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Did joe biden set out to solve and how does it threaten americans . As well as cooperation between science and business. More and more russian scientists are bringing their developments to the market with the help of Government Support measures. Read more about them svetlana grdeeva. This morning , the Israel Defense forces said it had attacked more than 400 hamas military targets, including an underground tunnel, in the past 24 hours. The military reported that it had killed several commanders of the palestinian movement. According to aljazeera tv channel, as a result of the night attacks more than 100 enclave civilians died. The first images taken after the shelling appeared on social networks. This is what many streets look like now. In one of the districts of gaza, it is clear that an entire area where families with children lived was destroyed, people have to move among the ruins that may still collapse, these shots were taken from a drone, here it is obvious that the situation is even worse, from some buildings not even a foundation remains, dozens or even hundreds of highrise buildings have been destroyed, there may still be people under these rubble, but rescuers is not yet visible, palestinians fear new attacks from the israeli army. And now our correspondent sergei khaloshevsky is in direct contact with the studio from israel. Sergei, i greet you, this morning information appeared that a third of hospitals in the gas sector are no longer working. Some closed due to lack of fuel, what do they say about this in israel . Yes, well, from israels point of view , nothing has changed at all; the israeli authorities are maintaining a strict blockade of the enclave, not allowing food, medicine, or fuel into it. And continue to carry out massive air strikes on the gaza strip, this night, in addition to what you said about the numerous casualties among the civilian population, the palestinian rescue team also came under attack, at that moment they were clearing away the rubble just from the previous raid, according to the Palestinian Ministry of health , the total number of victims continues to increase, at the moment it is already more than 5,000 people who died from israeli airstrikes and more than 15,000 people were injured, at the same time the israeli army is. But the military emphasizes that this in response to hezbollahs shelling of israeli territory, and recently, just the day before, the Israeli Defense minister said that the military is ready for the next stage, for a ground operation, and this is how he announced it, it will be a deadly combined attack from air to sea on land, but here in israel they are afraid that they will interfere with their work , and the politicians who are currently conducting intensive negotiations over the hostages may be in the way. The day before, hamas handed over two elderly women to the israeli side and the palestinian red crescent, she is seventy years old nurit cooper and eightyfiveyearold yohivet livshetz from kibbutz, from kibbutz neroz, their husbands, amiram, eightyfive and odet, were kidnapped with them, this is yohivets husband, continues to remain in captivity of hamaz, the day before, there was information here that hamas agreed, has almost already agreed, release 50 hostages with dual citizenship, but in exchange demanded to arrange fuel supplies to the enclave, which israel did not agree to, these negotiations broke down and as a result, only these two elderly women were released, well, in the gas sector itself now they no longer talk about the fact that he is in the midst of a catastrophe, it has already begun, people are standing in kilometerlong queues for water, there is a catastrophic shortage of it, there is not enough food, medicine, the day before, by the way, israel. Announced that he revoked the work permits of 18,000 palestinians who live in the gaza strip. Previously , these palestinians who had permission could come to israeli territory and work here, now they are all fired, and the news of the last few hours, the google maps application is a popular Navigation System here vse has stopped providing realtime traffic data, they say this is for security reasons. Well, just recently, french president emmanul macron flew here to bengurion, he will meet with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and palestinian president mahmoud abbas, so this kind of political tourism, following the ukrainian example, so to speak , continues here. Well, yes, lets see what comes of this, thank you, it was our colleague sergei khalashevsky with the last operational information about the conflict between. In the east, and specifically in syria, American Military bases there were again under attack. According to arab media reports, strategic targets were attacked by drones; this news caught joe biden during a speech on the palestinianisraeli conflict and the economic situation. The president did not finish speaking and hastily said goodbye. Go to the situation center, there is one problem that i need to solve, thank you, thank you, thank you, as the tv channel reported, members took responsibility for the strikes Islamic Resistance of iraq, they support palestine, and have previously attacked american targets, one of the bases is located next to the