On the market unchanged, at least from now, since an Emergency Order from the Supreme Court back in april. What does todays decision mean exactly, joining me now is nbc news senior Legal Correspondent Laura Jarrett. Good to have you here. So youve read through it. Speed reader, whats up. Short story is the case is going back to the Supreme Court. Nothing will change as of right now, but things could get tricky depending on what the Supreme Court does with this. All of this started in april when a federal judge in texas blocked access to the pill nationwide, gutting the original approval of the drug that had been on the market, the most commonly used abortion pill, had been approved since 2000. The drug actually has been, again, used widely since that time. The judge actually in the fifth circuit there, got it blocked in full by the Supreme Court back in april. Supreme court said lets just press pause on everything and allow the natural Court Process to play out. That process involves going back down to the fifth circuit, and thats what we have today. The fifth Circuit Decision finding that judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in texas got it wrong in part because they waited too long to sue for the original approval, and did get it right as it relates to, remember, they loosened the safety restrictions, you could get the pill by mail. Didnt have to go in person and get it, thats the part the fifth issue is taking issue with. The Supreme Court is the next step after this. Correct. The Justice Department will say this is problematic, were taking it to the Supreme Court, and it will be up to the Supreme Court if they want to hear it or not. Theyre going to nak that decision in the next few months. How long do theic usually take before they make a decision . Sometimes it can take up to a year. Theyre not in session. Were in the middle of the summer. They meet sometimes for discreet periods in the summer, and so they could always take it up at one of the conferences, perhaps in september, but this case is going to get docketed for the coming fall. If they do not take it up, what happens . This decision goes into effect, and everything that happened post 2016, getting it by mail, not having to go to a doctor, all of that is wiped away. Were watching the white house, President Biden talking about the Inflation Reduction Act, we also have our eyes on the jailhouse in Fulton County, georgia. The sheriff says all 19 defendants charged in the Election Interference case, which presumably includes donald trump will be booked, screened and printed at rice street instead of the courthouse. D. A. Fani willis gave everyone until August 25th At Noon to voluntarily surrender, meaning they could technically turning themselves in at any point between now and then. The facility is open 24 7. We are on the ground outside of the Fulton County jail in case that happens. But what could happen after that . Mark meadows who dodged questions and stayed silent in the weeks leading up to williss decision is now the first one trying to transfer the case to federal court. Why he says he should be immune, and what a ruling in his favor could mean for everyone else. Not to mention camera inside the courtroom. And remember this case is just one of four for the former president regarding his third indictment, the last one, the federal one on Election Interference, we have some news. Last week we told you jack smith got a Search Warrant for Donald Trumps twitter account. Today we have learned a little bit more about what his team might have found. Details on the newly unsealed Court Records in a moment. Good thing she didnt go because Laura Jarrett is still with us, along with nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent, ken dilanian. Again, im sorry if i interrupt you. Lets talk about whats happening in Fulton County. We just got word that there are Trump Supporters posting the grand jurors addresses online. Security has already been ramped up down there. Its been ramped up from the d. A. , how is this likely going to affect things . Certainly its something that fani willis is on notice about. She was so worried about security. You know, a lot of times we never know grand jurors names. Georgia law is different. It was trying to be more transparent. Perhaps not appreciating that in a case like this, this is what happens, and so now that their names are out there, and people are calling on doxxing their houses and harassing them, its certainly an unfortunate occurrence. The court can do anything about that. And anyone who makes threats can do something about that. What about mark meadows . The thing about the removal request, what it shows is this one of the examples of opportunity to delay. You have a case of 19 people. This is one of the ways that you can slow the train down. Having said that, his actual argument is not frivolous, and he may actually win. His argument is that all of the things hes being charged with, all of the actions happened while he was Chief Of Staff, and he was taking those actions only by virtue of his position as Chief Of Staff. Now, prosecutors are not going to go for that because he was Chief Of Staff, doesnt mean you get to break the law while in office. If you rob a bank while Chief Of Staff, doesnt mean youre immune from prosecution, but hes at least going to be able to make an argument, that all the meetings, all the things he was doing was in service of his job. If hes successful, will the others be successful . Not necessarily. Many of those were not federal officials but may be able to say that they were acting on the direction of federal officials. That might be an argument. It is going to slow things down substantially. Ken, lets talk about jack smith and the Special Counsels case. We learned about twitter, the subpoena of