Toll plaza very light traffic will last at least until may flow although steady so you can 3rd. The number of confirmed cases go at the speed limit. Across the country is chp gave an overnight wind approaching 200,000 and more advisory but i havent heard of than 4,000 people have died. Any problems since the very early hours. Live Team Coverage ahead. Looking at the bay bridge toll plaza youll see its not only first, mike and kari are here as well. Got a wind advisory but a breeze lets get a check of the forecast. Another nice day ahead. Getting into San Francisco. Its so springlike right now, thank you, mike. The white house this morning still falling short of ordering kari. Well, it is spring and finally it feels like it but everyone to stay home but they are urging americans to avoid being out and about for the rest this weekend were heading back to winter. As we look at our sevenday of the month. President trump says that he forecast expect it to reach up probably wont leave the house, the white house, that is, for 30 to 70 degrees today. It will cool off into the upper days, as the virus begins to peak. Today in the bays tracie 50s by saturday and sunday as potts is live for us from her home near washington this the rain returns. Mike has a look at the morning morning with the governments commute. Whats going on . Latest projections. Tracie . Any issues . No, in fact, kari, very light. Reporter marcus, those i dont think there are any incidents not involving projections are grim, theyre more than we heard a few days overnight road work. Ago in terms of how many people a lighter volume, of course, could die from this virus. Traveling west we do have a steady flow of traffic. But theres a way to change the san mateo bridge with those numbers, and what the white house is saying is that if taillights away from me. We all follow the instructions a good number of cars but nothing close to our normal for social distancing, things commute. Well track the rest of it and may get worse, but we could ill show you what effect that impact those numbers significantly. Might have in the positive nature coming up. New grim numbers are putting into perspective how much worse 240,000 thats the new white the pandemic could become in the house prediction of how Many Americans could die from the coronavirus. Bay area over the coming months. Its going to be a tough couple of weeks coming up. Reporter Health Experts 14,000 people could possibly die believe we can literally flatten this curve and cut the death this year in Contra Costa County rate in half or less if alone. Americans stop crowding places keep in mind this would be the like beaches and bars. Worst case scenario. Not only are you putting yourself in danger but youre the Health Officer says that putting society in danger because, as you get infected, number could still reach 2,000. You may be inadvertently and last week an internal report revealed Santa Clara County even innocently infecting others particularly those who are could see 16,000 deaths by next vulnerable. Month if nothing is done. Reporter the federal government is leaving stay home orders up to each state. Santa countys health so far 32 states have them department clarified it had covering three out of four nothing to do with that stemt. Americans. Now today in the bays bob redell is live at home. We know what works. What works is to stay home. Reporter social distancing, how do we compare here with other states . Staying six feet apart, is now recommended for the rest of the reporter marcus, the bay month, and the cdc is rethinking area is the First Community whether Everyone Needs to wear a mask. You can use a scarf. Nationwide to issue a stay at a scarf would be very good. Home order. Here we are in the third week and experts think were starting reporter on capitol hill lawmakers are to finally see results preparing for a fourth coronavirus package. Especially when compared to democrats want to include money other states. For the Postal Service for upcoming state primaries. Take a look at this graphic just well probably be moving to put up on your screen. California is the blue line at vote by mail. The bottom. Reporter across the country hospitals are seeing the worst its nearly flat. Of it. Compare that to the two top lines which are new york and new people packed in like sardines, 30 to 40 patients jersey which have seen a huge coughing on one another. Reporter as america prepares spike in cases. For covid19 cases to soar. One caveat, experts say its difficult to draw direct comparisons like this because testing differs from state to state, but there is evidence the and part of the problem is its social distancing were doing peaking in different places at out here is working to slow the different times. That curve looks longer right spread. And this is something we must now in california. Continue. You have places Like Washington we cant stop yet because were still in a critical period where state that were hit early on this virus could spread rapidly. Where