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Threatened to impose tariffs on the Central American country. And concerns over severe ice melts in greenland, as europes recordbreaking heat wave moves north. Reporter in sport, a freak hailstorm. Also abandon fridays estate 30 kilometers from the finish. Anchor hello. The uns human rights chiefs condemns what she calls International Indifference to the rising death toll in syrias rebel held province. Michelle says those targeting civilians should be charged with war crimes, this as human Rights Groups say more children have been killed in the middle of this month than all of 2018. The past 10 days have been particularly violent. During that time, the United Nations says at least 104 civilians have been killed in airstrikes. Of those deaths, 27 were children. The u. S. Blames the Syrian Government and its allies. Hospitals, markets, and businesses have been hit. With the frequency of the attacks, it was unlikely they were struck by accident. 400,000 civilians were displaced in the past three months. On a report thats disturbing. Reporter they are images that have shocked many, but these tragedies are happening every day in northwest syria, where the government assault is in its third month. Desperately trying to save his daughters as they dangle from the edge of a building, destroyed in the syrian or russian airstrike. This fiveyearold held onto her sister for as long as she could. But then they fell to the ground. One of them died. The other struggled, and later passed away. The high number of People Killed and injured, particularly children, reflects the scale of the humanitarian situation. There have been at least 800 civilian deaths, 200 of them children. In the past month, at least 33 children were killed, according to save the children, more than all of 2018. Targeted andeing most of all, its the places they live in that are being hit, marketplaces, hospitals, medical facilities. No one and nothing is safe anymore and idlib. Reporter these scenes have become all too familiar. Rescue workers dig for hours to find survivors and remove the dead. Schools, hospitals, and Health Facilities are protected under International Humanitarian law. Theyre meant to be spared and yet they are being impacted more than anything else. So, there has to be outrage. Reporter the latest offensive is no different than previous ones. They are carried out with impunity and little accountability. Letter, asking him to protect the lives of civilians. The European Union says attacks on critical civilian infrastructure must stop. The United States and the u. K. Renewed calls for a ceasefire and idlib, but the International Community has not been backed with action. The bombardment hasnt stopped. Its intensifying. The u. N. Describes it as a worsening nightmare for the civilians. They are not players in this conflict. But rights activists say they are being targeted. Rupert is the spokesman for the high commissioner for human rights. He says Syrian Government airstrikes are relentless and indiscriminate. We are definitely seeing a military escalation, in general, but particularly from the Government Forces and their allies for the past three months or so. And just in the past two weeks, i would say its escalated even further with daily attacks and multiple attacks daily. Over and above what we were talking about this morning, we were hearing of more airstrikes last night and some early today, as well. Its ongoing, its relentless, and the people suffering most of all are not the fighters on either side. Its the civilians caught between them. Just in the past 10 days alone, we know 10 different locations hit by airstrikes, some of them more than once, several times over. There have been civilian casualties. There have been other strikes where there havent been casualties. The strikes are long two main andt heyrelib, essentially civilian areas, so civilians have nowhere to go. And bombs are falling in market squares, in bakeries and so on. Anchor the white issue of children in the conflict zone is the subject of a new report at the United Nations. For now, that report is being given to the 15 member state of the Security Council. Al jazeera obtained a copy and james has been reading it. Whats in it . Well, this is the children in Armed Conflict report, always grim reading. This covers the events of 2018. In recent years, this has become a political hot potato. Countries do not want to be mentioned in this report as countries that are responsible for killing or injuring children. In recent years, a lot of the focus has been on israel and on saudi arabia. And i think when you look at those two countries in this report, you then have to question whether there has been political pressure behind the scenes because the report says that the highest number of palestinian children, 59 died in 2018, the highest for five years killed by israeli forces. And yet when you get to the end of the report, the really damning bit, the bit where theres a blacklist, you find the Israeli Military is not listed among all the other governments and groups responsible