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That president of the hospital was a Hayward Police officer they are not saying the gender of the Police Officer or how the officer is doing at this moment were also not herring if an arrest has been made we do know that this scene is under a lockdown that is why a very amassing even though it is a small neighborhood because the mass of the called other agencies to the syrianbacked. Will tran to make sure to maintain crowd control and the investigators have plenty of room to conduct the investigation again so much gone on right now this feels drastic major and the reason why it is no one is speaking everyone is tightlipped but there is good news as far as information is concerned we will rush over to the Hayward Police department and have a News Conference alive and have the we believe it will be the police chief for the holding a News Conference. Darya were in hayward the officers looking closely at a truck and you see the white truck look at the door and the size of the truck and riddled with bullet holes this is at 98 and the were told witnesses there talking to the police and theyre saying that it may have something to do with what happened in hayward connecting the cases may be what is going on and hay were connected to would go on right now on oakland and well on to go to that Live Press Conference where recall learn a lot more about what happened just within the next hour. James so far so good were looking at a cloudy conditions with events which today will be nice and mild once again outside were looking the san mateo bridge to conceive a hazy cloud its size we have some fog up the cause some drizzle as well do not be surprised if you get some of that on the windshield driving around particularly if youre cross and these fans are driving up and down 11 and 280 on the peninsula or high one for that matter is what resting outside right now to put the score of the fifties to low 60 generally 60 in San Francisco and san jose open and 61 slightly warmer for concord and livermore slightly cooler for santa rosa 56 degrees right now here is a quick look in san jose in the tech to grab for the course of the entire day today will keep in the 60s and to about 10 00 as to get into known by of around 11 00 hour. James that will be between two and four this afternoon the temperature should come back down to the mid60s by endicott to nine it will be so when it would not be that bass 6 to 10 mi. Per hour in the west Northwest Hills the british out of a quick glimpse of a to drop tomorrow and then the continue to climb back up as a hit for friday rounding out the work week will talk more about the weekend forecasts come up in the fourth check of 15 minutes. Robin winston the backup is ron take a look at the live shot it is beyond 880 of a cross and beyond was the grant and is slowly stretching toward the foot of the maze is almost there we will recover after the paper the death valley pact on the approach the san mateo bridge in great shape is a higher volume of traffic on the right side of the committee direction that is what we expect a good ride from the nimitz all or into foster sitting so far so good for the community in the peninsula and the east bank to the Richmond San Rafael bridge nice life traffic on westbound 580 only eight minutes from the toll plazas and richmond out to the 101 connect in san rafael the news from those of you getting ready to pack and in that direction a crash and the east of a slot on the ride as a transition from 580 heading into san leandro and is no. 2 party at 880 rep the split a minor cracks one lane block as cause and a nasty back up in a solid from highway 5 if that is one to be quite slow if you are heading to the south bay this morning between 68880 but only 22 minutes from capitol expressway to montague expressway a brief from the normal number is a trouble spot for the south bank. Mark happening in just a few hours the suspect in the pure 14 shooting was that of the San Francisco court room is accused of shooting and killing kate steinle and pure 14 in San Francisco earlier this month will be in court at 9 00 a. M. This comes a day after the father made in a notional Congressional Committee in was in dc asking for changes to the city center recall seeing it was the criminal law and requiring jail time for convicted felons or turn to the u. S. It would have been deported the wake of the pure 14 shooting San Francisco supervisor is pushing to reform best insurance city policy by introducing a new plan lsi board of supervisors meeting first is asking San Francisco sheriff than a communication with immigration officials theyre also asking why the suspect and the cure for tissue and was kept in jail officials been released finally that person the past the distress and a required sure to check in with a be a into office plans to pursue outstanding warrants before bring a prison back to the city. is such deportation and a different city riven by the San Francisco for as little we dismiss all charges released from the streets. Mark they said there is no department gatt or a limit on the immigration and related information shared. Darya accused of murdering a popular pet sitter and anti crime activists in east oakland the 24 yearold of richmond into to yearold the oakland are accused of shooting Judy Sullivan two years ago they say that that use the stuff of to take a video of some of committing a crime and the neighborhood she