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Continues to rail against his indictments and the prosecutors involved in each case. Senate republicans meeting Behind Closed Doors on capitol hill with minority leader Mitch Mcconnells Health Issues in the spotlight. We may expect Mitch Mcconnell will check out for 20 seconds a day. The other 86,380 he does a darn good job. It looks like a neurologic event. It doesnt mean he cant serve. It means that somebody should wake up and say, wow, this looks like a seizure. A report from nbcs chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel who is in kyiv where Secretary Of State tony blinken arrived after a surprise overnight trip to meet with president zelenskyy there. Hi, everybody. Andrea is on assignment overseas. We will have more on her reporting in moments. We begin at the Fulton County courthouse where the cameras will be live inside that courtroom during a hearing that could be a major step toward showing us how future cases, including by the way the former president s, is actually going to play out. Two trump codefendants in the alleged efforts to overturn 2020 Election Results in georgia, Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro will have their motions to sever their cases from their fellow departments reviewed next hour by Superior Court judge scott mcafee. I want to bring in katie phang, greg bluesteen, robert james and glenn kirschner. Katie, they will keep a close eye on what plays out this afternoon. If you will, set the stage for us. Reporter sure. At 1 00, judge scott mcafee, the presiding judge in a 1 codefendant case will conduct a hearing. Of the 19, six filed motions to sever. Only one has a trial date. That is Kenneth Chesebro. Thats october 23rd. Its the first time that the entire proceedings will be broadcast live from inside the courtroom. The d. A. Has been ordered to appear today to be able to explain a good faith estimate of how long it would take to try all 19 of the defendants together. In the alternative, shes been ordered to explain to the court what would a trial look like if you were to parse them out, to try them separately . If you were to grant some of the motions to sever. Of the six defendants, some are asking to be severed from the other codefendants in the case. Some of them are saying, i only want to be severed from those that have demanded a speedy trial. That would be Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell. Donald trump says, i dont want to go to trial in any speedy fashion. That was predictable. We will see how much of fani willis case she will reveal to the court in terms of exhibits and witnesses to determine whether or not all of them go to trial or some of them go piecemeal. A couple things to get through there. I want to start off talking about the possibility of the speedy trial versus pushing this down the road. The former president wanting to push this thing as far down the road as he can. Initially proposed to be 2026 or Something Like that. We know eastman as well not wanting a speedy trial. Chesebro, wanting a speedy trial. Looking at an october trial date. What are the advantages and disadvantages for a speedy trial . One of the advantages to going to trial first let me hasten to add, most want to go second, third or last. Why . They can preview the prosecutions evidence. Whoever goes to trial first right now its only chesebro who is set for that october trial date i suspect that powell may be added in, because she made a speedy trial demand. If other defendants want a speedy trial, they will likely be added to the october 23rd trial date. The defendants who go to trial first are probably going to suffer a really vigorous, aggressive presentation by fani willis prosecutors. The last thing they want to do is lose the first trial out of the gate. There is an up side to going first. Here is what it is. Some of the defendants will be able to make what i call the empty Chair Defense. Chesebro as an example. Listen, i may have doodled a couple of things about this alternate elector scheme. You know what . It was constitutional professor and dean of Law School John eastman who really told me it was on sound constitutional footing. Im really a victim of John Eastmans crimes and bad conduct. I have seen that empty Chair Defense work where if not all codefendants are at Counsel Table together, the ones who are there will point the fingers at the empty chairs and say, they are the bad actors, dont hold me accountable. How likely is it if we look at some of the attorneys here chesebro, for example john eastman said he will not take a plea deal. How likely is it folks would take a plea deal considering it means they would have to plead guilty and they would subsequently be disbarred . Its likely. Here is why say that. I handled lots of conspiracy cases and rico cases. Before the indictments start dropping, being issued by the grand jury, it is theoretical to these potential defendants. Once they see their name In Black And White on the wrong side of the versus it gets very real. Thats when often the flipping begins, the cooperation begins, the guilty pleas begin. I think particularly the fake electors are