for killing and injuring children. When it comes to the situation of the Saudi Led Coalition in yemen, they are listed, but under a part b, annex b of the list, which says listed parties put in place measures aimed at improving the protection of children. This will be the third time that the Saudi Led Coalition has been put in this second list, this list that says they are killing children, but they are doing things trying not to kill children. You do wonder whether you can keep putting the Saudi Led Coalition in that list if they are still responsible for the deaths of children in yemen. For the secretarygeneral, mandated by the Security Council this isce this report, a difficult issue. And in the past, certainly saudi arabia threatened to pull funding from the United Nations. So once again, we have political controversy surrounding this very important list of children dying all over the world. Anchor james out of the u. N. , thank you. Libyas coast guard says its recovered the bodies of dozens of refugees and migrants and what the u. N. Described as the worst mediterranean tragedy this year. As many as 350 migrants were on board the boats that capsized east of tripoli on thursday. About 145 were rescued by the libyan coast guard, around 120 others, including women and children, are missing and feared dead. They are calling for immediate change in the way the waters are patrolled. The secretarygeneral is deeply saddened by the news that some 150 migrants and children lost the lives after the boats they were in capsized off the coast in july. Children and pregnant women are among missing. Hes also concerned that many survivors were placed in the migrant detention center, which is close to a military facility, and was hit by an airstrike on the second of july, that resulted in more than 50 deaths. The secretarygeneral reiterates libya is not a safe country of asylum and refugees must be treated with dignity and respect, and in accordance with international law. Anchor and coming up from london, a dire warning about the Worlds Largest rain forest. Brazils amazon is being cleared so fast, it may never be recovered recover. They are awarded 350 million in compensation. And in support, have refugees from afghanistan or helping to build the sport of cricket in freedom. But first, north koreas economy shrank as it was battered by sanctions of drought, the worst contraction in more than two decades according to figures compiled by south koreas central bank. They were meant to start north koreas program, but pyongyang tested a new missile, saying it was a warning to south korea. Provide the figures the starkest evidence yet as has sanctions against north korea are hurting it, economically. Last year, the economy contracted by 4. 1 . Thats on top of a 3. 5 contraction the year before at the height of the nuclear and missile testing crisis, when the tougher sanctions were introduced. Compare that with 2016, when the north korean economy grew nearly 4 , better than even south korea in the same year. Figures released earlier this month also show how sanctions have cut north koreas trade with its neighbors by nearly have, with a staggering 86 drop in exports. Especially affected has been its mining sector, with a complete ban on one of its biggest exports, coal. It shows to the extent which kim jongun to develop his countrys economy rather than the military is being frustrated. But state run media is reporting thursdays launch was overseen personally by kim, and the missiles were a new type of guided weapon, much harder for antimissile systems to detect and intercept. The north says they were a warning to the warmongers of south korea, but not to jeopardize the chance of a further summit with u. S. President donald trump. President trump they havent done nuclear testing. They really havent tested metals missiles other than slower ones, which is something that lots test. Reporter kim seems to be following the same strategy of using his countrys advances in military technology to build pressure for crippling sanctions to eventually be lifted. Rob mcbride, al jazeera, seoul. Anchor its workingclass people most affected by those sanctions. The burden of pain is very uneven. I suppose the first thing to say is the missile program, the weapons of mass destruction, the testing weve seen. Resources for that are fine. The elite in pyongyang, the capital, something of a this is a very strange disconnect and a puzzle for us to analyze. You cant see the hurting there, so the burden is being born in the countryside by ordinary people. Workers, minors, are suffering a lot. And farmers. The regime doesnt care much about them. We do know how they are hurting. The idea that sanctions will bring north korea to the conference table, i think, is sadly untrue. If they are talking, its for other reasons. So a mixed picture, but definitely suffering. Anchor seven days of mourning for its late resident, desolate president , who president , who died late thursday. The state funeral is expected to take place saturday. Debbie has more from carthage. Is being the body taken back to his official residence in