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Dysfunction of our political system. Isnt high time to try and fix it i will ask derek smallwell. Plus how to dueling speeches from President Biden and donald trump this week showed us exactly who they are and whats at stake in 2024. The gops baseless Impeachment Hearing was so bad their star witness shut down their case against joe biden on day one. Good evening, im mehdi hassan. We did in fact end up dodging a Government Shutdown this week. It would have been the 22nd shutdown in less than 50 years. After House Democrats and the non crazy wing of the house gop came together at almost a stminute yesterday to pass a plan that keeps the government funded existing levels while adding and money for Disaster Relief in tokyo from ukraine. He might want to write the date November 17th and your calendars. Thats when the majority, quote, unquote runs out again. We do this entire dance all over again. What was passed yesterday in a hurry through the house and the senate and on the president s desk for signature was a stopgap measure. A temporary fix and a bandaid which is ripped off in 45 days time. Lets be clear. This is not a long term sustainable solution to our government funding problems. Lets be clear, this is no way to run a government anywhere on earth let alone the richest most powerful country on earth. The country that prides itself on being the oldest democracy in the world. To quote that dress John Fetterman a pennsylvania, hoodies and shorts infamy, i voted at 8 30 pm on a saturday night. Thats my job. The American People should never have to worry about their government shutting down. Pushing the Snooze Button solves nothing. The same losers will try to pull the same stuff in 45 days. I voted yes to keep the government open and im done normalizing this dysfunction. Dysfunction is exactly the right word. We have a dysfunctional system of government. It doesnt work as it supposed to. Yes, the gop is to blame for the last five shutdowns. They were to blame if the shutdown had happened to. The only reason the broken and antidemocratic Republican Party is able to even keep bringing us to the brink of Government Shutdowns, this one wouldve been the worst of, all the shutdown about nothing based on nothing for nothing. The only reason they even can do that is because theyre able to exploit and leverage a broken and on Democratic Political system. See, there is no both sides when it comes to threats of Government Shutdowns, or debt ceiling hostage taking. Thats on the extremist maga gop. Both sides definitely have to take responsibility for defending and prolonging a broken dysfunctional unDemocratic Political system. Sadly, democrats, in my view, have not come out forcefully enough for the type of reform that american democracy, especially, congress desperately needs. As harvard political scientist Daniel Ziegler and Steve Lewinsky explain and that tyranny of the minority, they explained on the show a couple weeks ago, Minority Rule has become the norm within american politics, especially on capitol hill. Every point of the legislative process. Minorities are able to block, impede, and obstruct. The whole reason we almost shut down the government this weekend is because, as the Washington Post noted, the hard right holdout and speaker mccarthys gerrymandered conference represents 100 percent of the oppositions deal. Just 2 of the population. Just 2 . They almost brought the government of the richest country and in the History Of The World to a shuddering halt. They could do so again just a few weeks from now. The political status quo as we saw this weekend is a joke. Our country, im sorry to, say has become a laughing stock in the eyes of much of the rest of the world. During the january 2018 shut down, this is what chinas Jubilance State News Agency wrote according to reuters. The Western Democratic System is held by the developed world as near perfect, under the most superior political system to run a country. However, whats happening In The Night States Today will make more people worldwide reflect on the viability and legitimacy of such a chaotic political system. I hate to say it, they were kind of right. Chaos is no longer a bug in the u. S. System, its a feature, a feature thats exploited and exacerbated by the chaos caucus within the house gop. Tonight, we have to ask whats going to happen in 45 days time when we frustratingly and annoyingly ridiculously have to do this all again . Is how speaker Kevin Mccarthy Got A Naval Stand Up to the farright Freedom Caucus that clearly hates him . Is even still going to be speaker commit october, flip around mid november. Here at me to answer those questions is democratic congressman eric small of california. Congressman, thank you for coming on the show tonight. Whats going to happen in 45 days time . We hit mid november and you guys in congress do this late night dance all over again. What happens . Its embarrassing to watch it happen again again. Maga republicans will bring chaos, democrats will save the country again with confidence. Thats the formula