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Gives his group the right. They can be offended if they want. But we have rights just like everyone else. Christmas in the park organizers agree. Everybody has aright to voice voice their believes in our we dont necessarily concur with the believes in all cases. But were here to provide a Community Event thats free and open to the public. Event organizers say that the displays are inclusionary, pointing to other trees next to the controversy the one sponsored by different religions. This family points to the tree by the Atheist Community of san jose which they call appropriate. But as long as the tree by the satanic temple is up, the family says they will avoid this area of the park. Several people are have been stopping by asking where in tree is located. Its creating quite a stir. Live in downtown san jose, damian true owe nbc bay area news. Thank you damian. Well fight over one of San Franciscos most exclusive streets is before the board of supervisors this evening. On one side multimillion air home owners who forgot to pay the taxes on private street and on the other side a san jose couple who bought the street at a tax sale auction zblp Mark Matthews is outside city hall has the board picked a side yet. Well theyre still deliberating. We are just now looking at some of the votes. Supervisor mark ferrell who has the district that has the presid owe terrace street in it, he is asking to rescind the sale of that street and he is asking the other supervisors to join him. So far one supervisor Hillary Ronan has said no we are waiting for the others. As you know this story about in street in San Francisco is Getting National attention it is arguably the fansiest stroo the most exclusive part of the neighborhood. Some of the 35 homes on the terrace are not owned i just multimillion aires which billionaires who were shocked to find out that for decades the 14 a year tax on the private street went unpaid because the bills were being sent to this Downtown Office to an accountant who had moved away 30 years ago. So the street and the sidewalks and the Public Gardens were put up for sale at a public auction. The Tax Collectors Office says it did everything right. But a spokesman for the home owners believed the Tax Collector needed to do a better job of notifying the home owners before the sale. Under the constitution no one can be dprifd of life liberty or property without due process of law. So the burden of Tax Collector is different from the burden of property taker. Michael cheng and his partner paid 90,000 for the terrace. They tour the new property the first time this year even though bought it at auction back in 2015. They had waited a full year until they thought the statute of limitations to objections had run out. When we were here about two and a half years out we certainly didnt expect to be brought up. Actually im outraged that we need to be the ownership of my property has to be died by the attorney. But it should be black and white. Its mine now. Well, the very latest that we have heard is that they have voted 74 no, which i believe means that they have voted not to rescind the sale. Now were waiting for confirmation on that. This is just the very latest results that have come in on my phone. My colleague jean el y is up in the chambers she will let us know what the vote is we will get it back to you before the end of the newscasts and she will reaction tonight at 11 00. Reporting from San Francisco, Mark Matthews, nbc bay area news. Interesting debate. Hang tight question will check back in. Beautiful fall weather now as we head to a toward december. The ended of the week we change months. But we have a warning along the coastline dangerous surf in the next 24 hours. Our chief meteorologist jeff joins us now with more on whats happening outside, jeff. We know this time of the year its pretty rare for people to head to the beach and go into the water. But we want you to be alert in case you are planning a trip to the beaches. Waves are kicking up anywhere between 7 to 8 feet. But its getting higher than that. The main reason why we have strong storms in the pacific. Theyre not producing any rainfall for us but its stirring up the seas 25 to 30 foot seas out here with the storms. As we look koser you can see the computer is predicting wave heights in this orange color which correlates the key of 15 to 20 foot swells possible. So, please, remember if youre headed out to the beaches tomorrow thats the day with the high surf you got to stay out of the water. Dont turnio your back to the water because there are sneaker waves and rip current possible. Large as well as occur every 18 seconds. Chances the track of rain and details later. Thank you, jeff. It has been a week since closing arguments wrapped up in the kate steinle murder trial and still no verdict. What does that mean for the prospect of a conviction or an acquittal in this very highprofile emotions case. Sam brock has been in court every day. He joins us live from the hall justice. In truth jurors have really only had two full days to weigh all the evidence. Reporter thats exactly right. We know there were half days the first two before the holidays. But officially jessica this is day four of jury deliberations. They spent some 18 hours so far considering the charges. And you absolutely get the impression that the stake holders involved here believe a