carthage, as tributes to his role in establishing micro c followed in his wake democracy followed in his wake. Emmanuel macron and Angela Merkel praised him for his courage. A new phase in the government is now underway. The speaker of parliament sworn into serve temporarily as the countrys president. People take over for up to 90 days while elections organized. I swear by god almighty to protect the independence of tunisia and the safety of its land, to respect constitution of law and protect peoples interest and be loyal to tunisia. Reporter the vacant post for the countrys leader could spark a power struggle among the political parties. There are multiple candidates who are considered to be popular and strong, but also controversial, who have been running the elections from parliament. This law is not signed by him before he passed away, and we will hear more about this controversy in the next couple of days. Reporter the president spent the last few weeks of his life in and out of hospital. He was a leading figure in what was known as the arab spring uprising. As per minister and tunisias first democratically elected president , he helped draft a new constitution, guaranteeing freedom of speech. s accomplishments were often overshadowed a weak economy and high unemployment rate. He started his mission on a positive note and finished it the same way. May he rest in peace. He was a good man who served his country. No one did that before him. No one. We hope the next president will be even better. We hope our country will be stable and safe. We have some terrorism, but the country doesnt blame him. Reporter seven days of mourning have been declared as the country honors its fallen president. No front runner has emerged amongst the candidates, who said they will be standing in the president ial elections in september. But all shades of the political spectrum here are united in wanting one thing, both a stable and a smooth transition of power. Hundreds of algerians marched through cities for the 23rd consecutive week in protest agaiainst the government. The president resigned after 20 years in power, the demonstrators were pushing for greater change to the countrys ruling elite. President ial elections are planned for earlier this month, canceled because of a lack of candidates. Announcedm president on thursday a special panel anld meet over plans to hold election as soon as possible. Palestinian protesters clashed with israeli civilian forces. It follows the demolition of almost 100 palestinian homes on monday. The homeowners lost a seven year illegal battle to overturn an eviction order. Several human rights organizations criticized the demolition. Reporter just a few moments ago, the prayers here and it and the violence began ended and the violence began. It started when protesters started to make their way down, carrying palestinian flags. The groupon this side of the fence started to make their way toward the fence to meet the opposing group in the middle. As the Security Forces came down and attempted to stop the protesters from throwing rocks and stones into the road, the number of rocks began to increase. We saw teargas being fired further up the hill. The whole process of the demolitions have been provocative since monday, houses here were destroyed by the Israeli Military. And there has been a tremendous concern that what have up until now, been peaceful protests against these demonstrations, will turn into a situation like this. U. S. President donald trump accused his french counterpart of foolishness over a Digital Services tax. Trump tweeted he will announce substantial reciprocal action on french wine. Frances 3 digital tax is to be levied on sales of multinational firms like google. Donald trump says it unfairly targets u. S. Tech giants. U. S. And guatemala signed an agreement to restrict applications from central america. It comes days after donald trump threatened to impose tariffs on the Central American country if it agreed to the deal. The u. S. Has been struggling to send migrants trying to cross its southern border. President trump we are now at a point where we are we just get along. And theyre doing what weve asked them to do. And i think its going to be a great thing for guatemala. They dont want these problems either. So we were able to get these done and we got it done fairly quickly. I would say that guatemala is definitely clear on the responsibility that it has. We are clear that we have to make changes. And the way to do it is working together with our best ally. Thats what were showing here today, and we are definitely committed to improving what we have. Anchor al jazeera is reporter is live covering this. What do we think this agreement is actually going to achieve . Reporter its really unclear. In the end, it might just boil down to a photo op to a president who has been tough on this issue. What he says they signed is a safe third country. That would mean if anybody from el salvador or honduras traveled through guatemala inserts for asylum in the United States, they would first have to apply for asylum in guatemala. Only if they were