and thats how we paid our bills and lifted the ceiling. Thats how we kept it open. Something youve never seen before in the government, in any government, look at any democracy, the Majority Party delivering the Majority Amount of votes. It doesnt happen. What you saw, Again Speaker Jeffries delivered the votes. Matt gaetz is calling that as well. What can democrats do to prevent this from happening . Democrats swooped in and save the day. We shouldnt be doing it like. This nobody with the Guidance System that works like this. What can democrats do when they control all three and the senate in the house in the white house. To end these incessant threats and debt ceiling hostage taker. Joe biden said last year i dont want to get rid of the debt ceiling. Thats too extreme. What do we do to stop this from happening again and again . Get rid of the filibuster. Thats one way. Get rid of dirty money and maps. Passed the Voting Rights act which would have independent redistricting at every single state like we do in california. Also to the extent that we can make the money in politics as transparent as possible and that is when it is possible. Lets talk about the bill that was passed. Look what we did, we save the country, as you, said we got a better bill than what they were voting on a few days ago. 30 cuts to various major departments. The lack of Ukraine Funding in the bill has upset a lot. People democrat mike quigley called it to vote against the bill said its a victory for putin and his sympathizers. Is that what democrats were cheering on celebrating . We will get the Ukraine Funding. We have to keep the government open. We have to pay the. Troops are at the pit. Coopted the pay the border agents. The air traffic controllers. The hardworking federal employees. Benefits that were not going to go out the door. With the same leverage that were able to have the republicans completely capitulate, were going to apply that the next few days, to make sure that we get a vote on Ukraine Funding. As we message this to republican voters, to republican leaders, we have to tie it to china and taiwan. They thump their chest they love to be tough and say, oh, were tough on china. Ive given them the benefit of the doubt and assume that if china invited taiwan they would come to taiwans defense. I dont think she give the benefit of the doubt and more. If theyre flinching on ukraine, and they were cowardly walking away from the fight and ukraine, while we ever believe that they would defend taiwan . Whats gonna happen if we walk away from ukraine . Its a green light for she to go right into taiwan will get the money how . The leverage we have. We have Senate Republicans and democrats united. We have the votes to bring up the discharge position. Theres a lot of talk among republican friends they would go around the speaker to get the funding. Thats going to come. It cant come soon enough. Were not walking away from it. All eyes are on the speaker, Kevin Mccarthy. Whether or not the sign, or speaker name, some might say. Whether or not he will keep us posted. Have a listen to what he said on a morning show today in response to he name checked you. Theres no sound. I dont happen to the sound. There i would say that he talked about matt gaetz trying to work with democrats. He name checked you, he said hes working with Eric Smallwell to go against him. If there is a motion to vacate Kevin Mccarthy from the speakers chair, will he be able to count on Eric Smallwells vote to save him . Not my monkeys, not my circus. I didnt go to congress to help Kevin Mccarthy with his loan sharks. Im also not working with matt gaetz. What youre going to find among democrats is that we are reunited. United in the way that we kept the government open and united and how we paid our bills and lifted the debt ceiling. United and how youre not saving mccarthy . Im not saving him, no. He created this problem. He can find his way out. Matt gaetz listen to this, eric small is not going to vote for a Kevin Mccarthy, aoc said to not going to vote for mccarthy. If i go against mccarthy, he doesnt have democratic votes to save him. Thats, right whatever deals mccarthy thinks hes striking with democrats or one offs he thinks he has, i would invite him to look at how unified we have been in these votes. I dont know what leadership is going to do. I know that were going to talk about next couple of days. I know what our priorities are. Its working for working people. Its speeding back these insane impeachment inquiries. You mention impeachment, what if kevin, currently we know is a desperate, man i know hes desperate to be speaker and the total 15 rounds. What if it comes to democrats and said you get to the Impeachment Choir if you keep me in my chair . Im a team player. I will work with jeffries on. This as i, said matty, if were looking at this as this is one persons job, its more important in the country. And thats how we got to this mass with the shutdown, then were looking at it the wrong way. This is not about Kevin Mccarthy. By the way, i would hope that Kevin Mccarthy could find another job. This is