Margaret Mead once said to never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world as indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. The planet we inhabit has been here long before us and yet we actively work towards destroying it. Humans are innovative creatures by design but when that eagerness to progress comes at the expense of our planet, we have to stop and rethink the way we’re heading. This is why each year is marked by the celebration of Earth Day.

What Is Earth Day?

Earth Day is a globally recognized annual event in which we celebrate our wonderful blue planet. Each year on the 22nd of April, countries around the world pledge to raise awareness and take action - drawing attention to climate change and our role in conservation and sustainability.

The first Earth Day took place in 1970 after an emerging outcry at the consequences of pollution on human health. In the US, massive oil leaks and air pollution stirred up a rally of people. The junior senator from Wisconsin, Senator Gaylord Nelson, was inspired by the student anti-war movement and worked to infuse the same energy into public consciousness about air and water pollution.

In 1990, Earth Day became a global event with 200 million people in 141 countries in support of the campaign. The event paved the way for numerous legislature and environmental movements around the world. President Bill Clinton later awarded Senator Nelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his role as Earth Day founder.

This year marks the 53rd Earth Day event in history and the campaign for a better planet is stronger than ever. Billions of people worldwide in over 190 different countries join together to create initiatives and events that will raise awareness, encourage action, and reduce environmental impact.

Understanding the Significance of Earth Day

While most people might question the reason for Earth Day the same way they question Mother’s Day – because every day should be Mother’s Day – it’s important to not lose sight of the importance of bookmarking special events like this. The earth is our shared responsibility and in the humdrum of daily life, we can falter and sometimes forget about paying attention to it – the same way you might forget to call your mother every week.

Earth Day is a globally recognized symbol that forces people to stop and reconsider their roles in creating a better or worse environment. As mentioned already, Earth Day has directly influenced policy change and legislature that protects our planet. In the US, these included:

The Clean Air Act

The Water Quality Improvement Act

The Endangered Species Act

The Toxic Substances Control Act

The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

Apart from that, Earth Day has massive implications on a global scale. Some of the influences of Earth Day include:

Environmental Awareness

Naturally, Earth Day is a global moment to educate the public about climate change and environmental issues. Events held on Earth Day encourage people to find out more about our impact on the planet and how we can help to reduce it. In a lot of countries, people have a limited understanding of environmental issues and there are still percentages of climate change deniers out there. Earth Day represents a time to spread awareness and open up a conversation about the planet.

Uniting People Globally

As a global event, Earth Day can bring people together from all walks of life. This event helps to consolidate our differences and reminds us that we are all in this fight toward a common goal for our shared planet.

Encouraging Participation

The general idea of Earth Day is to signal that change needs to happen. This is what sparks demonstrations and protests from the general public to ensure that those in power make those changes and enact better environmental policies and legislature.

Boosting Conservation Efforts

Earth Day is also a day to rediscover and understand the impact that humans have on wildlife. Our joint disregard for the environment has led to the endangerment and destruction of entire habitats. Earth Day inspires renewed attention to these issues and encourages people to support and promote conservation efforts.

Highlighting Sustainable Solutions

A large aspect of our impact on the planet has been the need for energy resources. Through fossil fuels and mining, we have severely damaged the atmosphere, the oceans, and the land itself. Earth Day is a chance for people to discover advanced and innovative sustainable resources that make use of water, wind, and solar energy.

Kickstarting Local Initiatives

Earth Day also acts as a catalyst for local communities to start up environmentally friendly initiatives. These could involve clean-up walks, tree plantings, petitions for renewable energy, and other activities that engage citizens in the environment.

Fostering Corporate Responsibility

While we all do what we can on a smaller scale, it is eventually up to the larger companies and businesses that produce the most emissions and waste to make a change. Earth Day is a chance for businesses to participate in committing to reducing their environmental impact and supporting related initiatives. It’s also an opportunity to boost an organization’s reputation by investing in renewable energy solutions.

Promoting Introspection

Earth Day gives us a day each year to reflect on our actions and what we have been doing to help keep our planet protected. This is essentially the main goal of the event – to make each person pause their busy lives to think about how we show our gratitude for this gift of this planet.

What Can We Do On Earth Day?

Earth Day allows us to showcase our care for the environment but how exactly can we show that care? There are various actions one can do to partake in Earth Day and promote a sustainable and protected environment. A few of these actions include:

Cleaning Up Your Neighborhood

Try to participate in or start up a campaign to pick up litter in your community. These can be in the form of a beach or a local park walk. Organize a group of people and spread awareness about the project. You could also include smaller fundraising for snacks and smaller goodies at these events in which the proceeds go toward environmental causes.

Attending Local Earth Day Events

Naturally, to be a part of the Earth Day event you need to find out what your community is doing. Try to join community gatherings, workshops, or fairs being held for the environment on the 22nd. If there are none in your community, consider starting something.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The 3 R’s still ring true to help this Earth Day. Try to minimize your impact on the environment by reducing the amount of waste produced, reusing whatever you can, and recycling whatever is possible.

Planting Trees

Trees are the lungs of the planet. They absorb carbon dioxide and produce fresh oxygen for us to keep living. They also provide shade, fruits, wood, and homes to numerous animals. Try starting an initiative in your community to plant trees or create a garden. Even if you don’t get to see the results, the generations after you will reap the benefits.

Advocating for Policy Change

Enact actual change by contacting your local representatives to voice your support for environmentally friendly legislation.

Conserving Energy and Water

Try to adopt energy-efficient practices at home and in your business by using less water, turning off unnecessary lights, and fixing leaks. You can also conserve energy by choosing to switch to a renewable energy solution like a solar generator.

Educating Yourself and Others

Use Earth Day as an opportunity to learn more about current environmental issues and share that knowledge with friends and family or on social media.

Using Public Transportation

Reduce your carbon footprint by using public transportation or carpooling to get you to where you need to go. Alternatively, you could invest in a bicycle or walking – which is also a great way to get in so

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Wisconsin ,United States ,Margaret Mead ,Bill Clinton ,Gaylord Nelson ,Solar Energy ,Sustainable Solutions ,Mango Powered Solar Energy ,Mango Power Union ,Earth Day ,Senator Gaylord Nelson ,Senator Nelson ,Presidential Medal ,Clean Air Act ,Water Quality Improvement Act ,Surface Mining Control ,People Globally ,Local Initiatives ,Local Earth Day Events ,Mango Power ,Power Launches ,Green Earth ,Painting Green Earth ,Mango Power Forest Plan ,Amazon Associate ,

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