theyre starting to see new this morning a ucsf doctor hospitalizations level off. You have new hot spots like explains the importance of staying home. Chicago and new orleans. Bottom line, though, nationwide we have to act early, and we the Health Experts are telling acted before the first death us this is going to get a lot worse in the next few weeks which is different than the other states and different than before it gets better. Tracie, were seeing some of the european countries. They brought together their the worst happen in new york communities and their health state. I know they are saying they providers, and they put in dont have enough of those strong mitigation methods and ventilators we know are so important to help those who are testing. And you can see what the results battling coronavirus. The federal government is in Washington State and actually holding on to 10,000 of those units so why not just give those units to new york . California is. Reporter again, another look at those state curves. Dr. Deborah birx, you just heard reporter so those 10,000 units the last 10,000 units from, with President Trumps covid19 task force, she from the national stockpile. Highlighted california as a shining example for the rest of President Trump says this is the country because of our going to get worse soon, that efforts to flatten that curve. Reporting live here in those ventilators are going to be needed. They dont want to run out now. Livermore, bob redell, today in the bay. New york says we need them right thank you for that, bob. Well, it is the 1st of april and now, but the response team, the white house response team, says certainly no joke for so many no one in new york has died bay area families now dealing because they have not gotten a ventilator and they dont want with all these bills piling up. To touch the last of the stockpile before they really so many due on the first of the month. I want to check in with kris expect these numbers to escalate. Obviously a big disconnect going sanchez reporting live from home this morning. On there with new york officials now people are really going to feel this pinch. And the mayor and the governor what do they do . There and what the white house theyre not receiving paychecks, is saying. All right, tracie potts in kris. Reporter first, off the bat, washington. Thank you for that report. I am not a Financial Adviser but laura . Ive been tracking all of this in the meantime, marcus, bay to see what its going to mean area counties are really for our bay area families. Scrambling for the expected what you need to do, make a list surge they think theyre going to see for these coronavirus patients. Of all the bills you owe. I want to check in with today its going to be painful but you in the bays Sharon Katsuda live at the San Mateo County will get an idea what has to be event center this morning with what theyre doing just to paid right away and what you can prepare there. Sharon . Put off. I want to start with what this means for your rent or mortgage. Reporter laura, this will for payments through may 31st house covid19 patients who have no eviction proceedings, no lower needs than icu patients. The San Mateo County board of enforcement as it relates to your inability to pay for supervisors are expressing much covid19. Concern about the need for more staff and ppes, especially at reporter as the governor seton hospital, recently leased said california evictions are on by the state to care for hold and 200 banks in california covid19 patients. Are now offering a 90day waiver county Health Care Experts say the county is running low on icu beds. On mortgage. Some utilities are offering some we had 309 covid19 positive leniency including keeping the cases. We also had about 70 Persons Service on even if they dont get payments or waiving late under investigation by our fees. The payments are still going to Public Health Communicable Disease investigation team. Be due at some point so if you can pay, you should. There have been ten fatalities that being said keep some of reported to Public Health, and your cash on hand liquid in case you need it for groceries, of these nine were older adults, medicine or other essentials. Six were female and four were once you pay that money out, you male. We have about five icu beds will not get it back. If you are depending on credit cards, some are allowing them to available at this time out of 66 skip a payment without interest. Icu beds in the county. Check with your credit card reporter last week we told company before you do that. Student loan payments on federal but a high school in martinez that will become a care site for loans are on hold through covid19 patients if needed. September 30th, but that does Contra Costa County announced not cover commercially held two other care sites, the federal Family Education loans fairgrounds in antioch and the or perkins loans, so call if you have questions before you skip pavilion in richmond. Back here live you can see i am that payment. A