ripe for the picking. They may be some of the people first to flip and cooperate. They have got on record some of them as saying, you know what . I was acting at Donald Trumps direction. Robert, i have a big one. I will ask you to do what fani willis and her team have been asked to present today at 1 00 p. M. , and that is, what would it look like trying all of these codefendants together versus the timing of severing these cases, which is what many of them want . Its essentially one big long trial that may that will last several months. Right . Its going to get confusing. You have to parse evidence out. There are a lot of things you have to look at and making sure that you are not introducing evidence thats admissible against one person and not against another. Its very complicated. When you separate the trials or receiv sever the trials, its going to take a long time, but the individual trial will not be as long. Theres no short way to do this. One way you do it one time and you are in trial for three, four, five, six months, perhaps even longer. The other way is that you do it several times and its going to take as long if not longer to try individual trials. I can tell you the prosecutor is going to want to try this case one time and one time only. You dont want to do it four and five and six times. Thats why she charged rico as opposed to charging the people individually. This is something that fani willis is used to, especially with the racketeering charges. Yeah. Look, Fulton County brought one racketeering charges. One the most famous that did the one against the School System where she was an assistant d. A. She was lead counsel in the case. Georgia rico has been used this way. Fani willis has used it this way. She tried one case and not several little cases. I will say the School System case in terms of the complexity of the evidence and the way it is going to need to be presented, it pales in comparison. Im interested to how, especially independent voters and georgia voters feel about how this is playing out in the state. We are here because donald trump needed georgia in 2020. Donald trump is going to need georgia in 2024, in he securing the nomination. Georgia is the spotlight of this thing. If you are talking to voters on the ground, Republican Voters, independent voters specifically, how are they feeling about this as it plays out . You are right. Republicans see georgia as nothing short of a must win in 2024. Theres no path to the presidency, even according to many white house hopefuls, without Winning Georgia back into the republican column. They came out with a poll that showed a significant number of Republican Voters do view these charges politicized. Thats not a shock. Also as serious. Which is significant, the fact that so many republicans are seeing these charges as potential impediments to Donald Trumps comeback. They think it can weaken his chances against joe biden if he does secure the nomination. You cant avoid it in georgia, like you cant avoid it around the nation. Its top of mind of voters. Whether theres hearings or a trial going on or just motions, this cannot be avoided. Its front and center to so many georgia voters. Its got to be part of the calculation for the former president s attorneys, thats how many folks will flip now and when he makes it to trial. How much of a liability is that for the former president . Its an enormous liability. I have a hard time believing that the attorneys who represent either the Georgia State fake electors or mark meadows or some of the other players in this sad affair theyre going to be zealously representing their clients. I have to believe theyre going to be exploring with d. A. Willis and her team the possibility of a cooperation agreement, a guilty plea, accepting responsibility for the piece that you are responsible for and testifying truthfully against others. Those guilty pleas with cooperation, those are the best ways to minimize your criminal exposure and in a very real sense your possible prison term. I have to believe that folks are not going to be interested in going down with donald trump but rather theyre going to try to save themselves. Thank you all. Appreciate it. We are looking ahead to 1 00 p. M. When this thing gets up and going. Join us tomorrow for andreas interview with the u. S. Ambassador to the united nations. She has traveled with the ambassador to a refugee camp in chad where thousands of women and children are seeking safety every day from the civil war in sudan, which the u. N. Is investigating as another genocide. Shes speaking with the refugees to learn about their firsthand experiences, fleeing the ravages of war. You can see that interview tomorrow right here on Andrea Mitchell reports at noon and tonight on nightly news with lester holt. Check your local listings to catch that. Brand loyalty. Despite all his legal troubles, the vast majority of trump voters are stake sticking with former president. Coming up next when Andrea Mitchell reports is back in 60 seconds. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv the citi custom cash® card a different kind of card that automatically adjusts to your spending earn 5 cash back on your top eligible spend category up to 500 spent each Billing Cycle learn more at citi. Com customcash as we await todays 1 00 eastern hearing in georgia about potentially severing two of Donald Trumps codefendants from the case, new polling suggesting republicans say Georgia Election charges should not disqualify him from a run in 2024. Only 17 saying the former president should be banned from running because of the georgia charges. Thats right in line with how republicans also feel about the federal charges brought by jack smith. Joining me now to talk about this, phil rucker, brendan buck and robert gibbs. Phil, let me start things off with you on this. I want to bring up some of the polling numbers. The former president now in this poll specifically having a 35 lead. He is up 1 from back in may as well. Several indictments since then. It seems as if no matter what happens, his base is sticking with him. Yeah, that does seem to be the case. Its a very solid support within the republican primary electorate no matter the criminal liability he appears to face. It looks like he is on track to potentially win the republican nomination if he maintains that support and perhaps grows it in the months ahead. All of this legal activity, the criminal indictments certainly seem like they would probably be a vulnerability for trump in a General Election. The challenge for him is, how does he grow beyond that base of support in order to get himself back into the white house . Im happy you brought that up. Brendan brendan, pivot off of what he said. It seems as if he has a broad lead in the primary. The likelihood of him securing this is high. When you look at electability i found this interesting from the cnn poll. 44 of republicans concerned about trumps ability to win a 2024 General Election. You think back to 2020. He had a problem. He lost. The midterms, 2018, he had a problem with his electability. The midterms, 2022, a referendum on the former president of the United States. Will there come a point in which there is a fracture in the support of the former president considering these electability issues we are seeing . Its not surprising to me that people question his electability. What i wonder is whether people actually vote based on that. I dont think theres evidence. I think you are asking a lot of voters to weigh that and make that the determining factor. Voters tend to vote for people who inspire them. Donald trump has been very good at that. While theres obvious questions about whether donald trump can get reelected, there are a lot of people who simply believe that joe biden is very easy to beat. Theres a lot of Republican Voters who think donald trump actually beat him last time. Add that with a bunch of polling out now that shows donald trump and joe biden running head to head in a General Election really undercuts arguments from ron desantis or nikki haley that you need to nominate someone more electable. That was a main argument was you need an electable conservative. When donald trump can hold a poll showing him beating joe biden, you dont have to worry about that. You can go with the person who makes you feel something. Robert, talking about obviously his electability issues there, but then the issues of the indictment and what is going to play out publically. None of us know what thats going to look like. Its mind blowing to even imagine what the next 18 months of our lives are going to be. When you think about the fact that georgia will be televised, when you think about the possibility of 16 codefendants eastman said he is not going to flip. He made that clear. 16 codefendants maybe flipping on the former president. We dont know at this point. What could that do . Could that fracture the support the former president has . Yeah. We dont know is exactly what you said, how the cases play out. What impact does a guilty verdict have . You may not believe the indictment. But what happens when a jury in a swing state decides, in fact, that the former president broke the law . Again, you are not you dont have to have a lot of voters move in a General Election to make that significant. This is going to be an extraordinarily close race. Its going to be played out in seven states. Its a small number of people moving in each state, and they all move together and away from the former president , you could see a much rosier path for somebody like joe biden. Im glad you said its an extraordinarily close race. When you think about current President Joe Biden facing possibly candidate trump, who has been criminally charged 90 plus times, indicted four times, and yet its going to be close, and the question is, what is the Biden Administration doing wrong at this point in this communication . You look at the economy. Its not landing. Its not resonating. Does he need to make the pivot and talk more about the indictments, in talking more about the electability issues because of what he has been criminally charged of . Theres a lot of things the campaign is probably thinking through. First and foremost, i think the economy is going to have to improve. You cant simply talk your way into a better economy. The Job Statistics are great. Interest