President and the Vice President. Reporter even though ice president Mike Pence Press Secretary is a positive cover 19 case a spokesperson said that he will continue to follow the advice of the white house medical unit and is not in quarantine. Additionally he has tested negative every single day and plans to be at the white house tomorrow. Officials say that he will simply limit his exposure to others. The proper thing to do when one has been in potential contact with the virus which is called, a person on the investigation you would quarantine yourself, generally for two weeks that means, basically staying within the confines of your home. Theyre they report that the Trump Administration has no plans to keep the president and Vice President apart fight he showed a cavalier attitude in late april during a visit to at the mayo clinic he did not wear a mask and he said later it was a mistake. In this video from friday went the Vice President met with religious and agricultural leaders in iowa the leaders were wearing their masks but then they were asked to remove them with the Vice President walking into the room and they said that was risky behavior. When the droplets go into someones nose it forms services around those people if they touch the services then the face which happens a lot in meetings because people are sweating it is a little bit uncomfortable, you could transmit the pirates this wreck the virus that way. Many plan to quarantine. In the u. S. Such action is considered voluntary a start difference then in other places. My colleagues in hong kong, example you get a bracelet and when you leave the home the alarm goes off in the Public Health officials come and ask you why youre leaving that defined area. Reporter no such thing in the United States where the responsibility is put on the individual. The doctor says that he is going out what he calls about if i quarantine he will be working from home teleworking but on occasion he may actually go into his office at the National Institute of health any he may do that and if he does he will be the only when their. Truck new at 11 00 the senator of tennessee said that he wills wealth self quarantine the chief of staff said that he is not showing symptoms himself and he tested negative for the virus last tuesday but even so he will self quarantine in tennessee 14 days. The senator plans to work locally and will be at the conference by video next tuesday. Truck they will distribute the only drug, the federal health and Human Services department will ship this to state Health Departments that means that the individual states will have to decide which hospitals get the drug the Trump Administration has sent out 35,000 files directly to a handpicked list of hospitals, some doctors across the country were frustrated saying that hospitals and the hardest hit areas did not get any of the drug. Truck 11 more states will begin using restriction starting tomorrow ohio has had some of the restrict this lockdown orders by the end of the week 90 of the state will be back in business. Evan or mike dewine calls it a balancing act factoring in the health of people in the economic suffering and estate. It is really a risk no matter what we do. It is a risk when we do not do anything or when we do this. But we have done is come up with the best practices for assesses to reopen. Truck ohio lake most of the states reopening has not met the two week downward trajectory and cases that is recommended by the white house and many doctors say that states have to double their testing capabilities to accurately track the virus. Truck the city of san jose has if did restrictions on parks and Tennis Courts. Leigh martinez has the details. Reporter two weeks ago san jose close all facilities and violators based 100 fines that change this weekend and many people took advantage after the restrictions lifted on a few parks. Reporter at the don johnson tentacle the Tennis Courts get out of the apartment and get out here for my wife monica and myself two months after it it was intense and we were stir crazy. Some city parks that have pickle ball, bocce ball disc golf and Tennis Courts and state parks in her shoes with a time. Reopened over the weekend. I am relieved. I really appreciate the city i appreciate them opening up the public park and courts again for us. They could avoid the fines if they follow the social distance rules. We are playing signals heard to keep the 6 feet rules and we want to follow the guidelines. Reporter at the mayfair skate park visitors say that they have been responsible. We are wearing a mask and people are wearing these and keeping a distance. Reporter the focus with skateboarding is individual skate parks never needed to close. We are not huddled up, you know . Were not all huddled up and lifting weights next to each other, it should have been allowed from the start. Reporter ktvu cameras did not find Law Enforcement officers enforcing the social distancing rules and their was no Information Online regarding the cleaning schedules in the parks. The Community Centers Youth Program locations off Leash Dog Park and pulls remain close. Truck reopening some city parks. Help restaurants reopened. On friday the mayor said the park areas could potentially be used to often offer the open air dining. In the south bay investigation has found that the coronavirus has hit the poor latino is the hardest the Bay Area Group analyze the death records and found that the first 100 happened in the poorest areas of san jose. Santa clara county has the highest number of cases and deaths in the region. This falls disproportionately on vulnerable communities where the minority residents have been long underserved by healthcare