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Hold tight to those umbrellas if youre going to be outside stormtracker 4 live radar right now were seeing exactly where it is falling mainly in our north zone, so folks in santa rosa Nevado Petaluma getting showered on along one oh one and then also along the peninsula were pacifica get a little bit of this rain so far san Mateo Burlingame and its going to continue to move southeast and get the entire bay area and you can see that line of showers just behind it and that is on the way as well bringing us pockets of heavy rainfall times. Have the timing of system ill track it hour by hour. Let you know about that coming up in just a bit and how windy it is going to get in your neighborhood all and about 10 to 15 minutes from now for now head over to the Traffic Center and an update on the roadways. Yes, looking pretty good on the roads i do have some capital quarter delays. They had some mechanical issues earlier this morning so several trains are still behind schedule, especially 5. 23 train 5. 23 is an hour and 15 minutes late 5 2425 minutes late 5 2520 minutes behind schedule. So plan ahead if youre capitol corridor commuter, they are still recovering from those earlier mechanical issues, the bridges look great though the only issue heading into San Francisco. Is the wind right so we have a high wind advisory in place for the bay bridge. So far thats the only bridge thats under a wind advisory a little windy across the span to reduce your speed but the delays gone looks great so 13 minutes into San Francisco and then here coming from Treasure Island along the suspension just want to show you that little bit of crowding. This is coming off the bridge on the suspension span approaching fremont street but the oakland side and the toll plaza looks really good one oh one looks good too so if you have to come from the south bay are from the peninsula to San Francisco, northbound one oh one and north to 80 wide open for your driving pleasure double check freeways coming up in a bit back to you. Thanks a lot robin, i know 2 and our top story, the increase in covid causing further rollbacks all around the bay area you can see here. San francisco was the only one still in the yellow which is minimal now everybody are in San Francisco insanity or in the red and the east bay its its even worse yeah thats what the purple indicates there widespread cases. More restrictive shutdowns and include all of our north bay counties, Sonoma Napa Solano and then write down the east than to the south bay as well contra costa is one of the areas weve been focusing on thats where will tran has been live all morning long taking a look at what impact this is going to what you want to do. Hes live in san ramon good morning. Well. In morning james and ari i want to quickly point out this parking lot a lot of people are responding look at how the cars are scattered all over the place they realize that they are now officially in the purple tier again that actually started at 8 oclock this morning and it will go on indefinitely until covid19 goes back down they were in the red for only a few days i did this story last week where they went from orange to red but because the situation according to the governor needs to be handled immediately and that is why it is purple now the most restrictive tier so moving forward you can not dine indoors go to the gyms inside places of museums, movie theaters. And if you want to get a haircut is very restrictive once again going inside the stores. Back down to 25 capacity so remember the days when they stood outside counted the people inside just to see how many were and one somebody walked out you get to walk in. They want to create that social distance to bring down the Positivity Rate in Contra Costa County because has not only gone up it has exploded talk to somebody in san ramon just a couple of minutes ago. Heres the one womans reaction to now being in the purple. I stay in my bubble, even on my days off i dont go anywhere. I dont my husband made my appointment to get my nails done even go im still not comfortable yet. So i guess know i have it. Other words dont blame where your math. But yeah are you surprised that were in the purple tier now. Absolutely not. Were not we dont know how to live in this kind of news the fighting. So as you can clearly hear from her she is doing everything that he possibly can to make sure that she her husband and family are safe, but he understands on a lot of people they wanted to go outside they wanted to not be inside so much so. According to the governor of thats the problem, especially with thanksgiving coming up hes telling people do not gather more than 3 families and that is outdoors by the way dont be doing that. Take precautions the Positivity Rate in Contra Costa County is at 3. 