It is now the deadliest mass shooting in modern american history. Marilou danley arrived at Los Angeles International airport late tuesday night. She was met by federal officials, who now believed to be questioning her about her connection to 64yearold Stephen Paddock. Family members say she was in the philippines during the attack. Possibly sent there by Stephen Paddock, so she would not interfere with his plans. He said i found you a cheap ticket to the philippines. Reporter as las vegas and the nation continue morning emma more than 100 continue morning, more than 100 passengers are struggling to get home. People were trampling over each other. There was a war zone. It hurts so bad. I was not ready to die. Reporter in will meet some of the survivors today. Is visiting the city and talking to victims and First Responders, as the investigation and the mourning process continues. It is a sad day for me, personally. Reporter we are seeing an uptick in security. Several hotels have added personnel, as well as using handheld metal detectors to want as, guests, looking for weapons. Stephen paddocks girlfriend, what can you tell us about her . How long do they expect to question her . Reporter we got word there was an interview that started at noon. We do not know how long it will go or if it is still going. We do know, according to our sources she is cooperative. They have not detained her. She is cooperating with Law Enforcement. We know she has gotten a lawyer. We do not know if the lawyer is in the interview. We are still trying to figure out where the interview is happening. Lawenforcement is trying not to her. Since she is being so cooperative. Reporter Lauren Blanchard in las vegas. We are getting more names of victims from the shooting. And finding more connections to the bay area two victims grew up in the same community and graduated from the same east bay high school. We are live from the area. With allie rasmus. Two California High School graduates in san ramon were among the 59 victims of the Las Vegas Shooting the pair graduated eight years apart from each other. The family of 57yearold denise cohen confirmed her death on facebook along with her companion derrick bo taylor. Reporter there is a memorial stone in upon the calpurnia campus. The names of alumni and staff who passed away etched in stone. Honest on this morning is a picture of denise along with flowers and balloons. She graduated from cal high back in 1977. Think in the way that we remember her. A really strong and cheerful person. With a lot to the four. Reporter her daughter denise had just started a new job in santa barbara. In her last conversation, she was excited to go to a Country Music concert in las vegas. Denise never came home from that event. She and a friend were shot in a shooting sunday night. She is survived by her two adult sons, three grandchildren as well as a brother and sister. She loved them all. And we will miss her. Very much. To her mother says she plans to be a strong advocate Going Forward for things like stricter background checks for gun purchases. More awareness of Mental Health issues, and better security at concerts and events. There will be a lot of thinking about what can be done, so that this does not occur again. We need to be more prepared, so that she did not have to go this way. So many people will suffer by this way. It is not right. Parents do not look forward to their kids going before them. Reporter confirmation of her death came hours after we learned of another cal high graduate who is one of the that Stacee Etcheber a novato tragedy. Mother of two and wife of a San Francisco Police Officer also died in the shooting. Etcheber graduated from cal high ramon in 1985. Hundreds of people gathered for a candlelight vigil to remember her at her childrens Elementary School in novato. Homecoming is scheduled for next friday. The alumni situation in the School District has plans in the works to have a tribute to the two victims. The two alumni who died in the Las Vegas Shooting. Back to you. We are learning more about another victim. A 32yearold was a member to someone full of life. She recently fell in the Country Music and her latest adventure with the three date music fast. Michelle sent a picture to her sister kathy. It was the last cover station between the two of them. There was no answer on her phone until a man picked up the call. She fell to the ground when she was shot. We are hoping she did not feel the fear or the terror. It was a quick death and a peaceful death. Michelle met Cody Robinson at the concert. He was standing next to her when she was shot he tried to shelter from the gunfire, after she was hit. He loaded her into a truck with other victims. Robertson delayed his flight home so that he could meet michelles family and they arrived in las vegas. A san jose state student who was injured in the shooting is getting help from classmates. Close to 20,000 has been raised for janine on a go fund me page to pay for her medical bills. Family members say she has a collapsed lung and broken ribs. She has been working toward earning her masters degree in social work. A few hours ago, Dianne Feinstein revealed that her daughter had planned to attend the festival. My own daughter was going to go. I have an email from her. She was going to go with neighbors. For one reason or another, both families decided they would not go. They were going to stay at that hotel. That is how close it came to me. And i think god think god. It is a miss in life. It could happen to anyone of us. This morning senator feinstein