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Here are some of the key conversations you might have missed. The house took a major step toward potentially banning tiktok over concerns. Reporter for Social Media Giant ticktock, announce calling to split from its Parent Company or be shut down. He now heads to the senate. The u. S. House on wednesday, in a rare and overwhelmingly bipartisan vote passing the major that requires tiktoks Parent Company byte dance to sell the company within months. Would you say to people who cant understand that people watching silly dance videos is a National Security threat . We cant allow one of our foremost adversaries to have control over what is quickly becoming the dominant music and. Reporter many believe can and does store data from american users, partly because of a National Security law that requires Chinese Companies to share data and other information with the government. It begins to allow them to know how to influence americans. Reporter the annual Intelligence Committee says china used tiktok in the 2022 midterms, warning it could do so again in this false president ial election. Tiktok has repeatedly denied any connection to the u. S. Government, with the ceo responding to the vote wednesday. We will continue to exercise our legal rights to protect this amazing platform. Reporter to 65 house members oppose the bill. Its an overly broad bill and i dont think it would stand First Amendment scrutiny. The other issue is, theres a lot of people that make their livelihoods on this. Reporter its 100 of our income. Even some who support the investment see a doubleedged sword in an election year, with more than 20 of American Voters using tiktok at least once a day. Nbcs garrett Haig Reporting on that. Joining us now is one of the democrats who coauthored the tiktok bill. He is the Ranking Member of the House Select Committee on china. Thank you so much for being with us. What message do you think was sent to the communist Chinese Party, and why was it important that message he accepted . I think the message was, look, the American People enjoy tiktok and we at Congress Want the platform to continue to operate, but we want bytedance to divest its vast majority of tiktok. This is not a band, its a divestment bill. And its really about bytedance. Just so your viewers know, bytedance is a Chinese Company that has 100 percent ownership of to talk. And the editor in chief of bytedance is the secretary of the Chinese Communist party cell embedded at the highest ranks of bytedance to make sure that all products of bytedance , including quote, adhere to a correct political direction. That is why we are asking for the divestment of tiktok. The pushed Propaganda Post that so confusion of the United States and undermine americas interest. Some of them go viral. But if you decide to post anything on wagers or hong kong or other issues about human rights, suddenly those wont go viral. In fact, they wont see the light of day. Im wondering, from what youve heard from your senate colleagues, do you have hope that they will do the right thing and stop allowing the communist Chinese Party to spy on americans to pushed Propaganda On Americans and use algorithms to impact our elections negatively . Yes. We have many positive conversations. You want to respect the process that Lever Schumer has for taking up this bill. But i think theres a lot of interest. And ive got to say, what tiktok did last week and its Lobbying Campaigns have really backfired and caused more people to support our bill, including in both chambers. Just as an example, on the morning of the vote on the house and Energy Congress committee to take up his bill, tiktok sent out a Push Notification and pop up on millions of users phones using geolocation data of minor children to get them to call their members of congress in order to continue accessing content on tiktok. These minor children flooded our offices with phone calls and asked questions like, what is a congressman . What is congress . One person impersonated a member of congress his son to be able to give his tiktok back. This type of influence campaign is exactly what this bill is intended to address what are people so upset about tiktok. For all the valid criticisms you make of to talk, what do you make about the argument of the First Amendment we are hearing from many of your progressive colleagues there who voted against this bill. That this will not pass scrutiny, that this could be a 90 vote in the Supreme Court if it makes it up that high on First Amendment grounds . I think their concerns seriously. Among half the Progressive Caucus ended up voting for this bill, and the reason is simple. Theres no First Amendment right to espionage or to harm our National Security. The First Amendment covers speech, not conduct. It is certainly not anybodys right, including the Chinese Communist partys, to somehow use the platform to do harm to americans. And so i think that is why working with the Biden Administration, we came up with language that was not a band, but rather a divestment to make sure we address the legitimate First Amendment rights and concerns of users while at the same time addressing National Security concerns. To that point, we certainly heard the opposition suggests raising awareness about the First Amendment, but also saying this is unprecedented, this is a step that congress is never taken before. What is your is monster that . This is not without precedent. Thats incorrect. The best example is the lgbtq app grinder. Grinder was owned by a Chinese Company, and once it became clear that the Chinese Communist party had access to Sensitive Data about lgbtq members of the u. S. Government and military, they were forced to divest. They did so very quickly because the app was very valuable, much like tick tock, and there was no disruption to users. Thats what we would expect in this case as well. Democratic governor raja krishnamoorthi. We appreciate you coming on. We have lots more to get to this hour. Morning joe weekend will continue after just a short weekend. Weekend. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. Ask about nurtec odt. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. 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We talk endlessly about the harms of this today, and its time we focus on what is fundamentally wrong and fix it, and thats what this project is all about. You committed half 1 billion to this fight. How do you attack something that seems so difficult to get your arms around that is unregulated, these apps that are popular in the harms they cause that young people are addicted to. Where do you begin . We got so interested in this conversation about tiktok. Its unique because its a National Security issue. However, all these apps you refer to are all based on the same model, which is basically, take our data, scrape it, apply it to algorithms. Its unhealthy. We talk about the First Amendment issue, we talk about the Fourth Amendment, which is search and seizure. Why would we be allowing all our data to be taken and owned and controlled by any third party . I think we need to fix how the internet works so rather than it be all about devices and data, we put individuals in charge of their data. And so this project is really highlighting the fact that this is an infrastructure problem. And we can fix it if we fix the engineering and put