lot of auto companies, auto wearing a scarf, tracie just referred to it. President trump said meantime loan holders, are giving people while theyre Still Deciding whether masks should be required 90 days to pay without penalty for everyone going out in public, at least possibly wear a so make sure you call on that as well. Something to consider, a lot of scarf. Our photographer josh is wearing folks who depend on food stamps a mask every day. And so it might be a good idea or the ebt cards are getting to pull out your scarf while reloaded now that it is the first of the month. Going out in public. Reporting live, im sharon they may not have had an opportunity to get the katsuda today in the bay. Essentials that we need. All right, sharon, thank you. If you have the opportunity to 6 07 this morning. Hold off on your shopping Santa Rosa Police are mourning because youre not hesing an the death of one of their own ebt card, maybe give those folks due to complications from the coronavirus. A memorial is growing outside a chance to get out to the the Department Headquarters for Grocery Stores and pharmacies and reload because they get that detective mary lou armer. Payment once a month. She worked for the department for nearly two decades. Not a legal thing but a kind most recently in the domestic thing to do. Violence unit. Six other santa rosa pd members kris sanchez, today in the have tested positive. Bay. Thats good to think about, experts at uc davis are too, kris. In new york city were seeing the number of deaths testing an experimental drug increase again. That they actually used on a woman. New york city alone has more they hope that it can become very beneficial. Last month they treat add woman than 43,000 and sending 5,000 in her 40s from Solano County who had no Chronic Health emts. Problems. This is to help respond to a she was the hospitals first covid19 case. Record number of emergency as her condition worsened and calls. One e. R. Doctor explaining the became life threatening, they dire situation. Receive permission to use the i just got out of my tenhour experimental drug which was shift and it feels like playing domino tried for ebola patients and dominoes. Every single minute over ten hours straight feeling like any used previously on animals. One of your patients is about to fall. Sadly fema is also delivering this drug is still going to be experimental. 85 refrigerated trucks to new york city to serve as temporary in order for official guidelines mortuaries. Okay, this is for the to be changed there has to be a parents and the kids out there. Very studied evidence provided the possibility of learning from home most likely is going to that the drug indeed works. Happen for the rest of the school year. The patient is now fully california superintendent of schools Tony Thurmond actually recovered. Clinical trials are under way at put out this statement asking uc davis, but doctors say it could take weeks to confirm if schools to plan for Distance Learning for the remainder of that drug is indeed effective. The year. Due to safety concerns over the 6 08 this morning, and lets coronavirus its not likely get a look at that forecast for schools in the state will be you. Meteorologist kari hall has been tracking the temperatures for us open before summer. Hes expected to make an today and looking good out there, kari. Official guidance for schools today. It was so beautiful outside aplus for all the teachers out there. Yesterday, and it felt so nice, theyve been doing such a great job with our kids. So comfortable. I just sat on the back porch for a while and took in some math, science, the works. Sunshine. Hopefully youll have a chance my favorite is being lunch lady at this point, though. To unwind and do the same today. Lets head to east san jose, to the neighborhood of evergreen where we start out with upper 40s but look at our warmup as a big shoutout to the we go into late morning into the parents, too. Afternoon, its going to continue to warm up from there everyone working together to get the kids up to date on whats as we reach into the upper 60s, going on with the learning. You know what, p. E. Is a big so hopefully recess in the part of that. Today in the bays kari hall has a look at the forecast. Backyard with the kids today youll be able to take advantage. Well talk more about rain coming in and our weekend a day the kids can roam outside forecast in a few minutes. Right now mike has a look at and get some exercise . It will be a really nice that morning commute for our essential workers heading out day. The door this morning. We have seen some very nice weather over the past couple of days, but we are going to yeah, kari. And those essential workers continue include the transit drivers. We have a delay for the ferry. If youve never seen that ferry let me show you a picture. Looks like we have an issue its not a huge amount of with kari. Traffic that goes across the water, those cars on the back of the ferry, but they are some sunshine in the essential to these folks and had forecast. One of the benefits of whats to reduce temporarily that happening with the reduction in traffic flow, supply and demand schedule because of a reduction of ferry captains. Sort of thing. I dont know if its due to theres less demand for gas. Covid or not. The gasoline prices are below 2 its a temporary reduction. On the national average. We do see a smooth flow of traffic out there. 