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Mallicoat joins us to take a look and take a deeper dive into the numbers. The numbers are very strong. Nearly 2 as you mentioned. Unemployment went from 13. 2 in july and it dropped 11. 4 in the month of august. California added nearly 100 2000 jobs as well. Of course, all welcome news for what is the 5th largest economy in the world. California near the nation. The u. S. Unemployment rate dropped 1. 8 that month. Now at 8. 4 overall. Californias dropped. The numbers can be former edd director and labor attorney Michael Birbeck says california still has a lot of work today. Todays numbers are really not consistent with all the other Economic Indicators we are seeing. In terms of the new yesterday. California was way above those of the National Rate in terms of consumer spending. Way down in the bay area compared to other parts of the nation. In terms of job postings, here in california, way below what we had in january and below the other parts of the nation. He points to urban areas in the cities of oakland and San Francisco are like ghost town stamp him. He is encouraged by recent openings process, those are very restrictive and limited. It took six to seven years to recover from the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009 and he believes this recovery can even be longer. This downturn in 2020 is far far more severe than that of the Great Recession. And, it would seem that we dont have precise numbers yet. The number is closures. Not only jobs lost, but business closures. It has been far greater and more rapid. Patients and the vaccine will likely be the keys to jumpstart our economy. California was one of 41 states to see a drop in the unemployment numbers in the month of august. Seven states remain the same and only by in about were the only states to actually go up. Nevada by the way, has the highest Unemployment Rate in the country. At 13. 2 . That is the latest. I am Frank Mallicoat for fox 2 news. Starting on sunday, you will not be able to download the popular app tiktok or wechat. Earlier this morning, the Trump Administration announced it will travel ban the apps starting this weekend. Allie rasmussen is plaintiff security and privacy issues with the apps and what some legal experts are skeptical of the Trump Administrations concerns. If you already have tiktok or we check down at on your phone, they wont disappear. Starting also that you wont be able to update the software. We have for all practical purposes it will be sent him. Tiktok upgrades maintenance and things of that. Permit the u. S. Commerce secretary explains the reasons for shutting down the apps. Take out and wechat are owned by chinese companies. China has been taking all kinds of data from all sorts of internet activities. That is what we are trying to squelch. Reporter Savannah Holland is the interbeing of Santa Clara University school of law. She says wechat can present personal risks for some users. If you things say things that are antichinese government, if you are outside of china, you are fine. But, if you should ever travel to china, theoretically, those things you say could impact the. She says whether that resizes to the level of a National Security risk is unclear. If you are concerned about data privacy, my advocacy, we have plenty of u. S. Companies who are not doing enough to protect our privacy. With tiktok and wechat, it is very much in my mind, i fallout of the u. S. China trade disputes and the tension created in recent months. Reporter business leaders, white house and chinese authorities are trying to arrange a sale of chinese authorities to American Company. Oracle is a possible buyer. If that happens but november 12, the app may be restored. A pop up covid19 testing site is now up and running. In San Franciscos oceanview neighborhood. The San Francisco mayor alongside the director of health, dr. Grant koufax, were at the site this morning. It is in a parking lot at broad street and san jose avenue. It will allow for more testing within the citys high risk latino activity. We have to make it easier in the communities on the Southeast Side of San Francisco because we know the disparities are right here in communities like the omi. We know that our latino population in particular has experienced higher amounts of covid19. A City Health Officials say more than 50 of the covid19 cases in San Francisco are people from the latino community. The mayor is reviewing the plan for allowing San Franciscos cashstrapped Restaurant Industry to reopen. Restaurants would be able to begin Indoor Dining at 25 capacity. Up to 100 people. This will happen when San Francisco is classified as orange. On the states color tiered system. It will occur next month at the holy spirit right now the city is in the red tier which does allow it to move forward with reopening some activities. Services including indoor salons. Much of congress has now left washington, delta02, for the weekend. They are no closer to passing the stimulus bill. The help the struggling families and businesses, who are suffering during the pandemic. President donald trump says he will step in himself as joe biden says the president could have prevented thousands of covid19 deaths and did not. We have the latest from lauren blanchard. Reporter there is a y divide on capitol hill over how much delivery should go into another stimulus bill. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants a number closer to the already house passed 3. 