you and i in charge of our data. Then we have a new evolved internet where the new apps are clicking on our terms of use for our data so we get to control our privacy and data. How would that work as a practical question . It been feels in some way like the genie has already been let out of the bottle. Every time you sign up for something, you give up a little piece of yourself. Stopped giving up a little pieces of yourself mindlessly and endlessly to these forms. Im a fifth generation builder, so my family has been building things for over 130 years. And much of it is infrastructure, including internet systems. This is a just technology. It is designed and engineered in a certain way. Right now, it prioritizes machines and devices. Why not link people . Why not just put us in charge of our data, and then we can do all the things we do with the internet. But rather than be in this endless cycle of debate about harms and discussions, how are we going to put that fire, why on earth are we giving up our data . If i was the head of the Postal Service and i said, im going to deliver your mail for free, you might say, tell me about that deal. The deal is, im going to put cameras in every room of your house, and what i read and learn is now mine. And by the way, im going to read your 13yearold daughters diary. If she is concerned about her weight, i got some stuff to sell her and im going to actually profit from a 13year olds vulnerability. Its ridiculous. You need to start thinking of this as, it is our data, and start focusing more on the Fourth Amendment and a little less on the first. The stories about the impact on children and teenagers are especially horrifying. The Mental Health issues that come from using this technology. What could be done in the near term what is the most feasible Policy Solution to help protect children and young adults as they are maturing and using the technology . We know the harms, and especially the harms to children. This is fact. The ceos of this company is not fixing it. Our politicians are not fixing it. We need to take matters into our own hands. And we can fix this. Fix the technology. The Project Liberty is not even a tech project. Its a civic project. We need to talk about this issue. We need to talk about this at the kitchen table. At the sidelight of our kids soccer matches. We need to talk about it after church. This is a crisis. The crime and the harm is not only kids, it is to democracy. Its because this very technology that i am talking about is polarizing us. It is designed to do that. If we fix it and take control of our data rather than be controlled, then we can begin to solve problems. 100 . If you are not paying for the product, you are the product. I want to redo the lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal today that speaks to how blindly we are all flying, and we dont understand how our society, how our political system is being hacked, sometimes by people who consider themselves americas enemy. The hitch in taking over bytedance may be that they are controlled by Bytedance Engineers in china that answer to the Chinese Communist party. The Chinese Communist party placed Export Restrictions on its algorithms. Tiktok operations may be sold, but not the Key Technology that powers the app. So here we see it is the algorithms. The algorithms that the Chinese Communist party wants to hold, the algorithms and im not comparing him to zuckerberg, but its the algorithms that zuckerberg says are far too complicated for us to explain to you and they are ours anyway. You go down the list, we are flying blind on how these companies are manipulating our children, manipulating us, manipulating our democracy. Thats the problem, joe. The reason i say thomas paine in the book, and he was really kind of the inspiration is, in 1775, before this great country was started, he put a very simple choice forward to his fellow settlers. In what was not even the 13 colonies. And he said something. You have a choice. Do you want to continue to be the subject of a monarch . Or do you want to be a citizen . A citizen comes with rights, human rights and Property Rights and so forth. And thankfully, our forebears chose citizenship in this great country was created. We are at a similar moment right now, and this is the point we make in the book. We have become subject in this digital age. And again, please dont think about it as data. It is who we are. Everything about us is now digitized. So in this age, our personhood is now owned by someone else. Joe, you dont own you. I dont own me. We are owned by these platforms. We need to fix that and be digital citizens, not digital subject. And then we can begin to look about how democracy works in a digital age. In the meantime, if we have technology that is manipulating us and causing our democratic process our political process to become totally dysfunctional and paralyzed, we are not going to get anywhere. We are spinning our wheels. Lets fix the tech, but this time not leave it just to the technologists. The spring and the social scientist, the teachers, the parents, and we now know how powerful all this internet is and how dependent we are. Lets redesign it so it works for us, not machines. I will conclude by saying we are still a device on the internet. We are not a person. We are an ip address and we are being dragged into a future we dont want by machines of big tech. Lets change that. And it seems like a perfect situation where you have airliners that were forced to give passengers their own bill of rights. It seems to me that read this book, talk to your members of congress we need an online bill of rights where as a customer, these are the things you have to do. And i think you laid out beautifully, frank. I would actually say, we need our technology to actually protect our rights, the rights we have now, and fulfill our policy objectives. We dont need a second set of rights. We have great rights. These Tech Platforms are running roughshod over them. We kind of fell asleep on this and didnt realize how valuable our data was and how omnipresent technology was going to be. We are not connected to the internet 24 7. We need to protect the rights we have by fixing the technology. The book is entitled our biggest fight, reclaiming humanity and dignity in the digital age. Frank mccourt, we really appreciate it. Coming up, we talk with the authors of a new novel about what this country could look like in the year 2024 and what role ai may play in our lives 30 years from now. That is up next. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel 0 grams sites at once . F protein. I like to do things myself. I cant trust anything else to do the job right. Kayak. Aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. Search one and done. Why choose a sleep number smart bed . Can it keep me warm when im cold . Wait. No im always hot. Sleep number does that. Now, save up to 1,000 on select sleep number smart beds. Plus, special financing. Shop now at sleepnumber. Com no. No. Nuhuh. Yeah. Oh. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Isnt this great . Yeeaahhhh yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. Oh hey would you like to join us . No. We would love to join you. While serving as president in 2020, donald trump planned to ban the social media site tiktok from operating in the United States and was considering signing an order forcing Chinas Bytedance to sell the apps over National Security concerns. As far as tiktok is concerned, we are banning them in the United States. That sounds strong. Is very concise there. So he is against it. Hes against tiktok. No commies surveilling the United States. Last month, trump welcomed jeff yes to maralago. A 33 billion stake in the social media. Steve bannon suggested the former president was paid off by him to switch his stance on the platform. Trump denied discussing tiktok with him. Yesterday, as legislation that could ban tiktok make its way through congress with republicans aboard, trump was asked about the measure. I couldve ban tiktok. I could have gotten it done, but i said, you know what . I will leave it up to you. I didnt push them too hard. Let them do their own research and development. They decided not to do it. But i was at the point where i couldve gotten it done if i wanted to. I shouldve said, you guys decide, because its a tough decision to make. Wrinkly, there are a lot of trant people on tiktok , a lot of young kids on tiktok who will go crazy without it. There are a lot of users, and theres a lot of good and a lot of bad with tiktok. The thing that i dont like is without tiktok, you can make facebook bigger. And i consider facebook to be a friend enemy of the people along with the media. Hes chief International Analyst for nbc news and contributing writer for the atlantic, but he served five tours of duty in iraq and afghanistan where he received the bronze star of valor of the purple heart. They are coauthors of the new book authored 2054, which is a sequel to the bestselling novel 2034. We get back to that in a moment. Lets start with tiktok. Donald trump, everything he said there is a lie, just in case i can fact check him, but the Wall Street Editorial Page today fact check him for me. Let me read just very quickly from this, just to talk about some of the real concern. Donald trump is flipflopped because a billionaire with a lot invested in tiktok wants him to flipflop. This is the Wall Street Journal editorial page. A leftwing rag, obviously. Tiktok cant explain why posts that are divisive in America Go Viral while those that are sensitive for the communist Chinese Party get few views. Tiktoks algorithms are still controlled by Bytedance Engineers in china. Chinese law requires bytedance to comply with beijings surveillance demands. This is why there is no way to mitigate tiktoks Security Risk besides a forced investment. They once tried to uncover internal leakers by spying on american journalists. The communist Chinese Party through tiktok spied on american journalists to try to uncover leaks. In the end by saying china has blocked u. S. Social Media Companies that dont comply with her censorship regime, and they also would allow beijing from applying their Speech Controls and surveillance in the u. S. Despite americas political divisions, it should be a shared goal. And it looks like it is a shared goal besides donald trump. A billionaire walks through the gates of maralago and suddenly he is my with the Chinese Communist party surveilling americans. To the words the swamp mean anything to you . Lets face it. Tiktok is universally, across the political spectrum, regarded as a National Security threat. Not just a concern. A threat. On this one, i listen to a chairman of the Bipartisan House Committee on china, outgoing congressman mike gallagher, Combat Marine and terrific thinker about china. And he is deeply worried and concerned about this, and we all ought to be. A final thoughts to the novel 2054, it is all about how Artificial Intelligence can insert it self into the social networks. And here is a beaten path to the heart of america, tiktok, to our youth. It should not be controlled or connected to bytedance. One more issue and then we will jump into the book. Women are now enlisting in large numbers in ukraine because there had been a shortage of bad. And so a lot more women are enlisting. We, of course, are faced with the shame of House Republicans, people who claim to support freedom, people who claim to support ukraine, meekly sitting back and letting ukraine twist in the wind, and that is exactly what every republican chairman who claims to be a big supporter but is doing nothing right now to get a to ukraine. Thats exactly what they are doing. And you know, he basically killed hamlet in the first act yesterday by telling us why the House Republican party wont fund them, because donald trump promised him if he is re elected, he will immediately cut off all aid to ukraine. What is the impact on america, on nato, on europe on americas role in the world . To stay with the metaphor of hamlet, he is playing polonius. This empty fool who matters along through act iii until he is finally killed. Here is the point. If we walk away from ukraine now and my wonderful co author, elliot, just returned from ukraine and ensure he would have a thought on this. If we walk away right now, we are repeating the 19th 30. We are ceding europe to a Malevolent Force in the form of vladimir putin. We will rue the day we did that. It will be an enormous political mistake. Let me ask you about that, since he just returned from you rain. The United States congress and senate has now stalled month and month and month worth of desperately needed aid to ukraine as it is forced to retreat in some places. Whats the impact on the ground of the Congress Sitting on its hands . The impact is profound. It doesnt just matter that you get the equipment. In matters when you get the equipment. The story of the u. S. Response in ukraine has just not been enough, and too slow. To the story you mentioned, when i was there, i visited several fighting units. The average age i saw serving was 21 years old. The average age of sourcing these units, 42, 43 years old. Russia is Still Producing at a high capacity. They are out producing the United States and the west right now. If it continues this way, what is it like six months from now, a year from now in ukraine . I think they have to hold out two or three more months, but theres not a year or six month option to recommit to ukraine. The aide needs to calm and it needs to come now, otherwise we will be dealing with the consequences and they further destabilized europe. Western to the book, 2054, coming up the best seller, 2000 34. A future where the democratic republican parties are near the point of execution. The u. S. Is on the edge of a civil war. A president who will not leave office and the emergence of remote Gene Editing Software courtesy of ai that may or may not have assessed mated him. A lot in there. Tell us where we find ourselves in 2054. We find ourselves, have you mentioned, at the beginning of a political crisis. The president has been killed. We dont know who or what killed him, and we have two very divergent americas living in two curated realities that are being narrated by Artificial Intelligence. Is obviously authoritarian nations here that play a part in your books. So tell us about the role they play on the page, but also what lessons we can draw in real life . Without question, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is the essential lesson of leadership in authoritarian nations. And thus, as we see in 2054, the president simply refuses to leave his office. Something besides that its time for him to go. As thats where the Artificial Intelligence comes in. Donald trump is been revealing some plans for what he will do if he is reelected. And that includes freeing january 6 writers who have already been convicted. It into that after the break. N we were on our way. And she could track us and see exactly when wed arrive. Woman i have a few more minutes. Lets go tech vo we came to her with service that fit her schedule. Woman you must be pascal. Tech nice to meet you. Tech vo we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. We come to you for free schedule now for Free Mobile Service at safelite. Com. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. start your day with nature made. 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Former President Trump is vowing to release hundreds of january 6 defendant currently behind bars if he is reelected in november. Untruth social, trump wrote, one of his first axis president s will be to, quote, free the january 6 tossed to just being by the way, it is grotesque to call these people who beat cops and rioted in the United States capital, hostages when there are actual hostages being capped by a terror group underground in gaza. These people are not hostages. The fact is, donald trump should already be in jail with them. The only thing that is wrong with the fact that they are in jail is that donald trump is not there. Because there is a two tier Justice System. Is a Justice System that protects donald trump, and we seen it. The Supreme Court has protected donald trump because he is powerful. Courts have protected donald trump because he is powerful. Trump judges have protected trump because he is powerful. And just the system has protected trump because he is rich and he is powerful. Whereas, these working class, middle class people that went in and on january 6th at behest of donald trump are sitting in jail. But donald trump two tiered system. We see a time and time again. We will see it in fort pierce again. Will we see it from the Supreme Court again . Most likely. They want to give donald trump a free ride, and they have given him a free ride certainly by dragging out an issue that we already know the answer to. Trump has previously suggested he would pardon people charged in the january 6 the tax. Nearly 500 people involved in the insurrection have been sentenced to a prison, and over 1000 people have been charged over their connection to the capital riots. Lets bring a reporter for the check washington post. Jackie, trump was also getting help from some House Republicans that are trying to undermine the work of the now defunct january 6th investigative committee. And one of the committees witnesses. Tell us about that effort. House republicans yesterday and Barry Loudermilk on the Administration Committee released an extensive report that was essentially a review of the work that the House Select Committee investigating the january 6th investigation committed several years ago at the end of 2022. Throughout this report, they essentially understood or something distant sees that they found with Cassidy Hutchinsons testimony, much of which has already been reported. But the most interesting parts of this report were some of the repressed transcript that the committee was able to unearth that had yet to be released by the department of Homeland Security. At the end of the January 6th Committee, they released the dozens of transcript that they had transcribed with witnesses who appear before the committee to testify about trumps actions to overturn the results of the election on january 6th, 2021. There were a handful of transcripts that they didnt release with the department of Homeland Security because of Security Precautions and the department had asked for more time to review those. In those transcripts, what they found with these House Republicans was that essentially there was at least one person the driver of lips this who disputed that the driver that was taking trump from the white house to kiss each and back to the white house, that he essentially couldnt remember what cassidy hutchinson, the star witness of the January 6th Committee, i testify that she had heard one of trumps lead details tell her about trump trying to lunch, grab a wheel, and lunging one of his of his dirty deed tells in the car to go to the ellipse. Basically, this inconsistency does not detract from the thrust of what happened on january 6. Trump obviously encouraged writers to storm the capital. And thats why even at the time, despite House Republicans unearthing this consists see, there was concern on the January 6th Committee that putting forth catchy the hutchinson without more corroboration and without sort of a secondary account of what it happened in light of the beast of that car ride when trump was going back and forth on his speech that there is concern that it was an unforced error. As we look at those pictures, you get a sense. To your point, at a time when we are dealing with world wars in which real hostages are being held and their families are suffering so much. It is also the kind of ultimate twisting of our democratic system by the former president. These people ever seen due process. They have been found guilty of crimes. Now he is trying to work completely against our system and saying he is going to free them upon his next presidency. If you cant see whats in front of you, i cant help you. They are not hostages, they are convict, willie. And i know that this may seem strange, but two things can be true at once. I think they are receiving the justice that they deserve. But i feel very sorry for a lot of them. I really do. They were lied to for well over a year. They believed because of those lies that they were doing something to save democracy from beings stolen, because donald trump, again, like to them repeatedly. It really is kind of like a colts. As ive always said before, it is kind of like my grandma, who would send money to jim and tammy faye baker. Send part of her Social Security check, despite what we all tried to tell her. These people are scam artists, grandma. Come on, now. But she would do it anyway because she believed in them. She lost her money. And she lost her money and they ended up being scam artists, just like donald trump is a scam artist. But as badly as i feel for them its not fair that they are in prison and the guy that pushed then there isnt because he is rich and powerful ellipse this they are still convicts. Its hard to really feel sorry at the end of the day for people to take american lags and beat cops. The people that did that should be in jail for a very, very long time. Coming up, how the songs of the indigo girls are being reimagined in a new movie. The legendary duo joins us next. Next. Cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. How do you cashback . The best advice i ever got with chase freedom unlimited. Was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. The second best . Stay healthy enough to enjoy it. So i started preparing physically and financially. Then you came along and made every mile worth it. Hi mom. At vanguard youre more than just an investor, youre an owner. Helping you prepare for todays longer retirement. Thats the value of ownership. What causes a curve down there . 