Donald Trumps account. What did we learn in a filing today about the search . There was a transcript, in which the prosecution was trying to get a judge to force twitter to give up the information, and the prosecutor went into great detail about exactly what they were seeking, and its two really interesting buckets of information. One is direct messages. Theres a lot of speculation about whether donald trump actually used his account to dm with folks or whether others did. They were seeking all the dms received by, stored in draft form or associated with the subject account, including attachments, multimedia header information, and meta data and logs. Other things not public are drafts and deleted tweets. All created favorited, liked or retweeted by donald trump, all deleted tweets and associated multimedia, meta data and logs. We dont know exactly what they got from the dump of data that twitter finally gave up and how they may have used it in the case, but its just a fascinating example of how jack smith is vacuuming up nearly everything. Its important to remember that donald trump wasnt always the one personally using his twitter that sometimes it was aides, we have underscored this, you have underscored this as well, ken. Could be dan scavino. Could be relevant for jack smith. A little bit more Breaking News because why not, its a wednesday. Fulton county d. A. Willis proposes start date of march 4th in the latest filing. Thats six months. I it wont law school so i dont have to do math. Thats the point. We talked about this. 19 defendants, we have seen one motion to remove this to federal court. Were going to see more undoubtedly. Its an aggressive time line. It doesnt mean she doesnt have reasons to do it, its just not going to happen realistically. All of these teams are going to try to delay as you were saying a moment ago. As youre talking about trying to get it to federal court. Is that a weeks delay, a months delay . Months upon months upon months. First you file your motion, then the government gets an opportunity to respond, you get an opportunity to reply, then you have a hearing, then the judges clerks go back and write an opinion for months and months and theres no deadline for any of this. Laura jarrett, ken dilanian, thank you very much. Joining me is former Dekalb County District Attorney and coauthor of the brookings institution, gwen keys fleming. Its good to have you. Thanks for having me. You know, fani willis wants march 4th, which is just over six months if im doing my math in my head correctly, the judge is going to have discretion over when this happens. This is a brand new judge thats getting the case. Hes been on the bench for six month, and that is a giant case. Can we read into him at all . Do we know anything about him . Youre right. This is a quite a case to cut your teeth on within your first year as a judge. Judge mcafee has been a Public Servant for a long time. He served as a prosecutor, and fo doubt encountered several judges to learn from in how to manage his docket, moves cases along, ensure justice is served and served in an expeditious fashion, and so i think we can expect him to take the reins and move things forward. With respect to the proposed march deadline, lets remember starting in november of this year, there are lots of various december and other holidays that the d. A. May have been trying to avoid in terms of setting the calendar, if im thinking correctly, March 4th May be the first monday of the new term in march, and so that time line seems to work. Not too far from september, six months and a few weeks. I dont think thats outside the realm of possibility. We also just got news of the arraignment being set for September 5th. Which is just a couple of weeks out. We dont have a name on which arraignment, but it could potentially be all 19. What do you think . I believe it will be all 19. And so again, as we look to they have until next friday, august 25th. To turn themselves in. Having a September 5th arraignment. That does put it at the six month mark from the official start of the case. Im sure well see more motions to remove and other things, and if i could speak to the Removal Motion for one minute, in order to be successful, the former federal officials will need to show that their actions, as outlined in the indictment were part of their federal authority, under the color of their federal jobs. And we and the d. A. Has said from the very beginning, that elections is something thats squarely within the state fur view, the president , the Chief Of Staff, anybody at doj, unless theyre investigating does not have thats not part of their official duties. And lets also remember, at least with respect to mr. Clark, i would anticipate that the d. A. Will say his role in the federal government was to handle environmental matters, not election matters, so i think she has several arguments that she can present to demonstrate that they will fall outside of the bounds of the protections that theyre seeking through removal. Theyre going to argue, arent they, that they were investigating . Again, that is something for the secretary of state, who was doing it. Its something for the local District Attorney. And, again, whether its Jeffrey Clark at doj or its not the job of the president or the Chief Of Staff to be investigating, if its a legal matter, that would have been the u. S. Attorney in the Northern District of georgia. Just one other note, march 5th, again, march 4th trial or march 5th trial, march 5th is super tuesday. Its when quite a few states vote, so march 4th trial the next day would be super tuesday. Gwen, thank you very much. All right, so President Biden has started speaking. Again, on the anniversary the oneyear anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, which hes trying to tell