verdict could be soon. As for what happened today, pretty much a similar pattern to what we saw yesterday. Defense attorneys, the prosecution attorneys, shuttling around the hallway periodically going in the courtroom and extended period of time with all the lawyers in court typically indicates that there were more questions today from the jurors. Perhaps more review of testimony as well. And as you brought up, the length of time begs an important question here. Is there a coralation twaen oh how long a jury deliberates and what the outcome of a trial is in here is uc hasting law professorer on that question. Lots of lawyers have theories about what it means when a jury takes a long time to deliberate. But science has not found any coralation between the outcome of trials and how long it took the jury to reach that outcome. It just means that there are difficult questions here and its taking the jury a long time to make up their minds. As for the difficult questions she referred to they likely hinge on the issue of intent. Jose zarate is face ago murder charge that could be first degree murder, Second Degree or involuntary manslaughter. For zarate to be convicted of first or Second Degree murder, the jury would have to conclude evidence of intent and that might be difficult to do here without any Video Evidence or any eye witness quiets, any direct evidence period, showing zarate pointing a gun or carrying that firearm onto the pier. Tomorrow will be a very interesting day. Reporting live in surface, sam brock nbc bay area news. Of course we will monitor and watch coastly. We will follow the deliberations and bring you the verdict as soon as that happens. Well break in regularly scheduled programming and set ut a push alert on the nbc bay area app. Well new at sourks. He is suspected of killing a kitten. Now he is behind bars. Witnesses reached out to officers and gave them information that led to the arrest of this man, keith herbert. In Solano County jail. Someone dropped off a kitten aen 4 weeks old and badly hurt and ended up dying from the injuries. The hospital called police which led to this arrest. Spies at uber. Thats what came out today in a federal trial looking into whether uber stole technology from google pl former security manager of ub err testified in San Francisco today. He said at uber Espionage Team used former cia agents to spy on rival companies overseas, and the agents infiltrated the computers of companies in an attempt to steal trade secrets. The employees also went on to say the company tried to cover up the spying. A real life lesson out of this world. Some local College Students get a unique experience by working for americas space agency controlling satellites. This is a story youll see only on nbc bay area. Our business and tech reporter scott budman joins us outside of Mission Control at Santa Clara University. Scott our resident space geek im surprised you havent signed up for this. Its a fun story to geek out on raj. Mission control here at Santa Clara University both in a trailer and in the lab where students are working on earth and in space at the same time. Wle kayleigh dobz and leeland taylor sit down to study it goes beyond books. We take over and we do some science experiments. The Santa Clara University students are keeping a close eye on space. Specifically a nasa satellite they control. A student by day, nasa satellite operator by night. The satellite launched from the space station is about 3 feet by two feet and currently on a help mission telephoning e. Coli in space. When the satellite is passing overhead we will ask for specific data pages from day one nasa handed the control over to the sanity Collar School of engineering. You will a the operations for the satellite, all the command, the data download, Data Products we do the programming for it. We pretty much do everything we can. And theyre run wg it putting the satellite through its paces gaining valuable Health Information to help future astronauts and maybe even preparing for a future career. The first time we were on console and we got data back down from the satellite i dont think the smile came off my face for hours. It was the coolest experience. Reporter program has been around for about a daek. It has been very successful in addition to nasa no fewer than four of the students from here have gone on to work at space x. Reporting live in santa clara. Nbc bay area news. Thank you scott. Well more than a month after making the trade for him jimmy grom garoppolo. He made a brief appearance at the enof the last sundays game after c. J. Berth urd was injured. He threw two passes in the bereave stint but one for a touchdown. They play the bears in chicago sunday morning. Up next here at 6 00, the new safety concerns about the golden gate bridge. Well explain. Plus shots fired at a San Jose Elementary School. Not the first time. Tonight the search for a gunman. Dry in the doppler radar. But important changes to the weekend rain chance. The new update pat 6 19 tonight. Sorry. I cant make it. Its just my eczema again, but its fine. Yeah, its fine. You ok . Eczema. Its fine. Hey hi arent you hot . Eczema again . Its fine. I saw something the other day. Eczema exposed. Your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. Maybe you should ask your doctor . Go to eczemaexposed. Com to learn more. An update in san francisoc. Well the most talked about street in San Francisco, here