denied could they apply for asylum in the United States. Not clear how this would play out, this was supposed to be signed before and the Constitutional Court in guatemala said the president of guatemala couldnt sign it. The secretary from guatemala in the Oval Office Said that was really procedural and they cleared that up. But its not clear the guatemalan president and his representatives have the authority to actually sign this measure. For the president , hes allowed to say look, its a victory. Were continuing to close down the southern border. Thats important to his core supporters. Whether it goes into effect remains to be seen. Anchor it doesnt appear but amal had much choice in this. Reporter no, guatemalas economy is complete dependent on the United States. The president said he would do more legal leases for farmworkers visas for farmworkers. The president initiated this it. Cy, said he was changing anyone who shows up at the border has to apply for asylum in the first country that they entered. A federal court in california, like most of the immigration decisions, said no, you cant do that. Congress specifically has the authority to make these regulations. Guatemala. Said you showed me no evidence that guatemala is a safe country that can provide the necessary support for these refugees that are seeking asylum. He said until you can show me guatemala can handle it, youre not going to get this authority. Its blocked in guatemala. Its blocked in the u. S. The president has his photo op. It was unexpected. He said we are doing something on the southern border. Unless the courts change their mind, i dont think its clear this happened. Anchor patty with the latest from washington, thank you. Meanwhile, trump has spoken with the Prime Minister rutte boris johnson, and said the two are working on a post brexit trade agreement. They meet at the summit next month. Johnson has been urging eu leaders to abolish the backstop in any new brexit agreement. It is a most contentious part of the brexit agreement, and one of the reasons it hasnt been approved by the u. K. Parliament. More than three football fields a minute. That is the rate of deforestation now hitting the brazilian amazon. The Worlds Largest rain forest is being destroyed at a pace from which it may never recover. 1,345 square kilometers of rain forest have been cleared so far this month, mostly for farmland. That is nearly the size of london. A third of all pristine rain forests have been cut down or burned. That includes places where tribes of people have cared for the land for centuries. The elephant could now become a savanna. Brazils president has moved fast to dismantle environmental regulation, cutting budgets and giving more power to minors. All this can affect the trade deal with the European Union. Its not yet been ratified and commits both sides to slowing deforestation. Coordinator for an environment or social Justice Organization said some positive steps are being taken to protect the amazon. This week on tuesday, the eu published an action plan, opening the door to regulatory measures that would set standards on eu imports to be sure they are not contributing to forest decoration. If the eu is not going to impose its standards, but the eu has to respond to the increasing concern among the impact their consumption is having on forests and the people that depend on those forests. With this communication, with this action plan, it shows the eu is, for the first time, willing to bring in new options that can be regulatory that would ensure products that are being placed on the eu market from countries such as brazil would not be linked to human rights abuses or deforestation. Smashedthe hot air that temperature records in europe appears to be moving toward greenland, where it could cause record levels of melting. Covers 80 ce sheet of the territory and is the second largest in the world. But its been losing ice at an accelerating pace since the turn of the century, four times the rate of 2003. There are fears this heat could break that record. The extent of the mall in june has been four times the average between 1981 and 2010. This month alone, greenland has lost 160 billion tons of ice through surface melting, roughly 64 million olympicsized swimming pools. Why should we worry . The total volume of the ice sheet is 2. 9 million kilometers. If all of that eventually melts, it will raise global sea levels by seven meters, devastating most of the worlds coastal cities. For more on this, im joined by hannah cloak, a natural hazard researcher. Thanks for being with us. Perhaps you can start by explaining what we mean by surfacemount. Is that the only way surfacemount. Is that the only way greenland loses its ice . It comes from hot air in the atmosphere. Were getting a lot lost that way. Its very concerning the amount were talking about. Anchor how do we know Climate Change is at least partly responsible for whats happening in greenland . So, the hot temperatures weve seen in europe, there are very hot indeed, very worrying, we can relate this directly to Climate Change because heat waves are really