voters is responsible for getting inflation down. Lets listen to what hes saying. Where is it written that america cant create the most vibrant and innovative economy and being the worlds leading manufacturer again. Wheres that written . I didnt see that anywhere. We created more jobs in two years than any administration has in a single fouryear term. Im very proud. [ applause ] im very proud that unemployment has been below 4 for the longest stretch in over 50 years. Below 4 . Going down. We now have more jobs than we did before the pandemic, and workers arent just finding more jobs. Theyre finding better jobs. Higher pay. Higher job satisfaction. And unemployment is down and so is inflation. Remember what the experts told us, traditional economists, smart women and men. They told us, getting inflation under control at lower wages and increased unemployment, but we never, never, never, thought the problem was too many people. At least i didnt, too many people that are working or that working people were making too much money. I thought that was not the best answer to how to get it down. One reason we have seen inflation fall by 2 3 without losing jobs is corporate profits are coming back down to earth. The excesses are being eliminated by the corporations. We have more to do, but inflation is now the lowest point it has been in two years. When Inflation Reduction Act was passed a year ago today, inflation was as pointed out by chuck or nancy at 8. 3 . Its now down to 3. 2 [ applause ] its going to go lower. Take every major economy in the world, we have the lowest inflation rate. At the same time, wages are growing faster than inflation. This matters. The way i think about inflation is the way my dad used to talk about it around the kitchen table. Not a joke. Im being deadly earnest. How much is left after the monthly bills are paid, how much do you have left over after you pay them all, and at the end of the month, just have a little bit of breathing room, Just A Little Bit of breathing room. Thats one of the reasons we have worked so hard, not only to get the overall cost of average people and monthly bills down, in addition to inflation. The Inflation Reduction Act is giving people more breathing room, as my dad would say, and its super charging the economic transition in key ways. First, its taking the most aggressive action ever on climate energy, ever. Ive long said, and thats why i think all the unions have come along, ive long said, when i think climate, not a joke, i think jobs. I think jobs. [ applause ] for real. By the way, none of this would have happened had the unions not stepped up and supported us. [ applause ] would not have happened. This law is one of the biggest drivers of jobs and Economic Growth this country has ever seen. Since i took office, the private sector has announced nearly 240 billion in new clean energy manufacturing, private sector, 240 billion. And the law has created 170,000 clean energy jobs. In one year, its estimated that it will grow to 1. 5 million more jobs over the next decade. First one year, now were talking about the decade. Just dont take it from me, the ceo of u. S. Steel called the Inflation Reduction Act, he called it the manufacturing renaissance ask. Because its bringing jobs back to america, manufacturing here in america. Made in america. According to leading wall street firms, Morgan Stanley and goldman sachs, my broader investment, our broader investment in investing in America Agenda is unleashing a boom, a boom of manufacturing investments. And were leaving nobody behind. Were investing in all of america, the heartland and coast to coast. I saw a few of my democratic friends, not in congress, my friends said, look, youre investing more in red states than in blue states, well i made a commitment. This is about all of america. I really mean it. [ applause ]. Weve seen progress across the country, remain from north carolina, to minnesota, to new mexico, seeing progress across the country. Yesterday i was in wisconsin at a company that makes Clean Energy Equipment including wind turbines. Because the Inflation Reduction Act, they expect their market and americanmade wind turbine generators, to double next year, and by the way, the guy who was the most ardent opponent of all of this was talking about what great benefits are coming to wisconsin. Bless me father. Im going to be a good boy. Im going to keep the irish down in me. At the same time, were also boosting our Nations Energy security. For years, china dominated the clean Energy Supply chains. We became, we let the american jobs and factories go overseas. For how long have we gone through this period with the answer for the previous, mostly republican, but some democratic administrations, the answer had been find the cheapest labor in the world. Go close the factory here, build it over there, wherever that is. And then import the product from abroad. Not anymore. We are building it here, and sending the product over there. [ applause ] i mean it. Were bringing critical Supply Chains and technologies home for the electric vehicle batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, critical minerals, and because of the chips and science act, we have generated 231 billion in private investment, and making semiconductors. 231 billion. Small computer chips, the size of the end of your finger tip that affects nearly everything in our lives from cell phones, automobiles, to the most sophisticated weapons systems. You know, we invited these chips. We used to produce these chips. We stopped. And we saw it during the pandemic. We paid a high price for things that when overseas factories shut down, we paid a big price. Now were bringing semiconductors home, and 2030, the Inflation Reduction Act is projected to help triple wind power and increase solar power by eight fold. By 2030, electricity deployed through the u. S. Power grid is expected to be powered by 81 clean energy. Hear me . 