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That one cellblock. Reporter about 42 of the prison population has been deemed medically vulnerable meaning they are at high risk for contracting the virus. Like hes a bargain since close friend who is currently serving time at san quentin. We are very worried, im hoping he doesnt have covid 19. He is actually in a setting with all of these people and their bunks are very close to each other. We dont have the transfer of inmates going on right now. Where is the concern . Does it come with the employees going in and out of the prison gates . The neck is exactly right, you have to be concerned as the entire bay area. Both our ability to infect the prison but are ability for infections in the prison to come back into the community. Reporter many inmates are treated a bay area hospitals under heavy security. Then advocates and family members are demanding the governor grant more releases amid the outbreak they say prisoners with fewer than 180 days left on their sentences and test negative it should be let go. We come as families of folks who are inside know so intimately that nothing can happen that is going to reduce this pandemic if there is not mass releases granted. According to governor newsom, the more than 100 inmates tagged for possible release may not have a safe place to go. The question is do you make a bad situation worse by releasing someone thats not ready to be released because they dont have a place to stay . What is the best prescription right now, medical prescription . The best prescription right now is to get everyone who can be released from the prison released. Reporter now we are learning a 71yearold death row inmate found dead in his cell last week tested positive for covid19. At san quentin state prison, juliette goodrich, kpix 5. Alameda county now joining the growing list of bay area counties hitting paws on reopening plans. Alameda, contra costa, San Francisco and marin counties were all supposed to move forward this week with some sort of reopening including some bars, gyms, salons, and dining. Also today, Solano County was added to the state watchlist. It already includes contra costa and santa clara counties. Hospitalization rates in Solano County have spiked 24 the Golden State Killer strikes a deal. Today Joseph Dangelo pleaded guilty to more than a dozen murders and across california including here in the bay area. Reporters the large was in court where prosecutors revealed disturbing details. Standing outside the Sacramento States ballroom that has been transformed into a courtroom for today. All day long, prosecutors have been laying out in detail the crimes that have been committed by Joseph Dangelo over so many years. There are details that paint the picture of a monster. Reporter Joseph Dangelo arrived in a wheelchair surrounded by deputies as he entered a back door of the Sacramento State campus ballroom turned Sacramento County courtroom. Inside, dangelo wearing the orange jumpsuit and clear face shield, his head hung as if he had no strength to hold it up. Dangelos defense table sat facing more than 150 of his ufamily members. And their he strained to respond to questions from the judge. Just of genes dangelo, is that your true and correct name, sir . I guess your honor. One by one, prosecutors narrated the murders and dangelo emitted hedefendant ened. Nut entered the back of her head lt and lodged in her brain read the defendant struck mr. Smith with a log of firewood causing Blunt Force Injuries to the back right portion of his head. Reporter even forced her to orally copulate him by threatening to cut her baby boys ear off. Reporter prosecutors detailed a combined 88 charges and crimes committed are the judge asking dangelo to respond to each one. Guilty. Reporter after decades on the run and years in custody, joseph james dangelos judgment day, painful closure for a heinous california criminal case. Reporter although the victims were inside the courtroom today they were not permitted to speak on the public record. There time will come during a sentencing hearing set in august. In sacramento, steve lars, kpix 5. Some of the victims and family members heard the graphic details for the first time. This evening, some of his victims spoke publicly. Is having to live with the fact that we are hearing every single things that hes done and that he did to us and hes owning it. Is u just heard, the families of dangelos alleged victims will have their day in court in august when they are able to read impact statements at his sentencing hearing. Following weeks of nationwide protests denouncing police violence, this evening a new plan to cut millions of dollars from the Berkeley Police department. Kpix 5s ondrea borah on big changes that could be coming to that department. Andria. Reporter can, the proposal would take out about 10 million or 12 of the berkeley pds current operating budget and reallocate it to other places within thcity. Porter under a rct and menta calls would no longer go to be cops. Berkeleys mayor making the pitch in his new budget. We have police officers, they are focuthey need to do best and not being social workers and Mental Health workers for doing traffic enforcement. Reporter the proposal aims to remove nearly 10 million away from berkeley pd and into housing, healthcare, homeless, and Mental Health services