2 a gallon is great for us if were looking at the san mateo bridge getting over the water is we want to buy gas. Not a problem on that span. Bay area wide were not looking at 2 a gallon. Something in the south bay and aaa says San Francisco, san jose 3 a gallon, the cost of living in this area. Lighter traffic flow as we take a live look out there. The rest of transit. The pandemic intensifying were seeing the yield at the bay bridge toll plaza, no across the globe. Were going to talk about the strict action cuba is now taking to stop the outbreak from growing. Metering lights. A smooth flow around the bay. Reporter today is the first day of april. I will show you some dramatic not a good time for an april pictures. This view of traffic over the fools joke, thats for darned sure. North bay. It is the beginning of the thanks, mike. Second quarter, and well start 6 40 this morning and it pretty lousy on the stock working on the front lines still market with futures calling for ahead on today in the bay we actually will talk live with a mmm hundreds of points fall on the open. Stanford doctor working to help those with the coronavirus. Dont forget another great resource for coronavirus related reporter President Trump dealing with numbers that no news is our nbc bay area other president has ever had to newsletter. You get all the top headlines deal with. Sent in one email straight to when i show them to you theyre your inbox. Just shocking. Go to nbcbayarea. Com newsletter some numbers in new york city. The dow industrials down about to sign up. 3 as we begin the second financial quarter. But first uscs ymca, the Heart Association and other organizations have come together to deliver thousands of bags of groceries to seniors and those in need in los angeles. People are hurting. Theyre hurting and theyre desperate for help. Some places people havent had a paycheck in about two weeks. Theres no place like home. Especially when xfinity has you covered with fast, reliable internet. With advanced security to help keep you secure online. And with the most tv shows, movies and streaming apps all in one place. With simple Digital Tools you can get the help you need or even trouble shoot your services on your own. Download the xfinity my account app or just say help into your xfinity voice remote. There are times when our need to connect really matters. We are working to make things a little easier on everyone. To keep customers and employees in the know. Download the xfinity my account app today. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Right now at 6 13 we have a cool start to the day with some low 40s in the north bay, and in the south bay as you step out its also in the upper 40s. We will have a very nice day. Ill have more on this and the forecast coming up in a few minutes. Thanks so much, kari. With everyone on video chats these days, hackers and pranksters have a way in. Os gatos and look at our temperature trend for the day. Were starting out cool but have another Beautiful Day for the scott mcgrew, at least one bay area with sunshine. State is looking into this problem. Well talk more about this and reporter thats right. Nobody is going into hack into weekend rain coming up in a few minutes. Our conversation here on nbc and this videoconferencing, but when it comes to those consumer level since youre likely home today you can participate in the videoconferences its an census. Its the count for every person entirely different matter. In the united states. You should have received an you may have heard about zoom bombing, this is when a hacker invitation in the mail to or prankster comes into a zoom participate and just so you know its required by law. You can respond by phone, mail, meeting uninvited. There are ways to adjust your or going online and filling out setting to make sure that doesnt happen. That information. People arent doing that. The states attorney general is the census helps with our representation in washington and looking into zooms privacy determines how much money bay practices. Zoom says it welcomes the question. Now zoom is one of the only stocks to do well over the last area schools, hospitals, and Fire Departments receive. Few weeks, about doubled since a 6 44 this morning. And some republicans have said year ago. Its doing so well other companies with the word zoom in trumps response to the Coronavirus Crisis was slowed because he was distracted by his their name have seen price spikes as investors buy the impeachment. And the president is saying that is not true. Scott . Wrong stock by mistake. Reporter yeah, hes