Traverse city and a few other things. The city is gonna red tag this thing until such time that they can get this tree off of your which hopefully will be sometime today and then type the roof so that there will be no leaking. And the damage is not so great and the person wont be able to live back here. He was happy to talk but didnt just to be on camera. He would that is really what happened here about 7 00 this morning. I want to show you something, youll see theres a lot of mud there which was there before. And you can see that theres not a lot of roots structures there in the recent theres not a lot of structure there because there wasnt much holding this tree a. Thats gonna make this model around a little bit. If you take a look at this, you can see how soft this really is. Thats part of the problem here. You have a very weak wood with a very heavy tree a lot of rain, which also puts a weight on the tree itself. And it came down. This is going to be a big risk for a lot of folks that believe in this kinds of area. If you keep having the rates that we have been having and its the beginning of this. So that is the situation here. We are gonna stick around for a little while and see if we can find somebody to talk to us from hearing the city. Or some other organization or agency. They were supposed to be a great truck here for about now it hasnt shown up it because once they chop this thing, the only way to get out of your is quite a topic that is the situation here. Tom baker, ktvu fox 2 news. Some light rain. Out of San Francisco, you can see the clouds are still there but the focus pulled back just a little bit. We will check in with mark. They could call today but for the most part, we have a chance for a few sprinkles or a few light showers. But look at this, our san jose camera looking towards the clouds but also some blue skies. Lots of sunshine in the south bay. Including san jose. Take a look at the rainfall totals, over the past two days, you cant feel a big number here approaching. Two and half inches and over the edge and a half in San Francisco. Pretty impressive but these numbers taper off a little bit and the san jose. Reporting 10th of an inch over the past two days. Outside right now, still some lingering clouds, some lingering fog out toward sfo but things starting to try out. Heres the satellite and radar today, as you can see the bulk of the rainfalls focused affect our north. Have to keep the possibility of a few sprinkles in the forecast. Or light shower up in the north bay. But the beer area has to patters today. Sunshine towards the south, and we are tracking the next storm developing. And this will definitely impact our weekend plans. We will talk more about that coming up in just a few minutes. Good time to remind you that you would only download our app our weather team always posting updates on facebook as well as twitter and instagram. The remaining descendents of the a freeman. This morning, the San Mateo County attorney dropped all of the charges against kaveh bayat. He along with tiffany li was accused of orchestrating the 2016 murder of keith green. Thats but the mama a jury delivered it for 13 days that appointed lee but was have on two counts against kaveh bayat. That his case was weakened because was found to have made false statement. Paving the way for todays decision. My client was not guilty. Or any crime for that matter. And i think he made a good judgment on this. I think this case has been tried hundred times. That the client would have been not guilty hundred times. He is expected to be released later today. One of tourists spoke with us says shes disappointed by this turn of events per customer i guess the patient and hes on acidity after car went off the roadway this happened around 4 30 am on clayton road and rescue teams came two hours to bring the driver back up the slope. For him to be awake and talk to us, if he wasnt wearing a seatbelt, he wouldnt probably be there. He was transported to hospital but the person condition has not been released. Thats what two people are dead after domestic disturbance incident that turned into an officer involved shooting. About 3 40 am, police say they responded to a domestic disturbance call at the house. There was a confrontation with a man outside police added up shooting and killing him officers then went inside the home and found the woman was dead. When Police Officer with non lifethreatening Injuries Police have an said he was not tropics to more trauma on capitol hill hours after the house voted to impeach President Trump and there are real questions about when a trial in the u. S. Senate might be scheduled. Article to his adopted. The historic vote impeaching President Trump cornering zero republican support. And then citing what she says would be an unfair process in the other chamber of congress, nancy pelosi says shes waiting to send the articles to the senate. I was not prepared to send 1 billion because we dont know the arena that we are in. Frankly, i dont care. Just like the Impeachment Vote, the move by the speaker is dividing lawmakers. Theyre getting cold feet. It could not even wait for due process but now theyre gone 10 to sit on the hands. The speaker has to make a decision. President trump tweeting about the possible senate trial the lake quote, now that want to do nothing with the articles. And not deliver them to the senate. But its senates call. Republicans say democrats have created a new and dangerous president when it comes to impeaching a president. It was predetermined and of a partisan crusade that began before President Trump was even nominated. Be what a fair trial, or do they want to allow the president. House