introduced legislation that said it would close an automatic weapon to poll that allows gun owners to could convert guns into automatic weapons. It would not affect possession of weapons by u. S. Governor agencies are departments. Some say we should not do this now. We should wait. Now is not the time. Ladies and gentlemen, when is the time going to be . There is no better way to honor the 59 people were slaughtered and to take action to prevent this from happening yet again. Republicans disagree. Saying the tragedy in las vegas should not be used to push for gun control. I think it is particularly unappropriate and appropriate to politicize this event. It is immature to discuss legislative solutions, if any. Cart was asked about gun control yesterday. He said it would be addressed, as time goes by. In the bay area, telford Highway Patrol continues to investigate a deadly accident. Ambulances are responding to a fatal crash that has shut down multiple lanes of westbound state highway 4 in pittsburg this morning, according to the california Highway Patrol and the Contra Costa County Fire Protection district. The collision was reported at 8 02 a. M. On westbound highway 4 in the area of harbor street, chp officials said. Contra costa county fire officials wrote on twitter that one person died and five others were injured in the crash, which involved five vehicles. Because lanes of the highway are blocked, according to the chp. More information about the crash was not immediately available. The other injuries have been reported. San francisco lawmakers in Police Leadership announced a new focus on reducing auto burglaries in the city. As we have been reporting, car burglaries are in epidemic in San Francisco. A new plan is Going Forward. Reporter we have an officer on foot patrol near city hall. This is essentially what we are talking about this afternoon. Supervisors have been working on new legislation aimed at directing the Police Department to focus on auto burglaries. Instead, they announced today they have faith in the chief plans to combat auto burglary. City leaders say they will be working with the Police Department to create new foot patrols. The city has said they will be back in a nonbinding resolution, backing the chief, Going Forward with his plan to increase foot patrol in target auto burglary hotspots. The city has been seeing a dramatic increase in auto break ins, since 2012. The trend seems to follow the same pattern this year with more auto breakins this year, then last. In a press conference that wrapped up 10 through 15 minutes ago, supervisors and the chief stressed again and again, that they would be working together on this issue. In the spirit that we are part of this partnership, we made the decision that it is best to at this point, to change our legislation. Not in agreements, but to change it so that it becomes a resolution. Which indicates to the public, that we are on the same page. The bottom line is we will be judged by our results. We can have a strategy, but at the end of the day, your from now, we look at the Police Department that is standing before you . Does it work . We are committed to doing everything we can to address the issue. In addition to the foot patrols and focus on hotspots, the department is looking at pilot programs, including those using video. They are pushing a driver education program, trying to make sure drivers do not leave valuables in visible locations in their parked cars. We are working on the street help to have more later this afternoon. Still ahead, one day away from the dahkah renewal deadline. Warming up around much of the bay area. We will check in with meteorologist mark tamayo. I had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. coughah i missed you then i discovered mucinex. One pill lasts 12 hours,and im good. Why take 4hour medicine . One mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. Ktvu fox 2, complete barrier coverage. Tomorrow is the deadline for deferred action for childhood arrivals. For docket recipients to renew expiring applications for docket recipients to renew expiring applications. Under the program, established by the ministration, they can work and go to School Without facing deportation. The trump ministration Trump Administration mac announced it is ending the program. The federal government will not accept new applications or renew those that expire after the march. To a developing story. Las positas Community College in livermore is experiencing an emergency situation, the school said in a text that was shared on social media. The lockdown has been lifted. Reporter 15 minutes ago it was lifted. Everyone has been released from the classroom. It started at 10 45 am when reports that a Maintenance Worker on campus saw someone he described as someone with a long gun with aftermarket parts. It is not been confirmed by Livermore Police. We do have sky fox footage that shows the officers detained two people on campus. I am joined with jonathan to, a student. Jonathan, where were you . What class are you in . What happened . I was in english . Does the class. We got a loud alarm. An automated message telling us to stay inside and await further instruction into we got the all clear. A new class was coming in. It was crowded. Reporter when you are inside, what did you do as far safety . We shut off the lights. Later on a professor put paper over the window. It was harder to see in. We shut off the lights. We try to be quiet. Reporter you are monitoring social media. What did the report say . We got mixed stuff. Some people that