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You are looking at a live view of butler, pennsylvania where Donald Trump will take the stage within the hour. Three months after his first Assassination Attempt in july. In a dramatically different rent 2024 race against Vice President Kamala Harris. Now down to exactly one month of beef for Election Day. Meanwhile, the Vice President is in North Carolina tonight. Right now, getting briefed on the States Recovery from Hurricane Helene after touring the damage firsthand today we will hear more in a moment. Let us start in butler, pennsylvania. The venue where Donald Trump narrowly survived an Assassination Attempt back in july. Trump is holding another rally there right now. That is where Jake Traylor is standing by. Jake, tell us what you see there so far. Reporter back in butler for former president Donald Trump with that attempted assassination that took place back in july. There is a few things notable even just on the scene in terms of ramped up security. There are Shipping Containers mining the venue. That is to prevent a line of sight from any external person outside of the venue itself. Look around we see a ramped up amount of snipers and security in place. In terms of what we in space hearing, we have heard from the campaign. This will be focused on corey comperatore, who lost his life on that day. If you remember back in july, after the attempted assassination, we are promised from the campaign a toned down version of what we have seen before focused on unity and less divisiveness. That lasted for about a week and then at The End of the rnc Donald Trump gave his speech went back to his old self. We are being promised a celebration of life. Of course we will be tuned in to see what message and what Donald Trump we actually get to hear from. Thank you to Jake Traylor in butler, pennsylvania. Also having right now, Kamala Harris is in North Carolina where she is receiving a briefing of about the continuing Recovery Efforts that are occurring in communities across the state following Hurricane Helene. Antonia hylton is in North Carolina. Tell us what is the latest from her visit . Reporter we just got to hear her speak. She was meeting with survivors of all of the federal and local partners who are working what is proving to be an incredibly complex recovery mission, frankly. Not only did she sort of share words of support for people here she announced a new Disaster Declaration for another county, Mecklenburg County in North Carolina. Which is surely welcome news to people here. Every day, it seems, people are finding out a new layer of the reality on the ground here. That is because western North Carolina, it is geographically complicated. It has made the recovery challenging. People are going out on foot into committees where the roadways and bridges have been destroyed and then the national guard is taking multiple flights a day to try to get that Aerial View so they can see who is still missing because dozens are still believed to be missing. We know the Death Toll is likely to continue rising and we are well over 200 now. They want to know who needs water, who Cannot Leave their home and needs us to find them. Taking this into a conversation i had with one resident who has been struggling at times. It was at a Food Bank in the county earlier today. How do you feel about the Governments Response and support for people in North Carolina . They are doing what they can as fast as they can. You are talking about such a drastic situation going on that they really have to just do it in steps. I think they have responded quite well, just like the state and all the other agencies are doing the best they can as quick as they can. Reporter i think it is important to acknowledge that there is some Misinformation And Disinformation on the ground in North Carolina right now. We have been hearing from residents that there is fear that fema is going to cap the aid that they give to people at 750, no matter how much you have lost or even if it is your entire home. That is not true. We are hearing people who have heard some of the rumors spread by people on the right that the Disaster Recovery funds have been set to migrants instead. Those are two totally different operations and budgets from the federal government and fema. Right now there is a scramble happening of these emergency responders, these federal workers on the ground trying to just do the work they have to do but also combating misinformation to make sure that people do not hesitate to come to local centers to apply for aid because they were these lies and rumors or they do not come to a local Food Bank because there were about what might happen to them. They are doing this double work now. Is compounding the pain that is on the ground. Of course we have a situation where people have lost so much and they are in so much pain but they are still lacking water , connectivity, wifi, you can see how the gaps tend to form. It means that kind of Misinformation Takes hold now that is the next stage of the fight is to still do the recovery but make sure people understand what is available to them and it is here. We have seen it ourselves. And to politicize and manipulate when people are going through such a drastic and horrific part of their life from a natural disaster. It is just disgusting. Thank you, antonia helton, in