Largest Oil Fields in the country, which is now controlled by the americans. A cloud of uncertainty hangs over the future of Financial Assistance to ukraine from the United States. According to cnn, while the house of representatives is looking for a new speaker, its members from the Republican Party are expressing increasing doubts that joe biden will receive billions of dollars to support both kiev and tel aviv and taiwan. Cnn believes that in its current form, the voting administrations request will not pass, and therefore it will not do without changes. Some members of the house do not. Understand why biden requested more than 60 billion dollars for kiev, they demand to provide them with a more detailed list of what exactly this money will be used for . Well, now, for clarity, although rjaans white house promises to support ukraine , assistance to the kiev regime is inexorably decreasing, this is clearly visible in this graph. The media analyzed the data pentagon and concluded that American Military assistance to ukraine this month compared with the first half of the year. Officials in the European Union are also tired of the ukrainian agenda, this was a statement made by the head of the Hungarian Foreign ministry. According to him, he came to the conclusion when he talked with colleagues from eu countries at a meeting in luxembourg. At these negotiations , the participants were unable to agree on the next monetary tranche for kiev, this is half a billion dollars, which ukraine, of course, was counting on, given the sharp reduction in subsidies. From washington, okay to say that for the First Time Since the beginning of the special operation, the topic of ukraine has faded into the background, many politicians no longer hesitate to say that maintaining Public Interest in this topic is becoming increasingly difficult, Elizaveta Gerson will talk about the change in mood in europe. Nezalezhnaya now has number two, nagornokarabakh has number three. Opening the meeting with the heads of the Eu Foreign Ministry in luxembourg, barel clarified that they will talk not only about the middle east. Then ukraine, dont forget about ukraine, as long as fighting continues there , it will remain on the agenda. Nagornokarabakh, we will have a meeting with the Central Asian countries at the ministerial level, all ministers will come, it is important for us to show that this part of the world is important to us, it is especially important for us to observe how sanctions against russia are implemented. Another eurobos, janas lenarcic, commissioner for Crisis Management , spoke only about the crisis situation in the middle east, but lithuanian and latvian. This is the first time that we will not start a conversation with ukraine, because another conflict has begun in the middle east. I think that despite all the chaos that is currently gripping the world, we in the eu continue to focus on ukraine, we must work to include ukraine in the European Union and nato. Not like including ukraine in the European Union and nato. At the end of the summit, barel admitted that the europeans could not even include it in the next bank check, as they advised with nato membership. We have not yet been able to reach an agreement on the allocation of a new tranche of military assistance to ukraine in the amount of 500 million euros, but we will definitely do this in the future. Package. To destroy the russian economy also failed to agree. The head of mit hungary explained the situation as follows. Almost all of my colleagues, or very many, spoke about fatigue from ukraine, which means that it is very difficult to maintain interest in what is happening in ukraine in Public Opinion and in the media. If this is true, then this fact further proves the need for peace to be achieved as quickly as possible. At the summit they said that the hostages should return to israel, water, food, fuel to palestine. Humanitarian aid. The head of the luxembourg Foreign Ministry said that the European Union no longer decides anything, it only pays. The European Union will not play a significant role as a mediator in escalating the middle east conflict. For 20 years, he has experienced that the us is the only meaningful contact for both israelis and palestinians. The exmistress marey, who has lost both her Voting Rights in the European Union and her former influence in the middle east, organized a statement on the israelipalestinian conflict. On her own and drew dubious parallels. If josep barel decided not to split hairs, he said in a simple way, in the first part he has israel, in the second ukraine, then the decision, who, following biden, rushed to the middle east, just as biden decided to equate israel with ukraine, which glorifies bandera. In the countries of the global south, for whose attention the global west is now vying so hard, such a comparison may weaken, if it ever existed. Support for kiev sunok may not be understood not only in the global south, but in ordinary south london, populated mainly by migrants, predominantly propalestinian views. Hamas feared that a new balance, so he started a war with israel. The same motivation is driving putins war in ukraine. Fear of the emergence of ukraine as a modern, prosperous democracy and the desire to return it to some kind of imperialist fantasy. Achieved in