were not going to go through hell and caskets to keep the job that he would recognize doing the night thing is more important then keeping this speaker derby has. Spectator speaker david. I will go back to the impeachment and moment. I will talk much about himself. Sometimes we get lost in the process. We dont talk substance. Lets talk substance. The president gave a very substance speech this week. Very strong speech on the threat from the threat to democracy posed by the extremist maga folks. Lets have a listen to some of that. Inciting violence against those who risked their lives to keep america safe, weaponizing against the very soul of who we are as americans, this mega threats, its the threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. Putting an ocean, the defeated former president expressed when he was in office. He believes it applies only to him. This is a dangerous notion. This president is above the law, no limits. Although, i dont believe even a majority of people would think that, the silence is deafening. The silence is deafening. Congressman, the silence is deafening. Powerful words from the president. Would you like to see more of that from the Biden Administration going on the offense . Last year, before the midterms, you and i have discussed, this when he was talking about semi fascism and going off the maga, people were saying, hold on, thats a little extreme. Dick durbin, i would have used that language. Shouldnt we see more that . Yes, we cant stand on virtue ands trust the American People to do the right thing. Especially when youre going up against this rightwing Media Ecosystem that feeds them lies. We have to fight this fight with both hands vigorously. I take a discredit, defend, deliver approach in every hearing. I discredit jim jordan, Anything Shrines you i defend the administration when they try and volley false charges. And i pivot to what we deliver if we were the majority. We have every reason to be confident. Im confident that we are going to win. Right now, we are in a position america where democracy just needs to live long enough to live forever. Weve seen changes in georgia and arizona. We won 18 in 2022. We won the special elections. I think this is it. This is, you know, to use the parlance of a california, this is the series finale. This upcoming election. If we get through it, democracy can live forever. Im confident that we know how to do this and were going to do it again. Use the phrase lead forever. The medias been obsessing over joe bidens age, as you, know even though hes only three years older than donald trump. Having said that, age in and of itself is in fact, democrats in focus groups and polls say theyre worried about his age. I have to play a clip of what you said when youre running against him in 2020 democrats you said this on the debate stage. Lets have a listen. I was six years old when the president ial candidate came to the California Democratic convention and said, its time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans. That candidate was then senator joe biden. Joe biden was right when he said it was time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans 32 years ago. He still right today. If were going to solve the issues, pass the torch. If were going to solve the issues of climate chaos, pass the torch. If were gonna solve the issue of student loan debt, pass the torch. If were going to End Gun Violence for families who are fearful of sending their kids to school, patch the. Torch congressman, you are chuckling. They shouldnt let children run for president. Who was that guy . Joe biden was 76 years old when you said pass the torch. You dont think he should handed over when hes 80 . He proved me. Wrong with what he has done to bring the country together through the jobs and infrastructure bills, through the chips act, through the gun safety legislation, through the inflation reduction act, and just the way hes brought the world together to take on ukraine. By the way, hes 80. There is no disputing that. You know it numbers higher than . 80 91. 91 charges over four indictments, and thats a lot more concerning than the president s aide. You did a very good defend and deliver. Congressman eric swalwell, always a pleasure, thank you. Coming up, a trump biden rematch may be on the horizon in 2024. The difference between the two men couldnt be more stark. Why is it still such a tight race . My panel of experts join me to talk biden beatrice. Eatrice. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. 