saying we ended the First Quarter, the its not true. He was distracted, he says its worst quarter in ten years, the not true that he was slow on worst First Quarter since they reacting to the virus. Started measuring the dow. Futures calling for about a it was his close ally, 700point loss this morning. Republican mitch mcconnell, who first floated this idea. Other news actually noncoronavirus news, if you can imagine, the white house going but here the president is saying ahead with a plan to get rid of none of that is true. I dont think i would have acted any differently or i dont obamaera standards for new think i would have acted any cars, lowering the bar on faster. Emissions, thus gas mileage. Now the cars will still have to the democrats, their whole be efficient, more efficient being, their whole existence, than current cars but the bar is was to try and get me out of lower. President trump made fun of auto office any way they can even if executives who still support the it was a phony deal, and it was tougher standards calling their companies politically correct and the executive foolish. A phony deal and it turned out, and all you have to do is look he doesnt use names but its likely ford, bmw, honda and at the fbi reports, look at what the fbi did. Volkswag volkswagen. California law still calls for higher standards. Reporter indeed. What hes saying about the fbi is very important. And they have said they will buried in all of this news about stick to california standards not washingtons lower the coronavirus are new allegations from the Inspector General that fbi agents appeared standards. To have routinely botched applications, they wrote to the fisa courts. In fact, the sample the ig took 6 15. A vacaville family decided of 25 reports he found errors and omissions in all 25. 20todo some chalk work. The daughter after nurse, the president says this supports his argument the initial addison, wrote a message. It says stay home and save lives. Investigation of his relationship with russia was botched, particularly the dealings over Campaign Aide carter page. I love that. President trump says the nation it makes me smile. Will face a painful two weeks as the coronavirus cant stop the american deaths spike from fun for one little girl. Coronavirus. Over at the New York Times she took to the vestreets to ha they point out under the best a dance battle with her grandfather. Case, best case scenario, President Trump will see more americans die from the coronavirus in the weeks to come than president s harry truman, dwight eisenhower, lyndon check out those moves. Johnson, john kennedy, richard little kira sees her grandfather almost every day because they live across the street from each nixon saw combined. Here is the u. S. Surgeon other. General. With social distancing had to come up with creative ways to hes going to speak of that see each other in other ways prediction, 150,000 to 250,000 other than face time. Look at the moves. Deaths, best case, on the if you have something good to today show. Show us, tweet u right now there have been us somethinggood. Just under 4,000 deaths. I love it. Are we looking at 96,000 people she will remember that forever. Dying in the next few weeks . Here is what i want you and thats great. America to know. That is great. Maybe ill do a dance those projections are definitely competition with you guys. Just dont throw out your sobering, but they dont have to back. Oh. Be our reality. If we really do our part, stay at home, social distance, then all right, kari, today would be a good time to get out. We can flatten our curve even i would like to see the dance moves youve done before and below those projections. Peoples weather pictures. We all need something to help reporter you can watch that coming up at 7 00 and follow me cheer us up. On twitter. For me its the weather. For you it may be music and dancing. Whatever you have that makes im scottmestions that weve h people feel good to all of us on social media. Talk about online and we want to as we look at our weather take them to experts. Starting out today, we have a clear sky. Its a live look in walnut joining us is dr. Alexei wagner creek. A great day for getting out at stanford hospital. There and dancing a little bit. Good morning to you, dr. Wagner. Good morning. Thank you so much for joining us. Were going to see temperatures last time we spoke with you it in the mid40s but warms up into was about a week ago. The upper 60s today. What have you seen the lets get a look at our high temperatures for this afternoon difference at the hospital that youve seen over that week . As we reach up to 67 degrees in san jose. We have some low 60s for highs weve seen a big growth within the changes of the virus. Further to the north in clear lake and ukiah. We are keeping the rain away. Weve been preparing very hard with what the future holds now the storm system is still well to the rest of us. This will be coming in for the and happy and thankful for the weekend and as it arrives were