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Donald trump on the president ial ballot rejecting the state efforts to try to brand trump illegally and thus keep him off the ballots this year of its big news no matter how you slice it. Its big for a nation divided by trump, big for an election that is legally intertwined. Its between trumps efforts to overthrow the last election laws and efforts to run right now. There is no way around dealing with what trump has brought. This is also big news for the court itself. Big news longer for voting begins. As the time is reporting today, the decision is the most important ruling. Of handing the presidency to bush the most important such ruling in 25 years. Thats how it played out as the news broke. One of the unprecedented legal questions over the election has been resolved. And unanimous decision they keep donald trump on the ballot. Not just a colorado but across the entire nation. Monumental Supreme Court decision. Huge, inanimate decision today. Reversed colorados decision to ban donald trump from its primary ballot. What the Supreme Court has done here, already is incredibly consequential to the president ial election. This fast and relatively short ruling, which we got today is indeed consequential. It draws lines on how this years election will run. It smacks downstate efforts to invoke january 6th as a reason on its own to bar trump from running at all. States have no power under the constitution. A ballot ban for insurrectionists with respect to federal offices. The highlighting their leave it up for a moment is important. If you understand or remember, nothing states deal with states. But states dont have the same power to deal with federal offices. That is what the Supreme Court ruled today. And all the justices agreed on that point. Obama pointy, during arguments this very case. I think the question is why the single state should be president of the United States. The question there is slicing through colorados argument. Todays ruling built on that angle, the justices noting that there is no for an Insurrection Qualification against federal candidates in the years following the ratification of this amendment. They go on to write a telling indication of a severe constitutional problem states efforts here. With law on history, that is just true. It was a new, unprecedented bid for states to try to take the terrible horrors of january 6th, and then cite them for a potentially new power that states alone could engage in an insurrection and then they would ban them from the ballots. We reported on this at the time. We spoke to the Secretary Of State for colorado. We and discuss the fact for federal candidates was not a thing. So, legally it didnt seem like something a Supreme Court would now make a thing. Now, today im going to walk you through what happened. So, some of it hits one way and the other hits another way. Im gonna do what i promise. Right now, itll be done in plain english. Today, all nine justices reached the same judgment. So, that means justices appointed by trump and then justice appointed by obama and the other president s. They all share the same legal conclusion that a time of cynicism for more and more rulings is based on politics and independent law. Some cases turn and are more than who benefits. In other, words you cant predict these rulings by whether the judges were appointed by obama or appointed by trump pm at least in what this ruling does. That is a kind of good news. I would walk you through the other issue tonight. We are not reporting on this because we want to or we welcome some exception to that good news. If the decision stopped there, and that is all we report on. There is more. Separate from what you might call the. Good news there are actions and statements by this court, which also revealed that this type of Non Partisanship goes so far. So, this court was unanimous in the outcome. That means unanimous in the judgment. It was not at all united in how we make this ruling. In other words, what it actually says. How far it goes. All nine justices were able to agree and concur in the judgment. Indeed, some of the democratic appointees made that point by saying we concur only in the judgment. That is how they put it. That is because five of the republican appointees seized on the state case to go way beyond the issue at hand. We added new rules that they made up today for what they say are the required treatment of potential insurrectionists in a federal context. Now, that is a sweeping an anti conservative judicial reach. It is also the kind of thing that the same justices that you see on your screen, the kind of thing that they claim they are against. Theyve said that their Nomination Hearings in other places. And one measure tonight with how far they, went another words if youre watching this and saying okay the news anchor saying they went far. Even the democratic appointees are saying they went. Far back does that mean they went really far . One measure of this is what Justice Barrett did. She is of course a trump appointee. She concurred the states do not have these powers. Flatly called out the majority for overstepping and going beyond the necessities, to limit how the constitution can bar and both breaking insurrectionist. We get more into the weeds later in the hour for you want to stick around. But for now i just tell you, the bottom line is four justices concurred. They think the conservative majority use this case as a power grab in ways that what currently only help trump. So Justice Kavanaugh went farther than he otherwise would because of who this helps. Not because of a judicial or legal president. Thats what the other justices suggest in their concurrence. Heres why, no other candidates have been indicted for january 6th activities. We know other candidates face any criminal Legal Process it went well beyond what they had to do in the state power issue. They sort of talking about a new federal rules sherbrooke and we all know who that may be it may be donald trump or may not. In other words, we are nation of law. Theres a criminal process to determine the