Speaker Pelosi and minority leader Chuck Schumer meeting today to go over how the democrats want to move ahead with this impeachment. And Wendy Pattison the articles to the republican controlled senate. In washington, lauren blanchard, ktvu fox 2 news. The holding a rally at the state capital. Theyve been on strike since monday. They say kaiser did sin make it possible for patients to get timely care. They want the state agency that oversees Mental Health care to enforce a state requirement. This is riders must provide the same access to Mental Health care as it does for other services. The Cancer Company was to provide my appointment to patients undergoing therapy before adding more clients that are scheduled. That would mean increasing the size of the staff pick there expected to get a rally outside the sales force in San Francisco at any moment. There demanding salesforce start conducting business with u. S. Customs and Border Protection agency. Organizers say salesforce has several contracts with the agency and those contracts allow the government to commit human rights abuses including the separation of families. Similar demands have been made for google and amazon to stop spying products to immigration officials. Happened in the this is because of voting on a shortterm rental bad tonight, meeting comes after vote early this week on the city council attended tuesdays meeting. Last month, the past the that band shortterm airbnb type rental. The cornet spices a third and expected to extend that law today. The proposal came after five people died in the hallowed at airbnb rental in orinda. Infused with thc triggering a national crisis. Even more forms of marijuana may come with Serious Health risks a hero today. How she helps her loved ones get to safety after a fire started in her grandmothers home. You know when you go to ross for a few gifts and realize. Oh yeah you shouldve gotten a cart . Thats yes for less. Get gifts for everyone on your list and save 20 to 60 percent off Department Store prices. At ross. Yes for less. Department store prices. Mike bloombergs created on tover 400,000 jobs. Ue leader. As president , an opportunity economy that works for us. Tax fairness where the wealthy pay their fair share. Education. Affordable college and high skill Vocational Training so people can succeed in the new economy. Economic security. Lower Cost Health Care and affordable middleclass housing. Proven leadership on jobs. To build an economy where people dont just get by, they get ahead. Im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. And youre not sure wholl be more excited. You. Oh, yeah. Or them . Ahhhhhh thats yes for less. Be a rock star this season and save big on gifts theyre gonna love. At ross. Yes for less. A girl has been call the here after a fire at her grandmothers home in san jose. The fire started just before just a few miles into the airport. The family sleeping inside but the girl workup and help get everyone get out safely. I just had woken up and i saw black smoke coming like into my room, and i screamed i pushed and woke up my sister. And then she got up and out of the house. And i screamed daddy, three or four times. And then my parents came about the room. Wear down this is a tragic event, we believe that is a positive outcome. And this 11yearold little girl gave her family the best guess chris was gift ever. The fire started in the familys christmas tree. Picketers are working to confirm how the fire started. The family lost everything in this fire in a few data, we put the link to the families gofundme on our website, ktvu. Com. Yes coast guard has 80,000 possible cocaine in san diego. Cocaine was seized in a series of drug must in the eastern pacific. The estimated value of the cocaine is at 312 million. Jonathan hunt has the story. U. S. Coast guard and the dea have been working together to cracked down on drug smugglers in the eastern Pacific Ocean and on wednesday, the announced one of the largest ever drug seizures. Some 18,000 pounds of cocaine worth over 300 million. Unloaded in the port of san diego. Was Court Officials praising the hard work of crews who wrist their lives to stop the smugglers. This is hard, dangerous work for these crews. They actually gained access and control of those vessels. The releasing videos of some of the bust you can see crews here taking control of what they call a low profile go fast vessel and finding the drugs inside. It looks like two bills right here in the third. They interrupted seven separate jug shipments including one quote self propelled semisubmersible vessel or. Submarine for short. Federal Officials Say its all part of a broader effort in Southern California to fight back against powerful drug cartels. Cocaine that if it was not seized would help fill the drug dealers laundered Bank Accounts and endanger american lives. The smugglers have all been arrested and are being investigated for ties to the cartels. In los angeles, jonathan hunt, fox news. The Research Suggests marijuana use could damage your heart. A study says regular smoking of marijuana can change your heart structure. Researchers found people who used marijuana at least once a week had a larger left ventricle. Researchers suggest reducing cannabis intake, and furthers tests are conducted. That he is in the availability of thc vaping products in the black market is causing the nationwide crisis. Thc of course is a chemical that causes marijuana psychological effects. However, the Vitamin E Oil found in a lot of these products can cause vaping related lung injuries. In the aces the criminal organizations are increasingly making and selling illegal vaping address on the