North Carolina. We will keep you updated on the Vice President s visit later in this hour. From North Carolina, we now go to georgia. Joining me now is Democratic Congressman lucy mcbath. Congresswoman, it is always good to see you. Both President Biden and Vice President harris were in georgia this week were governor Brian Kemp says they have been, at least 33 deaths related to Hurricane Helene, including the youngest known victims of the storm, a pair of five week old twin boys who died in their mothers arms. As the tree fell in her bedroom in a small town near augusta. Nearly four dozens of the counties are under major Disaster Declarations while thousands remain without power in georgias eastern and southern regions. How are your constituents in atlanta doing tonight . Hurricane helene was so detrimental for so many people here in the State Of Georgia. I have just been heartbroken to see and hear the stories of so many that have been impacted. They have lost their homes. Their lives have been uprooted and businesses have been washed away. I did sign a leather to the present urging the administration to immediately make sure they are considering additional support for all of the affected areas that really need it. I have been grateful to work with my colleagues here in georgia. Both our senators and my congressional colleagues in the state to make sure that our committees are getting the aid that they need. There is still so much work that needs to be done. We are just continuing to make sure that we are doing what we can to these affected and expediting those resources as quickly as we can. Congresswoman, how concerned are you that the damage done by Hurricane Helene is coming so mole so close to Election Day will interfere for the states most affected . With four weeks left, what role can the federal Government Play in protecting access to voting as it renders eight at the same time . You pose a good question. We know that there has been a lot of movement towards Voter Suppression here. You are adding all the additional layers of concern that people are having about taking care of their families and their livelihoods and their homes in the wake of the hurricane. Those are additional stressors that will add to Peoples Ability to be able to vote. I do know that the administration continues to do what they can do. We know that Harris And Walz both have been here in georgia. They have been around the states and the country doing everything that they need to do. I am not a legal expert but i do know that what we have seen here in georgia, Donald Trumps acolyte, you know, on the State Election Board and they have been trying to pave the way for him once again to infuse chaos into our elections. With the added stressors of Hurricane Helene, that is just going to add more stress. I am the daughter of civil rights leaders and as i have said before, i was the child in the stroller at the March On Washington at 3 years of age. The rules that operate in a way that undermines all of the work that we have done here in georgia, all the work we have done around the country, we are not going to let anything undermine our ability to make sure that all of our citizens, no matter what circumstances they are in have the ability to exercise their right to vote. We must not allow any bad actors to tear our democracy apart and we will continue to do what we need to do to help those individuals that have been at this crisis with the hurricane to exercise their right to vote. Staying with the Election And Election interference. The national democrats about the joint lawsuit against doors maga republican over a new rule that the mans additional Polling Personnel in every county to hand count ballots following a machine count. Then there is a Fulton County just to block additional rule changes that could allow County Election officials to delay certification. Voter advocates and critics of the new rules say they are designed to benefit Donald Trump in georgia. We should add those critics include even some top State Republican officials. Are you concerned about these changes . If so, what worries you most congresswoman Amick Bath . I am very concerned about the changes. We know that lastminute changes really have great impact on the ability for people to exercise their right to vote. As i just said before, these lastminute changes are paving the way for trump to be able to pave his way to be able to, you know, create chaos in our elections. You know how close the election was for the biden ayres administration in washington before. We know what happened with the 11,000 Audit Vote before. We have seen this playbook before. We will continue to make sure we do everything we can do and everything we have done before to make sure that every individual in the State Of Georgia has the ability to access the Ballot Box. We are watching very closely. We have Election Attorneys here. We have people who are really volunteering in mass numbers to make sure that we have a fair and free elections and we will continue to do as we have always done. The rules that we see right now are undermining our ability to be able to do so but we will overcome those rules because we know how important it is that people exercise the right to vote. This is the bastion of the civil Rights Movement for so many icons fought so hard to make sure that people have access to the Ballot Box. We are going to do everything that we can to make sure that is possible. People gave their lives to give us access to the Ballot Box and to see this when you refer to the 11,000 votes, you are referring to former President Trump asking georgia officials to find 11,000 Audit Votes. That is part of the indictment from the State Of Georgia. Before we wrap up, the u. S. Added 254,000 new jobs in september. That is according to this weeks report. Unemployment sits at just 4. 