A News Conference just ended and here is what we know. The gunman is identified as Santino Legan and Authorities Say they killed him during that rampage. No confirmation of a second suspect, an ak47 type gun was found with the victim killed. We do know the victims in this case. A 6yearold boy, a 13yearold girl, and a man in his 20s. That number of people injured, 12. Again that shooting happened at a little before 6 00 last night. At Christmas Hill park where the festival, the gilroy garlic festival has been going on for decades. This is the 41st annual. We have team coverage. Ali wolf has the details on the youngest victim and scott mcgrew outlining how the suspect got inside of the festival in the first place. L at the News Conference with what we just learned this morning. Bob. Reporter laura and to hear y of Gilroy Police chief announce ot a 13yearold girl was among those killed and the other victim a plan in the 20s and then the 6yearold boy who weve been talking about all morning long after his father reached out to give us that photo and to express to us just how much he loved his happy little boy. His mother and grandfather were also shot and are expected to survive. The chief tells us that three of the officers engaged the shooter within a minute of when the shots started coming out but the shooter started firing at his officers with an assaulttype rifle and they responded with three handguns. They shot and killed him and they were not hurt in the process. Now the Assault Rifle is legalln july 9th and they did confirm the identity of the suspect who used to live here in gilroy. Reports have been going out and i will confirm that the suspect is that several news media have been inquiring about. Santino william legan, who was 19 years old. And i say that name with some hesitation because i dont believe that somebody like this deserves the notoriety or the recognition. But i also understand that you all want to have some confirmation of that. Reporter the fbi tells us they have 30 people out at Christmas Hill park collecting and mapping the evidence. The special agent in charge said they have not determined a motive for why Santino William legan carried out this shooting. They dont know his ideological leanings if he had any and that is something to be determined. As we talked earlier the mayor echoed a sentiment that i believe a lot of people feel here in the city of gilroy and saying massive gun violence is an epidemic in the United States and yet no one thinks it could happen in a Wonderful Community like this. Reporting live in nbc bay area so hard when it does happen here, bob. Thank you. Now the suspected gunmans family lives in gilroy not far from the scene and this morning here as policeen out t i know authorities were there this morning taking things from the home. What you have been able to find out since youve been there . Reporter well, marcus, we saw when we arrived around 6 00 this Morning Police from gilroy and the atf were here at the suspected gunmans family home and they were focusing in, walking into the house you see behind me and also taking a close look at this silver nissan parked out front. We want to take you to cell phone video we shot as we saw those officers walking out, they were Holding Brown paper evidence bags, one of those officers, if you look closely, hes appearing to be carrying a camo case, it looks like a case for a gun. And you heard the police chief say the suspect, the suspected gunman, was using an ak47 style rifle in the shooting. And at one point officers fod a gray nissan, searching that vehicle and taking pictures inside of the car, inside of the trunk. And Police Sources confirm this is the suspect Santino Legan family home. Weve been speaking to neighbors all morning and they say the family is upstanding and very nice and very friendly. Take a listen. Its extremely sad. Its a terrible thing. The good family lived here for a long time and just horrible to horrible to think that thats what really happened. And in our neighborhood, it is just terrible. Reporter a little bit earlier, we saw two men walk up to the house, possibly family members of the suspect, they got into a blue tesla before we could get any questions in and they sped off. And neighbors now are telling us that they never saw anything suspicious in this house. Theyre saying great things about the family. But that they didnt see much of the suspected gunman. We dont know if he was actually living here at the time. But we do know this location for perspective is just about two miles, maybe a 30 minute walk away from where the gilroy garlic festival was held. Ali wolf, nbc bay area news. This incident touching so many people. Even reaching to the president of the United States. Actually saying that the nations prayers are sent with the victims as well as families. Scott mcgrew continues our coverage. Good morning. President trump spoke in the rose garden as part of a preschedul prescheduled ceremony owe to sign the 9 11 Compensation Fund into law. We express our deep sorrow for the families that lost a precious loved one in the horrific shooting last night in gilroy california. While families were spending time aa local festival a wicked murderer opened fire and killed three innocent citizens including a young families and we ask that god will comfort them with his thanked all of the First Responders who came to gilroy in the time of need. He signed the 9 11 bill that you see there. This is the bill that faced so much opposition from Senate Majority leader mitch but that is now law this morning. Thank you very much. A lot of people reaching out on twitter giving thoughts and condolences. Right now gilroy strong, that hashtag is going viral. With many people from the bay area sports teams and local businesses posting about this tragic event. The san jose giants wrote, quote, our thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims and their families. And of course this story is a developing one. And it is developing by the minutes. We want to you stay with nbc bay area because were going to continue to bring you those updates on air as well as online. You could also download our nbc bay area app to get those updates and alerts right there on your phone. As we