black market. When you have a market that is so powerful and dangerous, and you have a technology that can push it right into your lungs, that combination is deadly. The da says a number of illegal case ceased in new york alone has grown from 38 in 2072 now more than 200,000 in this year. Facebook and instagram say theyre preparing to ban influencers from posting paid branded content for vaping tobacco and that products. Facebook already banned ads for the dogs but marketing influencers said. Beginning next year, it will also require special restrictions on branded content that promotes items like alcohol or diet supplements. You been waiting to get up site adding right now, is the time to get out there and enjoyed the rain. We hire head into a bit of every today and tomorrow. Some of the quite weather pattern before this tech system approaches the area over the weekend. Here is the camera, still not completely clear, a possibility of a press sprinkle in the north may. With the break, its nice to check in and see where we are with the rain totals going back to july 1st in santa rosa, which is difficult to pick up the most rainfall for the season so far. Over 11 1 2 inches of rainfall but san jose, about 2. 60. Most the areas a little bit average but we will be playing catchup and we will be posting this numbers as we head into the weekend. Satellite and radar in the pacific this will be our next storm that develops specially by right now, looks like kind of a delay as we head towards saturday evening and late saturday night. The satellite right now showing you that the clouds primarily from the north of the bay area. This is basically the weather story for today. Split in half. Clouds focused up here up towards santa rosa, but more sunshine in the south bay for the Santa Clara Valley for today. In between a mixture of sun and clouds. A numbers most areas right now in the 50s, warm spots in the 60s for redwood city and san jose. Reporting six degrees. Here is the weather pattern. Its scooting out to the east of the bay area. If you look upstream, we have more developments a so today, cloudy northbay, more sunshine for the afternoon. And then into friday, looking pretty good for tomorrow but heres are next a stem. Saturday there is a chance of a shower by the afternoon hours, but the main action moves in by saturday evening. And then on sunday, some off andon rainfall. Here is the forecast model for today showing you the clouds up in the northbay, and then tomorrow, probably some patchy morning fog emma more sunshine in the afternoon hours, and then by the weekend, look what happens, saturday morning, 8 00, still mostly cloudy skies and then into the afternoon hours, will we will get a chance for some rainfall up in the northbay thought that afternoon. This will be a slow mover, this is saturday night 00 still drive so we will time this. Things begin to develop properly late saturday night and early sunday morning. This is sunday morning 04 00, and then maybe summer breaks in the action as we head towards midmorning on sunday. But still, as per the freighter the weekend. Forecast highs for this afternoon, in the upper 50s to the low 60s. And the look ahead your five day forecast, we will break most of these breaks. For today, and that your friday, that rainfall really moves in. We are taking saturday evening, saturday night, and offandon rain for sunday and possibly into monday next week. New at noon. Beer Area Food Bank is asking the public for help as their see a serious drop in donations. The San Francisco food bank is increasing pressure after the welfare evacuations and Power Outages has made donations rarer than ever. Now their local resources to help people through the Holiday Season and early next year. We are providing food every week for 32,000 households. And any reduction in that would be painful. In fact, we want to move the other way. We have opportunities to bring in more food and would like to raise the money to pay for the trucking and the handling to do that. So we can feed more families. The food bank says it has just 12 days to go in the year to raise a quarter from of its fundraising budget. They hope people will help to push those in need. The concert in a neighborhood dennys thats a little out of hand. How one teenager ends up with the bill for all the damage. At hertz, we know that a change of scenery shouldnt mean a change in standards. Thats why thanks to you were rated number one in Customer Satisfaction by j. D. Power. It may come as a surprise. But medicare doesnt pay for everything. So help bridge the gap with a medigap insurance plan, like an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Medigap plans help pay some of what medicare doesnt, reducing your outofpocket costs. 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The facility will have 75 beds and is earmarked for your home is a Broad Coalition of city supervisors is pushing efforts to build a Navigation Center in each City District the Dublin Unified School district is approved a 38 million land purchase to build a new school neared dublin. The properties being acquired through Eminent Domain from the developer james tom. They began negotiating last year but could not agree on a price until tuesday contraction is expected to begin in the summer when the school is ready to open. Following encouraging profit reports from several become is not a lot of movement though on stocks bonds and gold on this first day of trading after President Trumps impeachment by the house of representatives. We see the dow is up by just more than one third of 1 adding 100 points smp is asked that is up by just more than one half of 1 . A boy has a big