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Current surges in covid cases, but success hinges on the masses complying on a daily basis. Were making progress in the planning around Vaccine Distribution in our county. Reporter wednesday, dr. Jennifer tong giving a glimpse into the plans for covid19 Vaccine Distribution. They hope to make giving vaccinations more manageable. The doses are unknown and can fluctuate based on conditions. Initially healthcare and front line workers will be the first to receive the vaccine. Like everyone else, we will receive a limited supply at first. More will be coming over time. It might take many months, though, before everyone who is interested in getting a vaccine is able to get one. Reporter officials stress social staples from the past nine months, washing hands, social distancing, and wearing a mask, are still needed to combat the current covid19 surge. Some south bay hospitals, including valley medical center, are postponing elective surgery to ensure bed space. Valley med representatives declined comment. Stanford healthcare sent a statement saying in part it is care apply managing capacity and collaborate with other santa clara hospitals daily to ensure that all patients have access to healthcare. If capacity requirements should surge due to covid19, we have a plan prepared to modify scheduling to acome date higher in patient volumes. We want you and your loved ones to get the care that you need at our hospitals, if you become seriously ill. We each must do our part to slow the spread of transition into protect our hospital capacity. Hospitals in the south and east part of Santa Clara County are operating at 94 capacity, so patients are being redistributed to other areas so that no one hospital becomes overwhelmed. In san jose, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. In San Mateo County, Health Officials are also concerned about hospital capacity. Hospitalizations in that county have tripled in recent weeks. Right now, San Mateo County has only 12 icu beds that are available. 72 coronavirus patients are hospitalized in the county. That number is expected to go even higher in a couple of weeks, when infections from the thanksgiving day holiday emerge. Its just been an incredible surge, that has been brought on by the holidays, and some of that operate on by the all the information out there about how quickly this virus is spreading. There have been almost 3100 confirmed cases of coronavirus in San Mateo County, and 170 people with the virus have died in that county. Alameda county has recorded the most deaths of any bay area county, and now Health Experts say theyre say seeing what looks like a spike in test big people who traveled over thanksgiving. Andre senior joins us now with the details. Andre . Julie, five days is the number of days that experts say it takes for covid19 symptoms to appear. We are now six days after thanksgiving, and people are lining up to get tested. Reporter a long line of cars at a new covid testing site in fremont could be used as evidence that Alameda County isnt doing well with the disease, infection rates spiking. 175 folks preregistered, which is fantast quick and we expect to see around 250 people here today. Reporter olivia is chief operating officer for Bay Area Community health, that partnered with Alameda County to provide testing to those who want it, and it seems testing is more in tee hand than ever. Check out this massive line of vehicles lining up for testing this week. Nothing that dramatic at the fremont testing site, but deer said the number of people coming to get tested post thanksgiving is up. Were seeing a bunch of folks needing testing after the holidays. Reporter a massive surge in hospitalizations and fatalities, also. Hospitalizations jumping by 111 , also recording the most covid19 deaths of any bay area county, 514. The countys best hope now perhaps is a vaccine. Pfizers investigation could be days away from fda emergency authorization. While we wait, were getting an idea of however the vaccine could be widely distributinged when it becomes more widely available. The first shipments are set to arrive in california sometime in the next couple of weeks. Right now Alameda County is supporting us in applying to provide the vaccine. The ball is already rolling for how the vaccine will be distributed in california. Yesterday was a deadline for counties to submit their plan to administer vac sensations to the California Department of health. As reported yesterday, california is set to receive 327,000 doses of the vaccine. We have 2. 4 million healthcare workers. That means we dont have nearly enough doses needed to inoculate those healthcare workers who will be among the first to be vaccinate bid this vaccine when it does does become available, perhaps in the next couple of weeks. Back to you, julie. Thanks, andre. There are now coronavirus outbreaks at two youth detention facilities in Santa Clara County. Nine boys and four Staff Members have tested positive at Juvenile Hall in san jose at james ranch in morgan hill. These are the first positive cases at the facilities since the pandemic began. County Health Officials safer the first case involved a boy detained at james ranch. He reported symptoms and tested positive on saturday. They are testing everyone at both facilities including Staff Members, as a precaution. The state department is working with county Health Officials to try to determine the source of the exposure. The Sacramento County sheriff has now tested positive for covid19. According