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The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. Morikawa on 18. He is really boxed in here. T not a good spot. Off the Comcast Business van. Into the vending area. Oh, not the fries wheres the ball . Anybody see it . Oh wait, there it is back into play and. Aw no, its in the water. Wait a minute. Are you kidding me . You got to be kidding me. Rolling towards the cup, and its in the hole what an impossible shot brought to you by Comcast Business. And a movie all about female empowerment, it was no coincidence that barbie was singing along to the iconic hit, closer to find by the indigo girls. Their career, spanning more than four decades, emily ray is known for her activism. Other songs are being reimagined as a soundtrack for a new box will be musical entitled glitter and doom. In the film, which is in select theaters now, a carefree kid falls in love with a struggling musician just weeks before he plans to run away and join the circus. Joining us now, the grammy awardwinning duo who make up the indigo girls, amy ray and emilys failures. Its great to have you both on the show. Congratulations on this renewed success. Its good to be around. 100 . I want to know, i will start with amy. What is the process of trying to adopt an original song for a feature film, and how is it any different from your collaborative processes in the past . Well, it was at the end of working with those guys, tom and corey, they asked us to write an original song for the credits rolling. We were already really familiar with how they were producing the music within the movie and the mash ups and the production and the cool stuff they did. I just tried to read the script a few more times, and then we worked with the producer, and thats really who created the original song in the movie that we sung. Working with her, getting the story, kind of having that conversation between glitter and doom and what they would say to each other. Emily, has this ever happened before . How did you feel about adapting a song yourself, and then having for this and then having sort of the artistic power to do so. But when you are approached, how did you feel about the idea . I think when we were approached, we were like, this is a great opportunity and its an honor they would pick our music. Its a wonderful film full of love, the struggles of love and the career path. But the great thing was that michelle really took our songs and created new pieces of music out of them. It was almost as if you would recognize them, but her arrangements and production were so different from the original recordings that that was exciting for us, because the songs have a larger asked and then we had originally thought they might. And the fact that they did use those songs and apply them to this beautiful love story, it turned out great. We were very pleasantly surprised. At the outset, we didnt know at the music would be arranged like in the end. Dont go away. We have a second hour of Morning Joe Weekend coming up after the break. Break. G up left and right. And so did our Business Needs the chase ink card made it easy. When you go for Something Big like this, your kids see that. And they believe they can do the same. Earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. Make more of whats yours. With nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. 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Welcome back burkett it is 7 00 on sunday morning. We have a lot more to get to this hour. We constantly think that i need someone from another jurisdiction in another state to tell me how to do a job i have been doing almost 30 years. , why dont they look at themselves and be honest . Cant they keep this to themselves . Yes. I was back in january with the speech that she made just before mlk day. The judge, in his order criticize that speech in how she conducted herself. Questions it raised. In the end, the judge concludes he will be keeping her on the george election case. Joining us now is our legal analyst. Our legal analyst and former prosecutor, i andrew wiseman. Is a Trump Statement on the breaking news. Yes. So what about the judges decision . I dont want the propaganda. Danny, Bonnie Willis can say whatever she wants to say in church and whatever she wants to say and press conferences. She stepped over one line after another and it looks like the judge called her out on it and said she could continue in the case. Both sides win in both sides of lous. In the sense that the Defense Motion is granted but technically. It was barely granted. The das office will stay on the case. There will be a sacrifice to the gods of justice and the das justice will say and wade will be out. That is the choice. In that sense the motion was granted. It will have procedural impact on the team because i lost a major prosecutor. Overall, it is barely a win for the defense but barely a wind for the das office. The judge will allow them to stay on the case but he hardly consider this a glowing endorsement of the das conduct. Use words like the odor of mendacity or the appearance of impropriety. Lots of language that was very harsh and concluded she was willing to conceal the relationship that to me stops short of saying she committed perjury without saying that she did. He caught her testimony concerning at times. Both sides win and both sides of lous. In the sense the judge may have signaled this was the direction he was going in work during the hearing he pointed out that even though he could consider the Text Messages from the Defense Attorney to terrence bradley, the witness, he could consider those as evidence and read those text and say what is in this is the evidence, not what he doesnt remember or is speculating about he concluded, this came up, even though bradley says the nose it, he is not saying the source of that information. Therefore the Text Messages are zero. He concluded that dans bradleys testimony was zero because he couldnt remember anything in the Text Messages did not meet the defenses burden. He did not give the source of that and he devoted no more than a sentence to the witness finding her testimony inconclusive. As i said before everybody kind of wins and everybody kind of loses. Yes. So, andrew we have the most important case brought in the history of the state of georgia. Maybe since after the civil war and probably the most important case. That is safe to say. The lack of judgment shown here is stunning and i am curious what your thought is and the odor of Mendacity Remains an im curious. Do you agree with that . If that is the case, how does she move forward effectively as the prosecutor of this case . I think the last question is the key, what to do now. There is no question that there is no prejudice to the defendant. The judge goes out of his way to say that. That is to your point. Nothing to do with it. That is what makes this so infuriating. The judge is clearly saying im not buying this for one minute. Its the testimony that was given. Can i ask you to clarify that . So we are saying, i think correctly that these does this lack of judgment and the mistakes made by the da does not impact the defendant. Give some examples of some things that wouldve required her disqualification. If she had a relationship with the witness in the case or a relationship with the Defense Counsel on a case, those are things that would deal with the evidence and the judge goes out of his way to say there is nothing to say and the idea that she is prolonging the case and prolonging . The state is been trying to get to trial. The defendants are not prejudiced