bill to pay after he organized a concert featuring a punk rock band inside a dennys restaurant in orange county. The punk band says they were invited to play at dennys with the teenager who told them it was all arranged through the restaurant manager but in emergences the room wasnt deserving of us but didnt know it was for a live concert. Now the teen who arranged the show is being hit with a bill to pay for the damages which added up to about 1000. We really like to get paid for the experience we give out especially if its going to be at the show that was in dennys but i noticed this get had other kids to think about the band put out an appeal for fans to donate money to the teen organizers to help pay for those damages. Weekend getaway for 170 the couple and with a rough trip in an uber. When we, we could talk about last nights historic Impeachment Vote in the house and have a preview of the nights democratic debate right here in california. Where these sunsoaked litea leavesactory. Are picked at the peak of freshness. For a naturally smooth taste. And drinking lipton every day can help support a Healthy Heart man 1 vo proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc this is my body of proof. And clearer skin. Man 2 vo proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis. Woman 2 vo . With humira. Woman 3 vo humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. Avo humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Man 3 vo ask your rheumatologist about humira. Woman 4 vo go to humira. Com to see proof in action. Happening now right after this rally after this is for power in separate cisco. The demanding the stop and editing videos of the u. S. Customs and Border Protection agency. The number of people gathered they want people a great say the salesforce has several contacts with the agency and those contracts allow the government to commit human rights abuse including the separation of families. To my demands had been made for google and amazon to stop the supply ducts to immigration officials but a child will be scheduled in the u. S. Senate handling the impeachment of President Trump at the house of representatives. Husband lucy is holding off on sending the impeachment articles that we tried in the senate. Say should only do so when shes sure the trial be conducted fairly. Just his recent comment made by republicans and others do not give her confidence the trial will be fair but it is a, South Carolina senator go Lindsey Graham thomas to the articles will be in the Senate Jordan leader Mitch Mcconnell admits he had no intention of conducting a fair trial. He stated that he is not an impartial juror, and hes going to take his sku, from the white house and he is working in total coordination with the white house counsels office. As the impeachment came down, President Trump spoke out at the democrats rallying in michigan. They should even be allowed to have an impeachment. Democrats do not believe you have a right to select your own president. President trump as they only u. S. President s to be impeached neville to impeach his large amount for the lens with just a few exceptions on article 1, the abuse of power, 230 houston was voted yes. To democrats joint 195 republicans in voting no. Vote of those democrats are from districts that were won by President Trump. On article 2, a session of congress, 29 democrats voted yes. Three democrat voted no along with 195 republicans the republicans a vote red. He voted present on both articles of impeachment against the resident. She would the only member of congress not to vote yes or no. After reviewing the impeachment of was, she came to the collusion that she could not devote either way. Gabbard says she believes that the president is giving but should be the emigrant people who judged his behavior at the ballot box. You she will not be on the stager for the sixth and final democratic debate at the 2019. Everything from impeachment to californias future could be a for discussion for tonight. The nice debate what happened at loyola in los angeles. The world awaits for washington, d. C. In the impeachment proceedings there. The california is home to one in eight American Voters and is a crucial state in the primaries. The headed elephant with a nice debate include joe biden, amy klobuchar, Bernie Sanders and isabella morning, tom steyer and businessman andrew yang for. Topics like healthcare and they were also likely be questions about electability, was the best chances to defeat President Trump in 2020. Especially with impeachment proceedings going on in washington and the better fight brewing over sin a trial next year. Partisan crusade that began before President Trump was even nominated. That alone sworn in. Reporter mcconnell claims the impeachment was motivated by partisan rage this from the man who said proudly i am not impartial, i have no intention to be impartial at all. What hypocrisy. Senior Political Writer joe says the debate should also focus on issues specific to california voters. What are you gonna do about the 130,000 homeless about the price of housing which is ridiculous. What are you gonna do about wildfires in the state, Climate Change affects us more than anything else. These are the questions we need to hear tonight. We need to hear answers that are specific to california. One of the candidates who will not be on the debate stage is former their city mayor michael bloomberg. Not eligible to qualify for the debate, because is not accepting campaign donations. He is bankrolling his big for the is it is he wouldnt his own massive personal fortune. It will be less crowded and also less diverse than in previous democratic debate. There