easy to link because its about temperature. Its about heat in the atmosphere. And its about the mean temperature. [inaudible] very, very high temperatures. Thats very easy to link. Where is like flood or windstorms are not as easy to relate because they are more come look at it. Anchor is greenlands ice sheet actually under threat . Is it possible to have any estimate of how long it actually has . Theres lots of things we dont know about the melting. Its very concerning, the rate of melting. When you see this year after year, we really do need to start to worry about whats happening. And because the melting can influence so many things around our planet, it can raise sea levels and the connections we get across the planet and both the atmosphere and also the ocean. I think we need to be concerned. Anchor and are we expecting is there a prediction the heat waves weve been seeing there will be more of those, which can move further north and affect greenland . Without a doubt, were seeing more heat waves now. And we know that our climate is going to get warmer, so were expecting more prolonged heat waves, more extreme heat waves in the future. Many of them may travel north. We might get more of this melting again. Anchor so much to talk about now, and it is a hot topic, excuse the pun, but what more should we be doing to stop the changes were seeing happening . Or is it a slow process . Theres definitely some things we cant stop now. Were on a trajectory thats very worrying. We will see more heat waves. But theres definitely things we can do now. We can think about stopping omissions. We can think about protecting our rain forests, which is a really important part of the planet, keeping rain forests stable. There are practical things we can do with the right political will. Anchor you just mentioned the rain forest. The Previous Report we were talking about was the fact deforestation is happening at an immense scale, particularly in brazil, in the amazon forest. How concerned are you about that . Extremely concerned. The rate is so fast that i dont think we can quite go back from that. There is nothing really we can do to repair it in the same amount of time that were losing it. Its extremely concerning. Anchor really good to get your thoughts. Thanks so much for joining us. Plenty more still to come on this news hour, including meeting the americans defining the high cost of prescription drugs by crossing the border into canada. And one of the biggest producers hoping to clean up its act. And the south korean gulf making a big move towards her first major title. Meteorologist the weekend promises to bring much cooler weather. Mostly clear skies. Its at across the west. The clout has been bringing rain, but also bringing in much cooler air. Temperatures much lower. Temperatures in london and paris a little bit below the average. Meanwhile, a warm day in europe. Youll notice madrid, 28 on saturday. That is 1010 degrees belowow whe hahave seen the last seveveral. Sunday, temperatures across the eastern areas are beginning to warm up. Warsaw, yourur high of 3 34 deg, nine degrees above the average this time of year. And that rain pushing steadily toward the east. Aa slight improvement on those temperatures in london and paris, both up 23 degrees. Madrid is warmer with a high of 30 degrees celsius. Northern africa is dry. No sign of rain here. Temperatures typical for this time of year. Certainly a warm day, with a high of 36, 31 in tripoli. Some onshore breezes. As we head into sunday, not a great deal of change. Anchor hello again and a reminder of the top stories. An increasing number of children are being killed as syrian and Russian Warplanes Bombed idlib. Thats more than all of 2018. Libyas coast guard says its recovered the bodies of dozens of refugees and migrants who died in what the u. S. Describe as the worst mediterranean tragedy this year. Around 120 others, including women and children, are missing, feared dead. And the hot air that smashed records in europe appears to be moving towards greenland. It is causing record changes in melting and a could cause sea levels to rise even further. Beenast two people have killed by fighters in northeastern nigerian. The gunmen attacked one of the biggest camps of displaced people thursday. They shot at soldiers at a nearby military base, entered the camp, set fire to tense and rated food supplies. We have more. Attack came amid continuing efforts from nigeria as they stepped up their approaches against boko haram, especially those affiliated with ice. Were seeing such daring attacks becoming so rare over the past six months or so across the northeast of nigeria. However, boko haram has never completely disappeared. They have continued their operations of abductions, but abductions also have been the tool of trade of boko haram for a long time, long before they were taken from the school in 2014. Girls were taken from several schools in towns and cities across the state. Boko haram is still active in parts of northeastern nigeria. Despite claims by the presidency that they have been defeated. And we will expect to see more