4 trillion h. E. R. O. E. S. Act. What is it so hard for the republicans to accept the science. So we can open our economy. And open our schools more safely. Reporter Congressional Republicans are aiming for a number under 1 trillion. However, President Donald Trump says he supports something higher. When we start the business of lets see how high we can go, they have lost me. This is taxpayer money. Permit on friday, the white house announced 11. 6 billion in relief for puerto rico for its energy and education systems. On thursday night, the president announced billions in funding for americas followers. My administration is committing an additional and you have been asking for this for a long time. 30 million in relief to help farmers recover from that china virus. Reporter while the president announced relief efforts, his rival joe biden, says what President Donald Trump does not deserve a second term in office. If the president had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people. I am not making this up. Permit the end of the month is the end of the fiscal year and lawmakers need to reach a deal to avoid a government shut him. There was an effort to bring a stopgap measure to the floor that would allow congress to leave town until after the election. Johns Hopkins University confirms the global tally of confirmed coronavirus cases. It is now top 30 million. The world reached 20 million on august 12th. That is an additional 10 million cases in the la month. More than half of the cases are from three countries including the u. S. , india and brazil. According to johns hopkins, more than 940,000 people with covid19 have died. The race for the white house, both President Donald Trump and joe biden arkin pertaining in the state of minnesota. Last night the president was campaigning in wisconsin. He told supporters that the voting for biden is like a vote for california senator kamala harris. The president suggesting that she will take over the over office during bidens term. If a woman is going to become the first president of the united states, it cant be her. That would rip our country apart. This is not what people want. If she comes in through the back door, it would not be what people want. The president is scheduled to hold a rally at an airport in North Central minnesota. He was criticized for yesterdays event at an airport hangar in an area of wisconsin in is experiencing a spike in covid19 cases. Now to the very latest on the california wildfires. A firefighter was killed while battling the el dorado fire in San Bernardino county. The u. S. Forest service is not release the identity of the firefighter. Or the circumstances surrounding the persons death. The fire broke out back on september 7th and has burned with an 31 square miles. It was ignited by a smoking meeting protective device that was used in a gender reveal party. Closer to the bay area, the deadly most complex fire has been active for 30 days and has burned more than 437 square miles. Is 41 contained. That is the good news. 15 people have been killed in the fire. And 1200 homes and other buildings have been destroyed or damaged by the flames. The creek fire in france low is the 10th largest wildfire in modern california history. It has burned 381 square miles and is 20 contained. The Merced Fire Department shared dramatic video of the first day of the fire in the Sierra National forest. The fire is destroyed or damaged more than 800 homes. As the fires continue to rage, we have been asking viewers to help us think all of the brave First Responders and firefighters out there. We are getting a lot of signs of support. Including the photo from so we. It says thank you to the cloverdale fire department. You can take a photo of your thank you sign and upload it to help us honor First Responders all week long. You can scan the qr code that is right there on your screen. Or you can go to ktvu. Com signs of support. Still to come, overnight fire under investigation on the south bay. What was filling the flames that destroyed the shop in the city of san jose. Dozens of new covid19 cases in Sonoma County. Where they are being linked to and what one doctor says she is not surprised. Give you a live look in the south bay. A lot of people in san jose. Really across the bay area. Very excited to get back outside and enjoy the fresh air. Meteorologist rosemary orbreak. When you have depression, it can plunge you into deep, dark lows. And, can leave you feeling extremely sad and disinterested. Overwhelmed by bipolar depression . Ask about vraylar. Not all types of depression should be treated the same. Vraylar effectively helps relieve all symptoms of bipolar depression. With just one pill, once a day. Elderly patients with dementiarelated psychosis have an increased risk of de cal changes in behaviorcidal. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles or confusion, which may mean a lifethreatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. Metabolic changes may occur. Nausea, restlessness and Movement Dysfunction are common side effects. When bipolar depression overwhelms, ask how vraylar can help. We know these are challenging times. Rest assured, you are not alone. Weve all had to adapt. And with summer here, your energy bills might go up with rising temperatures. Together, we can save energy and money. Try closing your shades during the day. Setting your ac to 78 or higher. Or cooling off with a fan when you can. United we are always stronger. Stay well, california, and keep it golden. Dozens of new cases of covid19 in Sonoma County are being traced back to pre schools and Childcare Centers. The county Health Department says positive virus cases were found at 13 of the centers in the county. 