social distancing and shelter in looking at scattered showers in place as its given us a the forecast starting on saturday and continuing into reduction over the last two weeks, allowing us to prepare sunday. And looking over the next seven days our temperatures have been and launch new services for our slightly above normal but still very comfortable as we reach Covid Patients in the coming into the upper 60s. Weeks primarily Digital Health once again rain for the forecast for these patients. I know weve been talking a this weekend may help keep lot about the ventilators. People inside. Once again were trying to flatten that curve still and theyre so important when staying inside is the best way treating those with incaviglia. To do it. Theres a big shortage in new read a looking at the possibiliy york. How are we looking here at stanford hospital . Of about a quarter to half an weve been preparing very inch of rain for most of us. Well here at stanford and i maybe a little bit higher for think were prepared to have areas farther to the north. Enough ventilators that we need over an inch of rain possible in including bed space and icu bed ukiah and santa rosa about space. Threequarters of an inch of lets talk about that peak. Rain. Some are saying we should see it its a really important day for around easter. The Weather Department because this is the last year of snowpack survey and were not is that still the case from what youve been hearing . Quite sure how the pandemic will it depends on the modeling affect those surveys as they go youre looking at. Out there and stick the yardstick down into the snow. Looking at some of our automatic were hoping the curve is flattening. Sensors were at 53 normal as were closely watching all the predictions and the numbers around the bay area and our surrounding communities. Far as our snowpack. Its great to see we have more snow in the forecast. The possibility of getting at and this seems far from over. Least a couple feet in some of the quick advice to people out there to try to deal with all of this. Our resorts maybe even up to 38 advice, please, continue to inches in king veil. Shelter in place. Socially isolate yourself, wash our temperatures will reach into your hand frequently and rest the upper 60s and low 70s. Assured that if you do need to be seen in the hospital we are up to 58 on sunday. Here, we are ready to care for as the rain moves in, it cools off. For San Francisco expect highs you. The doctors, the nurses and all in the lower 60s and then cooling down to about 54 with rain this week. The support staff, we are here for you and will be ready if you need us. I wanted to take this time now make sure we do our part so you can do your part. To talk about how the pandemic is impacting the accuracy of our dr. Wagner, thank you for joining thus morning. Thank you. Weather forecast. Many people dont know this but laura, what do you have . Because of the commercial flights that are now grounded in now to something good, the europe and the united states, message weve all heard but now thingsnd its coming from curb your wind data are not getting reported by those aircraft, and enthusiasm creator larry david, that funny guy there, saying to so that information is fed into computer models. Stay home to help save lives. It helps create our forecast. Youre passing up a fantastic and to put this in perspective according to the website flight opportunity, a onceinalifetime opportunity radar 24 on sunday, march 1st, to stay in the house, sit on the at about 2 00 in the afternoon couch and watch tv, i dont know how youre passing that up. Well, maybe, because youre not they were tracking about 6,800 flights at 2 00 in the afternoon that bright. Across the u. S. , mexico and you can hear his little canada. At the same time this past seinfeld tone. Weekend there were only about governor gavin newsom has 2,800 flights in the air. Enlisted him to help seniors. So thats about a 4,000flight the governor created a new difference. Initiative for seniors called that goes to prove that this stay home, save lives, check in. Weather, the coronavirus, is not only impacting the commercial airline industry. The graphic you see on your its impacting how we forecast screen as well so check in on your neighbors. The weather and its really not i have a phone call from our at a good time. Before we go into the severe parish priest. I was so touched he was checking weather, spring season, theres a possibility this may make the in on me, the kids and the family. Weather forecasts more it does mean a lot when you inaccurate even going into check in on people. Hurricane season when we dont a small gesture that takes just a few minutes. Get the data. Thats something well be sometimes people just want to watching as we go into the next hear voices especially if you live alone. Several months. I was almost caught off mike, from the air to the roads guard. It was so touching. Weve seen a lot of that. To the trains, whats going on for the morning commute . A lot of times check on neighbors if you can, especially as you know, i also depend the elderly. On all the data. Maybe if you can walk over to a we have fewer cars, fewer data neighbor, knock on the door and points. Stand back, make sure everyone right now we require that and is okay. Have the news all over highway its really good advice. 