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Hmm get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. See you down the line. Tourists tourists that turn into scientists. Tourists taking photos that are analyzed by ai. So researchers can help life underwater flourish. The power goes out and we still have wifi so researchers can help life underwater flourish. To do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. If you want to understand home of the xfinity 10g network. Whats at stake in next years election, look no further than to speeches that the presumed nominees gave this week. First, there is President Joe Biden who was in phoenix this week to honor the late senator john mccain and warned about the ongoing threat to our democracy. There was an extremist movement, it does not share the basic believes in our democracy. The maga movement. They are not hiding their attacks. They are openly promoting them. Democracies dont have to die at the end of a rifle. Likened island people are silent. They failed to stand up or condemn the threats to democracy. That was joe biden. And then theres the twice impeached four times indicted ex president Donald J Trump spoke at the california Republican Party convention on friday and gave one of his most unhinged speeches yet. They say that there is so much water up north that i want to have the overflow areas going to your force. If you dampen your forest, youre not going to have forest fires. If you rob a store you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. Shot. I will stand up to crazy nancy pelosi who ruined San Francisco. How is her Husband Doing by the way . The choice is clear. Its not about whos two older who gave the best performance at a tv debate, its between one candidate who wants to be reelected, he said to protect democracy, and another who is busy normalizing and mocking a Hammer Attack on the 82yearold opponent husband of his political opponent. Lets bring in my panel to talk about all of this and more. Former democratic senator Barbara Boxer of california. The correspondent for the nation, and brian butler, a political analyst and founder of the new off message newsletter on substack. Thank you for joining me. Let me start with, you elie. When you watch donald trump talking about dampening the forest floor, and then you look at polls that show him that connect with biden or in the lead by ten points or five points over biden, do you put your head in your hair and your hands . Look, mehdi, not really. There is a recent poll out of the University Of Chicago that said the biggest indicator of whether or not you support trump is whether or not you believe racism has been defeated. Whether or not you believe systemic racism doesnt exist. Whether or not you believe that what white people face more racism than people of color. Trumps running on white reverence, its how hes always been. Its what hes always done. And i feel like reducing it to racism always make certain kinds of democrats squeamish. We want there to be a bigger answer. We want to believe maybe republicans actually think you should dampen the forests. We want to believe is a reason. Theres nothing there. All it is is white grievance. Without racism, trump is just dumber chris christie. And that is why he is where he is because he plays into the racism of his fans. Lets bring in Barbara Boxer. Were talking about the republican voting on white grievance. And the republicans are running on white grievance, what should joe biden be running . And he keeps talking about jobs, bidenomics, that hasnt really cut through. Now he is in my View Pivoting to the democracy argument. Its important. What do you think you should be running . On i think you should stick to the soul of the nation. That gets right to the issue that was just raised. Its either were going to turn on each other for stupid reasons the way we look, okay, our heritage, it makes no sense. Are we going to Work Together for america. I think what we see in this race is democracy versus tyranny. We see a candidate who is cruel versus a candidate who is compassionate. And when you ask me about polls, honestly, its early. I agree with that point. If i looked at the polls in my races every time i ran, oh my, god i would have run away. And i managed to pull it off. People dont take it in and Pay Attention until they are good and ready. And thats always just a few months before. Last point i will make. The country is divided. Its been that way for a while. If you look back at president ial races, the last few of, them they start off 40 40. The battle is over that last 20 . It was that way in my races to. Who is in that 20 . A lot of times its independent voters. I think independent voters dont want a country thats divided by race, they dont want a country where theyre afraid of sending their kids to school and women dont have the right to make decisions about their health care. I could go on. I feel good about where we are. Its going to be difficult. Youre right to point out we are 13 months out. The polls have to be taken with a shovel assault. Brian, i want to talk to you about your latest substack piece called, quote, the democrats lost september. In it you detail some real evidence that the democrats have failed to capitalize on. He could sell his properties at inflated rate to the saudis. Suggesting general mark milley be executed for treason. Complaint while speaking at a nonunion shop. What should democrats have done . What are they doing that theyre not doing . I think the senate majority, the Democratic Senate majority should be using their official powers to try to shape what it is the media covers. What it tells voters in telling