25 children had the virus. 27 family members of children also had the virus as well as 10 preschool workers. That comes to 62 virus cases linked to the childcare facilities. The announcement came yesterday after an online presentation by the Sonoma County Public Health officer. All of the facilities are closed temporarily. Many Health Experts are not surprised by the Virus Outbreak at Childcare Centers including a former top official at the department of health and human services. It is not surprising. Just because it is likely people are coming in close contact at a younger age. It will not be hard for them to socially distanced and keep their masks on all the time. We still dont know which centers are affected. The reports is almost half of the cases are at one facility and is traced back to one child. Lets take a look at the coronavirus cases in children statewide. According to the california Health Department, 16,000 children under the age of five have tested positive so far. Those infections are 2. 2 of the states total number of cases. That age group accounts for 5. 8 of the total population. None of the specific cases has been fatal. Distancelearning. For the past six months, it has been challenging for parents, for teachers and students. Especially challenge for immigrant families. Now, there is help on the way in form of a free program in the south bay. It is called the parent academy. Classes are offeredsan jose Evergreen Community College District with topics such as dealing with technology and time management. We dont know what is a ms. We dont know what google classroom use. Classes are taught in a number of languages including vietnamese and spanish. 140 parents have already signed up. I think is a great idea. A lot of the parents, the technology is new to us. Lets talk about the weather and bring in our meteorologist Rosemary Orozco for an update of the week and conditions. Happy friday. We have good air quality outher another Beautiful Day around the bay area. Time for the weekend and air quality will change a bit as well. A l fog. Highlevel clouds to go along with the low clouds here today. A little bit of moisture coming in from the south. Checking in on the air quality, look at all that green. It is actually a nice view. Getting into the north bay, we are with good air quality today. Central bay and the south bay. Moving through the Pacific Northwest, you know the one we have been watching all week long. Bringing us good onshore breeze at all levels. 65 degrees right now in San Francisco and mid70s and woman read. And in the south bay 74. Just a Beautiful Day around the bay area. Some of the inland cities. An east bay reporter degrees. By 11 in fairfield. Around the bay, plus some of us warmer and cooler with winds light in most areas. In the north bank we have in nevada in fairfield reporting an onshore breeze at 16. Here is a look at what is going on. There is the storm in through the Pacific Northwest. Washington, oregon and california getting in on a little bit of this rain for us. It has been cleaner air in the onshore breeze and some of the moisture to the south across the sierra. And bringing scattered showers to that area. Hopefully that is good news as we know there is a fire burning out there closer to the yosemite area. Future cast will show you the system moves inland by tomorrow afternoon. That is going to actually help create change in the way of the wind pattern. With that, we are looking at another spare the air for your bay area saturday. Air quality could worsen just some. Better details coming up in a little bit and in most areas for today, concord will be cooler. 81 afternoon high. Santa rosa at about 76 and 75 for san jose. Upper 60s in San Francisco. Load 70s in hayward and along the peninsula, 0. 76 redwood city. 80 degrees expected for antioch. Summer and a spare the air day. More on this coming up in just a little bit. Coming up next, excitement over a new Grocery Store in the south bay. Where the trader joes just opened up and how the storm handled the long line of eager customers. The Lawrence Berkeley national map has pulled his employee Diversity Training Program following an order from the Trump Administration. The lab is managed by the university of california the is funded the federal government. Program was suspended after President Donald Trump called such programs divisive at that american propaganda. New at noon, the city of antioch is establishing the covid19 relief program. For small businesses. They can apply for a special five feather grant from the city. It will benefit up to 60 businesses. Criteria include the musthave no more than 25 employees and show they suffered substantial losses during the pandemic. The seat will accept applications between september 28th and october 9th. Silicon valley startup has come up with a groundbreaking medical device that could so dramatically speed up the number of people being tested. The fda has now approved the emergency use of the companys portable covid19 test kit. It would allow people to conduct the tests themselves at home and get the results back in just 30 minutes. This is the pinnacle of excitement. This is where we feel like the things that were not done, we can start doing good and help people. When you have a test that provides that kind of Rapid Testing capabilities. You are able to make decisions rapidly, communicate them to the patient. It means patients get the best the company is not yet decided on a price for the portable covid19 test kit but executives say you want to make it affordable and available to the