to the sheriffs office. Officials say sheriff scott jones developed symptoms last week after being exposed to someone at work who later tested positive. They say his symptoms were mild. He and his immediate family are now in quarantine. Last week the sheriff was among a number of Law Enforcement officials who said they would not enforce governor newsoms curfew and stayathome order. The sheriff said he has worn a mask and is practicing social distancing. Guest more disturbing numbers across the country. Officials say no cases were over 200,000 in the past 24 hours, and more than 100,000 people are hospitalized. Thats a new record. The total number of people who have died has also topped 273,000. The director of the seed made a dire prediction today that the number of americans who die from coronavirus could hit 450,000 before february. Dr. Robert redfield said december, january, and february, are going to be rump times dow a stressed out health system. He said that it will be the most difficult in the Public Health history of this country, and he is urging everyone to wear a mask. The cdc issued new guidelines today for holiday travel. The agency says the best way to stay safe is to stay home. But those who plan to travel should get tested for the coronavirus one to three days before their trip, and again three to five days after they return home. The cdc came up with the guidelines after a number of americans traveled over thanksgiving against the advice of Health Officials. Today britain became the first country in the world to authorize a rigorously tested covid19 vaccine. It could be dispensing shots within days. It is a historic step to eventually ending the outbreak that has killed more than 1. 4 Million People around the globe. It was developed by ties and her a german pfizer and a german company. Coming up, the body of a man discovered inside a consider on the peninsula, and now a Homicide Investigation is underway. What were learning about the victim. And civilians could soon replace Police Officers in responding to nonviolent calls in one bay area city. The plan that just got approved from the police union. We have big surf along the coast. Well talk about that, and when is the next rain coming . Ill have that with the five day forecast in just a bit. Plus who should fill Kamala Harriss senate seat. Today senator Diane Feinstein publiclies for her suggestion. We have the power to harness californias Abundant Solar and wind energy, but its not available all day long. Use less energy from 4 to 9 pm for a cleaner california. You can count on me ill be home for christmas if only in my dreams today senator mark kelly was sworn into the senate by Vice President mike pence. Both bumped elbows when the oath was over. He is a former astronaut who defeated republican senator martha mcsally, making her one of only three incumbents to lose in last months election. Kellys win marks the First Time Since 1953 that arizona will be represent body democrats in the senate. California senator Diane Feinstein said she parted secretary of state alex padilla to fill senator Kamala Harriss seat. She said today in an interview that he would represent california well. Padilla worked as an aid to the senator 25 years ago. If appointed by governor newsom, he would be the states first latino senator. He served on the l. A. City council and the state senate before being elected as secretary of state five years ago. New details on the ongoing Corruption Scandal at San Francisco city hall. City administrator naomi kelly is now taking a leave of absence two days after her husband stepped down as general manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Federal prosecutors are accusing harlan kelly of accepting bribes from a contractor as part of a pay to play scheme. Naomi kelly has not been charged wait crime, but the criminal complaint against her husband said she attended a Family Vacation that was a paid for by the contractor. She is the 5th Department Head to step down due to the citys growing Corruption Scandal. Also in San Francisco, civilians rather than Police Officers could soon be responding to nonviolent calls involving Mental Health issues and homelessness. The prosecute of San Franciscos police union has signed a letter of intent with the city to move forward with the plan. The union agrees there are 17 types of calls for service where civilians could be the primary responders. They include homelessness and quality of life calls. Noncriminal Mental Health calls. Juvenile disturbances, parking violations, and dog complaints. President tony montoya said the new plan will free up more officers to do Community Engagement and deal with violent crimes. Authorities have now identified a man who was found dead off skyline boulevard in San Mateo County. The mans body was found in an isolated area near quayle court. Crime reporter henry lee tells us investigators believe the man was the victim of a homicide. Reporter the bed of 40 yearold eddieer is van tess of east alexa was found palo alto county. Two witnesses called it in around yesterday at 5 00 p. M. That was what launched the investigation. Reporter the body was found on the west side of skyline also known as highway 35. Sheriffs investigators swarmed the scene and spent hours combing the area for evidence. They stayed there well into the night and into wednesday morning. Due to the suspicious nature of how this gentleman was found, our detectives are treating it like Homicide Investigation. Reporter the spokeswoman would not say how the victim had been killed. How