[explosion] the Breaking News. The devastating scene out of gaza, where palestinian Authorities Say at least 500 people were killed. Claiming an israeli air strike. Israel denied it was them, but their intelligence is about who is responsible. The president heads to a war zone with meetings in israel, his stomach canceled, what it all means for peace in the region and the american hostages held in gaza. Taking out four militants attempting to cross the northern border with lebanon. The new fears of a hezbollah attack. We are about 6 miles south of lebanon here. Behind me you can see israeli troops, vehicles, and weaponry deployed to this area. They say they are on high alert. No person having received a majority, the speaker has not been elected beard norah republican jim jordan loses his first vote for speaker of the h. So what happens now . How many rounds are you willing to go . Need to get a speakers and his possible peers norah what mitt romney says about the chaos in the house. Probably not the first choice i would have made. Norah and the new sports you will see up at 2028 olympics. Good evening, and thank you for joining us. We begin tonight with the Breaking News that is reverberating around the world. When President Biden announced his trip to the middle east, there was hope that his meetings with both israeli and arab leaders could result in relief to gaza and the release of american hostages. Tonight, that hope has faded. We are learning new details tonight about an explosion at a hospital in gaza city. The Palestinian Health ministries as hundreds of people killed, many more injured. Take a look at some of these images. Women and children in the aftermath, waiting for treatment, terrified. The hospital just hit and overwhelmed. Now, hamas is blaming an israeli air strike, but israel is denying responsibility, saying their intelligence shows it was caused by failed Rocket Launch by the Group Islamic jihad. Throughout this conflict, civilians have taken refuge around hospitals and schools in hopes of avoiding the near constant air strikes from above, and tonight, that safety shattered. It was just as President Biden was boarding Air Force One this afternoon that he learned his meetings in jordan canceled. And we are now learning he wont travel to jordan at all but will still go to tel aviv as a show of support for israel, a city where Air Raid Sirens continue to go off. There are a lot of new developments tonight and we have Team Coverage from israel to the white house, and we will start with cbss Charlie Dagata in tel aviv. Charlie, it has been quite a day. Reporter good evening, norah. Yes, it has come and we are still getting details about exactly what happened at that hospital in gaza. As you mentioned, Israeli Defense forces specifically naming Islamic Jihad. This is another Islamic Militant organization that shares gaza with hamas, also at war with israel. Launching attacks here. Just adding to the volatility. We have to warn you that some might find images in this report disturbing. [explosion] cell phone footage captured the moment an explosion turned in overcrowded hospital in gaza into a massive fireball. Hundreds are thought to have been killed in what might be gazas worst single loss of life yet. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said tonight and Analysis Shows the explosion was caused by a barrage of rockets that misfired by Palestinian Militants Islamic Jihad within gaza. I can confirm that the analysis of the idf operational systems indicates that the marriage of rockets was fired by terrorists in gaza. Reporter hamas blamed israel, saying the strike is the result of what they call unlimited u. S. Support for israel. It triggered international condemnation. Egypt, qatar, iran, jordan, and turkey among the countries who have denounced the air strike. Palestinian president mahmoud abbas, who is meeting with u. S. Secretary of state antony blinken, in the jordanian capital, has declared three days of morning in response to the hospital strike. Protests erupted in the west bank and in jordan, where Security Forces used tear gas to disperse crowds of protesters trying to storm the israeli embassy. The Hospital Disaster has only heaped more misery and bloodshed on gaza. Where horrific scenes after a series of israeli air strikes have taken the level of sheer Human Suffering and soaring death toll to a next level. Terrified children cried out as frantic residents scrambled among the rubble, searching for survivors. Some children unable to make any sound at all. Cbs news producer in gaza marwan witnessed the worst of it. I saw dozens of killed people and dozens injured. No civilian defense. The people here tried to all of their best to take them out by their hands. Reporter more explosions sent stock waves of terror, creating more death, even as they raced to save lives. Raining in israeli retaliation in an effort to avoid blaming the entire region is among the Biggest Challenges facing President Biden as he visits here in a show of solidarity with israel. Students we spoke with in tel aviv are helpful. Him actually coming, it is not only spoken words, its actual action, which is really important for us. We really want this to end as soon as possible, and i think it will be more possible if we have the support of america with us. Reporter how important is it to have americas support like this . Very important. We need them as our ally, and of course their support. Reporter four days, israeli troops come heavy weapons, tanks, and artillery have been taking up positions along the front lines with gaza. The Israeli Defense forces say they have village snow might mobilize more than 300,000 troops as the Military Gears up for what it calls a coordinatedk from air, land and sea, indicating an allout invasion may be imminent. But considering how volatile the situation has now become, President Bidens visit may mean israel may hold off pulling the trigger until he has left the region. Now, we go back to more information we are getting about exactly what happened at that hospital earlier today, Israeli Defense forces releasing a statement again saying that it was a misfire, but then stating that more than 450 rockets since this conflict began fired toward israel have actually fallen within gaza. Norah . Norah Charlie Dagata in tel aviv tonight, thank you. President biden is on his way