continue to follow that, we turn to our oc foggy start. Carl the fog hanging on in San Francisco. At least you could make out the Transamerica Pyramid there. Cooler temperatures prevailing today. Yes. Drizzling there in San Francisco. So theyre seeing seeing that with cooler air and making its way inland and the skies are all clear looking at walnut creek. Through the rest of the day, our temperatures in spots like walnut creek will be anywhere from 15 to 20 degrees cooler than yesterday. So we had all of that excessive heat over the weekend but it is going to feel much better today with some breezy winds picking up throughout the afternoon. In fact, that strong onshore wind flow getting in stronger for the coast. In Half Moon Bay were looking at wind speeds sustained at about 25 to 30 miles per hour. And were even going to feel that tonight in parts of the trivalley. So our temperatures will be much lower, reaching into the upper 80s for antioch while in the low 60s for the coast. But well still have hot weather in ukiah today, reaching 90 degrees. Well talk about what is ahead throughout the rest of the week. That is coming up in the full microclimate forecast. Thank you very much, kari. So weve heard officials speaking out about the horrific details of the gilroy shooting that happened. Want to listen to the attorney general Xavier Becerra right now. And killed and 12 others injured. Weve seen this type of senseless violence too many times in this country. Too many times here in california. And at least we know in california were taking steps every day to try to curb this type of senseless violence that takes our loved ones from us. It is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims. My thanks to the Law Enforcement personnel who responded. Especially the Gilroy Police department. But any number of Law Enforcement agencies are now involved, including the department of justice, were helping out as well. It is something that weve become accustomed to unfortunately but it is important to recognize the victims and express our condolences. To thank the First Responders, and it is important here in aro things like this leader in this tha in this nation when it comes to forwardthinking sensible gun Safety Measures that we take. Well find out more details as the investigation of this incident move forward. But i could tell you that when it comes to the use of assault weapons, california has taken action. And we do all we can to try to prevent these types of senseless incidents from occurring that take loved ones from us. I also want to mention that Law Enforcement authorities are still seeking information of the potential of other perpetrators or people involved in this incident and i urge anyone who may have information, however faint or related it might be to you, to please contact Law Enforcement aut are the people at the Gilroy Police department. Theyre phone numberthe y is area code 4088460583. Gun violence kills. It changes lives. And it devastates communities. And m do allevent these type of. By the way, about one in every seven americans, whatever your political stripe is, believe we should have sensible restrictions on firearms. And in california i think that number probably would be greater and certainly weve acted. But if there is ever a time for a screen for our National Leaders to do something, how much louder must we yell . But every time it seems like the gun lobby gets in the way and certainly congress, i experienced that for 24 years. And it doesnt surprise me if they step up and become a road block to sensible national gun Safety Measures as well. Here in california they try to do what they can to stop us. I can give you the names of any number of cases where we are up against the gun law, trying to protect what california has done and trying to move forward. Whether it is protecting our california assault weapons control act that we that we passed back in 1989, whether it is the defense that were engaged in right now in court on the ban on large capacity magazine that were being sued by the gun lobby against or whether it is Law Enforcement against proposition 63 which we passed recently which requires ammunition sales to now undergo background checks and registration well continue to monitor California Attorney general Xavier Becerra. And it will bring to light as the conversation often does after Mass Shootings the gun laws of our state as well. Well continue to follow what has happened in gilroy. Coming up, two former bay area high schools accused of murdering a Police Officer in italy. This is a completely different story. It is. Also that tragedy that weve been talking about in gilroy. We have updates on the latest as investigators and the Community Search for answers after yesterdays deadly mass shooting. 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A 6yearold boy, a 13yearold girl, and a man in his 20s. 12 other people are injured. Happened before 6 00 last night at Christmas Hill park in gilroy where the festival has been held for decades. We dont have a motive for the shooting as yet. We did have we dont have any confirmation that any second suspect did any shooting. But we certainly are investigating all leads to try to determine who that potential second suspect is and what exactly that persons role was. The chief said legan used an ak47 type Assault Rifle he legally purchased this month in nevada. Another big story were following. Involving two men from the north bay who were arrested over the weekend after being accused of stabbing a Police Officer to death in italy. Pete suratos joins us live there from Tamalpais High School where the two men went to high school. And were getting more details on this case even as that Police Officer is laid to rest this morning. Reporter that is right. Good morning to you, markus. A somber day for that italian Police Officer who was laid to rest earlier this morning. Infact, when i show you the video, weve shown you this all morning long. 35yearold Police Officer mario rega. That funeral taking place near his home town in naples at the same church he was married at six weeks ago. They reported that the italy military chaplain said he lived and died to safeguard others. As far as what led to his death alleged by the two north bay teenagers. 