the fight against hamas, managed to bend the bbc so that they called hamas terrorists, the Television Company was scolded for 2 weeks for neutral formulations and was literally driven into embarrassment. The struggle between proisraeli and propalestinian points of view continues behind the walls of the British Parliament and Television Company, and much closer than the middle east, it is these days. But despite the risk of losing Financial Support as well as europe, kiev continues to waste the purchased equipment. According to the ministry of defense of the Ukrainian Armed forces, this morning they tried to attack military targets in sevastopol with the help of three unmanned boats; the sabotage was promptly discovered and stopped by military personnel. The naval fleet, on the outer side, destroyed all surface drones with the help of missiles and bombs that are armed with russian ships. And in the zone special operations ukrainian troops suffer further setbacks during the socalled counteroffensive. The ssu lost two companies of personnel at once while trying to break through to russian positions in the kupinsky direction. Now this is one of the hottest areas. It is there that Russian Special forces are on duty and are celebrating today. Professional holiday, every special forces soldier is a versatile soldier who can take on the role of attack aircraft, sniper or drone operators. Combat training in the camp goes on continuously, military personnel they hone their skills in using small arms and antitank weapons, grenades and mortars to the point of automaticity. The day before, the fighters completed their next mission to eliminate an enemy stronghold on the first line of combat contact. On the occasion of the professional holiday, the command of the armed forces presented high state awards to soldiers who showed courage and courage. For the excellent performance of combat missions and competent management of subordinates, the special forces received medals for courage, as well as st. George medals crosses. The Award Ceremony took place right on the front line, in the krasnoliman direction. Meanwhile , ukrainian saboteurs became more active in the coal tar area. After kiev lost an elite brigade there, trained for now small groups are being sent to russian positions , which should find a gap in our defense, however, the nationalists are still being identified on the outskirts of the city by the Pacific Marines; for more than a year they have been holding back the enemys onslaught in the southern donetsk direction , units are successfully fighting with manpower artillerymen. Rastislavsky dan saw the legendary hail installation in action. Three sighting salvos, then adjustments and lethal fire, the hail rocket system and the Pacific Marines hit the forest plantations in the socalled gray zone, into which. The Landing Force in the ssu rushed. Now the ukrainian troops are making another attempt to break through our defenses in the ugledar sector , shots of cannon and rocket artillery are heard , just as the marines set off to fight off this onslaught. This car is the only one which is now at a temporary holding point. The guys came to recharge and will go to the front line again. The offensive potential of ukrainian troops in the southern donetsk direction has now noticeably decreased. During the summer campaign, the command of the armed forces of ukraine lost the 30th marine brigade in the vicinity of vugledar, it was trained by instructors from nato countries specifically for a counteroffensive , now the enemy attacks only in small units, they also go out in groups, trying to get through something somewhere, to probe our defenses , well, we are on the way, our reconnaissance is identifying them, we are eliminating them, in firing positions, artillery spends no more than 10 minutes, there is a risk of becoming victims of shelling, it is especially important now. This concerns us and the enemy, the main difficulties are associated with this, we have to work quickly, because return fire may arrive, we also identify the enemys artillery and try to punish it, in turn, the enemys Unmanned Aircraft are hunting for russian jet fighters here. According to the observations of the military in ugledar direction, the armed forces have significantly increased the number of their unmanned connections, they fly both fpv, komikaza drones, and the socalled couriers that drop ammunition, this is not an intricate design. The design, which has already been popularly called a barbecue, protects from both types of drones, this insurance, so that now a lot of comedians show up in our direction, so we are insuring ourselves so that the car seems to get angry. And although the upgrade has not yet been useful to the crew, combat experience has taught the marines to value precautions. Rastislavsky skidan, valeriyan kushnir and dmitry pisarev, ntv Television Company, south donetsk direction of the special military operation. Tensions are rising in the asiapacific region. Following the clash between philippine and chinese ships in the south china sea, washington said it fully supported manilas actions. The scandal erupted after two episodes occurred at once on sunday. In the first, a Chinese Maritime police ship collided with a Philippine Naval supply vessel. In the second incident there