of such desperate attacks by boko haram in the coming months or so as the military stepped up operations against it. One thing that came out of the attack on thursday night was that they rated the camp and took away food items meant for displaced persons, which signifies that the operations to curtail supply of food items and other logistics to boko haram may be working, forcing them to take such daring actions of reading places that are considered too dangerous for them for food and other materials. Anchor hundreds of activists took over the main terminal of hong kongs airport friday as they continued their call for greater democracy. Again, hong kongs leader, crowds gathered to share their message with international visitors. They are angry at the influence on Hong Kong Affairs and the governments response to the protests. Demonstrations began in march. Indias top court could allow millions of home workers access to government benefits. The Supreme Court called that a garment firm must pay pensions to workers who work from home. They could affect millions of women not given employee status. The Garment Industry employs over 12 million in factories, but millions more work from home. They get little to no benefits from employees and have no avenue to seek help for unfair conditions. There is optimism in the kurdish region of northern iran, where the economy is improving. Unemployment level is dropping and the government pledged to repay 10 billion owed to Public Sector workers. We have more. We first met the Hussein Ishmael family last year, they were worrying about how they would pay their bills each month after their salaries were slashed. He works for the government and she teaches. The government owes them even more money, 15,000 in unpaid wages. But at least now, theyre getting paid their full salaries. We still feel insecure. Were getting our full salaries now, but we cant be sure that will be the case next month. Reporter there are 1. 4 Million People working for the government and Public Sector in this mar thomas new region semi autonomous region of northern iraq. Thats when the war with ice will begin, the price of oil plummeted, and the federal government in baghdad cut budget payments to the Kurdish Regional government. Austerity measures were implemented and workers paid the price with reduced salaries. The dispute has been resolved. The new Prime Minister who came to power this year says the estimated 10 billion thats owed to Public Sector employees will be paid, although hes not given a timeframe. The government says unemployment 9 pped from 14 in 2016 to so far this year. There is more confidence among people like is this man kemal. He develops residential and commercial buildings. He says when isil began terrorizing the region, he was forced to put 20 of his Construction Projects on hold. 14 milliontween and 16 million. Now i have a belief with the stability of the situation, the wheels of the economy will be back on track. Well earn money again and business will be fine. Reporter with the freedom to meet minimum expansions, they are focusing on the future of their family. We have plans. The first one is to visit the doctor so we can pay for fertility treatments to have a second child. If we keep getting our salaries as we are now, well be able to fulfill our dreams. Reporter for their daughter, the hope of having a sibling to play with cant come quickly enough. Natasha contain, al jazeera. Anchor thousands of South African minors who are suffering from potentially deadly diseases have breached a historic legal settlement worth 350 million. Mineclass action lawsuit, workers sued. Many afflicted by lung disease or other illnesses as a result of their work. Six of the companies accepted a deal, improved by a court in johannesburg. Up to 100,000 minors could benefit. Onuman rights lawyer working the case for many years says the courts decision is a landmark in the history of minors rights in south africa. Well, it was received a few years ago and the Constitutional Court for the first time, affirmed the right of mine workers suffering from occupational land diseases to take civil action to Institute Proceedings against the employers. Before then, there was no such right in south africa and there was no civil accountability on the part of employers towards workman who suffered from occupational diseases. So that was the big breakthrough in 2011. On but the last 7, 8 years have been states litigating against the mining companies. And the last several years, in parallel with the litigation process, a state of negotiations that culminated in the settlement that was approved today. Anchor the u. S. Government is investigating the rising costs of prescription drugs. High prices for essential medication have become a rare bipartisan issue with both democrats and republicans demanding changes. Our White House Correspondent has more from fridays congressional hearing. Reporter lawmakers on capitol hill debating how to combat the rise of rising drug prices crisis that exists in the United States. While all agree this is becoming an escalating crisis for ordinary