in one iota about this. I think the key here is how to go forward. Wade is off. This is such a huge body blow, almost of fatal blow. I think the way forward is for her to recruit herself. I dont know if she has it in herself. She needs to appoint a Chief Assistant to oversee this case. These issues are going to be taken up and the judge invites the issues to be taken up by other georgia regulators including the assembly, the Fulton County board of commissioners and the ethic commission. He listed that. If you have the first interest and it is the sanctity of this case, its the most important case in georgia and this may be the most important because it is one that will last regardless of whether former President Donald Trump wins the presidency or not. Your first interest is this case, she needs to remove herself and say someone else is going to oversee this case in georgia so whatever happens to her in terms of ethics, it does not taint the case. Danny, we are talking about things she could have done that would have prejudiced the defendants. Withholding evidence in the discovery process, lying to Defense Counsel about what she had and what she did not have. None of that was done. The judge allows her to move forward. I am curious, what is your answer to the question, how does she move forward when the judge says that the odor of Mendacity Remains. Yes. It is no choice at all. The choices disqualify the das Office Or Wade goes and wade will go. There is no question that is what is going to happen. The da should can better removing herself as the case moves forward to allow it to do so cleanly. I have to wonder if going back, what if the state had come forward when the motion was first filed and assuming there was a relationship, what if they had just said, you have us. The law is on our side. There is no conflict. We dont have the conflict. The cases cited are in the opinion. There was no actual conflict then no effect on the rights of due process. Lawyers do this all the time. If this had happened, she could have said okay, we are not going to argue that. Even ever you are right, that would not disqualify us from the case. Were to go ahead and give you that and move forward. She could have easily done this. This wouldve been resolved a long time ago. That is exactly what i have been sang. Most of the problems for the Da And Nathan Wade in the coming months and years will have come not before the motion was filed, but because of what they did after it was found. I cant help but wonder if there will be a book in five years. The das office must be mad. We need you to get on a different assignment. Look up the Napa Valley Wine trip and show that they did paid cash to wade. Morning joe weekend continues after this short break. Break. Im gonna love you forever cmon, bear. You dont. You dont have to worry. Be by your side. Ill be there. With my arms wrapped around. What if you could go from this to this. With just one step tresemme silk serum. Time for the ultimate humidity test. Weightlessly smooth hair your turn. New tresemme keratin smooth collection. Nothing makes a gathering great like egglands best eggs. Theyre just so delicious. With better nutrition, too. For us, its eggs any style. As long as theyre the best. Egglands best. Tech at safelite, well take care of fixing your windshield. But did you know we can take care of your Insurance Claim . As long as theyre the best. That means less stress for you. Woman thanks. Tech my pleasure. Have a good one. Woman you too. Tech schedule today at safelite. Com. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Welcome back Morning Joe Weekend. Lets check in with one of these conversations that we thought you should not miss. Why didnt the white house Visit Arab American leaders in michigan . They dont have anything to tell them. There did not have a deliverable like a ceasefire. We made significant progress with a those will happen. The president will have to meet with those leaders at some point i head. Some Campaign Officials were denied audiences with leaders in michigan a few weeks ago. So he focused on other groups and tried to make a pitch toward young voters some official did meet in chicago with my phone warm meetings there. There were topics discussed. The white house and the campaigns drafted not feel like the moment was right for the president to do it. That will have to come. They think they have other ways to victory in michigan but they know this is an issue. They might find a thirdparty candidate or stay home. They have to deal with it head on. And it appears that from our communication yesterday and this event that the biden here is campaign is leaning in to people of color whether it is focusing their message to certain neighborhoods or what we saw happen yesterday. Yes. No question. They are really focusing and trying to say that here are the facts. They released a comparison between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. This is what you gain from President Joe Biden. We have closed the wealth gap between blacks and whites and you gained jobs. Unemployment is lower than it has been in decades for blacks. Under trump unemployment was double and under trump you lost thousands of people with Health Insurance so the comparison they are trying to make is very effective because for the First Time Since as long as we can remember we had two candidates facing each other and had Adlai Stevenson not been president , you had for years to judge former President Donald Trump by and you have four years to compare that or three years, now, to President Joe Biden. It is almost a joke when former President Donald Trump would say you are better off under me when you look at the data and the fact. That is what they are bringing to our communities. It is a small map. To the reverence point black voters in milwaukee will be vital this time around. Its hard to imagine the president winning a second term if he does not get those states. It is important to highlight what the Vice President was doing yesterday. It is interesting. She gets so much anger toward her so much you know the presses a little bit mean and racist. Here she is, she is out there. Yesterday she did this historic thing and went to planned parenthood. The first time a president or Vice President has ever gone to an abortion clinic. Is also sei treatment and cancer screening. Some people have a for primary care. This is a crucial clinic for a lot of people to get healthcare and she went there to highlight the freedom tour and she is going around trying to protect freedoms. As you know, this was not just about abortion. Now were seeing that iowa has a person and there is that it tracked one ibf. I do think this was not about row, it was a war on reproductive health. Yes. And biden not connecting with the people i think they have to understand that they may have just lost the vote. Does it mean they are going to trump. He wants to set up a registry but they are going to have to find the initiative to get michigan. I dont know what you do. I dont know how he gets that vote back. I am only saying that as a Warning Signal to say you have to find the votes somewhere else. Those may be lost. No, you dont give up. Never give up a vote work and let me tell you something, President Joe Biden has been working tirelessly Behind The Scenes and jonathan is right, he does not have deliverables but he has been working endlessly yet