will be no black or latino candidates are the only two women on stage. In the newsroom, allie, fox 2 news. Just 26 days at the the first two votes cast in iowa. We will come dr. Lauren right. Do think impeachment will be a major topic tonight . I do. Because its so recent and its such a polarizing topic and even though Tulsi Gabbard will not be on the stage as she mentioned, i do think that one question that at least will be posed is how are we supposed to think about impeachment if its very unlikely in the senate and what are you going to do about President Trump in the general election. I do think that question will absolutely be on the list. Back in 1998, the gop dominated the house. Voted to impeach bill clinton soon after republicans actually lost seats in congress. Will talk about a month and will not in sports and straits in politics. Do you with the momentum that they have are do you think that like it happened in a candidate, it could come back sports is a particularly analogy for politics. Its pretty much exactly alike because we are so on our own corners people are tuning into the the recent events. In the debate tonight. Because they already have interest. Its most likely democrats so thats why its problematic because the people paying attention are also independent and under informed the voters that we want to be engaged there are people who are very invested. Both republicans and democrats are using impeachment as a way to galvanize their own base and i understand why many people find that disturbing and its because its the politics of energizing your base not the politics of restoration because we know how difficult that is based on research and politicians dont really try anymore, there are you trying to galvanize our own existing supporters. Based on the polls, we will see joe biden front and center tonight. Expected to play it safe or trying to make some big game. Outings will probably try to get some comebacks in there and some oneliners. The goal of these debate seven people still a lot you dont get a ton of questions here on that side of the stage. Candidates want to come away with clips that they can use for our campaign ads in place that they can use to get News Coverage so still certainly try to do that but keep in mind, that the audience keeps getting smaller as we have more and more of these debates that he made see the smallest audience yet so far. Candidates are aware of that and so theyre just trying to use their time the best they can for Campaign Material that they want to use. Thats really the goal of this evening. Seven people six of them are white, five of their men, tour women, the libraries, two men and older to 70, not on stage cory booker Julian Castro, is it better to have those two individuals on stage. I know there are rules, but should those rules be thrown out as we get closer and closer to iowa to the noon im sure in South Carolina . These debates dont really matter that much. The matter much more in the primaries and then in general election when most people are just following their party i. D. On the ballot. So i would say cory booker and Julian Castro can rest assure because there are other ways of getting attention pcbs are not that democrats leader are really defending the roles of these debates and are saying hey, this is the field we have, but this is everyone has been answering regarding these candidates begin the process of working how it should. And whoever is winning in the polls is using quotations at this point is the best candidate to be donald trump. Leaders are not giving us much of an apology for the field but it is something democrats have to consider in the future. This is the last debate. Princeton professor, dr. Lauren right, pressure to have a conversation, thank you very much. Usb port will likely to determine the main aspect in the Affordable Care act. The federal Appeals Court in new orleans is struck down a requirement that most americans Carry Health Insurance or pay a penalty. This in the texas case back to the trial judge to reconsider a ruling that invalidated the entire 2010 healthcare law. Republican senator says to the Supreme Court was a final decision on the Affordable Care act, it remains the law of the land. And that consumers with basics and conditions will still have insurance. Has forming a 70 commission that will have a meeting this month examine how to cover more people but of the plans that we look at is a singlepayer Health System in which our state rather than private insurers will pay for all healthcare cost. The chronicle reports california will still need federal approval to enact some aspects of the system. Picking up after dropping off how packages at the berkeley apartment complex were targeted by an opportunistic door delivery person. Still lots of thousand in place over this course of the bay area but today somewhat of a break for your friday but the weekend specially but saturday night will be a different story. We will talk about the weather coming our way after the break. With advil, you have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. The unbeatable strength of advil. What pain . You have fastacting power over pain, so the whole world looks different. The unbeatable strength and speed of advil liquigels. What pain . A crime of opportunity Credit Rating residents of a berkeley apartment complex. As andri reports, video clearly shows the food delivery worker dropping off food and then ripping off packages on their way out. It wasnt green and was wearing a stocking but just as a food Delivery Driver and she had a bow in her hair. I feel like no, she didnt. His describing Surveillance Video between six and seven, of