followed the to men in her car and they shot her into a car phone he crashed into a parked car after she was shocked police are hoping to get information from a young boy who may have witnessed a shooting a judge would decide it is enough evidence to have them floyd stand trial today for dead after an apparent murdersuicide and walnut creek here is the victim the 19 yearold. Mark perform boy from the 21 yearold walked up to a home on hold in court and she opened the door he shot her and killed himself there were no previous issues of Domestic Violence or warning signs. Mark he studied engineering and Stanford University and did not have a criminal history. The family of operating history darya the identified the man who died after falling from please of the weekend they said the victim was a 23 yearold in east oakland rapper and they say he died after he was running from officer during a traffic stop and a 1300 block of 65th avenue it was pulled over or around 545 son and grandson nearby yards this search the area of on about half hour later went into a space left on a foot wide between two buildings they elaborated on what happened other than that they said he was wanted on an unspecified warrant and had a pound of marijuana in his car the bay area priests will be forced to move this morning and the children will have nowhere to go. Mark is operating at the bid will education capital for the past 11 years the the largest they found a program to talk to Cost Accounting of his video m1 packing up yesterday and now the schools lease has ended 300 students have to find another place to go the far left his club has not been ever to find a new facility because of the size of the preschool. it was a great idea but now backfired on us because now we have lost this building. Is to mark the to arrive at 9 00 this morning in a News Conference set for 10 00 a. M. Sub that the committee bopper to find a suitable location. Darya sizes are warning that a big earthquake could strike along the hayward fault and anytime this comes after yesterday morning 4. 0 quake the hayward fault runs from vermont in the south to San Pablo Bay in the north the usgs as a big one on the hayward fault could cause injury to attend a thousand people and even a thousand deaths that is because of fault runs on the densely populated areas. have the potential to rupture border rupture right of republics area different scenarios have been different amounts of shaking in damage in some scenarios do half a lot of loss of property. Darya aftershock so small they will not affect the cause of a major quake along the fault you can get alerts when there is in the earthquakes and any time from downloading our free mobile application the mobile application runs the news to you so will give you a push a lever Something Big happen like an earthquake you need to know about it will go right to your phone or your apple phone to you do not have to log on to your computer or turn on the news. Mark the phone scam morning in san mateo happening again they are a person includes officers and some of the zero money on rest once and never collect money from austin awards or bill iphone if you get this type call your told to hang up and call the police immediately. Darya he is in custody now in jordan why authorities are questioning him hackers find a wet to Remote Control parts for vehicles and even drive the cars often rode with the automaker is doing to fix the problem. Mark an officer involved shooting and hay were they say it was opposite who was shot because of the Police Activity in the area of myrtle street were still working for confirmation as to whether or not the office of the upshot several Police Agencies held place the eight p m press started in just under an hour for my information from police. Darya will take a look at the weather is sure was nice and cool yes today. James we have the opposite is a little too cold here is a live look outside of walnut creek want to show you the difference in walnut creek we have relatively clear skies some cloud floating around and we have beautiful looking for and why its happening over mount diablo and before too much longer you will see the sun rays began to strike highway 6 and interstate 680 as we look down south of the San Ramon Valley opposite of that we have the situation in oakland with berkeley in the distance we have a lot of clouds right now blocking the sunrise to have overcast conditions of the bay itself it is breaking up a little bit here is what will expect for the clouds as we roll through the day by 9 00 looking for to the impact of the inland valley. James by noon you see it move around just of the biggest change a whole lot later this afternoon 3 00 for clock does one will see the best shot and conditions the sun will get in there and start to warm it up a little bit because right back on in as a guitar the evening hours to like typical summertime pattern working and the morning to some pettifog drizzle and temperatures in the upper fifties to low 60s. James letter this afternoon will warm it up it will be just on the what we ought to be this time of the year which means it will be in the upper seventies may be some low 80s with the majority of our committees san jose included percent of va for concord 71 in oakland and across the north the upper seventh of all 80s here of extend out with a walking tour hot temperatures will develop over the course of the next seven days tomorrow will continue the