americans, one that often comes down to lifeanddeath, the difference is how to resolve it. Democrats say the answer is socialized medicine, where there are negotiations with Drug Companies to keep prices low. Conservative republicans say that is not the answer. Whats needed is to reform the patent system, preserving what they see as important for research and scientific development, and that is competition. Patients say they dont care what the solution is. They just want to see one as soon as possible. For many, including this cancer patient, it is literally an issue of life and death. Every two weeks, i spent half a day at a clinic getting an infusion of drugs that are currently priced, annually, at 650,000. I relapsed twice and unfortunately, im feeling on this current drug regime. Eventually im going to run out of options. So the importance of innovation is not theoretical for me. Its literally life and death. But my experience as a patient, one fact. Drugs dont work if people cant afford them. Anchor this will be something debated hotly on the campaign trail. Not just by the democratic president ial candidates, but also donald trump, as they approach the election for 2020. Anchor the increasing cost of prescription drugs have seen many diabetics and others needing longterm treatments to buy medication in canada, where its cheaper. Or hopinghe caravan to drive attention to their burden. Our correspondent followed one of the groups across the border. Look whos here. [applause] reporter this activist shares the good news with fellow u. S. Diabetics. A drug that they need to survive is available at the local Walmart Store for less than a 10th of what they would pay in the United States. There caravan crossed three u. S. States to make a purchase. I decided to bring this today because it kind of shows what my everyday life with diabetes looks like. This is basically one or two months of survival for me. Reporter also along for the ride, nicole smith holt, who doesnt have the disease, but is here for a special and personal reason. I am part of this caravan and memory of my son, alex smith, who passed away on june 27, 2017, from diabetic ketoacidosis as a result of rationing because he could not afford it. Reporter the group came to canada to buy medicine, but this is a gesture to medical leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. The price is so high, one in four have to ration the insulin they can afford, putting their lives in danger. We need a longterm solution. This isnt the solution. This isnt the fix to whats going on in america, but its temporary. Reporter prices are regulated by a government appointed body. Organizers say that should happen in the u. S. , too. We are from a developed country. We are from a great country. The lee are not taking care of our citizens. Reporter after buying the drug, they come to the home of frederick, who came up with the idea that came up with manmade insulin. Dollar,the patent for a intending get never be used for profit. But that hasnt happened, and diabetics said its time to honor the wishes of a man who tried to make sure they could survive a disease that used to be a death sentence. Anchor South African businesses started paying a new carbon tax aimed at fighting carbon Climate Change. The first of its kind in africa force hopes to force harmful emissions. From the more province. Is one ofsouth Africa Africas most robust economies. It relies on coal, a dirty fossil feel, to produce electricity. They released dangerous Carbon Emissions every day into the atmosphere. The government introduced a carbon tax law earlier this month, requiring big polluting companies to pay tax each time they emit greenhouse gases. Those in favor hope it will be enough of a deterrent. The more that they pollute, theres a concoction of pollutants in the atmosphere. The message they are getting that they should do things responsibly. Reporter south africas emissions amount to 8. 9 tons every year, the highest in the developing world. Its ranked among the Dirtiest Energy producers in the world, number 16 on the global emissions list. They signed the paris climate reduce and pledged to them. But where they unplug it right is more than 27 , carbon taxes are antigrowth, antijobs, and antiinvestment. The problem is Cost Increases and the uncertainty around how the tax will be applied, because the carbon budget regulations have not been published, and neither has the Carbon Offset regulations. Reporter it could still be years before africa sees a significant reduction in carbon reductions, and thats only if it proves to be effective. South africans say the money must be used to benefit the poor communities by helping pay for programs that provide cleaner and safer energy for low income households. People living in the power stations are concerned about their health. In one of millions of South Africans employed who do not have access. He said his family can cook and keep warm and whisper in winter. Thats making us sick, but we have to live with it. What else can we do . Reporter until coal is replaced by Greener Energy sources, mining committees