was a ship coast guard, china and another philippine liner. According to. Nanostranger ships arbitrarily entered the waters of the islands. The Chinese Police sent warnings, but the crew of the other country ignored them. And according to the american administration, the actions of china, which tried to stop the invasion of the disputed waters, are allegedly illegal. The states did not forget to mention the agreement with the philippines. It assumes the response of the white house if someone attacks the allies. The agreement also applies to ships. Similar statements in the media called. Attempts by the United States to get close to taiwan from the south, especially since this can be done from numerous american bases located in the philippine islands. And in other news, at the perm airport the plane rolled off the runway. There were almost 200 people at the port, including the crew, none of them were injured, the passengers were evacuated, and the aircraft was towed to the parking lot. The airport was temporarily closed and part of the flight was delayed. Now the air harbor has already resumed operations. According to preliminary data, the reason the incident was caused by unfavorable weather conditions. One of the Worlds Largest manufacturers of elevators and escalators, the Finnish Company kone, has sold its russian assets. Further business news, marina piminova is with us. Marina, who got them . Lets say, a multiindustry company, it produces tires and distributes lotteries. Finnish elevator manufacturer kona has divested itself of russian assets. They were bought by the Russian Company s8 capital. The parties announced the deal this morning. The finns did not have any production in russia, but will be included in the deal as the Service Portfolio is reported to be servicing 7,000 pieces of equipment, including highspeed elevators in six regions. According to some estimates cited by the kommersant newspaper, the transaction amount is up to one billion rubles. Armen sargsyan is considered the owner of s8 capital. This company. Distributor of table lotteries and marketplaceprice. Ru. But over the past 2 years the company has become much more visible. Last year, it bought the russian assets of another major elevator manufacturer the american otis. And in the spring of this year i bought a russian one business of a german manufacturer. Finnish kone has been supplying elevators to the soviet union since the mid1930s. And last year i decided to leave russia. The general director of the Management Company a101 comfort, igor vdovichenko, says after foreign manufacturers left russia, the quality of service of the Successor Companies fell, and products from china, turkey and russia, notes the commercial developers, are not always satisfactory. In the Investment Company and gives an example, russian elevators can often rise no higher than thirtieth, thirtyfifth floor. Exporters continue to prepare to pay taxes at the end of october, the ruble continues to rise in price, the dollar has fallen below 94 for the First Time Since mid september, the Euro Exchange rate is 100. 35. A trembling ruble is a bad prospect for exporters. The russian stock market starts the day in the red. Deputies and senators proposed an idea to roscosmos. How to make money, namely, place advertising on rockets, such a bill was brought to the state duma, its authors want to give the state corporation the right to place advertising on Space Technology advertising structures at space infrastructure facilities. As follows from the explanatory note, this could become a source of additional income, both for the russian budget and for roscosmos, the money will be divided in half. It is explained that roscosmos has already even explored the potential demand for such a service, and this has shown. That Large Russian banks and Insurance Companies are interested in it. Moreover, companies wished to participate in the process of naming spacecraft and devices, also for a fee. Roscosmos estimated that he could earn approximately 200 million rubles a year from advertising. Previously , the soyuz launch vehicle with the logo of sberbank and khakhloma was launched in october twenty first, on the 180th anniversary of the bank. They did not say how much it cost the bank, citing commercial secrets. Thats it, little green men. We saw the green logo, probably 100 , marin, lets think, we are also green men, in general, on ntv. Thank you, Marina Pimenova with her economic review. In spain , a fire strike ended in violent clashes with the police. During demonstrations in valencia, they wanted to break through the cordon and penetrate into myria. Then they threw firecrackers at the Security Forces and even tried to use flamethrowers against them. Spanish firefighters have been on strike for four months, they will arrive. Improving working conditions and increasing wages. And now lets take a break for a short advertisement, thats what well talk about next, dont switch, so that you get used to it faster and dont insist on your rules, in russian regions they conduct adaptation lectures for labor migrants, who reads them and what is the purpose Mikhail Chabanenko found out. 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Do you often have to go to the toilet . Cestitis always pulls in the wrong direction. Tell cystitis cyston. 