people. And the physical pain. Shes very careful to say, and i thought this was important in the story, part of the reason she was doing this was she was getting back aches. Her neck hurt. Ive heard that. She was actually having spine trouble. It changes your posture. And youre also embarrassed. You tend to roll your shoulders forward. Hold your head high, throw your shoulders back. Do you think thats partially why the story resonated so much . We hear stories about girls want to enhance. Were not hearing as much as about the girls are embarrassed. A lot of the people who are commenting, saying thats something i could benefit from. Or ive done that great to hear you tell the story, just in a matter of fact way. I think she wanted to talk about this because the emmys are coming up, modern family is nominated. She didnt want to be out there on the red carpet and have the whole conversation be, wait. What did she have done . It doesnt have an effect on her acting career, do you think it does . No, no. If it makes her feel great and confident, that can only be good for her career. I dont think she did it because of hollywood. I think she did it because she personally wanted it. Its the only right reason to do it. Your boobs, your body, your choice. No judgment zone. One way of putting it. Im going to needlepoint that on a pillow, by the way. Thank you. Thank you. Thats for you. Can i point out the issue its in . The September Issue of glamour. You have a great article with tig notaro. A comedian from pass christian. I love the whole issue. Thank you very much. Tig is great. Shes got a agreement documentary on netflix and hbo coming up. Very important work. Always great when youre here. Moving on on the heat index. This will get you talking, too. Tinder versus vanity fair. The people behind the dating app not happy about the scathing article about how the app and others like it are changes dating culture. Tinder lashing out in an epic twitter rant. Heres dan harris. Reporter its the wildly popular dating app where users can choose who they like with often brutal speed. Swipe right for yea. Swipe left for nay. Now vanity fair is taking tinder to task, arguing in a new article that tinder and similar apps are destroying the rituals of courtship and promoting a hookup culture where users say racking up onenight stands is king. After the article came out, the author, Nancy Jo Sales went further, tweeting 30 of all tinder users who are supposed to be single are married. Tinder reacted with a tweet storm of epic proportions. 30 tweets in less than four hours. Writing that the survey is preposterous and that the vast majority of tinder users are looking for meaningful connections. They even attack the integrity of the vanity fair article calling it disappointing and onesided journalism. Tinder wanted to defend themselves. What they did is they put a huge spotlight on this piece and now everyone is reading it. Reporter tinder later apologized. Our intention was to highlight the Amazing Stories that are sometimes left unpublished. And in doing so we overreacted. But that has not stopped the debate. New York Magazine is now weighing in, accusing the vanity fair reporter of exclusively interviewing young, single people, who are active, sometimes overactive tinder users. And almost entirely from men who are constantly looking for casual sex. This morning, tinder is defending its success in starting real relationships. Telling abc news their data shows the number one reason people use tinder is for dating. Meanwhile, vanity fair couldnt be reached for comment, the reporter is defending her work, tweeting journalists are often called unfair for doing their job. Raging debate notwithstanding, its unlikely to put much of a damper on the swiping and whatever happens next. For Good Morning America, dan harris, abc news, new york. Thank you, dan. Up next on the gma heat index, youre getting sleepy. Very, very sleepy. You want to work out. The new way to motivate yourself to work out. Hypnosis. But can you really be hypnotized to work out . Deb roberts is here with that. Good morning, deb. Reporter good morning, robin. Youre right. It sounds like mumbo jumbo. Youve fallen off the wagon and youre going to get back on the exercise track by getting sleepier and sleepier . A new york hypnotist has helped a lot of people get their workout groove back. Youre beginning to feel your eyelids getting heavy. Reporter we have all seen it in the movies to get you doing what you dont want to do. Just zonk me out so that like i dont know that im at work. Reporter hypnosis is used for all kinds of things. But to jumpstart your workout . Lots of people, including olivia munn, swear by it as the key to their motivation. She posted her kickbutt videos on instagram. Exhale all and any tension. Reporter hypnotist elena belloff says shes helped change