81 clean energy. [ applause ] imagine the impact on climate and the air we breathe. Going to help meet all of my climate goals by cutting Carbon Pollution in half by 2030. In half by 2030. Does between the Inflation Reduction Act and the bipartisan infrastructure law, were investing more than 50 billion to build up resilience and impacts on Climate Change. These laws support important priorities from addressing historic drought along the Colorado River basin. Remember when i said we had a concern about the Colorado River going dry, you all thought i was crazy. I wish i had been. Guess what, i was just out there, and looking down in the grand canyon, and guess what, its coming back. But at any rate, responding to coastal erosion, Sea Level Rise in the gulf of mexico, and helping reduce the effects of extreme heat by investing nearly 1. 5 billion to plant trees and expand Community Parks and forests. Folks, theres a lot more, youve heard a lot today, and im not going to gointo it all, but this law is helping families save thousands of dollars in energy bills through the tax credit and rebates to buy new and efficient electric appliances, weatherize their homes, install heat pumps, rooftop solar, its estimated that the consumer is going to save at least 27 billion in electric bills between now and 2030. [ applause ] 2030 [ applause ] and also tax cuts of 7,500 to buy new Electric Vehicles. Ive worked it out with the european union, and fuel cells made here in america. For the first time we can get a tax credit to buy used Electric Vehicles, and thanks to the law, new Electric Vehicles are going to say, this is a fact, if we do this, and were doing it now, tens of billions of gallons of gasoline between now and 2030. Thats a lot less. Not even going to start to talk to you about amtrak. Its going to save billions of dollars, and i really mean it in energy costs, but well get into that later. Let me be clear on this point. When i say climate means jobs, i mean good paying union jobs. [ applause ] a boost to Clean Energy Products that pay prevailing wage, and use Made In America parts and products. And not violate any International Trade agreements. Its all in the law. And were reincentivizing companies to build Clean Energy Products in the same communities that powered our nation with fossil fuels, we owe them. President biden right now speaking in the east room of the white house, again, it is the oneyear anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act. Part of it addressed Climate Change and thats what hes focused on right there, saying all of the aspects of this bill that address Climate Change will save consumers money, save americans money, and also create new jobs. He says climate jobs equal good paying union jobs. Hes talking about tax cuts for Electric Vehicles, including Electric Vehicles that you can buy used for the first time. Making fuel cells in america. Saving 27 billion in electric bills for consumers. Hes trying to tell people that this act, which was bipartisan at the time of its passage will save you money. The question is when will it start saving you money. Joining me now to address that part of it, nbc News Business and data reporter brian cheung. Politicians want it to be right now, because it suits them. Often times youre talking about the economy and legislation, it can take time. Have we seen any of the effects so far of the ira . Theres a lagging impact on two fronts, what we see in the Economic Data and how the u. S. Economy reacts and also how quickly washington and the private sector can actually get the proposals and policies put in place. So the Inflation Reduction Act has a lot of provisions in it, everything from drug pricing to evs. Theres a lot in it. When we talk about manufacturing, which the president was speaking at length about recently, from what we heard, thats going to take many many years to put in place. So actually you have some, like the Pen Warden Budget model saying it could be inflationary in the short term while the construction is being done with the potential for lowering inflation many years down the line. In short, its going to take time to take inflation down. We have seen the headline inflationary numbers come down. That may have been a coincidence around the timing of that. Let me ask you that, inflation has been on the way down in the past few months. In some areas, stickier than others, and consumers may not be feeling it when they go to the grocery store, but can you attribute any of that to the Inflation Reduction Act or is it just a matter of coincidence . Yeah, when you take a look at things like gasoline, that often times is the proxy for americans interpreting inflation. When it comes to that story, theres a huge price spike in energy in the summer of last year. That has since come down. That is a big benefit, and that is not really attributable to the Inflation Reduction Act. On the margins there was something about the way that the administration handled the Strategic Petroleum reserve that did contribute to the price decline, but on the inflation production act, the types of things over the medium and longterm that could take inflation down, more Manufacturing Capacity in the united states, we have not seen that yet. So, yes, inflation, if we talk about annual rates have come down from nine to six to five to as the latest 3. 