them what they think is important with their coverage, whats happening, if Senate Community is recovering in that piece i think it would change the timber of news coverage. I agree with what Senator Boxer said. At this period, in a presidency, its two and a half years in. The novelty has worn off. Maybe peoples frustrations are starting to grow. Maybe people are worried about the president s age. When republicans nominate donald trump, a lot of the memories of the 2017 to 2020 period will come running back. I think democrats will probably reconsolidate around President Biden. There is another half of the equation. What people hear about the two candidates, it matters. Republicans spent a lot of time thinking about how to make voters hate joe biden. They use their committee powers. They use the rhetoric. They have propaganda networks. Fox news allows them to do this easily. They use every channel available to say biden crime family, hunter laptop, impeachment. Its worked to make a lot of voters think that both candidates are dirty. Senate democrats havent had an answer to this. Thats why i wrote that they lost september. They arent really thinking about how to neutralize that threat. It is at the same message. Or the desire to do to republicans whats on to them. In the last few, weeks at, lviv seen republicans freakout over John Fetterman wearing shorts in the senate. And this weekend they freaked out over jamal bowman pulling a fire alarm to stop a vote. Hes denied it. He said it was an accident. Yet you dont see democrats worked up in the same way over paul gosar suggesting general mark milley is a sodomy promoting who should be executed. Are donald trump as we saw a moment ago saying, he will see shoplifters shot dead if hes president. Even George Santos who is, you know, a serial liar. Hes living like a George Costanza version of his life. Democrats dont go in for the kill the way republicans do. Thats always been part of the cross of being a democrat. We try to keep it up. Here we try to play nice. We try to keep focus on whats important. We hope the crazies wont punch themselves out. Without fully appreciating that while, yes, they are crazy, they are not idly crazy. Theyre crazy with a purpose. They are trying to smear and tar and feather on democratic politicians because low information maga voters, thats the kind of thing that they play to. I also agree with Senator Boxer that where we are right now, when you look at the policies that are in play versus what the republicans are bringing to the table, which is cuckoo for poco pass circus time. I think that is ultimately going to win the day. People have gone broke underestimating joe biden. I think were on the right track. I will jump in. We will continue this discussion off the break. Before we go to, break glass, work to 30 seconds, Barbara Boxer, why are democrats so weak ongoing on the offense of the way republicans are . I would not say we are weak. I would say there is an embarrassment of riches. Every day its Something Else with this donald trump. What do you do, i myself spend my days just Walking Around the house talking to my husband and saying, oh my god, he wants to execute the former chief of staff. We all do that. Theres so much. Let me close on this, briefly. I will, Hakeem Jeffries is a brilliant communicator. My money is on him. He is going to step out. I listen to him when we he is genius at. It keep your eye on him. Okay, i will keep my eye on them. Im waiting for him to Say Something about paul gosar need to be expelled for what he said. My panel, please stick around, much more to discuss. Republicans struggling to find their footing in their Impeachment Hearing. Lets talk about that a moment. Crushed by a baby grand piano. Youre replacing me . Customize and save with liberty bibberty. He doesnt even have a mustache. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Tourists tourists that turn into scientists. Tourists taking photos that are analyzed by ai. So researchers can help life underwater flourish. Rsv is out there. For those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. Arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects are Injection Site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. I chose arexvy. Rsv . Make it arexvy. I do not believe the Current Evidence would support articles of impeachment. Im not here today to even suggest that there would be corruption or any wrongdoing. When your own star witness and the republicans Favorite Law Professor Jonathan Turley comes to congress and says there is no evidence to justify impeaching joe biden at the start of an Impeachment Inquiry into joe biden. That is probably a bad thing. Lets bring in my panel who is still with me. Brian bowler of off message and i want to get you arresting not just to that but to the whole day of Impeachment Inquiry nonsense. How bad was it for the republicans, brian . What happens Going Forward . Joe biden and the democrats are very lucky to have the enemies they have, sometimes. I think what is ultimately going to happen is they are going to keep Holding Hearings on