7 for every 100,000 case and that is still very acceptable. But according to the governor and county officials better to get a handle on it now before things get really out of hand, especially with the winter months and by the way james terry i want to quickly say blamed arias well that one comes in to work what whites down the cable what are clean. I got i got all the wives who by the way they say it is going to be in demand again. And dont forget if we dont do a good job at this. The governor said hes talking about maybe curfew. To keep us from socializing and then theres the national thing about possibly 4 to 6 weeks shutdown right we get all collectively better. It will get worse right and thank you will the things are getting worse all around the bay area james yep and that includes the talk about county moment ago rolling back on its reopening process. So that county has moved back into the red tier indicating was called substantial spread of coronavirus we have proper sara stinson live there this morning with more on what this will mean for the businesses theyre going to have to pull back on their operation sarah. Really difficult theyve been doing so much to be able to survive during this pandemic creating outdoor seating and here in valley you can see they these gates appear theyre going to put them up here valley in close at around 2. 30 and that is when they close down people can sit outside. But whos going want to sit outside already starting to sprinkle right now and its going to rain a little bit later so its going to be very difficult for restaurants and businesses to survive this winter has more in moves from the orange tier to the red tier meaning that theres now substantial risk. Moran is now one of 11 counties out of 58 in the red tier, the primary restrictions beginning today include retail establishments in indoor malls are allowed at 50 capacity restaurants as i said outdoor only bars and breweries clothes and unless serving full meals outdoors wineries are allowed Outdoor Service only personal Care Services are allowed indoors. Museums places of worship movie theaters thats 25 capacity and then you have gyms and Fitness Centers and theyre down to 10 capacity, so thats pretty difficult. Talk to a man who is down getting some coffee and he said you know its its pretty crazy hearing, you know youre in one tier and then youre in the other lets hear his reaction. 2 steps for like one step back but this a like theres a vaccine so im doing pretty hopeful it will get back to normal like later next year. I like that hes hopeful makes me feel hopeful that change to tier 2 does not are in School Reopening process, local schools started reopening on september 8 while the county was still in the purple tier and now or in schools are open to some form and so far there has not been an outbreak in a school that take a look live out here at uc where a quitter coffee in valley you can see people are out and about theyre wearing their mask, theyre trying to get any type of normalcy before the rain kicks in and youre pretty much just down to your home thats what our lives are going to be like when the when when the winter comes in the weather gets worse. The rain starts getting heavier, its going to be back to how we were a couple months ago just staying indoors and its going to be difficult for some of the businesses valley really all across the bay area to try and navigate this reporting live in mill valley, Sarah Stinson kron 4 news thats going to worry or thank you very much sara. Same story in the east bay and the purple the Allegheny County those rules go into Effect Tomorrow and that means no more Indoor Dining there no more indoor gyms or church gatherings. County Health Data Shows that indoor gatherings or what contribute to the spread of covid Health Officers want people to make sure they continue wearing masks. Each of the surge is of all of you know famous clusters outbreaks that weve seen the really the Common Thread is gather together, especially in indoor theyre not always without masks can really spread in an environment. Schools that are already open for in Person Learning for kids they can keep it up but no Additional Schools in Alameda County can reopen their classrooms under these new restrictions. Well Solano County has also moved from the red tier to the purple one the states highest level for the watch list businesses like restaurants hair salons as we know theyre going to move their customers outside all over again. We talked with the owner of a specialty all of oil shop in the nation. She says this is obviously not ideal with the winter months now on us. But she says its not anything they havent dealt with before. We have an Online Presence and we have for almost 16 years. We also have our front door anchor pick up. So we are not going to be as concerned were still going to have the safety for our customers. Yeah additional restrictions include places of worship gyms as well theyre going to move Everything Outdoors too. And you heard james, what i said about the curfew well. There are some areas in the that are pushing back against that idea they want to nip in the bud well tell you where also whats going to happen was shopping now that were winning more restrictive tiers the next 8 weeks can make or break a business you know when it comes to Holiday Shopping but first the morning buzz. The niners lose a player to the covid list. But the saints have lost more drew brees is hurt. And im tracking rain and wind across the bay area were going to see the rainfall. Quite heavy at throughout the day today into tonight and the winds also gusty winds of up to 35 Miles Per Hour let you know how long this storm system is going to last and when its going to arrive in your neighborhood coming up in just a bit stay with us. 9. 