2 . Thats certainly good. Again, its tough to draw a Straight Line between that. As an economist, you dont want to live in the now, you want to live in the patience of the future. Wait for the effects to come, nothing is immediate in the world of economy. Brian cheung, thank you so much. Indictment after indictment after indictment, and donald trump keeps on gaining ground over his republican challengers nationally, at least. What About State By state . What georgia insiders are telling nbc news about what this indictment could do to trumps numbers there. Plus, what started the maui wildfires, new Potential Evidence is out there. Were back in 60 seconds. T ther. Were back in 60 seconds businesses need 5g solutions today. Thats why they choose tmobile for business. Mlb partners with tmobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Aaa relies on tmobiles network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the road. And were helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Oh stuffed up again . So congested you need sinex saline from vicks. Just sinex, breathe, ahhhh [sniffs] what is wow baby daddy. Sinex. Breathe. Ahhhhhh . At first glance, the indictments of donald trump that he is facing have only helped him in the polls, but what about when you take a second glance. Joining me now is nbc news correspondent noah pransky. I know youre going to give us the big picture numbers, show us what the indictments have done to Donald Trumps poll numbers . First glance among republicans, he has done quite well in recent months. You look back a year, real clear politics, up 28 points. That did shrink as ron desantis made moves and that drip drip drip of january 6th Committee News is coming out. Now hes got a 40 point lead on the field, seems to be unstoppable. Theres a lot of time between now and the primaries still, so some fundamentals im tracking. Among republicans, how do you view donald trump . Very favorably. Im sorry, were coming to that next. Were talking about is donald trump your strongest candidate in your primaries, 56 of republicans say, yes, thats moving up. But independents, not as sure. When you look at the General Election, independents indicating that the indictments are not helping the former president s cause. This question, do you view donald trump very favorably, only talking republicans here, 53 currently say yes, and thats up 11 points this year alone. But lets look where donald trump was two and a half years ago. The fervor for the former president isnt where it was in november of 2020. 75 of republicans then said they had a very favorable view of him. Two months later, after the january 6th riots, 65 still did, but two and a half years of investigations and headlines and now indictments, and this number is significantly lower, it does seem that some republicans might be willing to look at other candidates. I guess were waiting if one is going to step up. Joining me outside the Fulton County jail, nbc news correspondent, vaughn hillyard, i know youre looking to see if somebody shows up to be booked for the georgia indictment. Let us borrow you on the subject of donald trump and politics and polling and this news that georgia insiders are telling us to watch this indictment, see what might change with it. Reporter right. You know, i think especially this hits at the General Election, katy, i think is where this conversation goes because as noah was pointing out, since each of Donald Trumps indictment is lead among the republican primary electorate, has only expanded. Back on the day of the first indictment, it was 15 Percentage Points. Now today you look at the new Quinnipiac Poll that came out this afternoon, were talking about a 40point advantage for donald trump. That is where the concern is for folks in georgia, especially i have been talking to folks in arizona that donald trump is hurting himself in a potential General Election match up with joe biden. In 2020, it was a 10 percentage point advantage for biden over trump, among Georgia Independents and for donald trump, you are dealing with the reality that if, in fact, this trial date were to start in march or even be pushed back here, this is going to continue to be the front of the headlines here in georgia, happening right here in atlanta, and for donald trump, it is a difficult prospect here when youre dealing with the repudiation that you saw in last years election when brian kemp beat his endorsed candidate, david perdue in the gubernatorial primary by 50 Percentage Points. Brian kemp isnt going to be anywhere, and hes going to be front and center. As you saw him put in the tweet, donald trump lost the 2020 election, and he will continue to be clearly an outspoken person against the Election Denialism that donald trump has perpetuated. I know you have been traveling the country talking to voters all around the Trump Campaign and more. Have you found anybody thats new to the campaign, a new Donald Trump Voter or maybe a voter who in 2020 thought i dont know if i want to vote, and thought theyd take a chance on joe biden who now have returned to donald trump . Reporter im glad youre asking this question here because, katy, there is a reality when you look at the Voter Turnout in 2020, donald trump received more votes for any republican in the history of the united states, and in each of those key states, he received, he actually increased his vote share by about 20, 30 Percentage Points in georgia, arizona, michigan, wisconsin, of course, yes, joe biden received more votes. Thats how joe biden won, but, you know, i worked and published a story just a couple of weeks ago about some democrats concern that there are more trump voters out there that didnt even vote in 2016 or 2020. I talked to a former State Director for donald trump in one of those states, and the way that he put it to me in 2020, they could have done even better. When you look at a state like georgia where donald trump lost by 12,000 volts, arizona where he lost by 11,000 points, juice turnout, in the rural areas, folks are catalyzed behind the idea that Saving Donald Trump from prison is the one way to do that is by getting him to win the white house boy, we may be looking at record turnouts by 2024. Interest. I hadnt thought about that. Vaughn hillyard, thank you very much. And why Hunter Bidens lead Defense Attorney is asking a judge to let him withdraw from the Delaware Case involving those tax and gun charges. First, though, what the government is doing to help the people of maui who say they feel like theyre being left to fend for themselves. Ill talk to a fema representative on the ground on the island after the break. Repr the island after the break fan 1 there ya go thats what im talkin about josh allen is this your plan to watch the game today . hero fan uh, yea. 