theyre going to lead selected pieces of information dressed up to make them seem scandalous. Theyll give those to various reporters who they think will pay them up, a hint of a big scandal. And it will take days to beat them down. And the process will continue probably for months. And continue to take the toll on that we were talking about in the earlier segment. People who are paying as close attention will say there is an Impeachment Inquiry and we keep Hearing Breaking News out of it. And it will increase the number of voters in the country who think there is something dirty about President Biden. The democrats, they are at least the president s strategy here seems to be to sort of trying to float above the fray on this. Putting about the phrase another way of saying, see the microphones to republicans. I think you gain some advantage if he simply, says, Love Everybody including you and the reporters who are covering this know that there is merit to it. And so why cover it has if it is an impeachment like when President Trump was impeached . Even when president clinton was impeached. Call it out for the impeachment that it is, to quote jamie raskin. Jonathan turley has been number two only to Allen Dershowitz as a Law Professor who republicans go to get legal arguments when no one else will give them legal arguments. I cannot bring himself on thursday to develop this stuff. We dont even charlie can chill for you that is like the sam shamwow guy not being willing to sell you a towel. That is how bad it is when you cant get Jonathan Turley on your side. I am not as down on the Impeachment Hearings as brian is at all. I agree he is right. But when you watch these things, they are showing them live on the maga news network. And so what is happening in addition to all the muddying the waters theyve been trying to, you do, maybe for the first time in some of these peoples lives they are using the democrats using their time during these inquiries to relitigate the charges against donald trump. To reexamine all of the corruption and grafton to see to that happens in the Republican Party. Ive got to tell you, i bet some of those maga news that were people, this is the first time theyve heard of it. So in some kind of offhand way, i do think thats giving democrats the microphone and showing up live on Certain Networks is educating some voters who might not have otherwise have heard about these things. I agree with, you ali. But i also still worry like brian does that they can still shamelessly this spin this in their favor. They still have a narrow majority. You were in the senate when bill clinton was impeached, avoided conviction. That hurt him. The democrats have argued for years, there is an argument of her 20 republican in the short term in the long term are going into al gore its et cetera. We have the argument about how throwing the Impeachment Mark in the hope that it has candidates. That is the republican argument,. Here it being impeached next year. They say hes impeached and trump is impeached. Does the same. Yes i was there during the clinton impeachment. I want to say a couple things about it. People were really mad at the republicans. I will tell you, the fact is that impeachment takes the air out of the room. There is no more oxygen. And the public is going, what about me . What about my student life . What about the fact that got flooded out again and it goes on in the, on more mass. Shootings and they are talking, about what is the seinfeld Impeachment Hearing. It is a hearing about, nothing and you are right. I went into so many hearings, i shared so many hearings. And when i picked witnesses to come before us, they were sprouted. They were on your side. This was such a blast. Point l. A. Makes a beautiful point about maybe for the first time, fox viewers are seeing democrats. Democrats, theyve never seen a democrat. Theyve never seen an African American democrats. Or a female democrat. Its a trauma. So, now, what im worried about though is that maybe they are watching this and theyll now cuts away when it is the democrats turn to question. But it is a moment that i think we should consider as a possible plus. Of, course im always an optimist. You, are i appreciate your optimism. I have been my whole life. I would point out that the people doing a lot of the debunking at the hearing were men and women of color on the democratic side. That will be interesting for the fox reaction. Barbara, boxer brian boulder, thank you all will have to leave it. There appreciate you all. Coming up later this hour, ill speak to the top Climate Scientist who like Barbara Boxer is an optimist. He still has hope among the gloom in the tomb of the climate crisis. And do not forget you can listen to the Media Hasan Show anytime, free, wherever you get your podcasts. Your podcasts. Im jayson. Im living with hiv and im on cabenuva. It helps keep me undetectable. 