he died is going to be guild the coroners office. Reporter the crime lab and detectives had to work meticulously because of the remote area. Based on the rural inquire where the man was found, it creates a lot of challenges to process all of the evidence found at the scene. Reporter this wasnt the first time that skyline boulevard arts ban crime scene. Last year malik dasuki allegedly lured a taxi driver and tow truck driver to skyline and stabbed them to death. Mental illness is a factor, but as it stands, the d. A. Said that he is now fit to stand trial. Its a serious mistake for any culprit to try and think i can cover my crime by put the person out off of skyline. Reporter the d. A. Said just because the crime scene may robe mote doesnt mean people can get away with it. There are so many bicyclists, hikers, mountain beak people going around that area, its just not a simple way to do it. A construction worker is being treated for serious injuries after falling from a scaffold at an east bay high school. The man fell from a twostory scaffold at Freedom High School campus in oakland. Police say the construction worker slipped and fell and suffered head trauma. He was unconscious, but brothering, when emergency crews arrived, and taken to John Muir Medical Center in walnut creek for treatment. Surfer asks swimmers being told to be extra careful of bear beaches bay area beaches. The areas most impacted include ocean beach, half moon by a state beach and santa cruz beaches. A beach hazard warning is in effect now through thursday. Lets go to bill martin for more on what to expect. Bill . Yeah, so, julie, when we talk about sneaker waves, i said earlier i dont really like that term, because it sort of makes light of what it is. Its a set wave, right . When you have these higher, longdistance swells, these sets can show up sometimes every three, four, five, 10 minutes. I flat, theyre not that big, and all of a sudden a sneaker wave just sort of makes it found playful. But these are set waves were talking about, and theyre going to be big tomorrow. Well get to that. Right now, were going to get to the forecast, which is this, everything to the north. And all that rain and all of that cloud cover, thats what is generating the swell. Out in the pacific, its a very aggressive pattern, up in the gulf of alaska, that is producing these really large swells that kind of showed up today. Wasnt as big as advertised. Tomorrow will be as big as advertised, and probably as we go into friday, as well. The highs from today, 71 in fairfield. Overnight lows tonight, youre going to see a little bit of fog out there, and youre going to see cool temperatures, looking like this. Theres the live camera shot of San Francisco, and ill tell you this, its going to be a mild pattern right through this week, and the next chance for rain i sawing some on the 14th of december, and the models have sort of coalesced on that a little bit, so well keep an eye on that. When i come back, well look at the satellite image, and ill show you where those waves are emanating from and well get into the forecast with the five day. All right, bill, thank you. Still ahead, today marks four years since the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland. Since there have been promises to improve protocols, but have those changes been made . We have to make sure we are keeping our businesses safe, today marks four years since the ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland where 36 people died. The fire started at 11 2509 night in a warehouse that was illegally converted into a venue and living space. The city agreed to pay 32 million to settle lawsuits. The city settled the final lawsuit last month. Derek almena, the Master Tenant on the lease, is still waiting for a retrial on Involuntary Manslaughter charges. That warehouse was never inspected, and since then, promises have been made to fix the citys broken inspection system. The problem is, the progress has been slow. Our Investigative Reporter brooks looks at what has been done and the work that still remains. Reporter a party, a fire, and 36 lives lost. Since the 2016 ghost ship tragedy, oaklands Fire Prevention bureau has been lacking progress. That is unacceptable for the residents and the businesses of oakland. city audit found in three years more than half of state mandated inspections were never done. Thats probably, because we can look back and say that we knee better. We have to be able to look forward and tell the residents and the businesses that we are doing everything we can to keep them safe. Reporter state law requires Fire Departments inspect schools, apartment buildings, and high rises. Auditors found 2400 properties going unchecked. My concern is that now, will it end up that we have ghost ship the sequel before people in the community then rise up and say this is something that is important, and needs to be addressed. Reporter larry brooks was on the Mayors Task Force three years ago to address department shortcomings. He said leadership turnover and a lack of funding has affected inspection efforts. Theres just so many things going on that the city has to somehow figure out how to solve them, and theres not enough resources, i think, to address them all adequately, so they have to decide. Reporter oakland did her another 18 inspectors, but that didnt dramatically increase checks. Most of the missed properties are in lowincome neighbor neighborhoods like fruit available where the ghost ship still stands. Over 200 builds in that area were never visited. There