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Weve lost so many people, but i think the real problem has been, you know, the communication, and i just dont believe that our state officials, county know what to do, and so everyone like wants to jump in and help, and theres certain things that need to happen immediately, and im proud of the community for doing that. Professional surfer and maui native, kye lenny said locals are leading their own efforts. Federal supplies are finally getting to maui, but some survivors say the delay, state, local and federal has been torturous. They say they still need power, food, water, Phone Service and a place to sleep that isnt the overcrowded shelters or their car. Add to that list, protections from developers who are contacting survivors to buy the land from under their burnt out homes. 27 of the burn zone has now been searched, raising the death toll to at least 106. The governor says that number could double by next week, but likely wont be known in full for months leaving families with missing loved ones diminishing hope. Hes gone. I just want to identify the body. Im tired. I havent slept in six days. And i just, like i said, i just want to identify his body and him at rest. Joining me now from maui, nbc news correspondent dana griffin. There has been talk about what potentially started this fire, and now there might be some evidence out there that it could have been a power line. Talk to me about what we know about that, what we dont know as well, and also this lawsuit against hawaii electric. Reporter yeah, there is some video circulating from a resident who claims that this fire started near his home. Nbc news has not independently verified that video, but purports to show downed power lines sparking dry vegetation, and you can see the smoke billowing up as the winds are starting to carry that smoke. We are trying to confirm that video, but if it is what it says it is, this could be a big piece of evidence in this investigation. Three lawsuits have been filed against hawaiian electric, claiming that the company is responsible for this fire. It claims that the company should have deenergized its power lines because of the threat for wildfire, and that likely led to what we are dealing with today. Hawaiian electric responded saying they do not comment on pending litigation, and they also note that a cause of the fire has not been determined. Katy. What about the allegation from locals that help has been way too slow. What have you heard . Reporter we have heard a lot, especially over the weekend. We were getting so many people coming up to us, frustrated, in tears, because they felt like keeping this road behind me closed was preventing the much needed resources from actually getting to the people in lahaina and beyond that were still without power, food, water, necessities. We heard reports of looting, people being held at gunpoint, and it was just very frustrating for a lot of locals. Governor green acknowledged that he heard the peoples frustrations last night when he addressed the town and said that is part of why he is opening up this road to let people who want to get into their homes or get to their jobs and also more First Responders and those Grass Roots Efforts that have been popping up, they are now allowed in, and this is going to continue for the rest of the day, until 10 00 p. M. Then the restriction goes back down to just necessary travel. But i think that it is definitely giving people a sense of, okay, were getting what we have been asking for, and theres been so many resources brought in, thanks to the governor and fema. Hundreds, thousands of pounds o of food, water, clothing, so people can help buy themselves groceries and clothing. Hotel rooms, a lot of people have been out of those shelters and are in a place that they can take a shower and be close with their families. And we heard a little bit more from governor green. Listen to what he had to say. Our goal is to have a local commitment forever, to this community as we rebuild. We will be making sure we do all that we can to prevent that land from falling into hands of people from the outside. Its not easy to do in some cases, but i do want to send this message out to the world, if someone behaves in a predatory fashion towards one of the people that are suffering right now, who have lost their loved ones, lost their home, lost their rental, and they try to buy land out from under them, you can be sure i will not be allowing anyone to build or rezone or do anything of that sort if they have taken advantage of anyone here. Rebuilding will be for our local people. Reporter and you heard it from governor green, he is not going to allow predatory investors to come steal the land from the people, as he puts it, and thats something locals are happy to hear. Dana, thank you very much. External Affairs Officer with the fema management assistance team, john mills, thanks for being with us. Do you think theres a way, there was a way that fema could have gotten there faster, could have gotten the support to locals faster when they say they needed it . Katy, good to be with you. Femas number