lives through hypnosis. Right now, trying to help 21yearold maggie reach her goal of running a half marathon. Can hypnosis help get you to the gym . Yes. Absolutely. You are in a translike state, a very relaxed state. You can see yourself exercising and getting the benefits. Your mind gets excited by it. Reporter one of her clients, 42yearold Kevin Johnson went from chain smoking to pumping iron. Every day after work, instead of getting a snack or having a cigarette, i go straight to the gym. Reporter now, 15 pounds lighter, he feels great. Hypnosis has put a positive spin on my life, so i look forward to living a healthier life. Reporter believe it or not, the American Psychiatric association gives it a thumbs up. But some of quick to caution, its not a magic pill. Its not going to be a magic bullet to get somebody to get healthier, eat better, workout. Reporter he acknowledges real results come from discipline and hard work. But says hypnosis may help you get there. When will you go exercise . Tomorrow morning at 5 30. 5 30 . Wonderful. Reporter maggie was determined to turn things around. And guess what . Tada. Take a look. She sent us a photo this morning. A selfie of her, where is it . She sent us a selfie. There she is this morning, out just before 6 00 on a run. Now, truth be told, she was probably more motivated by her appearance on gma this morning than a quick hypnotists session. But shes willing to give it a try. So just put something in your subconscious about wanting to work out . Kind of like meditation with a lot of suggestion and focus. And the idea is, if you practice and are really motivated to do it, its changing your mentality. I love it. Worth a try. Do you see behind yourselves . Thats making me dizzy. I will work out. I will work out. Lets go to ginger outside. I like that idea. Maybe my dress can help, too. I love this. Youre from oregon and california. You have made it through how many states . At least ten. We didnt count. More than a dozen by the time theyre done. Love road trips. Lets look at tampa. A place thats a wet place. Since june 1st, 28 inches of rain. Now a flash flood watch. All while miami is in severe drought. [ hello. The forecast for today you can see the marine layer clouds. Slow sunshine, [ cheers and applause ] oh, i love the smiles out here. Dont worry. We will make you smile. Let me see your best smile. Thats a good one. Lets get in to do some pop. You know the music. Its friday eve. Lets do some pop news, shall we . Lets do it. Break out the kleenex. Get ready for a cry. Everybodys favorite romantic drama is headed to the small screen. The notebook officially being turned into a tv series. Yeah, yeah. Really . Im excited, too. Yes. David, how can you not love that movie . Youre not excited . Its one of the greatest movies ever. How do you turn it into a tv series . We kind of know how it ends. Wait until you see what they do. It doesnt matter. Its still the notebook. Nicholas sparks is on board. As executive producer. His tale of noah and allie still in the development stages. So no casting news, but if ryan doesnt sign on, we hear that this guy is the second choice. In the immortal words of a dripping wet ryan gosling in the film it wasnt over. It still isnt over. Oh, thats the scene right there. That is the scene. I made a fool of myself on a plane watch ugg that movie. Did cry like a baby . Oh, it was bad. Thats over. It is over. Im still in therapy over it. That may have been a little bit of oversharing right there. Also in pop news if youre planning one last trip this summer, why not live like a royal . You can at the Country Estate belonging to none other than the queen of england. This is a real thing. Vacationers can rent a cottage on the queens estate. At sandringham in england. The rental prices start about 930 a week, which, if you did with a group, may not be that bad, if you rent an entire cottage. And during your stay, visit the royal residence, sandringham house. And the place where the christening just took place. You might run into neighbors. The duke and duchess of Cambridge Live next door. Or this guy who lives in the woods nearby. [ laughter ] lock your doors. Lock your doors. Word has it he lives in the woods nearby sandringham castle. And finally, in pop news. Who let the dogs out i love this song. Heres the story of a little white lie that turned into a big, big, big problem. Sue fell in love with yogi. He was a puppy. Sues husbands pet peeve was big dogs. So sue fibbed a little bit and assured him yogi was a terrier. Nine years, six feet, 200 pounds and many bowls of puppy chow later, yogis true identity came out. Yogi is a great dane. Oops. Do you think sues husband noticed . And since yogi is such a big fella, they needed an athletic dog walker. We think they might have found one. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, hes a walker all right. The walking dead. [ laughter ] thats a good one. Well done. And that is pop news. When you saw that sketch, you must have went, oh, boy. Its gold. Gold in pop news. Thank you, lara. Thank you. A lot ahead this morning. Battle of the breakfast. Is it really the most important meal of the day . What should you eat to lose weight . And huge deals steals, oh, backtoschool edition. The best time of the year. Amy, the happiest mom. The most wonderful time of the year whoo announcer now from abc 7 news. Good morning, developing news in san jose where police are investigating a homicide. Officers were called to a building just before 1 00 this morning. Reports of a person shot. They found a man with at least one gunshot wound. He was rushed to the hospital, pronounced dead. Police have not released the identity. A tenminute delay in oakland in the mill bridge direction because of Police Activity taking you back to martinez. We had an earlier sig alert northbound now its southbound. Bumpertobumper traffic into martinez. It is going to take you 50 minutes. Kristin . Thank you. Well check out the calm before looking for one of these . Yoplait. Smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. Good morning, lets start with an el nino update. Our temperature is warmer now than 1997 at this time. A 90 chance of it lasting through winter, 85 of it lasting through spring. This warm water may push the storm track farther to the south. Well keep an eye on it. Low to upper 60s now, on the way to a seasonal day. The school was great. All right . What was that . I thought you said we were going to act casual. Riley, is everything okay . Sir, she just rolled her eyes at us. We welcome you back to gma. So many fell in love with inside outs riley and the emotions that lie inside her head. Now shes back. A new animated short. We have that exclusive first look just ahead. Cant wait. Also, great deals steals for all of your backtoschool needs. Check out this table. Yes, david, everything from backpacks to lunchboxes. And theyre up to 75 off. Look at that. Looking good. We know that face. A little birdie said there are desks. You can buy your desks for bring your desk to school day. Well get to the bottom of that, too. Time for our special series. Diet wars. This morning, were taking a good look at breakfast. Weve been told for years eating it first thing in the morning can jumpstart your metabolism. And help you lose weight. A new report in the Washington Post says everything you thought you knew might be wrong. Abcs Mara Schiavocampo explains. Reporter for years, we have been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Data shows women who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who dont. Reporter especially when it comes to weight loss. It helps boost your metabolism. Reporter dietary guidelines saying not eating breakfast is associated with excess body weight. But new Research Shows that may not be the case. In the latest issue of obesity malg zeep, a study showed no difference in weight loss for those who ate breakfast and those who skipped it. Those who had a highprotein breakfast had less body fat. Our culture is so exposed to the belief and the statement that breakfast leads to less obesity they came to believe it even though there wasnt much evidence. Reporter many nutritionists disagree. Like stephanie, who says she sees the benefits firsthand with her clients. If you go too long without eating, certain hormones decrease. Youll crave more sugar and carbs. Reporter and more importantly, she says think of the two ps. Tell me what the two ps are. They are protein and produce. Produce can be fruits or vegetable. Protein is the most important aspect of breakfast. It takes a slower time to digest and help and it will keep you fuller for longer. Reporter for Good Morning America, Mara Schiavocampo, abc news, new york. You heard it there. Dr. Jen is with us. To explain more. I understand you did a deep dive on the research. Exactly. What did you learn about breakfast meal time . Theres a lot of observational data. The cause and effect is not there. My take is very individual. If youre a breakfast person, go ahead. Its not going to matter one way or the other. Heres what does matter. If you think of this water cooler like your storage tank. This is basic energy balance. Youre always burning calories, even if sleeping. Youre taking in calories. If your maximum goal is around 2,000 a day and you take in more than that, you dont burn it, it gets stored as fat. Okay. Easy enough. The timing thing. We talked about breakfast. What about timing the other meals of the day . How important is that . It does matter a little bit. And there is some data to support that the magic number is 3 00. So you actually want to consume your calories, my telestrator is not working great. Before 3 00 in the afternoon. Here. Thats perfect. So about twothirds of the calories a day before 3 00 in the afternoon. Thats about 1300 for a woman. 