wasnt even a full inventory of the properties that needed to be inspected. Reporter . Reporter violators faced lax accountability and little follow up. Most city schools failed inspections and are still not in compliance. The audit found landlords are also not being held accountable, meaning safety hazards still remain, stuns eastern more simple things like smoke alarms. If we had more people going in and inspecting just for Something Like that, we would be saving lives at a critical time when people are stuck in their homes. Reporter its recommended that oakland fire up one a training plan, address the inspection backlog, and follow up with reinspections. It would just break my heart to see my community go after through such a major catastrophe again. Reporter she said this fouryear anniversary brings back bad memories. I would like to see oakland come forward and actually give these grieving people answers, and give them the reassurance that this isnt going to happen again. Reporter the Fire Department received it has made significant and meaningful improvs every year since and acknowledges areas need be improve. It said it is committed to making vital reforms. The auditor said she is confident that will happen . We have to make sure that we are keeping our businesses and our residents safe, and i will keep a fire under the Fire Department, to keep them moving forward, in all the ways that i need to. Reporter next year, the auditor will take a second look at progress and determine which recommendations have and have not been implemented. Im brooks devin, ktvu fox 2 news. Coming up on ktvu news at 6 30, 8 people at east bay school test positive for the coronavirus, but that school is remaining open for inperson learning. Well tell you why. And taking a closer look at the only bay area county not in the most restrictive purple tier. What marin countys Health Officer received his county is doing right, but why people still need to be cautious. And later in sports, warriors will face a tough test to start the season going up against a former warrior superstar. And a blockbuster trade in the nba today involving one of the best players in the league. Our sports director mark ibanez up later with details. Detectives are investigating in the death of a manhood whose body was found off skyline boulevard in San Mateo County as a homicide. Authorities say the body of 40 yearold Eddie Cervantes may have been there for two days. Investigators arent sayingiest how he was killed. California has reached a disturbing milestone for coronavirus cases with more than 20,000 in a single day. More than 9300 people were hospitalized with covid19, which is also a record. Here in the bay area, some hospitals say they are now reaching capacity. For example, San Mateo County said it has only 12 icu beds available. And today britain became the first country in the world to authorize a rigorously tested covid19 vaccine. The country could be dispensing shots from pfizer within days. The announcement comes as the coronavirus has surged to record levels in recent weeks in both the United States and in europe. Youre watching ktvu fox 2 news at 6 30. An Alternative High School in danville is making changes after a covid19 outbreak in one of its classes. 8 students and staffers have been infected, by Cristina Rendon tells us the school is still open because only one class was exposed. One of the things that weve learned is that we must follow a protocols that are informed by Public Health. Reporter this high school in danville has closed one of its classrooms. Fife Staff Members and three students all tested positive for covid19 one week after returning to inperson learning. Superintendent dr. John malloy said thats a majority of the special needs class serving students ages 18 to 22 with developmental disabilities. Nerve that particular classroom at home, and the students who are able could work remotely, and that after 14 days, student mace return to campus. Reporter malloy said a student showed up sick to school on november 17th and was later sent home outside of their protocols. The districts protocols call for a student with covid system storms to be sent to a special place in the School Office where they have access to a school nurse. That protocol in this circumstance was not followed, as i just described it. However, it is an unfortunate circumstance. We are very sorry for it. We are going to support our staff to ensure that our protocols are followed. Reporter he said all staff and students Must Wear Masks unless they are exempt with medical documentation. If thats the case. Staff members will get more ppe and the student will be physically distant from all other students. In this case, the student was whoa was unwell was not wearing a mask. Malloy said although there was safety training, they have looked and at strengthened their practices and communicated with all staff about what is expected. For that, i take responsibility, and will ensure that we do this work explicitly and effectively going forward. The district plans to open more schools on january 5th unless they are told otherwise by Contra Costa Health services. Parents can also choose to have their students learn remotely for the rest of the school year. The city of oakland is suspending indoor recreation programs due to an increase in coronavirus cases. The city is following recommendations from the Alameda County health department. The oakland parks and Recreation Department said it nos this will be a burden on some families. However however, Officials Say the move is