one priority is helping survivors who are directly affected by these historic fires. We have fulltime staff in honolulu, and they were in action immediately. Femas role is not to lead the response but to support the state and to support maui county. We are working on multiple lines of effort, emergency services, mass care, Critical Infrastructure and housing among others. We have more than 600 federal personnel on the ground right now in maui, and another 100 deployed. This includes Fema Urban Search And Rescue teams who are actively working in the hardest hit areas right now with search dogs, trying to locate the remains of survivors. I was with miguel almaguers crew yesterday in lahaina, its a devastating scene there. People had to run for their lives and seek shelter anywhere they could. Fema is working directly with survivors, and we have been doing that for the last few days. We have already approved about 1,300 households for assistance and provided about 2. 3 million in money to help these survivors jump start their recovery. Thats Just Temporary Solutions now. So were working in the shelters with our disaster survivor assistance crews one on one. Were opening a Disaster Recovery center where people can come meet with fema one on one, meet with the Small Business administration. Were providing money not only for critical need but were providing money directly to survivors to help them repair or rebuild their homes, providing rental assistance, money, so they can rent a place to live temporarily. If they need to relocate. Money for Lodging Reimbursement if they had to relocate, money to replace essential personal property. We have activated our transitional sheltering program, helping people get out of shelters and into hotels, and the state has also activated a Similar Program to get people out of shelters and into hotels. Were going to be here for the long term, katy. Its a long list of support. I hear you, youre not supposed to lead a response, not the way fema is intended to work, and a lot of criticism has gone to local and state officials, county officials, i wonder in looking back on it, i know its still fresh, if there are any lessons that can be learned to get fema in faster to do all of the things that you just listed out. Youre seeing a lot of federal support in the area, so, for example, the state National Guard has a Duel Status Commander using not only National Guard but title 10 active duty, dod personnel. A few hundred, and so thats an effort that doesnt have the fema logo on it. Fema is the Lead Coordinator coordinating agency. Youre seeing actions that this is going on. When you get requests from the state from maui county or directly from the state to request that the county and state cant meet, fema stands ready to support those requests. Thats why we have fulltime services in hawaii, and we are responding by bringing in lots of food, water, cots, blankets, generators, so that were standing ready to support requests we get from the state, and helping ensure that the shelters dont run out of supplies. So so many people relocated to shelters, were part of the Support Mechanism to make sure all of that stays functional. Fortunately, a lot of maui is up and running, such as Grocery Stores here in this area being open. So thats helping lessen the need for federal support because while lahaina and other areas were severely affected, other part of maui are up and operational. And i know the Towns Past Lahaina were a bit cut off. They were affected by the fire and couldnt be gotten to because the road to lahaina had been shut down. I want it ask you this one more time, i know fema cant start working until a federal disaster has been requested by the state, do you think it could have been done faster . Is there a way . Was there a way for fema to get in faster to help support the local communities, the county, the State Government in a case where it seems like from this end, they were clearly overwhelmed . Fema does jump in right away, and thats what happened here. John, when youre talking to people out there who are frustrated, who say that this hasnt come fast enough, what is your message to them now . What is your message for them if they need to get help now, where do they go . This has been an absolutely heartbreaking experience for everyone involved. In particular those who have lost their family members. We are taking a very somber and respectful approach to Urban Search And Rescue activities and recovering remains of survivors who were fleeing for their lives from this incredibly fast moving fire. We are bringing to bear all of the resources of the federal government, and were moving as quickly as we can to support requests we get from the state. Were going to be here for the long haul to work with the state and maui county to help meet some of these longer term housing challenges, but the recovery begins and ends at the local level, so thats why were being very mindful of cultural norms, cultural sensitivities, and working very closely to listen to maui county closely t mauvy officials, the survivors, the local residents, to make sure were following guidance they provide us along with guidance from the state to work with them as quickly as possible and as efficiently as possible but also very sensitively with respect to all that theyre going through. Seeing damage in lahaina and other areas of west maui is heart breaking and were going to be working with this community and everyone involved for a very long time to come. 27 of the burn area has been searched so far. What are the fema teams able to get done in one day . How much more . The teams generally are working about 12 hours a day. Were doubling the number of search dogs with our fema urban search teams. The number will be 40 search dogs. Because of the weather and some