tony blinken flying around the middle east nonstop for the last three or four months. Bill burns is doing the same thing. Nine stops. Jake sullivan is doing the same thing. They have been working around the clock trying to defuse the situation and i actually think it will end up being their strength. I hope you are right. They are doing a lot of things at the same time. Is something that has not happened before in the middle of a conflict where you have Benjamin Natanyahu to who has been despised. You actually have the Biden Administration holding everybody together, that includes jordan, the uae, the saudis, they said hold on. Making sure the deal that israel and the saudis have can still be stitched back together. They understand and their partners are telling President Joe Biden that time is running out. They need to do something to keep this going. But, listen, it is darkest Before The Dawn and things look pretty bleak right now. I am telling you, they have been the diplomacy that his team has been doing Behind The Scenes over the past few months has been heroic and i do think they will on the other side in this actually has a two state solution. That is an idea that is alive and we can see over the horizon and keeping arab states involved in this process. To rebuild gaza and provide god for the relief that they need one author took a deep and unbiased and dive into voter fraud in the 2020 election. He will tell us what he found. 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I dont know how stupid he he thinks people are but one of President Joe Bidens most important lines if you believe in this thing called democracy, one of the most important lines is that you have to believe in democracy even when you lose. That was allying that mike johnson had to clap for. It is so sick. You have former President Donald Trump and his extreme followers saying if we win in the polls, they will accept it. If we dont we will start a civil war. You could look at some of the clips. It is frightening that there are people out there saying we either win democratic elections or we go on a rampage and start killing State Legislators and members of congress. They tried it on january 6. They say it into an open mic right now. I was so embarrassed for the republicans. When the president spoke of january 6 i dont understand, are we going to argue this . I dont think so. They should go to jail for this. Nearly 4 years after the election former President Donald Trump claims that the vote was rigged against him. Joining us now is the founder of software systems, and Elections Technology expert hired by trump. It is the 2020 campaign to find voter fraud. s new book entitled Disproven My Search for voter fraud for the trump campaign. How we can improve our elections and its interesting. Its an important book. It reiterates what 63 federal courts found man the Supreme Court as well. Talk of this process. Its fascinating. They hired you and said Finding Irregularities would be what you were doing. What did you find . I was asked to look for dead people casting ballots and people casting ballots into different dates, the same person. We saw some but not enough to have caused a change in the election results. For me the important bees i didnt think i was going to find substantial evidence of that kind of voter fraud. I told the campaign before i signed the contract that i would be surprised if we found it but i would do my best to look. Much more importantly were claims of a voter fraud that other people brought to the attention of the white house they came to the campaign and the attorneys i reported to did their due diligence. They did not want to be part of a lawsuit that had a foundation of false information and i looked at about 15 or 20 different claims of voter fraud and for each of them i was able to show and prove why the waves were false. So we gear up for the next round of this and there is the possibility that after the next election you will be called or perhaps someone will be called and say can you look through this . We think the election was stolen from us. What can we do in the systems to prevent this from happening. Taboo has been launched and that you dont have to accept the election results. We conduct our elections as if we lived 100 years ago. We have computers and play now but each has its own voter registration. The states do not in total cooperate with each other to make sure that duplicate registered voters dont have access to different states to vote. The unevenness of the way elections are implemented from state to east date means that we dont have great integrity. A lot of people use Election Integrity and they are really talking about elections and denial. Im talking about the need for us to have a cohesive election for congress and president ial races where the elections are conducted similarly between states and i can give you many examples of how a voters experience can be different from state to state and sometimes county to county. Congratulations on an important book. We were reading this blog. It is very clear that former President Donald Trump will do this again. He wants to claim that there is voter fraud and he will make act is asians. Able be people like you that try to fight him. Voters will not believe that. What are things that we, before the election, right now can do to save guard the ballot box and change Public Perception . It would be difficult to change Public Perception in the short amount of time that we have as we now and the election especially when former President Donald Trump is messaging about the nature of our election and his contention that the elections were fraudulent. I wrote this book for a couple of reasons. I knew my materials had shown up in the january 6 Deposition Transcripts and they had been since enid. With the information out to the public i thought it was time to talk about it with the right framing about what it meant and how it came about and a thorough explanation for all the claims of fraud. Just because we have many claims of fraud, that doesnt mean there is fraud. The claims have to have some basis in truth. I have yet to see any claim of fraud, based on data that was true. All the other claims we hear are hearsay. 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We say that we see polish american troops and that includes poland and we see it in the commitment to strengthen defenses and i want to pause and note that poland is spending four of its Gross Domestic Product on defense. They have doubled the nato commitment. Welcoming the Prime Minister and president of poland yesterday. President joe biden noted the country spending more on military than the other member of the alliance. Mark joins us. He was at that meeting yesterday. It is great to have you back with us. A direct and pointed message to mike johnson about aid to ukraine being held up in the house. He said this is not a political scrimmage that matters only to america, his failure to make a positive decision will cost thousands of lives. He takes personal responsibility for that. You and other polish leaders have been able to apply pressure to members of congress to prevail upon them how critical this issue is right now . Thank you for having me. Something remarkable happened yesterday. Polish president and Prime Minister who is on opposite sides of the political from travel together to washington to stand in solidarity with