while maintaining the current number of sworn officers at 166. Reporter our budget at the present is not laying off any existing personnel. The City Council Set a policy that we will not lay off any employees as a means of reducing our budget. We will not be filling certain positions. Reporter berkeley residents say if the change to policing that is needed the key to fighting crime is prevention and i think that through the availability of things like education, housing, food and healthcare, we can reduce crime much better than we can through things like arrests and jailing. Some of those resources need to go to other arenas. For instance, housing, it is very important because that creates problems and social services, we do need more social services and so i just feel that it can be distributed differently. Mayor arreguin says this is the beginning of conversation about the way weekly polices itself. Due to our Police Budget we need to reinvest in our community and we need to transform our safety. Reporter this will be up for discussion at the july 14 city council meeting. We reached out to the Berkeley Police Officers Association for comment and have not heard back yet. Live in berkeley tonight, ondrea birbeck, kpix 5. As advertisers leave social media platforms like facebook, how much should social media giants do to police the content on their platforms . Plus, cars are vandalized with racist messages. The outpouring of support that brought a bay area homeowner to tears. Still a couple hours ago on a red flag warning fo facebook is trying to figure out how to move forward after several companies decided to boycott the social media giant. Kpix 5s devon feely asks how the company can embrace reform without straying into censorship. Reporter the question that many are asking is where is the line between Corporate Responsibility and censorship . How much should social media giants due to police the content that ends up on their platforms . It almost seems nacve now, but there was a time we hoped social media would shrink our world. Build a sense of community, make us feel connected. Facilitate conversation and increase our understanding of those like and unlike ourselves. Is a sad truth the social media platforms has revealed something that is not necessarily unsavory about human nature. We want to be surrounded by people who think like we do and we like to have our opinions confirmed rather than challenged. Reporter social media has become a marketplace of ideas but all too often the currency it traffics in is the provocative and profane. The hurtful and hateful. Halftruths and outright lies. The question is, what do we intend to do about it . Facebook and other social networking sites have a responsibility to ensure that the advertising space that they are selling out and making profit from is actually posting credible information. Reporter facebook has gone on own apology tour before. From now on facebook will do more to keep you safe. Reporter remember this ad promising to do better like a wayward spouse showing up with roses hoping it would prefer you misdeeds. But there is Something Different this time. A growing number of companies, including ben jerrys, rei, north face, cocacola, levis, verizon, and many others have announced that they are breaking up with or at least taking a break from facebook and its ads. I always thought that facebooks argument that they are neutral was nonsense. You created something to be used for communication. Did you not have the thinking power to realize people would try to abuse that . Reporter i want to leave you today with a question. Is it possible we focus too much on what people say and to literal on how they feel question market people feel ugly hateful things but leave them unsaid or are prevented from saying them, are we really in a better place . Its a thorny question without an easy answer, but one i think is worth asking. In san jose, devon feely, kpix stepping up after a family was targeted by vandals. Their cars had all lives matter graffiti spray painted across the doors and tires slashed. There alexanders said he found the damage sunday morning and within a few hours he said dozens of neighbors showed up to help and wrote messages of love and support in chalk on their sidewalk. I cannot describe to you the outpouring of love from this community. Its, it was just overwhelming. Was literally overwhelming. Checking with paul right now to talk about a big weekend up ahead. Paul, a lot of flagwaving and celebrating, but they may be doing it in their front yards. What is the weather going to be like . Not as many big gatherings as fourth of july and of course he will be doing your own fireworks stuff, just be very careful. I would just wait until another year for that entirely. Lets take a look at whats happening out there right now. Clear skies overhead looking towards a tower in twin peaks. Looking nice out there, not any fog along the coast temperatures them as they usually are the sum of year, all over the place. 