19yearold finnegan lee elder and gabriel horth tried to extort a hundred euros and drugs but when plain clothes Police Officers arrived to confront the suspects, they struggled with officers and that is when rega was stabbed 11 times. Eventually dying from the injuries. The a. P. Is reporting this morning that elder told the jue after he felt pressure on his neck. However the judge said elder did not have any marks on his neck to indicate that this happened. The judge also saying that hjorth told involves that he used a knife and then washed it. Now while both teenagers remain in custody there is another investigation after these pictures emerged showing one blindfolded and handcuffed. Policeis theelves from the release and disclosure of the photos and carrying out an investigation and they confessed to the stabbing and blaming each other during the interrogation. Due to overwhelming evidence, a ruling could come within days. Were live in mill valley, pete suratos, nbc bay area news. Thanks for the latest there, pete. All right. Well a lot oeo getting out and trying to enjoy what they can of the weather because it is a lot cooler than last week. It is going to be so much cooler today compared to yesterday for the inland valley. A nice, refreshing change. A live look outside at the mendocino coast where the temperature is at 66 degrees. Now we are seeing all clear as well as the inland ol degree. As we enjoy the sunshine it does feel much better outside. But it is cool and foggy at ocean beach. Temperature at 57 degrees. That cool air will also make its way to the inland areas. So take a look at current temperatures. Now at 66 degrees in San Francisco. Oakland 64 degrees. And livermore at 73 degrees. But we do have still that warm temperature in brentwood at 82 degrees. But compare that to yesterday, right now were anywhere from two to 16 degrees cooler compared to yesterday. And so were already m oe comfortable air. You may want to get outside and go for a run. And you could do that outside all throughout the day in dublin with our temperatures reaching the upper 70s. Briefly hitting 80 degrees but then once that wind picks up, were going to see the temperatures cooling down as we go into this evening. Lets get a look at our microclimates. And our hourbyhour forecast. So we take you through 2 30. Danville at 77 degrees. It is 70 degrees in san mateo and San Francisco at 64 degrees and san jose is at 78 degrees. Were only going to make it into the low 80s and come back down into the evening commute. Were starting to see clearing for the coastal areas as well as the bay. But then the valleys will be a little bit slower to cool off. Here we are right around sunset and it is going to drop down into the upper 60s for many of our microclimates. And it is going to be a cool night to open up the had. Here is what is happening. We had High Pressure over dese it really helped to build some intense heat for the valleys and kind of fighting off that onshore flow. But as that moves away, we make room fhe pific northwest and that will bring them . Some rain around seattle and portland. For us well have a stronger onshore wind flow. The fog building once again along the coast. And with the winds picking up, it is going to transport that cooler air even into the valleys going from today through the end of the week. So were not going to see our temperatures going way up. No big spikes in our temperatures over the next several days. The warmest day through the workweek will be on wednesday. And it will be a few spots reaching the upper 80s. Now it will get hot again for the weekend. But were n weekend. And for San Francisco it is breezy today. At times some clouds and fog moving through but a nice weekend ahead. Those temperatures on the cooler side for the next several days. Laura and marcus. A welcome thachange. Thank you. Coming up, new information that we just learned about the gunman. But first, happening now, more cases of the measles have been reported. In fact, 1164 cases have been confirmed in 30 states including right here in california. That is an increase of 16 cases from last week. The majority of those cases are people who have not been vaccinated. New york is the hardest hit state. This is the worst Measles Outbreak in the country in 27 years. Well have more news for you right after the break. Breaking news this midday. Council member mia esparza said the victim is her cousin. Shes sharing this story of romero and said the violence needs to stop. Within the last hour the Gilroy Police chief confirmed that the gunman identified as Santino Legan, 19 years old from gilroy. Officers shot and killed him moments after he opened fire at the festival. The chief also confirming there were three people who were killed. The 6yearold boy that we told you, steven romero, a 13yearold girl and a man in his 20s not identified yet and 12 other people injured. Last night at Christmas Hill park where the festival has been held for decades. The chief said the shooter used a ak47 Assault Rifle that he legally purchased in nevada earlier this month. You could be sure that were staying on top of the breaking news out of gilroy the mass shooting at the gilroy garlic festival. Were posting updates on social media and follow us on facebook and instagram and twitter as we bring you those updates as soon as we get them. That is right. And another check of the weather. It is going to be much nicer as we go into the new workweek. Were going to have refreshing breezes. Our temperatures coming down to where we should be for this time of the year, reaching into the low to mid80s over the next several days. It will start to warm up more for the weekend but were not expecting any really extreme heat here. And for San Francisco those winds picking up today will also bring in some of the cooler air even to the inland valley. So that is going to be nice to catch a break and not h a. C. Not tripledigits. None of that right now. Could use that break for the moment. Thanks so much for joining us. Our next newscast is at 5 00. You could get the latestioall d nbay oh thaphenomenal , thats unfair. Thats so unfair. Cmon jaybo. Lets go. 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