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The election of joe biden as president of the United States and Kamala Harris as the first woman and black and Asian American Vice President of the United States. Doesnt that just feel good . President biden, Vice President harris. You are looking live at the scene at 1600 black lives matter plaza in washington, d. C. Celebrations have been busting loose all day following the eviction notice to the current resident, donald trump. As they have in cities all across the country, from atlanta to Kamala Harris hometown of oakland, california, and of course in philadelphia, where voters propelled joe biden to victory today, putting him over the top with the 270 Electoral College votes necessary to be declared the president elect. Tomorrows New York Times front page says it all. After record turnout, Donald Trumps chaotic term is coming to an end. Just two hours from now, well hear from the Golden Ticket joe biden and Kamala Harris in wilmington, delaware. This is going to be a hot city, for their first joint appearance as president elect and Vice President elect of the United States. Joining me now mike memoli who is covering president elect biden in delaware. The biden whisperer, they call you, mike. I want to know everything he is thinking, everything he is going to do and everything he is going to say tonight. Thats an easy answer. Joy, you know whats interesting is yesterday there was so much frustration, so much anticipation about a call on the part of the biden team. I think actually in the end, the way this has all played out today has really been a much better scenario for based on my conversations with everybody and around biden world, im told that the former Vice President , the president elect, im going have to get used to preferring to him as the president elect. The muscle memory of saying former Vice President. He was actually enjoying what was a beautiful late fall morning when all of the sudden you hear just a raucous cheers from inside his home. His grandchildren and children were watching television at the moment that the projection came in. They came out and said poppop, we won. And they had a good family moment. He spent a lot of the rest of the day calling some friends, some longtime allies, really relishing this moment. I spoke with his sister valerie, who was his Campaign Manager for his very First Campaign for the United States senate, which he won 50 years ago tonight. She says his passion, his commitment then is just as much as it is now. The issues he is fighting for are also the same. What were going to Police Department to hear from him tonight is very much of course the themes that he launched his candidacy on. The idea of unifying the country, of restoring the middle class, and yes, of restoring the soul of the nation. And to that point, i think is also a really Important Note that Vice President elect harris is also speaking tonight. I was with joe biden on Election Night in 2008 when he became Vice President , and then in 2012 when he won a second term as Vice President. He did not speak either of those nights. The choice to have senator harris, Vice President elect harris speak tonight is a conscious one that came from him. As his sister told me, he is very proud of the history that she is making and the role he had in his as well. But of course joy, the work ahead of them is already coming clear. I already spoke with congressman clyburn, the man who really helped make this moment possible. He says he already has some marching orders for the president elect. He wants to see him take action on the pandemic, but he also, interestingly, says he wants to see him announce a commission within his first year in office to make recommendations to change the things about the 1994 crime bill that he says were deeply flawed and has had some serious consequences. Clyburn said he doesnt necessarily want a role in the Biden Administration himself, although he said if the president asked him to serve, he would consider it. He talked about wanting to see Cedric Richmond have a prominent role. So the celebrations very clearly happening under way, but also the work of planning the next administration also first and forefront on the minds of all those around. Mike memoli, i dont think anyone knows more about Joseph Robinette biden than mike memoli. Thank you very much. Always appreciate talking with you. Nbcs Yasmin Vossoughian is here on the streets of new york. I was where you were a few hours ago when that thing started breaking out. I was pretty tremendous. You have picked it up where i left off with my cell phone. You got a real camera. Tell me whats going on out there. What are folks saying in trumps hometown . Joy, i can only hear every other word you were saying, my friend. But if you were here, you should have come and said hello. You werent there yet. Were going try and experiment on live tv. I know thats not a good thing and everyone is probably freaking out hearing me do this. I want to talk to folks in a car. Here is what is happening. Youre seeing thousands of folks in times square and youre seeing cars coming down through times square, honking their horns, celebrating the election of joe biden. How are you guys doing today . Were doing amazing. Were feeling very much so biden. How do you feel about the fact that black americans helped deliver this election this year . I feel like for the first time, we actually stood up together as one, my brothers and sisters. We did this together. It wouldnt be accomplished without us, us, not i, us. What does it mean to see a black woman in the white house . What does it mean to see a black woman in the white house . Weve been waiting for this for a long time. Hell yeah. The youth did this. We did this. And then you have the guy, i think we all know where he is coming from. I want to talk to a couple other folks, joy, if youll hang with me for a moment, because we do have a lot of people here who want the share their opinions. Its not normal for so many people to want to talk to us when were out in the streets here. But lot of people do actually want to talk to us. Okay. Hi, guys. How you . Thanks for joining me. So talk to me about how youre feeling today. Awesome, awesome. Excited, cloud has lifted. Its like a breath of fresh air after all this covid mess. Were there. Man, im so happy. Congratulations congratulations, biden, Kamala Harris. Everyone is happy. Out here to celebrate. Were excited and psyched. Its amazing. We cant believe it, that this happened. Hes from alabama and im from new york, and im military. I love this. This is great, great, great, great. Im not sure if youre actually able the hear talking to these folks. There is a lot of smoke now coming out of this car that is revving up its engine. I apologize for that. Im going to try to get one more interview in. I do want to mention Howard University alum right here. Me too you go how are you . Thank you, yasmin. Were going to pull away from yasmin. She cant hear me anyway. But you cant see me waving. But thank you, maam. We really appreciate you being out there. And nyc. The host, the woman, the host of the rachel mad maddow show. Im not this far away from you. Im this