guilt. Theres nobody else around who is saying oh goodness, good. They made new rules making it harder to go after intersections. That is one reason that todays ruling is unanimous and its holding. But not in some non purely nonpartisan. It comes in the timing and unusual action today. Let me put it like this. I hear reporting the Supreme Court ruling, but did you know that they were not even open today . They were not in session . You may recall their second kind of body, its not like the post office. Its open and certain seasons in other days. They hear cases, they think about cases. Then they meet for rule. Today was not another. Stays there is no meeting. Indeed, i will emphasize it or further. You think about what a big court deal would look like. There were no reporters out front breathlessly awaiting the action. There were no news trucks or crowds like weve seen an active court days over the years. I could tell, you are actually be upfront of that in many days during the big session days. And it is a whole, saying let alone in the Big Decisions are expected. Those are the big days often at the end of the term its a whole busy scene. Thats not today. The court was closed today. And yet, and yet, this court and its conservative majority decided to do Something Different and issue a ruling today even those are just told you the building was closed down. Well, it turns out that these conservative justice are highly attuned even the cleat claiming otherwise. Theres a Washington Post report that the court clearly has an awareness of the election categories and they took the unusual step of announcing this opinion on the Supreme Courts website, on a day when the court is not in session. Instead of issuing it from the bench later this month. They did not use the normal data issue, it they will do it later but todays opinion just went up online on the website. They are making in the stew point here, and i emphasize it because it seems to pierce the d. C. Tradition, we dont think about external factors. We are just in here when justice. We are never looking at what candidate is affected according to the evidence we, have a look at the post points out today but this unusual way to issue an opinion, the court rush this ruling out on the website to get its answer but the ballot issue out there on Super Tuesday hits tomorrow. You are fasttracking this case and published a decision within one month. It took under a week to appeal the decision. Lawyers and judges know deadlines very well. You can be met and used, in a space that is so much talked about. Uniformity, people giving equal treatment. Very noticeably treating certain trump case is very different. Trump repeatedly losing the appeal of immunity claims. Just as i told, you colorados unlikely to win because they had an president s on their side. Theres no case that would tell you that the former president , you are an invincible superhero that never goes on trial. The court is still delaying things. In that case, now if you look at this federal cool trial it was supposed to be scheduled today. With this court is not using the colorado or bush calendar in fact they are adding three more weeks to the hearing of that case then the colorado uses and it is set for late april. That could take so long that if they continue to have three weeks here when they release opinions it doesnt get the special rust website that they got. They could have publishing ruling. Weve got this decision on the colorado ballot question. On the eve of tuesday. The political calendar, not just a legal calendar. One of the things he seems to praise a Supreme Court form was ruling quickly. The timing of the Supreme Court is now almost as important as he and the United States. As the substance of the decisions. If they really believe, that they will move fast on the Immunity Case. There you have it. Sometimes its what people dont do that is telling. Sometimes thats the way that the justice decides to duck and cover. Other times they jump out on the issue at hand. There is no question about congress or federal powers in this way tip to the. Court and yet they decided to answer that this is what the Supreme Court can do. It earns its title of supreme and at the Supreme Court takes a case it is mostly by the state ballot issue those become the Law Of The Land with. Im not telling you that there are some unprecedented usual crisis today not at all with but i am telling you with that three justices are like biden and obama. We they had to call the court for going that far. I am telling, it couldve been a unanimous moment for america and it wasnt. The reason it wasnt tells us a heck of a lot more than what trump will stand the colorado ballot. I was probably going to be the result, months ago. Ouellette it has some very profound repercussions. On tonight like, tonight help is on the way. With two of the supreme chroniclers early and then a tone broke we are back in 60 seconds. On medicare . Have diabetes . With the freestyle libre 3 system. Youll know your glucose and where its headed. No fingersticks needed. Now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. Visit freestylelibre. Us medicare. man excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us . Diabetes with insulin. tony oh, no problem. man thanks. tony yes, problem. You need verizon. Get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. So you can take all the pics vo tradein any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. Only on verizon. We are back, the Supreme Court building is closed today. But the Supreme Courts close her business. This is the front page of the big ruling today that will give donald trump on the ballot. As mentioned on the opening reporting, there is a lot to draw from this opinion. Former obama and supreme from npr. Welcome to both of you i think the decision after the argument went terribly with donald. Trump i think the decision is expected. I think the 14th Amendment Section as rear applied. I think conservative scholars like bill, bought Michael Carlson and donald trump. Unfortunately the Supreme Court decision here was not really defended in the