14 is the time right now and we want to take a look at where the storm is now on the big wall you can see its pretty much moved has hit know san jose still dry. No. But fact little probably change or before too much longer. Rebecca strom in the Weather Center with the timing on the rest of the wet weather good morning. Good morning james good morning. Daryn yes, the entire bay area is going to feel and see this rain fall and feel the winds. Its definitely in a pickup in it already is starting to even robin is mentioning high wind advisories on certain bridges so just be careful there on the roadways outside right now were starting to see all of our cameras around the bay area. How that gloomy grey look a lot of overcast skies. Cloudy conditions here and this is our north bay camera its in temper on those pointing towards San Francisco at least its clear enough to make out the Golden Gate Bridge towers but look at all the gray skies above. Stormy clouds that were going to be seeing and a lot of rainfall in fact much of it to touching down already in our north bay zone as we take a closer look on our radar screen. Petaluma youre getting some of the showers nevado all the way in the center fell and across the richmond sandra fell bridge. The 5, 8, is going to be slick right now as well as 1 one and then were also seeing a parts of the day cub a santa rosa and point raise getting this light to moderate shower activity moving over to the peninsula now were also seeing its up pockets some light rain showers pass through san mateo we saw pacifica getting some of this rainfall Half Moon Bay, and its all going to head east to get towards the stamford and the palo alto area dont leave the house this morning without your rain gear, including umbrellas rain coats rain boots youll need it and really are going to need it throughout the entire day today because futurecast for is going to break down the timing of this storm system and it looks like its going to last all day into the evening hours. So by the 10 oclock hour. The entire north bay is going to be covered and we are going to see some moderate to a heavy pockets of showers by the yellow by the orange coloring on your screen there San Francisco youre going to be covered in this rainfall by 10 as well of as parts of our east bay zone oakland youre going rdc it and then by lunchtime its going to become more widespread your east bay zones going to start to see it along the hillsides and were going to see it a stretch the redwood city and that most of your south bay location getting in but san jose, yes, youre going to be getting it in the latter part of the afternoon today and then its going to start to push out towards our valley locations but still leave some scattered showers especially in our north zone by 5 oclock tonight. And then were going to start to see things taper off late tonight into the overnight hours and then wednesday were going to get to some leftover shower activity with maybe a couple of those pockets of heavier showers pop through definitely keep holding those umbrellas as we get into tomorrow and hold them tight because were also seeing the wind speeds a pop up and amp up as we get through the next couple of hours right now were seeing things anywhere from 10 to 15 Miles Per Hour getting into the 20s as well as current wind gusts are were looking at those but then things are going to really start to ramp up as we get closer to 10 oclock and throughout the afternoon hours its going to be very windy and then into tonight things are going to taper off just a little bit. During the overnight hours into tomorrow morning before ramping up once again into wednesday afternoon. And then finally quieting down wind wise and rain wise as we get into tomorrow night. Temperatures today far different than what we saw yesterday afternoon we were in the 70s yesterday we were above average for this time of year. Now were getting back to normal for november, 60s mainly across the board weve got a couple of upper 50s in the north bay. But pretty evenly spread temperatures for your afternoon highs looking ahead though its going to start to dry out as we get into the latter part of the week and then into the weekend it looks like the sunshine is going to return temperatures will remain in the 60s. But then its the lows you want to really focus on especially if youre going to be inland thursday friday and saturday. We could see some near freezing temperatures come to us but for now though were stuck in this wet weather for the next couple of days, so again i cant say enough do not forget the umbrellas at home but just hold on to those quite tight with all the wind speeds picking up and speaking of the lets hand it over to robin shes been tracking some a high wind advisories. Yeah, so that means folks need to slow their roll is right, especially on the bay bridge a high wind advisory for 80 get to that in just a bit i just want to update capitol corridor they are still recovering from some earlier issues this morning they had some mechanical problems so. Train 5. 23 an hour and 15 minutes late 5 2425 minutes late 5 2520 minutes behind schedule all because of those earlier issues so if youre waiting for plan ahead here at the bay bridge you need to slow it down and take it easy. Its a little windy out there across the span a high wind advisory issued for the bay bridge. So motorcyclists and those of you driving trucks and high profile vehicles you need to take it easy here 11 minutes, so we still have to worry about delays at the toll plaza that is pretty much over with the heres well 92 your commutes over for the trip from the east bay to the peninsula were down to an easy 13 minutes to make it off to send the tail back to you. Very much robin at 9. 