rates are up. Inflation is higher than most people would like it. I think theres time on that. That election isnt going to be held today. I dont think that it makes a lot of sense for them to get into the personal and indictments. You can talk about protecting democracy. You can talk about a lot of things. I think the president interjecting himself into legal cases, particularly before they happen, is a dangerous precedent. Thank you guys. Appreciate it. On the run. The manhunt for the convicted killer who escaped from a Pennsylvania Prison intensifies. The new warnings from Police Coming up next. You are watching Andrea Mitchell reports right here on msnbc. Msnbc. Do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet . Try Nervive Nerve relief from the worlds number one nerve care company. Nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and bcomplex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. Try nervive. And, try nervive pain relieving rollon. Ive got Home Internet from tmobile. It only costs 50 bucks at tmobile. Just one cord to set up. Say goodbye to that truck. Oh, what a beautiful mornin. 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Marshalls are expanding their dragnet after he was spotted outside the search perimeter. He has been on the run for seven days. He could be heading towards delaware. We will get an update in two hours. It has been seven days. This guy has continued to evade authorities. He has broken into an individuals house, a familys house. He has been spotted on cameras as well with surveillance footage. What more do we know . Reporter you said it. Day seven of the manhunt that continues to paralyze parts of the community. There are Road Closures like the ones behind me. An immense amount of Law Enforcement on the ground, hundreds of officers. They are utilizing all assets from helicopters to drones to dogs. Also just merely going out on foot. What you can make out behind me is, this is one of the challenges. We are in the suburbs of philadelphia. Theres an immense amount of difficult terrain and thick woodlands. A lot of area for him to presumably be hiding. We are seeing the search zone continue to shift and expand. Yesterday we saw police, they had expanded it southward after surveillance Trail Cameras picked up images of him moving around the Longwood Gardens area. We have been seeing the Police Presence today expand eastward, towards another county. We are talking about a moving target. The pictures, they have been key in this manhunt. They are trying to put together a time line, keep track of his movements. He has been able to accumulate supplies. A duffel bag, a sweatshirt. Nbc news heard from one man who believes he was in his home. Hit the switch to let him know i knew he was down there. He flipped it back a few times. I turned to my wife and i said, he is in the house. Call 911. Im fortunate he didnt come up the steps. That could have been a tough situation. Here he is surrounded by butcher knives. He murdered his exgirlfriend with a knife. Im a family man with a picture frame. Thank god he just walked out. Police keep underscoring the fact they are dealing with a dangerous. He was sentenced to life in prison for stabbing his girlfriend to death. He is wanted for a homicide in northern brazil. This is a man with quite a background. They urge people to use caution. How terrifying for that man and his family. Thankfully, they are okay. Hopefully, they will find this guy soon. Cause for concern. Most republicans on capitol hill are standing by Mitch Mcconnell following his health scares. At least one is raising questions about his health. You are watching Andrea Mitchell reports right here on msnbc. Er clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. The towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. Try downy free gentle. [sneeze] astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. 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On capitol hill right now, Senate Republicans are having their weekly party lunch with leader mcconnells health under increasing scrutiny after the freezing episodes. Mcconnell dismissed any concerns on the senate floor yesterday. At one particular moment of my time back home has received its fair share of attention in the press over the past week. But i assure you, all of this was a busy and productive month for me and my staff back in the commonwealth. Those comments are coming hours after the capitols attending Physicians Office released a letter saying there was no evidence that mcconnell had a seizure or stroke. Republican senators are strongly, resoundingly supporting him. But at least one, a former physician and fellow kentucky republican, is casting doubt. We may expect that Mitch Mcconnell will check out for 20 seconds a day. But the other 86,380 seconds, he does a pretty darn good job. I think its an inadequate explanation to say this is dehydration. I practiced medicine for 25 years. It doesnt look like dehydration. It looked like a focal neurologic event. It doesnt mean he cant serve. It means that somebody should wake up and say, wow, this looks like a seizure. Lets talk about this. Ryan nobles with us. Also