to israel tonight, and as he boarded Air Force One, the trip descended into disarray. And there is a fresh reminder tonight of just how fluid and dangerous the situation is there. Take a look at this shaky video. That is actually the german chancellor lying on the runway in tel aviv during a rocket attack, the same area where President Biden is expected to land tomorrow. Cbss weijia jiang is at the white house, and weijia, this appears to be President Bidens toughest Diplomatic Mission yet. What can they achieve . Reporter well, norah, that tragic hospital explosion in gaza has severely complicated the president s trip, and it will limit what he is able to accomplish. The concern over civilian casualties was already top of mind for the president , as well as the unfolding humanitarian crisis in gaza, the nowcanceled summit in georgia was where mr. E to make progress on establishing a humanitarian corridor, opening up the Southern Gaza Border Crossing to get trapped civilians, including americans come ou of there and aid in. The president was supposed to meet with egyptian president elsisi at that summit, he really wanted face time to convince him to open up the car door, but he continues to resist. Norah . Norah yeah, this trip brought not only with diplomatic risks, but also security risks. How is the white house handling most . Reporter secret Service Sources tell cbs news that Rocket Launches into israel during the president s visit are a real possibility, but they stress that there will be plenty of Military Air Support to protect the president. And they point to the fact that Secretary Blinken has been in the region and under protection for a week now, so they know what to expect, but blinken and Prime Minister netanyahu were forced into a bunker just yesterday as Air Raid Sirens went off, something that you and your team also experienced, so it is very nearly impossible to predict what could happen. Norah . Norah weijia jiang, thank you very much. Tonight, the u. S. Is reportedly sending an Amphibious Task force of thousands of sailors and marines to israel. Right now there are 2,000 marines In The Red Sea ready to be deployed if needed and that is in addition to the two Aircraft Carrier strike groups that are deployed to deter hezbollah and iran from fully joining the fight. Cbss Roxana Saberi traveled to the border with lebanon earlier today, where there were fresh classes. Reporter hezbollah claims it fired antitank missiles from lebanon into northern israel today. After israel said it killed four militants trying to plant explosives on a border wall. The crossborder clashes are fueling fears that iranbacked hezbollah could escalate the conflict by opening a second front against his israel. Cbs news has witnessed israels military reinforcing its Northern Frontier with many of the roughly 316,000 reservists it is mobilizing across the country. We are about 6 miles south of lebanon here. You can see behind me israeli troops and vehicles and weaponry deployed to this area. They say they are on high alert hezbollah. With tensions intensifying, israel has evacuated 28 communities along its northern border. Including yiftah kibbutz. Around 400 of its residents fled to this hotel in search of safety. And it was over so quickly and my heart was beating fast. Reporter meital yogev, whose husband has been called to serve up in israels army, brought their two sons, her memories, and her fears. I brought two kids into the world. The world does not deserve them. Because there are so many hoarders and pain and suffering. On both sides. Of this conflict. Reporter on both sides. Yeah. Norah Roxana Saberi joins us now from tel aviv. Roxana, there is so much fear about a widening conflict. How do you see this deadly explosion in gaza impacting the situation in the north near lebanon where you were . Reporter well, the reaction from hezbollah has been swift. Tonight, they are calling for a day of rage across the world tomorrow in response to the attack that they are clearly blaming on israel. Norah . Norah Roxana Saberi, thank you. Cbs news spoke today with the mother of a 21yearold french israeli woman who is being held hostage by hamas. Mia schem shown in a new hamas propaganda video and appears to be injured. Cbs news is only showing this image from that video as to not spread that propaganda further. Schem is abducted along with dozens of others at that Music Festival where 260 people were slaughtered. Until the video was released, kyivs family didnt know if she was dead or alive. Speaking cbss Holly Williams today, schems mother called on World Leaders to do all that they can to bring her daughter and all of the hostages home. It is very hard to see my daughter. I see the pain. I see that she is in physical pain. I see shes in a motion shes very emotional, and very, very scared. Reporter do you think that this video might be a sign that hamas wants to negotiate . I hope so. I really do. Norah well, hamas has said it wants to swap the nearly 200 hostages for the 6,000 palestinians it says are being held in israeli prisons. Turning now to our other top story here in washington, uncertainty and turmoil continues to reign over the house of representatives. Congress is still without a speaker for the second straight week. Today, House Judiciary Chair jim jordan couldnt wrestle enough votes to take the gavel, with 20 of his fellow republicans voting against him. Cbss Scott Macfarlane has the latest from capitol hill. Reporter Ohio Republican jim jordan, the right wing firebrand, and close ally of former president donald trump, had been jogging for days to become the new house speaker. Second in line to the pres presidency. But today, he lost 20 defectors inside his own party. A speaker has not been elected. Reporter leaving him more than a dozen votes short of the 217 necessary and House Chamber paralyzed, two weeks after removing the former speaker kevin mccarthy. Jordan said he would try again. So we are going to keep working and we are going to get to the votes. Reporter those who voted against jordan include moderate republican the districts President Biden won in 2020, worried a jordanlighthouse could sink their own reelection chances. The 9term republican is the face of the biden Impeachment Inquiry that has plowed ahead with little evidence. The bite the Biden Justice department tried to sweep it all under the