the american president and convey to congress that we need to get the Security Funding for ukraine past now. Putin will not stop in ukraine and they wanted to convey the message that we have done all you have asked and conveyed weapons and taken into pole and millions of ukrainian refugees. Week cannot leave now. The ukrainians cannot be allowed to lose. There is too much at risk in terms of european democracy and security. That was the message to congress. I visited the hill. What i saw on the democratic and republican side is a lot of interest in getting this pass. Im hoping this happens. The Prime Minister delivered that message. Weather will be receptive, we will find out. In warsaw, you were on the ground in a war zone and my question to you is, do you get any sense of increasing feelings of trepidation from countries that have the soviet union in fear of war . Is there growing fear of that . In poland, in support for ukraine, there is a dropping optimism in poland that the ukrainians will win because of the lack of funding coming from the west. The polls have thrown everything at this because they are right next door. This is 1939, the invasion. This is russia attacking ukraine. The video out of ukraine is reminiscent of world war ii. So they ask, what do the words never again mean . Its this. We need to stand with the ukrainian people as they are pulverized and we said we would never allow this to happen again. There is a sense that this is a moment in terms of the way the west and america is viewed. Are you people love your word . Will you stand with you ukrainians. 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In later years he said he chose not to wake up his wife. Washington would be gone. He thought she was better off dying in her sleep. He gets ready to wake up the president of the United States and ask him his choice. He gets another call from adviser saying its a false alarm. Well. Hearing your father talk about that story. You could hear a pin drop. He said his wife and children were upstairs and he was downstairs. He sat there knowing that the end was going to come. It was just a matter of moments. He said he was sitting downstairs in the dark letting it happen. I said what would you have advised the president . He said well, if they were going to get us, there is no way we were going to allow those as obese to get away with it. When i heard him tell that story i used to get tortured inside because i was 14 so my brother was 16 or 17. We were terrified. We had no idea what kind of stress he was under. I wish i could have been a little nicer. I was a horrorshow. Imagine that. Everybody has a bad day. You dont want to tell your kids about the bad day. That happened in the middle the night. Well okay, a bad night. My brothers and i were up and fighting and he was sitting there trying to process what happened the night before. That is a clip that you just saw from a netflix dock you series entitled the turning point. Gives it inside account of the tents and precarious relations from the Manhattan Project and the nuclear bomb and the rising tensions between america and russia since the end of the cold war and through putins invasion of ukraine. Yesterday putin said in an interview that russia was ready for nuclear war with the west if the conflict escalated to that point. The producer of the series joins us now. So far it is incredible. I feel like Everybody Needs to watch this to understand what is happening today. Its not just what we grew up in and what weeks variance going through the cold war, as you point out, a very important and at top of the whole series. It helps us understand what we are going through right now. It hit home with us. We started this and food invaded ukraine. We were glued to televisions. Tanks were going in and there was a assassination attempt. Putin is telling a version of the story himself. He said the breakup of the soviet union was the worst geopolitical tragedy in history. His version was riddled with errors. Became immediately apparent that we were telling the modern story about what was happening in ukraine and using that to set the stage and go back. There were harrowing moments. For journalist get on the bus for an epic journey along the Campaign Trail. What happened to the girls on the bus . Thats when morning joe returns. Returns. Rotein, complete nutrition you need. Without the stuff you dont. So, heres to now. Boost. 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And theres no other skin i want to be in. My name is oluseyi for m and some of my skin. Favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. Now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. Giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. As seen from the new series from max entitled the girls on the bus. It is for journalists and competitors as they had the Campaign Trail to cover a president ial election. They all have their own unique reporting styles and personalities. Joining us now is the writer of the series. It is based on her experience as a Journalist Covering Hillary Clintons campaign in 2008 and 2016 for the Wall Street Journal in new york times. Two stars, melissa but noise. Melissa is also a producer. Give us an overview of the girls on the bus. Set the scene. It follows for journalists who become unlikely friends. They are covering a fictional primary. Its about found friendship and the kind of thing you never knew you needed. They come completely different in the beginning and then you are stuck on the campaign bus and you end up finding friendship and then they have to Work Together to break a giant story and save our democracy. That something you know a little bit about. Melissa, what did you take from this experience . She was on that bus. She knows what it is like to be there. What did you learn from her about being a journalist . I think everything. I devoured her book before we even started shooting. You were there quite a bit and every day she was on site was wonderful. She had press passes in the way the tables look and everything, you were so hands on. So everything was great. And terrible food. Yes. Turkey sandwiches. Christina, what about you . Your character works for conservative network there. You were an outlier on the bus. At first i thought i should get into conservative move and i said no. And what is so great is that they are about the people we know. Im not saying there is is pacific journalist. I didnt have to go down that rabbit hole. I did love to see this black woman who has a different voice about what we hear a lot today. I was interested in the writing. Was already there on the page. And he campaigned is good for reporters. Now we are going through another campaign. It looks like it will be just as long and ugly. What is it like for you watching this with some distance but yet still immersed. Its interesting to watch. Since we started writing the show, things have evolved. The influencer. Sadie romanticize is the boys on the bus and looking at the campaign bus now the importance of the campaign bus and reporting and you see former President Donald Trump going direct to the voters via social media. The evolution of journalism has made huge strides, not necessarily in a positive direction. Their stress on the industry and attacks. Is the truth. Thats all we have. Up next, the weekend with michael steele

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