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Of hello and welcome everybody, its 7 30 am here in the iranian capital tehran, youre watching press tvs world news, our top story for this half hour, iran has strongly condemned israels repeated attacks on syria, saying the regime uses such aggressions to divert the worlds attention from its crimes against palestinians. Irans ambassador to the United Nations has deplored the presence of active terrorist groups in syria during the past 12 years. Amir said idavany warned that the fight against terrorism should not be used as a pretext to violate syrias sovereignty and territorial integrity. He also slammed the illegal presence of Foreign Military forces in syria as cause of instability in the country and the entire region. Idavani reaffirmed irans position that the primary solution to the Syrian Crisis is a political one as any military option will further complicate the situation, he said the island republic is committed to collaborating with its partners within the framework of the astana process to achieve sustainable normalization in syria. Ken stone works with the Hamilton Coalition to stop the war. We asked him why israel keeps attacking syria without being held accountable for its crimes. Lets take a listen israeli attacks on syria show that israel, like its us master, operate with impunity and complete disregard for International Law. Both of the in countries, the us and israel, feel that they have some form of exceptionalism, that the rules of International Law do not apply to them. Israels been attacking syria, hundreds of times since the beginning of the war, the. Change war that the us uh launched against syria back in 2011 and the most recent attack to my knowledge was the attack on the aleppo airport about one month ago when there was supposed to be a trade delegation arriving there from around the trade delegations around the world to start the reconstruction of syria so the israelis are trying to uh help the us agenda by preventing reconstruction in syria. The israelis have lot of other reasons why they would want to attack syria, and that is because syria has been the strongest advocate, ally of the palestinian cause in the whole arab world. Its an ally of russia, hezbollah, iran, all of whom are at odds with israel because of its uh slavish alliance to the usa. Iran is condemned in the strongest. Terms the latest instance of desecration of the holy rodan in the netherlands, Foreign Ministry spokesman aser canani said the dutch government should understand its responsibility and prevent repetition of such hateful acts under the guise of freedom of expression. He described desecration of the qur as an insult to religious values and sanctities of over two billion world muslims. His remarks came out dutch citizen who hads an islamophobic group at the quran in front of the embassies of several muslim countries in the hague. It followed similar instances. Sweden and denmark over the past months, the sacriligious acts have triggered mass protest across the muslim world with governments warning against testing patience of muslims. Of bahrain has extended jail terms of 13 Political Prisoners after they protested the conditions in which they were held in the notorious jaw prison, thats according to institute for rights and democracy, also known as bird. The rights group. Says the prisoners were given three more years in jail in a mass trial where none of them were even present. It denounced the berry court for severe due process Violations Including the right to attend the trial or meeting with the law. Rights violations in joil prison have been a matter of tension between prisoners and bahraini authorities for years. Rights groups have accused bahrain of serious Human Rights Violations targeting members of the opposition, especially since uh the violent repression of mass protest back in 2011. Political commentator Charlotte Kates has talked to us about the. Behind the bahraini regimes crackdown on descent, heres what you have to say, this comes is really no surprise, unfortunately, what we see every single time, a uh an arab regime, for example such as bahrain becomes more deeply engaged with the imperialist system, its policies become directed by the United States and its ally in saudi arabia, and even more it moves toward normalization. With the zionist regime um in socalled israel that that regime becomes more and more repressive towards um the arab people of that nation, because the reality is is that the people of bahrain dont want to be part of normalization project, the people of bahrain dont want to be part of legitimate imperialism, in fact there is a lengthy history of popular movements and popular struggle in bahrain that goes back long before 2011, and this is. Something that has always been part of the peoples history of bahrain, but its something that the uh the ruling monarchy, the saudi, the saudi regime and certainly the United States behind them uh would like to suppress permanently and one to suppress permanently in order to pursue socalled peace, which is actually an agreement for yet more war, violence, disruption in the region and in bahrain, that is the path of normalization with zionism. Elsewhere yemenes have taken to streets in number of provinces to mark the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad with powerful message. An estimated 2 Million People filled the sabin square of the yemenni capital to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad or molid. Supporters reaffirmed their pledge of allegionce to islam and its holy. Profit while condemning western nations and the saudi government. They believe the west, along with the saudi government are engaged a campaign to desecrate islam and hurt muslims feelings. While saudi celebrate hosting promiscus and half naked singers and dancers from the west in the holy city, we on the other hand are celebrating the hosting of the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad, we are the people of faith, the leader of the. Revolution, sayid abdul malik alhuthi delivered a speech to supporters, praising them for their large attendance. He expressed the birth of the messenger of god, ushered in righteousness, salvation, and light for humanity, a time when the entire world was in a state of darkness. In his words, the western world and its allies are spearheading corruption and misleaning mankind away from god and his prophet. To end their war and blockade on yemen. If the coalition aggressors are ken on continuing their blocket aggression and occupation of yemen, they should know it comes with severe consequences. Our dignified people possess a wide range of powerful means, the first of which is our faith in allah, our morals and principles and our just cause. This gives us the