76 degrees downtown which is high temperatures today to 83 degrees in concord. Livermore, san jose down into the upper 70s voting onto 84 degrees in santa rosa and 72 in oakland. As we go through this evening, temperatures will drop off for this evenings dog walking forecast brought to you by gilligan, what a happy looking dog. Thank you for sharing that with us. San leandro where gilligan is from where temperatures are around 70 at the moment. They will drop through the 60s and eventually end in the 50s by tomorrow morning. Like today, temperatures tomorrow have the usual contrast between the coast and the bay and further inland with temperatures a few degrees warmer further inland. But not to start the day. Temperatures starting with cooler spots along the coast in the valley. Mid50s which is normal for the last morning of june. Hard to believe we are almost at july already. Temperatures warm up, lets zoom around and show you what we expect low to mid 60s along the coast itself, low 80s along the south bay with mid to upper 80s as you head into santa clara valley. The hotter spots on the map east of the range. Antioch, brentwood clear climbing to the mid90s. Low 90s possible for the tri valley as well at least into the upper 80s. Around the bay itself very close to normal temperatures. Mid to upper 60s, low to mid 70s on the side of the bay and the northbay warming up into the upper 70s, most spots low to mid 80s. Numbers to the north not quite as hot but still around 90 degrees from much of the lake and mendocino counties. It will be toasty inland for the fourth of july as well. Forecast for saturday, right around 70 degrees near the bay. Close to 90 degrees further inland. In between now and saturday we will see some ups and downs. Up tomorrow and down a bit for wednesday and thursday as we see our typical summertime pattern of the fog going back and forth throughout the day. It reasserts itself wednesday, thursday, and friday. Then we heat up for the inland spots as we head into the weekend. Coming up at 7 00 we taken hour by hour look at the fourth of july forecast. I everybody, Colin Kaepernick reaches a new deal with the countdown for Major League Baseballs opening day is officially on the giants. They begin their 60 game season in los angeles against the dodgers. And you are looking live at oracle park where starting friday the giants will have close to 60 players sharing the field for workouts. As if social distancing wasnt hard enough, i asked dave kepler about it last night on game day. What sort of challenges will be space limitations resent to you and the players . And how do you maximize practice . We are going to utilize every nook and cranny of oracle park. We will have batting cages set up at the concourse on centerfield. We are going to eat at various places outside were normally we would be eating inside. We are going to bring heaters to those areas and we will utilize but the feathers visitors house and home clubhouse. We will spread lockers out. Netflix planning to release a six part series on Colin Kaepernick. It will focus on his High School Years and how he encountered racism while growing up with a ite mily. Kaepernick will serve as their narrator with an actor playing him. Back to baseball, longtime start zimmerman will not play in the Upcoming Season due to Health Concerns with his family. Zimmermans teammate and former bishop joe ross will also sit out. Baseballsleagues celebrating their 100th year anniversary. In celebration they are starting a social Media Campaign where you simply tip your cap. Today i tip my hat to everyone in the leagues. I want to tip the cap. Thats an excellent story, former president barack obama, george w. Bush, bill clinton uthey had an opportunity opportunity to visit the lico need Leagues Museum and spoke with Museum Resident bob kendrick about the leagues lasting legacy. They had to leavitt to enjoy the things that they had to enjoy just to play baseball. But they would never allow those hardships to kill their love of the game. So the story itself is not about the adversity, but what they did to overcome the adversity. I tip my cap to the leagues and that museum. You can see that story on kpix. Com. Guys, back to you. Fantastic. I remember your trip and it was a really cool place. One to put on the list for sure. Still ahead, happy hour was just around the corner for so Contra Costa County joins the growing list of bay area counties putting a pause on reopening plans. Several businesses such as bars, gyms, hotels, and Indoor Dining were slated to open on wednesday. The county says it will set a new date when cases and hospitalization rates are under control. Researchers at uc berkeley calling out racist housing policies of the past that are still impacting black families today. Tonight in our original series, project home, we are taking a look at redlining. Predatory loans and toxic land. All three continue to make the search for safe housing more difficult for black families in our region. Susie simultaneity closer look at how racism in housing still exists explosion of coronavirus cases as the World Health Organization issues a dire warning. The pandemic is far from over. Tonight as infections surge in the south, testing sites in texas and florida are overflowing while hospitals across the south are overwhelmed. Beaches and bars closing as more states rollback plans to reopen. What it meanr h holiday. Causing the crisis. The sudden spike now being blamed on large gatherings and lack of masks. Tonight the Country Music star under fire after posting this video. And the shopper lashing out after being told to cover her face. You guys are violating federal law

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