19 time to talk winners and losers on wall street and joining us as always to dissect whats happening with the stock market weve got financial expert, rob black good morning. Rob. Like it dissections makes me sound like a stock youre the smartest guy know when it comes helping us understand all of this. We lets talk about the it struggled out of the gate this morning yesterday we had some really nice trading on that front but today struggling a bit. From one day to the next what change. Nothing we hit record highs yesterday on the dow and the s p 500 nice to see the russell 1000 value index is working thats really good news because it shows you a thorough stock market not just apple microsoft. Moderna had the vaccine yesterday today we realize retail sales were a little weaker than expected to the month october and thats hurting Companies Like home depot and walmart. Nothing to really worry about amazon had a big announcement which well get to a second thats cvs and Walgreens Walgreens on now so i think we have an update right now wasnt for its not that bad of a day, its just not at record highs. All right so lets get to that then i guess pharmacies going get some big competition now from the likes of amazon of all things giant Company Coming into that industry. Yeah we knew amazon was going to get a pharmaceutical deliveries for a period of time. 300 billion dollar industry they picked up a company a few years back. You know pack. Now theyve announced theyre going to start your and your name brands pharmaceuticals. Interesting not not going to vitamins because theyve got companies that sell like their amazon web sites to not get out kind of lies around so to speak. But a person often generics 40 off new brand sounds good to me. Stay at home dont go out during covid as it held early my mother had stroke 20 years ago she could gone last 20 or so kids bring belts. Cvs Walgreens Rite Aid all losers today. Good rx which is an app helps you find cheap chair trucks through sorting through the cbs 4 starting price. Theyre down day. To do with that opioids are controlled substances so you know after about amazon driver cracking open with button driving recklessly things like that, but. It went through my yeah i think its nothing but a good story. Yeah, i mean this the wave of the future right everythings starting to deliver to your doorstep and now your prescriptions included an all its very convenient and amazon does a really nice now lets talk about yes, a full disclosure, ive been tracking this company for a while big fan of what theyre doing the mission there on to convert us to you know Renewable Energy in that and that sort of thing boy they got a nice boost today after the s p 500 announced theyre going to be and what december right. Right i think we knew about this james months ago because couple of months ago they werent and arrow got really upset is like this is one of the top 10, Biggest Companies in the United States they should be on the s p 500. But they didnt really have a track record now theyve got 5 quarters growth profitability 139,000 vehicles as my friend and see him or would say theyre too the theyre doing everything stocks up 13 today, its top 10 company the move and the s p 500 that means youll some james, if you own an s and p 500 fund your 4 in which you like we do. So that creates more buyers and holders of tesla down on some of the on the stock. Its just a heck of a heloc red abul moment. For elon musk and people like me who doubted hell ever make prosecute proved us wrong hard for and hes well positioned for the future was sore and he controls a lot of elements are used to car batteries and sore a panel hes in a good position Going Forward the way hes you know did that whole vertical integration thing going all the way back to getting lift him out of the ground. And bringing it into their factories, its incredible and to think that what just a few years back tesla was about a month away from bankruptcy and now i think if i heard it right this morning, hes up there like 3rd richest person in the world right now. And i own no shares tesla so just keep brother been obviously weve been talking about him like 10 years now yeah. Theyre its always nice to see him around town pretty incredible all right rob, thank you as always and dont forget. Send rob your questions asking about you can find Facebook Twitter email directly and you can always co humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. And you can use your copay card to pay as little as 5 a month. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. If you cant afford your medicine, until i found out what itust . It actually was. D me. Dust mite droppings . Ewww. Dead skin cells . Gross so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. Dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high. To grab, trap and lock away gross dust. Nice for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. The heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies. No matter where they hide. No more heebie jeebies. Phhhhew. Glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. Good morning 9. 