14 natural components against cystitis. Cestitis, i say, cyston. So, well. What on our minds now . One benefit. For the first time in nnvidio and eldorado m installments with cashback. Take an installment plan and get 20 cashback. Smart tv griondex for only 2,528 rubles per month, in mvidio and eldordo. Comfort zst boil is now in a convenient application. Quick registration everything important on the main screen. Your status, number of points, as well as many pleasant offers that you will like. Everything is now in the application. This night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. My friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. Afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. This is sour cream. Its easy to recognize by just one yellow stripe, simply delicious sour cream, growth of agroexport, just try it, but the internet has run out, i have endless traffic on the video, but dont you . The internet is completely over, they looked at the entire internet, choose more gigabytes in the app tariff, get endless video music and social networks, billine is on your side, pay less, pasta and grain for 44. 90 five help me out, i often feel the urge to go to the toilet, cystitis always pulls in the wrong place, tell cystitis cyston, 14 Natural Ingredients against cystitis, i say cystitis, cyston, superstar, new season november 4th. At 20 20 on ntv. This is the program today, we are continuing the release. These days , russian industrial week is taking place in moscow. The forum brought together entrepreneurs, authors of unique inventions and officials from relevant departments. Such events are designed to, on the one hand, push manufacturers to use domestic developments, on the other hand another is to help regional startups. Attract investors . About cooperation, science and business, svetlana gordeeva. I brushed my teeth and forgot about dentists, many only dream of such a product, but umsk scientists have already made dreams come true, created several gels that protect against caries. In 85 of cases, in children who used these gel compositions as a course for a year, no increase in cararis was noted. For research by the staff of the medical university. It took years and now there are several products in the line some strengthen healthy teeth, others, therapeutic ones, can even cope with deep caries. In principle, we chose the form of a gel rather than a paste, so as not to add preservatives, and this is what makes it difficult to find an investor. Tyumen scientists also admit that it is difficult to find an investor on their own, they are working on a repellent against ticks based on essential oils, these developments based on essential oils are safe for humans, they are extremely lowtoxic, at one time. The plants produced them at home these substances serve exactly the same purpose, in fact, to cope with some kind of insect pests , mites, pests, it is clear that the developers do not have money for the mass production of such safe repellents, even for children, so they will apply for local grants. If you are a student, teacher, young scientist, and there is an idea that you think is worthy of being continued, receive funding. We have launched a Large Program within the platform, these are acceleration programs, just an accelerator this is, in essence, not a discussion of a startup, this is already a business, perhaps investors. Student anastasia zagorrodny, conducting experiments with certain mixtures, realized that these mixtures can be heated by water , so suddenly the idea appeared to create a planless food heater, that is, place the product inside the bag so that the product is located strictly on the heating element and accordingly add water, close wait 10 minutes for the package. After 10 minutes we will get a wellheated product. The Startup Program helped bring the development to the market. Anastasia received a million rubles for research and another one and a half for the start production. Youth laboratories, startup studios, grants, and many opportunities to promote your invention. You can find out about them on the platforms of the ministry of science and education. In addition, centers are opening in most large universities. We have created a separate tool, these are Technology Transfer centers, which are supposed to help, connect a scientist, his developments and a business that would be ready to then commercialize them, either take them under license, or continue to develop and make more advanced technology. Simply put, a scientist who has had a brilliant idea , you dont even need to leave your favorite laboratory, the application can be sent via the internet, if the development is recognized as useful, there will be. And the necessary equipment and conditions for research will be a source of funding in the future. Svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorishcheva, pavel volosatov and valentina abramenkova, ntv. Adaptation courses for labor migrants from central asia are gaining popularity in russia. Visitors are given lectures on russian legislation, explained how to behave in society, and taught fill out documents correctly. In the regions, the Lesson Program is developed by local authorities, but last month in our country. Presented a unified educational course. Now it is being tested