it is this just in. An update on that San Francisco street. The street is going back to the neighborhood. The board of supervisors this evening voted 74 in favor of the home owners of the terrace. This is an exclusive enclaf of homes interest in the city. The san jose couple who bought the terrace will get their money become. But theyre not happy about the ve versele it could end up in a legal fight. A gunman targets a San Jose Elementary School for the second time in three weeks. Happened early this morning at booksen elementary in willow glen. Luckily no one was hurt. Mariana favro is live in the neighborhood where a mom who ran toward the gunman. Reporter thats right. Karen who lives by the school says she followed the gunman to try to get a good description of him for police. But tonight police are still looking for that suspect. These shots recorded by a Security Camera woke Karen Sheerer just before 4 00 this morning. She says she saw a man shooting at a surveillance camera at booksen elementary in san jose. Karen called 911 then heeded toward the masktd gunman. Thats when she says he pointed his shotgun in her direction and she dropped to the ground. I just wanted to give a description. I just wanted to i wanted to this to stop. Im tired of this. These are my my daughter goes here. This is just not fair. For the kids its not fair. S in a second time someone fired shots at the School Surveillance cameras in less than three weeks. After the district emailed parents about todays shooting this morning, many elected to keep their kids home today. Student who did attend school arrived to find a Strong Police presence. Class rooms were locked and kids remained inside during recess. Its incredibly concerning. We want to do everything we can to make sure this is ensure the public that this is what we think it is which is strictly a case of vaned alism nothing more and there is not escalation. Meia says while the shootings are disturbing she felt her son would be safe at school. I think we have to go about our lives. We cant be restrained by all of this violence going on in our world. An officer told us that police did find a shotgun in the backyard of a nearby home. And tonight San Jose Police plan to do extra patrols around the school. Reporting live in san jose, mariana favro nbc bay area news. New at 6 00 the certain is on for a man shierg for the state in downtown mountain view. Thankfully in no one was hurt. There was a fight near villa and castro streets near bars and restaurants when officers arrived they heard several shots. The man theyre looking for is in his 20s six feet tall with his beard. Honors those who lost lives in the ghostship warehouse fire mp they this comes days ahead of the anniversary of the tragedy. Saturday will mark one year since that horrific fire which killed 36 people. When it breck out during a party at the warehouse. It is the deadliest fire in oaklands history. 12 hours after a water ma main break in San Francisco crews are still trying to fix it. Its creating traffic headaches for the evening commute. It started this morning around 6 00 a. M. When a pipe burst under the road not far from at t park. Water service was interrupted. Drivers are advised to avoid the neighbor and buss are rerouted. Now to a story he brought you last night. The gas explosion in San Francisco. Tonight pg e thinks it may have located the source that have gas leak. The explosion happened on Mission Street south of vernalle heights. It was so strong it blew out windows and a garage door. Today pg e crews went door to door to restart service. Neighbors werent home so many dont have service. Pg e located the section of line and leaks and have begun repairs. In testing the second rut round on order for the golden gate bridge. Upgrades are made to the bridge. Including the suicide barrier and the seismic barrier mp last week the bridge board approved a 216,000 contract with an Engineering Firm to do the wind testing work. Small cracks appeared in the brandnew concrete spillway at the orville dam, first detected more than a month ago when the first phase was nearing completion. Officials say theyre tft confident the cracks do not pose a safety problem and dont need to be repaired its part of the design to make the structure durable. The department of Water Resources says its monitoring the conkret service of the spillway during the rainy season. The spillway is being repaired after most of it eroded back in february. Lets bring in meteorologist jeff ranieri. And we foe we have rain on top for the weekend. When do you think well expect to have the really really rainy season. We may not see it pick up quite a bit until january and february. Thats typically when things increase. At least immediately there is no no sign of strong system the next two weks. Lets get new the forecast now. I want to take you outside to the live view of christmas in the park in san jose. This happens all the way into early january. Check it out. Its a fun time. Currently 57 degrees in san jose. And if youre headed out there tonight theyre open until midnight. Youll need a jacket. Temperatures in the low 50s. As far as tomorrows forecast goes you need a light jacket to start. Temperatures in the 40s throughout the bay area. Mostly clear. Sunny by the around and stays comfortable. 64 in livermore. 65 in morgan hill. 63 in pooflt. 