there were rumors of it being a nerf gun i believe those were true. I have not heard much else. We had people listening in on Police Scanners and talking about what they thought was going down. A lot of people were worried for our safety. Reporter this comes days after the las vegas massacre. At this point, police have to be safer than sorry. The evacuated part of the campus. They had a lockdown and shelter in place for an hour and a half. The situation has now been cleared. Everything is back to normal on campus. We are awaiting confirmation from Livermore Police for what happened. And whether they detained people on campus. That is the latest from livermore. Henry lee. Lets check in with meteorologist mark tamayo. Warming up. Just in time for the weekend. If you neighborhoods inching closer to 90 degrees. Outside right now, we are in the clear completely across most of the bay area mostly sunny conditions. Off to a cooler start so far this week. That will change. Today, we can call it the transition day. No major heat wednesday. Beaches will be in the 60s. Around the bay, mid 70s. Inland, around 80. Here is the satellite. We have relatively clear skies up and down the west coast. Patchy, low cloud cover out told out toward point rains. Impacting parts of the coastline. A good portion of the area is having mostly sunny skies. Temperatures of 69 in san jose. Livermore, 70s. We are starting to see 70s show up. Eventually, talking about 80s. This was the area of low pressure that moved into the region earlier in the week. This was monday through tuesday, scooting out of town. At the end of the week, more sunshine and a warming trend. That means 80s inland. Inching closer to 90 degrees. This system will move out of the picture. This will move back into the picture. As a result, we will warm back up. Fire danger goes up each and every day as we had into the weekend. Especially, into next week by sunday into monday. A chance of another fire warning in place. Lets put it into motion. You see patchy fog possibly tomorrow morning. And portions of the coastline. Clouds melt away. That will set the stage for a warmer day. For tomorrow and friday. Lets take a look at the highs. Concorde, 81. 80s toward antioch. San francisco, 72. The beaches and upper 60s. More neighborhoods coming out. San jose emma 81. San mateo, 77. Lower 80s toward pleasanton and livermore. Five day forecast, temperatures show everybody warming up. I friday, 70s and 80s and close to 90 degrees inland saturday will be the warmest day of the week. On sunday, a cooler system that moves to the east of the bay area. Out toward nevada. To get a power pattern like that, fire danger increases. There is a chance we could have elevated fire concern. Sunday into monday. Projected winds could be 20 miles per hour. A pattern like that concerns us. Police have arrested a man who could be responsible for one of three shootings in oakland. A 60yearold man was killed and two more men were wounded in a pair of shootings on international boulevard in east oakland on tuesday, according to police. A 44yearold oakland man suffering from gunshot wounds was located in the 1400 block of 74th avenue, near international, at 4 39 p. M. And was transported to a hospital. Then, just before 5 p. M. , a 27 yearold man suffering from gunshot wounds was transported to a hospital from the area around 14th avenue and international. So far police have not released the name of the victim. A cleanup operation got underway what many considered the dirtiest bart station in the system. The Public Health erector barbara kiss the Public Health director Barbara Garcia is looking for ways to get the station cleaner. One of the things they are trying to figure out is how to keep pigeons out of the station. They are looking at ways to address more Serious Problems at the the station. Such as prostitution and drug dealing. We are all trying to be as okay as we can. Still ahead, we are hearing from a bay area woman who was shot during the massacre in las vegas. As she recounts the horrifying experience. You are the reason 2 investigates. Contact us if you have a tip. Taking a look at the market, will street is mixed today. Not a lot of movement. Nasdaq and s p 500 up a few points. The dow jones is up 29 points. Class action suits could becoming against yahoo after the Company Announced the 2013 Security Breach affected triple the number of accounts than originally thought. Just yesterday, yahoo announced 3 billion accounts were affected. This makes the hacked the largest data breach ever. The liability and exposure of having 3 billion accounts hacked is beyond belief. I do not know what their financial liability is, but certainly, this will impact a lot of people. And finding out it was triple, if you believe. Yahoo says it took the steps in needed to protect its users last year when it was first discovered. Yahoo says it will send email notifications to the additional users affected. Equifax has been awarded a government contract to verify taxpayer identities and prevent fraud. As it faces criticism for massive data breach. Word of the deal comes as Equifax Company officials testified at a congressional hearing about the breach that exposed the personal information of 145 million americas. Irs will pay equifax more than someone dollars for the contract. Iris says equifax is the only company capable of providing the service. The shakeup at over max board room. Uber board room. By 11 member board have extra boating voting power. The ceo was removed in june. Of the aboard voted to move forward with the sale of stock