cooling trend adjutancy thursday in an hys max out about 79 then we start to turn the corner to purchase began to decline slightly as headed to the weekend before ellen highs and then a 81 to 83 degrees for the weekend. James hot with the potential for next week between now and then it will be unseasonably cool that is the forecast. Robin winston it is heavier since the last time we checked in on and and you will see more stop and go traffic from the toll of the new eastern span of about four a Treasure Island there is another stretch out to fremont street between 12 and 15 minute trip from the foot of the maze heading into downtown San Francisco heavier but still not that bad the san mateo bridge and the ship and the problems across the bay on the 14 minutes from the nimitz to connect its a high 1 01. Robin winston a very quiet this morning and this is the trouble spot is not a hot spot but is definitely backing up traffic north to 30 at 880 that is coming out of the san leandro area of it as a spinoff blocking the left lane you only have to it is rare at the transition ride youre squeezing by in one line those in the coming holocaust of calaveras low backed up onto 580 in solid on 238 try to make the transition over to the nimitz freeway. Robin winston 35 minutes from the all to walk out toward balance theyre still recovering from early problem between san leandro and they fear they downgraded the delay to to 15 minutes this what the slowdown heading to fremont dublin richmond and San Francisco does the Commission Directive plan ahead for 1050 minute delay on bart this morning. Darya bourse Court Documents reveal more information about Mark Martinez the prime suspect in the murder of the modesto family she it was killed in the massacres to the former girlfriend of martinez he was arrested on suspicion of spelling the two yearold son in october what happened in october like asset was a poster before she was killed and her children and martinas mother in the massacre in Modesto Police believe that he is the one who did but he was arrested for the to your voice product the dr. Renshaw there was a, a schism between cruise and her soonto be exhusband timothy rippling and they revealed that he told her daughter that martina as kill the to your boy and he would border prison for the rest of his life a man who was shot by Fremont Police remains in the hospital in intensive care right now the shooting happened in the front door on baffin avenue on monday night police said they had gotten reports that a man had threatened his wife and another woman with a knife they said that he was outside with the night when they got there and after a brief confrontation to officer shot him. Mark all of the gunman who killed five u. S. And non investigation in custody in jordan the apartheid is much information as possible from Mohammad Yusuf uncle he spent time at his uncle in jordan last year were just done about it now and they it for a closely with u. S. Counterparts. Darya released the video that they have shown the arrest of a woman who was found dead and her jail cell just three days after her arrest here is howe played out she was the arrest on july 10th in this traffic stop she was pulled over for failing to signal before changing lanes choose and arrested during the confrontation that you will see unfold on video. your bread and to drag me out of my our car . get out of the car or are right you will get out of the carnauba. youre doing all this for failure of a signal get off the farm put your phone down. Darya she took her own by profamily activists disputes that the District Attorney said the cases being handled as a Murder Investigation the fbi is looking into this happening today. Mark weather move we feared the shooter should be put to death he was convicted last of killing 12 people and injuring 70 others in the attack for years ago they expected to take a while prosecutors may call on some of the survivors or victims relatives to talk about the shooting theyre expected to argue the attack was particularly heinous because a child was killed the counselor of the Mental Illness is parents and neighbors and College Roommates and justify the defense is calling for a life sentence instead of execution. Darya a Blue Ribbon Panel says the main goal of legalizing marijuana is still cut out the illegal marijuana market not to develop another tax source it will lift a 93 page report today on the trade off of marijuana use of have to sort of the bank records of use and to the tug voters next year. Darya the california already has a wellestablished medical Marijuana Industry and a thriving black market for ties to mexico the Bay Area High School track and field coach accused of having a sexual relationship with the 17 your brother now been charged the 64 yearold did not answer a plea in court yesterday the victim is in a graduated from the high school where he coaches from of the session from evans of the royal support her daughter found and notified police they said they two in which other for about four years. Darya new video of a massive fire broke out editorial warehouse in new jersey this fire is part of our 1130 last like at one point it reached for arms to conceal all the firefighters of their huge blocks small from that building this building was used by toyota for repairs and storage. Mark the Sonoma County water agency drop of date in the drive a even mixture people knows how to cope with the drought ago to take this