public as soon as possible. If you are a fan of trader joes and 11 santa clara county, you will be happy about this. Trader joes just opened up in my ps this morning. There was a pretty big crowd on hand for the opening of the new 15,000 squarefoot store. Social distancing protocols remain in place. The trader joes is across the street from the great mall and will be open every day from 8 00 a. M. Until 9 00 p. M. Former 49ers cornerback Colin Kaepernick is not played in the nfl since 2016. He remains a fan favorite for many across the country. Mikey nike decided to sell a special jersey to commemorate four years since he started kneeling during the anthem. The 150 jersey went on sale online at 7 00 yesterday morning. It was sold out 60 seconds later. The stitch inside the color of the jersey is the phrase true to seven matt picht seven was his number with the San Francisco 49ers. Still to come, the bay area Housing Market is as hot as ever. Up next, while we are seeing the new bloom in Real Estate Sales as home prices continue to rise. Firefighters in san jose are investigating and overnight fire at a tire in car repair shop. The fire first popped up around 1 00 this morning on monterey road. Not far from the east capitol expressway. The fire quickly went to two alarms but firefighters were able to get the flames under control. We were concerned about some exposure to the neighboring structures. We were able to put water on the fire and contain it and set up our no injuries were reported and he is still not clear how many the fire exactly started. An issue be plunged into the water lupe revert last night on Airport Boulevard near coleman avenue. They believe the driver of the honda crv lost control and hit a tree before crashing into the river. Investigators say no one else was in the vehicle and no other cars were involved. In the east but, one person is dead and another in the hospital after a solo car crash. Police arrived on scene just after 10 00 last night on skyline boulevard. At 39yearold driver and a 42 yearold passenger, the passenger was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver was taken to the hospital in stable condition. Firefighters are still battling fires across california and the west coast. At least 35 people have been killed. Thousands of homes were destroyed and countless people have been forced to evacuate. Jeff paul as the latest from monrovia no relief in sight for more than 30,000 firefighters battling dozens of outof control wildfires out west. At least 11 states are seeing fire activity, but the worst is in washington, oregon and california. On the front lines of the bobcat fire burning near los angeles, containment increased to 9 . Is moving quickly, prompting mandatory evacuation orders three more times on thursday. There is only so much we can do. We need to trust them to do the best they can to protect their homes. There is relief coming in the northwest. Thunderstorms expecting to move through the area, potentially helping clear the air after weeks of being choked by smoke from the fire. There is the possibility of severe flooding creating new problems for communities already dealing with the widespread destruction. Urban areas, because there is less vegetation and drainages could increase flood potential. Reporter the recovery effort is getting underway. President donald trump declared at major disaster in oregon, bringing resources for folks who lost her home and local officials are promising to help the communities revealed. We have a lot of work to do as we move into recovery. I know we will recover from this and get through it together. Reporter on friday, the Forest Service announced a fire fighter down that battling the el dorado fire that was part by agenda reveal party. In monroe, jeff paul, ktvu, fox 2 news. Yosemite National Park close to visitors all due to the hazardous air quality from the wildfires. Take a look. All the entrances and roads closed at five p. M. Yesterday and will reopen when conditions there are safe again. Park rangers anticipate yosemite to be closed at least into the weekend. Sukhoi and kings canyon National Park and surrounding National Forest have also been closed due to the poor air quality. Scientists are examining new evidence on the Health Effects of the smoke from the fires. The western wildfires exposed millions of people to some of the worst air quality in the world. Stanford universitys Woods Institute for the environment is holding a webinar on just this. The effect of smoke. They are discussing particular smoke and changes in dna and immune cells because of wildfire exposure. If you have been exposed to wildfire, there is an increased race by about to vote and in the elderly population, unfortunately, the smoke is very dangerous to the elderly and anyone over 65 could potentially be an increase in the rate of strokes by 40 . And also heart attacks. The experts say there is no safe expect of smoke and everyone including firefighters and people not in highrisk categories are in danger of unhealthy smoke exposure. Church leaders believed that a fire that destroyed two floors of a Community Center in San Francisco was the work of an arsonist. The fire was first reported early yesterday morning at Saint Gregory Armenian Church in the lowell heights neighborhood. Witnesses now states someone threw a molotov cocktail at the building. The fire headed the property used as Church Offices and the Gathering Place for community members. Back in july, vandals wrote and threading graffiti on an Armenian School in the city. Church and leaders are worried the two incidents