to japanese company. A could clear the way of an initial Public Offering by the end of 2019. We continue to follow the latest on the investigation into the deadly shooting in las vegas the gunmans girlfriend now back in the u. S. And considered a person of interest. After the break, we hear from her sisters about how she was out of the country during the massacre. Here at home, police warn about coffee shop customers getting targeted in one bay area city. They are releasing new Surveillance Video is a try to solve the crime. Ah, dinner. Throughout history, the one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. Just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh . Hey . I paused it. Bam, family time. So how is everyone . Find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. Breaking news from san mateo. The Police Department and Sheriffs Office is investigating a possible threat that was written on a bathroom wall at san mateo high school. The tweet was sent out by san mateo pd the officers are investigating a possible threat written on the wall at san mateo high school. People are being told to avoid the area. The campus has been placed on a secured campus status. All classroom and office doors are closed. Students and staff are told to stay inside. Everyone is being asked to avoid the area. West of 101 before el camino we all on poplar avenue. Please action at san mateo high school. They are investigating what appears to be a threat written on a wall at san mateo high school. To continuing coverage of Las Vegas Shooting. In is in las vegas meeting with victims and First Responders. About 30 minutes ago he left one of the hospitals where he spoke to the media briefly. He mentioned doctors and nurses have done a job indescribable. We are getting a look at newly released buddy cam video from some of the officers who responded to the shooting rampage. [gun shots] this video shows the chaos happening. Police and Hotel Security were able to locate the gunman, Stephen Paddock inside the mandalay bay hotel. Investigators say he also shot a Security Guard through his hotel room door. The motive is not known. However, president donald j. Trump says authorities are learning a lot more about the suspect. A few minutes ago, the president wrapped up his meeting with injured victims. What i saw today is an incredible tribute to professionalism. What they have done is incredible. You never want to see it again. That i can tell you. Some of the guns Stephen Paddock use had been modified. He had to bump stocks that would have allowed a semi in automatic gun at a semi automatic gun to fire like an in weapon. Investigators hope to learn more from the gunman decigram front of the shooter. Marilou danley return to the United States for the philippines late last night. She was met by fbi agents, when her flight landed in los angeles. She has been taken to las vegas to talk with officials. Yesterday, during a news conference, we brought you the sheriff of the las vegas metropolitan place apartment. He called her apart and a person of interest. Federal authorities met the las vegas girlfriend at Los Angeles International airport late tuesday and said they will take a harder look at what she might have known leading up to the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History. Marilou danley, 62, was staying in the philippines on sunday when her boyfriend, Stephen Paddock, opened fire from his hotel room and killed 59 people at a Country Music festival on the las vegas strip. Two sisters told a local australian tv station, 7 news sydney, that paddock sent his girlfriend to the philippines shortly before carrying out the attack. One sister claimed that danley was unaware of the trip. She was sent away. She was away so that she will not be there to interfere with planning, said. I think in for sparing my sisters life in that sense. But that wont be the compensation for 59 peoples lives. In that sense, there is no one but mary lou. Only she can help. A u. S. Official told reporters that he transferred 100,000 to the philippines in the days before the shooting. Investigators are now trying to trace that money. We are learning more about how he prepared for the attack las vegas Police Released video of the doorway to his hotel room at the mandalay bay. Authorities say Stephen Paddock had positioned to cameras in a foodservice court outside his room, so that he could see if Police Officers were approaching. There are also photos of guns he had in the room. And a las vegas newspaper is reporting he was prescribed valium and antianxiety drugs last june. The pharmacist said the drug can aggravate underlying aggressive tendencies in some patients. He also says if someone abuses the drug, it can trigger psychotic experience is a texas man is being credited with leading released to the shooter. Chris bethel, an iraq war veteran was two floors below Stephen Paddocks room. He said he heard the gunfire and knew it was close. It seemed like it did not stop. Second are going by in the minutes. And rounds are continuously going. He said he tried to call 911, the front desk of bentley bay and a hotel across the street no one answered. He looked out at his window at the concert below. He saw police were responding to the wrong location. He was eventually able to get someone on the phone and led them to mandalay bay. None of your training or experience could ever prepare you for Something Like this. The hardest part about it for me is feeling like i could not do i cannot get a hold of someone fast enough. Police found Stephen Paddock in his hotel room with a self inflicted dutch would. He was later pronounced dead. Police departments throughout the nation are reevaluating their security measures, following the las vegas attack. The new york Police Department says they use group sniper mentality. Such as the new ours the new years ball drop. Despite the extra security, there is not much they can be done. Chicago police have conducted a series of training sessions. As we reported, San Francisco police are increasing patrols at some of this weekends festivities. Las Vegas Shooting rampage is on the minds of police at levi stadium. A major concert happens tonight. 