systems. Truck three cruise liners owned by the region cruise line have docked in the port of oakland the third ship arrived today at the oakland terminal and two others arrived yesterday they have crew members on board and the crewmembers do not plan to get off the ships they do not have any passengers they have to stay two to three months. There are 100 cruise liners around the world looking for safe place to dock. The coronavirus completely change the way that family celebrated mothers day a lot of people and businesses stepped up today to make sure that it was a special day for mothers. Reporter florists at j. Miller , they worked all weekend preparing flowers to brighten spirits on this unusual mothers day. Since people are restricted from seeing their mothers and that once theres a huge disconnect and they want to show their love and gratitude through followers that spread joy and happiness. Reporter the coronavirus pandemic has changed the dayto day operations and they only offer Curbside Service and no contact deliveries. Tanya roscoe pick up carnations for a the assisted Living Community many residents cannot hug their kids or grandchildren on mothers day because visitors are not allowed. They are missing their families right now. We want to give them as much love as we can. Reporter childrens fairyland in oakland was selling bouquets and it was part of a fundraiser to help their bottom line well close. It was spontaneous. We wanted to share some of this because not many people could see the beautiful flowers it was a way to share the joy. There was a steady line of customers waiting curbside for their orders. It is a special day we came in ordered food. Reporter many restaurants offered takeout menus and they were happy to give him a break and supported the businesses during the shelter in place orders. My wife has been a stayat home mom and it is good to support the small businesses. They were having small picked and and taking back rights and walking dogs a quieter mothers day focused on health and safety. Experts say because of the threat of the coronavirus not seen your mother this others day, especially if she is in the high risk category is the best thing you could give her. I am alyssa harrington, ktvu news. Truck more travel changes are coming amid the coronavirus amtrak is taking charge to keep passengers safe. The differences we can hope to see and more places around the country. Truck accurate after the break with the work cast it includes what whether we will be back here with the five day in just a moment. What time is it . Bed time. My wife never gets home in time to see little man go to sleep. Her bus stop is a mile away. I wish i could at least walk home with her. Im completing the 2020 census for my family. My response can impact how public funding is spent in my community. That could mean education for little man and a closer bus stop for her. relieved, loving hey. Hey. Shape your future. Start here. Complete the census at 2020census. Gov. Truck more changes ahead for passengers traveling on amtrak trains tomorrow. They have to use a Face Covering a buses and in stations that could be removed when the passengers are eating at designated areas when sit alone or in their rooms or with a travel companion and appearance seats. Small children unable to keep a mask on are exempt and the new policy is to keep up passengers and staff safe from the virus and many passengers seem fine with this new policy. It makes me feel safer my mind. Amtrak is not the only National Transportation company requiring passengers to wear a mask but last week jet blue started to ask passengers to wear Face Coverings jetblue crewmembers had been already wearing Face Coverings that work. Truck and staggered schedules and scattered schedules and those are some of the ideas floating around as companies try to find a way to bring workers back to the offices. Here is the report tonight. Reporter arrows signaling which way to walk, this may be the office millions of americans go back to as cities and states around the country reopen. The transition back to the work lace needs to be slow and manage. Cushman and wakefield created the 6 feet office a demo for its clients on how to keep workers safe. Visual cues like that are going to be important. The Vice President of Human Resources said that the tech company to place 300,000 people will also screen employees for symptoms before they come in a call. I experiencing fever we will asked them. Theyre proposing that companies add Touchless Technology to high Touch Services and invest in plenty of sanitation stations. The idea of cleaning stations and owning your own hygiene is smart. If you use elevators get ready for long lines they may scattered and scatter staggered the schedules but it will be the lack of the people in the office as some businesses may rotate workers into the office. Their is a growing sense is that sadly this is a trial run for what may come about. Companies will likely Exchange Says salad bars and buffets for prepackaged meals. Reporting from new york. Truck the Georgia Attorney general wanted a federal investigation, he was a 25yearold black man that was chased down a file shot while jogging through never had back in february. The attorney general said that his office is committed to complete an transparent review on how the case was handled from the start. Last week a father and his adult son were arrested for the deadly shooting. In Santa Cruz County people at the state beach have been ordered to stay out of the water until thursday due to a deadly shark attack that happened yesterday park Officials Say that all aquatic activities are prohibited a mile north and south where ben kelly was attacked