far. Far. Joy, you look fantastic. You are youre aglow. I can see from here, not looking through the screen. You are nuclearpowered, joy reid, right now. You could light up a small country. This is called sleep deprivati deprivation. Ive stayed up for 447 days waiting for this election to be over. And so have you. Okay, rachel. First of all, we miss you terribly. I wish that we had nicolle in a third box, because now i feel like the three of us are bonded for life. I know. I love covering this election with you and all the debates and everything. So i want to first big you up. You are amazing. You are like a machine of information. I cheat off your paper. No, dont you think, though, that were going to need we are going to need to fake some debates or something. Were going to need to gin up some reason for us to pull the power trio again. A thousand percent. Were going to figure out something. Some crisis. You know donald trump never lets us down. He got to come up with something. So lets talk about this. This was the thing that weve been going through with the brilliant steve kornacki, who the thirst for him on this phone, i wont answer them anymore. I cant give nobody his number, and neither can rachel. Stop asking us. What he was doing as he walked us through this sort of minutia of trying to get to 270, do you think in the end that process sort of was a Civic Engagement exercise that helped people to accept this moment or made maybe it harder for people when the moment got here to accept . It was another thing that just went differently when we were in it than ipayed when it happened. Before we got into the election, i heard you do it on your show. I did it on my show. Everyone who was paying attention was saying this not going to be Election Night. Its going to be election week or maybe election month. Its going to be a long time. The mail ballots are going to take a long time. We all knew that, but i anticipated that that would make the tension get bigger and bigger and bigger. And get more worrying and worrying and worrying if the president was going to take some autocratic antidemocratic route and say i dont believe in the Election Results and i dont follow them and im going stay president anyway. I thought it would get more ominous with each passing hour, and it didnt. Because we all watched the process go through. It was so transparent. It was so clear. It was so technocratic and one foot in front of the other. It wasnt mysterious at all. All the legal challenges that we were all reading in on and fired up on and hired contributors to help us explain everything, they were dumb and small and nonconsequential. And it just made it so that everything that sort of could have happened did happen and none of it made the eventual results any less obvious. And so when it was declared today, it was a big day. And youve seen people havent stopped honking their horns in the seven hours since. But we knew it was coming. Everybody knew it was coming, and Everybody Knows what it means. I missed it because i was getting my covid test at the time. Was literally getting my nose swabbed again. But when i came out, it was momentous. But the thing that is so sort of and the thing that i enjoyed really, especially covering it with you, youre right. As much as people were being driven crazy and staying up until 4 00 in the morning to stay and watch a georgia term, which i did as well, the fact that everyone knew what and you said this earlier. We knew what michaela pinsky kn it makes it a lot harder i think for the trump side to call foul on the process. Even fox news, everyone was being like this show were doing it. We need to get this to this percentage of certainty. Fox even took back a call. Okay, well walk back. Well wait. And i wonder if the fact that theyre still saying that they dont believe it, there are more foreign leaders congratulating joe biden than republican senators at this point. What do you make of the fact that as transparent as its been that certain people on the right are still re theyre still pretending it isnt certain . And i think that thats, you know, unfortunate. And i also dont care. Not to be rude about it. Yeah, theyre going to have a hard time, you know. Coming around to the idea, or whatever, but there is no active election process going on anymore. Right. And if there are legitimate challenges and legitimate questions about the process, then raise them. And every time theyve had to raise them, theyve either withdrawn from the court cases that they threaten to make or the court cases that they had advanced have been either inf infintile and immediately dismissed because they dont even try to claim evidence or put forward flimsy evidence, or theyre not advancing any material case that could substantially change the election in a state that would matter. There isnt anything active anymore. And so i think it is, you know, god bless em. May it sink in well when it does sink in, and i understand theyre having a hard time grasping it now. I do think that the republican elected officials, including kevin mccarthy, im sorry to say, and Lindsey Graham and ted cruz and some others who have parroted the president saying he won, he won the election, he won the election, when there is really no basis on gods green earth to say that it has anything rooted. Those elected republican officials are going to have to answer for it, and this is going to permanently affect their reputations and their credibility on everything. For the president to say it like, whatever. For his supporters to say it, whatever. For Rudy Giuliani to say it, oh, please. Pop me some popcorn. What else is he saying . Republicans who are still in office who are going along with this alice and wonderland stuff is something that requires an answer. But the president and his henchmen, i dont care. You know, and that does bring me to the question of the incentive structure. Ive been saying and tweeting over the last couple of days that the problem for donald trump is that everything that created incentives for republicans to be obeisant to him, for the right wing media to follow all his conspiracy theories and for the erepublican elite and senators kind of bow down and pretend they didnt hear his tweets, they got their tax cuts. They pocketed that money. The super rich got that. Theyve already gotten their judges. Mitch mcconnell is maxed out on judges. I dont know if there are 10 or 12 left. Theyll probably get that in the lame duck. The right wing media still needs him because that base is still their audience. If they want to sell ads and make a lot of money that. Still have to cater to that base and whatever their fringe beliefs and paranoia, they industrial to do that. But republicans, they dont need trump anymore. Mitch mcconnell doesnt need the man anymore. He got what he wanted. I wonder if you think now that they dont need him, and now that theyre safely reelected, Lindsey Graham doesnt need to grovel before trump anymore. He doesnt need him. Do you think that changes anything about the incentive structure that republican senators have when it comes to the lame duck session . Well, once you have proven that you are a person who i

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