u. S. Supreme court. That led the court to get out over it skis today. For example. Much of what the court said today that the 14 amendment is with states that cant Police Federal elections. I think that is wrong for the history. They had multiple, goals one was for restraining the states. Another was bahrain insurrectionists from the office. As it happened in 1868 ohio. Of course, the amendment itself says that two thirds of itself a rogue state unsettling like that, really donald trump couldnt get two thirds of the house in the senate to remove a disqualification as an insurrectionist. I think it is an unfortunate but expected decision today. What do you think about the message or warning for the concurring justices, neil . Yeah, i think the Supreme Court works best when it doesnt it cares about its legitimacy, the most important constitutional law in the last hundred years by alexander basically said that the court preserve its legitimacy by not deciding things. That is traditionally already how the court operates. But, now as our colleague Melissa Murray calls it is the yolo court. Its reaching out to grab issues. And here, that three judge opinion and jackson said on page two that the court today is protecting not just itself but the petitioner. The petitioners donald trump. What they said there is that the court went out of its way to protect donald trump and for future legal proceedings. That is a fairly scary process that the courts are reaching out in deciding momentous issues with that case in front of it. Ive been very clear on air with the viewers, that there wasnt a lot of precedents for the states doing this. I expected it to lose badly. As you know, with nine in the judgment it was pretty clear. And yet, we can also learn tonight the court didnt stop there. Talk about a. When you couldve had a 90 unified thing. What a nice way to start the year. It appears that five justices, absent justices wanted to get more done for their gender and however they put it. So, your view on all of this i think that the answer this, to some extent is in the weeds. Im not gonna go in the, weeds except to say that the court not only said that donald trump shouldnt be thrown off the ballot. There is a lot of liberal scholars who agreed with that. But it also made law or tried to make law that made it very difficult for any insurrectionists, even if theyve been convicted of insurrection to be thrown off it said that the court said. And it also put very severe limits on what congress could do. It made it doubly difficult for a future situations. And, so i think that if you do see something in a court with some issues it is very aggressive. When you see it where it isnt even a decision by court. They take the case tribute. That is weird. Weird is a nice way to put it. Some would say evos been a nice, person as best we can tell. You know, some would say it is a Potential Overreach or abuse of a right of unreviewable powers that they have. Weve all made reference to the weeds here and for anyone watching and wondering what our version is to gardening, what is the deal and what are we afraid of . Anse some of the technical and dry details really what was debated over today doesnt matter. I will read out how the currents criticize they reach out to the side questions not before us. And forecloses future reference to disqualified candidates under this provision for judicial restraint and that course and you know one way to say that is, whether or not people see some potential validity to ouija what the conservatives thought they were going to get to. They clearly did not need to. People possibly accused of insurrection, it doesnt look like something that will matter that many candidates. It looks like something that will help this potential defendant slash republican nominee. Of it also means that people were going for federal. Offense they might have been in the capital and a broken into the capitol, on january 6th. Some of the super run for office. And you cant get them off if they are running for federal office, as opposed to state, youre not giving a look at them off the ballot. That is something that at least arguably the riders of the 14th Amendment after the civil war specifically had in Mind Ouellette and they didnt have people that were threatening the United States in the government being able to run for office. That, man Jefferson Davis for example, it could be josh moe who is running for congress thats why it is important. Its important cause we also have the Immunity Case coming up. You can see that there are ways to describe this case in a more limited way in ways to the side so is to preserve a lot of a former president s immunity. Right and thats where you say that what everyone thinks of the fibers who ruled today, if the concurrence is that all correct. If they have stopped being judges and they are thinking of short term politics and help the personal pointed them, the whole Republic Dealing by that short term they dont understand. If you have them come in the office to be immune forever, you may find that you are living in a dictatorship someday. Not because he meant to but because you are by this potential partisanship. I want to thank you have a quick thought . My quick thought is that this is not at least in overtly partisan decision not by those who made it means that theyre gastronomy we might be was different but i dont think of them as partisan actors and i think theyre trying to get rid of this as a question and they very successfully did that and in the Immunity Case there will be different questions and Different Actors in the biggest player there more than a member of the court has had experience with the president on a daily basis as his Chief Of Staff every day working with george w. Bush and never since hes been a federal judges had very distinct views about immunities for president. Yes, i think the partisan question is in the evidence. , so if theyre only expansive when it goes a certain way youll in fast when they go to certain. When slower when it goes the. Other roe v. Wade is settled law and they say three times, over their Nomination Hearing laura verse. It then, again the public has to look at that evidence. You mentioned your view. The public has to look at that evidence and see what we are going to find in civil court we are gonna get. This term of a lot of evidence for sure. Thank you to both of you on a big night. Later in the program i want to say they have a special guest going all the way to the west wing. Lets take a look. Diane and a grave smith makes a big debut. Tonight we have a look at why snls taking some liberties with joe biden. Stay with us. Ther people. Mom, come here dont worry about it. 