29 right now and we want to check the weather weve already got a live camera out that wow its pouring down pretty good is there on the other big story which is in all the restrictions now but now its rain and thats like it in the face before the restrictions do video to mill valley she is and talk about how it was falling in the north bay, lets start to envelop the rest of the basij lets get over to her now and get the latest yeah in fact james sorry, im seeing it on Storm Tracker 4 live radar where we can actually see the rain falling in the north mill valley is getting hit with the rainfall right now. For now though we will head outside to our live Camera Network overcast skies here at San Francisco international airport. Its not raining here quite yet. But it is on the way but head over to our radar now. And you could parts of the north bay almost the entire north bay covered at this point the shower activity but as we take a little bit of a closer look here sandra fell getting wind of otto petaluma all the way up to santa rosa on one oh one and then at the coast as well but take a bay parts of point rays and were definitely seeing even through one of the richmond area possibly getting. The bridge went there as we take a closer look you can see mill valley on the map yeah were definitely seeing that rainfall along the peninsula. Some scattered showers that im tracking that moved out of Half Moon Bay but are moving east so pollo also youre going to be looks like youre going to be next in parts of stanford san mateo youre getting some of those raindrops and then theres a whole lot more on the way for everybody and you can see that here on futurecast 4. 10 oclock it looks like the entire north bay should be pretty much covered and then by lunchtime were going to see it continue to be more widespread in the entire very well be seeing it into the afternoon hours. And its also going to be windy. Im seeing the winds right now start to pick up go over those in just a bit for now, lets head over to the Traffic Center and get an update with robin on the roads. Thank you rebecca traffic looks good which is like Perfect Timing because the rain is moving in the traffic is already thinned out so we dodged what could have been awful morning commute here across the golden gate said traffic is looking good no rain here so far. Leaving nevada little bit about 20 minutes and thats right on time from highway 37 to the toll plaza in San Francisco Richmond Center fell bridge these commuters over traffic looks fantastic and to the north bay and a 7 minute trip and the bay bridge 80 west under a high wind advisory, which means you need to watch your speed if youre driving a highprofile vehicle this morning, but its wide open here through the toll plaza across the upper deck under 10 minutes to downtown San Francisco back to you. 9. 32 hospitals across the bay area are bracing for a surge of covid19 patients, the latest wave of cases could put Hospital Capacity to the test kron fours rob fladeboe reports now from the south bay. Were seeing an right now Valley Medical Centers doctor Sanjay Khurana and his colleagues at the countys 3 Public Hospitals of emc oconnor has st. Louis. Currently treating 35 patients with covid19 thats 15 more than they had in late october. Well, no immediate threat to Hospital Capacity, this 3rd wave of the coronavirus could increase pressure on hospitals nonetheless says doctor kerr on e. Keeping the situation most are testing situation looks right its about half of labor and make hospital and making sure hospitalizations are up 10 across the county. Regional Medical Center has 30 patients Stanford Health care is 15 well, Good Samaritan hospital has 10 for a county wide total of 110. Complicating the picture though is the expected surge in non Covid Patients says doctor so we okay. Were always dealing with system the way a seasonal youre dealing a potential situation where we can get planning for a 3rd wave requires hospitals to be flexible in terms of moving resources where theyre needed most Colder Weather will make it harder to use tents and other facilities outdoors. Officials say moving back to more restrictive Health Orders and widespread mask use may will keep many people out of the hospital. But planning for the next wave is fraught with uncertainty says doctor khurana this what next way. Is it going to be a state thats what we saw in the it can be blocked we dont know what we have to prepare as if this is going to be something similar to what we saw in the summer. In san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 news. In addition to the 9 bay area counties 31 other counties across the state are also rolling back on reopening in the having more restrictions now the governor says hes even thinking of something further a curfew statewide because of the covid cases just in the last 10 days theyve doubled across all demographics and regions. Cases today. Well end up in our hospital beds in 2 to 3 weeks. Consistently at a rate of about 12 this is simply the fastest increase. California has seen since the beginning of this pandemic. He hasnt made a final decision yet on a statewide curfew its something that is still being assessed. He says so not everyone is on board with this idea of a curfew either one opponent in the bay area is highlighted by kron fours dan for. The idea of a curfew to curb a recent surge in covid19 cases is not sitting well with one bay area leader governor Gavin Newsome brought up the possibility at mondays statewide