40,000 people are expected to see coldplay performed tonight. Security is expected to be tighter than usual. Officers would not reveal the exact extra Safety Measures they are taking. The police chief in santa clara said fans should not change their plans about the show. He added that fans should immediately report anything out of the ordinary that they may see at the stadium. People who live nearby will be listening for the 10 pm curfew. In the past people have violated the curfew and up and find. This find. First responders held a fullscale terrorist drill. The practice for an emergency they will never have to respond to. A fullscale drill and terminal 1 at sfo. The scenario, and active shooter and the aim is to make it as realistic as possible. This was all part of San Francisco International Airport disaster repaired this training. Including dozens of airport employees plane victims to a fictional shooter. Simulated gunfire and simulated smoke is added for realism. To make it as close to possible for First Responders to practice their skills. A federal government mandate is that they practice once every three years. Airport staff say they drill every year on a wide variety of scenarios to prepare for a wide array of possibilities. Airport says drilling and coordinating with various agencies is the only way to prepare, should the applicable happen. This year scenario had been planned for months. The significance of a mass shooting drill was not lost on participants. We will use this concourse for a terrorist event involving an active shooter. This is something we have been planning for months. Obviously, given the tragedy in las vegas, it takes on a new residence. It reinforces our commitment to emergency preparations. Reporter the drill was run overnight after part of terminal one chapping clear the cleared. Announcements were made, so that no one would think it was the real thing. The drill ran for a few hours with a link dg brief district debrief with a lengthy debrief afterwards. They are working hard to find out where the problems lie. If a real disaster strikes and one hopefully they will have anticipated it. We want to take you live to las vegas. Earlier, we showed you the president of the United States. At one of the hospitals, where he was visiting with a number of doctors and nurses. Telling them that they have done a job well done. Saying that what they did was undescribable. This is a news conference, expected with the president. And a number of First Responders to send this mass shooting. With the a lot of men and women in uniform. I am assuming the president will highlight all of the good acts done by people who were there to see the concert. They jumped into action to help. We heard early on from a young woman, a nurse, off duty to enjoy the concert. She described seeing people all to the ground around her. She jumped in to help. We saw similar stories of off to beaoff duty firefighters. Or people with no medical training. A man used his pickup truck to take people to the hospital. The ambulances were overwhelmed. We are watching president donald j. Trump and his visit in las vegas. We will bring you more throughout the afternoon. Still ahead, a bay area woman considered one of the lucky ones after surviving the massacre with a gunshot to the back. We are all trying to be as okay as we can. We will hear more from her about how she was able to get away. As she describes the chaos of the hospital. Sunny and warmer. We will check back in with mark tamayo. The messages across las vegas continue to light up with prayers and things to First Responders. The electronic signs a total typically advertise upcoming performances. Since sunday, they have displayed messages about the shooting. Ken wayne spoke to a victim and her experience. Reporter getting shot in the back doesnt sound like being lucky, but if you have to get shot, savanna chasco knows she is lucky. Its pretty close to my spine. They just told me i was very lucky that it was between the bones that come out of my lower spine, reporter she was with Three Friends when the gunfire erupted. She felt something hit her in the back as she and her friends ran. We heard this kind of popping noise and we thought the speakers were going out, it was very hot pain. You know when you hit your funny bone and it just stings and you cant do anything. It just stung so bad and i just dropped to my knees and rolled over on my back and i was like, guys i cant go. A young man next to her also went down. She made her way to the nearby mgm grand, and finally found an ambulance where three other gunshot victims were already inside. One man was shot in the butt and i was laying in his lap and i said im so sorry this must be super uncomfortable for you right now. His wife was in the front seat. I didnt see her but she was shot in the foot. And next to me in a gurney was a person being resuscitated. By the time we got to the hospital they did not make