1600 to 1700 for men. What percentage . About twothirds before 3 00. And this is really why. If you talk about circadian rhythms, its not just about whether the suns out or if its dark. We have clocks in our body. Theyre in our brain, liver, pancreas, muscle, fat. Theyre metabolically active in terms of insulin and fat. The people who eat later in the day have more problems with weight. What is your secret weapon . Here it comes. I call it the blunch. Whether you eat it right in the morning. What is this blunch you speak of . Its breakfast, lunch. Its not either. Its a combination of both. We used to call it brunch. I renamed it. E renamed it. This is my favorite goto. Scrambled eggs. I do eat the yolk. Avocado. Healthy fat. A lot of spicy sauce. Whole wheat. Coffee, water. It looks delish. Its a full plate of food. Blunch. Blunch, there it is, everybody. Its not just brunch anymore. Dr. Jen, youll take questions . Absolutely. I love that. The circadian rhythms. Any other questions you might have, tweet drjashton. Robin . All right, lara. Time for a little throwback thursday. A look at one of the most influential rap groups of all time. Nwa rose to fame and some say infamy in the 80s. Tomorrow, a film hits the theater. Abcs byron pitts, so good to have you here. Good to see you my friend. You had a great ridealong. Oh, yeah. This movie will move you. Its about relationship and being relevant as much as about rap. Yo, dre what up . I got something to say reporter the late 1980s, five young black men calling themselves nwa becoming the new voice of a generation. Straight outta compton reporter ice cube. Dr. Dre. Eazye. Dj yella. Mc ren. Some hearing only violence in their lyrics. Others hearing their stories. These clients, they look like gang members. You cant come down here and arrest people just because of what they look like. What are you crazy . Thats Police Harassment . You said youre a manager, right . Yeah. Not a lawyer. Does that matter . You cannot come down here and arrest these guys because theyre black reporter the movie is a true family affair. Ice cube, one of the producers, is played by his son. Yeah. You played your daddy well. From the smile, the jheri curl, the black man hug. You had it down. Yeah, man. Reporter what was that journey like for you, playing a time in history which, in many ways, is repeating itself now with the violence between police and men of color . My father has kept me informed about the harsh realities of the world. Nothing has really changed except we got camera phones. This is more than just a rap movie. Its a movie about american history. Its a movie about brotherhood. About standing up for your rights. And standing up for freedom of speech. Reporter the government, they say, tried to censor them. We had the fbi. Major media against us. People that didnt understand what we were about. Reporter in this age of ferguson. Freddie gray, sandra bland, and the steady stream of cell phone video, the likers of nwa resonate today. Is life better today for a 19yearold in compton, california, than it would have been for you back in the 80s . Or is it the same . I think its pretty much the same. Its what you make of it. You have to protect yourself. You have to look out for yourself. You have to make sure you stay alive in a place like compton. And you have to have the right attitude. Its the same as its always been. Its a place of choices. And you gotta make the right ones. Straight outta compton opens nationwide tomorrow. We saw from my first of all, his son. Goodness. Like look in a mirror. Oh, twins. Ice cube has made some really great choices. Others part of the film did, too. Dr. Dre, world renowned producer. Multimillionaire business. Dre. The headsets. Ice cube this is a guy who makes movies. Tv shows. Hes a producer. And the thing he talked about most, hes most proud of, hes been married for 25 years. Theyve raised five good kids. Yes. Yes, they have. This film is so much more than rap. No question. No question. Its about i call it sort of boyz in the hood meets jersey boys. Its about guys who had a talent, they came together, they had a dream, they lived it. They should have used that in the trailer. Hey, byron, thank you very much. Great to have you here. See much more of this mans report on the movie and compton, then and now, tonight on nightline. Thank you, we appreciate it. Weather . I cant wait to see that. Ive seen the memes. Im straight outta belmont. We cant wait to see the warmup. Here in new york city. It will get to the plains. Chicago gets back to around 90 as we get into your saturday. Kansas city in the low 90s. St. Louis, too. Before you goat to that, you have scattered storms moving through already this morning in good morning. Look at the cloud cover out there. That means less sunshine for all of us today and mild temperatures. 