1 . That is the biggest Job Growth since march. About 100,000 jobs more than what economists expected. Despite months of numbers like these, the economy continues to be a primary concern for voters. How does the Vice President beat back against the gloom and capitalize on these economic headways with just a month left to make her final pitch . I was a single mother for about 12 or 13 years as i was raising my son jordan. I know how important it is to make ends meet and to be able to raise your children and keep it on the table. The latest Jobs Report is overall really great news for our workers and for the american economy. It shows strength and it shows hope. That is exactly what Vice President Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are giving the american people. They are giving us hope. The Biden Harrison Integration administration is creating 60 Million jobs. These are the recent numbers that we have just been told. There is hope. There is a building of a strong economy going forward. Our work continues in congress to keep making sure that our economy and our Nations Economy is strong. That is our role. I have No Doubt that with the biden ayres administration has done, the foundation they have laid, it will be executed when she is president as well. This is good news for america. This is good news for our workers. I hope that we are able to continue to build upon what we have been doing. Thank you, as always for being with us. Lucy mcbath of georgia we are staying with congress were a handful of braces may determine whether republicans hold onto the u. S. House or it democrats will retake it. What of the Swing Districts is just miles from here in the lower Hudson River Valley where Mondale Jones is running to unseat the republican incumbent , mike lawlor. Who is under fire over black face that he took in 2006. Joining me now is the former New York congressman, jones. Running to represent new York 17th District in congress as a democrat. Thank you for your time. I have got to go right to it. You have a tight race that could help flip the house for democrats or not. Before we get to bed, your opponent, Mike Lawler has since apologized over recently unearthed photos of him in black face while dressed up like Michael Jackson for halloween in 2006. He said he would not do it now and that he was honoring Michael Jackson as a longtime fan. Still the Magazine Politico is reporting that lawler has failed to condemned racist language in public at least twice in the last month. Once an and Antisemitism Form were a Participant Use the n word, while addressing the congressman directly. And then during an appearance on the far right Radio Show where the hole suggested that White Supremacy does not exist but black supremacy does. What is your reaction, mr. Jones . It is part of a pattern. We saw just yesterday in which the hose, a different host, use just incredibly bigoted and racist language. For the most part the congressman did not push back on it. It is why you see the Naacp President say this is a pattern of behavior. It is not by Slave Event in 2006. As terrible as that was, everyone in 2060 that were in blackface is deeply offensive. It is implausible that he did not know at the time. In 2019 he called on then regina Governor Ralph Northam oak to atone for his sin of having the same thing. There were other people in lawlers parties who call on Governor Northam to resign on the basis that he was unfit to continue to leave. He has been cognizant that this behavior is unacceptable. He called on northam in virginia to apologize for doing what now he has been found to have done . To atone for it. He publicly criticized the governor in particular and for what it is worth, which i think is something, theres a lot of people who feel like mr. Lawler has not actually apologized for his conduct and what he is trying to do is say it is different from other people wearing black face. Which is not quite the apology that a lot of folks here in the lower Hudson Valley are wanting to hear from him. What an unequivocal condemnation of blackface and his role in having worn blackface in 2006. And he should also have someone save the nword at a gathering with talking to him and he did not condemn that. This week your campaign shared that it had raised nearly 3 Million in the third quarter of this year bringing your total fundraising to nearly 8. 