Coronavirus Briefing i think the curfew. Brings a little bit of fear that fear San Mateo County supervisor david says is for the Small Businesses like restaurants who may suffer even more he thinks the focus for state and local leaders should be holding individual people accountable by reinforcing things like mask wearing avoiding gatherings and maintaining social distancing to me thats just not right. I mean i think we should were much more sophisticated. We know what we need to do i think having a curfew is just a total overreach, but we can afford any more Mario Santa Cruz is the coowner of lisas Mexican Restaurant in daly city he too opposes the idea of a curfew but is also concerned about rolling back even further as of monday San Mateo County is the only bay area county allowing for any Indoor Dining i dont know how long i was going to be in terms of business. If we dont build, i mean. The states of massachusetts and virginia have both an acted covid curfews which governor newsome says are being assessed for implementing in california of the several questions being considered is what a curfew means for businesses. To date there has not ben one infectious scientists that says a curfew works. Reporting in daly city dan thorn kron 4 news. 9. 36 is the time coming up the Trump Administration is still refusing to cooperate with the Biden Transition Team and now the president elect says that lack of cooperation. Could cost american lives. And im tracking rain and wind across the bay area. Its going to stick around for a couple of days all have the timing of this storm system do not leave the umbrellas at home theyre going to and also bundle up temperatures are going to quite cold this week off all those details. A little bit later, i have 3 umbrellas one for home one for work and actually one of my car because i always forget, were looking good here the bay bridge toll plaza were finally delay free but its windy a high wind advisory in place for the bay bridge still slow down out there well have more bridge checks coming up. Serena its my 9 12, nodaysoff migraine medicine. Its ubrelvy. For anytime, anywhere migraine strikes without worrying if its too late, or where i am. One dose can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within two hours. Unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. Serena ask about ubrelvy. The anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. And were back at 9. 40 the Transition Team for president elect joe biden now pushing for access to at least the National Security briefings and also the latest information on the coronavirus pandemic could be nice Senate Democrats say that its dangerous for the Trump Administration to withhold this information, especially the National Security briefings and some Senate Republicans are also calling for biden to get those briefings done during this transition time is they want a seamless handoff president elect biden says that its not not getting these briefings, especially for the coronavirus and how theyre going to distribute a vaccine. It could cost lives. More people may die. If we dont coordinate it has to wait until january 20th to actually become operational. Thats a shame but it may be that thats only way to get it done. President trump still has not conceded the election claiming that only lost because of widespread voter fraud. Again so far no evidence has been provided to support those claims theyve taken at the court judges have already tossed out several of the president s lawsuits against sighting. No factual basis for the claim. 9. 41 right now and weve got our Storm Tracker for all fired up and you can see this is a pretty big storm. First big one know we had of the the yellow are the hardest downpours that are happening up north of santa rosa all this is going start sliding down the coast. As it has been continuing to do so this morning. Welcome back to the kron 4 morning news, im rebecca strong and the kron 4 Weather Center in for john travel on this rainy and windy Tuesday Morning around the bay area and as a matter of fact, im looking at the suture tower camera over looking at downtown San Francisco. And that you can kind of see it swaying back and forth because were starting to get those wind gusts that i was talking about earlier become you see it back here on the presentation will see it go back and forth in the wind were going to see gusts of up to 30 even 35 Miles Per Hour in some spots around the bay area today of course along with the rain that ive been tracking this morning thats touching down across much of the north bay right now on our radar as we take a closer look here nevado Petaluma Santa Rosa along one oh one going to be slick and wet this morning in december fell even the richmond sandra fell bridge right now were seeing some shower activity and along the north bay coast inverness were seeing parts of the day bay and also point rays this morning and then along the peninsula, some popup showers passing through parts of the Half Moon Bay and moving over towards palo alto it was a shower earlier in san mateo were seeing in pacifica as well. But its not far from over thats for sure were going to see it on future cast for everyone is going to see this rainfall and then by 10 oclock as we get closer to it so were going to see a even some moderate to heavy rain showers popping up that yellow coloring on your screen that orange the rainfall