an Apartment Building along a street. It was actually doing it. It all seems is innocent at first. Soon handing off a person to the customer. But after everyone was out of sight, the stealing began. Most of the packages here. Grabbing what she could, holding out the door, loading a all the goods to a white suv before taking a. After seeing the video, he we showed to residents to help track down. I wasnt too happy but it was okay. We have camera footage and we have confirmed that this is someone who the elevator footprints days rubbery with all the more so president there are hard to miss cameras all over this lobby. The camera here facing the front door, another tamera looking back previously caught stealing packages did not work. The conducting a survey earlier this year looking to where amazon packages are still stolen the most. Did not make that list other bay area cities which San Francisco picking up the dubious the station of the first Oakland Catholic the tented at the number seven on that list. Package theft has become a fact of life nowadays hes open vigilance, awareness and then he will put an end to this crime of opportunity. Which i do think if we should divide the residence maybe carry outside the billing know that the men just make sure that that door remains closed. But the police has started an investigation into who that woman is in that video there also try to find out who she was working for at the time that describe has taken place. Doordash says it takes the safety of the community seriously and in a statement, is learning of this incident is the connection it including permanently deactivating the from the platform from failing divine of conduct and working with the customer to rectify the situation from some of our there is been removed after a couple of so the driver would nots let them out of the car. More than a week ago, brian and his wife went to dissident for a Weekend Getaway and flew out of Oakland International airport. Because of weather delays. After five back home to sfo, they ordered an uber to pick up their car. The driver took them of their but when they arrived, the driver refused to let them out. We got that really to the sign that says welcome to Oakland International, and thats when the driver pulled out and realized that the destination didnt actually. He later found out that the Alaska Airlines agent in oakland as the destination not Oakland International airport. The driver demanded that they changed the destination but they couldnt because they didnt order the right. The gate agent at sfo did. The driver then to them to 14th and broadway night near city hall before finally getting out. Uber will also pay 40 million to settle employers several harassment claims that money will go to current and former workers the sayed there experience harassment gender discrimination and retaliation. People payment Opportunity Commission said that the permitted a culture of sexual harassment. The in mitigation started with toxic and discriminatory work environment. Airbnb is celebrating its per hand use highest court ruled this morning that the company is not subject to european property regulations. An association of hotels in france originally but the lawsuit in france against airbnb was repaid operations are registered in ireland. The airbnb could not be required to hold a real estate license in france. This ruling paved this way for the International Olympic committee to promote airbnb during the 2024 Olympic Games in paris. And that the heat wave spreading across australian this is wildfires burning across the nation for nearly 2 months leaving at least four people dead and hundreds of homes destroyed. Scores of wild fires burning out of control in australia on thursday, authorities in New South Wales declared a certified emergency is a second this is the fires began in july. Firefighters are battling more than 100 blazes across the state with more than half of those uncontained. Is winds are expect it to be strengthened officials are warning residents to be on high alert. The biggest concern for us over the next few days when youve got those with conditions ands. This comes after the nation experienced its highest day on record for his second day running. Temperatures climbed up to 100 degrees fahrenheit and wednesday. Waiting out the previous records said 24 hours earlier. And its only going to get worse. Forecasters say the heat wave could bring lifethreatening conditions in the coming days. Hot air across the country at the moment. Australias are trying everything they can to beat the heat in the ocean waves and seeking out shade. Is pretty hot. Just turn on the air conditioning. Cooler weather conditions are predicted to bring relief by friday. Back to mark tamayo we go. A few breaks in the storm clouds and todays kind of one of those break days for today and then once again, into tomorrow. But not completely in the clear. You can see areas clearing in the upper left portion of your same. But this is the one that our camera, space and more sunshine. Rainfall in the past two days, primary some not so much. In the south bay, for san jose, only a 10th of an inch. Even some town force in San Francisco at. 89. Our next storm is developing offshore, it looks likes going to be here any minute. But its actually going to stall effect it slow down the timing right now it looks like the main action could be moving in saturday evening into saturday night. Heres what we are looking at right now. Theres a possibility of some cloud cover with a few sprinkles or let shower up in the north bay. But the main action is in the north. Current numbers, walnut creek right now is a 57. Seven cisco 58. Santa