61 in San Francisco and 65 in snappa. Really no big differences across the map no matter where you are tomorrow. On the extended forecast we do still have that chance of rainfall this week. The big change is a lot less in the way of potential rainfall, the which things areally processing out. And its also spreading itself out over two days. Saturday and sunday. We are going to take a much closer look at the timing of this coming up at 6 48. Know that wet weather paternity doesnt last long. We are dry early next week. A lot of you at this time of year are heading up to tahoe to gather and enjoy the snow or go skiing. I want to give you a quick jupt on the totals squaw valley, the recent storm brought 9 inches. Heavenly 5 borial 8 kirkwood and 9. And Mammoth Mountain 22. Eefr one of the resorts with open right now. Well have a closer look at the timing of the weekend rain at 6 48. Thanks, jeff. He did win. Steph currys off court victory. Palo alto police, trying to find a 59yearold woman with alzheimer s. She was last seen walking o happening now Palo Alto Police are trying to find a 59yearold william with alzheimers last seen walking pout a good will this morning. Her photograph and what she was wearing is on the website. On the twitter page Danville Police searching for a stolen tricycle used for disabled students. Someone nachd it from a high school. Back with more news in a moment. Shopping. Today giving. Its giving tuesday. You still have time t well yesterday as you might know was all about shopping. Today its giving. Its giving tuesday. You still have some time to donate online to any nonprofit. This afternoon facebook employees getting into the act. At the menlo park headquarters. Employees wrapping presents for kids in need. The workers were helping the family giving tree. Which organizes the donations and gets those presents to families before christmas. We brought we bought over 675 gifts. And so we can use employees to wrap the gifts and then theyll be distributed to area nonprofits through the family giving tree. Nicely done facebook along with the bill and Melinda Gates foundation will match up to 2 million in gifts made to nonprofit uft to donate through the facebook site. Steph curry is a sta is it star on the court but also a star on cyber monday. Currys jersey, the nba top seller on the League Official website. The town jersey which the warriors war the first time on saturday was the highest selling item on the most Popular Online shopping day of the year. The jersey is an owed to the city of oakland feature the oak tree that can be seen on street signs throughout the city. Cool jersey. Well a new more dangerous threat from north korea. The difference in the countrys latest Missile Launch and the response from the trump administration. And San Leandro Police officer resigns amid charges he had sex with an underage police explorer. Now that program has been put on hold. Were alaska airlines. And we dont just fly lumberjacks to glaciers. We fly App Developers to mexico city. Novelists to nashville. And pilates instructors to palm springs. Sure, we love a good glacier. But we also like a little cocoa butter. Sure, we love a good glacier. Mentoring young people, is now in right now at 6 30, a Police Officer seen here entrusted with teaching and mentoring young people is now in trouble with the law. A former San Leandro Police officer and adviser for the Youth Explorer Program is accused of having sex with a 17yearold girl who was enrolled in the program. Nbc bay area Jodi Hernandez is in san leandro where the officer turned in his badge and faces serious charges. He would teach them on laws of arrest. But former San Leandro Police officer Marco Becerra is accused of crossing the line with one of the young people he was entrusted to train. As an adviser of the departments explorer program. Becerra was arrested earlier this month on charges of having sex with a 17yearold police explorer. According to court documents, teacher and student became friends in the program. At First Talking by phone and by social media. Then meeting three occasions for sex. He cooperated with the investigation. He admitted to the relationship. Even though it was consensual in every sense of the word. Becerras attorney michael rain says his client takes responsibility. In fact he resigned last month. Reign says he was a superstar officer who simply didnt use good judgment. Its outrageous. But civil rights Attorney John Burris says the behavior is unacceptable. He believes becerra should serve time in jail. Not just losing your job. Its not just the humiliation. Its also being incarcerated and being in jail. He should be locked zblup that was Jodi Hernandez reporting. Becerra plead he had not guilty to three felony counts of having sex with a minor. He will be back in court in january. Todays Missile Launch by north korea was more than a test. Also a message of defines aimed squarely at the trump administration. South koreas News Agency Says the missile was launched about 30 miles from its capitol of seoul from central north korea. Now that missile traveled higher in the air than previous tests and landed some 600 miles away in the seas japan. It ended a tenweek pause in north koreas test program. President trump instructed defense secretary jim mat toys talk about the details how the test is the highest yet climbing 3,000 miles into thefer. The president s own comments about the test, cryptic. Well i will tell that you we will take care of it. We