Raul Sifuentes/Getty Images
25 May 2021
Military officials identified the believed-to-be-defunct Marxist terrorist organization Shining Path on Monday as the party responsible for the massacre of 18 people, including at least four children, this weekend in southern Peru.
Founded in the 1960s and peaking in terrorist activity in the 1980s, Shining Path is a Maoist, communist organization dedicated to the destruction of the Peruvian state. The government of former President Alberto Fujimori captured the group’s leader, Abimaul Guzmán, in 1992, sentencing him to life in prison and effectively ending the Shining Path’s murderous campaign to impose communism on the country. Fujimori famously displayed Guzmán in what appeared to be a zoo cage for large animals, dressed in a cartoonish prison uniform, in an attempt to fully humiliate the group.