of the arduous conditions there, we want the dogs to be effective of course. Thats what the urban Task Force Leader was telling me yesterday when i was with them in lahaina which was with them in one of the very hard hit areas along front street. Theyre working as quickly as possible but keeping in mind the seriousness of what has happened around them and that Human Remains are in the area. So were working very closely with maui county to work quickly but also very respectfully and very somberly at the request of local officials. The governor had said when you walk through that ash, youre not just walking through the remains of buildings, youre walking through the remains of family members, loved ones, hawaiians. Reporter one of the things that strikes you is how fast the fire moved and how people just had nowhere to go when it was moving so fast at them. A mile a minute they were saying. Thank you. Coming up, how republicans are capitalizing on Hunter Bidens legal troubles. hero fan uh, yea. I have to watch my neighbors Nfl Sunday Ticket. josh allen its not your best plan. But you know what is . Myplan from verizon. Switch now and theyll give you Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv, on them. hero fan this plan is amazing josh allen another amazing plan, backing away from here very slowly. fan 1 that was josh allen. fan 2 mmhm. vo for a limited time get Nfl Sunday Ticket from youtubetv on us. A 449 value. Plus, get a free Samsung Galaxy z flip5. Only on verizon. Want luxury hair repair that doesnt cost 50 . Pantenes provitamin formula repairs hair. As well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. For softness and resilience, without the price tag. If you know. You know its pantene. Have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the Bank Of America customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. Subways now slicing their deli meats fresh. Thats why the new titan turkey is proferred by this football pro. And proferred by this football pro who actually uses her feet. And if we profer it, we know youll prefer it too. I use my feet. Have you seen me scramble . Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv Hunter Bidens chris clark, who we interviewed on the show last month regarding the now rejected plea deal has stepped down. Clark says he anticipates hell be a witness in any litigation over the failed plea negotiations. Bidens legal team claimed parts of the deal regarding the gun charge were still valid, but in a new filing tuesday, Special Counsel ripped their argument apart, giving House Republicans an opportunity to exploit the disconnected. Joining me now is nbc news justice Report Ryan Reilly and ryan nobles. Ryan, its good to have you. Lets start with reilly. Walk me three clark stepping down and why he anticipates hell be a witness. Theyre really just far apart in where this is going to land. Basically they are saying this is not operational because it was not accepted by the judge and to make sure it didnt go on a prosecutorial track, that its all null and void. Whats interesting on the gun charge is its under significant legal challenges and probably will ultimately found to be unconstitutional. Its essentially a law that makes it unlawful for individuals who are addicts of Illegal Drugs to use guns, to possess weapons, which would apply to millions of americans, lets be honest here, were talking just illegal users of guns, that would include Marijuana Users as well. It wouldnt apply to alcohol but to pretty much Everything Else across the board. In d. C. It is extremely rarely used. That may be different in delaware. I dont have the stats on that. In d. C. I talked to a public federal defender who had only seen one of these in a 30year career and that involved a white supremacist using really violent rhetoric and the feds were looking for something to stick on him and luckily enough, in addition to having guns, he also happened to smoke marijuana but it really is a rarely used charge in a lot of federal jurisdictions around the country, katy. Thats good context. Ryan, how are republicans using this disconnect to their advantage . Reporter theres no question that every time bidens name comes up, they find a way to use hunters name. They dropped this information, they make these interviews public right around the same time donald trump finds himself in legal trouble. For instance, they released a transcript of devin archers deposition right around the same time the January 6th Indictment came on and they held on to an interview with an fbi agent who claimed that he had to get Secret Service approval before he interviewed hunter biden. They waited to release that transcribed interview until the d. A. Released the indictment on donald trump in atlanta, georgia. They also claim that republicans are cherry picking the information from those and making those the bold headlines when they dont tell the whole story. The republicans arent going to let this go and its going to continue to be a political and legal distraction for hunter biden and the white house. Every time the prosecutors say donald trump, they say hunter biden. Thank you very much. And that right there is going to do it for me today. Deadline white house starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in the east. We are learning more today about a high stakes, behindthescenes legal battle that may ultimately prove critical in order to hold the expresident accountable. On one side, the Social Media Giant formerly known as twitter, now known as x, and the other Special Counsel jack smith wanting to peer deep inside trumps twitter account, which the expresident wielded like a weapon, using it liberally to peddle baseless fraud claims to his millions of followers and then

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