full conviction. That with the support, we will be victorious. The 2023 birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad comes amids peace negotiations between the saudis and ansar law officials, aimed at ending 9 years of war and restore stability in the region. Is one of the most significant events which takes place every year, how much muslims in yemen cherish and rever islams prophet, they are. Which translates to we are here to serve you, oh prophet of islam, stv, well the former head the Ethnic Armenian government in nagornokarabakh region has been arrested by azerbaijany forces as he tried escape into armenia. Ruben vardan headed carback separatist government from november 2022 to february 2023. Azerbaijans Border Service said he has been taken to baku and handed over to other state agencies. No reason has been given for his arrest, but azerbaijan had signaled it would prosecute some separatist figures. Karabak is internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but populated mostly by Ethnic Armenians who broke away in the 1990s last week azerbaijan took back control of the region in a lightening offensive prompting thousands of armenians to flee the region. Karabakh Authorities Say nearly half of the Ethnic Armenian population has left the region so far. Azerbaijan says it wants to peacefully reintegrate the armenians and will guarantee their civic rights. New figures show that the us capital city has been, or rather has seen about 30 increase in homicide cases this year, the number of armed card jackings in washington has also more than doubled, weve discuss this issue with guests in the News Review Program, lets see what they have to say, now welcome everyone to. Stbs News Review Program where we get indepth in one the days top stories. New report says, us capital has seen a 28 uptick in homicides, this years Violent Crimes continue to rise across the country. Report noted the victims of crime upsurge in washington dc cover a wide range from Little School girls to immigrants. It added that despite all studies carried out thus far, american researchers and politicians have not been able to find a concrete reason behind the rise in the crime rate. Uh, latest figures showed the washingtons murder rate has jumped a time that its been declining in other major cities. Now uh, according to police statistics, number of armed car jackings in the us capital has more than doubled. Report added that many residents of washington now void going to gas stations at night as they are worried about getting. Carjact and now joining us for our News Review Program is professor david barkin professor of economics joining us from metropolitan Autonomous University from mexico city and paul sheld and foot professor emiretus from California State University joining us from sunny ervinene california uh gentlemen i like to welcome you both to the program i guess well start with you professor barkan. Alarming uh changes in crime, its not just the washington dc, we homicide gates up in many cities, possibly not doubling as they are in the us uh capital, but theyre astonishing the homelessness problem, theyre saying that uh saying a homelessness problem that they havent seen at this level since the Great Depression um and even worse than the financial crisis of 2008 2009, your inicial thoughts on whats taking place and the what you put behind the rising crime and dramatic fashion . Well, i think that uh, because can be attributed to a particular phenomenon in the United States where the Housing Market has been absolutely destroyed for lower income and middle class people because of the Rising Interest Rates and because of the nature. Of uh Large Capital which is buying up huge blocks of of home or owned of owner owned home and are offering them for rental at much higher rents there before, so you have in the capital, but all over the United States, increase in people who are being forced to become homeless and theyre going out on the street, if you combine that . With the problem, with the unsolved problem of how to deal with mig, migratory um movement within the United States, the extraordinary color, color, the heightning of the color tensions within the United States, of the racial tensions within the United States, and you add to that. The extraordinary problem of the inability of the Us Government to really provide the kinds of social uh Safety Networks which were very much a part of the Us Governments policies in the past years, so you have a combination of a tremendous number of events which are coming together. To uh make peoples lives much less happy and much more precarious, i think ill leave that that for my. California and thank you professor and uh professor foot pleasure to check in with you sir, hope youre safe and doing well down there in irvine california. Now professor foott u what are you attributed to . I mean we know that were seeing a stagnating wages, runaway inflation uh possibly housing uh crisis, at the same time that usually leads to you increase in theft, homelessness, drug use, but why homicides and carjackings, why are they up so dramatically from your perspective . I look at it, in addition to all the items that he mentioned, uh, i look at problem number one is the uh break down in our prosecution system, george sorow spent millions of dollars uh getting prosecuting attorneys. In at least 50 major places who promised not to do anything about crime. Uh, weve had the democrats with defund the police, weve had, sanctuary cities, millions of people illegal uh immigrants flooding in from mexico that we cant afford to deal with, even the the mayor of new york says, hey, its a billion dollars to keep the hotel, i cant go on like this, were out of luck, uh, store closings uh target Just Announced closing nine stores cvs 200 stores uh you have gangs of robbers coming in and the the stores called 911 hundreds of times per month and the police dont come they say why bother to come if we come the prosecutors wont prosecute them and juries wont put them in jail and so we have a major breakdown uh and values because of people who support uh the democrats and these kind of uh lawless uh backgrounds. All right, gentlemen, great discussion there. Thank you both for joining us on this conversation here on press tvs uh program here and uh that brings us to the end of our press Tv News Review everyone that was professor david barkin joining us from mexico city and professor paul shelden foot joining us out of irvine california and this brings us to the. Of this segment of your press tv News Review Program everyone, thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. Moving on, the democratic peoples republic of korea has amended its constitution to enshrine the countrys status as Nuclear Weapon power amid heightened tensions