Eugene Daniels joining us as well. Ryan, we know, congress got their work cut out for them this september. The house in session for 11 days. This Potential Threat of a Government Shutdown looming. Mcconnells health is central to keeping these trains running on time. Reporter theres no doubt about that. Especially when you consider that mcconnell is one of the key negotiators, one of the four leaders of the house and senate, and someone who right before he experienced that spell in kentucky had made it clear that he saw the Budget Process much differently than his republican counterparts in the house of researches, specifically the speaker of the house, Kevin Mccarthy. There is a lot of concern as to what it means for the future of the negotiations in the shortterm. The longterm prospects of leadership. When you look at the average age of the United States senate, you can see the vast majority of the senators are over the age of 60. There is a good number of these senators that are actually over the age of 70. Mcconnell falls within that group. Mcconnell is scheduled to have lunch with his fellow republican members of the senate. Thats happening right now. Perhaps he gives them a bit more insight into his Health Situation than he has given us in the press. Theres no doubt some concerns over the amount of transparency and what it means for mcconnells future here in the United States senate. You used that key word, thats transparency. We played romney and other republicans that are supporting mcconnell there. Rand paul, unsurprisingly, it seems has more questions. Im wondering if he will take questions at 2 00 p. M. Thats where the first freezing episode happened in july. If theres more of a call for transparency to the general public about what exactly is going on. Reporter yeah. I think that theres certainly going to be more questions from those of us in the press looking for more information. The question i think is just how honest he is with his fellow republicans in the closeddoor sessions. We know shortly after that episode, he was making phone calls to members of the caucus, particularly members in leadership, to assure them that he was feeling okay. There are a lot of questions that we have about the number of doctors that he has seen, the type of tests that have been run. What questions do doctors have about his current condition . The only answers we have been giving are two short staples from the attending physician, who while someone that plays an Important Role in his care, is not the primary doctor responsible for answering these questions. Thats part of what we are hoping to learn during this 2 00 p. M. Press conference today. There will be a lot of eyes on that later this afternoon. That was the first time that we saw Something Like this happen. Eugene, lets pivot. I mentioned the house in session for 11 days looking to make sure there isnt this looming Government Shutdown. We heard about a possible Impeachment Inquiry as well. We heard threats, tit for tat threats from Marjorie Taylor greene amidst that. I want to play sound from Top Oversight Committee republican james comber on fox news last night. All this evidence that we have gathered, we are starting to piece it to the and put together a time line. This Impeachment Inquiry will help us get all of the evidence so the American People can know exactly what joe biden did and when he did it. At this point from what we know, theres no evidence that would lead to an impeachment. Either way, whatever that may be, right, the pr of this, the publicity of a possible Impeachment Inquiry could harm the president and the administration. What is the plan inside the white house if this goes forward . I think at this point, they have been kind of preparing for this for a while, even before the mid terms shook out and we saw people actually voting. They started gathering a team, getting people that are watching they are paying attention to the communications during times of impeachment. Look at the bill clinton time, talking with people who were there, trying to understand how it changes a white house and how it changes and puts the brakes on what folks are trying to do. They feel like at this point it is not not that an impeachment is baked in, but they are prepared for it especially because we havent seen any evidence that would lead to a real impeachment and President Biden being convicted of something in the senate. I will say, i think they took a deep breath when Kevin Mccarthy recently said that they would he would have to do a vote on the floor for an Impeachment Inquiry. They know and they feel strongly, the numbers bear out this, there arent the votes for that at this point. A slim majority in the house chambers. All of the folks who are frontliners, in districts that joe biden won, they are not looking to talk about this or vote on this. The white house is prepping and watching, like we are. They feel really good about defending it. I dont know if you get the same emails we do from the white house. From the team thats there, the investigative team, they are constantly sending out updates saying comber doesnt have anything. This is what matt gaetz said. This is the craziness happening over there. They are trying to get ahead of the pr here. Eugene, thank you. Ryan, thank you as well. Help is on the way. Secretary of state tony blinken bringing more american support to the war in ukraine as he meets with president zelenskyy there. You are watching Andrea Mitchell reports right here on msnbc. Eports right here on msnbc. Its nothing. Sounds like something. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion upset stomach, diarrhea pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. Tourists tourists that turn into scientists. Tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. That can be analyzed by ai in real time. So researchers can identify which areas are at risk. And help life underwater flourish. Hey all, so i just downloaded the experian app because i wanted to check my fico® score, but it does so much more. This thing shows you your fico® score, you can get your credit card recommendations, and it shows you ways to save money. Do so much more than get your fico® score. Download the experian app now. psst psst ahhhh. 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So now, he wakes up feeling like himself. The reigning family room middleweight champion. Better days start with zzzquil nights. Ive spent centuries evolving with the world. Thats the nature of being the economy. Observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. With one element securing portfolios, time after time. Gold. Agile and liquid. A proven protector. An everevolving enabler of bold decisions. An asset more relevant than ever before. Gold. Your strategic advantage. Welcome back. Secretary of state tony blinken made a surprise visit to kyiv as ukraines counteroffensive grinds on. Earlier, blinken met with zelenskyy, pledging the u. S. Support for ukraine. This is a difficult challenge and difficult tough period. The leaders of the United States come with great messages of support. Thank you so much. We are really thankful to you. We are very thankful to the white house, to President Biden. We are determined, the United States, to continue to walk side by side with you. And President Biden asked me to come to reaffirm strongly our support. Hours after Secretary Blinken arrived, a Russian Missile struck a market, killing 17 people, including a child. Its the deadliest attack in months, according to officials there. Richard engel is in kyiv with the latest on the secretarys visit. Reporter Secretary Blinken came here to express the support for the Ukrainian Government as it continues to carry out its war to free this country from russian occupation. Russian troops still hold roughly 20 of this country. Theres an intense battle as troops are into a counteroffensive to drive those remaining troops, who are holding roughly 20 of the country, out of the country. Its a tough fight. Russian troops are dug in. They are heavily entrenched. They have scattered land mines, millions of land mines across the south and east. They have three layers, like sharks teeth, of defenses. The ukrainians are trying to punch through a line. They are doing it with small attacks. 15 to 20 ukrainian troops attacking at night to try and find a weakness, find a hole, avoid the land mines and drive into that russian front line. Its very costly. According to some u. S. Estimates, there have been about half a million casualties, dead and injured, so far in this war. The war has been going on for a year and a half now. Thats on both sides. With about 300,000 on the russian side, 200,000 on the ukrainian side. Many of those casualties coming during this latest offensive. Secretary blinken is here to show u. S. Support at a difficult time and also promising an extra billion dollars plus in mostly military support. Thank you to Richard Engel for that. Tomorrow, you dont want to miss this, richard will have an interview with Secretary Blinken from ukraine. Back to atlanta. Trump codefendants Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, two lawyers who played pivotal but different roles in the former president s efforts to remain in power, they have a hearing to determine the future of their cases in Fulton County. I want to bring in ken dilanian. Glenn kirschner and robert james are back with us as well. President trump, his legal team, they are very interested even how the next hour or so is going to play out in that courtroom. They are. Its great to be here with you. They are interested because they would love nothing more than to have this case tried without donald trump in it so they can get a free crack at the witnesses, the testimony, the evidence. A free preview. Thats very helpful. That underscores the complexity of this case. The decision to bring in all th defendants and all these counts, it has its appeal because its a comprehensive criminal case, but it also has its pitfalls in terms of getting people the justice, all these motions, all these motions to sever, and some people want to go to trial early. Donald trump wants to delay as much as possible. I dont think were going to see trump on trial in this case before jack smith brings a similar case in washington. We may see chesebro and powell on trial. Glenn, i want