66 at the coast. 88 inland. My sevenday forecast increasing sunshine and warmth. In fact, downright hot and all that weather brought to you by mcdonalds. It is nice weather. Thank you for that. Now to the exclusive sneak peek of the inside out short. Its a bonus feature on the home video release. All right. This is very excited. You remember riley . Well, the short is called rileys first date. The exclusive first look starts now. Is riley here . Red alert boy. Boy. Boy. Boy. Boy. Theres a boy in my house. I knew she was going skating. I thought it was with her friends. Why is there a boy in my house . This isnt a date, is it . Ill ask riley. I dont like this. This cant be a date. Shes only 12. Lets probe. Layer it with cool words so its not obvious. So, whats the dealio with jordan . Omg hes awesome sauce, fo sheezie. Did she just say fo sheezie . I dont understand. Whats happening. Oh, this is just embarrassing. I cant. I cant. Just what my 12yearold says to me. It is available on digital hd on october 13th and on bluray november 3rd. Until then, enjoy the sneak peek on our website. Goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo . We have a lot more ahead. Next, huge back to school deals steals. As amy robach said, its the most wonderful time of the year. Sending your kids back to school. But for the kids, it can cost a bundle. And for the family. Tory johnson is here. We have deals steals. This is from gilt. I like to call this training wheels for your job. Start with the roll top desk. Then we get to graduate to your desk. Right . Is that how it goes . I could do good evening america on this little desk. Oh. There you go. Ten options. All kinds of luxury, really gorgeous arts and crafts sets. A big deal. What is the deal . Normally, each piece is 55. Depending on what you choose. Everything today is slashed in half. So 27. 50 to 224. Not bad. Big savings. Not bad at all. Big savings. Next up, school supplies. You want to spin it . Youre a novice. Im going easy on it. Ooh. Okay. So these are from frecklebox. Dont you think reading is a lot more fun when you personalize the bookmarks. Notebooks, binders, stickers. All kinds of stuff. Really fun. Kids can have a fun time today designing what they want. As they get excited about back to school. Normally, the pieces range from 4 to 27. Depending on what you choose. Today only, slashed in half. Starting at two bucks. Slashed in half. Great deal. Great deal. The next thing is the calendar. Parents, if the kids going back, the calendar, too. How to keep it all straight. Everyones schedule is busier than ever. We have 400 calendars to choose from from calendar. Com. Big assortment from the school year, the calendar year. Depending on the style and pref presence of your family. And really good deal. Normally, 5 to 22. Everything here is slashed by 75 . Literally, 1. 25 to 5. 50. How do you beat that . Im going to take the star wars. Up next, lunchtime. This is a big deal. This is a big one. This is an amazing company. This is packit. These are brandnew patterns, just for gma viewers. What i love about this is, you stick the whole thing in the freezer. There are no ice packs. No gel. Its all built in. You stick it in the freezer overnight. In the morning, its cold, will last up to ten hours of cooling time. No fighting about lost ice packs. A really good deal. Normally, 15 to 25. Depending on what you choose. Everything slashed in half. Lunchboxes started at 7. 50. Keeps everything cool. Yes. Thats a good deal. Next up the walk to school. The allimportant backpack. From lands end. Theres five sizes. Depending on the size of your child. They start from prek to teen sizes. Because this is so important, we had to bring in reinforcements. Alexandra, come op over here. Do you give it a thumbs up . Yes, definitely. A little twirl. All right. Padded shoulders. Padded shoulders. She doesnt start school for a few week. You can always start practicing with your backpack. Big deal on these. 29 to 89. Everything is slashed in half. It includes free shipping. Can we get a shot of alexandras sneakers, too . The converse . We need those with the backpack. Thats what makes the outfit right there. Well work on that. Tory, awesome. Thank you. Thanks to the companies for providing the deals. Go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo for these and three bonus deals. Coming up, behind the scenes. The man from u. N. C. L. E. Hush my darling. Dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] hush my darling. [snoring. ] dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Director guy ritchie and Alicia Vikander are two of the forces behind the man from u. N. C. L. E. Its a cold war spy thriller based on the 60s tv series of the same name. Alicia plays a