have general mattis in the room with us. And we have had a long discussion on it. It is a situation that we will handle. Nbcs chuck todd reports that while the Trump White House treated the test as if it was a sudden act he says the entire military Industrial Complex knew for more than a day the test would happen. The u. N. Security Council Called an emergency meeting for tomorrow at the request of japan, the United States and south korea. Now north koreas increased Nuclear Testing schedule is prompting the state of hawaii to take precautions. [ siren sound ]. The man you satisfy there if the mayor of hon lieu will you announcing the Warning Siren will warn of a nuclear attack. The island chain has different sounds alerting hurricanes and tsunamis. It was established because of leader kim jong uns increased missile activity. President trump making a serious pitch for tax reform. And it comes with drama involving tom democrats including nancy pelosi. The republicans have to pass a budget to avoid a government shutdown. Democrats were set to meet with Republican Leaders and the president. But backed out in the 11th hour after he sent out this tweet and then the president scolded them. They should be calling immediately and saying we want to see you but probably they wont because nothing to them is important other than raising taxes. The tweet was critical of the democrats response and stance on tax reform. At least according to the president. The deadline to avoid a shutdown by the way is next friday and there are only 11 legislative days before the end of the year. A packed house in sacramento today. Hundreds of women showed up to testify about their own experiences with Sexual Harassment at the stale capitol. Its the first in a series of special hearings. Although capitol staffers are covered by the whistle blower protection laws. Many woman say the legislative culture doesnt allow them to speak out. Assembly member lawyer are friedman says its time to make changes at the state capitol. We need a boys and girls club up here for one thing we can be more protective of everybody. And absolutely we need to we should be setting the example. I mean, you know i take Public Service really really seriously. And i want to live a vision of what i want my government to be. Assemblyman raul resigned. A teenager accuse ds of killing a little girl in santa cruz has been arraigned more than two years after the crime. Adrian gonzalez who is now 18 standard stood in court today while his public defender announced he he will appeal a judges decision to try gonzalez as an adult. Gonzalez is accuse ds of raping and killing 8yearold madny middleton in a confession to police he told officers he lured maddy to his apartment by offering her ice cream. Middletons family is frustrated by the latest legal maneuver. Im not surprised a bit. Thats the way the legal system in the country works. It goes round and round and round but i think there is enough evidence that justice will occur. If convicted gonzalez faces life in prison. He will be back in court in february. A menlo park man under arrest after his wife reported finding child porn on his computer. The sheriff detectives artsed matthews coda as he got off a plane. The Sheriffs Office launched a an investigation of him last september after his wife contacted them. They say after finding more than 3,000 illegal images he charged him with one count of possession a new bill against revenge important getting bipartisan supports. The enough act would make sharing explicit images of someone without their knowledge a federal crime. Congressman William Jackie spear is respondsering the bill. It has support from cam i willa hurs house. The enough act used to fight gender hostility. The house is expected to vote on the resolves to make Sexual Harassment training mandatory for all members of congress. Recreational marijuana back on the agenda in San Francisco. The board of supervisors is running out of time to get new rules rules on the books before pot becomes legal in january. Just a few weeks ago. Food a pro pot rally at civic center plaza. They say its time to you know i fie with a ordinance that. Were trying to evolve the collective model in into one we are with we have tax revenue more restrictions on the businesses and guide the future development of what may be one of californias largest industries. On the flip side now another vocal group is demanding and outright ban and on new pot shops and there are proposals to keep the pot shops 1,000 feet away from schools. It is discouraging news, the number of kids going to college is dropping. Thats according to a new studypy the Public Policy institute of california. The study found of all the freshman in high school right now only 30 of them will go on to complete a bachelors degree. The study blames the California School system, saying students are not completing courses required to get into college. The solution, that they develop better counseling programs in school and a better system to place students in classes. The state typically sets up the state minimum requirements. Local districts can add their own additional requirements. The blame isnt only on high schools researchers say overcrowding in csu system blocks students from being able to get to classes to be able to earn a degree. This should help our traffic in the bay area. A new plan is in the works to help improve traffic through one of the