are part of the disturbing pattern. It is the second one and we think there is a connection. Is connected to the other one t is seen. Reporter there is still no official word on the cause of the fire. Yesterday, San Francisco fire investigator said it is too early to definitively say it was in fact an orson. A black lives matter mural located in martinez is scheduled to be paved over. Ktvu has learned this is part of the street repainting project that was approved earlier this year. The mural became a point of contention since it was completed on the 4th of july. Has been vandalized several times in the organizers are calling on the city to find a permanent place to install civil rights artwork. It says continuing the message in martinez was not a priority for them. Seeing where we can and systemic racism. The city is creating a citizen led Antiracism Task force and is considering installing a civil rights mural at the boys and girls club. The median price of a single home in the San Francisco bay area as helped reach a new topic despite the epidemic at home sales are as high as they have ever been. Reporter we are stupid superexcited. Ive been tweaked teaching 24 years. I never thought i could own a singlefamily home. Reporter this san jose teacher and family moved from a townhouse into a three bedroom, two Bathroom Home with an office and yard space. Close to his children school. The cost, 1 million. We were able to find this compared to other things. We were at our max. Reporter according to the California Association of realtors, 465,000 singlefamily homes were sold in the state in august. The highest level in more than a decade. While the median price of a home in california is 706,000, in the bay area, it is 1 million, 68,000. This time last year, it was 900,000. 18 increase. There has been a demand for homes for the last several years. Weve had a load supply of homes for sale. While some people are leaving the bay Area Learning remotely, realtors say many people still want to leave your. It is an area that is surrounded by hightech employers that are willing to pay a lot of money for you to work for them. Even if you want to live your. The weather is wonderful. Permit the Real Estate Broker so the 759 square foot one bed, one bathhouse on negley avenue in san jose for over asking price. 1 million, 55,000. Six offers. The new owner plans down and rebuild. The broker says, the biggest factor pushing up home sales is a historic low interest rate. In the two percentile, 2. 5 or 2. 75 , whenever the cost of money is this low, you find a lot of people being able to afford more house. Everybody is refinancing or buying a new place. Way as for this teacher, he feels lucky to have found a home in his price range. I thought i was crazy looking for a house. Apparently, there are a lot of houses out there. Everyone would looked at, there are multiple people looking. Moderna, an American Company developing a coronavirus vaccine, since it could confirm the effectiveness of the treatment by as early as november. The potential vaccine is currently in the final trials. Results will be presented to an independent review board. If all goes well the company could apply for an emergency use authorization from the fda. To begin distribution. California is teaming up with other western states on a test program for a new app. It could be a valuable tool in fighting covid19. The hightech app uses Bluetooth Technology to notify a user when they have been exposed to someone with coronavirus. California and two other states will work with researchers to study the apps effectiveness and possible use in the future. A bright colored band will soon be cruising the streets of San Mateo County to encourage people to where the face coverings. The van is called the mask mobile and is funded by the county as community average. The supervisor rolled out the program yesterday and distributing free masks. The counties made an investment in the board of supervisors and the message is clear. It is not about the cost. It is about us making sure that we save lives. The mask mobile will pull into several peninsula cities in the coming days. This is part of the multilanguage campaign to reach different ethnic communities. Tomorrow, people in the south bay can get a free flu shot. Santa clara county is hosting a flu shot clinic at the fairgrounds in san jose. Health experts say getting inoculated is even more important this year, so that fewer people are in and out of hospitals during the ongoing covid19 pandemic. The free clinic will run every saturday from 9 00 a. M. Until four copy them through middecember. Appointments are not necessary and coronavirus testing is also available. It looks like people traveling to hawaii will soon be able to skip the mandatory quarantine. We should mention, there is a bit of a catch. Travelers can bypass the 14 day quarantine period requirement if they can show that they tested negative for the coronavirus 72 hours before the flight arrives. Lies governor said cbs and Kaiser Permanente will conduct a test as part of a deal with the state. The guidelines go into effect october 15th. Coronavirus restrictions have been lifted for californias flight to new york and new jersey. The states have required californians to self quarantine for two weeks after landing there. Buyer letters couldve been fined 10,000. Restrictions were lifted because of improving covid19 case numbers right here in the golden state. Still to come, many businesses and schools have reopened during the pandemic. Most playgrounds are still close. Up next, a push to persuade the governor to