on the korean peninsula. The north korean official news agency said the amendment was adopted as the basic law of the state addressing the parliament dprks leader called for accelerated modernization of Nuclear Weapons to help the country maintain its strategic deterrants. Kim jongun also urged officials to promote solidarity with nation standing against the us and the west hegemonic strategy. The amendment came year after the dprk turned into law. The right to use Preemptive Nuclear strikes to protect itself. Kim also denounced joint military drills by the us. South korea and japan as the worst actual threat against his country. Piong considers such drills as rehearsals for invasion of its territory. And workers from italys bankrupt National Airline alitalia have staged a protest in rome. Thousands of demonstrators are calling on the government to reinstate their positions or at least protect their social safety net. Our correspondent max chiv reports on that. Workers from the now defunct flag carrier al italia met front of the ministry of labor in the italian capital on tuesday as part of action called by the country space union cub unionists have been demanding consecutive governments to reinstate thousands of alitalia workers who have been left in the lurch following years of mismanagement and statebacked rescues. In october 2021. The 74yearold carrier al italia made its final flight. Marking the end of an era for italy, the airline has been replaced by the new National Carrier ita. We do not think that under the Current Crisis the government would be able to redeploy us externally. It is paradoxical that while im talking, the government is hiring workers from outside for the three new companies alatalia has been split into. The new National Carrier, it has only hired around a quarter of the estimated 10,000 all italian employees. All italia workers have been was hired by alitalia, he was just basic feeling betrayed by italys largest trade unions, quel signore che e passato, the man you seen over there is a unionist, when he party. The union he works for has sold the italian our contract off and coincidentally he obtained personal gain for that. The deal which led to the formation of new Airline Company eta also called for slashing the number of Airline Slots at rome and milan air. Italys government has recently sold a Minority Stake of the successor the countrys flagship carrier al italia to germanys luftanza, however the European Commission has not approved the deal, yet, decision that has left the italian Prime Minister georgia miloni puzzled. Im afraid the eu only wants to transfer more italian slots to germanys loftansa, having said that the deal is not valid as there is no discontinuity between the old and new National Airline. An italian judge has ruled the position of brussels. On the deal nonbinding and us workers should be rehired. Former al italia workers believe that brussels has been planning for years to slim down the European Airline market to only three major players, british airways, air france and lufttansa. Max chivili, press tv, rome. A year has passed since the attack on the north stream pipelines, whose perpetrators have remained unknown investigators from around the world are still probing. Incident to solve the mystery in late september last year, powerful explosions rocked the pipelines of the northstream network followed by massive leaks of fuel and unprecedented damage. Russia and several European Countries called its sabotage as the Gas Pipelines are at the center of an Energy Standoff between the west and russia. Investigations by scientists uh from around the world are still underway. Amid all the scientific efforts, distinguished american journalist seemor hursh has claimed the united. States partnered with norway in a top secret operation to blow up the pipelines. He argues as russia gained so much profit through gas and oil exports washington damaged the north stream as a deterrant move amit the ukraine war. The white house however has rejected the claims is a celebrate journalists to uncored the uh 1969 miile massacre in vietnam and helped expose the us abuses at the notorious abu ghraib Detention Center back in 2004. Early we talked to political commentator George Samuel about whether uh there are any clues pointing at uh those who are behind the northstream explosions, heres what he had to say, lets take a listen, i mean how how can the United States decide that the uh that there wont be any more gas pipeline, i mean its not your gas pipeline, i mean its it belongs to russia, belongs to germany, i mean how can the United States decide it . Well there wont be a gas pipeline and then remember it was a month before that victoria newland who is the Current Deputy secretary of state she said exactly the same thing um that this pipeline will not go ahead and again you know it was very puzzling how how can the a us assistant secretary of state as she then was how can it how can she decide whether pipeline that has nothing to do with the United States goes ahead or not so. That thats thats gives you a clue, thats a wrap for now, but stick around, ill be back on the top of the our news and brief. From the environment to business and economy to civil and human rights, to treaties and agreements, to war and conflicts, we bring you the overlooked aspects of world events and news from the farflunged corners of the globe. 10 minutes only on press tv. The us said it was going to reconstruct afghanistan and restore security to the country. But after two decades, wherever you look in the country, you only see death and destruction. Many us officials. Have taken the lid off the widespread corruption under the guise of reconstruction projects. Follow the details in this documentry. Named after the longest river in the world, its now become the largest Ecommerce Company on the planet. It started as a book seller at discount prices, but grew so much to sell almost everything through breaching rules of the game. Watch and hear more about amazon in this documentary. Aleppo, a city raised to the ground, destructed by war, but beyond the rubble, in a half destroyed house, life still continues, with all of its beauty, zest and hope. Press tvs news and brief iran strongly condemns israels repeated attacks on syria saying the regime uses such aggressions to divert global attention from its crimes against palestinians. Iran warns that the fight against terror. Should not be used as a pretext to violate syrias sovereignty and territorial integrity. Iran strongly condemns the desecration of the holy quran in the netherlands. Terran says a dutch government must fulfill its responsibility and prevent repetition of such hateful acts under the guise of freedom of expression

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