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Every other month, and im good to go. When the murrays discovered gain scent beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. Huh, huh, so did their dog roger. Gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest Stuff Smelling fresh. Still to come tonight, some House Republicans are losing their mind about jamal bowman, pulling a fire alarm at the capitol shooting them on a Cannon Office building. A move that the congressman says was an accident, but those same republicans seem to have no problem when the trump mob actually attacked the Capitol On January the 6th. My thoughts on that gop Double Standard coming up. But, first Richard Louis is here with some more headlines. But, evening richard. All the stories watching for this hour. Dianne feinstein in San Francisco city hall on wednesday where visitors to be able to pay respects. If you know service will be held the following day. Not open to the public. Feinstein died on thursday and was 90 years old. Illinois residents are being allowed back home following cleanup from a pneumonia spill. The spill was caused by deadly crash involving a tanker truck about two hours south of chicago. Five, people including two children died in that crash. And birthday wishes are pouring in for jimmy carter. Who turns 99 today. The former president and First Lady State at their home in many of the family including 12 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren celebrate with Community Members down the block and downtown in plains, georgia. More of the mehdi hasan show right after this break. When you have chronic kidney disease. There are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. Not so much here. If you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. Farxiga and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital Yeast Infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. 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Most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. Detect this i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Ask your doctor about switching to dovato. Last week we had kind newkirk on the show talked about the importance of taking greater action to combat Climate Change. This, week he interrupted President Biden speech in arizona on the threat to american democracy. Have a watch. Please excuse my interruption, mister president. And i deplore my conscience to ask why you have yet to why if you get to declare a Climate Emergency . Hundreds of arizonans have died, hundreds have died. We need you to use your full powers to confront this crisis. Hang on the second will be happy To Be With You after i speak, okay . [inaudible] i tell you. What if you shot, i will meet with you after this. Activists like newkirk think the Climate Change threat is so existential and serious and urgent that we need more action now. Michael mann, one of the world s most famous Climate Scientists, has written a new book making the case that we do need action but we dont need to fall into two mongering, and there is actually reason for hope and optimism on this issue. Our fragile, moment how lessons from earths past can help us survive the climate crisis, is his new book. And michael mann joins me now. Thank you so much for coming back on the show. And your new book michael, you itquote, the impact of Climate Change nordic constitutes an accidental threat if l to act. But we can act. Our fragile moment can still be preserved. And i admire your optimism, but personally i for one to spare when i see what we have seen this summer. The record temperatures, the lives lost. The natural disasters. How do you maintain that hope . Yeah, its great To Be With You, mehdi. We all feel that. My city of philadelphia, we are the worst air quality in the world for several days. And that was because of these unprecedented canadian wildfires and the smoke coming down from them, into the lower 48. So we are seeing devastating climate consequences. There is no question about that. Now, if we look at what the models have predicted, decades ago the warming is actually right about where the models predicted it would be. If we continue down this course of Fossil Fuel Burning. So we got that right. With the models, probably underestimated. With some of the impacts of that warming, the extreme weather events we are seeing, the beginning of the collapse of ice shells and the potential Sea Level Rise that will come with that, if the ice sheets follow suit. And so there is no question, we are seeing dark consequences of an action. But there is also not evidence that we are going through a climate tipping point. The truth is, my mentor steve nigh are used to say is bad enough. And the truth is that as long as we continue adding Carbon Pollution to the atmosphere, the planet will continue to warm up and all of these things will continue to get worse. I just played a clip of client newkirk, the activists on the show last week. Before i spoke with naomi cline, they are consistent messages okay, but it does some good stuff. But the bad stuff he does on this issue, such as Record Energy drilling permits, that cancels out the good stuff. What is your response to that . I dont think thats true. I think the inflation reduction act, which she signed into