it, reporter the hospital was so crowded she was put on a gurney and had to stay in the hallway, where the scope of what had happened began to sink in. You know that was about the only times, when i would hear people screaming, crying. Thats when it would kind of hit me but not so much as to what was really going on, reporter later she learned the fate of her friend who went down next to her didnt survive. We tried to be as okay as we can. Reporter she leaves las vegas with an insight uncommon to anyone. Let alone a 20yearold. You know i see mgm through the window right now and i kinda get a little anxiety. Thats where i ran to but im not going to not come back here. Im not going to be fearful of what this is or what happened. You just cant let the fear become you. You definitely have to be stronger than that and stand tall. Reporter savanna will meet with medical specialists when she returns to the bay area to determine whether or not the bullet to come out of her back. If it is too close to her spinal cord, it should come out doctors may decide that it is best to leave it in. If that is the case, she could be carried the bullet and her back for the rest of her life. In las vegas, ken wayne, ktvu fox 2 news. One picture being played over and over maybe too much for children to handle. A bay area child psychologist has information on how parents can talk to their children about what happened. The Childrens Hospital doctor says parents should look for signs that a child may have trouble processing what happened. If a parent suspects the child is having problems handling what they are seeing or hearing, they should talk to the child about it. Asking what they know and understand about it. And giving them a chance to ask questions. Acknowledge that bad things happen. It is not something we will pretend did not happen. Or sleep under the rug. Bad things happen and we are Strong Enough to tolerate it. And Strong Enough to face it. Doctors say most children will emerge without emotional scars. They say signs of trouble for weeks, device is to seek help. If you like warm temperatures, those folks should be happy. It will get warmer. Temperatures will trend up by the weekend. The biggest concern is fire danger. We cannot talk about that enough. By sunday and into monday, it will take up with the winds. Projected to go over 30 miles per hour. Especially the sunday night. Watch out for that today, we are in between. We will work things up a little bit with mostly sunny skies. After a cold morning. On track to reach 80 degrees and lines. Around the bay, mid 70s. The beaches will be 65 degrees. Clear skies up and down a good portion of the west coast. From portland down toward southern california. We do have a patches of fog trying to reroute the portions of the coastline. It is a factor close to. 3 as. Portray us. We have San Francisco at 70 degrees. San jose, 73. Livermore, mid 70s. Santa rosa, 70 degrees. It should be comfortable for wednesday afternoon. We have been watching the sky over the past few days. Low pressure producing cooler temperatures. Especially with the overnight lows. This will be kicking out of our forecast area. As we get the warming trend for today, we still have the north through northwest wind in place. A cool wind direction for the morning hours. Over the next few days, the area of High Pressure will rebuild. A source of warming starting today. By thursday or friday and into saturday. On sunday, a system will move up and over the ridge. Pretty close to nevada. Typically the time of year it increases the dry wind. It will boost the fire danger. Watch out for that with the increase of fire danger sunday and monday here is the forecast model. We have mostly clear skies this afternoon. This is trying to generate more clouds tomorrow morning. 10 am on thursday. Look at the northerly winds. They pick up and bring back more sunshine for your thursday afternoon. It will continue to warm things up as we head toward thursday and friday. Today, mainly low 80s toward concorde that concorde. Dash back san jose, low 80s. Half moon bay, 68. A look ahead at the five day forecast. For the most part, fog free conditions. We will work things up nicely into the weekend. Sunday, we cool things off about the the fire danger. This time of year, we can have warm conditions in next week we could talk about frost advisories and sierra snow prepare for anything. When it comes to fire conditions, we saw that last week. How quickly they take off things continue to dry out until we get the first soaking. Thieves are targeting customers at coffee shops in alameda. To quiet tuesday evening inside the coffee shop. A patron stopped in to do work on his computer. Suddenly, a group of teens came in. A guy walked up, grabbed my laptop from my lap and ran away. Reporter the victim says he chased the thief for about a block, but the thief got away. Photo when the patron got back to the coffee shop, he realized that his wallet and backpack had also been stolen. One of the guys hit him. Another guy snatched his laptop and before you know it, theyre all running out. Reporter he says this is second robbery hes witnessed here in three weeks. He says the first time, a thief struck a woman sitting outside and ran off with her laptop. Im overwhelmed because it has happened here two times. Working here for a year and then some, i just think that its really bad for business, reporter alameda Police Released Surveillance Video of laptop thefts at other coffee shops. On sept. 4, thieves stole a laptop from a customer at the starbucks on blanding avenue. Investigators