and were going to see it to widespread throughout the entire afternoon, the lunchtime hour were going to see the east bay for it to start to rain there and also across south bay zone into the evening hours by 5 oclock you can see exactly where the bulk of the rainfall is going to be looks like the north bay still going to get those showers potheads definitely lighten up versus what were seeing right now and then by late tonight, it looks like things are going to start to slowly clear out just a bit before returning. Tomorrow morning with pockets of heavy rain showers popping up here and there the Morning Hours and into the afternoon before finally drying out for wednesday night. Future wind gusts though were really seeing it to start to pick up around the bay area you can see the 20s on your screen even some 30s at the coast. So were going to be seeing over the next 30 minutes or so 36 mile an hour wind gusts expected for half day. 20 is pretty study across much of our north bay zone. Its going to continue to be a quite windy throughout the entire day today and then things are going to taper off just a little bit into the overnight hours before ramping up again into tomorrow afternoon. So umbrellas rain gear. Thats where your need for today. And tomorrow thats a look at the weather, lets head over to the Traffic Center now with traffic looks great it actually thinned out a couple of hours ago, and its Still Holding up very well check out 92 your trip across the san mateo bridge. Maybe a little bit of crowding off and on the east and west but not bad at all the trip from the east bay to the peninsula is down to a very quick 30 minutes here at the bay bridge toll plaza were delay free no to San Francisco. No problems on the oakland cider through the maze, its just a little windy so chp has issued a high wind advisory see the trees blowing around right there so be careful here heading across the span both east and west on 80 into an out of San Francisco, were looking at some numbers and freeways around the bay area they look great to 3785 from san jose to Mountain View to 80 doing fine heading northbound san jose to cupertino and i dont see any big problems for that trip from dublin to fremont we started off with some slow traffic. Its great now at 14 minutes and check out the nimitz uneasy 22 minutes from to 38 off to to 37 back to you. In the buzz, another man down on the fortyniners they had to put defensive lineman Arik Armstead on the covid list. One day after he played 40 snaps in the niners lost to the saints. Thats a lot of contact but even with how cozy arm said got woodrow braise the saints are more worried about their quarterbacks cracked ribs, 5 but theyre not all the fortyniners fall, yes brees got 2 broken ribs and a collapsed lung in his hard tackle by kentavious street. But the other 3 fractures happened the week before against tampa bay. Thats 5 ribs that is that like a half rack come 67 ridge is the happiest why dont eat meat thats discussed whole sign him on the ground. Writing and it didnt make you hungry. Thats why i dont if you pay me like i ribs, you pay the 50 Million Dollars and for 50 mil id move to houston in a heartbeat but not james harden the rockets offered him an extra 100 million to stay for 2 more years. But hes already mapping his way to brooklyn harden wants to rocket out of houston. Okay, so thats where is now because he he wants to go and team up with khiree. And with cady on the next. So i dont know james what burrow he would live in. But i so i just generally mapped it out its going to be 25 hours if he wants to drive straight and i dont know katie would be willing to fly down there and you know join him and then because its easier when you drew when you drive back with someone and after that may know by the way you did after thanks dont travel for thanks to now hes the reason hes going is he badly wants to rain. He really wants to ring and a ring of them a neighbor says the ring is going be can as we know its like a baby you cant have a ring by yourself it takes somebody else to make it. And it doesnt look by the way like quarantine is putting people on the boat. No which is why i thought it would write because you think get cooked up you know with nothing else to do the boom coming out no baby experts predict the opposite of a baby boom, some forecasting that we lose about a half a million births because between the job losses and anxiety about money about your health and basically what im cooped up with you the old you know youre getting on my nerves right away from it all and if youre single too hard to meet people when you cant go out social and nobody ever got pregnant by zoom day, and zoom by the way is to let you hey with your famine thanksgiving for as long as you want for free. Theyre lift and i love that 40 minute limit it was your was my outlet guy skies. Id love to chat all day. But you 40 minutes you know what else i love about thanksgiving cranberry sauce. So if you had to pick your favorite thanksgiving side. Survey says james california mash potatoes hands down. Do a man a white if you want to check out the map okay because they they did it state by state california is mashed potatoes and i was just looking at like look at this whole swath of mac and cheese thats the from maryland all the way down to georgia they really like the mac and cheese is over here in arkansas white gravy whats white