gravely necessary to help control the spread of the virus. Outdoor youth and senior programs are not affected by the decision, though, and will continue to operate. So far marin county is the only bay area county currently not in the most restrictive purple tier. Rob roth spoke with a Health Officer there today about how marin has been able to escape the lowest designation and how long that could last. Reporter while the rest of the warriors has fallen to the lowest purple tier, only marin county is still keeping its head above water, one step higher in the retears. But Health Officials here are not highfiving each other over it. That is faint praise. We are doing less poorly than other counties, but we were there in the orange tear just a couple of weeks ago. Reporter but matt willis does point to a couple of districtives and messaging that have helped hold the line. He credits messaging in one area awith the safety of Wearing Masks and the number of covid19 case that community has stopped. Reporter marin has about 70 of it Students Attending School in person. Marin is an example where if you do it in a certain way and work closely with the school community, you didnt safely and not lead to surges. We havent seen outbreaks in the school. Reporter there have been been decisions to limit Indoor Dining in all residents. Just weeks ago, restaurants could serve inside at 50 capacity. Now it feels like in, you know, even if we were able to go inside, i think theres a definitely a push back from our the customers and the People Living here to do so. Reporter u. C. Berkeley Infectious Disease specialist dr. John schwarzberg said marin may just be luckier than other counties, much like a wildfire that destroys one neighborhood and not another. Frankly i dont see anything about marin county that is exceptionle to the other bay area counties that is going to portend that theyre going to be out of the woods for a long period of time. Reporter marin county has seen its cases triple from about 10 at the end of october, to 30 currently. 40 cases a day is the ticket to the purple tier. If we continue at this pace, well be joining those in the purple tier probably a week or two weeks from now. Coming up here, could congress be any closer to agreeing on a Coronavirus Relief package . The latest developments tonight from washington. And a new effort to help more people own homes in the bay area. The Program Announced today by wells fargo to offer down payment assistance. Im looking at your mri. Your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. Im sorry baby. I dont want you to play with that. singing twinkle, twinkle little star. How i wonder what you are. How are you doing . Schedule a video visit with your doctor. Kaiser permanente. Thrive. Speaker of the house nancy pelosi resumed talks with treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin on an end of the year relief package. The bill proposed yesterday includes an extra 300 per week in unemployment. 160 billion for state and local governments, and 228 billion for small businesses. The white house says President Trump is willing to sign a less expensive bill that is backed by Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, but that legislation has already failed twice. I strongly encourage congress to use the 455 billion in unused funds from the cares act to pass an additional bill with bipartisan support. The ppp has unused money of 140 billion that could be sent out the door immediately to support many small businesses. Congress also has a december 11th deadline to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. Senate mcconnell said that spending bill and Coronavirus Relief may come together in one package. On wall street, to bees were mostly higher today in hopes for economic stimulus and coronavirus vaccines. Shares in pfizers up more than 3 after the drugmaker one approval forever its vaccine in the u. K. A new multimillion dollar effort to boost Home Ownership in the bay area. San jose mayor sam liccardo and wells fargo this morning announced the expansion of the neighborhood lift program. They say it will hello to moderate income home buyers with down payment assistance in the bay area. Wells fargo is committing an additional 10 million to the program. Its going to help nearly 400 new homeowners be able to bridge that enormous gap for so many renters to get into Home Ownership. We talk a lot about the deepening divide in the bay area, and weve seen it so much more acutely during this pandemic. We know that divide has gotten broader and deeper. The program will offer down. Assistance to eligible home buyers in alameda, contra costa, San Francisco, san pablo, santa clara, and says counties. We are tracking that forecast as we move towards thursday. When is the next chance of rain . Ill have the fiveday forecast when i see you next. Right now we go to Heather Holmes with a look at some of the stories were looking at for the 7 00 hour on ktvu plus. Well, frank, he is one of ucsfs top doctors and she making a prediction about the vaccine rollout. In tonights covid conferences, well take about dr. Bob walker about when we could reach herd immunity and the Biggest Challenges in the coming months. Well have those stories and a lot more coming up live on the 7 in a few minutes over on ktvu plus. But first after the break, a come infected with the coronavirus knowingly boards a plane from San Francisco to hawaii. So could the airline be held fly well hear from an arrive situation attorney. Businesses today are looking to tomorrow. Adapting. Innovating. Setting