rug. Reporter two years ago he voted to block the certification of bidens 2020 win. I never said the selection was stolen fear of all ive said was lets check it out. Reporter and he was in Close Community action with thenpresident rob in the days before and on january 6th, seen on this white house call long. He went over to the white house and helped plot the entire thing. He urged publicly people disgruntled about the election to march on the capital. Reporter jordan has tried to flip to those republicans who are opposing him, but it has backfired so far. Florida republican Carlos Gimenez blasted jordans strong arm tactics, including having Conservative Media Listeners flood the phones of republicans with complaints. You didnt like the Pressure Campaign . No, i dont. I mean, look, if you are a leader, people follow you. Reporter any concerns you have heard from members about tactics used to win your vote . No. Reporter the next boat isnt likely until midday tomorrow. At the earliest. Without a break through, the howitzer means paralyzed from endangering aid to israel, ukraine, and a Government Shutdown one month from today, norah. Norah incredible to watch. Scott macfarlane, thank you. With chaos and capitol hill, we sat down with republican senator mitt romney, who is not seeking a second term in 2024, to ask him why he thinks republicans are having such a difficult time picking a new speaker. Do you think jim jordan is the right republican to be speaker of the house . Well, it does seem like Bob Republicans in the house are letting tail wag the dog. The great majority of republicans in the house i think would like to have someone who represents the mainstream of our party. Jim jordan represents a small part of the party, but a very vocal part of the party, and they have been calling the shots. He is probably not the first choice i would have made, but it is not my choice. Its up to them whether he will get the job or not. But if he does get the job, it will be a case of the dog catching the car, which is what happens to them. I mean, there are people in my party who go to washington to bark, to make noise, not to make law, but to make noise, i think jim jordan would call himself one of those, who has got a lotd barking, but actually passing law, getting law that is signed not just by members of the house, but also in the senate and by the president , that is a different matter, and we will see whether he rises to the occasion if he becomes speaker appeared to be when you can see more of our interview with senator mitt romney. That is this weekend on cbs sunday morning. The u. S. Military assuring new videos of chinese fighter jets buzzing and harassing american planes. At an alarming frequency. We will have the details next. I had bad days, cough, cough flareups that could permanently damage my lungs. With breztri, things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing. Starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my Lung Function improved. 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It feels good to just live in the moment. With everyothermonth cabenuva, im good to go. Ask your doctor about cabenuva today. Norah today, the pentagon released more than a dozen videos showing chinese fighter jets harassing u. S. Military planes in international airspace. The u. S. Says chinese aircraft flew as close as 15 feet from american planes, accusing china of risky and reckless maneuvers. The pentagon says this has happened 180 times since 2021, and that is more than the total over the previous decade. A manhunt is underway in georgia tonight for four inmates who have escaped from a jail. The fugitives including 522yearold man accused of murder. Authorities say they climbed through a broken window and a cut fence. Investigators believe someone driving a blue Dodge Challenger help them escape. Alec baldwin may again Face Criminal Charges for that deadly shooting on his movie set. We will explain why next. Whate. All that planning has paid off. 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No matter who you are, ask your Asthma Specialist about Tezspire Today Norah finally, tonight, there is big news for olympic fans and the athletes who will soon have more chances to go for gold. The International Committee voted to bring back baseball, softball, cricket, and the cross, while Flag Football and squash will be played for the first time. Players will hit the field or court to compete at the 2028 Summer Olympics in los angeles. Thats going to be the first time the olympics will be held in the United States since the winter games in Salt Lake City in 2002. And its not the first time new sports have been added to the games. Four were added to next years games in paris, including break dancing. Well, that is tonights cbs evening news. We will continue to update you on the Breaking News. Im norah odonnell. Good night. It was such a dark time for me. It hurt me so bad. Announcer heartache inspires vengeance. Judge judy you witnessed her vandalizing your car. [ pounding ] announcer . After a boyfriend was less than honorable. Judge judy didnt say anything about another girl . No. Judge judy just a nasty, selfcentered. I do think hes a good guy. I just. Judge judy hes not a good guy because he was dishonest. Announcer judge judy. You are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. Captions paid for by Cbs Television distribution Christopher Blanchard is suing his exgirlfriend, valerie lane, for smashing out his car windows. Byrd order all rise your honor, this is case number 497 on the calendar in the matter of blanchard vs. Lane. Judge judy tnk you. Byrd youre welcome, judge. Parties have been sworn in. You may be seated. Judge judy mr. Blanchard, it is your claim that the defendant, who at one point was a girlfriend or yours, vandalized your car. Yes, maam. Judge judy ms. Lane said it wasnt her who vandalized your car but a new girlfriend that you had. When you and ms. Lane were a couple, where were you a couple, in what state . We started our relationship in illinois, and then i moved to houston, texas, in august of 2017. Judge judy when you moved to texas, did she move with you . No. Judge judy so you left her in illinois . Yes, i did. Judge judy did you break up when you left her in illinois . No, i did not. Judge judy so you stayed in

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