rosa, checking in at 51 degrees. Heres a lifetime or look out of seven cisco, still some cloud cover, i think the struggle afternoon hours, summer breaks in the clouds. Partly cloudy skies the partly cloudy most cloudy daughter thursday afternoon. We are looking at head to rainfall, forecast model right into the weekend, and you get the idea, were not just talking about a few spring calls it the next day, the bulk of the rain will be focused up here along the north coast. Bay area general could be about three quarters of an inch to over a nation half or so. But these numbers will go up quite a bit specially to the coastal hills. That will be developing as we head into saturday night and sunday. Our system is moving out to the east today. Some cloud cover up in the north bay, more sunshine in the south bay. Tomorrow is a big day but as the weekend saturday heres our weekend storm but the timing is slowing down. A good portion of your saturday could be okay. What magicians of the shower and afternoon and the best bet will be saturday night. And it into early sunday morning. Heres the forecast model today, we are showing you this and he later friday, looking pretty good. And then into the weekend, saturday morning, lots of cloud cover, still not so much happening. But the main action you get the idea here, this is really slow mover. This is 9 pm saturday, and this is finally later saturday night were slowing back on the timing of the system and and that east into sunday some offandon rain specially for the Morning Hours on sunday. Forecast highs this afternoon, mainly in the and look ahead your five day forecast, especially for saturday night, and into early sunday morning, and then once again into tomorrow. Oakland Police Officers spreading Holiday Cheer on morning. Kerrygold has a taste so rich it can take you to irelands lush, green pastures. Where grassfed cows produce rich, creamy milk for a truly delicious taste. Kerrygold. The taste that takes you there. Quitting smoking is freaking hard. St, like quitting every monday hard. Quitting feels so big. So, try making it smaller. And youll be surprised at how easily starting small. Can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette the finale of the here and 20 view last night revealing entertainer wayne as the winner he was just a is the of the sink. The runnerup was another big name singer chris daughtry. He told us hit like to perform in this guys. Is very liberating. Being under that veil of anonymity and no one knows who you are, it feels very freeing, to just go out and perform an not really worry about what people think of you or what you may what kind of notions they made or may not have. Daughtry added difficult to sing and even seethrough but the show build his confidence and that he loved seeing how excited his children were once he was revealed. Thirdplace was the pink flamingo that was of course singer host of the real region by lawn. You look at the market here on this thursday afternoon. Before the closing bell, bank of america down. Include tesla and that flex you can see thereunder scheme. Dow jones up by more than 100 of the study this is that is is the more than half will be obese with it 10 years. Will break down the study with the doctor and a troubling trend of severely obese americans. Or people who are more than 100 pounds overweight. Thats today on the four. Of the Police Officers spreading Holiday Cheer today as they ride their motorcycles but of the citys of visitors to the center for opds annual operation weather center. More than 400 were passed out to children explanations for from local donations. Including a woman and her little daughter. Keep telling her all the time the if theres good and bad in oakland she was able to witness herself this morning something great and awesome going on in oakland. Uc. What do you think about that . This is the third year the Police Department hosted its annual operation motor sent the. With a view once again been up and Committee Volunteers to collect donations for one warm coat. Something that we have been a part of now for 70 years. This Holiday Season, we like to ask you to look into this closet of yours to see if you have any sparkles or jackets that you would be willing to donate you can go to ktvu. Com for a complete list of drop off locations they do include bay street in emeryville, santana row in san jose and its emphasis to the one warm coat drive last until the end of the month. The highly anticipated skywalker sent the coastal grand finale beginning tonight. Star wars the rise of a skywalker sessa debut in all of theater station white. The movie is about two and half hours to. The first show is at 5 00. 6 00 at amc theaters. To run into the early Morning Hours however we have found many shows are already sold out. Think about what george lucas did back in the 1970s. And then putting it on the big screen there. To get what where we are today. Who wouldve thought. I wont be there tonight but ill get there. Ill take the family, the worst. Thank you for watching, everybody. Have a great rest of your afternoon. We will see again at 4 00. Dr. Also starts next. Breaking news. New updates on harvey weinstein. Will his new york car crash delay his trial . And the 25 Million Dollars settlement with his accusers. Then, ukrainian adoption gone wrong. New charges in the case of a girl with dwarfism. Plus, cuba gooding junior. Over 20 women coming forward, claiming sexual misconduct. Coming up next. Dr. Oz season 11 starts now. I became a doctor to help people heal. Season 11 starts now. Now im using the same science and medicine to take on true crime

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