one of the five this evening the Valley High School residents cannot drive and the bus, from of the school and Water Conservation material the officials of the Community Conversation on the drop from six to eight this evening at the Veterans Memorial hall. Darya still ahead of a major warning for chrysler drivers how hawkers managed to gain control of some vehicles and even drive them off road. Subway, wbrinlaye ofentinglyendeturkirrestib criy ban, and licisly ch gcamo together on eshlbakebrea foone uly azinsandch thnew bwayurke ban acamole. On at bway leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. On us. Get your first months payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. Make the most of summer. With volvo. Mark California State University president some of the executive agreed to take across theboard 2 percent pay increases according to the university of the executive pay lags by 25 percent when compared to other markets the Salary Increase to cover the president s and vice chancellor of the 460,000 students in the csu system the head of the fcc is recommending approval at t 48 and a half billion dollar purchase and directv the bill creek the countrys largest provider of cable or satellite tv the company will have to 6. 4 million tv subscribers in the United States there will also include at t nationwide network the commissioner still have to vote on the proposal. Darya of floss and chrysler vehicles allow hackers to control your car remotely using the internet beckons as a with a break shut down the engine and make the electronics go haywire beckon drive a car off paroled the problems revealed yesterday did cherokee chrysler to hundreds dodge rams and several other models made since late 2013 those are all president obama will to this types are attacked. Mark still ahead of the former Oakland High School Security Guard found guilty of attacking a wheelchairbound to an officer of opposing, hes facing. Will tran will follow in breaking news out of hey what multiple is a decision on the same we learn that this was an officer involved shooting details coming up and just two minutes from now. Mark the Quarter Results yes today in was expectations and very bad apple what sells and the figures that is not was leading up to a lot of investors thinking that the cells are not going as well as bob 1. 2 million watches about half was expected it is down 6 1 2 in the pre mark that as a backdrop for apple will be watching closely. Darya and also were shot at martha and lined street. Will tran multiple agencies are still here with three and a half hours into it theyre not going anywhere this neighborhood as under lockdown at several intersections to conceive a chp he told us off camera he heard someone the when donuts and then moments after that multiple shots were fired it appears from two different guns and then he said a short time after that he. Could hear he will tran reporter leave the office syrup was taken to hospital by web ambulance we do not know the opposite name of the opposite gender or the condition at this point but there could be more information coming about 25 minutes from now the reason why this is so severe this is a major scene the Hayward Police department told us they will have the News Conference at the Hayward Police department at 7 00 in the morning. Will tran fess far as the other person involved we are not hearing of any arrests at this point this is obviously a very developing story being very tightlipped. Mark we learn from our sources just now from Police Officer has died the confirmed it with us and bring to the latest and developing new story. James the cause offense moved over blocking the morning long for at least bay side communities inland will have little more clarity to produce right now looking at a lot of low 60s we have San Francisco 60 degrees 61 open 16 san jose a perfect is the low sixties will be the temperature range for places like oakland and other communities ride along the bay shoreline today woman up to the low seven for oakland probably mid 70s. James that will be noon to 4 00 ride around 3 00 the maximum temperature the winds also borne by 11 to 13 web or to have a nice mild for cash for the weekend ahead we will show to you and the 7 day around the bay forecast. Robin winston if you have to head into San Francisco not much of a chain so far it is not crawling but it is a good ride come out of hey work this is pretty normal for the 6 00 hour it is just a little crowded you see those cars slowing down and the catchline it will be a great ride all the way across the span we had a crush on northbound to 38 at 880 this is come out of the salmon runs of san leandro area if you have to come out of Castro Valley this one it will be pretty slow on 580 it will pick up right before you connect with the nimitz freeway the good news is it cleared an 580. Robin winston will be a good ride as a headed to dublin Still Holding at 33 minutes from baltimore to dublin that is not bad looking and no major problems or hot spots. Darya it happened at the new suite church and now the congregation is trying to figure out how to replace the stolen items effects of the damage a lot of progress and now will be put on hold. will raising funds to do some innovations the parking lot in the wheelchair ramp Different Things we need work done and now this happens. Mark a former Oakland High School Security Guards a 24 yearold was of arrested in connection with the attack