5 million. Your opponent, Congressman Lawler has not received his third Quarter Funding numbers for your lace has been described as a tossup. Donors appear to be responding to you and you say his grassroots support that is driving it. What do you attribute that tech . We dont flip the 17 congressional district, we will not have a Democratic Congress next year for whatever comes next. It means we will want to have a prochoice majority in the house. Like the majority i was part of last term in the 117th congress but we will not have a pro Democracy Majority in january. I am so grateful to the people of the 17 congressional district. For i was born and raised workable leaving. These the same folks who elevated me from poverty to the halls of congress in the first place. Back in 2020, before New Yorks disastrous redistricting in 2022. People all throughout the nation understand the existential states that my opponent like lawler , he pretends to be of moderate on television but he both just like the extreme maga republicans there will be if we do not do something with it congressional district, a national Abortion Ban if Donald Trump were to return to the white house. We have to do what we can in the lower Hudson Valley and the state of new York And Other Races to make sure that we make Hakeem Jeffries speaker. So we have a safeguard against a project 2025 agenda of which Donald Trump would advance if he were to return to the white house. Monday marks one year since October 7 attack on israel by hamas. And your new York Governor Kathy Hochul has called for state and local Law Enforcement to shore up security. After multiple Bomb Threats were recently reported by synagogues in the state and in advance of Mondays Commemoration and mass protests expected in New York city. None of the Bomb Threats were found credible. What is your message to the Jewish Community in your district and elsewhere this weekend . My message to the Jewish Community is that i am going to continue to stand with you the way ive always did with you. I was privileged to represent one of the large jewish committees of any Hash District in America Last Term im seeking to do that again. It is important that we have elected representatives and people of the conscious joined with the Jewish Community in combating antisemitism. Which we have seen on the rise in this country since 2016. Of course, pushback on this narrative that somehow, you know, what happened on October 7th is something that, you know, was not a Terrorist Attack. It absolutely was a Terrorist Attack but it was the worst assault on jewish people since the holocaust. We need to be extremely clear on that point. We have to make sure that we got houses of worship that have the resources to fend off the kind of craziness that we have seen in the form of these threats. Is what my record shows and what i will continue to do. I feel a special affinity to the Jewish Community as an african american. It was my civil rights coalition, as you well know, that founded the naacp in 1909. Many of the freedoms i enjoyed today were because jewish people joined with black leaders in the civil Rights Movement to secure things like the voting rights act. This is a nobrainer for me and is something that is personal to stand with the Jewish Community. We are bidding new video out of North Carolina but Vice President harris is surveying the damage from her special Hurricane Helene. She is not a donation center. Let us take a look. We are making it. What is going on with your family . Right now we do not have power. We just got power but we have no water and no cell phone service. There is still a lot of folks missing. A lot of people are grieving and hurting. There is also a lot of resilience. There is a lot of resilience. The community is coming together. We are organizing. Nc counts is doing what they can to get resources to the area. The members are doing donation drives. That means so much to our community. We are just surviving. I have got my daughter and her friend who came so they could get a couple days of normal lessee. We have spent a week without a lot of information. Yet, you are still here. Absolutely. We are grateful for all the support you have given us. We still need a lot more if you want to make sure people do not forget about us. This is going to be a recovery for a very long time. We are grateful that you are here. Im going to go along so i can help do the work. We are here for the long haul. Thank you so much. We are here for the long haul. We have the administrator for fema on the ground. And the mayor was there in the meeting as well as mayor liles. We are putting all hands on deck. Thank you. To make sure you, your family and neighbors have everything that they need. And we see that. We see the resources coming. We need a lot more. Again, we are grateful that i work for an organization that is mobilizing folks. We are working with trusted messengers and organizations on the ground to have access with some of the most vulnerable communities there. We just got to keep doing it. Together we are stronger. What a here you are why you are so directly affected. Thank you so much. What is your name . Sade. Nice to meet you. And we have our young leaders here. Nice to meet you. What is your name two sierra. Nice to meet you. Thank you for your work. Thanks for being here. Hi. Nice to meet you. Kamala harris, nice to meet you. I dont want you to slow down. All right. That is the Vice President Kamala Harris there in North Carolina. One of the important thing said by one of those workers, do not forget us. The new cycle may change their lives but it will not without our engagement. Thank you call congressional Candidate Mandur jones for being with us. Coming up, as they are spreading misinformation and playing the Blame Game with Hurricane Helene, it is worth taking a trip down Memory Lane to see how trump