say minutes later, the same two suspects, in their teens or early 20s, went to the starbucks on park street and grabbed a laptop from another customer. As of this night, police say there have been eleven incidents, but that the suspect descriptions are not the same in all the cases. Police are advising patrons to take precautions. Consider using tracking software so you can find it if it becomes lost or stolen, reporter victim mehrdad tells ktvu he was sitting by the front door and he was distracted. Im definitely going to be more careful. I wasnt prepared for this. I was kind of lost in sending out emails, Reporter Police say these cases are crimes of opportunity. Anyone who recognizes the suspects in the Surveillance Video are asked to contact alameda police. In alameda, amber lee, ktvu , fox2. Do you want to do a monster check . Yes. No monsters. How about the drawer . No monsters. Nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. And homegoods is what makes it all possible. Amazing finds. Always great prices. Make home yours. Grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. A better way to grow, a better way to eat. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. Will come back. Alive picture a live picture from the press conference in las vegas. The governor of nevada, Brian Sandoval is addressing the media. For taking the time to provide their support and their comfort and Everything Else they will bring to us. With that, ladies and gentlemen, i would like to introduce the president of our great nation, president donald j. Trump. [applause] we really appreciate that. I will tell you, the people of nevada and the extraordinary city have shown the world their incredible character, courage and resolve. Nevada is a very special place i am honored to be here today at the las vegas metropolitan Police Department. In the company of heroes. Thank you to our police, firefighters and to our First Responders. And of course, to sheriff lombardo. A credible job that you have done. Mayor goodman, hello mayor goodman. [laughter] senator heller. Thank you very much. Senator cortez. Majority leader, where is kevin . Kevin mccarthy. Adam laxalt. All of the great congressman that we have with us today. From both parties. We are very honored that you could be with us. On behalf of the grateful nation, Melania Trump and i thank each and everyone of you and Law Enforcement. In the depths of four, we will always find hope in the men and women who risk their lives four hours. Four hours. The massacre the happened fill our hearts with grief. America is truly a nation and morning. In mourning. We visited the hospital today were many victims are recovering from their wounds. We ask god to ease their suffering. And to speed their healing. We pray for the recovery of the injured. And those injured officers. Who so bravely threw themselves into danger. When duty called. And we grieve the loss of the Law Enforcement personnel, who were killed in this vicious attack. Many families tonight will go to bed in a world that is subtly empty districts suddenly empty. The people they so dearly loved were torn away from them. Forever. Our souls are stricken with grief for every american who lost a husband or wife. A mother or a father, a son or a daughter. We know that your sorrow feels endless. We stand together to help you carry your pain. You are not alone. We will never leave your side. Here at the Police Department, we remember one of our own who died this week. Charles heart filled dash back hartfeld. Officer hartfeld. Was a proud veteran, a loving husband and father. s death is a tragic loss for this police force and for the city. And for our great nation. We struggle for the words to explain to our children how such evil can exist. How there can be such cruelty and such suffering. We cannot be defined by the evil that threatens us or the violence that insights such terror. We are defined by our love, our caring and our courage. The darkest moments. What shines most brightly is the goodness that thrives in the hearts of our people. That goodness is our lighthouse. And our solace is knowledge. That the souls of those who passed are now at peace in heaven. Here on earth, we are blessed to be surrounded by heroes. As one eyewitness recounted this week, while everyone else was crouching, Police Officers were standing up as targets, just trying to direct people and tell them where to go. The officers were standing up, in the line of fire, to help those in danger and to find out where those horrible shots were coming from. Words cannot describe the bravery that the whole world witnessed on sunday night. Americans defied death and hatred with love and with courage. When the worst of humanity strikes, and it did, the best of humanity response. Parents and spouses use their own bodies as shields to protect their loved ones. Americans dashed into a hail of bullets to rescue total strangers. Joining us today are many of the heroes who were here during that horrible moment. That horrible night. Including las vegas metropolitan Police Officers Tyler Peterson and tanner goulet. And civilian aaron stocker. Officer peterson was on a second day that his second day of the job when the shooting began. I just visited him in the hospital. Within minutes, he joined a group of officers rushing between flying bullets, to clear the fairground and save lives. Officer goulet was off duty and attending the concert. Although she was unarmed, as soon as the shooting began, she threw on a yellow police

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