last year of convict a felony assault yesterday the whole attack was caught on camera victim Francisco Martinez once aforetime what he was handcuffed to a temperature is will tear on top of ramp there are the students threatened to kill him. Mark nurses up hospital plans to go on strike they plan to start a 730 this morning there are all possible management for new contract. Mark theyre demanding better pay and Affordable Health care the fine for a to participate than average worker mixes of a 10 an hour below the cost of living in San Mateo County the low wages make it difficult to for High Health Care copays the group says it is all happen despite the Airline Industry making record profits this comes after more than about the Security Officers back its hamilton will check attendants. Darya the of republican president s of canada sound off on don trump what he said talk statement could do to the republican brand. Robin winston it is still packed at the bay bridge toll plaza of the lights on bathtub well beyond 880 of the crossing out to the foot of the maze and now were getting word of a new crash on the bridge what about the inside of the tunnel of course there will add to the delays of San Francisco just under 15 minutes for your total drive time from downtown oakland to downtown San Francisco. Mark were watching stock down 5 1 2 the sales disappointing what sells and a weak outlook tumbling renown the Cupertino Company did strong overall sells a property of the Third Quarter with revenue exceeding expectations in the rest of the concern with the predicted Current Quarter or next between 49 51 billion that disappointed wall street 50 billion in three months of disappointing wall street. Mark yesterdays closing just under a hundred dollars a share in the social network of 2 to 5 this year a minimum of our best company to with a 7 5 billion that makes the ninth wealthiest man in the world he has net worth of 43 billion their report the Second Quarter and earnings next week. Mark adding to yesterdays losses not nearly as bad about the down hundred and 81, hundred and 84 below 80,000 mark and is a 17,00894 were watching the nasdaq which is dom a larger margin down 42 with apple weighing this morning. James we come back the full forecasts leave you with this live look at sunshine streaming down and walnut creek full of the weather coming of. Female announcer sleep trains interest free for 3 event ends sunday. Its your last chance to get three years interestfree financing on beautyrest black, Stearns Foster Serta Icomfort even tempurpedic. Plus, get free delivery, and sleep trains 100day low price guarantee. But hurry sleep trains interest free for 3 event ends sunday. Guaranteed sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep kids are expensive. So im always looking to get more for my money. Thats why i switched from uverse to xfinity. They have the most free on demand tv shows and movies on all my devices. Its perfect for me because my kids are costing me a fortune. Im going to cabo [ music plays ] dont settle for uverse. Xfinity is perfect for people who want more entertainment for their money. Sign up today or get started with this great offer. Call or go online today. Darya of the officer involved in the shooting in hayward has died. Will tran this is serious because we saw another agency of the san leandro Police Department just arrived over the past two minutes of also names not been released at this time we do not know the agenda of a Police Officer but we do know this tip is a romper oclock in the morning they told us they heard dollars in the area a short time after that shots were fired in the midst of a short time after that the sirens were rushing to the scene we do not the News Conference by the hair would please the part will take place in about 15 minutes from now our sources told us a short time ago that indeed saddam also has died from the shooting my sources with the chp and theyre also on hand is just for crowd control this multiple agency involved. Will tran the san leandro Police Department now Alameda County my sources told me that they heard about this when it all went down about three and half hours ago the source told may usually because theyre all very tight knit one of their work in a prisoner not the work of Law Enforcement the totals that usually never told about an officer is conditioned but in this case when it tried to find out what happened to this officer and of their Commanding Officers told a thing about this and the source told me based on best sources experience it is usually not. A good not will tran enough of past 15 minutes our sources have told us that this officer has died in the office and what shall we have not found out any information but the suspects involvement has been arrested but of course more information should come out and about 15 minutes from now will carry the News Conference to you live when it happens. Darya where there is a bit tainted today a record out of what were sticking with that tekakwitha live look of walnut creek one of the cameras this morning some of the somme. James a lot of it coming down right now in this camera shot were as close to the bay along the cause was a a much different picture is often cloudy the clouds overhead light breeze and conditions of all all on the bay area and wendy take a look we just have the winds picked up in concord it was about 30 mi. Per hour in a last update now 20 will see 25 mi. Long sustained