change is mine. It looks like we have great weather out there for the children to go outside. Even if they dont have the playgrounds. The oakland estuary down south. We will check back with rosemary on the weekend forecast and when we might expect another spare the air day. At the santa rosa back. No more zoom protesters gathered yesterday for a rally outside of santa rosas old courthouse square, demanding into an online instruction. And the students be allowed to go back to the classrooms as soon as possible. We need to get the kids back in the classroom. Was started off as a two or three weeks shutdown and it is turned into six months. These kids are really suffering. A hybrid is a great way to start. You have half the kids going monday and tuesday. Sanitizing wednesday. The other kids thursday and friday. Santa rosa School Board Member say that understand what students want to go back to the classroom after being isolated for so many months computer screens at home. The board says keeping students safe is it is its top priority. A group of parents and lawmakers are putting pressure on Governor Newsom reopen up playgrounds all across the state. The san diego congresswoman or simply a woman is gizmo, six Governor Newsom a letter saying migrants are essential for the physical and Mental Wellbeing of children. The Parents Group wants more state guidance about outdoor playgrounds. At least two people are dead following hurricane sally. As cleanup begins for thousands of people along the gulf coast. Sally is now been downgraded to a tropical rain storm with the threat of more flooding. It could still impact the cleanup efforts. Here is the latest from pensacola, florida. Hurricane sally bringing heavy rains to georgia, virginia and the carolinas. Sally expected drop up to eight inches of rain in some areas. But those types of rainfall amounts, we know from experience that flooding in some areas could be significant. La sal is moved out of florida, governor Rhonda Santos is warning folks they are not out of the woods just yet. With more flooding expected as the heavy rains and the rest of the southeast trickle back into the states already swelling rivers. Widespread river flooding is ongoing and it could continue over the next weeks in different parts of florida. Reporter me while cleanup begins for thousands across the gulf coast, business and homeowners assessing the damage while crews are out in cities in pensacola, accessing the viability of certain roads and bridges. Some folks say the storm called them offguard. It is enough damage for the season. Reporter water rescues continue across florida and alabama after residence became trapped inside their homes due to rising water. Eight florida couple trapped in their attic losing hope of rescue until the husband used the only tool he had available. His highpitched whistle. He went up to there about 50 miles per hour. Reporter the National Hurricane center keeping an eye on a new tropical depression. It is formed in the southwestern gulf of mexico. Pensacola. On this friday afternoon, we check back with rosemary and i believe you are coming off of a couple days off and i know you. You probably got outside and enjoyed the blue skies and fresh air. Oh my goodness. You know i did. What a nice couple of days. With salsa major improvement come our way around tuesday or wednquality is good at this hour. Giving a live look at the golden gate. We have a little bit of fog along the coastline and you can see it right there in and around the bay. We have partly cloudy skies. Even the coastline getting in on a little bit of sunshine out there at this hour. Eight look at the system. We have been watching the system all week long. It began to give us the cleaner air right around tuesday or wednesday and now he is bringing rain to the Pacific Northwest and northern california. As we move in closer, right around eureka and further north into Crescent City and further to the north, we also have moisture sticking to the south. Is remnants of karina and looks like scattered showers at this hour. It is been the onshore breeze and the better air quality. We are good right now and good throughout the course of the afternoon. Then things start to change and our way. We are looking at the storm i showed you a ing to see a shift in the winds. Here is a look at future cast. Winds from the west. Again, he is bringing us in the as we get into tomorrow morning, notice how it begins to shift. We are seeing the errors come from the direction and also notice the smoke being or the smoke being transported. Especially the north bay. As we get into the afternoon, it continues with the path. This will be with us through saturday. Maybe even into sunday. As we mentioned a while ago, the air quality in the control control district, issued a spare the air for a little bit of the haze and smoke drifting our way. Temperatures under a partly cloudy sky. 65 degrees in San Francisco. Mid70s in walnut creek. A Beautiful Day around the bay area. As we get in closer and take a look at San Francisco. On the west edge, a little bit of fog. Low 60s reported near sfupper 60s. For the afternoon midto upper 60s for the coastline. Upper 60 San Francisco. 