mishandled past national disasters. And with polls showing an extremely close president ial race, a State Of Play of how the race is shaping in the Swing State of pennsylvania. We will be right back. D dad, we missed you daddy, hi subject 3 goodness my daughter is being treated for leukemia. I hope that she lives a long, great, happy life and that she will never forget how Mom And Daddy love her. St. Jude, i mean, this is whats keeping my Baby Girl alive. Announcer you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. Jude childrens research hospital. For just 19 a month, Youll Help us continue the lifesaving Research And Treatment these kids need now and in the future. Subject 4 cancer makes me feel angry. Not in the feel on the outside, just the inside im angry at it. Subject 5 when your kid is hurting and theres nothing you can do about it, thats the worst feeling in the world. Announcer 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. Subject 6 those that donate to st. Jude, i hope that you will continue to give. They have done so much for me and my family. Announcer join with your Debit Or Credit card now, and well send you this st. Jude tshirt that you can proudly wear. [speaking spanish] subject 7 are you ready to go have some fun . Subject 8 yeah subject 7 Yay Subject 9 when we came here, we didnt know what tomorrow would hold. St. Jude showed us that tomorrow theres hope for our Little Girl to survive. Announcer lets Cure Childhood Cancer together. Please donate now. After Hurricane Helene ripped through parts of the southeast, both president ial candidate visited some strong areas this week and had two very different ways of showcasing their leadership styles. On monday former president Donald Trump was in georgia and he used his visit as an opportunity to politicize the devastation. Trump made a point to lie of the federal response to helene he claimed that the states republican governor Brian Kemp was unable to talk with President Biden about storm damage. However, governor kemp himself said, he spoke with biden the night before the storm hits and he praised the Administrations Response. Just hours before trump told the wife. We have seen how trump handled disasters in the past anyone suggested using a nuclear weapon to destroy hurricanes and used a sharpie to modify a Government Map to falsely show alabama in the path of a hurricane. National oceanic and atmospheric administration warned that the nuclear idea would be, quote, devastating. Which could be by why project 2025 wants to dismantle and undermine the administration. Trump criticized Vice President harris for attending fundraisers in california at a rally in Las Vegas during the early days of the storm. In fact, harris ended her West Coast Campaign swing early to return to washington for a briefing at femas headquarters. Days later she was in georgia to survey the wreckage and gave a preview of how she might fulfill the role as consoler in chief. Right now, she is visiting damaged areas in North Carolina. Take a listen to her last hour. For the folks that work in your various divisions and offices, i know they have been showing up at a moment of need for others. Even when their own families and their own homes have been directly impacted. I think that these moments of crisis bring out some of the best of who we can be and who we are. Harris spoke about relief the administration is providing to hardhit communities and thank the local Emergency Respondents for stepping up with one month out from the election, we have evidence of two types of leaders currently running for president. Kamala harris will rise to the occasion and be there for communities in their time of need. Donald trump will use the pain of a community to score political points to help him out. We have seen this whole tired playbook before and it is high time for us not to be convinced trump is out for anyone other than himself. We deserve to be told the truth by our leaders. For them to trust scientists and for hurting communities to be treated with dignity and respect. And not used as political pawns. Something trump is unwilling to learn at this point. I got you. Ea ply for the whole family. Vicks vapostick. And try new Vaposhower Max for steamy vicks vapors. Im gonna hold you forever. Ill be there. You dont. You dont have to worry. Welcome back to politicsnation. 31 days to go into the president ial election right now former president Donald Trump is back to the city of his first attempted Assassination Attempt on his life in butler, pennsylvania. And also, right now Vice President harris is in North Carolina meeting with individuals impacted by the recent deadly hurricane. Here she is minutes ago packing supplies at a donation center. A little different than i remember President Trump in a Puerto Rico a disaster where he threw towels at the people. We are keeping an eye out for you on both the beds. Let us bring in my political panel, two strategies who are also both msnbc political analyst. Juanita tolliver, a Democrat And Susan dell per seo, a republican. Juanita, . 