the course. But new ways of working demand a new type of network. One thats more than just fast. You need flexibility to work from anywhere and manage from everywhere. Advanced technology. With serious security. And reliable coverage, nationwide. Forwardthinking enterprises deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. The government has decide that when it comes to air travel, only dogs can be Service Animals. Under new restrictions, or rather regulations issued today, Airline Airlines no longer have to allow other animals as support animals on to flight. People had trade tried to bring everything from peacocks to pigs saying they needed them for special support. Emotional Service Animals can still be allowed to fly, but they would be required to stay in the cargo hold of the plane. A couple flying home to hawaii from the bay area over the weekend was arrested as soon as they arrived. Police say they boarded their flight knowing they had tested positive for the coronavirus. Tom vacar tells us while the couple was from hawaii, the states rules are geared toward tourists. Reporter airlines are not responsible for things that are reasonably not within their direct control. Covid is something far different from such things as a crash where the airline is indeed liable. What would be the assumption of the risk. Passengers know they are getting into a confined space during this pandemic, so they assume theres a risk that they could catch covid. Reporter thats strictly because airlines are not yet legally required to test passengers for covid, but once on board, they can mandate such things as mask wearing when which they must then reasonablely enforce. Only, again, because the airline is not going know if someone has covid. Reporter in the unlikely event the airline knew and chose to board a positive passenger anyway, thats different. Failure to proper roily maintain sterilization, sanitation, and air flow might also cause liability if passengers can prove it was the cause, time, and place of their infection. Potentially, you could see something down the road where the airlines could get some type of liability funding. Before you leave for hawaii, each person in your party had better have created an online hawaii safety travel account, answer health and contact questions, and upload negative test results from an authorized mainland testing site administered no more than 72 hours before the flight. This will avoid the otherwise 14day required quarantine and speed you out of the airport. But, if you have no test, you must go into quarantine or you could immediately do this. They can fly straight back on the next flight back to wherever they came from, or if they refuse both of those, then theyre going to be sent over to Law Enforcement and be arrested. Hundreds of people have already been sent back, flown back. Reporter bottom line . Know way before you go. Tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. Lets take a look at the temperatures from today. Heck, you can see that they are pretty warm. Look at that, 71 in fairfield. So here we are in december, and were looking at numbers like this. So basically shows you that we are not doing a typical early december weather pattern. And thats because that big High Pressure center has set up shop. Now, thats a summertime feature. We call it the pacific high in the summer months. Thats why its a mediterranean climate. Weather systems go over the top of us and we stay dry in the summer, and now thats what knights the winter, or almost the we haventer, coming up into the solstice in a few weeks. So there is quite a bit of energy, but its not getting here. So the latest model runs are super bullish on keeping it dry, and then if you go way down the road, to about december 14th, 15th, right if there, there looks like something wants to happen, which would mean that that high would most likely hunt is a little bit further south. So in the meantime, fair banks alaska and anchorage, theyre getting hammered right now. See, they dont get that kind of moisture. This is tropical moisture jamming all the way up into the polar regions. So thats a big story up there in itself, that theyre getting that much precipitation, snow, but a lot of it for that area. Were missing out on a lot of rain. These series of storages that have been passing us would be significant bay area rain and significant bay area snow. Well have sunshine, really nice days. Concerned about the swell. Normally i wouldnt talk so much about surf, but what im looking at here is the potential for being being certainly at the beach, not at work nice weather, really high surf building. Its going to be pretty darned big tonight. And so with that said, just be super careful going to the coast, especially the Sonoma County coastline because of the way it sets. It has those rocky outcrops. When the swell comes in, it can just summer up. So you know if you have lived here any great amount of time, so just be careful. But the volumes of people at the beach are significant. Ill see you back here tonight at 10 00 and 11 00 and well update the forecast. Legendary wrestler Pat Patterson has died. Patterson is being remembered as a true trail blazer of the industry. His career stand six decades. For years he could be seen right here on ktvus bigtime wrestling. The wwe legend was also the first openly gay wrestling star. Pat pattern son was 79 years old. Its beginning to feel a lot like basketball season. A blockbuster trade today. And the nba also unveils prime time matchups for the warriors first two games. Our sports director mark ibanez up next. Heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, so you dont wait for life. You live it. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, abundant wind and solar energy, we have the power to take on climate change. Use less from 4 to 9 pm to keep california golden. How does christmas in milwaukee strike you . Well, i guess that Christmas Carroll tropic it, right . Thats what the warriors are going to know come christmas day. Maybe a White Christmas for them. Thats where theyll be on the 25th, but as far as december 22nd . That is a juicy story line. Thats when theyre going to open their season against the brooklyn nets. More specifically, kevin durant and the nets. Yeah, his first game since that achilles injury sustained while he was still a warrior. Up against his old team. Wow, what a great event we have there, and then on christmas, of course, the milwaukee bucks. Huge day for the nba. And steph currys reaction to it all. Goes right into familiarity, obviously, but also teams that are expected to be at the top of each conference, or the eastern conference, and get a good gauge of where we are right out of the gate. I dont know what well doing in milwaukee for christmas, but other than that, its going to be pretty awesome just to be playing basketball again. Time was not so long ago, a team wouldnt dream of trading a talent like russell westbrook, one of best players in the nba, and hell be sent packing, though, doesnt get along with james harden, being sent to washington for lightning fast and oftinjured john wall. And the wizards yards also package a firstround pick to houston as well. The maui invitational. White sand, maybe a naiti or too. Unfortunately for the stanford men, they arent in hawaii. They are in asheville, north carolina, because of covid19, what else, causing a rescheduling there for indiana for third place in this tournament. The cardinal down 8. And john davis coast to coast. Sweet finish right there. Stanford down five at halftime. Davis had 18. Trace jackson of indiana, he led everybody with 31 points including this alleyoop. And stanford now out on the east coast searching for an opponent. Their next scheduled three games were postponed or actually canceled because, you got it, covid concerns. So they need somebody to play out there. Weve got it. Are you ready for some wednesday night football . Pretty sure thats the first time ive ever said that. But because of covid concerns, of course, we have the ravens and the steelers on a wednesday night. Lamar jackson out for baltimore, against the undefeated steelers, and Robert Griffin iii in his stead. He is picked by joey martin, a pick six. They miss the point a after, dividend the steelers, so its a 60 lead. Fourth quarter, ben roethlisberger, a little flick to just just smith. 1914 steelers. 110 for the first type since the panthers started their season back in 2015 140. One of the great olympic champions of all time, and not to mention one of the great humanitarians has died. Rayed for johnson has passed away down in southern california. Most remembered for his performance in the 1960 olympics in rome. He won the decathlon in a hair raising finish for the gold, but the olympic feats just a small part of the story for him. He work in order peace corps and headed what we know today, he actually helped found the Special Olympics in our country. Rayford johnson was 86 years of age. And out of ucla, southern california, one of our great athletes. Ask thats the sporting live for right now, guys. Back to you. Alex, were having some trouble with julies audio, but, yeah, what a great guy. Well see you tonight at 10 00. Take care, everyone. Good night. Hydrogen. Carbon. Carbon. And last but not least, carbon. This might be the glue talking, but that was a very pleasurable 139 and a half hours. Agreed. What kind of dna is this, anyway . I was trying to design the genetic code of an advanced race of human being. One of my rare failures, actually. What went wrong . The balls kept sticking to my pants. Lets just let it dry. Hi. Hello. Hey, babe. Oh, dont slam the. Dont slam the. gasps that was exhilarating. You pick up your dresses . Amy yep. The tailor had to take mine in and let pennys out. Best day of my life. What about the day you met me . I stand by my statement. Well, thank you guys so much for the clothes and the shoes, the plane tickets. Youve been so generous. Well, its important that all of our friends get to share this moment with us. And then for years to come, you can tell others you had a frontrow seat to history. Although, technically, i think your seats are in the second row. Do you want to go back to the apartment and see me try on my dress . Shouldnt i see it for the first time at the nobel ceremony . Its not a wedding. Okay. Well, give me a minute to think of another reason i dont want to see it. How about this you can practice your acceptance speech while i try on the dress. Ah, great. You can help me whittle it down to 90 minutes. Was amy suspicious when they had to let your dress out . No. She was so happy, she didnt even question it. Someones gonna figure it out. Why dont we just tell people . No, its too early. I havent even wrapped my head around it. I have. My head is wrapped. Yeah, well. If Something Else had been wrapped, we wouldnt be in this situation. Excuse me, but if i recall, youre the one who went out drinking with sheldon, then came home and attacked me. Attacked you . I said, do you wanna

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