17. Were showing you 280 coming toward us. Keep that six feet of distance. Lets talk about the weather heading south you go over the today because its going to be beautiful out there. Santa cruz mountains, theres literally news all over the very much like yesterday as we see the high temperatures reaching into the upper 60s, roadway. Theres a traffic break, maybe a even a few low 70s for the inland east bay. Little delay heading to the over the next few days well see summit for highway 17. Looking at the transit were talking about the delay that is more dry weather and warm continue here. Temperatures. Going into the weekend it will no Light Rail Service and cool off as a new round moves into the bay area and, of reduced b. A. R. T. Hours. Course, we need that to also that Service Starts and ends at 8 00 and 9 00 on the weekend. Help out with our drought thanks, mike. Situation watching those numbers coming up for you whats next in terms of how much rain over for that cruise ship with the next few days. Nowhere to dock. We already know that four people it looks like the possibility of have died. Dozens are sick and several half to a quarter inch of rain. Countries have turned it away. The rainfall totals will be much higher. Now its head to go floor floor. Up next the governor and what hes saying. Really important day in the and idaho rocked by an Weather Department because this is the last year of snowpack earthquake. Survey and were looking at new video from the epicenter, going out there measuring how very close it, all coming up next. 6 22. Deep the snow is and this will help us out to know how long we can go into the summer with our water storage. It looks like with our automatic sensors its at about 53 of normal for the statewide average snowpack. Going into the weekend, next week were going to see the possibility of several more feet of snow so even if its not that great today, its nice to see we do have more snow in the forecast going into even the beginning of april. Really great to see that. Our sevenday forecast shows according to the howell family auntie jenns friend and her son were going to be nice today and tomorrow, and even into friday can live with them as long as they want. But then going into the weekend according to the census our temperatures cool off as it doesnt matter if youre related or not, muchneeded rain moves in. Everyone living in your home on april 1st counts. Scattered showers saturday through monday. San francisco will reach into because this count helps inform funding the low 60s. And then some mid50s once that on how billions get spent every year. Rain arrives. Heading over to mike, youve and where there are more people, there are more needs. Been tracking the commute, how is it looking for essential complete the census online, by phone, or by mail. Workers heading out the door . Kari, a quick note for a shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov second. Southbound 17, i told you about the newspapers scattered all across the roadway glenwood drive. The track break wasnt enough. Theres a sweeper there so both lanes are blocked just for a couple minutes. Should clear soon. Theres light traffic besides that. I want to show you how dramatic the roads look. For our drone video that came in from our friend michael, one of the photographers here at the station this is over mill valley where were looking at traffic moving very smoothly and very light. It looks like a little toy there. Back to you. Thanks, mike. Happening now for you, four people aboard a celebrity cruise ship dock in san diego have tested positive for coronavirus. One passenger is in the hospital. Other people who traveled on the eclipse anytime in march are being advise to monitor themselves for those symptoms. 6 54 right now. Up next on today in the bay, the top stories were covering for you this morning including the bay area shelter at home order extended to help fight the coronavirus. The new restrictions you and your family need to know about. And were checking up on how well california is doing on flattening that curve. The results that were seeing despite some grim new predictions. Youre watching today in the bay. 6 24. A carnivalowned cruise ship anchored near panama may arrive in florida as early as tomorrow. Its been out at sea for more than two weeks and been denied entry at several foreign ports. We know that four people onboard have died, and its feared up to 200 more may be infected. Floridas governor has said that he does not want passengers to disembark there, but President Trump is planning to speak with him before the ship arrives to try to come up with a solution. The number of coronavirus deaths globally