a shark and killed at 1 30 he was reportedly surfing with two friends, 100 yards off of the short and they tried to revive him but he was pronounced dead at the scene. Signs are posted in the area telling people to stay at of the water. Truck take a look at the weather, we have changes coming our way, it is cold off. Those are the obvious changes to route will be called but the clouds come in and a chance for showers, sprinkles, i shouldnt say showers, sprinkles it will be light it will be minimal it will not shut you down. If you want to go off the walk in the neighborhood you will be fine it will be drizzly later in the day the models show that the clothes out there are thick and it will be cloudy when you wake up in trial is about clouds. This is the sky and San Francisco and san jose. Their is a break their that system will be signing by then the clouds thickened up again and we get a chance for showers late in the afternoon for San Francisco and oakland. San jose further south the best shower chances will and up being in the north bay. You see it here, here is tomorrow morning. Here is tomorrow afternoon. Here is a system you can see it sliding through at 4 00 overnight, you get a few sprinkles then a little bit of something Tuesday Morning and maybe some tuesday afternoon. The main impact cooler, clouds then the chance for sprinkles. I would not call it a new back only because it will not measure into anything it will not fill the reservoirs nor cause flooding on the streets. It will be light. 75 Fairfield Tim miles forecast highees from where we were thursday or friday and a much milder pattern about this entire week. You can see it going here into wednesday, thursday, saturday and sunday of next weekend. It warms up it definitely this week is much wilder than last week we will see you back your tomorrow. Truck federal Crisis Response teams are stretched thin and ongoing pandemic but now they are bracing four another threat, the start of Hurricane Season on june first this combination creates a situation that the Homeland Security chief is calling unprecedented. Fema is calling a response with all the territory sitting at the same time they havent done that in the 41 year history before now. Over the past month Homeland Security has built a crisis coronation Response Center 150 officials will oversee the operations while woing to keep americans safe from getting the coronavirus. Truck coming up next then sports the upcoming nfl schedule it is adding relief to a player on the 49ers. Truck good evening, everyone this is what is happening at sports the nfl with the 49ers kept us in business this week talk about things that may actually happened the nfl schedule was released on thursday. It was a morale biz for some of the players one of them the offense of lineman thomason he has been an important part, the Position Group that prior to diocese continuity. He started every game but one his first year here. Their is a coming season and uncertain as it may be. It is kind of weird, like, when we first got the schedule i was like 10 relief, you know the times we are in a call right now things have slowed down due to the coronavirus. And we are seeing the schedule being released we are like, man, i cannot wait to get back to football. We continue to scour the things currently happening in sports but their is no shortage of things that happened in sports history. Truck two different eras the celebrate in 2016 they were honoring the 11th repeat winner of the nba most valuable player reboard and steph currys record and the goal state warriors was 73 wins was the highlight of the season. In an earlier era 1987 sleepy floyd had a career and he scored 29 points in the Fourth Quarter 31 in the second half and 51 and all in our western conference semifinal game against the showtime lakers his play held off a clench 121 was there score. On this day in 1981 the giants found themselves on the wrong end of a no hitter by charlie lee. One of hockeys alltime finishes in 1970 in overtime the bruins, they gave boston the first down the cup title in 19 years. He was flying through the air this is one of the most iconic and hockey history. That is this day in sports, may 10th. Truck lets check this out what is left of this mothers day evening if their is anything appropriate, this mother, this one is getting a little play on social media for a good way and time pressed to wish everyone a happy mothers day. She has some game. She has some serious skill. Truck it was very different this year to celebrate mothers day. Truck think you four joining us tonight take care and stay safe. We will see you at 11 00. We are at war with a virus. And healthcare troops and First Responders are on the front line fighting it every day. Lets join the fight, by staying home. Staying home is not a retreat, its the most brave and aggressive weapon we have against this enemy. Because when we do stay at home, we help prevent overwhelming our hospitals, while buying time for scientists to find the vaccine. And thats how we beat it. funky music [narrator] sometimes, athletes dont play by the rules. Making these false statements to federal agents was an incredibly stupid thing for me to do. [narrator] this time on the shortlist, were counting down the top 10 biggest cheats. And as youll see, there is more than one way to get ahead. I dont want anyone touching the balls after that, i dont want anyone rubbing them, you know, putting any air in them, taking any air out. [narrator] no matter what they say, its just plain old cheating. upbeat music squeaking crackling film reel squeaking squeaking funky music crackling film reel squeaking upbeat music

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