will breathe polluted air everyday. Still ahead on the program, the latest twist on what has been a disappointing season. This formula one driver. Anchor hello again. Now time for sports with andy. Andy thank you so much. You can but now could become columbias first Tour De France champion. Hes the 19th of stage dramatically cut short. It was cut of 30 kilometers from the finish when i hailstorm triggered a landslide that blocked the road. This is how teams were alerted by race organizers. Very important message. Due to very bad weather conditions, the hail, we are forced to stop the state. [indiscernible] please let your writers know. Riders know. Reporter organizers have already made the decision to shorten the last day to 59 kilometers. They will take a 48 second lead into the stage. The tour will be decided by a 23. 5 kilometer time trial up the final climb to the summit finish. Of of the alltime greats cricket has signed off his Oneday International career in style after 15 years and more than 300 wickets. Still have the energy to produce one more match winning performance, the 35yearold adding three dismissals to his tally, as sri lanka beat angle bangladesh. He has decided to carry on playing. The first test match against england turned into a nightmare. They were bombed out for 38 in the second inning to lose at 143 runs. They required 182 to win, but they were blown away, taking six of 17. It doesnt happen every week. We can take a lot from that and actually look back and reflect on it and be disappointed, but still enjoy the moment of being together and how we fought together the last few days. Its been a great effort. Andy anglin turns their attention to the series against australians. The recalled Cameron Bancroft for the First Time Since hes been banned for ball tampering. Steve smith and david warner also set to play their first test after serving yearlong suspensions for their role in the scandal. Theyre welcome back with open arms, theres no doubt about it. Steve smith and dave warner, very, very good cricketers, worldclass players. Obviously, it was natural we include them. And Cameron Bancroft has had a good summer, playing county cricket. Andy believe it or not, cricket is the Fastest Growing sport in sweden. Popularity is driven by migrants across asia. And the sport is helping refugees from afghanistan integrate into their new home. Reporter the new world champions may be england, but nowhere has a eager influence of global cricket than the subcontinent. They have been the catalyst in sweden, where cricket is the Fastest Growing sport. From a dozen or so clubs five years ago, there are now more than 70 with the scandinavian second and third generations ready to swedens 4000 players. But one of the newest contenders is responsible for the big spike in numbers. Were barelysters into their teens when they arrived among 160,000 refugees four years ago. They, and hundreds of others, someonend a home, with with a passport. I remember when i first came to sweden, i said to myself i didnt have my friends and family and all that, and i didnt know about cricket. There is actually a game of cricket in sweden. Being here together with many people, you feel like home. You feel like you are with your family, with your brothers, your sisters. To play with cricket in sweden and to present the country itself, its going to be a very great honor for me. Reporter these sessions are run by swedens hundred 19 coach, enjoying a boost to the talent at his disposal. This is crucial not only to the under 19s, but the future of cricket in sweden, largely due to the influx in refugees through pakistan and afghanistan. There is a massive contribution to cricket. Reporter for the players, a chance to break through social boundaries and speak their already fluent speed dish swedish. Cricket has been in sweden for a long time, but there havent been as many clubs. Its not easy to go up to a sweet and Start Talking in the streets. But they can approach us and be part of the team. Its much easier for everyone. Reporter there is a wider purpose, following the antiimmigrant programs in washington. The Mass Immigration hardened aptitudes in sweden, with those on the right complaining refugees are failing to integrate. But for many immigrants, this most unswedish of sports is helping them do just that. Paul reese, al jazeera. Y south korea has a oneshot lead at the south stage in france. This is the fourth major in the year on the womens tour. They moved to 10 under. Shes aiming for the first major title of her career. In good shape ahead of the grand prix in germany. She let a 12 for the italian team at the circuit. Ferrari get to win a race this season. Mercedes was third fastest. Here did little dust. Did little took while his speculation. That clashed the latest twist in his disappointing season. Ok, that is how sport is looking for now. Lets get back to felicity in london. Anchor thats about it from may and the Newshour Team here in london. Dont go far away, though. Were back with more and a couple minutes time. See you then

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