now exceeds 43,000. There are now more than 874,000 confirmed cases worldwide. In madrid today police stood in if i could do one thing, the rain as spain held a moment id make sure there were more textbooks in schools. Of silence for the 8,400 people im a teacher. Ive seen the need, who have now died there. But my girlfriend here likes to say. Dont just talk about it, be about it. In spain yesterday recording its highest oneday amount of deaths and were about the 2020 census. So far. In cuba authorities are because when everyone gets counted on the census, requiring everyone to wear facemasks when they go out in it helps inform public funding in our neighborhood public. Anyone caught not covering their for the next ten years face, faces up to 75 in fines. Dont just talk about it be about it complete the census online, by phone or by mail. Many are asking if they need shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov. To wear the mask when they go out. Members of the Coronavirus Task force say they may soon make that recommendation. Health experts say they can wear masks if they want but remember to follow social distancing orders. The bottom line is the surgical masks for health care workers. As far as a scarf or handkerchief, it might help a little bit. If you feel better doing it, go ahead. Make sure you maintain that six feet of separation. A lot of people said if they are told to start covering up, they will. People in idaho and beyond certainly felt the shaking within the last 24 hours. A 6. 5 earthquake struck last night in central idaho. About 100 miles northeast of boise. The usgs says people in six states felt it. It rattled a lot of chandeliers and windows. The quake was also the second strongest anywhere in the world over the past 30 days and the first in idaho since 1983. So far there have been no reports of injury or damage. Good to hear that news. No injuries to report. 6 27 for you that morning. Up next here the bay area shelter at home order is extended to prevent the coronavirus from spreading, and new and wider restrictions you and your family need to know about. And a grim prediction coming out of Contra Costa County. The amount of lives that could 6 57. Welcome back to today in the be lost if nothing is done. Bay. Youre watching today in the bay. Here are the top stories were covering for you on this wednesday morning across the bay area tightening the reins at midnight. Even stricter stayathome orders lasting through may 3rd. Parks and basketball courts will close. Sports that use balls like soccer or baseball can only be played with members of your household. Also most residential and commercial construction is now prohibited. Experts believe the bay area is start to go sing to see resu flattening the curve, especially true compared to states like new york and new jersey. A ucsf doctor explains the importance of staying at home. You have to act early, and we acted before the first death, which is different than the other states and different than the european countries. A Top Health Official tells the mercury news the people could die in Contra Costa County alone. And you can watch the full interview with the doctor from ucsf, george rutherford, next on the today show right after today in the bay. In the meantime when youre sheltering at home, need a little fresh air, keep your distance. It should be a nice day, right, protect your pet with the 1 name in kari . Yes, more beautiful weather flea and tick protection. Today opening up the windows and frontline plus. Not having to run the heater or trusted by vets for nearly 20 years. Air conditioner. Well see this continue the next few days. How is it looking for drivers frontline plus. Whaso lets do the rightver chanthing, today. Ow. Heading out the door . Lets stay at home. A smooth, easy drive 280 at lets wash up. Lets always keep our distance 17. Please, six feet apart at least. 17 south to the summit slows lets look after ourselves, as well as others. Down. Theyre cleaning up spilled it will all be worth it. Newspaper. We can all do our part. A temporary traffic break. So those on the front line can do their part. It should hopefully clear. And when this is over, well send it back to you. We will all, continue, thanks so much, kari and mike. To thrive. And thank you for joining us as well. The today show is up next. A live look at the bay bridge as we sign out here on today in the bay. A few laughs as well. Thank you for joining us this morning. Have a great day. Good morning harsh reality. This is going to be a very painful, very, very painful two weeks. The president issuing a brutal wakeup call to americans. The data just in that shows hundreds of thousands could die in this country in the coming weeks, even with social distancing. Theres no magic bullet theres no magic vaccine or therapy. Its just behavior. Just ahead our live conversation with the surgeon general. With the stakes this high, why arent all 50 states ordering resint

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