busiest traffic core doors. Yesterday alameda Transportation Leaders approved the deal to add the express car pool lane on a northbound 680. From auto mall parkway to highway 84, a notorious hots li hot spot especially during the evening commute. The new lanes should be up and running by 2020. A renewed call to extend last call in california. The bay area launch looking to make it a reality. Take a look. Surveillance captured burglars who broke into caught in the act. Take a look. This is happening in fremont. Surveillance photos here krping burglars broke into Mission Kids Club in the marina times Shopping Center in the warm spring area. This happened november 11ing. Two people stole a laptop, overhead projector and cash box containing blank checks. They drove off in the White Toyota Corolla we showed you. No arrests have been made. A followup tonight on the effort to create dedicated curb spaces for uber on lyft drivers to pick up and drop off passenger. The kprers reporting the areas have been narrowed down. You can see it on the happen. Options include hayes value inner sunset, the ariana. Soma. Sources telle examiner that one or two will be part of the Pilot Program and if its successful, then it would go citywide. How about this last call at 4 00 a. M. State senator scott weaner is trying again to extent liquor sales. He noujzed hess new bill this morning in San Francisco saying let legislation will give cities the choice to extend bar hours. Control bill. It does not require any city to allow its night life to go past 2 00 a. M. But gives permission to have local Decision Making so that cities can decide for themselves whether to stay at 2 00 a. M. Or go to 3 00 a. M. Or go to 4 00 a. M. En a this is not statewide. Its actually just select cities. San francisco, oakland, sacramento, l. A. , long beach, and west hollywood. It will be sbrused in january. Last year a similar bill never made to a full vote. All right lets bring in meteorologist jeff ranieri talking about the week. Were almost midway. We are. And really great weather all the way into fridays forecast. Then we have some weekend wet weather changes. Well get to that. In case you miss to do tonight, a glorious sunset is coming in on my twitter page this evening. Stunning sunset from Pacific Heights thanks for sharing that top tonight you know who you are who she had shared. You can share on my Facebook Page also. Im become with the update in a couple of minutes. Plus will the california girl become a british citizen, the new details we learn about the marriage of Meghan Markle and prince harry. Royal wedding between prince harry and california actress, Meghan Markle. New details tonight on the Royal Wedding between prince harry and california actress Meghan Markle. The ceremony will be at Windsor Capital at as it is georges chapel. It will be in may. That gives Prince William and his wife kate time to welcome their new child. She will become a uk citizen and be baptized in church of england and needs to spend lots of time getting to know her new home country. Take two. So successful the first time were doing it again. A second concert to help the victims of the north bay fires. Earlier a sellout crowd a eye few weeks ago at at t park for the fire relief concert. You might remember metallica. In time the bill graham civic in San Francisco. It will be called band together 2r. The red hot chill y peppers tickets start at 10 oh owl proceeds donated to the Tipping Point emergency relief funds helping low income families aircrafted by the fires. Rap and r and b taking center stage in the grammy n nominations. Song of the year is and zwruft enbieber, beebes bryan o mars, and gam bin o up for awards. Leading the way 8 nominations, j. Z, the awards handed out in new york city january 28th. Will he make the cut . Were routing for him noah mac the 17yearold from Dublin High School is among the 11 finalists tonight on the voice. Last night. For the first time in the sho what do we say in great voice great hair. Im voting for the hair. So good. Knocked out a Strong Performance last night for the first time the contestants performed songs suggested to them on social media. Mac chose electric love by the group boerns. The artist including mac find out tonight if they make it to the top ten. He is so cute a superstar from dublin. Routing for you mac. Okay jeff. Nice weather next couple of days you guys. Cold outside. Its so cold this morning. It was. Yes, i know a little bit of patchy frost where temperatures dropped to into the 30s. Especially in marin abnapa and sonoma dcounties. A lot of traffic on 880 through oakland. Thats pretty typical pb 5 a dregs 37 notice we trop down to 49 at midnight. Yes its chilly again as we head throughout tomorrow morning. This is really not much in the way of cloud cover that we expect to move in over the next few hours. Thats going allow any kind of heat we had to escape. Thats why we drop down to 42 for the trooifly. Peninsula low 40s and for the sourgt bay we start mostly clear and 45. North bay down to 39 degrees. San francisco starts off mostly sunny and 47. Thats the good news on the commute. Nothing in the way of thick fog throughout the bay. And as we head throughout tomorrows forecast, temperatures will be mild, not too warm, really comfortable overall. Downtown san jose 64. Youre looking at 65 from East San Jose to morgan hill. It looks about the same through contra costa and alameda counties. No matter the commute to work tomorrow, once you leave the house wearing youll be able to keep on the same kind of wear there throughout the bay. 65 here in danville. 