70s around the bay and the inland cities, upper 70s to low 80s. We will get into warmer weather for the final weekend of summer. Temperatures expected to warm by at least a few degrees tomorrow. Sunday looks to be the warmest day before temperatures come down monday and the first day of fall arrives on tuesday. For the short term, focusing on the weekend. Expect to warm up. Spare the air for tomorrow and will track the possibility of the smoke drifting our way in the coming days. Back to you. Right now, we want to bring you breaking news. Is coming into the newsroom. Police are investigating a stabbing that took place on board a bar trying. The warm springs station in fremont is now close. We have learned a man is with medics and they suspect is in custody. Trains are running through the warm springs station without stopping right now. Because of the police activity. A bus bridge has been requested. Trains are not stopping at warm springs and the very s and daly city directions due to this investigation. We are going to continue to follow this stabbing that took place on board a bart train and have the latest details coming up at 4 00 and on ktvu. Com. The jewish High Holy Days begin tonight at sundown. Bay area congregations are preparing to celebrate with pandemic protocols. Seats will be empty in synagogues and temples due to Public Health orders. At temple beth abraham, there will still be a tort reading for teenagers, but it will be socially distanced. Normally we have seven people from one door. We have seven different stations to keep a pretty safe. Many bay area restaurants will still be offering a traditional dinner for take out. Coming up, the 49ers hit the road as they look to get the first twinkle of the season despite missing some key players. We will have a preview of the teams game against the jets, coming up after the break. Motorcycle riders love the open road. And geico loves helping riders get to where theyre going, so to help even more, geico is giving new and current customers a fifteen percent credit on their motorcycle policies with the geico giveback. And because were committed for the long haul, the credit lasts your full policy term. The geico giveback. Helping riders focus on the road ahead. The geico giveback. We know these are challenging times. Rest assured, you are not alone. Weve all had to adapt. And with summer here, your energy bills might go up with rising temperatures. Together, we can save energy and money. Try closing your shades during the day. Setting your ac to 78 or higher. Or cooling off with a fan when you can. United we are always stronger. Stay well, california, and keep it golden. We are waiting for the official announcement from the pac12 conference that he is bringing back football this year. School precedents and chances are holding a Virtual Meeting today. Possible start updates include saturday, october 31st and of course that is halloween. The conference had postponed fall sports due to the threat of student athletes and fears that the coronavirus would spread through campus. The two key issues have since been resolved. The conference work out a deal for daily rabbit testing and government restrictions have been eased to allow practices. We all understand that Major College football and Major College sports have a Significant Impact on the academy pick we are delighted the nfl is back and sports are coming back. Stanford released a statement saying it is eager for his student athletes to have the opportunity to play this season. The pac12s return follows the big 10 conference resuming football next month. San francisco 49ers on the road for the next couple of games. Digits, giants in that. Dee ford missed practice yesterday with a neck injury. It is unclear if he will play sunday. Against the jets. A quarterback returned to. Last weekend and George Kittle spent practice with a knee sprain he suffered during the game with the cardinals but the team is still hoping that he can play on sunday. Kind of a gametime decision. 49er fans will see a familiar face on the jets offense. Running back frank gore. He had a lot of good years with the niners especially in 2012 with the super bowl. He had 100 yards and a touch him. I chris. That was eight years ago. 49ers and jet. It should be a good one on sunday. You can watch right here on ktvu at 10 00. The giants will play the as in oakland after a america pitcher Tyler Anderson was ejected in the bottom of the 3rd for arguing with the home plate umpire. There was a two run triple in the seventh at the giants end up winning. The game between the giants and the as begins at 6 40. The emmy awards are this weekend. We are learning new details about the ceremony. Jimmy kimmel will host the show from the Staples Center in los angeles. There will be note Live Audience and the red carpets. All of the nominees the same at their own homes through live feeds. They will react to that wins or losses in real time. Apparently at one point producers had hoped to coordinate realtime delivery of the trophies to others homes, but that was ultimately nixed. I would expect it will be difficult to do. A little difficult there. And you were talking about the giants, the teams could be in the postseason. What would you think about eight giants and as world series . It would make up for all of the sadness weve had over the last couple months. It will be fun to watch. It happened back in 89. It would be fun to watch. Heather, good to have you. Have a good rest of the day and a great weekend. Thank you for being with us. Our next newscast is coming up at 4 00. Dr. Oz starts now. My mother was diagnosed with covid19. And the issue you are not hearing about. Chronic covid. Why alzheimers experts are worried. Plus, our great big mask experiment. Which masks protect you the most . Breaking down the mess and facts about masks. Coming up next. Dr. Oz welcome to the show. Stunningweekend, i got news that i want to share with all of you. My m

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