32 days until Election Day, Kamala Harris was in flint, michigan, with a Hometown Hero who is no stranger to the number 32 and for an nba legend, Magic Johnson. Let us take a listen to what some of what he had to say. This is important. Are black men, we have to get them out to vote. That is number one. Kamalas opponent promised a lot of things last time to the black community that he did not deliver on. We have to make sure that we help black men understand that. Mag Magic Johnson comes ahead of the Battleground State Blitz for the Harris Campaign Beginning in pennsylvania next week. What impacted these prominent black men have on turning out the black vote especially among young black men . Reporter when it comes to campaign surrogates, this is the Gold Standard right here. You have a Basketball Icon and a political icon who just happens to still be one of the most popular, if not the most popular democrat in the nation come out there for Kamala Harris. In the clip you just played of Magic Johnson, directly speaking to black men and directly asking them to vote. Calling out some of the broken promises from Donald Trump. That is going to be critical in reaching an audience that commonly harris might not have reached already you talk about men and black men specifically. I cannot help but think about the role of sexism in politics, which is alive and well, unfortunately. But having surrogates like Magic Johnson and former President Barack Obama should help begin to cut through that and engage these audiences so that they can begin to lend their voice in support of the Vice President s campaign. And misogyny is clearly something many of us are challenging no matter what their politics. Susan, staying in michigan when another pivotal group that could help swing the state. Kamala harris met with Arab American and muslim leaders in michigan yesterday. Will it help soften their anger towards the biden Administrations Response to Israels War in Gaza And Help deliver michigan . Let me wish you a very happy birthday. I heard you had the Gold Standard of Phone Calls, if you will from a Vice President harris. She sent a tape and the president sent a letter. Im sure your card is in the mail. I am sherry my happy wishes with you and your audience. Thank you. I think it is important that harris shows that she is reaching out to a community that should be part of her base that does have some issues and showing that she is listening. After all, that is what most people want to hear. Their voices being heard by the people who want their vote. I think it is important and we know that elections in the Swing States, especially michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania, based on history are done by the margins. Yes, it is going to help. More importantly, it shows that she cares about all different types of voters and that she is willing to listen. She did a lot of that in nevada and i think she has been trying to do outreach to younger men of color. Again, having the circuit she has Coming Up in Barack Obama and Magic Johnson that is going to make a difference. This election, as much as we want to show how shes to swing voters is a base election. She needs every member of her base to show up that showed up last time. Susan, sticking with you. Friday strong September Job report showing a much better than expected 254,000 jobs added to the economy. President biden, yesterday touted his his administrations handling of the postcovid recoveryand defied expectations of a looming economic slump. Additionally, the Unemployment Rate dropped to 4. 1 and inflation fell close to the federal reserves 2 target rate. As trump attacked the democrats on the economy, does this argument backfire on him give an impressively strong economic reports . Is it a boost for the Harris Campaign . It is a boost because no matter what people may say in polling, they know when things are going better. They know when their dollar is buying more. They know not only do they have a job but their husbands have a job or their kids are getting a job. They do not have to move away. There is affordable housing in the future. These things matter. You cannot help but feel a little bit bad for joe biden. He said things are getting better and it just came around a little too late. There is also something to be said about the messenger in this case. Frankly, harris is a better messenger because she talks about the future and people believe she is looking towards the future. Juanita, switching gears to the politicalization of Hurricane Helenes Recovery Efforts. First trump accused the biden administration of not being in touch with georgia Brian Kemp, which kemp disputed and praise the response. Trump spoke friday in a fayetteville, North Carolina, where he continued to criticize the response efforts. He has also pushed false claims that federal Emergency Disaster Money was given to migrants in the u. S. Illegally. North Carolina Attorney general and democratic candidate for governor had this to say earlier today. My Buddy Up in Avery County said these rumors about fema are growing like wildfire. That is incredibly devastating. It is devastating psychologically to those people because they now believe, some of them, that fema is going to be contrary to their interest rather than trying to help them get back on their feet and get their lives put together again. How dangerous is trying to run a credit as communities are this vulnerable right now and need help . Not to be divided. It is deeply dangerous when you keep in mind there are thousands of people still without power, which means they do not have internet access. And they are struggling to ask is clean running