grainy first thanksgiving around ready yet to make it was something else. I know im no clock you know that they love it there. That gravy and biscuits agree thats what it this everybody calls things Different Things like dressing stuffing yeah and i love the side. Again youve got our kids all white gravy but youve got colorado with brown gravy but do you see there are 10 states out of the 50 states that like mashed potatoes thats a big yeah, i like this map but nobody likes deviled eggs. Theres one state yeah, you got i love it. You like a demolition but not many people in in the family do so i kind of get it all if you get the i just one more thing one more that sticks out from a cream corn, i hate it its only in one regular corn, thats it thats green kansas green county, kansas love supreme and thats the buzz. And look at that. Theres no bad time to start at amazon. I like the flexibility. It also allows for picking up shifts. Safety comes first, speed comes second. Safety. Safety. Safety. Were making sure that somebody is getting their very important items. It makes me very happy. Im 54 and the latest rollbacks are coming just before the start of the Holiday Season and thats bad news for retailers. Yeah timing couldnt be worse to be another blow to them theyve been struggling all year long to stay afloat and typically Holiday Shopping season is what gets them over the hump and gets them profitable for the year, but the California Retailers Association says that. Indoor shopping obviously going to be limited or even banned in some places where were seeing you know the this tougher tears has or you know with the way they limit the want a lot of people coming in and you cant do that covid so theyre not going make as much. And like you said its a make or break time of year for retailers. Maybe if your local mom and pop retailer does online in any supporting now we now know thats one thing you can do. California Retail Association also believes that many businesses arent going to able to hire 2 lot of people rely on Seasonal Work right to help pay the bills in this year that could also be something that we dont get as much of. Space x make history. It did yesterday you are watching blasted off into space off whats going flee the years and what we couldnt show yesterday with this new video from inside you see what the flooding there in the i every mission a stuffed animals, yeah, every mission the astronauts bring what they call a 0 g indicator which is just something that indicates when theres no what land this time they decided to bring my a pen and has to be a soft baby yoda in space. The first was going say the first alien to make it in space but i there already theyre already i got should say that they are now those astronauts are now in the space station so theyve made it right and everythings going great. All right well thats good because they escaped that bad weather weve got bad weather today or bad, i mean rain is not bad if you like it if thats what happened its going to be dicey on the roads so as rob has been warning to be very careful if youre out and about driving around bring the umbrella its going to be a little slick, so give yourself extra time extra distance to and youre following the car in front she said its going to slop over on the tomorrow to take look here at the. Golden gate bridge as we leave you can see it up over montana and up on that a little bit of sunshine on the bridge itself, but yeah, yes, Stormy Weather on the horizon, thats it for now see back here tomorrow morning starting at 04 00am a bye. I knew about the tremors. But when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. He started believing things that werent true. I knew something was wrong. But i didnt say a word. During the course of their disease around 50 of people with parkinsons may experience hallucinations or delusions. But now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. The only fda approved medicine. Proven to significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions related to parkinsons. Dont take nuplazid if you are allergic to its ingredients. Nuplazid can increase the risk of death in elderly people with dementiarelated psychosis and is not for treating symptoms unrelated to parkinsons disease. Nuplazid can cause changes in heart rhythm and should not be taken if you have certain abnormal heart rhythms or take other drugs that are known to cause changes in heart rhythm. Tell your doctor about any changes in medicines youre taking. The most common side effects are swelling of the arms and legs and confusion. We spoke up and it made all the difference. Ask your parkinsons specialist about nuplazid. Announcer today, on an all new dr. Phil, david thinks hes married. To maria, who hes never met. Announcer is she real . You can go see her. You know what it costs to fly . 38. I was under the impression it was a lot more than that. You think you might check . [laughter] he spent 25,000 and you dont want to blow 38 to go look her in the the i . Announcer or is he being catfished . He sends money to her, 1500 a month. Announcer now. She was good enough to give you her address. I sent my people to houston. The address she gave david is nonexistent. Announcer wait until you see the twist. The woman david believes is maria does exist. Announcer it is dr. Phils catfish week. Lets do it

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