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Only if youre scared of wisdom. We went to this and he wanted to beast mode. He parkour it up to the top. A front flipped into the rio grande and came back up with a fissions mouth. This is a common narrative these days. Its a lot of headlines about either the reaction to the thing, so headlines about liberals, fires, bidens age. Or the thing itself. The polling suggests that not only does he have electoral the majority of bidens own 2020 voters think hes too old to be an effective president. People are concerned about joe bidens age and mental acuity. There is one jews are looking rough Anxiety Ripples through the Democratic Party through for biden. Ah biden 2024 collides with voters. Worries they see one pull up to the next and the former president is in the league. That is making the rounds. But heres what is interesting leading historian is correctly calling president ial elections and saying, the numbers are real and there is a sour nurse out there full full with some people say that both of them democrats, if anything risk overreacting to this recent bout of polling in news. As a professor you may have heard everyone msnbc, allen lichtman. Full he predicted 2016 and got the biden when correct. He says biden is in good shape for 24. Whole other than these vacillating polls, he says the most elections turn on fundamental some personality, stuff certainly not the campaigns in logan ads. Hes developed a battery full. Look at four of them on your screen and policy change will feel. Take Infrastructure Law voters can see as moving in a different direction early. Overgrowth in the long term economy, this is growth that is taken some trump allies like larry kudlow by surprise. Youve got the dow making record, after record after record. What do you say to folks who say wait a, second this isnt as bad as you have been saying it is. I would say probably agree, as that . You have full it was a good, quarter dont get me wrong. 3. 3 . It beat estimates. The last quarter was a good quarter. It was 4. 9 . I was wrong about the slowdown and the recession. And a trump aide he got it working its not about the age or lawyer a contested primary calendar. Its Party Challengers to biden and he should. No but nothing like what trump should face all in according to like, when the most straightforward key to bidens something we all know about. Its incompetency, because most incumbent president s are reelected in this there is an economic recession or some external disaster. Im not saying if you turn out the news until november, theres a lot of ways that would tie not to do. That im not telling you that we have protection. Here it is interesting to compare some of that noise and energy to some of these factors that have actually detailed the outcomes of many past elections. A lot more cooking for you on this monday night. A west wing actor who is also dabbling in politics and activism. And a basement makes a big debut coming up. Needs the chase ink card made it easy. When you go for Something Big like this, your kids see that. And they believe they can do the same. Earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. Make more of whats yours. man excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of us . With the chase ink business unlimited card. tony oh, no problem. man thanks. tony yes, problem. You need verizon. Get the new iphone 15 pro with tons of storage. So you can take all the pics vo tradein any iphone in any condition and get a new iphone 15 pro and an ipad and apple watch se all on us. Only on verizon. 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As your own man, what is your decision . Garvey is wrong for california. But garveys surging in the polls. Fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. Stop garvey. Adam schiff for senate. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message. Many americans lives have been upended since the Supreme Court overturned. Opening the door to local officials banning abortion, even restricting ivf. And what you hear about these issues can turn a lot of who we listened. Two is it women, parents, doctors . Or is it the unelected lawyers turned judges making decisions for others . Who we listen to matters. Thats one of the political inartistic points that anna smith has been sharpening for decades. A playwright and actress known by many politicos for the rendition of a Top White House official in the west wing. Tonight, shes a new guest in our mavericks aries. In an interview we are airing now for the first time, we discussed that iconic show and how it translates today. Youve also played characters yourself. Its a, lot and politically we won a lot. More lets take a look he is a region you want to tell us about assesses because its a secret . The, identity of a secret inflation. Plan im so sick of Congress Like a bomb at president likes smart people who disagree with him. He wants to hear from you. This is a time for american heroes. We will do what is hard, we will achieve what is great. Im curious what you think is with artistic and political promise of the west wing. And whether it would work as well now. My take it was a little hopeful and right now and then at that even seems to be in the ballpark. Im curious how you feel . The fact of the matter is that people still stop mail street and say that theyve just seen my story. Its just great writing in great storytelling. And the intersection between reality in the old question whats inspiring what, you played the National Security adviser. As about 