in the Moscow Region, kaliningrad, perm and krasnodar. Of course, there are also opponents of such events, but the forecasts for them are disappointing. In the future, such classes may become mandatory for all foreigners who come to work. Mikhail chabanenko found out how such courses help. In this fruit and vegetable production, where 70 the workers are foreigners, everything is very clear, an hourlong work day, sanitary standards, clearly defined technologies, but many of them have problems with how to behave outside the workshop, another country, other rules, laws, and not everything with documents in order, then there are conflicts with local residents, which is why the management of this enterprise allowed its subordinates to interrupt work to listen to lectures, you are a visafree state, come here with your valid passport, adaptation courses are held for visitors throughout the country, no one can force them to attend lectures yet, so as in the proverb about mohammed egor, lecturers themselves come to where foreigners gather, i came from uzbekistan, i work here as a cook, did you learn something new . Yes, of course, they learned everything new about the laws, they told us, at the federal agency for National Affairs, until the final program for the adaptation of newcomers was approved, they are experimenting, one thing is clear, they cannot abandon the idea, from all over the country there are reports of fights between migrants or with migrants , about their defiant behavior, which they themselves do not consider such, in parks, shops, public transport, on the roads, now in each region the authorities themselves. Think through the nature of the order of lectures, and at the initiative of the federal agency, booklets are published, leaflets that explain in simple language what behavior is acceptable in our country and what is not. We used, firstly, the developments of large universities, and secondly, we involved experts in the field of ethnopsychology. Our goal is first just for enlightenment. The idea of ​​adaptation of visitors is actively supported by the clergy, residents of muslim countries. Always listen to the words of mentors, a small mosque near moscow, there are many areas around this place where visitors live and work, and the main Migration Center of the Moscow Region is nearby, so gather people for a lecture adaptation is easiest here. The lecture consists of two parts, religious and secular, very often as an experiment they use the territory provided by employers, here another option is a mosque, people who know little about each other from different professions gather here, and after the lecture. Social activists speak to the audience, explain in simple language with diagrams and examples, even historical references, but there are also those who do not consider it necessary to attend such lectures, therefore the federal agency for National Affairs hopes that in the future adaptation courses for Migrant Workers will become mandatory, ultimately, foreigners and russians themselves will benefit from this, with whom they will be able to find Common Ground language. Mikhail chibanenko and andrey beldiyanov. Vladimir morozov, susanna prutchikova, ntv Television Company. And thats it for now, stay on ntv. We have always admired you, who believe in yourself and reach for the stars, you who live in a vast country over which the sun never sets. And we are doing everything to have the right to say tinkov, bank of the year in russia. The Weather Forecast is with you. In a country where the sun never sets. Tenkov bank admires its clients, of whom there are already more than 38 million people, and does everything to have the right say tenkov is the bank of the year in russia. Tenkov, hes the only one. And now about the weather for tomorrow, in this issue the european territory of russia and in the Central Region will return to night frosts to settle here until the end of october. At the beginning of november there is again a chance for warmer air, but for now even daytime temperatures will only be a tad. Slightly above zero, and to the east, overseas on wednesday night not only in tatarstan, but in ulyanovsk, samara, and a new cyclone in the west, rain is preparing from smolensk to kursk and belgorod, and look what a difference in temperature in the cities of the black earth region, tambov will live with the weather of the center, the daily maximum is 3 and even 1, but belgorod is in a completely Different Air mass, in the south with rain since thursday, but still 10, or even 13, while for the south the indicators remain around 20, only in the caucasus it is cooler and there is more chance of precipitation, in st. Petersburg there will be no precipitation tomorrow, but the maximum is only plus2, in moscow it is even lower, but i really hope that the sun will peek through, everything about the weather. If changes in weather increase nervous tension, take glycineforlar. Unlike others, it quickly relieves nervous tension, as it contains three times more glycine. Glycinforlar, feel the difference. If glycine, then glycine forteval. Unlike regular glycine, glycine forteeva. Contains three times more glycine, therefore helps to more quickly relieve nervous tension. Glycineforteval. Feel the difference

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