to play for you we caught Scott Grubman walking into the courthouse earlier today, that is one of chesebros attorneys, and he talked to the cameras a little bit about the defense it seems theyre going to be mounting and why this case should be severed specifically from Sidney Powell president is rest of the codefendants. Lets play that and then i want you to react on the other side. The bottom line is mr. Chesebro was involved allegedly with the alternate elector plan, we plan to defend him on those charges. Ms. Powell is charged with something totally different. Ms. Powell is charged with things that apparently happened in georgia. Mr. Chesebros never been there, hes never talked to ms. Powell. Never met ms. Powell. He was in no way, shape or form involved. Its important to have two trials here so all the defendants can be judged on the merits of their particular case. Hes not the only one wanting to sever his case from Sidney Powell. It seems as if his attorney is focusing on that specifically and laying out their plan. Give me your reaction to that. You know, yasmin in the law there is a strong preference that codefendants, once they are properly joined in an indictment, theres a strong preference that they be tried together. It is actually pretty tough to get judge to rule that somebody should be severed out. Defendants will say theres a disparity of evidence, somebody else is much more culpable than i am, and i dont want prejudicial spillover injuring me and my opportunity at winning an acquittal. Some people will say, as you just heard chesebros lawyer say, listen, he doesnt even know this other codefendant. He never committed crimes in concert with this codefendant. The thing is in a properly brought conspiracy case, the conspirators dont even have to know each other. They dont have to have personally participated in the crimes that the other is charged with as long as they were all working as part of a criminal enterprise toward a criminal goal. So i think chesebros lawyers have an Uphill Battle in trying to convince the judge that he should not go to trial with Sidney Powell or anybody else who might request a speedy trial. So robert james, i want to read a part of the motion by this the Motion Hearing, the notice of this Motion Hearing issued by judge mcafee for folks to understand what the ask of the state is. But as youre giving us this answer, remember and understand that were going into this thing blind, right . This is the first time that were going to be seeing Something Like this televised, right . For folks that are watching. And he asked this of the state specifically, a good faith estimate of the time reasonably anticipated to present the states case during a joint trial of all 19 codefendants, and alternatively any divisions thereof including the number of witnesses likely to be called and the number and size of exhibits likely to be introduced. What are your expectations in what the state plans to present here . Well, you know, its going to be very interesting because what theyre essentially what the judge is essentially requiring the prosecution to do is lay out i dont want to say in detail what their case is going to look like but, you know, at least in a summary fashion, right . What witnesses are you going to be calling . How long do you expect this evidence to take. It is just an estimation. I can tell you by any estimation, its going to take a long time. Whether you sever the cases, im not in the camp that these cases are going to be severed or if you try them all together. Its going to be one big long trial, and weve seen trials like that, rico trials like that in Fulton County and over places in georgia before where they can take as long as six months or longer, right . If you sever it, youre going to have several trials that could span over the course of the next few years. Either way theres no short way to do it. But its going to be a challenge to tell the judge in detail at this point how long thats going to take. You also dont know what witnesses the defense is going to call. And by the way, i want to remind folks were looking at live pictures from inside the courtroom right now. Its all going to be happening in the hour ahead. Were going to be watching as it plays out right here on msnbc. Thank you. That does it for me, everybody, and this edition of Andrea Mitchell reports. Join us tomorrow for andreas exclusive interview with the u. S. Ambassador to the united nations, Linda Thomasgreenfield as andrea traveling to chad. Chris jansing reports starts next. Reports starts next Taking Antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. vo you were diagnosed with Thyroid Eye Disease for oa long time ago. Tburn relief, prilosec otc. 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I found mine at findahandspecialist. Com. Good day. Im Chris Jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. It is a first in american history, and a watershed moment for our Justice System and our political culture. Starting any minute now, americans will be able to watch live as the Fulton County District Attorneys Office brings its case against former

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