2000, is that right . Thats right. There never been a woman of color in that role, right . Ive that you had connie rice as a woman of color. And then the obama administration. Do you think it ever helps for people to see it and say this is a trial, around this is what its like infection . Yet, is when i was asked to Come Out And Play that role i knew he was a stand for the same time. There was some talk that if bush won those already on your mind . It is already on my mind, so i thought how fabulous. One of the things i remember from talking with folks was, it really meant the most to me was National Security advisers are always in the position of not having enough information and having to make decisions without having enough information. And maybe even having the wrong information. That is really a very important part. To have doubt. That no matter how confident she, lucky she always had doubt. Smith plays work with something called verbatim theater. Lets work that involves actors where they are, real they are drawn from journalistic interviewers. They divvy of major events. They focused on disruption events. And the l. A. Riots after the Police Beating of rodney king and political protest, as to the later Police Murder of george floyd. We spoke about that in those events separated by 30 years. Its different, i wouldnt say more. Last but two have played that play 30 years ago, like weeks after the socalled second verdict. They did send it to the police officers. You know, its public and theyre still trying to make sense of what happened. I interviewed 320 people. Its a huge city with many different identities. Nobodys gonna be telling the same story. That is what im always implying. We dont have the same story in this country. Theres a multitude of different stories. We can see it right now with whats going on in the country. But now, we have less nuance. Im not a politician, but i can imagine that it is really difficult to get another story through. So, lets take another look here at twilight los angeles. Two or three days of heavy rioting. We just all went to the Beverly Hills hotel. No way in the world did i mean ouellette to be flaunting on television about the riots. Its just that there we were. It was, rages black rage. The blacks were upset. They were extremely upset. And since ive been back home, i see all of the vacant lies. No wonder they were so upset, right . Is it over reading it to say that depending on where you are born and what you are born into and what you look like and how people treated you base what you look like, a person might be in any one of those roles . Now i think theres so much more that happens to us. One of my favorite people dove interviewed was a great play right, the late answer sackey. I asked her what identity was. And you know, its everything that has ever happened to you and your responses to it. Really excited about the ways that people differentiate themselves im interested in difference. I accept that none of us would be the same and, i want to still be the same. I would one all be the same and yet sometimes these differences seem to define so much. Weve really enjoyed this conversation and as you do so many, mavericks we also had fun anne the lightning ground. The best thing someone can tell me about my work is i want to go and do something about that. The difference between quoting a person and writing a play is editing. What i would tell my son my younger self about this industry is maybe you should take your doctors advice, your child the doctor who told you to become a social worker. Progressives best measured by reevaluating error. Broadway. Fabulous. The west wing . Fabulous. Obama . Fabulous trump . Problem. Biden . Promising. America . Progress. Final three for you. Failure means . Learning. Success means . Pressure to do it again. Being a maverick means . Boundless. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it. As you can see that as part of a longer conversation as always go to msnbc. Com slash maverick to see the rest. We covered a lot of ground. We will be right back. One more word about the big news that led our show tonight. Supreme court ruling today donald trump will stay on the ballot. I mentioned some of the weeds, well, the liberal Leaning Justices were vocal about why they saw the conservatives going farther than necessary. A case that involved, quote, no federal action whatsoever, a court, meaning the republican majority there, opines on how federal enforcement people see and how Congress Must deal with enacting legislation prescribing the procedures to ascertain what individuals should be disqualified, and here is the real kicker. The justices criticized the republican majority by saying their musings are as inadequately supported as they are gratuitous. I would remind you, this is not the internet. This is not Text Messages among friends calling each other gratuitous is Strong Language for the conservative or liberal side of the court, and shows while 90 was the headline in sort of the overall finding today, that trump will stay on the ballot, that attack from the concurring judges shows real cracks that we may see in the hard cases to come. Well be right back. Everywhere but the seat. The seat is leather. Alan, we get it. You love your bike. We do, too. Thats why were americas numberone motorcycle insurer. But do you have to wedge it into everything . What . I dont do that. This reminds me of my bike. The wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. Have you seen it, by the way . Happy birthday, grandma really . Look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. Hey hey brought my plusone. Jamie . Were building a better Postal Service. All parts working in sync to move your business forward. With a streamlined shipping network. 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Or just keep it locked on msnbc. Well see you tomorrow for the big night. Right now, it is the reidout with joy reid, starting now. Tonight on the reidout putin has so little respect for obama that hes starting to throw around the nuclear war to

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