glamorous car mechanic who teams up with armie hammer and henry cavill. They develop an interesting relationship along the way. No fun dancing by yourself. I need a partner. Come on take my hand and baby wont you walk with me oh yeah youre not an east german chop shop anymore. Still no drink . Dont you make me put you over my knee. So you dont want to dance. But you do want to wrestle . I did not say that. Alicia and guy, thank you for joining us. So great to have you both with us. Thank you. Why did you want to bring this to the big screen . I caught the rerun in the 70s. I loved it. It was, for me, captured the golden age of the spy genre. And, when someone threw the idea of it across my desk, i was pretty confident i could do something with it. Um, that would be worth it. And alicias role wasnt in the original series. You created gabby for this movie. Yeah, we did. And actually, as we just were watching that clip then, alicia and i sort of made that up on the day, that dancing scene. It was something else. It was one of the last scenes that we shot. We kind of rehearsed it in your house. The dancing came in on the day. The dancing came on the day. The slap the slap was there for awhile. Armie wasnt expecting the slap. Not the first time. And you were the evil master mind to whisper in her ear is to go ahead and bat a slap. I love a slap in a film. I tell you. Alicia, this is pretty incredible. The New York Times has called you a sensation. The hottest young actress in the world right now. The equivalent of a cinematic supernova. You have eight movies out this year . Yeah. That has to feel pretty good. Feel always feels a bit strange. Whats been the most surprising part . By the way, eight movies is a lot. Yeah, but its its but its weird. I thought we were unique. We have to congratulate you. Speaking of spot light. You were married in the middle of all of this . I finally got married a week ago. About a week ago. Part of the cast was there . Were they in the Wedding Party . Most of the cast was there. We had a wonderful time. Congratulations on a fantastic movie. There is something for everyone in this. Its fastpaced. Its fun. Its great. Thank you both for joining us. Thank you. Thank you very much. Im glad you enjoyed it. Yes, i did. Just confirming that. The man from u. N. C. L. E. Is my theory is pretty simple. Happiness, before cleanliness. Gooey. Flaky. Happy. Toaster strudel. Now with more icing. You say avocado old el paso says. Zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand n stuff tortillas. record scratch you say stand n stuff tortillas old el paso says. Start somewhere fresh notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside. Its stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. Whoa whoa. Slow down. What . I said steak. In a breakfast burrito . I cant keep up. This is advanced burrito, right . This is intro to burrito. Boom. Jacks new steak egg breakfast burritos got tender, juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. Lookin for a basic burrito . This aint it. Thanks for watching today. Tomorrow, our big party in the park. You just saw them, the band perry. Thats coming up tomorrow. For those of us who will be here. Long weekend, amy. Happy friday eve, everybody. Have great day. Happy birthday, dad happy birthday, amys dad ad. vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. They wont stay Young Forever. Music f rforever you gersion but for 60 years theres been a place where we can stay forever young together. Dont miss the Disneyland Resort diamond celebration. Forever you g with an allnew electrical parade, fireworks spectacular and more. May you st y come see it all dazzle like never before. Come feel forever Young Forever you g announcer now from abc 7 news. Good morning, im kristen sze. Developing news out of san jose. Police found a man with a gunshot wound just before 1 00 a. M. He died at the hospital. No motive at the time and no arrests have been made. The identity of the victim has not been released. A quick check on the forecast. Today is the last mild day. 70s around the bay and 80s inland. If you are going to the game, nationals in town take on the giants, it will be in the mid60s. Hottest inland. Some of the heat leaks to the coast this weekend. Leyla . We have the sig alert in the east bay. We have one lane blocked. 17 miles per hour. Things are picking up a bit. A new accident eastbound side of 780. Slow going commuters up to 680. Kristin . Thank you. Time for its live with kelly michael. Today from the new film american ultra, connie britton. And star of the hit series, homeland, rupert friend. And michael gets deliciously artistic on Summer School week. Plus the lovely Busy Philipps returns to the desk, all next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television]

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