law is by far the most important Climate Legislation. The only Climate Legislation we have ever seen pass and be signed into law. He gets a good part of the way to where we need to be. He does not get all the way there. The reason it does not is that some of the provisions that would have helped for example limit Fossil Fuel Burning by utilities were stripped out by that 50th vote by joe manchin of west virginia. They werent able to get a better bill because essentially they did not have the votes in the senate to get that. Manchin gained up with the republicans who are party full of climate deniers. Theyve ramaswamy on the debate stage let me that co2 in the atmosphere is down low levels. How he responded nonsense like that . It is funny because i came across that a week ago. It says Something Like the co2 levels in the atmosphere are lower, than all of human existence. And then she gently pointed out on twitter that in fact you had to go all the way back until early hamman its were roaming the African Savannah back in 4 million years ago to find co2 levels naturally that were as high as they are today. So they got a completely wrong but more importantly what he got wrong was it isnt the level of carpenter accidental atmosphere or even the absolute warmth of the planet. We have seen times in the deep geological past, i talk about the surfaces where it was higher, where it is the rate of warming unprecedented for us and other living things. Well, side and michael mann will have to leave it. There thank you so. Much the book is called our fragile moment. Appreciate you coming on the show. Thank, you mehdi. Coming up at the top of the hour with a man and barbara luck lane. Previewing the opening days of Donald Trumps 250 Million Dollar civil fraud trial. I know theres a lot of, trials you can keep up with all. Dumb name is going to help. That is, next not pm eastern right here on msnbc. But first, it is going to be helping me as we discussed the gop Double Standards around Congressman Jamal Bowman pulling the fire alarm. Alarm proven over 90 effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. 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Amen before headed over to, you im sure youve noticed that as relatives are losing their minds falling pulling a fire alarm yesterday. Allegedly to try to delay a vote, something he. Denies he says it was an accident. House republicans are calling for his expulsion, even for his arrest. You dont need me to tell you that these are the same House Republicans who are perfectly happy to have paul gosar in their mitts. Who call for the execution of quote, Solemnly Promoting general mcneely just last, week and Lauren Boebert who carried out a lewd act in the audience filled with kids. Last, month George Santos who is under federal indictment lied about his entire life. But they got worked up about jamal bowman setting off a fire alarm in the Cannon Office. Building of, course when there is an actual attack on the Capitol Building that was quote, legitimate political discourse. Who are they getting here . Seriously. Mehdi, what do you respect expect from a Republican Party that is fully endorsed, justified and excuse to the behavior of donald trump . Who was president was impeached twice, now indicted on 91 counts and four separate trials. It is the height of hypocrisy for republicans to turn a blind eye to the leader of the insurrection against the capitol while calling for jamal bowman to be expelled. I have to say, i think i can do one better. I dont know if you saw this post from the coup leader himself, trump, who is now calling for jamal bowman to face the same fate as the six insurrectionists who are obstructing an official congressional proceeding. I mean, this is like the death of irony, right . The trump of all people, a defendant accused of obstructing a congressional proceeding, is now conceding that obstructing a congressional conceding is actually a crime. Can you just imagine the reaction of trumps lawyers when they saw that confession . Oh to be a trump lawyer for the one week that you are a trump lawyer before you switch it to someone else. By, the way quick. Think republicans would have voted to impeach and convict trump, clearly, if he just pulled the fire. Alarm not by sending im off to the capitol to fight like if they could only find him doing something as dangerous as pulling the fire alarm. Exactly. , mehdi great to see you as always, friend. Great show, enjoy the rest of your evening off. Tonight on ayman. Gop in disarray. Farright house members are pushing to oust Kevin Mccarthy from the speakership. And some progressive democrats, well, they are jumping on board as well. Plus Breaking News on Donald Trumps civil fraud trial. New details on what we can expect when the ex president shows up to courts tomorrow morning and debate disaster. The front of the showing comedian match friend is back with us for his assessment of the latest chaotic republican debate. You do not want to miss this, one folks. I am eamonn lets get started. Tonight we

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