61 in oakland. You see what i mean towards the peninsula low to mid60s sfr san mateo to palo alto. San francisco well its slately cooler. Thats always the norm. 60 in embarcadero and 58 in the outer sunset. Not that wind withy tomorrow. San francisco traditionally is one of the windiest spots. Nice break there. Right up through marin and napa and insomnia an mildest in novato and napa at 65. It looks like just about the same for thursday and fridays forecasts once we hit the we could, cloud cover increases and well see the chance of rain. Dont worry, the way things are playing out right now it looks like less of a moderate storm for us. Things are changing and it looks like its weakening down. Saturday at 6 00 p. M. We see scatter showers for the bay area. We extend scattered rain into sunday morning forecast. But with the storm staying more to the north it doesnt look nearly as wet but well keep a chance on saturday and sunday. In terms of this weekend, we have again lower the totaled trace amounts to about. 15 a irj. I think you can get the decorating done without problems. Dry by next monday and tuesday. For the interior valleys with we are seeing cooler weather by the upcome weengd. Makes it nice no matter what you have to do were also looking at dry weather monday and tuesday. The long range forecasts or the next two weeks generally has a dryer pattern. We may not see things really kick in until january at this point. Were you wearing a jacket this morning. I was so cold that i had the heater on. It was cold. I want a video next time. Thanks, jeff. All right the raiders game against the new york giants this weekend has taken a unique turn. Both teams without some of the starts. Colin resch explains next. Taking on the lowly flyers. The flyers came into tonight s game on an 8 game losing the shark in philly tonight take on the lowly fliers. They came in on an 8game losing streak. Can you make it nine. First period jumbo joe still with the beard with the goal. Giving the sharks an early lead. The sharkies go on to win 31 if you are keeping track this early in the season the sharks are the sixth seed in the western conference. Michael Consent Decree crabtree and no eli manning for the sunday game. Two headliners out out. The one suspended the over benched for the first time in 13 years. Nbc bay areas colin resch here. Startwood a block that was crabtree on a key to leave. Remember there is history between the two guys. I think thats where the fight started thats exactly right Michael Crabtree felt disrespected. He was embarrassed woe a first snapped his and ultimately pride got the best of him this past season. They have history between both of those guys. They its just history. You just have to understand. So aint nobody tripping on it around here. Originally suspended by the nfl for two games crabtrees punishment reduced tuesday afternoon to just one. Which means hell only miss this sundays home game against the 29 giants team. Got to step up. There is no different than somebody go down with an injury or whatnot. Next man comes up and has to play fill the void. Next man up for the giants will be geno smith after starting 2 109s consecutive games eli manning will not start as quarterback against the raiders of. For all intents and purposes he has been benched given the option to start and play the first half he told the coach, thanks but no thanks. Play some time you know, never just thought best is to give geno the start and you know ill back him up ill be be a good teammate i doesnt like it for football you handle it. And just do my job. Two teams two veteran players in all likelihood both spectators this sunday but for different reasons. Well coming up tonight at upset and taking action ab, the bay area teacher who has been bullied by students repeatedly process the reason why what she says she is doing about it. Thats tonight at lurk. One last check with jeff as we go into the midweek a lot of sunshine. Umhum. And then you throw in some rain. But the good news doesnt look like a big storm the way things are unfolding right now. So for tomorrow we are looking at 64, sunny, headed to the beach wsh watch out for dangerous waves 10 to 15 feet process. By thursday and friday sunshine. Mid60s inland. Saturday and sunday scattered chance of rainfall. Right now trace amounts to. 15 of an inch. We dry out once once we hit next monday and tuesday. I know it falls right between on the weekend unfortunately for anyone with plans. At this point it doesnt look like its Strong Enough tor wet enough to cancel any plans so far right now. We have plans to put. The tree this weekend. I have my tree up. Gosh youre good. Yeah. I need the tree got the lights. Thanks for joining us here at 6 00. Have a great evening. See you tonight at 11 00. Byebye. Hi, were alaska airlines. And we dont just fly lumberjacks to glaciers. We fly all kinds of people all kinds of places. Like App Developers to mexico city. Musically inclined novelists to nashville. And pilates instructors to palm springs. Sure, we love a good glacier. But we also like a little cocoa butter. From the west coast to the world. Alaska airlines. Thats how we fly. From the west coast to the world. 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