water. It is deeply dangerous to see how Donald Trump, yet again, uses lies and disinformation to feed his base this disgusting message. But when you have republican governors, like the governor of georgia, like the governor of tennessee, going on record saying, that is wrong. That is a lie. It shows just how far Donald Trump is gone. And it shows the court of his intentions. He has never intended to serve the public. He has never done anything for anyone except for himself and these lies are another example. He uses that as a tool for the campaign. Susan and wanita, thank you both. Juanita, i just received your new Book Today Yay they reshipped politics. I cannot wait to read it. Staying with politics Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are currently locked in a tight margin of Error Contest nationally. In seven battleground states, one of those being pennsylvania where recent polling shows an extremely tight race. Let us be join now by eugene, a democratic candidate for pennsylvanias Attorney General and former Pennsylvania State representatives. Thank you for joining me today. Thank you for having me and happy birthday to you. Thank you. To start, recent polling shows Harris And Trump polling within the margin of error in pennsylvania. What has been the State Of Play in your perspective . Speaking to the level of enthusiasm you have been picking up from voters for races like yours and also for the top of the ticket. I did a Bus Tour in philadelphia and i sent some growing enthusiasm. What are you thinking of . First i was running for Attorney General to about my record of cracking out number 3000 kids and fighting Upto Date thousand unanswered Phone Calls to Child Abuse Hotline and better protecting children. It is in perfect sync with the Vice President message of particularly when she was Attorney General and california. Holding environmental voters accountable. Nothing that is beyond the issues. She is the right person for the job but it is going to be close and tight in pennsylvania and we are both going to win but we will be winning by tight margins. The enthusiasm is real. My favorite i have enormous respect for President Biden to be blunt during the summer the enthusiasm with her and her friends towards the president just was not there. Following the Vice President becoming the party my c standardbearer, i can take all of her friends are ready to run for the snow hopefully it does not snow that early but they are ready to do whatever it takes. They are incredibly enthusiastic if you combined the enthusiasm with the young people with our combined messages of holding the powerful accountable i think we will win the State Trump is holding a Campaign Rally in butler, the site of his july Assassination Attempt where one person died and two more were injured. What has been your thoughts on trump returning to the town where it happened . Is this an issue that the next pennsylvania Attorney General may have to deal with . The short answer is, yes. I am in pittsburgh right now. I am about 30 miles from where the site is right now. The day that it happened it was shocking. Political violence is unacceptable. I am surprised he is going back to that location. This is a challenge for Law Enforcement and local prosecutors. And the sheriffs offices. And certainly the County Offices in butler county. Putting more of a strain on them. He has a right to campaign there but this is something theyll put civic strain on Law Enforcement throughout western pennsylvania. In recent weeks republicans have unleashed a slew of lawsuits challenging Voting Rules and practices ahead of the november election. Setting the stage for what could be a far larger and more contentious legal battle after Election Day. What are your concerns about this . Is pennsylvania ready for these postElection Day challenges . I running against him and who would not concede that biden was at the state of pennsylvania four years ago. That is the stakes we are dealing with with the race for Attorney General. Specifically governor shapiro, his team is putting together the top fight i myself have also previously investigated the security of the Voter Registration Data System and making sure the system was more secure. I also investigated County Machines all over the state to make sure they were more secure. I believe pennsylvania is ready to have the most secure election in our States History but we know no matter what happens the lawsuits are coming, particularly if President Trump is defeated in pennsylvania. He defines being a sore loser. He will file the lawsuits and only cares about himself. The Shapiro Administration and certainly myself, if and when i am elected to Attorney General will defend every Measure Voters cast a vote legally making sure they get counted. Pennsylvania State Representative Eugene depasquale, thank you for being with us. Show Coming Up tonight, Msnbc Delmas Present my generation, the new four Part Series from Nbc News studio. It takes an indepth look at the four distinct generations and how members of each have been shaped by the cultural and political events of their time. First up baby boomers were between 1946 and 1964. Narrated by forest whitaker. My generation premieres tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on msnbc. Up next, my final thoughts. 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