winds and fairfield 13 in oakland the wins this one is strongest in the east bay expected to the rather bluster is to help the door this morning like a said it is on the course of this one will have 16 San Francisco 61 in pleasanton 61 and a little more on the very low 60 degree range. James 78 in san jose low seven is an oakland but opera seven as your head back up into the north Bank Downtown San Francisco to be right around 66 because for simple justice like a little more as we head into smart mobbing the clause that over the next seven a slow rebound as a hit for the weekend a very mild forecast between now and sunday. Robin winston 15 have to use westbound 80 to get into San Francisco this morning you will be sitting in traffic is starting to back up on the major connectors like 580 west is about halfway back to the 24 scud pockets of slow traffic out of control all the way to Albany Berkeley emeryville into the maze approaching the toll plaza 30 minutes the drive time is up from pinole to downtown San Francisco not only are use lower approaching the pay dates it will impact of what a Treasure Island. Robin winston traffic was moving at the met now not so much is creeping there from 880 all the over to the highrise portion of the bridge the Golden Gate Bridge arent shaped the cars are zipping right on a to San Francisco it will be stop and go all the up to the top of the hill 25 minute trip from antioch to concord. That calls a nasty back, but for those of you heading out of cash umbrella this morning youll be delayed this morning. Darya he carjacked of ballet and drove away in the course before 4 00 a. M. On monday afternoon and the hill area of the valet saw a man leaning on the porch and when the aston to stop the man lifted his shirt and showed him a gun the valley backed away from the man who had begun and then the guy got to the sports car and he drove away along the embarcadero. Mark tried drive a gas station incomparable left without anything bit of the driver happen before 930 yesterday and an exxon gas station in concord he went into the station so the cashier a gun and demanded money Police Arrive the man ran out into the hands if they had agreed to choose his 25 to 4 with a stocky build this parkinsons recovered. Darya the presence of canada donald trump is leaving the republican field despite or because of a series of controversial statements. problem with mr. Trumps line which is divisive in this ugly it meanspirited but if we embrace this language of divisiveness and ugliness whenever when we will never win a we have to appeal to people higher aspiration or we will use elections over and over again. Darya gave off South Carolina of private cell phone number just read it to america and everyone called it did when he was speaking at a rally in South Carolina he joked on twitter saying that he is are we going to be getting on the phone number he has an ongoing feud in the past few days as they battle for the republican nomination. Mark back in the restrictions in the morning after pill but they can buy without a prescription the report showed little recent change and most other types of Birth Control use by active teenagers, said bennett use and some point. Mark the Protection Service life block is in trouble once again fell to protect personal information of customers and by letting a previous settlement with the agency and 35 state attorneys general and using false claims to promoting services the ftc said it is lying about the level protection provided the company disagrees with the allegations and said it is prepared to take a new record since facebook cannot block search warrant a criminal Fraud Investigation there were for information on party users. Darya for the warrants for them to turn over information in the account of about 400 people we will be right back when we continue more on the breaking story. Darya coming up more Team Coverage of the officer shooting in hayward will live on the scene as police are continuing their investigation moments away live outside a press conference that is about to happen we will get more information were already from our sources getting a lot more information on what went down we do know the Police Officer who was shot and killed was a newly appointed sergeant shot and killed on the scene in hayward after this arrest there was some type of shoe law because the suspect was also hit with a gunshot the haywood Kaiser Hospital right now has been arrested and is in the hospital we will be back with more and a few minutes as the continue to all the big story this morning. Male announcer this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now darya we start with the breaking news out of hey where a Police Officer of a shot and killed this morning a suspect in some hospital the bullet wound as well we have you covered with Team Coverage were winning for press conference at the Hayward Police apartment and will arrive on the same with will. Will tran we can tell you more agencies are arriving to this area of this is not scaling down anytime soon have to canvass this area looking for evidence you can see them right behind me for hours after this what down over the past 15 minutes of san leandro Police Department became its offer assistance to consider the chp officers as well this is being handled by the Hayward Police department they told us the short time after that the sirens were still the same

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